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Skedala solcellsparkTörngren, Lotta January 2012 (has links)
Skedala solcellsanläggning kommer att vara Sveriges största projekterade solcellspark på 4000 m2solceller och en total installerad toppeffekt på 610 kWp (maximala toppeffekten som anläggningen kan leverera). Solcellsparken projekteras åt Halmstad Energi och Miljö AB, HEM, som har en deponi under sluttäckning i Skedala. Skedala är ett samhälle nordost om Halmstad. När sluttäckningen är klar vill man använda marken till något positivt som är bra för både miljö och invånare. Uppgiften i projektet har varit att projektera och beräkna lönsamheten av en solcellsanläggning på området. För att området inte skulle upplevas stelt och hårt, designades anläggningen, som en park dit man kan komma för en trevlig stund med lek och mys men även få kunskap om olika typer av solceller. I parken kommer det att vara möjligt att se monokristallina och polykristallina solceller, som är av solcellstypen kristallint kisel samt CIGS, som är en tunnfilmscell. Det finns även olika varianter på uppsättning av solcellerna, fast monterande på byggnad, fast fristående och rörliga tracking system. HEM ansåg även att det var viktigt att få en tydlig bild av miljöfördelarna från solceller, och därför har beräkningar och jämförelse gjorts då det gäller den el som används till hushåll och elbilar, till skillnad från el gjord av kolkraft och bilar drivna med bensin och diesel. / Skedala photovoltaic plant is the largest projected solar photovoltaic park in Sweden with 4000 m2 and a total installed peak power of 610 kWp. The solar park planned for Halmstad Energy and Environment Ltd, which has a landfill in Skedala, a village northeast of Halmstad, where the final cover is in progress. When the final covering is finished, they want to use the land for something positive, which is good for both the environment and the residents? My work was to design and calculate the profitability of a photovoltaic power plant in the area. I chose to design the facility as a park, where you can get for a good time to play and snuggle up but also get knowledge about different types of solar cells. In the park, it will be possible to see the monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar cells, which are of solar type crystalline silicon and CIGS, that is a thin film cell. There are also variations though independent and mobile tracking system. HEM also considered, that it was important to get a clear picture of the environmental benefits of solar cells and therefore, calculations and comparisons are made in the case the electricity is used by households and electric cars compared to electricity made from coal and cars powered by petrol and diesel.
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Tjänster och lönsamhet med ett batterilager till en solcellspark : En fallstudie om att implementera ett batterilager till Vasakronans solcellspark i Uppsala / Profitability and services provided by a battery storage system connected to a solar parkJonsson, Lisa, Valdemarsson, Joel January 2021 (has links)
The installed capacity of electricity produced from solar power has increased over the years and will do so even further. A lot of companies are investing in so-called solar parks to create large scale electricity production from solar power. With intermittent energy sources such as solar power comes challenges for the electricity net where storage systems can play an important role to handle these challenges. Storage systems connected to renewable energy can also be a way to increase the economic benefits of a system. This study investigates whether a lithium-ion battery system connected to a solar park is economically profitable, and in that case under which circumstances. This is done by focusing on a solar park in Uppsala, Sweden, owned by Vasakronan AB. Different grid-connected services provided by the battery that could generate income were identified and chosen for the study which were arbitrage, a local flexibility market and frequency regulation. The usage of the battery for each and a combination of these services were modelled and simulated in Matlab (2020). Each individual case was created as its own model for three different battery capacities (2, 4 & 8 MWh). To investigate whether a case was profitable or not, the internal rate was calculated for each model. This was also done for a longer lifetime of the battery and for lower investment costs as a sensitivity analysis. The results show that a system of this kind is only profitable for one case which is if a 2 MWh battery is used for the frequency regulation services FFR and FCR-D. This results in an internal rate of 6% which is higher than the rate of return of 5% that Vasakronan requires. The conclusions of the study is that it is difficult to make an investment in a battery system that is only charged from a solar park profitable.
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Solbruksplan för effektiv utbyggnad av solcellsparker : Kartering genom elnätssimulering och geografisk analys / Utility-Scale Solar Guide for System and Resource Efficient Planning of PV-power parksLindberg, Oskar, Birging, Alfred January 2019 (has links)
One of the major challenges that the energy system is facing is how 100% renewable electricity generation should be designed and controlled. So far, utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) parks, have dominated the international market and is expected to grow in Sweden. In order for this expansion to thrive it needs to be done in a resource and system-efficient way. In this study, a methodology for a utility-scale solar guide (from Swedish 'Solbruksplan') is developed. This is done through electrical grid simulations and geographical analysis in order to find strategic locations for PV parks, without grid reinforcements, using Herrljunga municipality as a case study. The electrical grid is analyzed through power flow simulations and the geographical assessment is done using multi-criteria analysis (MCA) with a Boolean approach. Three different sizes of PV parks, 1, 3, and 5 MW, were simulated and assessed. The results show that 8.6% of the total area in the municipality, or 78,500 square meters per substation, is suitable for locating 1 MW PV parks. The majority of the grid’s substations (about 90%) also have enough capacity for a PV park of 1 MW. Furthermore, parts of the grid can host PV parks of 3 and 5 MW, but limited to the proximity of the urban areas. However, 3 and 5 MW PV parks are not suitable due to limited land availability in urban areas. The results highlight that a utility-scale solar guide can be used to effectively identify possible areas for PV parks, considering geography and grid capacity. Hence, it can function as a tool for utility companies, municipalities, PV companies and land-owners to find resource and system-efficient locations for PV parks. / Solbruksplaner för system- och resurseffektiv utbyggnad av solelproduktion
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Energikartläggning av mobilt batterilager i kombination med en högeffektsladdare och påverkan på det lokala elnätetSöderberg, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
To achieve the established environmental goals, a significant transformation is requiredin the Swedish transport sector. This includes a shift away from fossil fuels and a greateremphasis on electrifying a larger portion of the vehicle fleet. The goal of this study is toevaluate the impact on the local distribution grid when integrating a high power chargeradjacent to a mobile battery storage system. In addition an investigation of the energyflows was conducted to assess the continuous operations of charger, battery and electricitygrid. The introduction of high power loads leads to higher power peaks in the system,which may affect the stability with respect to the voltages, currents and harmonics in thegrid. This thesis was conducted in collaboration with Gävle Energi AB, which is a local energycompany that is active in the area around Gävle. In total two models were created inorder to simulate both the energy flows and grid stability. The first model was conductedin MATLAB and used to evaluate the energy flows for the scenarios of low and high load.The second model was conducted in OpenDSS to evaluate the grid stability for a total of6 scenarios. The scenarios are as follows: the initial electricity grid, the grid with a highpower charger integrated and the grid with both a high power charger and a solar parkintegrated, for both low and high load cases. The results of the study showed that high power loads affected the local electricity gridmost during low load since it entailed high load peaks during that period. The effect ofintegrating a high power charger in a grid with radial grid topology is that the voltageis reduced and harmonics increased in loads connected to the same node. The effect ofintegrating a solar park instead increases the voltage and reduces the harmonics in loadsconnected to the same node. The energy flow evaluation showed that the battery hadthe potential to be continuously used for both the low and high load cases. However,during low load the battery had the potential to provide frequency regulating services tomaximize the income.
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Performance Ratio as a Metric in Swedish PV Park ProcurementsNilsson, Amanda, Orrenius, Nora January 2023 (has links)
When procuring a solar PV park in Sweden there are many stakeholders involved. As of today, the metric called performance ratio (PR) is often used to guarantee the park’s performance. Nonetheless, comprehending and evaluating PR can be challenging due to its inherent complexity. This study highlights favorable and unfavorable aspects of using PR as a performance metric in solar park procurements in Sweden. The study analyzes the correlation between PR, yield, and revenue, indicating a weak correlation between PR and yield. Findings show that lower values of PR often correspond to a higher yield, this suggests that PR is not a reliable metric for assessing the performance of a solar park. In addition, it may lead to negative implications for stakeholders involved in both procurement and operation of a solar park Relying solely on PR can potentially result in financial losses. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis was conducted with a focus on inverter loss and DC/AC ratio. Results illustrate that PR and inverter loss are strongly correlated for a park with a high DC/AC ratio, and they have a weaker correlation for a park with low a DC/AC ratio. This is due to increased inverter loss resulting from clipping losses in the system. The study suggests that a desirable DC/AC ratio of 1,15 maximizes yield and profit. In conclusion, while PR exhibits lower variation and can entail lower risk for Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) companies, it is not always a reliable metric for assessing park performance. The weak correlation between PR and yield, as well as revenue, has implications for developers and investors. The study suggests that a lower DC/AC ratio may reduce the risk for EPCs guaranteeing PR, but decisions based solely on PR may not guarantee the highest revenue for investors and developers. / När en solcellspark upphandlas är flera olika intressenter involverade. I dagsläget används ett prestandamått som kallas performance ratio (PR) för att garantera parkens prestanda. Däremot är PR ett svårt mått att förstå och förutse på grund av dess komplexitet. Den här studien belyser gynnsamma samt ogynnsamma aspekter av att använda PR som ett prestandamått i upphandlingar av solparker i Sverige. Studien analyserar sambandet mellan PR, yield (normaliserad produktion), normaliserad yield och intäkter. Studien visar på ett svagt samband mellan PR och yield. Resultaten visar att lägre värden av PR ofta korrelerar med högre yield, vilket antyder att PR inte är ett tillförlitligt mått för att bedöma en solparks prestanda. Dessutom kan det bli konsekvenser för intressenter som är involverade i både upphandling och drift av en solpark. Att enbart förlita sig på PR kan potentiellt leda till ekonomiska förluster. Vidare genomfördes en känslighetsanalys med fokus på växelriktarförluster och DC/AC förhållandet. Resultaten visar att PR och växelriktarförluster har en stark korrelation för en park med högt DC/AC-förhållande, medan de har en svagare korrelation för en park med lågt DC/AC-förhållande. Detta beror på ökade växelriktarförluster till följd av clipping loss i systemet. Studien föreslår att ett önskvärt DC/AC-förhållande på 1,15 maximerar yield och vinst. Sammanfattningsvis, normaliserad yield bedömdes inte vara ett bra alternativ för PR och yield i upphandlingar. Studien visar att medan PR uppvisar lägre variation och kan innebära lägre risk för EPC-företag, är det inte alltid ett tillförlitligt mått för att bedöma en parks prestanda. Det svaga sambandet mellan PR och yield, liksom intäkter, får konsekvenser för utvecklare och investerare. Studien föreslår att ett lägre DC/AC-förhållande kan minska risken för EPC-företag som garanterar PR, men beslut som enbart baseras på PR kan inte garantera högsta intäkter för investerare och utvecklare.
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Faktorer och aspekter att beakta vid solcellsinstallationer / Factors and aspects to consider regarding solar cell installationsDavidsson, Oscar, Obrelius, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
Människans energianvändning måste förändras. Mer än 80 % av den primära energianvändningen är i dagsläget baserad på fossila bränslen. För att uppnå en mer hållbar klimatutveckling måste en större del av energianvändningen framställas av förnybara energikällor, exempelvis solenergi. Syftet med denna studie är att exemplifiera praktiska, tekniska, ekonomiska samt arkitektoniska faktorer och aspekter som bör tas i beaktande vid solcellsinstallationer i en bebyggelse. Genom en fallstudie undersöktes Sankt Sigfridområdet i Växjö. Fallstuiden avgränsades till fyra fastigheter med möjlig solcellsinstallation samt en möjlig solcellspark. Genom teoretiska utgångspunkter, studiebesök, observationer, solstudie samt tekniska- och ekonomiska beräkningar bedömdes solcellers möjliga elproduktion och potentiella besparing. Integreringsförslagen tog fram utifrån anskaffad teori och en surveyundersökning med utgångspunkt i hur byggnaders gestaltning påverkas vid en solcellsinstallation. Med dagens generösa statliga subventionsmedel finns möjlighet till en ekonomisk lönsamhet vid en solcellsinvestering, vilket återspeglas i resultatets besparingsberäkning. Fallstudien påvisar även komplexiteten vid solcellsinstallationer samt hur olika praktiska, tekniska, ekonomiska och arkitektoniska faktorer och aspekter komplicerar integreringen i en bebyggelse. / The global energy use must change, more than 80 % of the primary energy use is currently based on fossil fuels. To achieve a more sustainable development, a larger part of the energy consumption must be produced from renewable energy sources, such as solar energy. The purpose of this study is to exemplify practical, technical, economical and architectural factors and aspects that should be taken into consideration regarding solar cell integration in buildings. Through a case study, the Sankt Sigfrid area in Växjö was examined and bounded to four properties with possible solar cell installation as well as a possible solar cell park. Through theory, study visits, observations, solar study as well as technical and economical calculations, the solar cells' possible electricity production and potential savings were demonstrated. The integration proposals were compiled through the obtained theory and a survey based on how the design of building objects is affected by a solar cell installation. With today's generous government subsidies, there is a possibility of economic profitability regarding solar cell investments, which is reflected in the profit calculation of the result. The case study also demonstrates the complexity of solar cell installations as well as how various practical, technical, economical, architectural factors and aspects complicate the integrations onto buildings.
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Åtgärder för ökad markanvändning i solcellspark : En tekno-ekonomisk fallstudie om potentialen hos bifacial och solföljare i Solpark FyrislundMajid, Safwat January 2021 (has links)
Solar parks are increasingly getting a larger market share of PV installations over the world, and have for the last couple of years managed to establish itself in the Swedish market. The market has for a long time been known for its decline in module prices, which has allowed an emergence of more efficient PV-techniques such as one-axis trackers and bifacial modules. Bifacial modules use the backside of modules for improved utiliziation of incoming light, while one-axis trackers have the ability to track the sun in order to maximise light absorption. These innovations have now caught the interest of companies willing to invest in large-scale PV-farms, where efficient land use is highly regarded. The aim of this thesis was to examine how bifacial modules and one-axis trackers perform in terms of system performance and profitabilty if implemented in 'Solpark Fyrislund', a solar park owned by Vasakronan AB. This was done by modelling and simulating cases in which said techniques were incorporated. The data was later used to estimate profitabilty of each investigated case. Results showed that the highest system performance and profitability was achieved by installing bifacial modules on the site. One-axis trackers are currently too expensive, require higher maintenance and has a higher demand for land, resulting in its profitability not being justified. It was also found that the current configuration could be optimized further for higher profit, by slightly reducing the pitch as well as increasing the tilt of the existing modules. The study should be followed up by further investigating the use of backtracking for one-axis trackers. Said innovations should also be more established in the Swedish market so that CAPEX- and OPEX prices become more accessible.
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Monteringshöjd och markinterferens i nordliga solkraftsparker : Minskade skuggningseffekter från ansamling av snö i markmonterade solcellsanläggningar i norra Sverige.Edebo, Gabriella January 2023 (has links)
Markmonterade solcellsanläggningar i norra Sverige behöver ta hänsyn till förekomsten av snö och risken för markinterferens, vilket innebär att snömängden i framkant av panelerna gör att den snö som ackumuleras ovanpå inte kan glida av. Följden blir skuggning av panelerna som därmed får nedsatt eller helt utebliven elproduktion. Syftet med arbetet var att besvara frågeställningar kring vilken montagehöjd som krävs för att undvika problemet samt om den ökade engångskostnaden kompenseras av potentialen till ökad produktion under vintermånaderna. Metoden bestod främst av att jämföra produktionsdata från en solpark i Östersund med värden för solinstrålning och snödjup från SMHI för att avgöra vilken effekt snöskuggning haft på produktionen och hur utfallet skulle ha sett ut vid olika monteringshöjder av anläggningen. Resultaten visar att det finns stor potential till goda produktionsvärden under vårvintern, förutsatt att markinterferens inte finns närvarande. Anledningen beror troligtvis på högt albedo från snötäckt mark och lägre lufttemperaturer vilket har en positiv inverkan på modulernas verkningsgrad. En beräkningsmodell utvecklades för att uppskatta en lämplig monteringshöjd för en solpark utifrån dess tänkta utformning och det förväntade snödjupet på platsen. Förhoppningen är att modellen kan bidra till ökad kunskap för att främja utbyggnad av markmonterade solcellsanläggningar även på nordliga breddgrader. Lönsamheten för ett högre montage undersöktes genom en jämförelse mellan ett prisexempel från en uppförd solpark och ett uppskattat produktionsbortfall från solparken i Östersund vid en teoretiskt lägre monteringshöjd. Det visade att en höjning av Östersundsparken från 50 till 90 centimeter skulle betala av sig enbart genom tillskottet i produktion under perioden februari till april de tre första vintrarna. / Ground-mounted PV installations in northern Sweden need to consider the presence of snow and the risk of ground interference, meaning that the buildup of snow in front of the panels prevents the snow accumulated on top from sliding off. The result is shading of the panels, which in turn reduces or eliminates the electricity production. The purpose of this work was to answer questions regarding the mounting height required to avoid this problem and whether the increased one-time cost for higher mounting is compensated for by the enhanced production during winter months. The method consisted mainly of comparing production data from a solar park in Östersund to solar radiation values and snow depth from SMHI to determine the effect of snow shading on production and the outcome at different installation heights of the plant. The results showed that there is great potential for valuable energy production during the late winter season, provided that ground interference is not present. This is probably due to high albedo from snow-covered ground and lower air temperatures resulting in a positive impact on the efficiency of the modules. A computational model was developed to estimate a suitable mounting height for a solar park based on the intended design and expected snow depth at the site. The intention is that the model can contribute to increased knowledge to promote the deployment of ground-mounted PV systems in northern latitudes. The profitability of higher mounting was investigated by comparing a price example from an existing solar facility and an estimated production loss from the solar park in Östersund at a theoretical lower mounting height. It showed that increasing the height of the Östersund site from 50 to 90 centimeters in front would pay off solely on the enhanced production during the period February to April of the first three winters.
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