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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social isolation: A study of causal factors in homeless families

Birdsall, Samuel Ross 01 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Elección de los productos ultraprocesados que realizan las madres para la alimentación del niño preescolar durante la evolución de la pandemia del COVID-19 / Choice of ultra-processed products made by mothers of preschool children during the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic

Villarán Espinoza, Ivana, Paz Soldán Zapata, Nadine 27 August 2021 (has links)
Introducción: Desde el inicio de la pandemia por el nuevo coronavirus, a nivel mundial se han adoptado diversas medidas para disminuir la propagación de este. Entre ellas, el aislamiento social obligatorio, el cual ha generado cambios en el estilo de vida de las personas, especialmente en los niños preescolares, quienes han visto interrumpidas, y sustituidas sus actividades académicas a modalidades online, limitando sus actividades recreacionales por actividades más sedentarias. Sumado a esto, el Perú ya venía experimentando un aumento en el consumo de productos ultraprocesados, con incremento en la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en niños. Objetivo: Explorar cómo influye la evolución de la pandemia del COVID-19 en la elección de los productos ultraprocesados que realizan las madres para la alimentación del niño preescolar. Método: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico. Se realizó 26 entrevistas semiestructuradas utilizando una guía de preguntas. La muestra seleccionada fue por bola de nieve hasta alcanzar la saturación. Resultados: Las madres entrevistadas tuvieron entre 21 y 47 años de edad, la mayoría vivía en los distritos de Miraflores y Surco, contaban con estudios superiores completos y trabajo al momento de las entrevistas. Ellas expresaron que la experiencia de vivir la evolución de la pandemia ha generado cambios en la dinámica de sus familias como: alteraciones en los horarios, introducción del trabajo remoto, adaptación de sus hijos a la educación virtual y mayor sedentarismo. Se demostró que la mayoría tenía un adecuado conocimiento respecto a los productos ultraprocesados. Sin embargo, se evidenció una mayor elección de estos para los preescolares, siendo estos consumidos mayormente en las tardes. Conclusión: Los cambios generados por la evolución de la pandemia aumentaron la elección de productos ultraprocesados por parte de las madres de los niños preescolares. / Introduction: Since the beginning of the new coronavirus pandemic, measures have been taken worldwide to reduce its spreading. Among them, obligatory quarantine, which has generated changes in people’s lifestyles, especially that of preschool aged children, who have been forced to substitute their academic activities for online modalities and their recreational activities for more sedentary ones. In addition, Peru has been experiencing an increase in the consumption of ultra-processed products and in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children. Objective: Explore how the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic influences the choice of ultra-processed products that mothers make for feeding their preschool children. Methods: Qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. Twenty-six semi-structured interviews were conducted using a question guide. The sample was selected by snowball until reaching saturation. Results: The interviewed mothers were between 21 and 47 years old, the majority lived in the districts of Miraflores and Surco, had completed higher education and they had work at the time of the interviews. They expressed that the experience of living the evolution of the pandemic has generated changes in the dynamics of their families such as: alterations in schedules, introduction of remote work, adaptation of their children to virtual education and greater sedentary lifestyle. Most were shown to have adequate knowledge of ultra-processed products. However, a greater choice of these was evidenced for preschoolers, being these consumed mostly in the afternoons. Conclusion: The changes generated by the evolution of the pandemic increased the choice of ultra-processed products by the mothers of preschool children. / Tesis

Is hearing loss over-diagnosed due to impaired cognition in elderly patients?

Witt, Emilee A. 24 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Asociación entre los niveles de ansiedad y actividad física en estudiantes de terapia física de una universidad privada durante periodo de aislamiento social por pandemia de COVID-19 en Lima, Perú / Association between anxiety levels and physical activity in physical therapy students from a private university during a period of social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Lima, Peru

Gordillo Maldonado, Daniela Alejandra 01 October 2021 (has links)
Introducción: las medidas para retrasar los contagios de COVID-19 (confinamiento, aislamiento y distanciamiento social) disminuyeron los niveles de actividad física (AF). La desinformación aumentó la ansiedad en la población. El propósito de este texto fue asociar los niveles de ansiedad y AF en estudiantes de terapia física de una universidad privada durante el periodo de aislamiento social por pandemia de COVID-19 en Lima, Perú. Métodos: estudio transversal analítico, realizado en estudiantes peruanos de terapia física durante el aislamiento social por COVID-19. Se realizaron tres análisis estadísticos: univariado (n (%), X - DE y MED - RIC), bivariado (prueba de chi-cuadrado y prueba t de Student) y multivariado (regresión de Poisson con varianzas robustas en modelos crudo y ajustado) con IC al 95 % y un p<0.05 estadísticamente significativo. Resultados: el total de participantes fue de 86 estudiantes, donde el 72.1 % era de sexo femenino, con una mediana de 21 años, y un 87.7 % con baja AF. Además, los que presentaron ansiedad estado (AE) y ansiedad social (AS) alta tenían 68 % más probabilidades de presentar >2868 METS de AF en comparación a la referencia (p = 0.011 y p = 0.020, respectivamente). Conclusiones: los estudiantes de terapia física que informaron AE y AS alta posee mayor prevalencia de realizar más AF, esta asociación es estadísticamente significativa. No se encontró una asociación entre los niveles de AF según las recomendaciones de la OMS y los niveles de ansiedad, ni una correlación entre la AF, AE y AS. / Introduction: measures to delay COVID-19 infections (confinement, isolation and social distancing) decreased physical activity (AF) levels. Misinformation increased anxiety in the population. The aim is to associate anxiety levels and AF in physiotherapy students at a private university during a period of social isolation from COVID-19 pandemic in Lima, Peru. Methods: analytical cross-sectional study, conducted in Peruvian physical therapy students during the COVID-19 social isolation, was conducted with three statistical analyses, univariate (n (percentage), X - DE and MED - RIC), bivariate (chi-square test and t Student test) and multivariate (Poisson regression with robust variances in raw and adjusted models) with 95 % CI and a p<0.05 as statistically significant. Results: the total of participants was 86 students, where 72.1% were female, with a median of 21 years, and 87.7% with low PA. In addition, those who presented high state anxiety (AE) and social anxiety (SA) were 68% more likely to present >2868 METS of PA compared to the reference (p = 0.011 and p = 0.020, respectively). Discussion: physical therapy students who reported high state anxiety and high social anxiety have a higher prevalence of performing more PA, this association is statistically significant, no association was found between PA levels according to WHO recommendations and anxiety levels, neither was it found a correlation between PA, state anxiety and social anxiety. / Tesis

Sjöbefälsstudenter och internet : En enkätundersökning om sjöbefälsstudenters syn på internet / Nautical students and the internet : A survey on nautical students' relationship to the internet

Bruce, Carl, Christenson, Niclas January 2020 (has links)
När sjöbefälsstudenter under flertalet perioder befinner sig på fartygsförlagd utbildning innebär det en stor omställning jämfört med livet i land. En tydlig skillnad är möjligheten till kommunikation med nära och kära och då framförallt tillgången till internet. Enligt Internetstiftelsen har 98% av svenskarna tillgång till internet på daglig basis. Den siffran är betydligt lägre när det gäller internettillgång ute på fartyg. Syftet med denna undersökning var att ta reda på och beskriva hur viktig internettillgång ombord är för sjöbefälsstudenter och hur de har upplevt internettillgången under sin tid på praktik. Undersökningens syfte var också att ta reda på vilken hänsyn sjöbefälsstudenter tar till internettillgång vid val av arbetsgivare samt om internettillgång kan bli en avgörande faktor till att sjöbefälsstudenter väljer att avsluta karriären till sjöss. Metoden bestod av en kvantitativ studie i form av en enkätundersökning med fasta svarsalternativ och frågor med graderad inställning på skala ett till sex. Urvalet bestod av 97 respondenter från både sjökapten- och sjöingenjörsprogrammet på en sjöbefälsskola. Efter avslutad enkät sammanställdes rådatan i frekvenstabeller och fördelningen av variabeln redovisades slutligen genom stolpdiagram. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av sjöbefälsstudenterna upplevde internettillgången som bristfällig. Detta gällde både kvaliteten på internettillgången samt dess hastighet. Undersökningen visade också att sjöbefälsstudenterna ansåg att internet ombord var mycket viktigt och att det hade en positiv inverkan på den sociala kontakten med hemmet. Internettillgången påverkade också deras mentala hälsa ombord. Resultatet visade dock att majoriteten av sjöbefälsstudenterna inte tar hänsyn till internettillgång vid val av arbetsgivare och att de heller inte ansåg att internet kunde vara en avgörande faktor för att avsluta sin karriär till sjöss. / When students of the Nautical Science and the Marine Engineering Programmes do their time as Cadets on their ship-based internship, this means a great readjustment from life ashore. One apparent difference is the opportunity to communicate with family and loved ones and especially through the use of the internet. According to the Swedish Internet Foundation 98% of the Swedish population have access to the internet on a daily basis. This number is significantly lower when it comes to seamen on ships. The purpose of this survey was to find out and to describe how the students of both the Nautical Science and the Marine Engineering Programmes experienced the use of the internet during their ship-based internships and also how important the internet is to the students during ship-based internships. The survey’s purpose was also to describe how much the students take the internet in consideration when choosing a future employer. Furthermore the survey aimed to describe if the students considered the internet connection onboard ships as a decisive cause of ending their career at sea. The method consisted of a quantitative study in the form of questionnaires with fixed response alternatives and questions with a graded approach on a scale of one to six. The sample consisted of 97 respondents from the Nautical Science Program and the Marine Engineering Program at a Naval institute. Upon finishing the survey the primary data was compiled in frequency tables and the distribution of the variable was displayed in bar charts. The result showed that the vast majority of the students experienced the internet onboard to be inadequate. This applied to both the connection as well as the speed of the internet. The survey also showed that the students considered the internet to be of great importance onboard and that it had a clear positive impact on their social contact with family ashore. The internet connection also impacted the students’ mental health. However, the result showed that the students did not take the internet onboard into consideration when choosing a future employer. Neither did the students consider the internet to be a decisive cause for ending their career at sea.

Suicide Among Young-Old And Old-Old Adults: Interactions Between Age, Social Isolation, And Physical Illness

Hernandez, Silvia C. 29 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Professionellas arbete med social isolering bland vuxna med högfungerande autism : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas arbetssätt och upplevelse av social isolering hos vuxna med högfungerande autism

Solberg, Hanna, Eriksson, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida professionella med koppling till LSS-verksamheter inom Eskilstuna kommun upplever vuxna med högfungerande autism som socialt isolerade, vilka bakomliggande faktorer de professionella anser orsaka social isolering samt hur de arbetar för att bemöta detta. Omfattningen av forskning som finns om social isolering hos vuxna med högfungerande autism är liten. Den forskning som finns tyder på att personer inom autismspektrumet ofta upplever begränsningar i sina sociala förmågor, vilket bidrar till svårigheter i sociala interaktioner samt bibehållandet av relationer. Dessa svårigheter kan leda till ett undandragande beteende som kan resultera i social isolering. För att besvara syfte och frågeställningar har semistrukturerade intervjuer med professionella från olika LSS-verksamheter utförts. Analys av det insamlade materialet har skett utifrån Honneths teori om erkännande samt Saleebeys styrkefoukserade förhållningsätt till socialt arbete. Resultatet visar i huvudsak på att de professionella upplever att social isolering är ett förekommande fenomen inom målgruppen där de bakomliggande faktorerna anses vara erfarenhet av misslyckanden i sociala interaktioner, social ångest samt stigmatisering av personer med funktionsnedsättningar. Resultatet tyder på att de professionella arbetar med att individanpassa insatserna efter den enskildes behov för att kunna kompensera för dennes svårigheter. / The purpose of this study is to investigate whether professionals from Eskilstuna municipality who work with people with disabilities perceive adults with high-functioning autism as socially isolated, what underlying factors the professionals consider causing social isolation and how they work towards meeting the individuals need for support. The research available on social isolation in adults with high-functioning autism is limited. The available research indicates that people with autism often experience limitations in their social abilities, which contributes to difficulties in social interactions and relationships. These difficulties can contribute to evasive behavior that can result in social isolation. In order to answer the purpose, semi-structured interviews with professionals from various occupations within social work were conducted. Analysis of the collected material has been based on Honneth's theory of recognition and Saleebey's strengths perspective. The results mainly show that the professionals experience social isolation as a common phenomenon within the target group where the underlying factors are considered to beexperience of failures in social interactions, social anxiety and stigmatization of people with disabilities. The results indicate that professionals work to adapt the environment to support the individual's needs in order to be able to compensate for their difficulties.

Senseable Curriculum: Artful Practices for Curriculum Theory and Design

Gerth van den Berg, Sarah M. January 2022 (has links)
Over the course of the Coronavirus pandemic, works of art explored social isolation, abolition, and climate crisis. The pandemic had ruptured normative curricular practices in schools and learning discourses focused on minimizing those interruptions. Meanwhile, works such as Ellen Reid’s SOUNDWALK, Kamau Ware’s Fighting Dark, and Maya Lin’s Ghost Forest crafted relationships to knowledge through site-specific sounds, familiar materials, and sensory experiences of their environments. A group of curriculum designers, researchers, and educators, including the author of this study, affiliated with a university-based Curriculum Lab engaged with these artworks, while processing the pandemic’s effects on their own curricular practices. Situated within the Lab, this project used ethnographic and speculative methods to research how the artworks’ aesthetic and sensory strategies activated curricular contact zones and contributed to artful practices for curriculum theory and design. This study built on the work of critical curriculum scholarship which has demonstrated that significant forms of knowledge and belonging are produced through informal and null curriculum, and outside of schools entirely. Drawing on aesthetics, affect, and vital materialisms, this study theorized ambient curriculum: a surround through which any variety of onto-epistemological practices might cohere into relationships of knowing and becoming. At the same time, this study recognized that formal curriculum exerts a large influence on the daily lives of teachers and students, and that there are educators searching for forms of curriculum more aligned to their commitments to social and ecological justice; beliefs about the complexity of knowledge and learning; and approach to design as a creative process. This project considers the implications of such creative processes for curriculum design as a nomadic practice and curriculum designers as nomadic becomings, making and made by their creations.

Group music therapy in a paediatric oncology ward : working with a wide open group in a wide open space

Pollard, Anne Francoise, Pollard, Anne Francoise 07 October 2008 (has links)
This mini-dissertation is structured as a clinical inquiry based on a detailed analysis of music therapy work with a wide open group at Kalafong Hospital’s paediatric oncology ward. The focus of this inquiry is to characterise ‘working moments’ within a wide open group music therapy context, that appears to be impacted by noise levels, group structures, and a generally busy and unpredictable physical environment. In addition, this clinical inquiry identifies clinical skills employed during ‘working moments’ with a wide open group. Research methods of description, coding, categorising and theme identification are applied in the analysis of three video excerpts and corresponding sessions’ session notes. The chosen excerpts are based on a working definition of ‘working moments’. The findings of this clinical inquiry suggest that characteristics of wide open groups include the following: Breaking social isolation and Shifting from illness to health. It furthermore identifies the roles and tasks of the therapist in a wide open music therapy group. This mini-dissertation also includes a proposed research project that stems directly from the clinical inquiry. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Music / MMus / Unrestricted

El aislamiento social obligatorio como supuesto de fuerza mayor en los contratos / Mandatory social distancing as vis major justification in contract law

Leigh Pedraza, Nícolas, Rojo Cánepa, Roxana Pierina del Carmen 03 March 2021 (has links)
En los últimos meses, el mundo jurídico se ha visto terriblemente afectado por la ocurrencia de la pandemia producida por la COVID-19, evento sanitario tan inusual que inclusive, ha sido la causa de una inmovilización social a nivel mundial. La referida inmovilización ha adoptado en nuestro país la denominación de “aislamiento social obligatorio (cuarentena)”, siendo esta una medida sanitaria de seguridad adoptada por el Gobierno central peruano que ha impedido el cumplimiento de las obligaciones convenidas en contratos celebrados con anterioridad a la adopción de la misma. A partir de ello, los autores analizan si el aislamiento social obligatorio es un evento que puede ser catalogado como fuerza mayor desde la perspectiva del Derecho peruano y, en consecuencia, si es o no una causal eximente de responsabilidad ante el incumplimiento contractual. / In the last months, the legal world has been terribly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, a health event so unusual that’s it has even caused a worldwide social confinement, this social confinement has been received, in our country, the denomination of “mandatory social distancing (quarantine)”, being this a security health measure adopted by the Peruvian central government that has made impossible the fulfillment of legal obligations agreed upon in contract before is enforcement. From this, the authors analyses whatever or not the mandatory social distancing can be classified as Force Majeure from the point of view of the Peruvian law, and if by consequence is an exculpatory cause for failure to meet contractual obligations. / Trabajo de investigación

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