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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Política Nacional de Atenção à Saúde Auditiva: o caso do município de São Paulo / National Policy for Hearing Health Care: the case of São Paulo

Vieira, Gislene Inoue 30 September 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A saúde auditiva é um tema de relevância pública, devido ao seu grau de importância relacionado à comunicação e consequente qualidade de vida. Objetivo: analisar a implementação das ações em saúde auditiva, particularmente da Política Nacional de Atenção à Saúde Auditiva (PNASA), no município de São Paulo, identificando ações em Promoção da Saúde. Para tanto, pretende-se: identificar os principais documentos relacionados à saúde auditiva, desenhando sua trajetória; descrever a rede de atendimento no município, utilizando dados quantitativos e observação de espaços de negociação; investigar a representação da equipe de profissionais da área acerca do conceito de saúde auditiva e da implementação da Política Nacional em suas práticas diárias. Metodologia: pesquisa do tipo exploratória, descritiva, de abordagem qualiquantitativa, na qual coletaram-se dados oriundos de documentos oficiais; dos sistemas de informação; da observação de fóruns regionais e; da entrevista com os profissionais que fazem parte da equipe de atenção à saúde auditiva, de três centros de alta complexidade do município. A análise das entrevistas baseou-se na metodologia do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC). Resultados e Discussão: foi possível identificar três momentos históricos nas ações em saúde auditiva, com dois marcos, a implementação da Política Nacional de Atenção à Saúde Auditiva e do atual Plano Viver sem Limite. Os dados quantitativos evidenciam um crescimento na concessão de aparelhos de amplificação sonora individual e implantes cocleares, bem como na realização de procedimentos, porém ainda aquém do esperado em relação ao acompanhamento e a terapia. Os discursos evidenciam uma tendência ao pensamento voltado ao modelo biomédico e identificam sucessos, dificuldades e elencam sugestões de modificações nos processos normativos, uma vez que a relação entre as normas e as práticas, majoritariamente mostrou-se ineficaz. Conclusão: o momento é de mudanças: o que já foi uma conquista, continua requerendo esforços e diálogo para concretizar-se de fato no dia a dia de todos os envolvidos, facilitando os processos e o acesso a uma vida mais saudável e justa / Introduction: Hearing health is an issue of public importance, due to its impact on communication and therefore the quality of life for people. Objective: To assess the implementation of actions in hearing health, particularly the National Policy for Hearing Health Care (PNASA) in the city of São Paulo, identifying actions in Health Promotion. To achieve this goal we identify key documents related to hearing health, establishing its trajectory; Describe the network of hearing health care in the city, through quantitative data and observation of negotiation spaces; Investigate the representation of hearing health professionals about the concept of hearing health and the implementation of PNASA in their daily practices. Methodology: This is an exploratory, descriptive research with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data were collected from official documents and from SUS´s Information Systems; from the observation of regional meetings and, interviews with hearing health team members from three high complexity centers in the municipality of São Paulo. Data analysis was based on the methodology of Collective Subject Discourse (DSC). Results and Discussion: It was possible to identify three historical moments in the hearing health actions with two landmarks, the implementation of PNASA and the current \"Plano Viver sem Limite\" (Living with no limits plan). Quantitative data show a general increase in accreditation of services, in concessions of hearing aids and coclear implants, as well as in procedures; in relation to monitoring and therapy, growth is still insufficient. The DSCs shows a tendency to thoughts tuned with the biomedical model; it identifies successes and difficulties and makes suggestions for changes in the regulatory processes, since the relationship of standards to practices proved largely ineffective. Conclusion: It´s time to change: what was once an achievement requires continued efforts and dialogue in order to really incorporate facilitating processes and access to a healthier and fair life to all involveds daily routine

Novas formas de sociabilidade envolvendo sexo em troca de bens e vantagens entre jovens de 18 a 25 anos no Município de Rio Branco-Acre / New forms of sociability involving sex in exchange for goods and advantages of youth from 18 to 25 years old in the city of Rio Branco Acre

Chagas, Herleis Maria de Almeida 17 March 2016 (has links)
Resumo Introdução - A prostituição configura uma troca de favores sexuais em que elementos sentimentais, como o afeto, estão ausentes em pelo menos um dos protagonistas. Além da prostituição propriamente dita, em que se explicita a prática da troca de sexo por dinheiro e o sujeito prostituído reconhece sua condição de fornecedor de sexo, existem situações de troca sexual por bens e vantagens socioeconômicas. Essa prostituição não explícita ou não intencional, na qual a pessoa que fornece sexo não se vê como prostituída, tem sido observada em diversas situações de encontros sociais entre os jovens. Objetivo - Conhecer e descrever a percepção de adolescentes e jovens universitários acerca da prostituição e troca de sexo por bens materiais e status. Método - Estudo qualiquantitativo, realizado com 130 jovens, de ambos os sexos, de diferentes cursos do campus da União Educacional do Norte (Uninorte), faculdade privada localizada em Rio Branco (Acre). Os dados foram obtidos com o auxílio do software Qlqt- online, processados e analisados através da técnica do discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC) e o software Qualiquantsoft, tendo como base a teoria das representações sociais. Resultados - A maioria dos entrevistados relaciona o comportamento feminino adotado com prostituição. Isso demonstra que jovens de ambos os sexos não naturalizam, mesmo na sociedade atual, a possibilidade de troca de sexo por coisas valorizadas pelo consumismo, sendo essa postura comumente condenada com veemência, sobretudo pelas mulheres. Conclusão - É fundamental a implementação de ações referentes à sexualidade entre adolescentes e jovens na perspectiva intersetorial dos serviços, visto que essas questões são trabalhadas de maneira diferenciada para meninos e meninas, influenciados por normas socioculturais em torno da educação sexual. / Introduction - Prostitution set up an exchange of sexual favors in that sentimental elements, like affection, they are absent in at least one of the protagonists. Apart from prostitution itself, in which it explains the practice of exchanging sex for money and the subject prostituted recognizes their status as \"sex provider,\" there are situations of sexual exchange for goods and socioeconomic benefits. This \"no explicit prostitution\" or \"unintentional\" in which the person who provides sex is not seen as prostituted, has been observed in various situations of social gatherings among young people. Objective - Understand and describe the perception of teenagers and university students about prostitution and exchange of sex for material goods and status. Method - Qualitative and quantitative study, conducted with 130 young people of both sexes, of different courses from the campus of North Educational Union (Uninorte), private college located in Rio Branco (Acre). Data were obtained with the help of online software Qlqt, processed and analyzed through discourse technique of the collective subject (DCS) and Qualiquantsoft software, based on the theory of social representations. Results - Most interviewed related female behavior adopted with prostitution. This shows that young people of both sexes not naturalize, even in today\'s society, the possibility of exchange of sex for things valued by consumerism, and this customary stance strongly condemned, especially by women. Conclusion - The implementation of actions related to sexuality among adolescents and young people in intersectoral perspective of services is essential, as these issues are worked differently for boys and girls, influenced by socio-cultural norms around sexual education.

Rompendo a mordaça: representações de professores e professoras do ensino médio sobre homossexualidade / Breaking the silence: representations of high school teachers on homosexuality

Silva Junior, Jonas Alves da 16 December 2010 (has links)
A complexidade da sexualidade humana, bem como a admissão da existência de uma diversidade sexual foram (e ainda são) rechaçadas na escola, ocasionando não raro a discriminação e a exclusão de alunos/as que não se enquadram nos padrões heterossexistas prestigiados socialmente. Por essa razão, nesta pesquisa, investigam-se as representações que professores/as do Ensino Médio de duas escolas públicas paulistanas têm sobre homossexualidade e diversidade sexual no cotidiano escolar, buscando-se um maior aprofundamento teórico e interpretativo. Para chegar ao objetivo proposto, a pesquisa de campo foi realizada com base em um questionário semiestruturado, com questões abertas e fechadas. Como referencial teórico, utilizaram-se autores da área dos Estudos Culturais (teoria queer) e dos teóricos da Representação Social. Os dados quantitativos da pesquisa foram apresentados em forma de gráfico comparativo (entre as duas escolas), e os dados qualitativos foram divididos em três blocos de interpretação (representações, formação de professores e diversidade sexual na escola) e analisados em três categorias de análise, com base nas falas dos/as professores/as: 1) representações da homossexualidade sob viés de preconceito evidente; 2) representações da homossexualidade sob viés de preconceito latente; 3) representações da homossexualidade na perspectiva democrática e inclusiva. Os resultados obtidos são de grande relevância para a Educação Sexual, bem como para a cultura do respeito à diversidade, pois permitem detectar as diferentes formas com que o preconceito a cidadãos não heterossexuais instalam-se na escola. Além disso, os resultados evidenciam que a conexão entre discriminação e homossexualidade funda-se em uma questão cultural, enraizada em dogmas, crenças e representações construídas socialmente para conservar a hegemonia da heterossexualidade e, por conseguinte, subalternizar e inferiorizar as orientações sexuais consideradas não-padrão. / The complexity of human sexuality, as well as the admission of the existence of sexual diversity were (and still are) rejected by the school, often leading to discrimination and exclusion of students that do not fit in socially prestigious heterosexist standards. Therefore, in this research are investigated the representations that teachers of two public paulistana\'s high schools have about homosexuality and sexual diversity in school life, seeking a deeper theoretical and interpretive approach. To reach the objective, the field research was conducted based on a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions. The theoretical authors used were from Cultural Studies field (queer theory) and the theory of Social Representation. Quantitative data from the survey were presented in a comparative graph form (between the two schools), and qualitative data were divided into three blocks of interpretation (representation, teachers formation and sexual diversity in school) and analyzed in three categories of analysis, based on the speech of the teacher: 1) representations of homosexuality under the bias of evident prejudice, 2) representations of homosexuality under latent prejudice bias, 3) representations of homosexuality in a democratic and inclusive perspective. The results are of great relevance to sexual education and to the culture of respect for diversity, it can detect the different ways that prejudice against non-heterosexual citizens is established in school. Furthermore, the results show that the connection between discrimination and homosexuality is based on a cultural issue, rooted in dogmas, beliefs and representations socially constructed to preserve the hegemony of heterosexuality and consequently to undervalue and to degrade sexual orientations considered nonstandard.

Estágio de psicopatologia: a experiência emocional de estudantes de Psicologia frente à psicose / Internship in Psychopathology: emotional experience of psychology students when exposed to psychosis

Collakis, Silvia Teresa 03 June 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho examina a experiência de estagiários do curso de graduação de Psicologia, na disciplina de Psicopatologia: Aspectos Teóricos e Prática Clínica, em seu primeiro contato com a doença mental. O ensino da psicopatologia e a formação do futuro psicólogo estão inseridos em um contexto histórico-cultural que sofreu profundas transformações ao longo do tempo e se encontram atualmente na conjuntura da Reforma Psiquiátrica. A presente pesquisa pretende investigar e compreender a experiênciaemocional de estudantes de Psicologia que passaram pela experiência do estágio monitorado em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) e que tiveram contato, em modalidade clínica inspirada nas consultas terapêuticas de Winnicott, com pacientes psicóticos. Optou-se pelo uso da abordagem clínico-qualitativa, a partir de uma investigação fundamentada em uma leitura psicanalítica. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-dirigidas com cinco estudantes que cursavam a disciplina, antes e depois da experiência de estágio. Também foram utilizados como material de análise os diários de campo produzidos por eles após cada atendimento. A técnica de tratamento dos dados foi a análise de conteúdo categorial ou temática.Os resultadosrevelaram que todos os alunos apresentavam um interesse prévio pelo tema da psicopatologia e esperavam aprofundar conteúdos de forma teórica e prática; construíam representações sociais da psicose baseadas no senso comum e na teoria/etiologia, bem como alicerçadastanto no modelo asilar quanto no modelo psicossocial. Durante o estágio, foram transformando suas preconcepções acerca do equipamento de saúde e da atuação profissional, reconhecendo novas possibilidades de cuidado para além da remissão de sintomas e da interpretação de conteúdos reprimidos. Os sentimentos mais recorrentes referidos foram os derivados do conflito, ainda que tenham emergido também sentimentos derivados dos instintos de morte e de vida, estes últimos de forma crescente ao longo dos atendimentos. A vivência parece ter sido essencial para transformar e desmistificar a forma com a qual concebiam o doente mental e também a sua visão do cuidado a ele oferecido, através da identificação com o sofrimento alheio e humanização da loucura; proporcionou reflexões dos alunos sobre o desejo e a vocação para o trabalho clínico e com casos-limite. Conclui-se que a experiência emocional dos estudantes de Psicologia carrega elementos cruciais para o processo de aprendizagem da psicopatologia e para a formação do futuro profissional; neste sentido, o trabalho didático não deve se restringir auma elaboração meramente intelectualizada ou que privilegie apenas os aspectos afetivos e patológicos do paciente atendido, mas deve tomar como central a experiência emocional do aluno / This study examines the experience of students enrolled in the Psychology Graduation Course, during their first contacts with mental illness while being trained in the subject of Psychopathology: Theoretical Aspects and Clinical Practice. The teaching of this subject and the training of future psychologists must be viewed in a cultural and historical context that has gone through profound transformations over a period of time and is presently in the midst of a Psychiatric Reform movement. The purpose of this research is to investigate and to understand the emotional experience of Psychology students who have participated in monitored sessions, as trainees, at a Psycho-social Support Centre (locally known as Centro de Atenção Psicossocial - CAPS) and who have had contact with psychotic patients during the course of treatment sessions, of a clinical nature based on Winnicotts therapeutic consultations. A clinical and qualitative approach was chosen, supported by an investigation based on a psychoanalytical vision. Five students, that were studying this subject, participated in semi-directed interviews, both before and after the internship. The field notes taken by them after each therapy session were also analysed. The technique for data treatment was by content analysis that was both by category and thematic. The results revealed that every one of the students had a prior interest in the subject of psychopathology and that these students had expected to increase their knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of it; they created social representations of psychosis based on common sense and on theoretical / etiological bases, be it in an institutional context or in a psycho-social one. During their internship period they transformed their preconceptions regarding the means for health treatment as well as of professional performance. They recognised fresh treatment possibilities besides the remission of symptoms and the interpretation of repressed contents. The most recurrent sentiments mentioned were derived from conflict, although sentiments derived from death and life instinctsalso emerged, the latter increasingly as the treatment progressed. The internship experience appears to have been crucial to transform and to demystify the manner in which the students envisaged the mental patient, as well as the treatment which this patient should be given, by identifying with someone elses suffering and humanising mental illness. The internship provided an opportunity for the students to reflect on their desire and their vocation to engage in clinical work, in treating extreme cases. The conclusion is reached that the Psychology students emotional experience contains crucial elements which contribute to learning in Psychopathology and to the formation of the future professionals. In this sense, the task of teaching should not be restricted to a mere intellectual exercise or to the emotional and pathological aspects of the patient, but must put the students emotional experience at the centre of the stage

Representações da maternidade no cinema brasileiro contemporâneo / Representations of motherhood in contemporary Brazilian cinema.

Pinho, Juliana Malacarne de 30 August 2019 (has links)
Objetivo: O cinema é um produto cultural constituído por discursos e significações e contribui para a formação de subjetividades. Esta pesquisa busca identificar em três longas-metragens nacionais contemporâneos o sistema de valores e ideias que orienta, situa e delimita as práticas maternas na sociedade brasileira e de que maneira os efeitos de sentido que constroem reforçam, transformam ou degradam a representação social materna. Métodos: Enquadramento teórico-metodológico interdisciplinar, que tem como base a Análise do Discurso oriunda da Escola Francesa, em diálogo com conceitos-chave da teoria da representação social, os estudos culturais e os estudos de gênero. Resultados: Com base nas análises, concluímos que a representação social da mãe brasileira contemporânea está ligada à ideologia da maternidade intensiva. Nos três filmes do corpus identificamos também contradiscursos que se contrapõem ao modelo vigente, o que aponta possível desgaste da representação social materna atual e o surgimento de mudanças e transformações relacionadas a ela no futuro. / Objective: Cinema is a cultural product that carries discourses and meanings and contributes to the formation of subjectivities. This research seeks to identify in three domestic contemporary feature films the range of values and ideas that guide, situate and delimit the maternal practices in Brazilian society and in what ways the meanings that they produce reinforce, transform or degrade maternal social representation. Methods: Interdisciplinary theoretical-methodological framework, based on French discourse analysis, in dialogue with key concepts of social representation theory, cultural studies and gender studies. Results: Based on the analysis, we concluded that the social representation of the contemporary Brazilian mother is linked to the ideology of intensive motherhood. In the three films of the corpus we also identified discourses that are contrary to the current model, which indicates a possible erosion of the current maternal social representation and an emergence of changes and transformations related to it in the future.

Social knowledge of food: How and why people talk about foods

Miyazaki, Yoshihiko January 2008 (has links)
Social knowledge about food was investigated from a social contingency perspective (Guerin, 1994, 1998, 2004), a functional linguistic approach that considers language use having functions both to establish 'facts' in order to control listeners, and to maintain social relationships with words. In Study 1, whether people shared knowledge about food or not was examined. One hundred and fourteen New Zealand and 23 Japanese participants were asked to answer free format questionnaires asking the reasons they and others eat or do not eat particular food items. Those answers were categorised into 8 categories and 30 sub-categories of the knowledge about foods by qualitative content analysis. The results of a cluster analysis of those categories showed that participants used the categories homogeneously although there were some differences between New Zealand and Japanese participants, and that the participants selectively used different types of knowledge according to food items especially when explaining why people do or do not eat some foods. In Study 2, rhetorical features about foods were investigated: (1) numerical quantification rhetoric; (2) narrative use rhetoric; and (3) enumeration rhetoric. Factual statements from a corpus of 118 New Zealand TV commercials and 249 Japanese TV commercials were coded by the categories generated in Study 1. The results showed that the categories of factual statements were selectively used on TV commercials depending on the food types, and related closely to the results of Study 1. The rhetorical strategies appeared in commercials according to the categories of factual statements. When more than one factual statement was presented in a commercial, the relations of the factual statements were usually of a conjunctive form such as quotfact A however fact Bquot or quotfact A moreover fact Bquot, or else the factual statements were presented independently rather than the one statement logically warranting the other. These results suggest that those rhetoric uses and the arrangements of the factual statements were selectively used according to the effectiveness against counter arguments using shared knowledge. Study 3 and Study 4 analysed the functions of shared knowledge about food for maintaining social relationships through investigating the cases in which knowledge about foods presented as the form of 'collaborative talk', which occurs when one speaker completes the preceding saying by another speaker. In Study 3, the collaborative talk as sentence completions of knowledge about food was qualitatively analysed from conversations of 30 to 45 minutes produced by four groups consisting of four or five Japanese participants who were friends. From a social contingency view, the analysis focused on the following conversational properties: (1) who the listener was; (2) the degree of sharing of the information between the speakers; (3) the degree of sharing of the information between the 2nd speaker and the listener; and (4) the disagreement between the 2nd speaker and the listener. The results of Study 3 suggested some possible functions of sentence completions of knowledge about food: (1) the function when the first speaker is the listener may be enhancement of the relationship between the first and the second speakers through showing the second speaker's attention and understanding to the first speaker's utterance, because those sentence completions were often followed by the affirmation or negation by the first speaker; (2) when a third person is the listener, and the first and the second speaker refuted the third person using sentence completion, the function seems to be just establishing 'facts'; and (3) in the cases of 'assisted explaining' (Lerner Takagi, 1999) , the function may be not only establishing 'facts' but also enhancement the relationship between the listener and the speakers, because the constructed 'facts' may work as a kind of conversational 'gift'. In Study 4, five Japanese groups consisting of four participants who were friends were asked to talk about four topics about foods that all participants either agreed or disagreed ('All agree' condition) and four food topics for which there was disagreement about it between participants ('Some agree' condition). When the listeners could not be identified, and the second speakers did not used the utterance-final element such as 'yo ne' that is regarded as having a function of showing agreement between the speakers, the participants used sentence completions more frequently in 'All agree' conditions. The results suggested that the function of this type of sentence completion is not merely establishing 'facts' but also enhancing the relationship between the speakers through showing agreement about the relevant things to the topic. In conclusion, the results of the present studies suggest some possible social contingencies involved both when people get knowledge about food and when they use it.

Kommunfullmäktigeledamöters sociala representation -en fallstudie i tre svenska kommuner av kön, ålder och etnicitet

Håkansson, Matilda January 2005 (has links)
<p>The purpose of the thesis has been to explore the use of hedge fund styles when constructing portfolios of hedge funds (i.e. funds of hedge funds). The central question is if the use of hedge fund styles can significantly explain and improve risk adjusted returns (characterized by Sharpe ratios). The study has been done in collaboration with Optimized Portfolio Management AB who desire further knowledge and evaluation of hedge fund styles for their fund of hedge funds.To be able to create successful ex ante portfolios we have explored various prediction models for both risk and return. Our findings indicate that return prediction is problematic using simple models such as regression since the risk exposure of the indices appear to change significantly over time. One can however using exponentially weighted moving averages (EWMA) achieve relatively promising estimations of future returns. Covariance matrix estimation seems to be more straightforward. We have achieved promising results using both traditional EWMA models as well as improved estimators using principal component analysis.Covariance prediction models were evaluated separately using a minimum-variance portfolio optimization technique and provided a significant risk reduction compared to the aggregated hedge fund universe (represented by a naively diversified portfolio). Combinations of risk and return prediction models were evaluated using traditional mean-variance portfolio construction methods, which were optimized for Sharpe ratios. These provided a significant increase in risk adjusted returns relative to the aggregated hedge fund universe. The allocation is however discouraging due to serious instability over time.Our findings indicate that there indeed is an advantage of taking hedge fund styles into consideration when constructing funds of hedge funds in a risk adjusted perspective. However, further research into return prediction needs to be done in order to stabilize portfolio allocation. An alternative seems to be tactical style allocation on a more fundamental analysis basis.</p>

Exploring IT-Based Knowledge Sharing Practices: Representing Knowledge within and across Projects

Dulipovici, Alina Maria 29 April 2009 (has links)
EXPLORING IT-BASED KNOWLEDGE SHARING PRACTICES: REPRESENTING KNOWLEDGE WITHIN AND ACROSS PROJECTS Drawing on the social representation literature combined with a need to better understand knowledge sharing across projects, this research lays the ground for the development of a theoretical account seeking to explain the relationship between project members’ representations of knowledge sharing practices and the use of knowledge-based systems as boundary objects or shared systems. The concept of social representations is particularly appropriate for studying social issues in continuous evolution such as the adoption of a new information system. The research design is structured as an interpretive case study, focusing on the knowledge sharing practices within and across four project groups. The findings showed significant divergence among the groups’ social representations. Sharing knowledge across projects was rather challenging, despite the potential advantages provided by the knowledge-based system. Therefore, technological change does not automatically trigger the intended changes in work practices and routines. The groups’ social representations need to be aligned with the desired behaviour or patterns of actions.

Sociala representationer av ett attraktivt Employer Brand : En kvantitativ studie kring vilka Image-attribut potentiella medarbetare finner attraktiva i ett Employer Brand / Social representations of an attractive Employer Brand : A quantative study of which Image-attributes potential employees find attractive in an Employer Brand

Jansson, Madelene, Gustavsson, Erika January 2012 (has links)
Kommunikation är en grundläggande källa till spridning av kunskap med en påverkan på både individ och samhälle varpå ett intresse föreligger i att undersöka fenomenet närmare. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka sociala representationer potentiella medarbetare har av ett attraktivt Employer Brand. Vidare syftar studien till att kartlägga sociala representationer av Länsförsäkringar Skaraborgs Employer Brand. Empirin samlades in genom enkäter och i studien ingick 207 högskolestudenter. Resultatet visade att Symboliska Image-attribut värderas högre än Funktionella Image-attribut men att båda dimensionerna är betydande gällande ett attraktivt Employer Brand. Resultatet påvisade att respondenternas sociala representationer av Länsförsäkringar Skaraborg främst är kopplade till deras kundvarumärke och inte till dem som arbetsgivare. Vid jämförelsen av värderingen mellan Attraktiv Arbetsgivare och Länsförsäkringar Skaraborg och erhöll Länsförsäkringar Skaraborg ett generellt lägre medelvärde.

Generation Y och arbetsrelaterade värderingar: En kvalitativ studie om sociala representationer / Generation Y and work-related values: A qualitative study of social representations

Löfstrand, Matilda, Pettersson, Charlotta January 2015 (has links)
This qualitative study examined the social representations of work values among nine Swedish students of Generation Y. As the oldest working generation retires, the labor market requires a major adjustment. To facilitate the transition of Generation Y into the labor market requires employers’ knowledge of young peoples’ work values and vision of working life. Strong common values between participants were explained by social representations, which mean they had collective perceptions that were based on the similar influences that affect them as a group and have affected them during childhood. This qualitative study examined nine students who study at Jönköping University and are part of this new working generation. The result was generated by doing semi-structured interviews that was explored by a thematic analysis. The study foremost examined the social representations of the centrality of work, altruistic values, intrinsic values, extrinsic values, social values, leadership, and flexibility. Of the categories with associated factors measured, results showed for instance that development opportunities, social values and the variation of work were distinctive values among Generation Y graduates. Results also showed that balancing leisure with work was of great importance.

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