Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1species diversity."" "subject:"3species diversity.""
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Analýza pastevních porostů ve vybraném zemědělském podniku a návrh vhodného systému a intenzity pastvy. / The analysis of pastures in selected farm and recommendation of suitable grazing system and intensityTICHÁ, Pavlína January 2014 (has links)
This thesis at first discusses the importance of permanent grasslands, establishing and revival of pastures, further dividing agrobotanical groups, homogeneity of pastures and the treatment and fertilization of grasslands. The second part focuses on the breeding of cattle, commercial properties and targets in breeding herds. It deals with the Aberdeen angus beef, that is kept at monitored sites. In addition, the organization and the division of pastures. The third part contains observational monitoring of grassland. The effects of different grazing systems on pasture vegetation were observed at the selected pastures areas. Forage crop characteristics were measured and the suitable grazing system was designed and system of usage and treatment of pasture vegetation was designed. The observation was greatly complicated because of the excessive rainfall (floods) in the first third of the grazing season.
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Influence des gradients anthropique et géomorphologique sur la variation de la biodiversité végétale dans la réserve de biosphère de la boucle du Baoulé au Mali: cas de la réserve de FinaDiallo, Hady 25 February 2014 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche ont été menés dans la réserve de biosphère de la boucle du Baoulé (RBBB) au Mali. Cette réserve est constituée de 3 aires, Badinko, Kongosambougou et Fina. Cette étude a été faite dans l’aire de Fina, la plus importante pour sa richesse en faune. La péjoration des conditions climatiques et les impacts des pressions anthropiques croissantes ont entraîné une dégradation des écosystèmes en particulier la biodiversité végétale. L’objectif de notre recherche est d’étudier l’influence des gradients anthropique et géomorphologique sur la variation de la biodiversité végétale dans la RBBB. Elle contribuera à la caractérisation et à l’évaluation de l’état actuel de la végétation dans une perspective de conservation durable des ressources végétales en particulier la biodiversité. Nous sommes partis de l’idée que les aires protégées constituent des espaces témoins de conservation des milieux naturels qui, comparés aux milieux perturbés permettraient de caractériser l’état d’évolution de la biodiversité végétale. Deux approches ont été utilisées pour aborder cette étude :l’approche synchronique et l’approche diachronique. Un recensement et une classification des espèces ont été effectués en s’appuyant sur le dispositif de zonage d’une réserve de biosphère basée sur les degrés de pression (régimes de protection) et la situation géomorphologique. Puis une quantification des variations de pressions liées aux activités anthropiques a été faite. <p>Nos résultats ont montré que les facteurs structurants de la végétation varient suivant la géomorphologie et surtout le dispositif de zonage (gradient anthropique). C’est dans les milieux perturbés que la diversité est élevée, mais avec un niveau d’organisation peu homogène comparativement aux milieux non perturbés. L’intensification actuelle des pressions dans les milieux perturbés et la dégradation des formations végétales qui en résulte n’entraînent pas actuellement dans la réserve une baisse de diversité. Aussi, dans les conditions écologiques locales pratiquement semblables dans la réserve, le zonage caractérisant les niveaux d’anthropisation est autant important que les facteurs texture du sol qui sont liés aux conditions géomorphologiques dans la structuration floristique. Les résultats phytosociologiques ont montré l’individualisation de 10 groupements végétaux dont 6 en milieux perturbés avec une tendance à la dégradation de la végétation et sa transformation en savane arbustive et 4 en milieux non perturbés marqués par la disparition des formes de végétation originelles. La plus forte densité en espèces est observée dans les groupements végétaux des unités de plaine et de vallée pour l’ensemble des 3 zones. C’est dans ces unités également que la surface terrière pour les arbres de plus de 8 m et la valeur pastorale sont importantes. La diminution du recouvrement des espèces herbacées de bonne valeur fourragère en particulier les pérennes est corrélée aux perturbations liées aux intenses activités anthropiques (agricole et pastorale par exemple). Ces activités engendrent la dégradation du milieu, une baisse de la valeur pastorale qui est indépendante de la biodiversité. Les dynamiques temporelles de la composition du paysage forestier de la réserve ont montré une ouverture du paysage caractérisée par une extension des superficies cultivables de la zone de transition vers la zone protégée ainsi que la réduction de la superficie des savanes arborées et la transformation progressive du paysage en savane arbustive. L’étude a permis de comprendre que le dispositif législatif classique de protection ne correspond pas à la réalité de terrain. De façon générale, l’influence des gradients géomorphologique et surtout anthropique est perceptible sur la structure de la flore et de sa diversité. <p>Une extension de notre approche d’étude dans les réserves de Badinko et de Kongosambougou permettra d’asseoir un dispositif de suivi de l’évolution spatio-temporelle de la végétation et de poser les bases d’une politique rationnelle de conservation de la réserve de biosphère de la boucle du Baoulé.<p><p>Mots clés :Anthropisation, diversité floristique, dynamique spatiale, géomorphologie, réserve de Fina, Mali.<p><p>ABSTRACT<p>The research was conducted in the Fina, part of biosphere reserve of « boucle du Baoulé » (RBBB) in Mali. This reserve consists of 3 areas, Badinko, Kongosambougou and Fina. Fina area is the most important for its rich fauna, this study was done. The climatic conditions pejoration and the impacts of increasing human pressures have led to ecosystem degradation, particularly plant biodiversity of the Fina reserve. In this study we have updated data on plant diversity and its variation based on the device of biosphere reserve zoning based on the pressure degree (protects systems). The objective of this thesis was to test the main hypothesis that protected areas are witness spaces of natural settings conservation that, compared to the disturbed areas, would characterize plant biodiversity evolution. Two approaches were used to address this study: synchronic and diachronic approach. Our results showed that the vegetation structural factors vary with the environment (zones) and geomorphology. The correlations between vegetation and ecological factors showed that the disturbance gradient is a major factor in the floristic variability. Human pressure intensification in disturbed habitats and resulting vegetation degradation do not currently induce any decrease of diversity in the reserve. In local similar environmental conditions as is the Fina reserve case, zoning characterizing the human impact levels is as important as the soil texture factors that are related to geomorphological conditions in the floristic structure. The phytosociological results showed the individualization of 10 plant groups in disturbed habitats, including 6 with a tendency to shrubby savanna and 4 in undisturbed environments marked by the disappearance of the vegetation original forms. The highest density of species is observed in plant communities of the plain and valley units in all the three zones. It is also in these units that basal area for trees over 8 m and pastoral value are important. The herbaceous species of good fodder value recovery reduction in particular the perennial causes the environmental degradation, and the pastoral value reduction that is independent of biodiversity. Temporal dynamics of the forest landscape composition of the reserve showed an opening of the landscape characterized by an expansion of arable land in the transition zone to the protected area of the reserve, the decrease in savanna area and gradual transformation landscape in shrubby savanna.<p>An extension of our study approach in the Badinko and Kongosambougou reserves could help establishing a monitoring of the spatial and temporal vegetation evolution and putting the rational politics bases of Baoulé biosphere reserve conservation.<p><p>Key words: Anthropisation, geomorphology, floristic diversity, Fina reserve, spatial dynamics, Mali.<p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Vijabilnost populacije tekunice (Spermophilus citellus) pod uticajem promene klime i staništa / Viability of European ground squirrel population (Spermophilus citellus) under climate and land use change.Nikolić Tijana 24 October 2019 (has links)
<p>U radu je analiziran odgovor lokalnih populacija tekunice u Vojvodini na<br />promene uslova klime i korišćenja zemljišta. Odgovori populacija tekunice<br />(tipičnog predstavnika otvorenih staništa i idealnog model organizma) na<br />pomenute promene omogućiće razmatranje kako mere na regionalnom nivou: i)<br />mogu unaprediti zaštitu i očuvanje tekunice ii) ublažiti efekti promene klime i<br />korišćenja zemljišta iii) mogu usaglasiti razvoj poljoprivrede sa očuvanjem<br />biodiverziteta travnatih ekosistema. Kako bi se odgovorilo na pitanja i postavljene hipoteze u radu sprovedeno je terensko istraživanje, korišćen standardni prostorni pristup i ekološko modelovanje. Sve primenjene tehnike su komplementarne jedna drugoj u dobijanju odgovora na postavljena pitanja gde rezultati jedne analize predstavljaju ulazne podatke za drugu analizu. U tezi su korišćeni podaci dobijeni na osnovu terenskog mapiranja lokalnih populacija i podaci iz eksperimenta modelovanja kao i serija podataka dobijena cenzusom kolonija tekunica i terenskim uzorkovanjem zemljišta i vegetacije. Rasprostranjenje populacija oblikuju klimatski uslovi ali pored abiotičkih faktora uslovljavaju ih i biotički faktori i kretanje jedinki. Promena klime direktno utiče na distribuciju optimalnih uslova. Istraženo je u kojoj meri će doći do promene u distribuciji optimalnih uslova sredine za tekunicu. Potencijalna promena analizirana je uzimajući u obzir klimatski scenario Max Plank Instituta sa tri rcp projekcije i tri generisana prostorna scenarijadistribucije otvorenih travnatih staništa u Vojvodini. Sagledavanje mogućih efekata promene sredinskih uslova dalo je mogućnost da se ukaže na zone koja će biti ključne za očuvanje populacija tekunica i travnatih ekosistema u Vojvodini. Sledeće, s obzirom da disperzija jedinki, dostupnost resursa kao i delovanje lokalnih faktora ugrožavanja (barijere, menadžment staništa, varijabilnost sredinskih uslova, predatorstvo, poljoprivredne aktivnosti) oblikuju distribuciju populacija u prostoru, u radu je analiziran i uticaj promene ovih faktora na distribuciju populacija. Na području lokalnog slatino-stepskog koridora srednjeg Banata istražene su kompozicija biljnih vrsta, upravljanje na staništu, promena u kompoziciji okolnih poljoprivrednih kultura i dinamika populacije. Dobijene su informacije o efektima lokalnih uslova na prisustvo kolonija, veličinu kolonija i kondiciono stanje jedinki. Informacije dobijene u ovim poglavljima su kasnije korišćeni za formiranju seta kriterijuma radi karakterizacije svih mapiranih staništa u Vojvodini. Dalje, veliku ulogu u poljoprivrednom predelu imaju tranziciona staništa koja povezuju lokalne populacije. Identifikovanje koja tranziciona staništa koriste jedinke tekunice je ključno za očuvanje populacija i ublažavanje trena opadanja brojnosti. Na terenu su mapirani distribucioni obrasci lokalnih kolonija tekunice i istraženo je da li postoje razlike na lokalnom i predeonom nivou u distribuciji nastanjenih i napuštenih staništa na području Vojvodine. U radu je dalje analizirana mapirana mreža staništa lokalnih populacija i pretpostavljano je da populacije funkcionišu i održavaju se u okviru metapopulacione strukture. Sa druge strane, veličina i površina koju zauzimaju potencijalne metapopulacione struktura mapirane mreže staništa koje se razlikuju u odnosu na okupiranost, kapacitet i povezanost nisu bile poznate. Kako bi se kvantifikovale potencijalne metapopulacione jedinice i utvrdila vijabilnost svake definisane pojedinačne metapopulacione mreže korišćen je metod ključnog fragmenta. Mapirane mreže evaluirane su iz perspektive samog taksona i testiran je potencijalni disperzioni kapacitet. Proverena je permeabilnost predeonog matriksa između mapiranih staništa i identifikovani su potencijalni koridori za jedinke. Ovakav pristup daje uvid u koji deo predela je značajno i neophodno ulagati ograničena sredstva za zaštitu prirode unutar regiona Vojvodine. U tezi je na kraju ocenjen doprinos trenutne regionalne konzervacione prakse zaštiti staništa tekunice, dat pregled slabih tačaka i predlog predeono adaptacionih mera koji će doprineti zaštiti i očuvanju populacije tekunice kao i mozaika otvorenih travnatih staništa.</p> / <p>The study analyzes the European ground squirrel (EGS) population response to land use and climate change in Vojvodina. The response of the EGS population (typical species of open grassland habitats and the ideal model organism) to changes in environmental conditions in this region will enable consideration of following measures at the local and landscape level: i) effective protection and<br />conservation of the EGS and habitat it relay on; ii) climate change and land use mitigation and adaptation iii) how can we harmonize the development of agriculture and preserve the biodiversity of grassland ecosystem in agricultural settings. In order to answer the questions of this study, the field research was conducted, standard spatial approach and ecological modeling were employed. All applied techniques are complementary to one another in obtaining responses to the questions asked. The results of one analysis represent the input data for the following one. The data for the study were obtained: from EGS local populations’ field mapping, from the modeling experiment, the census campaigned and the field sampling of soil and vegetation. Distribution of populations, which in addition to abiotic factors are conditioned by biotic factors and movement of individuals were evaluated in the context of climate change. Climate change directly affects the distribution of optimalconditions. The potential changes in distribution of optimal environmental conditions for EGS were assessed by considering changes in abiotic factors and the availability of grasslands. The climate scenario obtained using a dynamic vegetation map with three rcp projections and three spatial scenarios for the distribution of open grasslands were used. The extrapolation of a suitable area obtained by presence only model Maxent gives the possibility to point to the zones that will be crucial for preserving the populations and grassland ecosystems in future. Dispersion of individuals, availability of resources and the operation of local threats (e. g. barriers, habitat management, variability of the central conditions, predation, agricultural activities) shape the distribution of populations in space and time. In the area of the local saline steppe corridor of the central Banat in Vojvodina i) the composition of plant species, ii) open grassland habitat management iii) changes in the composition of surrounding crops and iv) population dynamics of EGS have been investigated. The effects of local conditions on the presence, size of colonies and condition of the individuals of EGS were assessed. The information obtained in these chapters was later used to form a set of criteria for the characterization of all mapped habitats in Vojvodina. In the agricultural area, transitional habitats connect local populations of many species. Identifying transitional habitats which potentially can be used by focal species is key to protect and mitigate population decline. For this purpose distribution patterns of the colonies were mapped in the field. The haracteristics and differences among mapped patches at the local and sub landscape scale were detected and evaluated. Later in the study the network of mapped habitats patches was evaluated. It was assumed that mapped populations in Vojvodina function within several metapopulations networks. However, the size and area of potential meta-population networks are likely to differ in relation to occupancy, capacity and habitat connectivity. The knowledge of potential population units was scarce. In order to quantify the potential population units, to determine the viability and conservation priority of each defined habitat network the key patch approach was used. Mapped networks were evaluated from the perspective of the taxon itself and potential dispersed capacity was tested. The ermeability of the matrix area, connectivity of the mapped habitats and the distribution of potential corridors was verified. This approach gives an opportunity to assess to which part of the area and population it is necessary to invest limited resources for nature protection in Vojvodina.The contribution of current regional conservation practice to protection of EGS was evaluated, a brief overview of the weak points and the proposal of preciseadaptation measures that should be taken in Vojvodina are presented in final chapter. The results of this study propose the development of spatial adaption measures and conservation design that will contribute not only in preserving EGS and habitats it relay on but also other wild plant and animal species in this intensively used agricultural settings.</p>
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Model Based Analysis of Clonal Developments Allows for Early Detection of Monoclonal Conversion and LeukemiaBaldow, Christoph, Thielecke, Lars, Glauche, Ingmar 28 March 2017 (has links)
The availability of several methods to unambiguously mark individual cells has strongly fostered the understanding of clonal developments in hematopoiesis and other stem cell driven regenerative tissues. While cellular barcoding is the method of choice for experimental studies, patients that underwent gene therapy carry a unique insertional mark within the transplanted cells originating from the integration of the retroviral vector. Close monitoring of such patients allows accessing their clonal dynamics, however, the early detection of events that predict monoclonal conversion and potentially the onset of leukemia are beneficial for treatment. We developed a simple mathematical model of a self-stabilizing hematopoietic stem cell population to generate a wide range of possible clonal developments, reproducing typical, experimentally and clinically observed scenarios. We use the resulting model scenarios to suggest and test a set of statistical measures that should allow for an interpretation and classification of relevant clonal dynamics. Apart from the assessment of several established diversity indices we suggest a measure that quantifies the extension to which the increase in the size of one clone is attributed to the total loss in the size of all other clones. By evaluating the change in relative clone sizes between consecutive measurements, the suggested measure, referred to as maximum relative clonal expansion (mRCE), proves to be highly sensitive in the detection of rapidly expanding cell clones prior to their dominant manifestation. This predictive potential places the mRCE as a suitable means for the early recognition of leukemogenesis especially in gene therapy patients that are closely monitored. Our model based approach illustrates how simulation studies can actively support the design and evaluation of preclinical strategies for the analysis and risk evaluation of clonal developments.
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Zur Rekonstruktion historischer Biodiversität aus archivalischen Quellen: Das Beispiel des Oderbruchs (Brandenburg) im 18. Jahrhundert / The reconstruction of historical biodiversity by archival sources: the example of the Oderbruch floodplain (Brandenburg) in the 18th centuryJakupi, Antje 05 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Relationships between soil chemical properties and forest structure, productivity and floristic diversity along an altitudinal transect of moist tropical forest in Amazonia, Ecuador. / Beziehungen zwischen bodenchemischen Eigenschaften und Waldstruktur, Produktivität und floristischer Diversität tropischer Regenwälder Amazoniens entlang eines Höhengradienten in Ecuador.Unger, Malte Arne 30 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Soundscape dynamics in the social-ecological systems of Tierra del FuegoDante P Francomano (9738650) 14 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Human society is presently beset by an array of anthropogenic social-ecological crises that threaten the sustainability of the social-ecological systems that sustain our livelihoods. While research alone will not rectify these issues, it can help to answer key questions that must be addressed to develop effective solutions. To address such questions in a cohesive, compelling manner, social-ecological research can be bounded, structured, and distilled through innumerable organizing principles or theoretical frameworks. For this dissertation, I focused on the geographic region of Tierra del Fuego and sought to draw from the array of disciplines and methods that use sound as a lens for biological, ecological, and/or social inquiry. I also endeavored to consider various temporal, spatial, and organizational scales while investigating a selection of topics with a) specific importance in the social-ecological systems of Tierra del Fuego and b) general relevance to global social-ecological challenges. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the dissertation, and Chapter 6 serves as a conclusion.</p><p><br></p><p> </p><p>The objective of Chapter 2, “Biogeographical and analytical implications of temporal variability in geographically diverse soundscapes”, was to provide some guidance to passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) practitioners on how to design appropriate temporal sampling schemes based on the temporal variability of the sounds one wishes to measure and the power and storage limitations of acoustic recorders. We first quantified the temporal variability of several soundscape measurements and compared that variability across sites and times of day. We also simulated a wide range of temporal sampling schemes in order to model their representativeness relative to continuous sampling.</p><p><br></p><p> </p><p>For Chapter 3, “Sentinels for sentinels: passive acoustic and camera trap monitoring of sensitive penguin populations”, we tested the utility of PAM to monitor behavior and abundance of Magellanic (<i>Spheniscus magellanicus</i>) and southern rockhopper penguins (<i>Eudyptes chrysocome</i>) at different spatial and temporal scales. We conducted <i>in situ</i> observations of the acoustic behavior of each species, and we compared acoustic metrics with penguin counts from narrowly focused camera traps and larger-extent observations of colony density. </p><p><br></p><p> </p><p>Chapter 4, “Acoustic monitoring shows invasive beavers (<i>Castor canadensis</i>) increase avian diversity in Tierra del Fuego”, is focused on impacts of the invasive North American beaver (<i>Castor canadensis</i>) on Fuegian bird communities. We sought to determine how bird communities might differ between intact riparian forests, beaver ponds, and beaver meadows created by pond drainage. We conducted PAM and classic avian point counts under each of these conditions across seasons to test for differences between impact conditions and to compare the two methodologies.</p><p><br></p><p> </p>For Chapter 5, “Human-nature connection and soundscape perception: insights from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina”, we evaluated the relationship between soundscape perception and nature relatedness by conducting surveys and soliciting responses to soundscape audio prompts. We also examined the potential for any demographic influences on nature relatedness or soundscape perception in the context of local social tensions.
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Birds, bats and arthropods in tropical agroforestry landscapes: Functional diversity, multitrophic interactions and crop yieldMaas, Bea 20 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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