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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Technology, Participatory Management Practices (PMP), and Dignity at Work: Negotiating the Use of Technology in a Plastics Packaging Firm

Camacho Carvajal, Luis Felipe 17 July 2020 (has links)
Since the introduction of Toyota's Production System, the deployment of lean production systems (or lean manufacturing), and more advanced technological developments, Participatory Management Practices (PMP) have been viewed as lying at the heart of successful manufacturing workplaces. Studies on technology and PMP have concluded that the state of technology in a company unequivocally shapes PMP and can open spaces to enhance the wellbeing of workers regardless of the PMP dynamics. However, these claims are contested by studies that question the positive effects from PMP. These studies argue that workplaces are organized in such a way that workers are viewed as mere resources to be deployed in the production process, without paying attention to their human morale and agency. This research presents a case study of a food plastics packaging firm that contextualizes, describes, and analyzes: 1) PMP from a Socio-technical Systems Theory (SST) perspective to further our understanding of the role of participative dynamics in the wellbeing of workers; and 2) the dynamics of control-resistance in the workplace as a measure of dignity at work in the context of power relations. This research provides a rich exploration of a workplace that is facing and managing the challenge of automation and technological development. Using an extended case study research method (Burawoy, 2009), data are collected by observing workers' daily interactions with a combination of technologies. These observations reveal the importance of team dynamics in the production process. The observed PMP dynamics show conflictive, competitive, and cooperative behaviors that are negotiated through continuous human-machine, machine-machine, and human-human interactions in the production process. However, management is found to be indifferent to the impact that a combination of technologies and lean production approaches have on participation dynamics. This indifference inhibits managers from embracing and appreciating the value of PMP. All the identified expressions of what technology and PMP mean to workers, and their dynamics, show an ongoing negotiating process. This process comes from all types of participation in which a worker struggles for dignity. The organizational structure of the firm expects workers to display specific types of participation in team efforts, but workers are also provided with opportunities to negotiate their interests or struggle for dignity by changing their type of participation in team activities. The work processes and findings described in this dissertation generally support the theory of Hodson (2001). Further, this research develops the concept of "combination of technologies," which can be used to help observe workers' understanding of technology and participative dynamics. The research also identifies various types of participation based on the interactions of workers in the technology process and how workers manage or safeguard their dignity based on their engagement with different types of participation in team-based situations or events. Finally, this research identified how participative engagement by workers can be used as a power mechanism to retain their dignity. / Doctor of Philosophy / Modern manufacturing production is based on the increasing use of technology and workers' participation in problem solving when it comes to the production system. These types of production systems are called Lean Production Systems. These systems stem from the philosophy of doing more with less and are viewed as lying at the heart of successful manufacturing workplaces. However, studies on technology and teams have concluded that not only does technology shape the dynamics of teams, but the practices and dynamics of workers in teams can open spaces to enhance human wellbeing. Even so, some studies question the positive effects of worker participation in teams based on Participatory Management Practices (PMP). These studies argue that workplaces are organized in such a way that workers are viewed as mere resources to be deployed in the production process, without paying attention to human morale and agency. This research is a case study of a rigid food plastics packaging firm that contextualizes, describes, and analyzes: (1) the participation of workers in PMP from the perspective that workers and technology have a social relationship with deep contextual meaning; and (2) a measure of human dignity in the context of power relations and how control and resistance are met in these spaces. This research provides a rich exploration of a workplace that is facing and managing the challenge of automation and technological development. Using an extended case study research method (Bloomfield, 1994 as cited in Burawoy, 2009, p. 154), data are collected from workers' daily interactions with a combination of technologies. The importance of how people participate in teams during the production process, was observed and acknowledged to enhance workers wellbeing. A range of dynamics were observed and defined as conflictive, competitive, or cooperative behavior that are negotiated through the continuous human-machine, machine-machine, and human-human interactions that occur during the production process. However, management is indifferent to and disregards the impact that technology has on worker participation in teams and is unconcerned with contrasting meanings of technology from workers, which means they are not paying attention to how these factors impact the use of technology and participation dynamics. All expressions of what technology and worker participation means show an ongoing negotiating process in which workers struggle for dignity. This research follows Hodson (2001) categories of struggle for dignity as a measure of self-worth. This research develops concepts that can be used to help observe workers' understanding of technology and participative dynamics, as well as identifies different types of participation by observing the interactions of workers in the technology process. This research identified how workers manage or safeguard their dignity based on their engagement with different types of participation observed during team-based situations or events. Finally, the research identified how workers' ability to change their interactions in teams is used as a power mechanism to retain their dignity.

Achieving a mass-scale transition to clean cooking in India to improve public health

Mann, Philip A. G. January 2012 (has links)
This research provides policy-relevant insights into how a mass-scale, equitable transition to the use of Advanced Biomass (cook) Stoves (ABSs) can be achieved in India, with the aim of improving public health, especially for women and children. The research uses socio-technical systems to provide a characterisation of transition processes, and governance to explain issues of power influencing transition. A review of previous government cook-stove programmes in India and China highlights governance shortcomings in the former, in particular a lack of functional links between layers of administration and poor engagement with community institutions and cooks. Primary data from West Bengal and Karnataka highlighted sophisticated, skilful, flexible and culturally context specific cooking practices. Reasons for apparent low demand for improved stoves, characterised as lock-in, are found to include a combination of risk aversion and habits, lack of affordability, low awareness of the health consequences, as well as a mis-match between the normative priorities of policy makers – currently health- and those of cooks. It is found that the majority of polluting emissions within households - as well as greenhouse gases - from cooking derive from poorer households. A sectoral carbon offset strategy is proposed as a means of funding subsidies for ABSs and programme support measures. Several large corporations have invested significant sums in technology development, community outreach and dissemination, resulting in sales of over 600,000 ABSs. Reasons for their involvement appear mixed. Their market-based activities have generally not reached poor households and there are questions about their ability to build viable businesses in this highly dispersed and heterogeneous sector. A fundamental dichotomy is highlighted between large, centralised cooking programmes and the diverse, complex and changing reality of cooking activities, beliefs and behaviours on the ground. The research concludes that functional multi-level and multi-actor governance structures would be required to achieve a mass-scale transition to clean cooking using ABSs, with a lead role for the public sector. A key component of future success will involve building structures that ensure the agency of cooks and account for their socio-cultural cooking practices in the processes of technology and programme design and implementation.

LE CONDIZIONI ORGANIZZATIVE PER IMPLEMENTARE IL LEAN IN SANITA' / The organizational conditions to implement lean in healthcare

CENTAURI, FEDERICA 24 May 2017 (has links)
Il lean consente di realizzare miglioramenti significativi nelle performance delle organizzazioni sanitarie. Esistono però limitati riscontri sull’effettiva capacità delle iniziative lean di perdurare nel lungo periodo mentre i processi di implementazione risultano scarsamente investigati. Il presente studio, attraverso un protocollo di ricerca articolato in tre fasi, attinge alla letteratura sull’implementation science e sul lean healthcare per investigare: (i) le condizioni organizzative rilevanti per implementare il lean in una organizzazione sanitaria, ed in particolare in un ospedale; (ii) le interdipendenze reciproche tra il lean come approccio sistemico al cambiamento ed il contesto organizzativo e (iii) l’influenza di questi processi di mutuo adattamento sulla sostenibilità delle pratiche implementate. L’analisi empirica (multiple case study) mostra che l’implementazione e la sostenibilità nel tempo di sforzi di miglioramento lean è il risultato di un processo continuo di cambiamenti e aggiustamenti nell’approccio lean originariamente adottato e nel contesto organizzativo dove si sviluppa. In particolare, l’impiego di un framework socio-tecnico per sistematizzare le evidenze emerse ha permesso di identificare alcuni correlati pattern di cambiamento che i manager ospedalieri sono chiamati a presidiare: decentralizzare le responsabilità sulle attività di miglioramento; promuovere funzioni di leadership e guida al cambiamento ad ogni livello organizzativo; introdurre un livello intermedio tra il top management ed il personale; lanciare eventi di promozione; sviluppare un processo continuo di apprendimento; adottare un approccio integrato all’ottimizzazione dei processi produttivi ospedalieri. / Lean has shown to deliver significant performance improvement in healthcare organizations. However, its practical implementation remains challenging and the ability to deliver in the long term is an under investigated issue. By using a three-step research protocol, the study draws on the main streams of literature on implementation science and lean management healthcare to explore: (i) the relevant organizational conditions for implementing lean in healthcare organizations, in particular in hospitals; (ii) the continuous process of reciprocal interdependence between lean as a system-wide organizational strategy and its context of application, and (iii) the influence of these mutual adaptation mechanisms on the sustainability of the implemented practices. As emerged from the empirical analysis (multiple case study), the implementation and the maintenance of lean efforts over time is the result of a continuous process of adjustments and modifications occurring in the overall change program originally adopted and in its context of application. In particular, the use of a socio-technical system framework to systematize the emerged evidence points out some key interrelated change patterns that hospital managers must place equal focus on: decentralizing responsibilities to practically work on lean; ensuring a stable guidance and sponsorship at all organizational levels; introducing an intermediate level between the top management and professionals; launching internal events; developing a continuous learning and improvement process; structuring a comprehensive approach to the optimization of hospital production processes.

Vers une ingénierie avancée de la sécurité des systèmes d'information d'entreprise : une approche conjointe de la sécurité, de l'utilisabilité et de la résilience dans les systèmes sociotechniques / Towards advanced enterprise information system security engineering : a joint methodology to security, usability and resilience in sociotechnical systems

Goudalo, Wilson 18 July 2017 (has links)
A notre ère de l'industrie des services, des systèmes d'information jouent une place prépondérante. Ils tiennent même parfois une position vitale pour les entreprises, les organisations et les individus. Les systèmes d'information sont confrontés à de nouvelles menaces de sécurité continuellement ; celles-ci sont de plus en plus sophistiquées et de natures différentes. Dans ce contexte, il est important d'empêcher les attaquants d'atteindre leurs résultats, de gérer les failles inévitables et de minimiser leurs impacts. Les pratiques de sécurité doivent être menées dans un cadre d'ingénierie ; l'ingénierie de la sécurité doit être améliorée. Pour cela, il est proposé de développer des approches systémiques, innovantes sur de larges spectres et qui fonctionnent sur plusieurs axes ensemble, en améliorant l'expérience utilisateur. Notre objectif est de traquer et résoudre de façon conjointe les problèmes de la sécurité, de l'utilisabilité et de la résilience dans les systèmes d'information d'entreprise. Dans cette thèse, nous positionnons les systèmes sociotechniques au regard des systèmes d'information des entreprises et des organisations. Nous traitons les paradigmes de systèmes sociotechniques et nous nous recentrons sur les corrélations entre la sécurité, l’utilisabilité et la résilience. Une étude de cas illustre l'approche proposée. Elle présente l'élaboration de design patterns (modèles de conception) pour améliorer l'expérience utilisateur. La thèse se termine par une discussion globale de l’approche, ainsi que par des perspectives de recherche. / In our era of the service industry, information systems play a prominent role. They even hold a vital position for businesses, organizations and individuals. Information systems are confronted with new security threats on an ongoing basis; these threats become more and more sophisticated and of different natures. In this context, it is important to prevent attackers from achieving their results, to manage the inevitable flaws, and to minimize their impacts. Security practices must be carried out within an engineering framework; Security engineering needs to be improved. To do this, it is proposed to develop systemic approaches, innovative on wide spectra and that work on several axes together, improving the user experience. Our goal is to jointly track down and resolve issues of security, usability and resiliency in enterprise information systems. In this doctoral thesis, we position sociotechnical systems in relation to the information systems of companies and organizations. We address paradigms of sociotechnical systems and refocus on the correlations between security, usability and resilience. A case study illustrates the proposed approach. It presents the development of design patterns to improve the user experience. The thesis concludes with an overall discussion of the approach, as well as research perspectives.

Modelling system innovations in coupled human-technology-environment systems

Holtz, Georg 11 June 2010 (has links)
Achieving sustainability requires major changes in several areas in which society makes use of technology to meet human needs and while doing so influences the environment, such as agriculture, mobility, power production and water management. The awareness of a need for radical changes is accompanied by an increasing recognition of the interconnectedness of technological, socio-cultural and environmental elements and processes. This has led to an increasing amount of research on system innovations. System innovations refer to changes to a "structurally different" system involving radical changes in the technological and socio-cultural domains and are often contrasted to incremental (technological) change. System innovations involve many actors and many factors, and developments at multiple levels interact. Control over such processes is distributed, they are laden with uncertainty and they exhibit sometimes surprising and unexpected behaviour due to non-linear dynamics and emergent properties involved. Our current understanding of system innovations is limited and the need for an enhanced understanding has clearly been recognized. Computer simulation models seem a promising tool to that end as they already proved to be useful to enhance the understanding of complex systems in many fields like complex chemistry, ecosystems and physics. However, system innovations are mostly processes in social systems. In the social sciences, the application of formal simulation models has a far shorter history and the availability of formalized (and widely accepted) theories and generalizations is low compared to the natural sciences. It is thus not clear-cut which role computer simulation models can play with respect to system innovations. This thesis fathoms the potential of computer simulation models for enhancing our understanding of system innovations and takes some first steps towards fruitful application of models. A theoretical and methodological discussion outlines how models can in principle contribute to an understanding of social macro-processes through facilitating a causal reconstruction of processes that account for the respective observed phenomenon. The view adopted regarding the representation of the social world thereby is that of reciprocity of agency and structure. Compared to the sociological literature the perspective is extended beyond comprising actors and institutions but encompasses also other entities, especially technological artefacts. The thesis then relates the current state of empirical and conceptual work in the field of transition research (the terms "transition" and "system innovation" are used interchangeably) to insights from modelling of complex systems. The intrinsic characteristics of system innovations and the knowledge base available to study them are explicated and implicated challenges and opportunities for model application are discussed. This is complemented by a review of the few existing models of system innovations. The thesis further develops a specification of the regime concept. A regime refers to a dominant structure which originates incremental change but resists system innovations. The concept of "regime" is at the heart of the multi-level perspective, the most widely used framework of transition research, but it is yet only loosely defined. The absence of shared definitions, concept specifications and operationalizations of key concepts of transition research is a major obstacle for defining (and especially for comparing) models. In this thesis, five defining characteristics of regimes are developed and a method to structure and graphically represent knowledge about a regime is introduced. Furthermore, theoretical and conceptual work has been complemented by hands-on experience to make methodological and theoretical deliberations tangible. An agent-based model has been developed which addresses the transition from rainfed to irrigated agriculture in the Upper Guadiana, Spain. The purpose of the model is to bridge a gap in the explanation for the observed process. Case specific literature provides information on driving forces (technological development, changes in regulations) and consequences (amount of irrigation). The model focuses on the farmers which "translate" driving forces into practices of irrigation and water use. It studies the effect of weights farmers attach to a list of priorities. The main findings are that interactions of factors have to be considered and that it is important to acknowledge heterogeneity of farm types to understand empirically observed land-use changes. Based on the outlined work, different possibilities to model system innovations have been abstracted and discussed with respect to their advantages and limitations: a) functional subsystems, b) interacting structures (niches, regimes and landscape) as suggested by the multi-level perspective and c) micro-level entities (actors, technological artefacts, institutions, etc.). None of these representations is superior to the other ones per se but each features certain advantages and drawbacks. The model purpose is a necessary guideline to choose an appropriate representation and to distinguish those parts and aspects of a system which need to be captured from negligible ones. The main findings of this thesis can be summarized as follows: System innovations feature several characteristics which put model-based approaches to this topic on the most challenging edge of the broader endeavour of understanding and modelling social systems. Those are the significance of emergent decay and re-creation of structure during system innovations; the vast scope of system innovations involving several types of subsystems (consumption, production, governance, and nature); the intertwinement of system innovations with their governance – a field which is hardly accessible to modelling; the complexity of the topic; and the unpredictability of innovations. Still, it is concluded that models can be useful as thinking tools. In any case, given the complexity of the topic and the underdeveloped knowledge base, adhering to transparency is essential. In a field as vast and complex as system innovations this requires either very strong simplifications or restricting a model's scope to some parts or aspects of an overall process. This thesis proposes to make use of existing building blocks of understanding of an intermediate level of complexity – e.g. timing and kind of multi-level interactions - to define abstractions and model scope. The challenge to identify, specify, understand and relate conceptual building blocks, to identify the contexts and situations in which each of them becomes relevant and to explicate their role in the overall system innovation could be an agenda for transition modelling for the coming years. Modelling system innovations will remain a huge challenge in the near future. However, this thesis fathoms that models can be valuable tools contributing to the enhancement of the knowledge base of the field; little by little adding to answers of the "big questions". The specific role(s) models of system innovations can play in this endeavour needs to be further explored and discussed.

Identification of Improvement areas in Servitization within European Space Exploration : A multi-stakeholder case study of challenges in servitization / Identifiering av förbättringsområden inom tjänstefiering i Europeisk rymdutforskning: En case studie av utmaningar inom tjänstefiering

Malmberg, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
The space industry is currently undergoing a significant servitization-shift as space agencies globally are transitioning from the government-led product-oriented procurement approach, that has been the standard for decades, to a more commercial service-oriented procurement approach. The purpose of the thesis is to identify what challenges exists within servitization in European space exploration and translate these into related improvement areas for the service-oriented procurement approach adopted by the European Space Agency (ESA). The thesis adopts a qualitative case-study approach where four different commercial services, developed through a commercial partnership between ESA and private enterprises, are being studied. In total, the study identifies 21 challenges across three different life-cycle stages for the commercial services. First, the study identifies cultural challenges for both the space agency and industry as they struggle in transitioning to a service culture from the existing culture that is strongly linked with the traditional approach. Second, the study also identifies several challenges related to how the processes established within the frame of the commercial partnership are currently inadequate to support the transition to commercial services. In particular, the study highlights knowledge gaps related to business planning and marketing, insufficient processes to ensure a balance in cost and quality incentives and high barriers of entry for SMEs. Finally, the study identifies relational challenges with regards to the collaboration between the space agency and the commercial partner. The results indicate that the collaboration between ESA and the commercial partners currently lack the necessary transparency and efficiency in collaboration needed to succeed with servitization. In order to resolve these challenges, the study proposes 21 different improvement areas for ESA in relation to its commercialisation initiative. In particular, the thesis highlights process improvements related to the choice of procurement approach, development of business plans, evaluation of upfront commitment to utilization and visibility into the service design. The thesis concludes by highlighting the need for continued work with development of improvements. The thesis results serve as a starting point for developing a future approach of planning and managing development of commercial services within space exploration. / Rymdindustrin genomgår för närvarande en betydande tjänstefiering där rymdorganisationer globalt övergår från en statligt styrd produkt-orienterad tjänste-orienterad upphandlingsmetod. Syftet med examensarbetet är att identifiera vilkautmaningar som finns inom tjänstefiering i europeisk rymdutforskning samt vilka relaterade förbättringsområden som följaktligen finns inom den tjänste-orienterade upphandlingsmetod som European Space Agency (ESA) har antagit. Examensarbetet baseras på en fallstudie där fyra olika kommersiella tjänster, utvecklade genom ett kommersiellt partnerskap mellan ESA och privata företag, studeras. Studien identifierar totalt sett 21 utmaningar över tre olika livscykelfaser för de kommersiella tjänsterna. För det första identifierar studien kulturella utmaningar för både rymdorganisationen och industrin upplever svårigheter i att övergå från den befintliga kulturen som starkt är kopplad till den traditionella metoden till en tjänste-orienterad kultur. För det andra identifierar studien även flera utmaningar relaterade till hur processerna som etablerats inom ramen för det kommersiella partnerskapet för närvarande är otillräckliga för att stödja övergången till kommersiella tjänster. Studien lyfter särskilt fram kunskapsluckor inom affärsplanering och marknadsföring, otillräckliga processer för att säkerställa balans mellan kostnads- och kvalitetsincitament samt höga inträdeshinder för små och medelstora företag. Slutligen identifierar studien relationsmässiga utmaningar med avseende på samarbetet mellan rymdorganisationen och den kommersiella partnern. Resultaten indikerar att samarbetet mellan ESA och industrin idag saknar den nödvändiga transparensen och effektiviteten i samarbetet som krävs för att lyckas med tjänstefiering. För att lösa dessa utmaningar föreslår studien 21 olika förbättringsområden för ESA i relation till dess kommersialiseringsinitiativ. Särskilt framhävs processförbättringar relaterade till val av upphandlingsmetod, utveckling av affärsplaner, utvärdering av tidiga åtaganden för utnyttjande och insyn i tjänstedesignen. Examensarbetet avslutas med att betona behovet av fortsatt arbete med utveckling av förbättringar. Resultaten utgör en startpunkt för att utveckla en framtida strategi för planering och hantering av utvecklingen av kommersiella tjänster inom rymdutforskning.

AI in the Swedish Food System : Exploring Adoption, Challenges, and Opportunities in Primary Production through a Socio-Technical Lens / AI i det svenska livsmedelssystemet : Utforska antagande, utmaningar och möjligheter i primärproduktionen genom en socioteknisk lins

Zakeri, Amirhadi, Lei, Yiming January 2024 (has links)
Artificial intelligence (AI) holds immense potential to revolutionize the global food system, driving sustainability, enhancing efficiency, and addressing food security challenges. However, the successful integration of AI in the food system demands a deep understanding of the complex interplay between technology, social factors, economic considerations, and ethical implications. This study explores the opportunities and challenges in implementing AI technologies within the Swedish food system, focusing on primary production. The research utilizes an expanded Socio-Technical System Theory (STST) framework, incorporating economic and ethical dimensions alongside the traditional social and technical levels. Literature review and semi-structured interviews provide insights into the dynamics of AI adoption in the Swedish context. The findings reveal that AI adoption in the Swedish food system is currently in the early adopter phase, with broad range applications. However, the study also uncovers significant barriers to widespread AI adoption, including the lack of suitable business models, fragmented data sharing infrastructures, and ethical concerns surrounding data privacy and ownership.  The analysis emphasizes the need for developing user-friendly interfaces, leveraging narrow AI applications, and establishing seamless data flow across the food value chain. The study contributes to the theoretical development of the Socio-Technical System Theory framework by demonstrating the importance of incorporating economic and ethical dimensions in understanding the complex dynamics of AI adoption in socio-technical systems. The findings also have practical implications for policymakers, industry actors, and researchers, emphasizing the significance of context-specific AI development, as well as the need for collaborative innovation processes. The research acknowledges its limitations, including the focus on primary production and the reliance on qualitative methods, and identifies potential areas for future research, such as comparative analyses across different food sectors and the use of quantitative approaches.  In conclusion, this study provides a timely and critical contribution to the understanding of AI's role and potential in transforming the Swedish food system. It indicates the need for developing suitable business plans, establishing data sharing platforms, and ensuring a harmonized data flow to harness the benefits of AI while navigating its challenges and risks, paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient food future. / Artificiell intelligens (AI) har enorm potential att revolutionera det globala livsmedelssystemet, driva hållbarhet, förbättra effektiviteten och hantera livsmedelssäkerhetsutmaningar. Men en framgångsrik integration av AI i livsmedelssystemet kräver en djup förståelse för det komplexa samspelet mellan teknik, sociala faktorer, ekonomiska överväganden och etiska implikationer. Denna studie utforskar möjligheterna och utmaningarna med att implementera AI-teknologier inom det svenska livsmedelssystemet, med fokus på primärproduktionen. Forskningen använder ett utökat ramverk för Socioteknisk Systemteori (STST), som inkluderar ekonomiska och etiska dimensioner tillsammans med de traditionella sociala och tekniska nivåerna. Litteraturöversikt och halvstrukturerade intervjuer ger insikter i dynamiken kring AI-antagande i svensk kontext. Resultaten visar att AI-antagandet i det svenska livsmedelssystemet för närvarande befinner sig i den tidiga antagandefasen, med breda tillämpningar. Studien avslöjar dock också betydande hinder för ett utbrett AI-antagande, inklusive bristen på lämpliga affärsmodeller, fragmenterade datadelingsinfrastrukturer och etiska bekymmer kring dataintegritet och ägande. Analysen betonar behovet av att utveckla användarvänliga gränssnitt, utnyttja smala AI-applikationer och etablera sömlösa dataflöden över hela livsmedelsvärdekedjan. Studien bidrar till den teoretiska utvecklingen av Socioteknisk Systemteori genom att visa vikten av att inkludera ekonomiska och etiska dimensioner för att förstå den komplexa dynamiken kring AI-antagande i sociotekniska system. Resultaten har också praktiska implikationer för beslutsfattare, branschaktörer och forskare, och betonar betydelsen av kontextspecifik AI-utveckling samt behovet av samarbetsinriktade innovationsprocesser. Forskningen erkänner sina begränsningar, inklusive fokus på primärproduktion och beroende av kvalitativa metoder, och identifierar potentiella områden för framtida forskning, såsom jämförande analyser över olika livsmedelssektorer och användningen av kvantitativa metoder. Sammanfattningsvis ger denna studie ett aktuellt och kritiskt bidrag till förståelsen av AI roll och potential i att transformera det svenska livsmedelssystemet. Den pekar på behovet av att utveckla lämpliga affärsplaner, etablera plattformar för datadelning och säkerställa ett harmoniserat dataflöde för att utnyttja AI fördelar samtidigt som man navigerar dess utmaningar och risker, och banar vägen för en mer hållbar och motståndskraftig livsmedelsframtid.

Enabling socio-technical transitions – electric vehicles and high voltage electricity grids as focal points of low emission futures

Albrecht, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Today humankind is facing numerous sustainability challenges that require us to question CO2 intensive practices like those present in the transport and energy sector. To meet those challenges, many countries have adopted ambitious climate targets. Achieving such targets requires an understanding of the wider socio-technical context of transitions. The aim of this licentiate thesis is therefore to analyse such socio-technical transitions towards low-emission futures enabled by the electrification of passenger cars and high voltage grid development. A combination of different transitions theories (for ex. Multi-level perspective and Technological innovation systems) and institutional theory has been used. To reach the aim paper I analyses the climate impacts of electric vehicles (EVs) and policy measures to achieve a breakthrough scenario for EVs. The results show that a mixture of short and long term policies are needed that take into account the technology development stage and behavioural aspects of EV adopters. Paper II addresses the need to include the high voltage transmission grid and its planning procedures as a central part of debates on transitions. Therefore the opportunities, challenges and reasons for conflict in the established regime are studied. The results show that in order to achieve a sustainable grid development regime, it is necessary to spend time on achieving legitimacy and social sustainability. The third paper uses semi-structured expert interviews and focuses on innovation dynamics for EV adoption. By focusing on dynamics instead of single policy measures, it is possible to grasp interactions within a niche, but also in between a niche, regime and landscape. The results show that strong initial technology legitimacy was needed to start substantial innovation dynamics. This could be further strengthened with a strong and broad coalition of actors. Both those factors led, if present, to an improved variety and match of policy instruments. As such this thesis has shown that transitions are not just about technology or policy instruments as such but about the dynamics and processes needed to enable them. This can be relevant in other transitions that otherwise may underestimate the importance of these components. / <p>QC 20170512</p> / Norstrat

Metriky a kriteria pro diagnostiku sociotechnických systémů / Metrics and Criteria for Socio-Technical System Diagnostic

Raudenská, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This doctoral thesis is focused on metrics and the criteria for socio-technical system diagnostics, which is a high profile topic for companies wanting to ensure the best in product quality. More and more customers are requiring suppliers to prove reliability in the production and supply quality of products according to given specifications. Consequently the ability to produce quality goods corresponding to customer requirements has become a fundamental condition in order to remain competitive. The thesis firstly lays out the basic strategies and rules which are prerequisite for a successful working company in order to ensure provision of quality goods at competitive costs. Next, methods and tools for planning are discussed. Planning is important in its impact on budget, time schedules, and necessary sourcing quantification. Risk analysis is also included to help define preventative actions, and reduce the probability of error and potential breakdown of the entire company. The next part of the thesis deals with optimisation problems, which are solved by Swarm based optimisation. Algorithms and their utilisation in industry are described, in particular the Vehicle routing problem and Travelling salesman problem, used as tools for solving specialist problems within manufacturing corporations. The final part of the thesis deals with Qualitative modelling, where solutions can be achieved with less exact quantitative information of the surveyed model. The text includes qualitative algebra descriptions, which discern only three possible values – positive, constant and negative, which are sufficient in the demonstration of trends. The results can also be conveniently represented using graph theory tools.

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