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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diseño y validación de una metodología de gestión para emprendimientos asociativos basada en la Técnica de Decisión Multicriterio AHP

Guananga Quishpe, Luis Armando 27 April 2024 (has links)
[ES] En Ecuador, los emprendimientos productivos asociativos vinculados a la economía social y solidaria han aumentado en número en los últimos años, mostrando una importante oportunidad laboral para pequeños productores y personas excluidas del mercado de trabajo formal. Este tipo de iniciativas de la economía social tradicional, como cooperativas y asociaciones, surgen principalmente como respuesta a la falta de trabajo y actúan en el mercado con una débil capacidad de gestión empresarial, lo que pone en riesgo su sostenibilidad organizacional, generando además una divergencia de criterios de desempeño organizacional bajo dimensiones sociales y empresariales que son debatidas en la literatura existente. El objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar una metodología de gestión para empresas asociativas de economía social y solidaria, bajo una técnica de decisión multicriterio que priorice y sistematice criterios sociales y empresariales para promover la sostenibilidad organizativa de estas iniciativas. La revisión bibliográfica reveló la importancia del paradigma de la gestión estratégica participativa, los sistemas de medición del desempeño y las técnicas de decisión multicriterio en la gestión empresarial, lo cual, sumados a los factores de éxito en emprendimientos asociativos de economía social publicados en importantes investigaciones, brindaron suficiente sustento teórico para el diseño de la propuesta metodológica. La propuesta se diseñó a partir de la combinación de la metodología de gestión Balanced Scorecard (BSC), que proporciona una estructura sistémica hacia el logro de la visión organizacional, y la técnica de decisión multicriterio Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), permitió definir y priorizar indicadores de gestión según factores de éxito, bajo análisis de contenido y criterio experto. Los resultados muestran el valor representativo de la perspectiva social y de aprendizaje en la gestión de emprendimientos asociativos, donde los indicadores de gestión de integración laboral, liderazgo participativo y capacitación técnica se presentan como los principales impulsores para mejorar la situación productiva, comercial y financiera, que sistémicamente lograron mejorar las condiciones de sostenibilidad organizacional. La aplicación y validación de la propuesta metodológica ratifica la factibilidad de integrar criterios sociales y empresariales en la gestión de emprendimientos sociales, donde se prioriza la perspectiva social y de aprendizaje para incidir en la eficiencia productiva, la expansión comercial y la disponibilidad de recursos financieros, generando valor económico y social que impulsa la sostenibilidad organizacional de estos emprendimientos. En conclusión, se puede señalar que la priorización e integración de indicadores de gestión empresarial y social bajo criterios sociales y empresariales impulsaría la sostenibilidad organizativa de los emprendimientos asociativos, donde la perspectiva social sería el principio y fin de este tipo de empresas, ya que estas iniciativas surgen y se sostienen principalmente por el valor social que pueden aportar a sus asociados, que es el de generar trabajo digno e inclusivo. La novedosa y útil combinación metodológica BSC-AHP con criterios sociales y empresariales, que revela el estudio, brinda la oportunidad de diseñar nuevos modelos y metodologías de gestión para proyectos o emprendimientos sostenibles, donde la importancia que el estudio otorga a la perspectiva social abre la oportunidad de generar nuevos estudios sobre gestión social en emprendimientos o proyectos sostenibles, y también invita a definir indicadores de sostenibilidad organizacional en diferentes sectores económicos. / [CA] A l'Equador, les emprenedories productives associatives vinculats a l'economia social i solidària han augmentat en número en els últims anys, mostrant una important oportunitat laboral per a xicotets productors i persones excloses del mercat de treball formal. Aquest tipus d'iniciatives de l'economia social tradicional, com a cooperatives i associacions, sorgeixen principalment com a resposta a la falta de treball i actuen en el mercat amb una feble capacitat de gestió empresarial, la qual cosa posa en risc la seua sostenibilitat organitzacional, generant a més una divergència de criteris d'acompliment organitzacional sota dimensions socials i empresarials que són debatudes en la literatura existent. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és desenvolupar una metodologia de gestió per a empreses associatives d'economia social i solidària, sota una tècnica de decisió multicriteri que prioritze i sistematitze criteris socials i empresarials per a promoure la sostenibilitat organitzativa d'aquestes iniciatives. La revisió bibliogràfica va revelar la importància del paradigma de la gestió estratègica participativa, els sistemes de mesurament de l'acompliment i les tècniques de decisió multicriteri en la gestió empresarial, la qual cosa, sumats als factors d'èxit en emprenedories associatives d'economia social publicats en importants investigacions, van brindar suficient manteniment teòric per al disseny de la proposta metodològica. La proposta es va dissenyar a partir de la combinació de la metodologia de gestió *Balanced *Scorecard (*BSC), que proporciona una estructura sistèmica cap a l'assoliment de la visió organitzacional, i la tècnica de decisió multicriteri *Analytic *Hierarchy *Process (*AHP), va permetre definir i prioritzar indicadors de gestió segons factors d'èxit, sota anàlisi de contingut i criteri expert. Els resultats mostren el valor representatiu de la perspectiva social i d'aprenentatge en la gestió d'emprenedories associatives, on els indicadors de gestió d'integració laboral, lideratge participatiu i capacitació tècnica es presenten com els principals impulsors per a millorar la situació productiva, comercial i financera, que sistèmicament van aconseguir millorar les condicions de sostenibilitat organitzacional. L'aplicació i validació de la proposta metodològica ratifica la factibilitat d'integrar criteris socials i empresarials en la gestió d'emprenedories socials, on es prioritza la perspectiva social i d'aprenentatge per a incidir en l'eficiència productiva, l'expansió comercial i la disponibilitat de recursos financers, generant valor econòmic i social que impulsa la sostenibilitat organitzacional d'aquestes emprenedories. En conclusió, es pot assenyalar que la priorització i integració d'indicadors de gestió empresarial i social sota criteris socials i empresarials impulsaria la sostenibilitat organitzativa de les emprenedories associatives, on la perspectiva social seria el principi i fi d'aquest tipus d'empreses, ja que aquestes iniciatives sorgeixen i se sostenen principalment pel valor social que poden aportar als seus associats, que és el de generar treball digne i inclusiu. La nova i útil combinació metodològica *BSC-*AHP amb criteris socials i empresarials, que revela l'estudi, brinda l'oportunitat de dissenyar nous models i metodologies de gestió per a projectes o emprenedories sostenibles, on la importància que l'estudi atorga a la perspectiva social obri l'oportunitat de generar nous estudis sobre gestió social en emprenedories o projectes sostenibles, i també convida a definir indicadors de sostenibilitat organitzacional en diferents sectors econòmics. / [EN] In Ecuador, associative productive enterprises linked to the social and solidarity economy have increased in number in recent years, showing an important labour opportunity for small producers and people excluded from the formal labour market. Initiatives of this kind in the traditional social economy, such as cooperatives and associations, arise mainly as a response to the lack of work and act in the market with a weak business management capacity, which puts their organisational sustainability at risk, also generating a divergence of organisational performance criteria under social and business dimensions that are debated in the existing literature. The aim of this thesis is to develop a management methodology for associative enterprises of social and solidarity economy, under a multi-criteria decision technique that prioritises and systematises social and business criteria to promote the organisational sustainability of these enterprises. The bibliographic review revealed the importance of the paradigm of participatory strategic management, performance measurement systems and multi-criteria decision techniques in business management, which, added to the success factors in associative ventures in social economy published in important research, provided sufficient theoretical support for the design of the methodological proposal. The proposal was designed from the combination of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) management methodology, which provides a systemic structure towards the achievement of the organisational vision, and the multi-criteria decision technique, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which allowed management indicators to be defined and prioritised according to success factors, under content analysis and expert criteria. The results show the representative value of the social and learning perspective in the management of associative enterprises, where management indicators of labour integration, participative leadership and technical training are presented as the main drivers to improve the productive, commercial and financial situation, which systemically managed improve the conditions of organisational sustainability. The application and validation of the methodological proposal ratifies the feasibility of integrating social and business criteria in the management of social ventures, where the social and learning perspective is prioritised to influence productive efficiency, commercial expansion and availability of financial resources, generating economic and social value that drives the organisational sustainability of these enterprises. In conclusion, it can be noted that the prioritization and integration of business and social management indicators under social and business criteria would boost the organizational sustainability of associative ventures, where the social perspective would be the beginning and end of this type of enterprises, since these initiatives arise and are sustained mainly by the social value they can provide to their associates, which is mainly to generate decent and inclusive work. The novel and useful BSC-AHP methodological combination with social and business criteria, which the study reveals, provides the opportunity to design new management models and methodologies for sustainable projects or ventures, where the importance that the study gives to the social perspective opens up the opportunity to generate new studies on social management in sustainable ventures or projects, and also invites the definition of organisational sustainability indicators in different economic sectors. / Guananga Quishpe, LA. (2024). Diseño y validación de una metodología de gestión para emprendimientos asociativos basada en la Técnica de Decisión Multicriterio AHP [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203891

Régulation juridique du travail, pouvoir stratégique et précarisation des emplois dans les réseaux : trois études de cas sur les réseaux de services d’aide à domicile au Québec

Boivin, Louise 08 1900 (has links)
L’expansion de l’organisation de la production des biens et services sous forme de réseau, découlant de la recherche de flexibilité face à une concurrence économique accrue, soulève des enjeux importants pour les relations industrielles. Notre thèse s’intéresse au processus de précarisation des emplois dans les segments externalisés des réseaux de production. Elle se base sur trois études de cas portant sur les réseaux de services publics et privés d’aide à domicile au Québec. Les études en droit critique ont montré que le droit du travail, fondé sur le modèle de l’entreprise intégrée et de la relation d’emploi bipartite, ne parvient pas à identifier comme employeurs certaines organisations dont l’action a pourtant un effet déterminant sur les conditions de travail dans les réseaux. Notre thèse visait donc à mettre en lumière la réalité empirique des relations de pouvoir qui traversent les réseaux et leurs effets et ce à partir d’un modèle analytique transdisciplinaire intégrant les dimensions juridiques et sociologiques. Les résultats nous amènent d’abord à constater que l’employeur juridique des travailleuses employées par les prestataires privés intégrés aux réseaux – une majorité de femmes – est le plus souvent une agence de location de personnel, une entreprise d’économie sociale ou même l’usager-ère des services d’aide à domicile. Cet employeur est rarement identifié aux organismes publics, donc sous l’égide de l’État, qui exercent un pouvoir prépondérant dans ces réseaux. Le décalage entre la régulation juridique du travail et la réalité empirique du pouvoir intra-réseau entraîne une précarisation de la protection sociale et des conditions de travail de ces travailleuses. Ainsi, la faible protection de leurs droits de représentation et de négociation collectives facilite l’imposition de la « disponibilité permanente juste-à-temps », combinant les logiques du lean et du travail domestique, ainsi qu’une déqualification sexuée et racialisée de leurs emplois par rapport à la situation dans le secteur public. Notre étude montre néanmoins que certaines pratiques innovatrices d’action collective réticulaire ont pu influencer la dynamique de pouvoir, en particulier celles portées par des associations locales de personnes handicapées recourant aux services et par un syndicat de travailleuses d’agence. / The increasing trend towards organizing the production of goods and services into networks as a result of the quest for flexibility in the face of fierce economic competition raises critical issues for industrial relations. Our thesis examines the precarization of jobs in the externalized segments of production networks. It is based on three case studies focusing on the networks of public and private homecare services in Quebec. Critical law studies have shown that labour law, based on the model of the integrated firm and the binary employment relationship, fails to identify as employers some organizations whose action nevertheless has a decisive impact on working conditions in these networks. Our thesis thus aimed to shed light on the empirical reality of the power relations prevailing throughout the networks and their effects, using an interdisciplinary analytical model that integrates the legal and sociological dimensions. Results indicate that the legal employer of workers – most of them women – employed by private service providers integrated into the networks is most often an employment agency, a social economy enterprise or the individual using the homecare services. This employer is rarely identified as being among the public organizations which, under the aegis of state, exercise predominant power over these networks. The gap between the legal regulation of labour and the empirical reality of intra-network power leads to a precarization of the social protection and working conditions of these women workers. Thus, the weak protection of their rights to collective representation and collective bargaining facilitates the imposition of “just-in-time permanent availability”, combining lean management logic with domestic work logic, and leads to a gendered and racialized deskilling of their jobs compared to the situation prevailing in the public sector. Our study nevertheless shows that some innovative practices involving reticular collective action – in particular practices implemented by local associations of disabled persons using the services and by a union of female agency workers – have had an influence on these power dynamics.

Kamp för bygden : En etnologisk studie av lokalt utvecklingsarbete

Forsberg, Anette January 2010 (has links)
When collective action for community is defined as local development or as a struggle for survival different understandings are in focus. Politically, this kind of community action is defined as local development and understood in terms of growth and economics. An economic approach to community action is also emphasised in the EU-programmes that support local development groups and projects. On the other hand local groups describe their activities as a struggle for community and community survival. Inspired by feministic research approaches and with an interest in human aspects and values this study investigates meanings of community action as experienced and expressed by rural inhabitants and activists. The study is based on fieldwork that was carried out in a small rural community in the northern inlands of Sweden: Trehörningsjö. Since the middle of the 1990s, the women in Trehörningsjö have driven collective action to uphold the community. With its point of departure in the community and expanding into the arenas of reserach and politics, the study takes on the form of a reflexive research process in which the researcher's former knowledge and new understandings are made visible and discussed parallel with the interpretations made. The main focus of the study is the activist's demand of voice, visibility and worth. The first chapter presents the local community and provides a background to the study. The chapter includes an account of the reflexive approach that widened the field of research from a local to a translocal study of community action. In chapters two, three, four and five the struggle for community is reflected through fieldwork experiences in Trehörningsjö and other arenas beyond the village. Situated events and instances of collective action such as the fight for the local health care centre, are analysed as symbolic expressions of community values and rural importance. From chapter two and onwards, the study follows the footsteps of the leading female activist in and beyond the community itself; that is, the day-to-day work, meetings, conferences and other places where community action is acted out. The struggle for community is proven to focus on translocal rather than local action. In chapter six the fieldwork experiences - that tell about resistance and a struggle for community values and perspectives - are placed in the wider context of the rural development movement, local development research and governmental rural policy in Sweden. On all these arenas community action tend to be interpreted as local development in line with a growth perspective, rather than as community protests and struggles that expresses other meanings. Chapter seven takes the analyses and discussion further, and relates community struggle to concepts such as civil society and social economy. Anthony Giddens concept of life politics and Alberto Meluccis concept of collective action are used to deepen the analysis on how humane meanings and relation based aspects of community action are made invisible on the political "growht and development" agenda. Community struggle presents a possibility for rural inhabitants to (re)define and reclaim their community and themselves as important and valuable. However, to be able to understand what the concept of community struggle expresses, and demands, it needs to be acknowledged as a form of action that has the potential to challenge established bureaucratic and political defintions, which, in practice, proves to be difficult.

Régulation juridique du travail, pouvoir stratégique et précarisation des emplois dans les réseaux : trois études de cas sur les réseaux de services d’aide à domicile au Québec

Boivin, Louise 08 1900 (has links)
L’expansion de l’organisation de la production des biens et services sous forme de réseau, découlant de la recherche de flexibilité face à une concurrence économique accrue, soulève des enjeux importants pour les relations industrielles. Notre thèse s’intéresse au processus de précarisation des emplois dans les segments externalisés des réseaux de production. Elle se base sur trois études de cas portant sur les réseaux de services publics et privés d’aide à domicile au Québec. Les études en droit critique ont montré que le droit du travail, fondé sur le modèle de l’entreprise intégrée et de la relation d’emploi bipartite, ne parvient pas à identifier comme employeurs certaines organisations dont l’action a pourtant un effet déterminant sur les conditions de travail dans les réseaux. Notre thèse visait donc à mettre en lumière la réalité empirique des relations de pouvoir qui traversent les réseaux et leurs effets et ce à partir d’un modèle analytique transdisciplinaire intégrant les dimensions juridiques et sociologiques. Les résultats nous amènent d’abord à constater que l’employeur juridique des travailleuses employées par les prestataires privés intégrés aux réseaux – une majorité de femmes – est le plus souvent une agence de location de personnel, une entreprise d’économie sociale ou même l’usager-ère des services d’aide à domicile. Cet employeur est rarement identifié aux organismes publics, donc sous l’égide de l’État, qui exercent un pouvoir prépondérant dans ces réseaux. Le décalage entre la régulation juridique du travail et la réalité empirique du pouvoir intra-réseau entraîne une précarisation de la protection sociale et des conditions de travail de ces travailleuses. Ainsi, la faible protection de leurs droits de représentation et de négociation collectives facilite l’imposition de la « disponibilité permanente juste-à-temps », combinant les logiques du lean et du travail domestique, ainsi qu’une déqualification sexuée et racialisée de leurs emplois par rapport à la situation dans le secteur public. Notre étude montre néanmoins que certaines pratiques innovatrices d’action collective réticulaire ont pu influencer la dynamique de pouvoir, en particulier celles portées par des associations locales de personnes handicapées recourant aux services et par un syndicat de travailleuses d’agence. / The increasing trend towards organizing the production of goods and services into networks as a result of the quest for flexibility in the face of fierce economic competition raises critical issues for industrial relations. Our thesis examines the precarization of jobs in the externalized segments of production networks. It is based on three case studies focusing on the networks of public and private homecare services in Quebec. Critical law studies have shown that labour law, based on the model of the integrated firm and the binary employment relationship, fails to identify as employers some organizations whose action nevertheless has a decisive impact on working conditions in these networks. Our thesis thus aimed to shed light on the empirical reality of the power relations prevailing throughout the networks and their effects, using an interdisciplinary analytical model that integrates the legal and sociological dimensions. Results indicate that the legal employer of workers – most of them women – employed by private service providers integrated into the networks is most often an employment agency, a social economy enterprise or the individual using the homecare services. This employer is rarely identified as being among the public organizations which, under the aegis of state, exercise predominant power over these networks. The gap between the legal regulation of labour and the empirical reality of intra-network power leads to a precarization of the social protection and working conditions of these women workers. Thus, the weak protection of their rights to collective representation and collective bargaining facilitates the imposition of “just-in-time permanent availability”, combining lean management logic with domestic work logic, and leads to a gendered and racialized deskilling of their jobs compared to the situation prevailing in the public sector. Our study nevertheless shows that some innovative practices involving reticular collective action – in particular practices implemented by local associations of disabled persons using the services and by a union of female agency workers – have had an influence on these power dynamics.

Rolling Out the Transformative Social Economy: A Case Study of Organic Intellectualism in Canadian Settlement Houses

Fong, Melissa 01 January 2011 (has links)
Social economy community development organizations (SECDOs) are social service organizations that provide poverty relief but do not necessarily inspire a counter-hegemonic antipoverty strategy against a neoliberal welfare state. Tension between providing human social services and engaging in advocacy is at the core of how SECDOs may be both complicit to as well as working against the neoliberalization of the welfare state. This study explores how SECDOs can nurture a new paradigm for community economic development organizations. Through a case study of a Canadian settlement house, the research demonstrates how transforming work may encourage a culture of organic intellectualism or, a culture of emancipatory consciousness-raising. By re-organizing workplace practices, such as working collaboratively, providing a hub for services and engaging in popular education, transformative SECDOs help provide the conditions for citizens to affect governance. The research theorizes how SECDOs may foster a culture of organic intellectualism to promote the transformative social economy.

Rolling Out the Transformative Social Economy: A Case Study of Organic Intellectualism in Canadian Settlement Houses

Fong, Melissa 01 January 2011 (has links)
Social economy community development organizations (SECDOs) are social service organizations that provide poverty relief but do not necessarily inspire a counter-hegemonic antipoverty strategy against a neoliberal welfare state. Tension between providing human social services and engaging in advocacy is at the core of how SECDOs may be both complicit to as well as working against the neoliberalization of the welfare state. This study explores how SECDOs can nurture a new paradigm for community economic development organizations. Through a case study of a Canadian settlement house, the research demonstrates how transforming work may encourage a culture of organic intellectualism or, a culture of emancipatory consciousness-raising. By re-organizing workplace practices, such as working collaboratively, providing a hub for services and engaging in popular education, transformative SECDOs help provide the conditions for citizens to affect governance. The research theorizes how SECDOs may foster a culture of organic intellectualism to promote the transformative social economy.

Economia solidária como projeto cultural e político: a experiência do Banco Palmas

Paulino, Antonio George Lopes January 2008 (has links)
Paulino, Antonio George Lopes. Economia solidária como projeto cultural e político: a experiência do Banco Palmas. 2008. 315 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia, Fortaleza-CE, 2008. / Submitted by nazareno mesquita (nazagon36@yahoo.com.br) on 2011-11-28T17:00:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_tese_AGLPaulino.pdf: 19850156 bytes, checksum: 8326bb3f9901475a1b2470968f521022 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2011-11-29T01:07:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_tese_AGLPaulino.pdf: 19850156 bytes, checksum: 8326bb3f9901475a1b2470968f521022 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-11-29T01:07:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_tese_AGLPaulino.pdf: 19850156 bytes, checksum: 8326bb3f9901475a1b2470968f521022 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / I present here an ethnographic approach, of interpretative type, which has as object of analysis an experience of supportive economy carried out by the Association of the Residents of Conjunto Palmeiras - ASMOCONP, neighborhood on the southern edge of Fortaleza city - CE. The work developed by ASMOCONP is supported by Palmas Bank, a microcredit institution founded in 1998 in order to promote in the local area the formation of a supportive network consisting of manufacturers, service providers and consumers. One of the most expressive symbols of this experience is a social currency called Palmas, which was designed to operate only in the neighborhood. The main argument oh this thesis is to say that the social economy is a cultural and political project that is under construction. Accordingly, the case of ASMOCONP / Palmas Bank system is studied as a specific experience in which that construction materializes itself on the symbolic and practical plans. There is, in the daily life, in the local area, a mobilization of efforts to strengthen and to broaden the ethos of community belonging, solidarity and reciprocity as fundamental values in the conduction of alternative economic practices to the ethos of capitalism. Educational activities, events, ceremonies and rituals are also mobilized for the purpose of ensuring social legitimacy to the actions carried out and design the visibility of local experience in a broader space of civil society. Thus, on one hand the system ASMOCONP / Palmas Bank attracts several partners and investments for projects that are worked in the Conjunto Palmeiras. On the other hand, it matches itself to thematic networks and social movements, occupying a pluralistic public sphere, where conceptual and practical elements are exchanged according to common interests. The participation in these networks reveals that the local experience is also a global dimension, where the economy, among other related topics, substance itself as a cultural and political movement capable of pointing out possible paths for the construction of a non-hegemonic globalization, focused on social, economic an environmental justice, community empowerment and in a participatory democracy / Apresento aqui uma abordagem etnográfica, de tipo interpretativo, que tem como objeto de análise uma experiência de economia solidária protagonizada pela Associação dos Moradores do Conjunto Palmeiras – ASMOCONP, bairro situado na periferia sul da cidade de Fortaleza – CE. O trabalho desenvolvido pela ASMOCONP tem como suporte o Banco Palmas, instituição de microcrédito fundada em 1998 para fomentar no território local a formação de uma rede solidária composta por produtores, prestadores de serviços e consumidores. Um dos símbolos mais expressivos desta experiência é uma moeda social denominada Palmas, que foi concebida para circular somente no bairro. O argumento principal desta tese configura-se no sentido de afirmar que a economia solidária é um projeto cultural e político que se encontra em processo de construção. Nesta perspectiva, o caso do sistema ASMOCONP/Banco Palmas é estudado como experiência específica em que essa construção materializa-se nos planos simbólico e prático. Há, no cotidiano do espaço local, a mobilização de esforços para que se fortaleça e se amplie o ethos do pertencimento comunitário, da solidariedade e reciprocidade como valores fundamentais na condução de práticas econômicas alternativas ao ethos do capitalismo. Atividades pedagógicas, eventos e solenidades rituais são também mobilizados com o propósito de assegurar legitimidade social às ações realizadas e projetar a visibilidade da experiência local no espaço mais amplo da sociedade civil. Assim, por um lado o sistema ASMOCONP/Banco Palmas atrai diversos parceiros e investimentos para os projetos que são operacionalizados no Conjunto Palmeiras. Por outro lado, articula-se a redes temáticas e de movimentos sociais, ocupando uma esfera pública plural, onde elementos conceituais e práticos são intercambiados em torno de interesses comuns. A participação nessas redes revela que a experiência local insere-se também numa dimensão global, em que a economia solidária, dentre outros temas afins, substancia-se como movimento cultural e político capaz de apontar caminhos possíveis para a construção de uma globalização contra-hegemônica, focada na justiça social, econômica e ambiental, no empoderamento comunitário e na democracia participativa

Organizace občanské společnosti poskytující sociální služby a vykazující ekonomické aktivity v Pardubickém kraji / Civic society organizations providing social services and entrepreneurial activities in Pardubice region

Marková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
SYNOPSIS This thesis covers partial universe of civic society organizations that provide social services in Pardubice region. The primary goal of the thesis is to explore, through a questionnaire research, whether the income generated by these organizations is a determining factor in their association with the concept of social economy and social enterprise. The secondary goal is to identify, using semi-structured interviews with the representatives of civic society organizations, how they fulfill principles of social enterprise based to the "softer definition" developed by EMES. The first two chapters introduce concepts of public sector and social economy as well as identify their similarities and differences. It is followed by a description of social services and support of civic society organizations from the view point of several parties. The third chapter is dedicated to the actual research.

Zastoupení sociálně znevýhodněných skupin v rámci sociálního podnikání v ČR / The representation of socially disadvantaged groups in the social sector of buisness in the Czech Republic

Bělohlávková, Rut January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of social enterpreneurship in the Czech Republic and is specifically focused on the work integration of particular needy groups (such as ex-convicts, long- term unemployed, disabled persons and former alcohol or drug addicts etc.). The aim of the thesis is to identify patterns and regularities between specific groups and types of social enterprises they work for. The secondary data analysis explores social enterprises registered at czech social enterpreneurship website as well as the groups they employ and compares different approches of the enterprises. The qualitative empirical research uncovers enterpreneurs' motives and furthermore explores connections between the types of social enterprises and the target groups they employ.

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