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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


VENUS LIRIA SILVA MENDES 20 August 2020 (has links)
[pt] Transformadores de subestações de distribuição requerem uma atenção especial pelos altos custos, longos tempos de reposição e por impactarem, quando falham, diretamente na confiabilidade da rede, provocando assim a interrupção de inúmeros usuários. Em geral, as subestações são projetadas com transformadores em paralelo, de forma que a carga pico possa ser atendida ainda que um transformador do grupo esteja avariado. No entanto, esta solução requer investimentos elevados. Uma alternativa consiste no compartilhamento de estoques de transformadores reservas e subestações móveis. O dimensionamento dos estoques deve ser feito com cautela, pois, um grande número de equipamentos pode aumentar desnecessariamente os custos de investimento, e um estoque insuficiente pode diminuir a confiabilidade do sistema e aumentar seus custos operacionais. Esta dissertação apresenta duas metodologias para o dimensionamento do estoque, o método de Markov e a simulação Monte Carlo, os quais são comparados quanto aos seus resultados e características quando aplicados a um mesmo sistema. Ambos os modelos foram utilizados para dimensionar o estoque para falhas do tipo catastróficas e reparáveis, separadamente. O método probabilístico baseado na simulação Monte Carlo foi aplicado a um grupo de transformadores da classe 115 kV e 15 MVA, visando demonstrar a capacidade da metodologia de encontrar soluções condizentes do ponto de vista técnico e econômico. / [en] Substation distribution transformers require special attention for their high costs, long replacement times and for impacting, when they fail, directly on the reliability of the electric network, thus causing the interruption of several costumers. In general, substations are designed with transformers in parallel, so that the peak load can be met even if a transformer in the group is damaged. However, this solution requires high investments. An alternative is to share stocks of spare transformers and mobile substations. Stock sizing should be done with caution, as a large number of equipment can unnecessarily increase investment costs, and insufficient stock can decrease system reliability and increase operating costs. This dissertation presents two methods for stock dimensioning based on Markov modeling and on Monte Carlo simulation, which are compared in terms of their results and characteristics when applied to the same system. Both models were used to scale the stock for catastrophic and repairable failures, separately. The probabilistic method based on the Monte Carlo simulation was applied to a group of 115 kV and 15 MVA class transformers, aiming to demonstrate the method s ability to find solutions that are technically and economically compatible.

Centralisering av reservdelslagerhållning : En fallstudie om industriell förrådsverksamhet

Wessman, Björn, Uppman, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Tillverkande företag inom den svenska industrin utnyttjar ofta sina maskiner maximalt för att möta den efterfrågan som råder på deras produkter. Detta leder till slitage på maskinerna och därmed även ett stort behov av att reservdelar och komponenter finns tillgängliga, något som krävs för en fungerande underhållsprocess. Samtidigt binder företagen mycket kapital i sina reservdelslager. För att uppnå skalfördelar och minskade kostnader kan företag överväga att centralisera sina lagerstrukturer. Med anledning av ovan nämnda aspekter, är det av vikt att undersöka möjligheterna till ökad samlagring av reservdelar inom den svenska pappersmassaindustrin.   Syftet med studien är att undersöka förutsättningar för centralisering av reservdelslager.   Baserat på frågeställningarnas karaktär är metodvalet en blandning mellan kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod, med tyngdpunkt i den kvalitativa delen. Arbetets angreppsätt är av induktiv typ, då problemområdet identifierades tidigt och någon teoretisk inhämtning inte skedde förrän senare i arbetsprocessen. En fallstudie genomfördes för att erhålla djupgående och detaljrik information rörande forskningsfrågorna. Dessutom möjliggjorde fallstudien att en blandning mellan den kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoden kunde tillämpas. Datainsamling skedde genom litteraturstudier, dokumentinsamling och intervjuer. Intervjuerna var av semistrukturerad typ och skedde både över telefon samt på plats hos fallföretaget.   Den finansiella aspekten är det mest betydelsefulla motivet för en centralisering och tillika den största fördelen som en sådan omstrukturering medför. Det eftersom det totala antalet reservdel kan reduceras, vilket också minskar en rad kostnader. Därtill visar studien att en centralisering leder till en minskad miljöpåverkan. Hinder för centralisering av förrådsverksamheten är behovet av transparens, standardisering och öppenhet mellan de inblandade parterna. Vidare behövs en rättvis kostnadsfördelning mellan aktörerna, där individuella resultatmål råder.   De reservdelar som lämpar sig för att lagerföras vid ett centrallager är sådana som delas av minst två produktionsanläggningar, som är skrymmande, har högt inköpsvärde och som åldras snabbt.   Med hjälp av en modifierad variant av tyngdpunktsmetoden, har ett centralt beläget lager för fallföretagets samtliga svenska bruk lokaliserats till Örebro med omnejd. Om centrallagret däremot endast avser fallföretagets fyra nordligaste bruk bör lagret enligt den modifierade tyngdpunktsmetoden förläggas till Ludvika. / Manufacturing companies in the Swedish industry often make maximum use of their machines in order to meet the demand of their products. This leads to wear on the machines and thus a great need for access to spare parts and components, which is required for a functioning maintenance process. At the same time, the companies bind a lot of capital in their spare parts inventories. To achieve economies of scale and reduced costs, companies may consider centralizing their inventory structures. In view of the above-mentioned aspects, it is essential to examine the possibilities for increased co-storage of spare parts in the Swedish pulp industry.   The purpose of this study is to examine the conditions required in order to centralise spare part storage.   Based on the nature of the research questions, the choice of method is a mixture between qualitative and quantitative method, with an emphasis on the qualitative part. The approach of the work is of an inductive type, since the problem area was identified early, and no theoretical acquisition took place until later into the research process. A case study was conducted in order to obtain in-depth and detailed information concerning the research questions. This also made it possible to employ a combination of the qualitative and quantitative method. Data collection was done through literature studies, document analysis and interviews. The interviews were of a semi-structured type and took place both over the telephone and on site at the case company.  The financial aspect is the most significant motive for centralization and the biggest advantage that such a change can bring. The reason behind this is that the total number of spare parts can be reduced, which also help to lower costs in other areas. In addition, the study shows that a centralization leads to a reduced environmental impact. Barriers to centralization of the storage operations are the need for transparency, standardization and openness between the parties involved. Furthermore, a fair distribution of costs between the participants is needed, where individual performance targets exists.   The spare parts suitable for being stocked at a central warehouse are those that are shared by at least two production facilities, are bulky, have a high purchasing value, and are aging quickly.   Using a modified version of the Center of Gravity Method, a centrally located warehouse for the case company’s all Swedish mills has been located to Örebro and the surrounding area. If, however, the central warehouse is only assigned to the case company’s four northernmost mills, the warehouse should according to the modified Center of Gravity Method be located to Ludvika.

Listening comprehension : Digital technology and its effect on the L2 learner’s listening comprehension.

Larsson, Sofi, Lundberg, Ove January 2019 (has links)
The rapid development of new technologies and how these are affecting school age children is in this day and age an area of growing importance. In the context of second language (L2) acquisition, it has been noted that spare time activities of a digital nature impact those pupils who spend more time on activities such as online gaming in the target language than average (Sundqvist 2019, 95-103). The aim of the current study was to investigate the possible effect three different digital spare time activities (computer and video games, movies and music) have on listening comprehension. This when English is the dominant language in the activities, and the focus is on 6th grade children. The method used was a comparison made between a language diary homework, consisting of the participants’ estimated number of hours spent on digital spare time activities, and the results of a listening exercise. The results show that there is a positive correlation between the results of the listening comprehension test and the number of hours spent on digital spare time activities. Also, repeated exposure to the target language in a digital spare time context does, therefore, affect second language acquisition to a limited extent. The conclusion was that in order to come to a more conclusive answer regarding the correlation between digital spare time activities and English listening comprehension, more research is needed. / I samband med andraspråksinlärning har det noterats att digitala fritidsaktiviteter påverkar de elever som spenderar mer tid på denna sorts aktiviteter (Sundqvist 2019, 95–103). Syftet med den aktuella undersökningen blev således att undersöka den möjliga effekt digitala fritidsaktiviteter, på engelska, har på just engelsk hörförståelse. De tre utvalda aktiviteterna är här digitala spel, film och musik. Engelska är alltså målspråket och fokusgruppen är sjätteklassare. Metoden som användes var en jämförelse mellan resultaten av en språkdagbok, bestående av det antal timmar som deltagarna angett att de spenderar på digitala fritidsaktiviteter under en genomsnittlig vecka, samt resultat inhämtade från en hörövning. Resultatet visar att det finns en positiv korrelation mellan resultaten på hörförståelsetestet och antalet timmar som spenderas på digitala fritidsaktiviteter. Vidare visade det sig att upprepad exponering för målspråket i ett digitalt sammanhang påverkar andraspråksinlärning i en begränsad utsträckning. Slutsatsen blev därmed att det krävs mer forskning för att komma fram till ett definitivt svar angående sambandet mellan digitala fritidsaktiviteter och engelsk hörförståelse.

Models for Life Cycle Cost Estimation of Spare and Wear Parts for Urban Gondola Lift Systems : A Case Study

Borhidai, András January 2019 (has links)
Urban gondola lift systems are becoming a regular sight rather than a rarity throughout the globe. Authors attribute their increasing popularity to factors such as environmental sustainability, operational reliability and cost efficiency compared to other right-of-way transit solutions. Replacing conventional modes of transit with urban gondolas cannot however be achieved without tackling several operational challenges. As potential new operators often lack the human resources and knowledge base required to successfully man, operate and maintain systems, they turn to manufacturers for increased after-sale support. Companies of the Doppelmayr Garaventa Group, the world’s largest manufacturer of gondola lifts, responded to these demand patterns by offering complete operations & maintenance contracts which, among other services, include the delivery and installation of reserve components. Calculating the total cost of such components for the life cycle of a system however still proves to be demanding and requires new computational models to increase its efficiency. The applicative purpose of this paper was thus set to formulate a model that is capable of performing life cycle cost calculations for components of urban gondola lift systems, according to a set of criterion defined by industrial entities. Its research aim is accordingly to answer questions about how concurrent instruments are set up, what models does contemporary research regard as efficient in similar industries and whether these models are able to enhance life cycle cost calculation capability within the urban gondola lift market. These aims were achieved through an analysis of current company practices, followed by the formulation of two new model alternatives based on a review of contemporary scientific literature, and concluded by an iterative process wherein the two alternatives were compared to each other in terms of performance and then merged to combine the best performing features of each version. Through a second iteration, the merged model was then compared to current instruments and established as the superior choice, using industry criteria. The paper concludes by resolving the research questions it set out to answer and making further recommendations for the direction of future research and studies.

A lacuna entre a teoria de gestão de estoques e a prática empresarial na reposição de peças em concessionárias de automóveis / The gap between inventory management theory and automotive dealers practices on spare parts business

Rego, José Roberto do 14 December 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho é um estudo de caso múltiplo, realizado em concessionárias do setor automotivo, que visa ao levantamento do estado atual da gestão dos estoques de peças de reposição e sua correlação com os modelos existentes na literatura sobre o tema. O estudo englobou sete concessionárias de quatro marcas, apontadas por especialistas das respectivas associações como sendo exemplos de boa gestão neste segmento. Os resultados apontaram que, de fato, no nível gerencial pesquisado existem grandes lacunas entre as teorias acadêmicas e as práticas, em especial quanto ao uso de técnicas de previsão de demanda, à decisão de estocagem dos produtos e às políticas de estocagem adotadas. O principal motivo para explicar estas lacunas é o desconhecimento das técnicas pelos gestores. Este desconhecimento parece estar ligado às deficiências na formação escolar e nos cursos de aperfeiçoamento oferecidos, pelas montadoras e associações, aos gestores destes estoques. Novas pesquisas são sugeridas, ao nível dos proprietários/acionistas das concessionárias, para verificação de outras possíveis explicações sobre os motivos destas lacunas. A pesquisa é concluída com diversas recomendações, tanto aos praticantes como aos acadêmicos, buscando a redução destas lacunas. / This dissertation is a multiple case study, performed in automotive dealers. The objective is to evaluate current spare parts inventory management practices status and their correlations with existing models on academic references. The study included seven dealers (from four different brands) which were recognized as examples of good practices at spare parts management by the dealer association specialists. The results pointed out that, in fact, at the managerial level interviewed, there are large gaps between academic theories and management practice, especially on demand forecasting, stocking decision and stocking policies. The gaps are mainly explained by managers? lack of knowledge on inventory control. This lack of knowledge seems to be caused by school and specialization courses (provided by automakers and dealers associations) deficiencies. New researches are suggested, at the owners/stockholders level, to verify other possible gap reasons. Research is concluded with several recommendations to academics and managers in order to reduce the theory-practice gap.

Výuka orientačního běhu na 2.stupni ZŠ / Teaching of orienteering at primary school.

Procházková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
Title: Teaching of orienteering at primary school Author: Bc. Zuzana Procházková Department: Department of Physical Education Supervisor: PhDr. PaedDr. Ladislav Kašpar, Ph.D. Objectives: The aim of this diploma work is to chart the teaching of orienteering at primary schools in Prague and to use a questionnaire-based approach to determine whether orienteering is included within the school curriculum and if so, then how. The secondary objective is to draw up a draft of methods for teaching orienteering. Methods: Data collection was performed using a questionnaire-based approach. The questionnaire was evaluated in the graphs and tables. The method for the secondary objective is a detailed study of the literature and results of the questionnaire. Results: Thirty four physical education teachers participated in the research study. Sixteen teachers include orienteering within their teaching curriculum. The frequency of orienteering teaching is mostly 1-3 times a year. A half of the teachers teach orienteering in PE lessons. More than half of the teachers included orienteering as a part of school trips and courses. Most of them use specialised orienteering maps. All the teachers require that their pupils know how to orientate a map based on the terrain. Keywords: Running, map, compass, terrain,...

Výuka orientačního běhu na 2.stupni ZŠ / Teaching of orienteering at primary school.

Procházková, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
Title: Teaching of orienteering at primary school Author: Bc. Zuzana Procházková Department: Department of Physical Education Supervisor: PaedDr. Ivan Přibyl Objectives: The aim of this study is to present orienteering to pupils of primary school. Examine the effect of orienteering on pupils. Introduce history and the rules of orienteering, the system of competitions and the organization of trainings. Familiarize the reader with the other orienteering sports. Present developmental psychology of children aged 11 to 15. To put orienteering in curriculum for primary school. Methods: The method of questioning was used. We also organized the orienteering race for children. The results were evaluated into spreadsheets, graph and commentary was also used. Results: There are pupils from primary school in this research. Pupils are 11-16 years old. Most of the pupils knew about orienteering before this research. Most pupils ran between 15-20 minutes for one kilometre in the race. Fifteen pupils from 95 didn't find the control point. Pupils felt good after the race. Half from them want to participate orienteering race again. Keywords: Running, map, compass, terrain, orienteering, spare time, puberty

Spare Part Logistics and Optimization for Wind Turbines : Methods for Cost-Effective Supply and Storage

Lindqvist, Mattias, Lundin, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
<p>The wind power industry is maturing and the amount of electricity produced by wind turbines in the world is rapidly increasing every year. Service and maintenance of wind turbines has proven to be difficult and expensive, especially offshore. A well coordinated support organisation and optimized maintenance strategies are required to effectively reduce the costs associated with WT support, where cost-efficient supply and storage of spare parts are important. The aim of this thesis is to model spare part logistics for wind turbines to analyse different strategies and compare the profitability. Optimal stock levels and reorder sizes have been calculated with the software tool OPUS10. Wind turbine and spare part data have been provided by Vattenfall Vindkraft AB and field studies were made to the wind farms Lillgrund and Horns Rev to gather information.</p><p>Our analyses show that different spare part strategies only affect a minor part of the total support costs generated for a wind farm. Still there are many improvements possible and money to be saved if using an optimal spare part strategy instead of one based on personal experiences and intuition. For a large wind power system, including a number of wind farms with the same wind turbine types, we also show convincing results that pooling of spare parts are a much more cost-efficient spare part strategy compared to local storage and handling only. Using a central depot for spare part reordering and storage of critical spare parts, such as gearboxes, generators and blades, are more profitable</p>

Spare Part Logistics and Optimization for Wind Turbines : Methods for Cost-Effective Supply and Storage

Lindqvist, Mattias, Lundin, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
The wind power industry is maturing and the amount of electricity produced by wind turbines in the world is rapidly increasing every year. Service and maintenance of wind turbines has proven to be difficult and expensive, especially offshore. A well coordinated support organisation and optimized maintenance strategies are required to effectively reduce the costs associated with WT support, where cost-efficient supply and storage of spare parts are important. The aim of this thesis is to model spare part logistics for wind turbines to analyse different strategies and compare the profitability. Optimal stock levels and reorder sizes have been calculated with the software tool OPUS10. Wind turbine and spare part data have been provided by Vattenfall Vindkraft AB and field studies were made to the wind farms Lillgrund and Horns Rev to gather information. Our analyses show that different spare part strategies only affect a minor part of the total support costs generated for a wind farm. Still there are many improvements possible and money to be saved if using an optimal spare part strategy instead of one based on personal experiences and intuition. For a large wind power system, including a number of wind farms with the same wind turbine types, we also show convincing results that pooling of spare parts are a much more cost-efficient spare part strategy compared to local storage and handling only. Using a central depot for spare part reordering and storage of critical spare parts, such as gearboxes, generators and blades, are more profitable

Utformning av ett performance management-system : För mätning av prestationer inom Rottne industris reservdelslager / Design of a performance management system : For performance measurement within Rottne Industri spare parts inventory

Lidby, Max, Ringström, Philip January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Rottne industri är ett företag som tillverkar skogsmaskiner, närmare bestämt skördare och skotare. En viktig del av företagets strategi i dagsläget grundar på att bedriva en generös reservdelsverksamhet ut mot kunder. Reservdelsverksamheten har vuxit och blivit en konkurrensfördel för Rottne industri. För att behålla sin plats på marknaden är det viktigt att konkurrensfördelen behålls och reservdelsverksamheten effektiviseras. Vi har i samråd med lagerchefen på Rottne industri valt att utveckla ett performance management-system. Studien har tagit sin utgångspunkt i performance management-processen som består av fem steg som kopplats till separata problemfrågor. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att utveckla ett performance management-system åt Rottne industris reservdelslager i avsikt att ge företaget en utgångspunkt för kontroll och styrning av deras prestationer. Metod: Uppsatsen är uppbyggd på en kvalitativ metod. Uppsatsens synsätt är positivism och ett abduktivt angreppssätt tillämpas. Insamling av empirisk data sker främst genom intervjuer. Slutsats: För att Rottne industri ska behålla sin konkurrensfördel bör de främst fokusera på fyra måttgrupper; leveranstid, leveransprecision, orderkvalitet och servicegrad. Prioriteringen för dessa måttgrupper skiljer sig något beroende på vilken kundgrupp som avser att betjänas. För brådskande orders, som kopplas till slutkunder är leveranstid, orderkvalitet och servicegrad viktigaste, och för påfyllningsorders, som rör återförsäljare är leveransprecision, orderkvalitet och servicegrad viktigast. Höga mål bör sättas upp för viktiga måttgrupper och bör revideras när omvärlden förändras. Sökord: Performance management, performance management process, performance management system, performance measurement, spare part logistics, aftermarket logistics, target setting. / Title: Performance management - A case study on spare part logistics at Rottne industri Authors: Max Lidby, Philip Ringström Tutor: Peter Berling Background: Rottne industri is a company that manufactures forestry equipment. An important part of the company’s strategy is based on conducting a generous spare parts business to customers. The spare part business has grown and become a competitive advantage for Rottne industri. To keep its position in the market it is important that the competitive advantage is retained. In agreement with the warehouse management we have chosen to develop a performance management system. The study has been based on the performance management process that consists of five steps which has been linked with separate research questions. Purpose: The aim of this study is to develop a performance management system for Rottne industri’s warehouse in order to give the company a starting point for monitoring and control of performance. Method: The paper is based on a qualitative approach. Thesis approach is positivism and an abductive approach is applied. Collection of empirical data is mainly done through interviews. Conclusion: In order to maintain its competitive advantage Rottne industry should primarily focus on four groups of metrics; delivery time, delivery reliability, order quality and service level. The priority for these groups of metrics are slightly different depending on which group of customers Rottne industri intend to serve. For urgent orders the delivery time, order quality and level of service most important, and for replenishing orders delivery reliability, order quality and level of service is the most important. High targets should be set for important groups of metrics, and should be under continuous review when circumstances change. Keywords: Performance management, performance management process, performance management systems, performance measurement, spare part logistics, aftermarket logistics, target setting.

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