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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klassiska krigsföringsprinciper & specialoperationer

von Quanten, Jacob January 2020 (has links)
Recent conflicts have shown signs of increased operational usage of Special Operation Forces, conducting qualified missions of great strategical importance. However, the field of theoretical understanding within the subject suffers from limitations in scientifically based studies. Which aims to explain how special operations succeed on a strategical level. Although several researchers agree on the need for further studies within the subject, there are uncertainties whether theory should be developed upon classical or modern principles of war. Adam Leong Kok Wey has constructed a theoretical framework, in which eight historically rooted principles within special operations are presented. Wey claims that classical principles of war can be used to explain how modern special operations succeed. This study has been conducted in order to test whether Wey’s principles can explain the result of two contemporary cases. The result shows that all of the eight principles were present during the successful Operation Neptune Spear, whilst all but one was absent during the failed Bravo Two-Zero mission. Conclusions from this study can be drawn, which suggests an increase in explanatory power of Wey’s theoretical framework. Furthermore, suggesting that contemporary special operations theory can be developed upon classical principles of war.

Irreguljära terrororganisationers förmåga till särskilda operationer : En teorikonsumerande fallstudie på talibanernas anfall mot Camp Bastion i Helmand 2012

Henriksson, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
During years of insurgency in Afghanistan the Taliban has not been defeated. They have however adapted into a more sophisticated organization than in the beginning of the insurgency. Rather than identifying them as a simple terror organization this study aims to analyze the Taliban ability to utilize sophisticated tactics and conduct special operations. By using William H. McRavens theory on relative superiority, this studies purpose is to investigate whether the 2012 attack on Helmand’s Camp Bastion can be compared to special operation or not. The study will be conducted as a case study analyzing the reports made by both U.S and British armed forces following the attack. This study concludes that the Taliban attack on Camp Bastion can be comparable to a successful special operation in almost every way according to the theory of relative superiority by McRaven. The study shows that the operation is only lacking parts of the principles simplicity and repetition.

Flexibilitet för fysisk access vid specialoperationer : varför underrättelser är dimensionerande för framgång

Andersson, Jonny January 2020 (has links)
Tidigare forskning om tillämpning av flexibilitet vid krigföring beskriver adaptivitet till motståndaren och operationsmiljön som en framgångsfaktor. Genom flexibel anpassning till aktuell kontext kan motståndaren vilseledas och exploateras för att uppnå synergieffekter. I relation till specialförband och specialoperationer tillskrivs flexibilitet avgörande betydelse för att hantera strategiska beroendeförhållanden och krav på dold rörelse i högriskmiljöer. Likafullt är tidigare forskning i huvudsak beskrivande snarare än förklarande avseende betydelsen av specialförbandens förmågor som framgångsfaktorer för tillämpning av flexibilitet. Studien bidrar till ökad förståelse genom att skapa och pröva ett teoretiskt ramverk över förekomsten av framgångsfaktorer för specialförbandens tillämpning av flexibilitet samt dess påverkan på framgång vid fysisk access. Ökad förståelse kompletterar befintlig teori om specialförband och specialoperationer med kunskap om två centrala teman, tillämpning av flexibilitet samt fysisk access. Genom deduktiv-hypotetiskmetod skapas ett analysverktyg som appliceras på fyra fall av specialoperationer. Studien bidrar till teori om flexibilitet, fysisk access och specialoperationer genom att identifiera och förklara framgångsfaktorerna adaptivitet, innovation, underrättelser och vilselednings betydelse för specialförbandens tillämpning av flexibilitet för framgångsrik fysisk access. Resultatet av studien förklarar hur underrättelser kan förstås som dimensionerande för specialförbandens förmåga att proaktivt tillämpa flexibilitet.

Överraskningens orsaker : En flerfallsstudie om vad som orsakar överraskning på taktisk beslutsnivå

Jönsson, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Military theories regarding surprise has a conceptual way of being described which may influence the effect that surprise actually has on a specific command level. Without sufficient explanations there might be unclear reasons for the conversion of these theories into practice. The existing research shows an increased possibility of surprise within the strategical command level and how to achieve it. It also shows the absence of research regarding what causes surprise on tactical command level, even if some theories describe surprise as being more effective at that level. Special operations can be included within the tactical command level and may offer an explanation. This case study examines which causes may lead to surprise on a tactical command level by analyzing descriptions of special operations within the conduct of regular warfare. With theoretical and empirical references, surprise was achieved in both of the selected cases. The results of the study can be divided in to two categories: the direct and the indirect causes. The categorization gives a further explanation in how to better understand surprise within a specific command level. The study contributes to the existing research by revealing a better understanding for commanders within a tactical command level in how to achieve surprise.

Specialoperationer & McRavens principer : en teoriprövande tvåfallstudie på Operation Neptune’s Spear & Operation Gothic Serpent.

Arnesen, Joakim January 2019 (has links)
A conventional army is required to meet many needs and face many threats. However, when conventional warfare methods do not make the cut, Special Operations and Special Forces become a necessity. However, there exists few theories that sufficiently explain how Special Forces units around the world accomplishes these Special Operations. One of the few researches who has developed a theory regarding Special Operations is William H. McRaven with his theory of relative superiority.    McRaven´s theory proposes that there are six principles which determine the success of a Special Forces unit´s ability to plan, prepare and execute a Special Operation. The aim of the study is to understand McRaven´s theory´s explanatory power in explaining the results of Operation Neptune Spear and Operation Gothic Serpent.   This study concludes that Operation Neptune spear attained almost all of the required principles. However, Operation Gothic serpent lacked half of the required principles. In order to create a favourable relation, one must create synergy between the principles in order to achieve relative superiority. The study concludes by illustrating that McRaven´s theory´s explanatory power increased.

Kognitivt övertag genom operationskonst : Utövande av operationskonst vid specialoperationer

Neidmark, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Specialförband och specialoperationer är ett mindre studerat område, vilket också innebär att ämnet är underteoretiserat. Den befintliga forskningen är framförallt inriktad mot taktisk- och strategisk nivå, varför denna masteruppsats fokuseras till den operativa nivån och specifikt till begreppet operationskonst. Operationskonst framställs i doktriner som viktigt, men grundläggande vägledning hur begreppet ska förstås vid specialoperationer saknas. Genom åtkomst till förstahandskällor genomförs en praktiknära undersökning i svensk kontext. Uppsatsens syfte är att med en induktiv ansats och kvalitativ metod, skapa vetenskapligt grundad kunskap som bidrar till fördjupad förståelse och teoribildning av operationskonst vid specialoperationer. En fördjupad förståelse kan stödja operativ planering och ledning av specialoperationer, likaså en ännu tydligare integration med den taktiska nivåns krigföringsprinciper, vilket sammantaget kan medföra utvidgade förutsättningar till framgång. Uppsatsen visar att specialförbandens operativa nivå förstår begreppet operationskonst vid specialoperationer genom tre huvudkategorier: Innebörd – beskriver återkommande element, Förutsättning – åskådliggör premisser och Betydelse – klargör effekten. Resultatet leder till slutsatser som underbygger uppsatsens genererade teori inom operationskonst vid specialoperationer.

Operativ effektivitet - att skapa seger på det moderna slagfältet

Christoffersson, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
Operational effectiveness is an actor’s ability to use its military assets to achieve victory on the battlefield. Due to the evolution of society from the state as the central actor to international networks the modern battlefield has been reshaped. Former studies on operational effectiveness are all based on conventional warfare which raises questions on the validity of these theories on the modern battlefield.This study aims to test former theories on operational effectiveness to a new empirical context and answer the question of what makes an actor superior on the modern battlefield.The findings shows that even if former theories on operational effectiveness applies on the modern battlefield there are new indicators and actions that has to be considered in building the theory.The Swedish Armed Forces needs to address operational effectiveness as a phenomenon and train its personnel to be more innovative and adaptive to the modern operational environment.

Elva principer för specialoperationer? En studie av specialförbandens framgångar

Diffner Karlsson, August January 2023 (has links)
Recent studies have shown an increased relevancy for special operations warfare. Special operations have been acclaimed as a cost beneficial means of achieving strategic ends. Although this is the case there is a significant lack in the realm of contemporary special operations theory. Operation Barrasin 2000 and Operation Neptune Spear in 2011 have both been renowned for being daring, well conducted but foremost successful. Nevertheless, thorough research of these operations signals their absence. This study contributes to the field by examining these two successful special operations through the lens of a theoretical framework, based on prominent special operations theorists, in order to determine what principles led to their prosperity. Although a majority of the theoretical principles could be recognised in both operations, not all of these were beneficial to the outcome. The results have shown that the principles of strategic and political comprehension, technology, practice, intelligence, personal commitment and speed mainly contributed to success. Conclusions also show that the principle of intelligence could be considered superior to the other principles. This conclusion is drawn due to the fact that accurate intelligence enabled several of the other principles, for example practice and strategic and political comprehension.

Operation Spring of Youth och McRavens teori om relativ överlägsenhet

Unosson, Adam January 2024 (has links)
On the night between 9 and 10th of April 1973 Israel conducted Operation Spring of Youth as a retaliation to the terrorist attack during the summer Olympics in Munich 1972 where eleven Israeli athletes and coaches were killed. The operation was part of the larger operation Wrath of God. The operation took place in Beirut and targeted three high ranking PLO and Fatah members, the PFLP headquarters and three ammunitions and weapons factories in the city. The operation was hugely successful and is described as one of the largest and most comprehensive operations of its kind that Israel has conducted. The aim of this study is to explain why this operation could be carried out with such success despite being conducted in enemy territory against a vastly larger advisory in the capital of a state hostile to Israel. To answer this question the study uses William H. McRavens theory on relative superiority to explain how this operation could be carried out successfully. In conclusion the success could be traced to the extensive gathering of intelligence, rigorous planning, and preparations of the operation. Innovation, unconventional methods, the element of surprise, and a speedy execution also played a great part in why this operation succeeded.

Materielförsörjning av specialförband

Björk, Magnus January 2014 (has links)
Specialförband ska tillföra handlingsalternativ som ligger utanför reguljära förbands förmågor. Specialförband ska genomföra specialoperationer i hela kontinuumet mellan fred och krig med bred palett av förmågor. Detta ställer höga krav på en adekvat materielförsörjning som svarar mot de krav som ställs på specialförbanden. Trots detta är det lite forskat inom detta område. Syftet med denna uppsats är att med utgångspunkt i McRavens specialförbandsteori och med stöd av strategiskt vald empiri inom materielförsörjning identifiera kriterier som bör beaktas vid materielförsörjning av specialförband. Resultatet är femton kriterier som är av vikt för en materielförsörjningsorganisation. Kriterierna klustrades i fyra grupper: personliga egenskaper, organisatoriska egenskaper, metodologiska egenskaper och materiella egenskaper. Det uppsatsen visar på som är mycket viktigt är de personliga egenskaperna, utan dessa kommer det vara svårt att uppnå de övriga kriterierna som identifierades.

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