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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effektiviserad lagerstyrning av reservdelar inom hjälpmedelsförsörjning / Efficient inventory management of spare parts in the health care sector

Stjärnström, Dan, Sundqvist, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur lagerstyrning av reservdelar inom hjälpmedelsförsörjning kan effektiviseras. Metod och genomförande – Den valda strategin för att uppfylla studiens syfte omfattades av att genomföra en fallstudie i samarbete med Hjälpmedelscentralen på Länssjukhuset Ryhov i Jönköping. Empiri från fallstudien har erhållits genom intervjuer och dokumentationsstudier. Insamlad data har analyserats gentemot det teoretiska ramverket och därmed genererat studiens resultat. Resultat – Studiens resultat visar inledningsvis på att rörlighet, volymvärde och kritiskhet är viktiga aspekter att beakta vid lagerstyrning av reservdelar inom hjälpmedelsförsörjning. Rörlighet och volymvärde har utgjort kriterier för en sortimentsövergripande ABC-klassificering, vilket resulterade i tre segment. Ett av dessa segment, kundorder, har så pass låg rörlighet att det ansågs lämpligt att endast beställa dessa reservdelar då behov uppstår. För de övriga segmenten bör lagerstyrningen utföras med beställningspunktsystem, dock med en viss skillnad när det gäller styrningens intensitet. Vidare anses det lämpligt att, för enskilda reservdelar, göra kvalitativa bedömningar avseende kritiskhet. Detta ska säkerställa att kritiska reservdelar får en mer uppmärksammad styrning för att därmed, i större utsträckning, undvika bristsituationer. Implikationer – I denna studie har det fastställts hur lagerstyrning av reservdelar inom hjälpmedelsförsörjning kan effektiviseras. För verksamheter som vill åstadkomma detta är det dock nödvändigt att identifiera de aspekter som, för verksamheten i fråga, är mest väsentliga. Vidare krävs det att tillgång till nödvändigt dataunderlag säkerställs. Begränsningar – Fallstudiedesignen utgjordes av en enfallsstudie där endast en analysenhet undersöktes. I och med att olika verksamheter har olika förutsättningar för lagerstyrning hade det varit lämpligt att inkludera fler fallverksamheter i undersökningen. Detta hade resulterat i en högre grad av generaliserbarhet. / Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate how to achieve efficient inventory management of spare parts in the health care sector. Methodology – To meet the purpose of the study a case study has been conducted in collaboration with Hjälpmedelscentralen at Länssjukhuset Ryhov in Jönköping. The empirical data have been obtained by methods such as interviews and documentation studies. By analysing empirical data in comparison with the theoretical framework the findings of the study was generated. Findings – Initially, the findings of the study implies that aspects such as usage frequency, annual dollar volume and criticality are important to consider in inventory management of spare parts in the health care sector. Usage frequency and annual dollar volume have been used as criteria for an assortment wide ABC-classification which resulted in three segments. One of these segments, customer order, has a very low usage frequency. Therefore it was considered appropriate to only order these spare parts when an actual need has occurred. The inventory management of the remaining segments should be carried out with a reorder point system. However, there is a certain difference regarding the intensity of the management between the two segments. Furthermore, it’s appropriate to conduct a classification based on criticality. This should ensure that critical spare parts get more attention and hence decreasing the risk of shortage. Implications – In this study, it has been determined how to achieve efficient inventory management of spare parts in the health care sector. For those who aim to do this it’s necessary to identify the aspects that are most important for the particular business. Furthermore, it’s important that these businesses ensure the availability of necessary data. Research limitations – The conducted case study was designed as a holistic single case study. Since businesses differ from each other it would have been appropriate to conduct a multiple case study. As a result of this, a higher degree of generalisation could have been achieved.

Vårt liv, vår fritid, våra förebilder, vår framtid och där vi bor

Nordlund, Therese, Zagal, Alvaro January 2012 (has links)
Few studies enlighten the problem associated with the dialectical relationship between adults and adolescents and how that affects the construction of identity for adolescent’s, in relation to two areas that are closely bordering to each other but differs socioeconomically whereas one area is much weaker on resources than the other. These two areas is Högberget and Haganäs, which are situated in a larger city in Sweden. For us to be able to enlighten this problem we have chosen to use an inductive research approach so that we can explain how adolescents construct their identity and how the organized spare time, in addition with the influence of adults, impacts on adolescents construction of their identity. Therefore we have used interviews as method, both group and individual, so it can regulate which theories that influence our study. The two theories that wires through the entire study are firstly Peter L. Bergman and Thomas Luckmanns theory on social construction where the idea is that the human being is an active social being that constructs its own reality. The secondary theory used in our study is Anthony Giddens theory on identity and modernity in a postmodern society that enlightens the construction of identity in addition to the reflective being in our modern society, and how that aid people in constructing our self-identity and identity. Some important aspects that are revealed during this study is how important it is for adolescents to get to experience some aspects of safety, solidarity, trust, influence et cetera. And how important these aspects are on creating a conjunction between adults and adolescents, the dialectical relationship where the relationship is mutual, which is so important for adolescent’s construction of identity in relation to their leisure time.

How to re-design Supply Chains more effective when a web sales portal is applied? : Based on a web-sales implementation plan of Spare Parts in the Industrial Electronics Industry

Herrmann, Marc-Julian January 2011 (has links)
The following thesis counteracts the relationship of Supply Chain Design (SCD) and web-sales[1], and concentrates on the overall aim of “How to re-design Supply Chains more effective when a web sales portal is applied?”. In order to clarify this aim, following four research objectives are set: How does e-commerce connect to Supply Chain Design in general? What is required for a successful implementation of e-commerce? What are the costs and benefits by implementing e-commerce? Which potential risk factors in correspondence of the implementation of             e-commerce may influence the whole SCD and e-commerce interaction process?  Previous studies have not discussed the interaction of e-commerce and supply chain design on operational level at all, which accounts for a large portion of interests these days. When looking at the research objectives they have been solved in three process steps. First of all the general connection of e-commerce and Supply Chain Design had been analysed through an extensive literature review in form of i.e. suitable books and research papers. Results demonstrated that e-commerce helps to support and manage supply chain activities by offering relevant information. The connection between e-commerce and SCD insists of a close gearing. E-commerce helps to support and manage supply chain activities by offering relevant information about what kind of product is demanded, what is available in warehouses, which products are in the manufacturing processes, and which products will enter the physical facilities and customer sites. Following, research objectives two to four had been identified for which a literature review has created a firm basis on the status quo of current research studies. Combined with findings of developing a web-sales implementation plan for a leading group in power and automation technologies this work-out has been used as empirical research on how a real life company is carrying out these objectives. This plan had been worked out on-side the company, data has been obtained through interviews, observations, and internal system data. Requirements for a successful implementation of e-commerce are seen in strategic and organisational planning activities, as well as specific platform conditions. Concerning costs and benefits, monitoring and evaluating improvements, increasing customer satisfaction, and reducing order-cycle times stay in contrast to incidental fixed and variable costs which had been demonstrated through a detailed break-even analysis. Potential risk factors which had been identified can be countervailed through an appropriate risk management. Thirdly, the overall research question of “How to re-design Supply Chains more effective when a web sales portal is applied?” had been solved based on intermediate results of step one and two, combined with the project work-out, providing informative and sufficient data. The result is that in a first step a clear picture of which products and spare parts will be sold has to be defined. Secondly a precisely inventory management - discussing which parts to hold in stock, where to stock them, and how much to hold in stock - needs to be worked out. And thirdly, after analysing the possible and most plausible inventory strategy, possible distribution varieties need to be analysed. The most appropriate solution for the case company is represented in an Inventory-Distribution-Matrix. This research study has created a basis for the business unit of Power Electronics to improve possible efficiency. The knowledge and implementation steps operated for this implementation plan can be used for other business units in Switzerland and can be seen as a decision maker. Therefore this work-out has generated an enormous benefit for the case company. Instead of acting instinctively, decisions are based on qualitative and quantitative methodologies, data collection methods and data analysis techniques, and therefore follow a process strategy. [1]“Web-sales” in this context is associated with selling and buying information, products, or services via computer networks (Strader & Shaw, 1997), in this research study it is identical to “E-commerce”.

"...vi lär barnen att ha fritid." : En kvalitativ studie om fritidspedagogens yrkesroll, arbetsuppgifter och yrkesval

Wallin, Jessica January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma utbildade fritidspedagoger såg på sin yrkesroll och sina arbetsuppgifter. Syftet var också att ta reda på varför de hade valt sitt yrke. För att söka svar på detta gjorde jag kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med sju personer som var utbildade fri-tidspedagoger, eller som har arbetat inom fritidshem i över 15 års tid. Intervjuerna som tog mellan 15 och 40 minuter var utformade för att bland annat ge svar på vad en fritidspedagog är och gör och om det var någonting man ville ändra vad gäller sin yrkesroll. Frågorna skulle även ge svar på om diskus-sion kring yrkesrollen hade förts i arbetslaget samt varför man hade valt yrket och om man var nöjd med sitt yrkesval. Resultatet visade att en fritidspedagog är en person som arbetar med det den är bra på och tycker är roligt. Resultatet visade även att en fritidspedagog arbetar med grupprocesser och att utveckla barnens sociala färdigheter samt erbjuder olika aktiviteter som barnen inte får tillgång till i hemmet. Fritidspedagogen var enligt resultatet både i klasser under förmiddagen och hjälpte läraren samt på fritidshemmet under eftermiddagen och höll i fritidsverksamheten. Det man önskade ändra på vad gäller yrkesrollen var dels statusen, dels planeringstiden. Bara två av de intervjuade hade diskute-rat yrkesrollen i sina arbetslag på arbetsplatsen. De som jag intervjuade hade valt yrket av olika anled-ningar, allt från att de tyckte om att arbeta med barn till att de önskade få sig ett yrke. Resultatet visade att fem av de sju informanterna var nöjda med sitt yrkesval medan två inte helt var det. De två som inte var nöjda, såg dels en negativ förändring som har skett med yrkesrollen genom åren men hade även andra intressen som lockade mer att arbeta med.

Multi-item Two-echelon Spare Parts Inventory Control Problem With Batch Ordering In The Central Warehouse

Topan, Engin 01 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this dissertation, we consider a multi-item two-echelon inventory distribution system in which the central warehouse operates with (Q, R) policy, and each local warehouse implements base-stock policy. The objective is to find the policy parameters minimizing the relevant system-wide costs subject to an aggregate mean response time constraint at each facility. We first propose an exact solution procedure based on a branch-and-price algorithm to find the relevant policy parameters of the system considered. Then, we propose four alternative heuristics to find the optimal or near-optimal policy parameters of large practical-size systems. The first heuristic, which we call the Lagrangian heuristic, is based on the simultaneous approach and relies on the integration of a column generation method and a greedy algorithm. The other three heuristics are based on the sequential approach, in which first the order quantities are determined using a batch size heuristic, then the reorder levels at the central warehouse and the basestock levels at the local warehouses are determined through the same method used for the Lagrangian heuristic. We also propose a lower bound for the system-wide cost. Later, we extend our study to compound Poisson demand. The performance of the Lagrangian heuristic is found to be extremely well and improves even further as the number of parts increases. Also the computational requirement of the heuristic is quite tolerable. This makes the heuristic very promising for large practical industry-size problems. The performance of the sequential heuristics is also satisfactory, but not as much as the Lagrangian heuristic.

Competition And Collaboration In Service Parts Management Systems

Usta, Mericcan 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Inventory management policies of two independent dealers in a service parts system with transshipment is studied in this thesis. Dealers can collaborate by pooling inventory or service. Revenue is shared in transshipment, can sometimes be contrary to profit maximization of one of the parties albeit sum of profits is increased. To assess the benefits of inventory pooling under equilibrium strategies, and the effect of competition on profits, a Markov Decision Process is formulated. A simpler variant of the optimal four-index threshold policy is used to characterize the production, service and transshipment related inventory decisions. A game theoretical approach as well as notions from policy iteration is taken to find the best response policy and equilibrium policies of the dealers. Numerical study is conducted to investigate the effect of cost, revenue and demand parameters, as well as dealer asymmetricities on benefit of pooling, service levels and transshipment flows. Analysis shows that commission schemes fairly allocating transshipment value to the players, high customer traffic intensities, and low transshipment costs are most suited environments for pooling. System centralization is beneficial when the inventory holding costs are high, transshipment costs are low, customer traffic intensities are high or the commission structure is distracting a party. Competition, within the experimental settings, dampens about 45% of the benefits of pooling.

10-12 klasių mokinių užimtumas ir rekreacija laisvalaikiu / Occupation and recreation on the spare-time of 10-12 forms pupil

Imbras, Donatas 13 June 2005 (has links)
OCCUPATION AND RECREATION ON THE SPARE-TIME OF 10-12 FORMS PUPIL Donatas Imbras It is very significant to investigate the pupil spare-time occupation models in the recreation expanse. That is why this study analyses the influence of spare-time occupation and recreation of the 10-12 forms pupil. The purpose of this study is to substantiate education theoretic view of consist to occupation and recreation conception and to investigate expression of young people in the spare-time. The object of the work – the organization of 10 -12 form pupil occupation and recreation in they spare-time. In the research were used the test of 10–12 forms pupil experience wish 233 children (99 boys and 134 girls). Methods: study of scientific and theoretic literature, questionnaire, comparative analysis. Research data analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows programme. According to the research data such conclusions were formulated: 1. The research data emphasize that, every day in the various sport activities going more than 37 % pupils. 2. Students indicated that to going in the sport activities the most of they are stimulated by friends and contemporaries. 3. Two following factors stimulating students‘need for wholesome lifestyle: girls more interesting in the slenderize, boys more interesting in the sex-education. 4. Most of young people are not pleased of them self sport activities. 5. The statistically meaningfully correlates with the kind of activities and gender: intensive... [to full text]

Multi-failure network restorability design in survivable transport networks

Akpuh, Jude Unknown Date
No description available.

Mokinių laisvalaikio realizavimas miesto sąlygomis / Realization of extra – curricular activities under city circumstances

Valaitienė, Giedrė 06 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of diploma paper is to analyze how 3rd and 4th grade pupils are involved to participate in extra – curricular activities in Panevėžys. The objectives of the paper are: to analyze how actual these problems are in the scientific literature and in the standards, to gather and to analyze the information about the tendencies of pupils’ participation in non-formal training in Panevėžys. On the ground of the results of investigation to make recommendations to institutions of general education and non-formal training in order to improve their work and cooperation. The results or the investigation showed the main reasons for low level of pupils’ participation in the activities of non-formal training institutions. The main reasons are: the lack of information, poor management, the pupils’ unwillingness, etc. Having estimated the results or the investigation in the diploma work it I’ve recommended to increase the cooperation between formal and non-formal educational institutions. More information should be provided by non-formal training institutions. Comprehensive schools teachers should advise the pupils and their parents what forms of activities to choose. There should be more cooperation between both institutions in sharing their experience and organizing various activities.

Ant Based Algorithm and Robustness Metric in Spare Capacity Allocation for Survivable Routing

Liu, Zhiyong January 2010 (has links)
Network resiliency pertains to the vulnerability of telecommunication networks in the case of failures and malicious attacks. With the increasing capacity catering of network for the booming multi-services in Next Generation Networks (NGNs), reducing recovery time and improving capacity efficiency while providing high quality and resiliency of services has become increasingly important for the future network development. Providing network resiliency means to rapidly and accurately reroute the traffic via diversely routed spare capacity in the network when a failure takes down links or nodes in the working path. Planning and optimization for NGNs require an efficient algorithm for spare capacity allocation (SCA) that assures restorability with a minimum of total capacity. This dissertation aims to understand and advance the state of knowledge on spare capacity allocation in network resiliency for telecommunication core networks. Optimal network resiliency design for restorability requires considering: network topology, working and protection paths routing and spare capacity allocation. Restorable networks should be highly efficient in terms of total capacity required for restorability and be able to support any target level of restorability. The SCA strategy is to decide how much spare capacity should be reserved on links and to pre-plan protection paths to protect traffic from a set of failures. This optimal capacity allocation problem for survivable routing is known as NP-complete. To expose the problem structure, we propose a model of the SCA problem using a matrix-based framework, named Distributed Resilience Matrix (DRM) to identify the dependencies between the working and protection capacities associated with each pair of links and also to capture the local capacity usage information in a distributed control environment. In addition, we introduce a novel ant-based heuristic algorithm, called Friend-or-Foe Resilient (FoF-R) ant-based routing algorithm to find the optimal protection cycle (i.e., two node-disjoint paths between a source-destination node pair) and explore the sharing ability among protection paths using a capacity headroom-dependent attraction and repulsion function. Simulation results based on the OMNeT++ and AMPL/CPLEX tools show that the FoF-R scheme with the DRM structure is a promising approach to solving the SCA problem for survivable routing and it gives a good trade off between solution optimality and computation speed. Furthermore, for the SCA studies of survivable networks, it is also important to be able to differentiate between network topologies by means of a robust numerical measure that indicates the level of immunity of these topologies to failures of their nodes and links. Ideally, such a measure should be sensitive to the existence of nodes or links, which are more important than others, for example, if their failure causes the network’s disintegration. Another contribution in this dissertation is to introduce an algebraic connectivity metric, adopted from the spectral graph theory, namely the 2nd smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix of the network topology, instead of the average nodal degree, to characterize network robustness in studies of the SCA problem. Extensive simulation studies confirm that this metric is a more informative parameter than the average nodal degree for characterizing network topologies in network resiliency studies.

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