Spelling suggestions: "subject:"spanish poetry"" "subject:"spanish ooetry""
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Retornos sobre a infinita luz azul: poesia, memória e história em Rafael Alberti / Return movements on the infinite blue light: poetry, memory and history in Rafael AlbertiCarvalho, Mayra Moreyra 29 May 2019 (has links)
Esta tese investiga o vínculo entre o signo mar, o exercício da memória e o trabalho com a palavra na poesia escrita por Rafael Alberti (1902-1999) durante seu exílio na Argentina e no Uruguai (1940-1963). Trata-se de um conjunto que chama a atenção pelo processo de escritura praticamente simultâneo, o qual, embora compartilhe motivos e problemas, apresenta uma grande diferença formal. A variação também sugere que o movimento é, efetivamente, um traço constitutivo da voz poética albertiana. Em meio a esse canteiro de obras, aparece Retornos de lo vivo lejano, cujos quarenta e cinco poemas se intitulam retornos, dando corpo a uma nova forma criada pelo poeta. O movimento de retorno não é só a atitude de um sujeito que revisita o passado, mas a escolha da nostalgia como perspectiva crítica sobre a história, postura a partir da qual se constrói uma poesia (do) possível. Propomos um percurso analítico que se inicia com Marinero en tierra, obra de estreia do poeta, de 1925, em que se lançam as bases da relação triádica entre mar, memória e poesia. Retornos de lo vivo lejano será tomado como um ponto de inflexão da trajetória de Rafael Alberti por permitir pensar a um só tempo o vínculo com o signo mais presente em sua obra, o mar, seu compromisso (po)ético com o exercício da memória, e sua concepção do trabalho poético. / The present thesis investigates how the sign \"sea\", the exercise of memory and the poetic work connects in the poetry written by Rafael Alberti (1902-1999) during his exile in Argentina and Uruguay (1940-1963). Due to its almost simultaneous writing process and similar issues, this set of books is remarkable. At the same time, they present formal differences, which suggests the movement is, in fact, a constitutive characteristic of Alberti\'s poetic voice. In this worksite, we found Retornos de lo vivo lejano, in which all the forty-five poems are titled \"retornos\", the new form the poet creates. It claims the return movement is not only an attitude of revisiting the past, but it means the poet assumes nostalgia as a critical perspective over history, from which he builds up his poetry of the possible. We propose an analitical path that begins in Marinero en tierra, Alberti\'s first book (1925), because it contains the foundation of the triad sea-memory-poetry. Retornos de lo vivo lejano will be considered as an inflection point of Alberti\'s itinerary, as it allows us to think the poet\'s bond with the greatest sign of his poetry, the sea, his (po)ethical commitment to the exercise of memory, and his conception of the poetic work.
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Analisis de los mecanismos orales que han asegurado la conservacion del romancero en Colombia con referencia especial a las colecciones hechas por G. Beutler, G. de Granda, F. Dougherty y G. Hersalek.Hersalek, Gloria. January 1997 (has links)
The thesis is a description and analysis of the oral style
devices on four collections undertaken by G.Beutler, G. de
Granda, F. Dougherty and G. Hersalek in Colombia. Themes and
their transmitters are analysed. Oral features such as formulas,
the uses of repetition and parallelism as well as variability are
explored in individual chapters which are illustrated with
Colombian texts.
The thesis consists of an introduction to the theme of the Oral
Spanish Balladry and its collections; a summarized description of
the primary sources; an annotated transcription of our
compilation of texts in the department of Boyaca and five
chapters of analysis and description of oral style mechanisms.
Charts showing the themes collected in Colombia and the number,
gender and age of its repositories are included. Maps indicate
the departments in Colombia where those themes were found.
Graphs have the purpose to show a clearer perspective on the
distribution of the Spanish Balladry in Colombia, thus, offering
a guide for new researchers.
This analysis shows that the Colombian transmitters have made use
both of the oral style devices inherited from Spain as well as
their own initiative that has produced innovations at different
levels in this tradition. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1997.
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Juan Larrea y Gerardo Diego: Poesía en TraducciónRodríguez Cerezales, María 08 July 2011 (has links)
En esta tesis se estudian los aspectos de la poesía de Juan Larrea (1895-1980) relacionados con la traducción. Se presenta un corpus exhaustivo de las traducciones de Gerardo Diego (1896-1987) de poemas de Juan Larrea constituido a partir de textos publicados y textos conservados en el archivo personal de Diego. Se analizan los mecanismos de la escritura francesa de Larrea intervenidos por la doble presencia del francés y el español y los aspectos de la misma que representan una especial dificultad en traducción, y se ofrece asimismo un análisis de las traducciones de Gerardo Diego y una aproximación a los presupuestos de la teoría creacionista vinculados con la traducción poética. Se dedica un estudio al ultraísmo con el objetivo de contextualizar los comienzos poéticos de Juan Larrea y Gerardo Diego en la poesía de vanguardia y reconocer la naturaleza renovadora de esta en el panorama poético español de los años veinte. Igualmente, se ofrece un estudio sobre la experiencia universitaria de Juan Larrea en Córdoba (Argentina) como parte del análisis de su poesía.
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Le paradoxe chez Jenaro Talens : une poétique du désarroi / Paradoxes in jenaro talens’s work : a poetic of disarrayDenizeau, Vincent 11 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de doctorat consiste en l’étude des propositions paradoxales dans la première partie de l’œuvre poétique de Jenaro Talens (1964-1991). A partir des deux notions de paradoxe et de poésie, nous avons organisé nos recherches autour des structures syntagmatiques et paradigmatiques de l’énonciation paradoxale, et de la spécificité de ce discours poétique que nous avons appelé axe poétique. Ainsi après avoir défini deux grandes catégories de paradoxes (logiques et étymologiques), nous avons analysé la structure et les constructions de la signifiance des propositions paradoxales pour révéler leur rôle et leur fonction dans l’œuvre étudiée : moteur même de l’écriture, le sentiment paradoxal, synonyme du désarroi, manifeste la limite de la structuration duelle du réel pour inviter à une organisation non-duelle du monde. / This work consists in the study of paradoxical clauses in the first part of Jenaro Talens’s poetic works (from 1964 to 1991). Starting from the two notions of paradox and poetry, we have organized our research around the syntagmatic and paradigmatic structures of the enunciation of paradoxes and the specificity of this poetic discourse, which we called poetic axis. So, after defining 2 large categories of paradoxes (logical and etymological), we have analysed the structure and the constructions of paradoxical propositions, in order to reach their role and function of the work under study : the feeling of paradox, as a synonym of disarray, which is the fuel of writing, shows the limit of the dual structure of the real, to lead to a non dual organisation of the world.
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Modernité et changement de langue. Le passage du castillan au catalan dans l’oeuvre de Pere Gimferrer. (Aspects critiques, théoriques et lexicométriques) / Modernity and language change. The transition from Spanish to Catalan in Pere Gimferrer’s work. (Critical, theoretical and lexicometric aspects.) / Modernitat i canvi de llengua. El pas del castellà al català a l'obra de Pere Gimferrer (Aspectes crítics, teòrics i lexicomètrics)Grasset, Eloi 12 May 2011 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est l’étude du changement de langue qui se produit dans l’oeuvre poétique de Pere Gimferrer. Pour y parvenir, il faudra activer un itinéraire complexe - critique, théorique et méthodologique -.La problématique qu’on présente, essaie de résoudre une question centrale : traiter d’élucider si ce changement de langue – du castillan au catalan, et après, du catalan au castillan – implique nécessairement un changement de style, ou si, par contre, le style du poète reste stable même s’il change sa langue d’écriture. Si la recherche est orienté à trouver une possible réponse à cette question, on se propose comme point de départ l’analyse des conséquences qu’entraîne l’écriture dans plusieurs langues dans la modernité.Pour cette raison on développe théoriquement les notions de « frontière », « extraterritorialité » ou « langue étrangère » qui nous seront très utiles pour mener à bien notre analyse. Dans la dernière partie, par le biais de la lexicométrie, on présente une approche exhaustive aux particularités lexiques et syntagmatiques de l’oeuvre de Pere Gimferrer. Finalement, on propose une réponse à la problématique proposée. / This thesis sets out to study the language change that occurs in the poetry of Pere Gimferrer. To achieve this,we will activate a complex route - critical, theoretical and methodological -. This issue tries to resolve a centralquestion: to elucidate whether this change of language – from Spanish to Catalan, from Catalan to Spanishnecessarilyimplies a change of style, or if the style of the poet remains stable even if he changes his writinglanguage. Although the research is oriented to find a possible answer to this question, we propose as a startingpoint, the analysis of the consequences of writing in several languages in modernity. For this reason wedevelop the theoretical concepts of "border", "extraterritoriality", "foreign language" or “mother tongue” that willbe very useful to carry out our analysis. In the last part of the thesis, and through the lexicometry, we present acomprehensive approach to the specific lexical and phrase structure of Pere Gimferrer’s work, in Spanish and Catalan. Finally, we offer a reply to the problem proposed.
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Z Andalusie do New Yorku: Evoluce Lorcovy poezie / From Andalusia to New York: The evolution of Lorca's poetryGozonová, Renata January 2012 (has links)
In my thesis, I focus on the evolution of the Spanish poet Federico García Lorca's poetry, from his stay in Andalusia to the period he passed in New York. At first, we present avant-garde literary movements of that age. In detail we focus on the Generation 27, whose Lorca was member, and on the poetry the poets cultivated. In Lorca, firstly, we take a look at his life, his personality and then we divide his production into two periods: Andalusia - we take look at his lecture about "cante jondo" and at two books, Poem of cante jondo and Gipsy romances. New York - we approximate to Lorca's stay in New York and the country, and how the environment was reflected in his book of poems Poet in New York. In conclusion we summarize both periods of his production.
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Rafael Alberti: leituras do Museu do Prado / Rafael Alberti: readings of the Prado MuseumMarcelo Maciel Cerigioli 23 March 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa os livros sobre o Museu do Prado, A la pintura (1948) e Noche de guerra en el Museo del Prado (1956), ambos do escritor espanhol Rafael Alberti, escritos na Argentina, durante seu longo exílio. A investigação parte da contextualização de Alberti, que nos leva a uma aproximação ao tema, o Museu do Prado, tratado de maneira diferente nas duas obras. Na sequência, é analisado o livro A la pintura e, em seguida, a peça de teatro Noche de guerra en el Museo del Prado. / This study analyzes the books about the Prado Museum, A la Pintura (1948) and Noche de guerra en el Museo del Prado (1956), both of spanish writer Rafael Alberti, written in Argentina, during his long exile. The investigation parts from the context of Alberti, that leads to an approach to the subject, the Prado Museum, treated differently in the two books. In the sequence is analyzed the book A la pintura and then the piece of theater Noche de guerra en el Museo del Prado.
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Rafael Alberti: leituras do Museu do Prado / Rafael Alberti: readings of the Prado MuseumCerigioli, Marcelo Maciel 23 March 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa os livros sobre o Museu do Prado, A la pintura (1948) e Noche de guerra en el Museo del Prado (1956), ambos do escritor espanhol Rafael Alberti, escritos na Argentina, durante seu longo exílio. A investigação parte da contextualização de Alberti, que nos leva a uma aproximação ao tema, o Museu do Prado, tratado de maneira diferente nas duas obras. Na sequência, é analisado o livro A la pintura e, em seguida, a peça de teatro Noche de guerra en el Museo del Prado. / This study analyzes the books about the Prado Museum, A la Pintura (1948) and Noche de guerra en el Museo del Prado (1956), both of spanish writer Rafael Alberti, written in Argentina, during his long exile. The investigation parts from the context of Alberti, that leads to an approach to the subject, the Prado Museum, treated differently in the two books. In the sequence is analyzed the book A la pintura and then the piece of theater Noche de guerra en el Museo del Prado.
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Modernitat i canvi de llengua. El pas del castellà al català a l'obra de Pere Gimferrer (aspectes crítics, teòrics i lexicomètrics)Grasset Morell, Eloi 12 May 2011 (has links)
L’objecte d’aquesta tesi es l’estudi del canvi de llengua que es produeix en l’obra poètica de Pere Gimferrer. Per arribar-hi haurem d’activar un itinerari complex – crític, teòric i metodològic -. La problemàtica que presentem intenta resoldre una qüestió central: tractar d’elucidar si aquest canvi de llengua – del castellà al català, i més tard, del català al castellà – implica necessàriament un canvi d’estil, o si, en canvi, l’estil de poeta resta estable tot i haver canviat la llengua d’escriptura. Si la recerca està orientada a trobar una possible resposta a aquesta qüestió, nosaltres ens proposem com a punt de partida l’anàlisi de les conseqüències que comporta l’escriure en diferents llengües a la modernitat. Per aquesta raó, en la tesi es desenvolupen teòricament les nocions de “frontera”, “extraterritorialitat”, o “llengua estrangera” que ens seran útils per a portar a terme la nostra anàlisi. A la darrera part, a través de la lexicometria, presentem un apropament exhaustiu a les particularitats lèxiques i sintagmàtiques de l’obra de Pere Gimferrer. Finalment, proposem una resposta a la problemàtica proposada. / This thesis sets out to study the language change that occurs in the poetry of Pere Gimferrer. To achieve this, we will activate a complex route - critical, theoretical and methodological -. This issue tries to resolve a central question: to elucidate whether this change of language – from Spanish to Catalan, from Catalan to Spanish- necessarily implies a change of style, or if the style of the poet remains stable even if he changes his writing language. Although the research is oriented to find a possible answer to this question, we propose as a starting point, the analysis of the consequences of writing in several languages in modernity. For this reason we develop the theoretical concepts of "border", "extraterritoriality", "foreign language" or “mother tongue” that will be very useful to carry out our analysis. In the last part of the thesis, and through the lexicometry, we present a comprehensive approach to the specific lexical and phrase structure of Pere Gimferrer’s work, in Spanish and Catalan. Finally, we offer a reply to the problem proposed.
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Malditismo y subversión en la poética de Fernando Vallejo: un estudio sobre su obra, recepción y estrategia literaria / Literary malediction and subversion in the poetics of Fernando Vallejo: a study of his works, reception and literary strategyDiaz Ruiz, Fernando 05 November 2013 (has links)
Este trabajo analiza la gestación, funcionamiento y recepción de la estrategia literaria de Fernando Vallejo, en especial, el malditismo y la subversión que caracterizan su controvertida poética. Para hacerlo, adopta un enfoque metodológico que tiene en cuenta tanto los aportes de la Sociología de la literatura como los de disciplinas como la Estética de la recepción y el Análisis del discurso, sin olvidarse de estudiar los códigos narrativos, afectivos y culturales que favorecen los efectos subversivos de sus textos, entre los que destaca el pacto ambiguo firmado con sus lectores por el autor colombiano, único en la narrativa actual en español. <p>Ante la ausencia de un marco teórico sobre este tipo de obras subversivas o malditas, de manera más específica se intentan desentrañar las claves principales de las poéticas del mal y de la subversión, llegando a proponer un cuadro explicativo con los rasgos que, en base al estudio pluridisciplinar de nociones como la “desviación social”, el “mal” y la “subversión”, presentan los textos literarios subversivos y malditos. En este sentido, los no hispanistas pueden leer esta tesis como un case study o materialización de dicha propuesta <p>/ <p>Ce travail analyse la gestation, le fonctionnement et la réception de la stratégie littéraire de Fernando Vallejo, et plus particulièrement la malédiction et la subversion qui caractérisent sa poétique controversée. Dans ce but, l’étude adopte un point de vue méthodologique qui tient compte tant des apports de la Sociologie de la littérature que de l’Esthétique de la réception et de l’Analyse du discours. Seront également étudiés les codes narratifs, affectifs et culturels qui favorisent les effets subversifs des textes, parmi lesquels ressort l’ambiguïté du pacte signé par l’écrivain colombien avec ses lecteurs, unique dans la littérature contemporaine de langue espagnole. <p>Devant l’absence de cadre théorique sur ce type d’œuvres subversives ou maudites, il s’agit d’identifier de manière plus spécifique les éléments clés des poétiques du mal et de la subversion, pour arriver à proposer un cadre explicatif. Celui-ci comprend les caractéristiques que présentent, sur base de l’étude pluridisciplinaire de notions telles que la “déviation sociale” et la “subversion”, les textes littéraires subversifs et maudits. En ce sens, les non hispanistes pourront lire cette thèse comme une étude de cas ou comme la matérialisation d’une telle proposition théorique. / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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