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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ATT BILDA FAMILJ - NU, SEN ELLER ALDRIG? : En kvantitativ studie av hur svenska universitetsstudenter förhåller sig till familjebildning och barnafödande / To Form a Family – Now, Later or Never? : A quantitative study of how Swedish university students relate to family formation and childbearing.

Johansson, Elin, Björnsson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Utbildning, karriär och idealt partnerskap. Detta är tre faktorer som anses avgörande för när universitetsstudenter i Sverige vill bilda familj. Att det finns en senareläggning av familjebildning bland studenter i Sverige är ett faktum och dessa tre faktorer har en inverkan på fenomenet. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är därför att undersöka varför svenska universitetsstudenter utgör den grupp i samhället, inom vilken familjebildning vanligtvis senareläggs. Syftet är även att undersöka vad som anses vara grundläggande förutsättningar för att vilja skaffa barn och hur dessa varierar mellan olika sociokulturella faktorer. Genom att använda kvantitativ metod, konstruerade vi en enkät som publicerades på olika universitets Facebookgrupper. Anledningen till att använda denna metod va att nå ut till så många studenter som möjligt. Vårt mål var att få svar som gav en övergripande och omfattande bild, med hög svarsfrekvens, snarare än några fåtal svar med djupare förståelse. Teorierna som används i denna uppsats är främst Anthony Giddens teori kring ontologisk trygghet, rutinisering och identitet, men även Martha McMahon’s teori om kvinnlig identitet. Vi har även analyserat våra resultat utifrån en självkonstruerad definition av konceptet stabilitet. Våra respondenter ville främst skaffa 1-2 barn och de flesta uppskattade att detta skulle ske inom sju år. Studenterna i studien värderade utbildning och karriärmöjligheter högt, vilket visade att en senareläggning av barnafödande kunde vara nödvändigt för att hinna bygga en stadigt fundament i sitt yrkesliv innan de ingick i föräldraskap. Stabilitet i partnerskap och ekonomisk stabilitet hade inte någon signifikant inverkan på senareläggning av barnafödande, vilket innebar att dessa faktorer inte var lika  avgörande för när våra respondenter ville skaffa barn. / Education, career and the ideal partnership. These are three factors that tend to be crucial for when university students in Sweden wants to form a family. The postponement of childbirth among students in Sweden is a fact, and these three factors tend to have an impact of the phenomenon. By using a quantitative method, we constructed a survey which we published in different university groups on Facebook. We chose this method since our aim was to reach out to as many students as possible. We sought for comprehensive answers with a high response rate, rather than a few ones with a deeper understanding. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to explore why Swedish university students constitute the group in society that postpone family formation and childbirth the furthest. We also want to examine which factors students consider as important to achieve before entering parenthood and if it differs depending on socio-cultural factors. The theories used in this thesis are primarily Anthony Giddens interpretation of ontological security, routine and identity, but also Martha McMahon´s theory of female identity. We have also theorized our results through a selfconstructed definition of the concept stability. Our respondents mainly wished for 1-2 children and most of them expected this to happen in about seven years. The students in this study valued education and career opportunities highly, which showed that a postponement of childbirth could be relevant for them to establish a solid foundation in their profession before entering parenthood. Stability in partnership and economics did not turn out statistic significant, which tells us that these factors are not crucial for if and when our respondents want to have children.

Gränskontroller i Sverige : En diskursanalys av hur det argumenterades kring svenska gränskontroller i svenska tidningar

Elliot, David, Bergendahl, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att generera förståelse för hur verkligheten konstrueras genom skriftliga politiska debattartiklar. Diskursen som undersöks i studien är de gränskontroller som Sveriges regering införde den 18 december 2015. I studien undersöks vilka typer av argument som används och hur de bidrar till konstruktionen av problemet samt hur diskursen förändras över tid. Studien har avgränsats till svenska nyhetstidningar: Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet och Expressen. Den studerade perioden är halvårsperioden kring beslutsdatumet för gränskontroller. Studien är kvalitativ och har utgångspunkt i socialkonstruktionismen. Den metodologiska och teoretiska ansatsen är diskursanalys. Studiens resultat genererade tre typer av diskurser: pragmatiska och humanistiska argument, välfärd kontra öppenhet samt ad hominem-argument och fokus på ansvar. Diskursens förändring över tid delades in i tre perioder: från att svenska gränskontroller var avlägset, till fokus på terrorattentaten i Paris, till fokus på svenska gränskontroller.

Den persiska vägen till kristendomen : En kvalitativ studie om individers rollbytesprocessen från islam till kristendom / The Persian Road to Christianity : A qualitative study on individuals role exit process from Islam to Christianity

Sirmanshahi, Aida January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to understand and describe the role exit for Persian individuals that has left Islam for Christianity. The process of what individuals go through when leaving a religion for another inspired the approach of the study, leading to the subject of leaving Islam for Christi- anity. Due to the thematic breadth of the collected empirical material, two different theoreti- cal concepts and theories will be used. The theoretical approach of this study is Emile Durk- heim’s theory of religious sociology and Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh’s (1988) study about the process of exit a role. Emile Durkheim’s (1912) theory regards that religion provides social cohesion and social control to maintain society in social solidarity. While Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh (1988) aims to describe the process of roll exiting. Since this study is about understanding and describing the phenomenon in hand, a qualitative method will be used. The study is based on 10 semi-structured interviews that have conduc- ted with individuals with a muslim background that have now became christian, and every individual has an ethnic Persian background. The results presented that the informants did go through a process of a role change, meaning the role change from Islam to Christianity. These individuals left the muslim setting and entered their new social role. However, many of these individuals went through a prerequisite step that could be considered as a complement to Ebaughs study, namely, the possibility of integration.

"Att vara där när man har så mycket annat att göra" : En intervjustudie om emotionellt arbete och stress inom äldreomsorgen

Fidler, Miriam, Pihlgren, Julia January 2020 (has links)
Stress kan idag ses genomsyra det svenska samhället och den psykiska ohälsan ökar. I linje med detta så är stressen inom arbetslivet påtaglig och inte minst inom vård och omsorg. Personalen inom äldreomsorgen drabbas hårt av detta och sjukskrivningar är vanligt förekommande inom sektorn. Mot bakgrund av detta har studiens syfte varit att undersöka arbetsmiljön inom äldreomsorgen kopplat till stress och emotioner och vilka konsekvenser detta medför för de som arbetar. Metoden studien använder sig av är av kvalitativ karaktär, mer specifikt semistrukturerade intervjuer och sju personer har intervjuats. Intervjupersonernas upplevelser har analyserats med hjälp av Arlie Russell Hochschilds teori om emotionellt arbete samt Roberts Karaseks och Töres Theorells krav-kontroll- och stödmodell. Studiens resultat visar att personalen inom äldreomsorgen utför ett emotionellt arbete utifrån Hochschilds tre kriterier för den emotionelle arbetaren då de arbetar nära andra människor, framkallar sinnestillstånd hos andra och i viss mån styrs av arbetsgivarens känsloregler. Vidare visar resultatet att intervjupersonerna utifrån Karaseks och Theorells modell utför ett högstressarbete då de möter höga krav samtidigt som de upplever låg kontroll över arbetssituationen. Här tycks tidspressen vara särskilt framstående då den både skapar krav och känslor av låg kontroll. Slutsatser som kan dras från studien är att det finns strukturella brister i arbetsmiljön inom äldreomsorgen. Dessa strukturella brister innefattar att tidspressen är hög vilket leder till för lite tid att genomföra vissa arbetsuppgifter eller att de till och med måste bortprioriteras. Sannolikt kan detta leda till negativa konsekvenser för kunderna. Vidare har uppsatsen funnit att bemanningen tycks vara för låg i kombination med att personalen har låg kontroll över sin arbetssituation. Deras scheman upplevs som tunga och i vissa fall brister det sociala stödet. Dessa brister spiller ibland över på den privata sfären och personalen beskriver att det får konsekvenser för privatlivet. Således leder arbetsmiljön till negativa konsekvenser för de som arbetar och dessa konsekvenser är delvis att känslor av stress, oro, skuld och otillräcklighet uppstår.

AUTISM UR ETT GENUSPERSPEKTIV : Riskerar flickor att inte passa in i diagnos mallen?  En kritisk diskursanalys

Kämäräinen, Maija January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Making meaning of computer gaming : Individual interviews with school-aged boys and their mothers.

Roussi, Danai January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

"Vi äger denna fråga tillsammans" : En kvalitativ studie om det strategiska arbetet av mäns våld mot kvinnor i två kommuner i södra Sverige. / “We own this question together” : A qualitative study on how the strategic work in two municipalities in southern Sweden work with men’s violence against women.

Sjöö Idbrant, Adam, Skog, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to explain and create an understanding on how two municipalities in southern Sweden work strategic with the question regarding men´s violence against women. The purpose is to answer three research questions that analyses the organisations and the cooperation within itself but also with other actors. The method that this study uses is qualitative because of the need of detailed answers and supports to answer the research question and fulfil the purpose of this study. The empirical material was collected through seven semi-structured interviews. The study is focused on improvement, what the organisations can do better and is outlined through organisational and cooperative theory. The study also outline the empirical material collected through a SWOT-analysis.   The result of the study suggests that knowledge and competence are solely important working with this question and should be broad represented throughout the organisation. Therefore are these factors some components that highlight the study. Also the cooperation within the organisation and external collaboration considered being of great importance. Lastly, the result gives an understanding on how important it is that decision-makers and people in position of power prioritize men´s violence against women and view it as a societal problem.

”Det finns nackdelar med friheten” : En kvalitativ studie av hur samhällskommunikatörer arbetar med lagen om samhällsorientering för vissa nyanlända / There are disadvantages to freedom : A qualitative study on how social communicators work with the law on social orientation.

Rahimi, Arash, Kosuta, Safet January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine the Swedish social orientation law. The question that we seek to answer is “how the social communicators interpret the social orientation law?” The findings in this study are based on a qualitative method of semi-structured interviews and the study participants are six social communicators from six different municipalities. The data that we gathered was analyzed by Jurgen Habermas perspective of lifeworld and system. The main findings show that the nonspecific character of the social orientation law made the social communicator’s interpretation of the law highly subjective. With the use of Habermas, we interpreted this as a colonization of the system made by the lifeworld. Other findings show that the social communicators felt that they had too much of a scope in the shaping of the social orientation law and that they in many cases used their own past experiences as immigrants as a tool when teaching. At the same time, they felt that the role as a social communicator was not well defined and because of this they were not sure of what their work duties were. We hope that the findings in this study show that the lax approach that the Swedish government has had with the integration policy, may need some changes in the form of stronger directives.

A conflict of lifestyles and battle of time : International students in sustainable development at Uppsala University

Livmar, Ewa January 2020 (has links)
This investigation has sought to explore and understand how students who come to Sweden to study sustainable development perceive their future and what struggles they face. Underpinned by Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological theories the aim was thus to understand the role of education in sustainable development for international students; by looking at what kind of assets they possess, how struggles can be understood in relation to what assets they have, in what way geographical place might be significant and how changes of values and views of knowledge may affect their views of the future. The study has been restricted to Uppsala University and specifically The Centre for Environment and Development studies, (CEMUS.) CEMUS has been deliberately chosen since it offers many courses in sustainable development in English. As a method, an online survey and interviews have been conducted, with the aim of constructing a qualitative study. The data used in this study has been collected during a period of 3 months between February and April 2019. The scope of the study covers students who defined themselves as students within sustainable development who have or where taking courses at CEMUS at the time of the interviews.            The main result is that the students through the education in sustainable development experience new understandings of narratives, critical thinking and need for societal change. The clash between their earlier educational paths and the knowledge they have gained in sustainable development is disruptive to the extent of causing a cognitive dissonance resulting in a cleft habitus. It contributes to uncertainties about the future; both at the job-market as the undisciplinary and in life choices such as where and how to live. With one foot in current system and one foot on the edge of change towards an uncertain future. Most struggle enormously as their “in-between” position is not only due to meeting another culture, but a head on confrontation with earlier understandings of their reality and position in it. It is concluded that giving up privilege and convert what they have to the new frame of sufficiency, is hard. Nevertheless, the students who come from affluent backgrounds are those who adapt most easily to the education they meet at CEMUS, whereas those with less still have to face the fear of not having enough.

Varför lämnar hon inte bara? En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelse av mäns våld : "Det skulle varit helt annorlunda om det fanns stödinsatser som fungerat" / Why doesn’t she just leave? A qualitative study on women’s experience of men’s violence

Ghazal, Frial, Haydar, Avan January 2020 (has links)
Violence in close relationships is a big society problem both in Sweden and around the world. Most of the violence happens in the home, which results in that the violence remains a hidden problem. The purpose with this study was to increase knowledge of women's experiences of relationship violence and to see if there is a relation, between societies support and the desire to return to a destructive relationship. The study has had its starting point in a qualitative research method, where the collected empirical evidence was carried out through six qualitative interviews, to get closer to women's experiences of violence in close relationships. The collected empirical evidence was analyzed based on the sociological theoretics Cooley, Goffman, Connell and Homans. Earlier research shows that crime in close relationships is a society problem that has to be more enlightened to reduce vulnerability. Furthermore, you can see that women do not feel prioritized by the Justice system, which is one of the factors why they choose to go back to the relationship. The result shows that violence in close relationships occurs in all different ages, social classes and ethnicities. The violence can be both sexual, economical, material and physical where the perpetrator gradually is trying to take control over women's lives. The result shows that these specified women have a habit to return to relationships that involves domestic violence. They fall back into a relationship constituted by physical, psychological and finical violence. The research also proves that certain factors such as kids, lack of support, finical difficulties such as debts, guilt and shameful emotions holds a crucial role in the women’s decision-making process.

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