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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Play Time/Social Time : ett sätt att främja inkludering i svensk förskola? / Play Time/Social Time : a way to promote inclusion in swedish preschool

Aldskogius, Suzanne, Persson, Katja January 2016 (has links)
Forskning visar att barn i behov av särskilt stöd inte deltar i lek med kamrater i samma utsträckning som sina kamrater och därmed riskerar att missa viktiga delar i sin utveckling såsom samspel och delaktighet. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka möjligheter och hinder med det evidensbaserade materialet Play Time/social Time som metod för att utveckla sociala färdigheter och samspel i lek hos barn i behov av särskilt stöd och deras kamrater. Studien belyser ett sociokulturellt perspektiv där lärande och utveckling sker genom samspel med andra. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom fyra observationer på två förskoleavdelningar och fem fokussamtal med två förskollärare. Ett framträdande resultat visar att förskollärarna ser positivt på att använda sig av ett evidensbaserat material för att träna lek och samspel med barnen då de kan se att det skulle gagna alla barn på flera plan. Att synliggöra leken och lekfärdigheter för både barn och pedagoger som en demokratisk rättighet i förskolans verksamhet ses också som en vinst med programmet. Ett dilemma deltagarna uppmärksammar handlar bland annat om hur kamrater kan motiveras att vara rollmodeller i leken. Diskussionens tyngdpunkt ligger i resultatets synliggörande av miljöns betydelse för sociala möten och kamraternas roll i programmet. / Research shows that children in need of special support do not participate in play with peers to the same extent as their peers and therefore risk missing important parts of their development, such as interaction and participation. The purpose of this study was to examine opportunities and possible barriers in the application of the evidence-based program Playtime / Social Time, as a method to develop social skills and interaction in the play of children with special educational needs and their peers, using a peer-mediated approach. The study highlights a socio-cultural perspective where learning and development takes place through interaction with others. The empirical data were collected through four observations in two inclusive pre-school classes with XX children aged 3-5, and through five focus conversations with two preschool teachers during 5 weeks, when the application of some program activities was carried out by the teachers in their classes. One prominent result shows that preschool teachers welcomes the use of an evidence-based material to practice play and interaction with the children. The teachers believe that it would benefit all children on many levels. Another perceived benefit of the program is that it contributes to making play and play skills visible for teachers and children and give support in considering play as a democratic right for children. An issue, which the participants acknowledge they have to think more about, concerns if and how peers would be motivated to be role models in the play situation. The focus of the discussion lies in the result of the importance of the environment for social encounters and on the importance of the role of peers in the program. / Lek och samspel för alla barn i inkluderande förskolemiljöer

Stärka barns sociala färigheter i förskolan : Pedagogers upplevelser av att organisera arrangerade lekstunder för en inkluderande verksamhet / Strengthen children´s social skills in preschool : Pedagoues experiences of organizing arranged playtimes for an inclusive education

Müller Nyman, Karin, Häggebrink, Monique January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka hur pedagoger beskriver möjligheter och hinder med användningen av interaktionsfärdighetsprogrammet Play Time Social Time (PTST) i svensk förskoleverksamhet samt att undersöka hur de upplever att programmet kan främja en inkluderande verksamhet genom arrangerade lekstunder. Fem intervjusamtal har genomförts med två pedagoger som är verksamma på en förskola i Stor-Stockholm. På förskolan genomfördes även en observation under en arrangerad lekstund. Datainsamlingen analyserades kvalitativt och förslag på hur programmet kan anpassas till svensk förskoleverksamhet synliggjordes. Det framkom att de arrangerade lekstunderna bidrog till att samspel uppstod mellan barn som i vanliga fall inte interagerar med varandra samt lockade till lek hos alla barn, men framförallt hos barn som var i behov av särskilt stöd. Studien visar även att arrangerade lekstunder upplevs underlätta för pedagoger i skapandet av en inkluderande verksamhet. Avslutningsvis diskuteras hur pedagoger kan förhålla sig till barnet och lärmiljön och hur PTST kan anpassas till svensk förskoleverksamhet utifrån ett barnperspektiv. Vidare diskuteras vilka förutsättningar pedagogerna behöver för att skapa meningsfulla situationer där barnen kan interagera och inkluderas, samt hur specialpedagogen kan bidra med sin kompetens i detta arbete. / The aim of this study was to investigate how two preschool teachers describes possible applications and difficulties that might arise when using the interaction program Play Time Social Time (PTST) in a Swedish preschool. The aim was also to investigate how the playtime activities suggested by PTST that the teachers arranged in their preschool were evaluated by the teachers and if they were viewed as beneficial in promoting inclusion and participation in interactions among the children.   Five interviewa with two preschool teachers were conducted who are operating in a preschool in Stockholm, and one observation has been conducted during one arranged playtime. The data collection was analysed qualitatively and gave indications about how PTST can be adapted into Swedish preschool.   According to the teachers the arranged playtimes facilitated interaction between children that usually did not interact, as well as they attracted to play for every child, but mostly those children who were in need of special support. The teachers experienced that arranging playtimes contributed to the pursuit of inclusive education. The preschool teachers beliefs about children's learning and the role of the environment in preschool are also discussed and how PTST could be adapted and used into Swedish preschools.   The paper discusses how the preschool teachers may create situations so that children interact and participate in an inclusive learning environment and also how special pedagogues  may support these processes. / Lek och samspel för alla barn i inkluderande förskolemiljöer

Att arbeta med barns lek och samspel i förskolan med hjälp av programmet Play Time/Social Time? / To work with children´s play and social interaction in preschool settings with help of the program Play Time/Social Time?

Renlund, Ida, Åman, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Playing and socializing is of great importance for children's fellowship, participation and inclusion in preschool. Research show that children in need of special education are at risk of exclusion from playing and socializing with other children for various reasons. This study takes a qualitative approach aimed at describing and analyzing the Play Time/Social Time (PT/ST) program and its utility in the inclusive milieu of the Swedish preschools.  The PT/ST program strives to give each and every child the opportunity to develop the skills needed for social interplay in order to create a positive experience that can contribute to increased participation and inclusion for all. Data was collected from five semistructured interviews with a preschool teacher as well as observations from two lessons and two activities from the program PT/ST, all of which were supervised by the same teacher and involved four children. The analysis takes its inspiration from phenomenology, which seeks to find the units of purpose and meaning within the studied phenomenon. We explore the meeting between, and utility of, the PT/ST program with regards to the Swedish preschool system. The interrogated preschool teacher holds the learning of social interplay and social competence to be the most significant lesson the preschool can impart on young children, and that PT/ST could be useful towards this end. It could also create a unified approach towards giving all children equal opportunity for participation. The conclusion we draw is that the intentions of the preschool teacher will matter greatly for how they assess and work with the interplay and socializing between children. The PT/ST program will not alone guarantee any increased social competence, but could create the conditions and opportunities for each and every child to gain the experience and knowledge of social interplay through playtime in an inclusive preschool setting. / Lek och samspel har en mycket stor betydelse för barns gemenskap, delaktighet och inkludering i förskolan. Forskning visar att barn i behov av särskilt stöd av olika anledningar kan riskera att inte bli delaktiga i lek och samspel med andra barn. Denna studie har en kvalitativ forskningsansats där syftet med studien har varit att beskriva och analysera programmet PlayTime/Social Time (PT/ST) och dess användbarhet i den svenska inkluderande förskolemiljön. Programmet PT/ST syftar till att ge alla barn och varje barn möjlighet att utveckla samspelsfärdigheter. Detta för att ge positiva erfarenheter av gemensam lek och social samvaro för alla barn och varje barn, vilket därmed kan bidra till ökad delaktighet och inkludering för barn i förskolan. Empirin samlades in genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med en förskollärare, samt observationer där förskolläraren genomförde två samlingar och två arrangerade lekstunder ur programmet PT/ST. Vid observationerna deltog fyra barn. Analysarbetet har inspirerats av fenomenologin, vilken syftar till att finna de studerade fenomenens meningsbärande enheter. Studiens resultat belyser programmet PT/STs möte med och användbarhet i svensk förskola. Resultatet visade att förskolläraren anser att arbetet med barns sociala samspel och att utveckla barns sociala kompetens är förskolans viktigaste uppgift, och i detta arbete skulle PT/ST kunna vara användbart för att ge barn erfarenheter och kunnande av samspelsfärdigheter. Resultatet visar även att programmet PT/ST skulle kunna vara användbart i syfte att skapa ett gemensamt förhållningssätt i barngruppen om alla barn får möjlighet att delta. Studiens slutsats är att förskollärares intentioner har stor betydelse för hur de värderar och arbetar med barns lek och samspel. Att förskolor arbetar utifrån programmet PT/ST, är ingen garanti för att barnen blir mer socialt kompetenta, men det kan skapa förutsättningar och ge möjligheter för alla barn och varje barn att få erfarenheter och kunnande i samspelsfärdigheter och gemensam lek i inkluderande förskolemiljöer. / Lek och samspel för alla barn i inkluderande förskolemiljöer

Tempos sociais nas instituições para idosos: os desafios temporais e os ritmos diários / Social times in institutions for the elderly: the temporal challenges and daily rhythms

Almeida, Evany Bettine de 05 October 2016 (has links)
Este é um estudo sobre regras temporais às quais residentes em instituições asilares são submetidos e os possíveis impactos que a homogeneização de horários e duração das atividades podem exercer sobre seus ritmos biológicos. A homogeneização dos tempos sociais pode causar dessincronização temporal interna, o que interfere nos processos corporais causando dessincronização temporal externa, isto é: desajustes entre eventos ambientais e fisiológicos, criando problemas nos ciclos de vigília/sono e humor, entre outros colaborando para o declínio do desempenho cognitivo. Em um ambiente asilar, preferências pessoais relacionadas à fixação de horários e duração das atividades em geral, não são consideradas. Entendo que pelo exercício do poder e pelo disciplinamento ao longo do curso de vida, os velhos que vivem em instituições tendem a naturalizar as normas estabelecidas; submissão essa que entendo ocorrer com as minorias em geral. Considero importante reconhecer as vontades dessas pessoas, atentando-se para suas identidades como pessoas e não apenas como corpos para serem cuidados, independentes dos sujeitos que os possuem. Localizo este trabalho no campo dos Estudos Culturais seguindo uma das suas tendências que é a do estudo etnográfico de populações envolvendo questões de gênero, raça e etnia, principalmente se tratando de uma minoria. Questões de corpo, solidão e indivíduo foram consideradas, juntamente com a cronobiologia, estudo dos ritmos biológicos, sendo o mais conhecido o ritmo circadiano. Participaram desta pesquisa 29 residentes, sendo 21 mulheres e 8 homens, com idades entre 75 e 99 anos de seis unidades de duas instituições para idosos, na zona leste e na zona sul do município de São Paulo-SP. A primeira técnica aplicada foi a observação selvagem, que consiste em observar situações, buscando ao máximo manter neutralidade em relação ao ambiente, o que já permitiu observar resistência aos horários de refeições, cochilos diurnos, mau humor, estado geral de apatia e tempo na cama superior a 13 horas. Instrumentos e técnicas: a) Questionário sociodemográfico (dados pessoais, satisfação geral com a vida e escala de depressão geriátrica); b) Diário de sono; c) Questionário de determinação de cronotipo matutinidade/vespertinidade); d) Entrevista gravada; e) Técnica etnográfica da observação participante; f) Análises estatísticas; g) Análise do discurso para as entrevistas gravadas e dados de observação. Resultados e conclusões: os residentes não têm críticas sobre a rotina e horários e não proporiam mudanças; a maioria apresentou tendência à distimia e à depressão maior; mesmo os residentes que têm preferências vespertinas dormem cedo; a maioria relatou não ter apetite; apenas 10% residem por escolha própria; a desorganização temporal nos idosos foi parcialmente comprovada. Em função dos discursos analisados concluiu-se que as regras temporais são um dos desafios, dada a identificação de inúmeros fatores que influenciam negativamente a vida em uma instituição asilar / This is a study of temporal rules that residents in nursing homes are subjected and the potential impacts on their biological rhythms that the homogenization of time and duration of the activities may cause. The homogenization of social time can lead to internal temporal desynchronization, which interferes with bodily processes causing external temporal desynchronization, this means imbalances between environmental and physiological events which may produce problems in their sleep/wake cycles, mood, among others, contributing to the decline of cognitive performance. Personal preferences of timing and duration of activities in nursing homes are not considered, in general. I understand that old people living in institutions tend to naturalize the established norms because of the exercise of power and discipline throughout their course of life, submission to the rules usually found in minorities. I consider important to recognize the choices of these people, attending to their identities as individuals and not just as bodies to be maintained, independent of the individuals who own them. This work is in the field of Cultural Studies following one of its trends that is the ethnographic study of populations involving gender, race and ethnicity, especially when dealing with a minority. Body issues, loneliness and the individual will be considered in the field of chronobiology - the study of biological rhythms, as the circadian rhythm, present in almost all biological phenomena. Participated in this study 29 residents, 21 women and 8 men, aged between 75 and 99 years from six units of two nursing homes in the east and in the south of São Paulo-SP. The first technique applied was the Wild Observation, which consists in the observation trying to maintain neutrality towards the environment, which allowed us to witness conflicts with meal times; daytime naps; bad mood; general state of apathy; longer than 13 hours in bed. Instruments and techniques were applied: a) Sociodemographic; b) Sleep Diary; c) Chronotype; d) Recorded interview; e) Participant Observation; f) Statistics Analysis; g) Discourse Analysis for the recorded interviews and observation data. The main results and conclusions include the absence of criticisms concerning daily routines without proposition of changes; signs of depression and dystimia were observed in the majority of the population studied, evening type individuals going to bed early, generalized loss of appetite, and a minority of 10% chose to live in the institution; temporal disorganization in the elderly was partially confirmed. According to the speech analyses it was concluded that the temporal rules are a challenge and there are several factors that negatively influencing life in a nursing home

Tempos sociais nas instituições para idosos: os desafios temporais e os ritmos diários / Social times in institutions for the elderly: the temporal challenges and daily rhythms

Evany Bettine de Almeida 05 October 2016 (has links)
Este é um estudo sobre regras temporais às quais residentes em instituições asilares são submetidos e os possíveis impactos que a homogeneização de horários e duração das atividades podem exercer sobre seus ritmos biológicos. A homogeneização dos tempos sociais pode causar dessincronização temporal interna, o que interfere nos processos corporais causando dessincronização temporal externa, isto é: desajustes entre eventos ambientais e fisiológicos, criando problemas nos ciclos de vigília/sono e humor, entre outros colaborando para o declínio do desempenho cognitivo. Em um ambiente asilar, preferências pessoais relacionadas à fixação de horários e duração das atividades em geral, não são consideradas. Entendo que pelo exercício do poder e pelo disciplinamento ao longo do curso de vida, os velhos que vivem em instituições tendem a naturalizar as normas estabelecidas; submissão essa que entendo ocorrer com as minorias em geral. Considero importante reconhecer as vontades dessas pessoas, atentando-se para suas identidades como pessoas e não apenas como corpos para serem cuidados, independentes dos sujeitos que os possuem. Localizo este trabalho no campo dos Estudos Culturais seguindo uma das suas tendências que é a do estudo etnográfico de populações envolvendo questões de gênero, raça e etnia, principalmente se tratando de uma minoria. Questões de corpo, solidão e indivíduo foram consideradas, juntamente com a cronobiologia, estudo dos ritmos biológicos, sendo o mais conhecido o ritmo circadiano. Participaram desta pesquisa 29 residentes, sendo 21 mulheres e 8 homens, com idades entre 75 e 99 anos de seis unidades de duas instituições para idosos, na zona leste e na zona sul do município de São Paulo-SP. A primeira técnica aplicada foi a observação selvagem, que consiste em observar situações, buscando ao máximo manter neutralidade em relação ao ambiente, o que já permitiu observar resistência aos horários de refeições, cochilos diurnos, mau humor, estado geral de apatia e tempo na cama superior a 13 horas. Instrumentos e técnicas: a) Questionário sociodemográfico (dados pessoais, satisfação geral com a vida e escala de depressão geriátrica); b) Diário de sono; c) Questionário de determinação de cronotipo matutinidade/vespertinidade); d) Entrevista gravada; e) Técnica etnográfica da observação participante; f) Análises estatísticas; g) Análise do discurso para as entrevistas gravadas e dados de observação. Resultados e conclusões: os residentes não têm críticas sobre a rotina e horários e não proporiam mudanças; a maioria apresentou tendência à distimia e à depressão maior; mesmo os residentes que têm preferências vespertinas dormem cedo; a maioria relatou não ter apetite; apenas 10% residem por escolha própria; a desorganização temporal nos idosos foi parcialmente comprovada. Em função dos discursos analisados concluiu-se que as regras temporais são um dos desafios, dada a identificação de inúmeros fatores que influenciam negativamente a vida em uma instituição asilar / This is a study of temporal rules that residents in nursing homes are subjected and the potential impacts on their biological rhythms that the homogenization of time and duration of the activities may cause. The homogenization of social time can lead to internal temporal desynchronization, which interferes with bodily processes causing external temporal desynchronization, this means imbalances between environmental and physiological events which may produce problems in their sleep/wake cycles, mood, among others, contributing to the decline of cognitive performance. Personal preferences of timing and duration of activities in nursing homes are not considered, in general. I understand that old people living in institutions tend to naturalize the established norms because of the exercise of power and discipline throughout their course of life, submission to the rules usually found in minorities. I consider important to recognize the choices of these people, attending to their identities as individuals and not just as bodies to be maintained, independent of the individuals who own them. This work is in the field of Cultural Studies following one of its trends that is the ethnographic study of populations involving gender, race and ethnicity, especially when dealing with a minority. Body issues, loneliness and the individual will be considered in the field of chronobiology - the study of biological rhythms, as the circadian rhythm, present in almost all biological phenomena. Participated in this study 29 residents, 21 women and 8 men, aged between 75 and 99 years from six units of two nursing homes in the east and in the south of São Paulo-SP. The first technique applied was the Wild Observation, which consists in the observation trying to maintain neutrality towards the environment, which allowed us to witness conflicts with meal times; daytime naps; bad mood; general state of apathy; longer than 13 hours in bed. Instruments and techniques were applied: a) Sociodemographic; b) Sleep Diary; c) Chronotype; d) Recorded interview; e) Participant Observation; f) Statistics Analysis; g) Discourse Analysis for the recorded interviews and observation data. The main results and conclusions include the absence of criticisms concerning daily routines without proposition of changes; signs of depression and dystimia were observed in the majority of the population studied, evening type individuals going to bed early, generalized loss of appetite, and a minority of 10% chose to live in the institution; temporal disorganization in the elderly was partially confirmed. According to the speech analyses it was concluded that the temporal rules are a challenge and there are several factors that negatively influencing life in a nursing home

Chronotyp, denní režim a jeho souvislosti se sociodemografickými charakteristikami a životním stylem / Chronotype, daily regime and its relationship with socio-demographic characteristics and life style

Cápíková, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses of czech population's description from the perspective of chronotype and its relationship to sociodemographic characteristics and to variables affecting lifestyle. The aim of this thesis is to describe the sample examined in terms of social jetlag. The thesis is based mainly on quantitative methods, specifically I was using individual forms of regression analyzes, which allow to capture the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. The analytical part data from Qualitas 2016 survey within the AV21 Strategy project are processed. The analysis revealed the existence of an association between chronotype and gender, respectively between chronotype and age. It also turned out that extreme owls consume addictive substances to a greater extent than extreme larks. Owls also generally have higher BMI, lower psychological well-being and more often suffer from social jetlag than those with early circadian preference. However, the social jetlag does not only concern respondents with late circadian preference, but the whole sample analyzed. The average length of social jetlag in the sample is 66 minutes. The analysis also revealed the link between social jetlag and addictive substance abuse.

Analyse comparative entre la famille de l’habitant de Saint-Justin de Léon Gérin (1886) et une famille rurale québécoise d’aujourd’hui (2010) selon la perspective des temps sociaux

Chartier, Lorraine 09 1900 (has links)
L’agent régulateur des temps sociaux de la famille québécoise a été la religion catholique pendant des décennies. Les mouvements d’après-guerre et la Révolution tranquille, ont amené un changement de paradigme avec la laïcisation des institutions et la multiplication des programmes sociaux de l’État-providence. Pour cerner l’importance de ce changement, nous avons utilisé la clef analytique de Léon Gérin pour produire une analyse comparative entre deux familles à deux époques : en 1886 et en 2010. Or, au moment où l’État est de plus en plus présent dans toutes les sphères de la vie de la famille tout en leur laissant une autonomie et une liberté, la population se montre de plus en plus sceptique envers les institutions étatiques. Un fossé s’est créé entre la société officielle, celle du social, des institutions, et la société officieuse, celle de la culture populaire qui agit à partir de l’esprit de corps de son groupe, virtuel ou non. La crise de confiance des gens envers les institutions annonce un nouveau changement de paradigme. La rationalité qui a été le moteur de la modernité fait graduellement place à l’émotionnel et à la valeur du temps présent. Le travail, agent régulateur qui comblait les besoins matériels à la modernité, serait remplacé progressivement par des besoins immatériels devenant l’agent régulateur des temps sociaux de la famille. / During decades, the regulating agent of social times of the Quebec family was the catholic religion. The post-war the Révolution tranquille, brought a change of paradigm with the secularization of institutions and the multiplication of the social programs under the Welfare State. To investigate the importance of this change of paradigm, we used Léon Gérin's method of clef analytique [analytic key] to produce a comparative analysis between two families and two periods: in 1886 and in 2010. Today, as the Welfare state is more and more present in all the family’s spheres of the life while leaving autonomy and freedom the population shows itself more and more sceptical to the state institutions. A great distance appears between the official society, that of the social, institutions, and the unofficial society, that of the popular culture who acts from the esprit de corps of its group, virtual or not. The crisis towards institutions at present announces another change of paradigm. Rationality, which was the mainspring of the modernity, gradually gives way to the emotional and to the value of the present time. Work time, the regulating agent who filled the material needs in the modernity would be gradually replaced by immaterial social needs as regulating agent of social times.

Temps, culture et communication : pour une critique de la statistique culturelle

Allaire, Benoit 11 1900 (has links)
Comment fonder théoriquement des indicateurs culturels? Issue de problèmes méthodologiques reliés à l’étude des rapports entre le temps de travail et le temps libre, cette question émerge à la suite du constat du déficit théorique de la statistique culturelle. En effet, l’étude du temps libre, comme du temps de travail, nécessite de questionner les fondements de cette répartition, en même temps qu’elle exige d’analyser concrètement les pratiques sociales reliées à ces catégories. Or, les ana-lyses sur l’emploi du temps libre sont souvent fondées sur des statistiques à propos des activités culturelles, statistiques dont la portée explicative est singulièrement limitée. Bien que des statistiques sur certaines de ces activités existent au moins depuis le début du XXe siècle, c’est à partir des années 1970 que les besoins de connaissance reliés à la mise en œuvre des politiques culturelles stimulent la production de statistiques plus nombreuses et plus détaillées. Afin de donner des significations à cette masse de statistiques, il est nécessaire de délimiter les frontières de ce qui est culture et communication parmi toutes les autres activités sociales. L’élaboration de cadres conceptuels de la culture par l’UNESCO et d’autres agences statistiques tente de répondre à cette exigence, tandis que les projets d’indicateurs avancés cherchent à donner un sens à l’information statistique. Ces tentatives se caractérisent toutefois par la faiblesse de leur assise théorique, problème qui se manifeste de manière aiguë dans la définition d’indicateurs qui ont nécessairement une portée normative. La résolution de cette impasse de la statistique culturelle passe au moins par une clarification des concepts reliés à la notion de culture. À cette fin, la méthodologie de la recherche repose sur une analyse critique de certains documents fondamentaux qui ont conduit à la création du cadre conceptuel pour la statistique culturelle de l’UNESCO, ainsi que sur des textes phares de Fernand Dumont, Pierre Bourdieu et Jürgen Habermas, choisis pour leur capacité à penser les activités culturelles dans l’ensemble social selon leur temporalité. La notion de temporalité est elle-même examinée sous l’angle de plusieurs approches théoriques. Il ressort de cet examen que la différenciation du temps en temps abstrait et temps concret permet d’entrevoir que les pratiques culturelles pourraient être mesurées non seulement selon la quantité de temps social qui leur est dévolue, mais aussi comme un temps qui a une valeur marchande. Les acquis de l’analyse critique des cadres conceptuels de la statistique culturelle et des textes de Dumont, Bourdieu et Habermas servent de points d’appui pour l’élaboration d’un projet d’indicateurs culturels pour le compte de l’Observatoire de la culture et des communications du Québec (OCCQ). Ce système d’indicateurs a été élaboré selon une grille qui définit ce qu’est un indicateur culturel, son objectif et sa signification. Les indicateurs ont été choisis au cours d’un processus de consultation mené par l’OCCQ auprès des agents gouvernementaux concernés et des représentants des associations professionnelles des secteurs de la culture et des communications du Québec. / How can cultural indicators be grounded in theory? This question, stemming from methodological challenges inherent in the study of the relationships between work time and leisure time, arises as a result of the theoretical deficit apparent in cultural statistics. Whether one is studying leisure time or work time, it is essential to take a critical look at the basis for this dichotomy, just as it is to clearly analyze the social practices associated with these categories. However, analyses of leisure-time use are often based on cultural-activity statistics, which are particularly limited in terms of their explanatory scope. Although statistics on some of these activities have been available since the beginning of the 1900s at least, it was in the 1970s that the need for knowledge related to the implementation of cultural policies spurred the production of statistics on a greater and more detailed scale. To give meaning to this mass of data, it is necessary to draw the boundaries between that which is culture and communications among all the other social activities. The development of frameworks for cultural statistics by UNESCO and statistics agencies constitutes an attempt to meet this imperative, whereas leading-indicator initiatives seek to give meaning to statistics. However, these endeavours are noted for their weak theoretical foundation, a problem which becomes critically apparent in the definition of indicators which are inevitably normative in scope. To break this deadlock in cultural statistics, it is essential at the very least to clarify the concepts associated with the notion of culture. Consequently, the methodology for this study is based on a critical analysis of certain core documents that led to the development of the UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics, and on seminal papers by Fernand Dumont, Pierre Bourdieu, and Jürgen Habermas, who have been chosen for their ability to view cultural activities as they relate temporally to the social sphere as a whole. This concept of temporality is itself examined from the perspective of several theoretical approaches. On examination, the dichotomy of time into abstract time and concrete time suggests that cultural practices could be measured not only according to the amount of social time devoted to them, but also as time that has commercial value. The findings of this critical analysis of frameworks for cultural statistics and the papers by Dumont, Bourdieu, and Habermas support the development of a cultural indicators project for the Observatoire de la culture et des communications du Québec (OCCQ). This system of indicators was developed according to a grid defining cultural indicators, their objectives, and their significance. The indicators were chosen through a consultation process led by the OCCQ. Lastly, we will be proposing a list of theoretical statements to bolster the theoretical framework for the system of indicators.

Temps, culture et communication : pour une critique de la statistique culturelle

Allaire, Benoit 11 1900 (has links)
Comment fonder théoriquement des indicateurs culturels? Issue de problèmes méthodologiques reliés à l’étude des rapports entre le temps de travail et le temps libre, cette question émerge à la suite du constat du déficit théorique de la statistique culturelle. En effet, l’étude du temps libre, comme du temps de travail, nécessite de questionner les fondements de cette répartition, en même temps qu’elle exige d’analyser concrètement les pratiques sociales reliées à ces catégories. Or, les ana-lyses sur l’emploi du temps libre sont souvent fondées sur des statistiques à propos des activités culturelles, statistiques dont la portée explicative est singulièrement limitée. Bien que des statistiques sur certaines de ces activités existent au moins depuis le début du XXe siècle, c’est à partir des années 1970 que les besoins de connaissance reliés à la mise en œuvre des politiques culturelles stimulent la production de statistiques plus nombreuses et plus détaillées. Afin de donner des significations à cette masse de statistiques, il est nécessaire de délimiter les frontières de ce qui est culture et communication parmi toutes les autres activités sociales. L’élaboration de cadres conceptuels de la culture par l’UNESCO et d’autres agences statistiques tente de répondre à cette exigence, tandis que les projets d’indicateurs avancés cherchent à donner un sens à l’information statistique. Ces tentatives se caractérisent toutefois par la faiblesse de leur assise théorique, problème qui se manifeste de manière aiguë dans la définition d’indicateurs qui ont nécessairement une portée normative. La résolution de cette impasse de la statistique culturelle passe au moins par une clarification des concepts reliés à la notion de culture. À cette fin, la méthodologie de la recherche repose sur une analyse critique de certains documents fondamentaux qui ont conduit à la création du cadre conceptuel pour la statistique culturelle de l’UNESCO, ainsi que sur des textes phares de Fernand Dumont, Pierre Bourdieu et Jürgen Habermas, choisis pour leur capacité à penser les activités culturelles dans l’ensemble social selon leur temporalité. La notion de temporalité est elle-même examinée sous l’angle de plusieurs approches théoriques. Il ressort de cet examen que la différenciation du temps en temps abstrait et temps concret permet d’entrevoir que les pratiques culturelles pourraient être mesurées non seulement selon la quantité de temps social qui leur est dévolue, mais aussi comme un temps qui a une valeur marchande. Les acquis de l’analyse critique des cadres conceptuels de la statistique culturelle et des textes de Dumont, Bourdieu et Habermas servent de points d’appui pour l’élaboration d’un projet d’indicateurs culturels pour le compte de l’Observatoire de la culture et des communications du Québec (OCCQ). Ce système d’indicateurs a été élaboré selon une grille qui définit ce qu’est un indicateur culturel, son objectif et sa signification. Les indicateurs ont été choisis au cours d’un processus de consultation mené par l’OCCQ auprès des agents gouvernementaux concernés et des représentants des associations professionnelles des secteurs de la culture et des communications du Québec. / How can cultural indicators be grounded in theory? This question, stemming from methodological challenges inherent in the study of the relationships between work time and leisure time, arises as a result of the theoretical deficit apparent in cultural statistics. Whether one is studying leisure time or work time, it is essential to take a critical look at the basis for this dichotomy, just as it is to clearly analyze the social practices associated with these categories. However, analyses of leisure-time use are often based on cultural-activity statistics, which are particularly limited in terms of their explanatory scope. Although statistics on some of these activities have been available since the beginning of the 1900s at least, it was in the 1970s that the need for knowledge related to the implementation of cultural policies spurred the production of statistics on a greater and more detailed scale. To give meaning to this mass of data, it is necessary to draw the boundaries between that which is culture and communications among all the other social activities. The development of frameworks for cultural statistics by UNESCO and statistics agencies constitutes an attempt to meet this imperative, whereas leading-indicator initiatives seek to give meaning to statistics. However, these endeavours are noted for their weak theoretical foundation, a problem which becomes critically apparent in the definition of indicators which are inevitably normative in scope. To break this deadlock in cultural statistics, it is essential at the very least to clarify the concepts associated with the notion of culture. Consequently, the methodology for this study is based on a critical analysis of certain core documents that led to the development of the UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics, and on seminal papers by Fernand Dumont, Pierre Bourdieu, and Jürgen Habermas, who have been chosen for their ability to view cultural activities as they relate temporally to the social sphere as a whole. This concept of temporality is itself examined from the perspective of several theoretical approaches. On examination, the dichotomy of time into abstract time and concrete time suggests that cultural practices could be measured not only according to the amount of social time devoted to them, but also as time that has commercial value. The findings of this critical analysis of frameworks for cultural statistics and the papers by Dumont, Bourdieu, and Habermas support the development of a cultural indicators project for the Observatoire de la culture et des communications du Québec (OCCQ). This system of indicators was developed according to a grid defining cultural indicators, their objectives, and their significance. The indicators were chosen through a consultation process led by the OCCQ. Lastly, we will be proposing a list of theoretical statements to bolster the theoretical framework for the system of indicators.

Analyse comparative entre la famille de l’habitant de Saint-Justin de Léon Gérin (1886) et une famille rurale québécoise d’aujourd’hui (2010) selon la perspective des temps sociaux

Chartier, Lorraine 09 1900 (has links)
L’agent régulateur des temps sociaux de la famille québécoise a été la religion catholique pendant des décennies. Les mouvements d’après-guerre et la Révolution tranquille, ont amené un changement de paradigme avec la laïcisation des institutions et la multiplication des programmes sociaux de l’État-providence. Pour cerner l’importance de ce changement, nous avons utilisé la clef analytique de Léon Gérin pour produire une analyse comparative entre deux familles à deux époques : en 1886 et en 2010. Or, au moment où l’État est de plus en plus présent dans toutes les sphères de la vie de la famille tout en leur laissant une autonomie et une liberté, la population se montre de plus en plus sceptique envers les institutions étatiques. Un fossé s’est créé entre la société officielle, celle du social, des institutions, et la société officieuse, celle de la culture populaire qui agit à partir de l’esprit de corps de son groupe, virtuel ou non. La crise de confiance des gens envers les institutions annonce un nouveau changement de paradigme. La rationalité qui a été le moteur de la modernité fait graduellement place à l’émotionnel et à la valeur du temps présent. Le travail, agent régulateur qui comblait les besoins matériels à la modernité, serait remplacé progressivement par des besoins immatériels devenant l’agent régulateur des temps sociaux de la famille. / During decades, the regulating agent of social times of the Quebec family was the catholic religion. The post-war the Révolution tranquille, brought a change of paradigm with the secularization of institutions and the multiplication of the social programs under the Welfare State. To investigate the importance of this change of paradigm, we used Léon Gérin's method of clef analytique [analytic key] to produce a comparative analysis between two families and two periods: in 1886 and in 2010. Today, as the Welfare state is more and more present in all the family’s spheres of the life while leaving autonomy and freedom the population shows itself more and more sceptical to the state institutions. A great distance appears between the official society, that of the social, institutions, and the unofficial society, that of the popular culture who acts from the esprit de corps of its group, virtual or not. The crisis towards institutions at present announces another change of paradigm. Rationality, which was the mainspring of the modernity, gradually gives way to the emotional and to the value of the present time. Work time, the regulating agent who filled the material needs in the modernity would be gradually replaced by immaterial social needs as regulating agent of social times.

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