Spelling suggestions: "subject:"epeech tct"" "subject:"epeech tact""
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中文對話中的異議使用:語用學與社會語言學分析 / Disagreement in mandarin Chinese: a sociopragmatic analysis劉容瑜, Liu, Jung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
人們常因為禮貌或其他因素避免對立的情況發生。然而,異議在我們日常溝通中又扮演了不可或缺的角色。之前,眾多對於異議及其相關語言活動的研究均未曾探究異議內容的本質(對於事實內容的異議或對於議題評估的異議)與異議的建構有何關係。此外,台灣鮮少研究社會因素對異議建構方式的影響。基於上述不足,本研究旨在探討何種異議(內容異議或評估異議)在日常生活中較常出現,不同異議類別的語言形式與語用策略為何,以及年齡是否會影響異議的數量多寡與建構方式。本研究採用言談分析(conversational analysis, CA)作為研究框架,並以言語行為理論(speech act theory),合作原則(Cooperative Principles)及禮貌理論(Politeness Principles)為理論基礎。
研究結果顯示,第一,人們使用評估異議的頻率為內容異議的兩倍之多。個人主觀式遠多於社會文化評估的異議。第二,就語言形式而言,在異議的建構中,否定句、預告詞及肯定句(依此順序)的使用頻率高於其他語言形式。然而,語言行式的選擇會隨異議的本質而有所改變。內容異議通常使用直接句型,如否定句與肯定句;評估異議則平均使用直接性的否定句與間接性的預告詞。第三,就語用策略而言,更正、解釋與質疑(依此順序)的使用頻率高於其他語用策略。語用策略的選擇亦隨異議本質的不同而有所改變。超過一半的內容異議使用更正策略,但在評估異議中,更正、解釋與質疑的使用頻率相當。第四,在評估異議中,在各個語用策略中,語言形式的種類比內容異議多。這個結果影射著評估異議對面子的威脅程度可能比內容異議來得嚴重。因此,在進行評估異議時,語言形式與語用策略的挑選用必須格外注意。第五,年齡與異議的建構有顯著的相關性。同齡組比跨齡組更容易產生異議。最後,在異議中,聽話者的角色比說話者的角色更具有影響力。 / Although people try to avoid opposition for the sake of politeness or other reasons, disagreement, which may threaten interpersonal relationship and the success of communication, is inevitable in our daily life. Previous studies on disagreement (including dispute, argument, conflict, etc.) have not probe into the nature of the referential content—whether it is content-based (in this study, C-disagreement) or evaluation-based (in this study, E-disagreement), and the influences of social factors on disagreement have rarely been examined in Taiwan. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to see what type of disagreement are most likely to occur in daily conversations and to examine whether age is an influential factor on linguistic choices for in disagreement in Chinese society. This study uses the framework of conversational analysis (CA), and adopts speech act theory (Austin, 1962; Searle, 1975), Cooperative Principles (Grice, 1975) and Politeness Principles (Brown and Levinson’s, 1978, 1987; Leech, 1983) as the theoretical foundations.
12 conversations by speakers of 8 same-age groups (including 4 old groups and 4 young groups) and 4 cross-age groups were examined for disagreement. Related data are categorized, analyzed, and discussed by types of disagreement, linguistic markers, pragmatic strategies, social variable (in this study, age), and the interaction among the four.
The results of the data analyses show, first, people adopt nearly twice more E-disagreement than C-disagreement; moreover, E-disagreement based on personal judgment emerges more often than E-disagreement based on socio-cultural evaluation. Second, for linguistic markers, negation, pre-announcement marker, and affirmative (in this order) are adopted more in disagreement. However, preferences for linguistic markers change according to types of disagreement. In C-disagreement, direct syntactic markers, such as negation and affirmative, are used more frequently than the others; however, in E-disagreement, direct negation (syntactic) and indirect pre-announcement (lexical) are used with equal frequencies. Third, among pragmatic strategies, correction, account, and challenge (in this order) are adopted more frequently than the others. The usage of pragmatic strategies varies with types of disagreement. In C-disagreement, correction is highly adopted. But in E-disagreement, correction, account, and challenge are used with equal percentages. Fourth, the fact that more varieties of linguistic markers are used in each pragmatic strategy in E-disagreement than in C-disagreement may imply impoliteness, since face-threatening force is more serious in E-disagreement than in C-disagreement, which, in turn, indicates that more careful manipulation is needed in using E-disagreement. Fifth, age is influential in disagreement. More disagreements are found in the same-age groups than in the cross-age groups. Last, the hearer’s role is found to be more influential than the speaker’s role.
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Exclamatives en -tu, donc et assez en français québécois : types et sous-typesBertrand, Anne 08 1900 (has links)
Nous soutenons dans ce mémoire qu'il existe, en français québécois, deux sous-types de constructions exclamatives. Située dans un cadre théorique qui participe à la fois de la philosophie du langage (la théorie des actes de langage, Austin, 1962; Searle 1969, Searle, 1979; Searle et Vanderveken 1985) et de la linguistique (la théorie des types de phrase, Sadock et Zwicky, 1985; Reis, 1999), notre analyse porte sur un ensemble de constructions exclamatives en apparence synonymes qui impliquent respectivement les morphèmes -tu, donc et assez (1).
(1) Elle est-tu/donc/assez belle!
Nous démontrons que si ces exclamatives satisfont aux critères d'identification des constructions exclamatives donnés par Zanuttini et Portner (2003) (factivité, évaluativité/implicature scalaire, expressivité/orientation vers le locuteur et incompatibilité avec les paires de question/réponse), les actes de langage exclamatifs servis par les exclamatives en -tu/donc n'ont pas les mêmes conditions de félicité que les actes de langage exclamatifs servis par les exclamatives en assez. En effet, les exclamatives en -tu/donc imposent une contrainte sur leur contexte d'énonciation par rapport à la position épistémique de l'interlocuteur, lequel doit être en mesure de corroborer le jugement exprimé par le locuteur au moyen de l'exclamative. Les exclamatives en assez n'imposent pas de telle contrainte. Nous démontrons que cette distinction pragmatique peut être corrélée avec des distinctions sémantiques et syntaxiques et concluons qu'il existe bien deux sous-types de constructions exclamatives en français québécois. En ce sens, notre recherche ouvre de nouvelles perspectives empiriques et théoriques pour la description et l'analyse de la grammaire des actes de langage exclamatifs. / In this thesis, we argue that there are two subtypes of exclamative clauses in Quebec French. Based on the Speech Act theory (Austin, 1962; Searle, 1969; Searle & Vanderveken, 1985) and the Clause Type theory (Sadock & Zwicky, 1985; Reis, 1999), our analysis is concerned with a set of seemingly synonymous exclamative constructions respectively marked by the exclamative morphemes -tu, donc, and assez (1).
(1) Elle est-tu/donc/assez belle!
'Isn't she pretty!/She's so pretty!'
We show that despite the fact that exclamative constructions with -tu, donc, and assez all meet the criteria for the exclamative clause type given by Zanuttini and Portner (2003) (factivity, evaluativity/scalar implicature, expressivity/speaker orientedness and inability to appear in question/answer pairs), exclamative speech acts performed by uttering exclamative constructions with -tu/donc have different felicity conditions than exclamative speech acts performed by uttering exclamative constructions with assez. For an exclamative construction with -tu/donc to be uttered felicitously, the hearer must be in a specific epistemic state: she must be able to corroborate the judgment expressed by the speaker. Exclamative constructions with assez are not subject to such a constraint. We show that this pragmatic distinction can be correlated with syntactic and semantic distinctions and conclude that there are, indeed, two subtypes of exclamative clauses in Quebec French. Our research thus opens new empirical and theoretical perspectives for the description and analysis of the grammar of speech acts.
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PerformativitätSchmidt, Melanie 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Der Begriff Performativität geht zurück auf die Sprechakttheorie und wurde von dem Sprachphilosophen John L. Austin "ins Spiel" gebracht. Er verweist mit dem Terminus auf die handlungspraktische Dimension des Sprechens, d.h. dasjenige zu vollziehen oder zu produzieren, was im Sprechen benannt wird, und es nicht lediglich zu bezeichnen. Vor dem Hintergrund von Derridas Iterabilitätsbegriff hat insbesondere Judith Butler das Konzept in die Gendertheorie eingeführt. Das Sein oder So-Sein eines Geschlechtes ist demnach kein ontologischer Status, der aus einer vordiskursiven Wirklichkeit schöpft, sondern das Ergebnis (sich wiederholender) performativer Inszenierungen, die sich selbst erfolgreich als Sein darstellen.
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La politesse dans la communication interculturelle : les stratégies de politesse utilisées par les coréens apprenant le français comme langue seconde lors des situations de demandeBae, Jin Ah 02 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche a pour objectif d’examiner les stratégies de politesse utilisées par des apprenants coréens qui apprennent le français comme langue seconde lors des situations de demande et de mettre en évidence le rôle de la L1 et de la culture d’origine des apprenants quant à leurs choix des stratégies de politesse en français.
Trois groupes de répondants ont participé à la recherche : 30 locuteurs natifs coréens qui habitent à Séoul, en Corée, 30 étudiants coréens apprenant le français comme langue seconde à Montréal, au Canada, et 30 locuteurs natifs francophones habitant Montréal. Les données recueillies auprès des locuteurs natifs ont servi de bases de données reflétant respectivement les normes de la L1 et celles de la langue cible. Pour la collecte de données, nous avons utilisé quatre outils : le Discourse Completion Test (DCT) écrit, des échelles d’évaluation des variables contextuelles, un Questionnaire à choix multiples (QCM) ainsi qu’une entrevue semi-structurée. Les réponses obtenues au DCT écrit ont été analysées à l’aide du schéma de codage élaboré dans le cadre du Cross-Cultural Speech Act Realization Project (CCSARP) (Blum-Kulka, House, & Kasper, 1989).
Les résultats de notre recherche ont démontré que les apprenants coréens ont estimé les variables contextuelles, comme l’intimité et le pouvoir social ressentis vis-à-vis de l’interlocuteur dans les situations de demande de façon similaire aux locuteurs natifs francophones, alors qu’ils ont eu tendance à estimer une plus grande gravité d’imposition de la demande que les deux groupes de locuteurs natifs dans plusieurs situations de demande. Quant aux stratégies de demande, tandis que ce sont les stratégies indirectes qui ont été le plus fréquemment utilisées par les apprenants coréens et les locuteurs natifs francophones, les apprenants coréens ont montré une tendance au transfert pragmatique de la L1, en recourant aux stratégies directes plus fréquemment que les locuteurs natifs francophones. De plus, étant donné que les apprenants coréens ont utilisé beaucoup moins d’atténuateurs que les locuteurs natifs francophones, leurs formules de demande étaient plus directes et moins polies que celles employées par les locuteurs natifs francophones. En ce qui concerne les mouvements de soutien (supportive moves), les apprenants coréens se sont démarqués des deux groupes de locuteurs natifs, en recourant plus fréquemment à certaines catégories de mouvements de soutien que les autres répondants. Les analyses de corrélation entre l’estimation des variables contextuelles et le choix des stratégies de politesse nous ont permis de constater que les apprenants coréens ainsi que les locuteurs natifs francophones ont eu tendance à utiliser davantage d’atténuateurs lorsque le locuteur possède moins de pouvoir social.
Les implications des résultats pour l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des aspects de la politesse dans la classe de français langue seconde ont été exposées. / The aim of this study is to investigate request strategies that Korean learners of French use in request situations. The role played by the learners’ first language and their culture of origin in making these choices will also be explored.
Three groups of respondents participated in this study: 30 native Korean speakers living in Seoul, Korea, 30 Korean French learners in Montreal, Canada, and 30 French native speakers living in Montreal. Data collected from native speakers of both Korean and French were used to create baseline data reflecting first and second language norms respectively. Four data collecting methods were used: the Discourse Completion Test (DCT); an assessment questionnaire evaluating situational factors such as intimacy, the social power between interlocutors and the degree of imposition of requests; the multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ); and a semi-constructed interview. The responses obtained from the written DCT were analysed using the coding scheme elaborated in the Cross-Cultural Speech Act Realization Project (CCSARP) (Blum-Kulka, House, & Kasper, 1989).
The results of the study showed that the Korean French learners estimated situational factors like intimacy and the relative social power that they feel with interlocutors in a manner similar to that of the French native speakers. However, in many situations, the Korean learners of French tended to estimate that a request represented a greater imposition than either group of native speakers. Further, while the Korean French learners frequently used indirect strategies as the French native speakers used them, they showed a tendency towards pragmatic transfer from their first language (L1), using direct strategies more frequently than their native French-speaking counterparts. Moreover, as the Korean French learners used downgraders far less frequently, their semantic formulas were more direct and less polite than the ones used by French native speakers. Concerning supportive moves, the Korean French learners showed a different tendency from the two groups of native speakers, in that they used some categories of supportive moves more frequently. The correlation analysis between the results of the assessment questionnaire about situational factors and the politeness strategies used by respondents revealed that the Korean learners and the French native speakers used more downgraders when they have less social power than the hearer.
Finally, the implications of these findings as relates to the pedagogical and didactic aspects of politeness in French as a second language classroom are examined.
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Prezentace řeči, psaní a uvažování v britských novinách. / The presentation of speech, writing and thought in British newspapers.Čermáková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The thesis compares forms of speech presentation (and marginally writing presentation) in British newspapers through a theory of Speech, Writing and Thought presentation as introduced by E. Semino and M. Short (2004). On a specialised corpus of 6 newspaper articles, the work compares qualitive and quantitative tendencies of individual speech presentation categories, focusing on the diagnosis of differences and common points in two journalistic sub-genres, the tabloid and the broadsheet. The speech presentation categorization is applied as a clinal model with permeable borders between individual categories. The focus is on detecting and analysing the fucntions of individual categories of speech presentation in terms of information, style, pragmatics and form. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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L'ordre des éléments de la phrase en coréen : esquisse de syntaxe énonciative / The order of elements in Korean sentence : an essay on enunciative korean syntaxPark, Young-Ok 05 June 2015 (has links)
L’enjeu de la présente étude est de montrer que l'ordre des mots acquiert un rôle métalinguistique important dans le système des opérations internes de la langue : il connote la manière de penser le monde phénoménal. Pour cette étude sur le coréen, la théorie que nous avons choisie est la systématique énonciative. Cette théorie met en œuvre une analyse qui ne sépare pas le Discours des conditions linguistiques de sa production. Dépassant le cadre d’une systématique des langues, elle rappelle qu’un énoncé n'est jamais isolé du contexte linguistique et situationnel où se trouve le sujet parlant. Nous commencerons par l’observation de l'énoncé fondamental, afin de dégager ses unités constitutives fonctionnelles ; en d’autres termes, nous adopterons la démarche sémasiologique, mais à partir des conditions d'énonciation et de la situation de production de l'énoncé. Nous examinerons ensuite l'ordre interne des éléments de l'unité constitutive fonctionnelle, qui relève aussi bien du domaine morpho-syntaxique que sémantique. Nous verrons que l’ordre à l’intérieur du syntagme et le choix du mot formel en coréen constituent un mécanisme majeur de la syntaxe coréenne, mécanisme qui dépend de la visée d’effet du locuteur. Si chaque langue a sa manière d’organiser les éléments au sein d’une unité donnée, c’est que chaque langue analyse à sa façon la perception du monde expérientiel. Quel est alors l’ordre prescrit par le système linguistique du coréen, au niveau du mot, du syntagme et de la phrase ? Quelle est la liberté de manœuvre du locuteur au moment de la construction de la phrase dans l’acte de langage ? C’est à ces deux questions que ce travail a tenté d’apporter une réponse. La présente étude comporte quatre parties. La première partie propose d’examiner la structure de l’énoncé : de l’énoncé au syntagme. La deuxième partie explique la disposition des constituants dans l’énoncé. La troisième partie étudie l’ordre des éléments au sein du syntagme nominal, en fonction de la place du déterminant. Cela concerne la logique combinatoire du mot matériel et du mot formel qui relève essentiellement de la syntaxe interne d’une unité constitutive fonctionnelle de l'énoncé. Enfin, la quatrième partie se consacre à une syntaxe de l’adverbe, basée sur sa mobilité au sein de l’énoncé, mobilité qui affecte l’incidence adverbiale. / The aim of this study is to show how, in deep structure operations, word order in Korean takes on an important metalinguistic dimension, affecting the way the speakers see the world. Guillaume's psycho-mechanical theory, insofar as it does not cut off the speech act from the speaker and the context of communication is particularly well-equipped to examine this question.The study starts with the identification of the immediate constituents of the simple sentence in Korean (semasiological approach). Next, with a view to highlighting the morpho-syntactical and semantic organization of the language, the variations in meaning obtained by the different internal ordering of each functional constituent unit is examined at word level, at phrase level and at sentence level. To what extent is the speaker free to choose the order in which he arranges the elements of the sentence he instantiates in the speech act? These are just some of the questions that this study tries to answer. This study comprises four parts. The first examines the structure of Korean sentence: from the sentence to the phrase. The second focuses on the disposition of sentence constituents. The third part investigates the order of the constituents within the noun phrase, comparing relative positions of the determinant in the phrase. This relates to the rules governing the combination of lexical words and grammatical words; this sheds light on the internal syntax of each functional constituent of the utterance. Finally, the last part is devoted to syntax of the adverb, based on its mobility and the way that position affects adverbial incidence.
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現代漢語拒絕言語行為與策略及其教學探究 / The Speech Act of Refusal in Mandarin Chinese: An Analysis of Verbal Strategies to Express Refusal and Disagreement with Suggestions for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language曲禹宣, Chu,Yu-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果歸納出了11類間接拒絕策略與5類輔助策略,並針對各語境歸納出了主要的拒絕模式。教學應用方面,主要是將研究結果編寫成教學內容,除了以各語境歸納出的拒絕模式導入對話的情景教學方法外,也思考了各拒絕策略可應用的教學方式。期盼研究成果可以應用於對外華語教學層面,除了提出相關主題教學時的應用方法外,也能提升教師的教學效率與學習者的學習成效。 / Verbal communication is a kind of social behavior which denotes activities as transferring messages or exchanging feelings by means of language. Various communicative actions appear in our daily life. Refusals are one of their most common forms.
The performance of refusal speech varies greatly regarding to its objectives and contexts. The speech act of “indirect refusal”, for example, often occurs in situations where a younger person has to refuse a request of an elder one. “Direct refusal”, on the contrary, appears more in private occasions. Given the importance of context people with different cultural backgrounds easily fails to understand the more underlying pragmatic features of language.
Although students of the Chinese language may gradually increase their lexical knowledge and become well-skilled in language performance, failures in decoding the pragmatic features still occur in many communicative situations. Even for advanced students understanding context poses a great challenge. Most teaching materials, however, focus on teaching vocabulary, phrases, and grammar. Some materials are designed according to various language competences. To lay focus on speech act sets, however, is still less common.
The present thesis aims to analyze the speech act of refusal in Mandarin Chinese and wants to apply its results to the practical use of teaching Chinese. For the research in communicative behavior, the author collected data and results from different sources: 1. personal recordings of verbal behavior; 2. questionnaire for verbal behavior in different communicative situations; 3. theoretical discussions.
First, based on the dynamic features of verbal communication, the author discusses refusal as speech act and analyzes its pragmatic strategies and linguistic structures. Different forms of refusal as indirect refusal and false refusal will be treated separately. Furthermore, the results of linguistic analysis will be applied to instructions for teaching in the hope that language learners can enhance both their communicative and pragmatic capabilities in a more efficient way. An analysis of common teaching materials is included, too.
In detail, the present thesis includes four discussions:
(1) Understanding the speech act of refusal: Based on previous theories the speech act of refusal will be discussed under different pragmatic perspectives.
(2) Analyzing the speech act of refusal: Analyses of the pragmatic features and the linguistic structure of refusal are conducted for six different contexts. Eleven realization strategies of refusal and five supporting strategies of communicative behavior are discussed in detail.
(3) Analyzing teaching materials: Frequency and methods of presenting different pragmatic features of refusal in teaching materials will be analyzed and evaluated.
(4) Suggestions for teaching: Methods for teaching various speech acts of refusal are proposed according to the results obtained from the inquiries in its pragmatic and linguistic features. Examples for teaching different strategies and supporting strategies of refusal are included.
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La politesse dans la communication interculturelle : les stratégies de politesse utilisées par les coréens apprenant le français comme langue seconde lors des situations de demandeBae, Jin Ah 02 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche a pour objectif d’examiner les stratégies de politesse utilisées par des apprenants coréens qui apprennent le français comme langue seconde lors des situations de demande et de mettre en évidence le rôle de la L1 et de la culture d’origine des apprenants quant à leurs choix des stratégies de politesse en français.
Trois groupes de répondants ont participé à la recherche : 30 locuteurs natifs coréens qui habitent à Séoul, en Corée, 30 étudiants coréens apprenant le français comme langue seconde à Montréal, au Canada, et 30 locuteurs natifs francophones habitant Montréal. Les données recueillies auprès des locuteurs natifs ont servi de bases de données reflétant respectivement les normes de la L1 et celles de la langue cible. Pour la collecte de données, nous avons utilisé quatre outils : le Discourse Completion Test (DCT) écrit, des échelles d’évaluation des variables contextuelles, un Questionnaire à choix multiples (QCM) ainsi qu’une entrevue semi-structurée. Les réponses obtenues au DCT écrit ont été analysées à l’aide du schéma de codage élaboré dans le cadre du Cross-Cultural Speech Act Realization Project (CCSARP) (Blum-Kulka, House, & Kasper, 1989).
Les résultats de notre recherche ont démontré que les apprenants coréens ont estimé les variables contextuelles, comme l’intimité et le pouvoir social ressentis vis-à-vis de l’interlocuteur dans les situations de demande de façon similaire aux locuteurs natifs francophones, alors qu’ils ont eu tendance à estimer une plus grande gravité d’imposition de la demande que les deux groupes de locuteurs natifs dans plusieurs situations de demande. Quant aux stratégies de demande, tandis que ce sont les stratégies indirectes qui ont été le plus fréquemment utilisées par les apprenants coréens et les locuteurs natifs francophones, les apprenants coréens ont montré une tendance au transfert pragmatique de la L1, en recourant aux stratégies directes plus fréquemment que les locuteurs natifs francophones. De plus, étant donné que les apprenants coréens ont utilisé beaucoup moins d’atténuateurs que les locuteurs natifs francophones, leurs formules de demande étaient plus directes et moins polies que celles employées par les locuteurs natifs francophones. En ce qui concerne les mouvements de soutien (supportive moves), les apprenants coréens se sont démarqués des deux groupes de locuteurs natifs, en recourant plus fréquemment à certaines catégories de mouvements de soutien que les autres répondants. Les analyses de corrélation entre l’estimation des variables contextuelles et le choix des stratégies de politesse nous ont permis de constater que les apprenants coréens ainsi que les locuteurs natifs francophones ont eu tendance à utiliser davantage d’atténuateurs lorsque le locuteur possède moins de pouvoir social.
Les implications des résultats pour l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des aspects de la politesse dans la classe de français langue seconde ont été exposées. / The aim of this study is to investigate request strategies that Korean learners of French use in request situations. The role played by the learners’ first language and their culture of origin in making these choices will also be explored.
Three groups of respondents participated in this study: 30 native Korean speakers living in Seoul, Korea, 30 Korean French learners in Montreal, Canada, and 30 French native speakers living in Montreal. Data collected from native speakers of both Korean and French were used to create baseline data reflecting first and second language norms respectively. Four data collecting methods were used: the Discourse Completion Test (DCT); an assessment questionnaire evaluating situational factors such as intimacy, the social power between interlocutors and the degree of imposition of requests; the multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ); and a semi-constructed interview. The responses obtained from the written DCT were analysed using the coding scheme elaborated in the Cross-Cultural Speech Act Realization Project (CCSARP) (Blum-Kulka, House, & Kasper, 1989).
The results of the study showed that the Korean French learners estimated situational factors like intimacy and the relative social power that they feel with interlocutors in a manner similar to that of the French native speakers. However, in many situations, the Korean learners of French tended to estimate that a request represented a greater imposition than either group of native speakers. Further, while the Korean French learners frequently used indirect strategies as the French native speakers used them, they showed a tendency towards pragmatic transfer from their first language (L1), using direct strategies more frequently than their native French-speaking counterparts. Moreover, as the Korean French learners used downgraders far less frequently, their semantic formulas were more direct and less polite than the ones used by French native speakers. Concerning supportive moves, the Korean French learners showed a different tendency from the two groups of native speakers, in that they used some categories of supportive moves more frequently. The correlation analysis between the results of the assessment questionnaire about situational factors and the politeness strategies used by respondents revealed that the Korean learners and the French native speakers used more downgraders when they have less social power than the hearer.
Finally, the implications of these findings as relates to the pedagogical and didactic aspects of politeness in French as a second language classroom are examined.
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A Linguistic Analysis of Peer-review Critique in Four Modes of Computer-mediated CommunicationFrisk, Irina January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The present work is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of pragmatic strategies for delivering critique, and types of politeness, used by undergraduate L2 students of English at different stages of peer-review discussion. The material examined consists of four corpora of authentic conversations between students, the main purpose of which was to give feedback on each other’s contributions during an English A-level course, at Mid-Sweden University. The conversations explored were carried out electronically, and represent four different online environments, or modes of computer-mediated communication (CMC). The material from the two asynchronous modes of CMC is comprised of L2 students’ written discussion board messages and spoken posts recorded using online software. The two synchronous environments under investigation are text-based and voice-based chat. Taking Brown and Levinson’s (1987) framework of politeness as a point of departure, the present study uses a combination of corpus and conversation analytical methods. The basic unit of analysis has been defined as the shortest message of peer-review critique that constitutes a thematic unit: these have been examined in terms of their content and politeness features associated with them, and analyzed in terms of the pragmatic strategy and type of politeness adopted. The types of pragmatic strategies or message organization patterns at different stages, i.e. initial versus subsequent feedback, of the peer-review discussion have also been analyzed. The results of the study show that the pragmatic strategies aimed at praise and agreement prevail in the corpus data produced by predominantly native speakers of Swedish. Even though the pragmatic strategies used for disagreement and negative evaluation are rich in propositional content, their occurrences and distribution vary across the four modes of CMC examined. These results seem to have wider implications in the context of online L2 learning activities, providing insights about the language of peer-review critique in a Swedish academic setting. Keywords: computer-mediated communication (CMC), Conversation Analysis (CA), conversation management, discussion boards, feedback category, mode of CMC, peer-review discussion, politeness theory, pragmatic strategy, speech act of critique, text-based chat, type of politeness, voice-based chat, VoiceThread
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Teorie mluvních aktů v teologii se zvláštním ohledem na prosebnou modlitbu a vyznání Ježíše Krista jako Syna Božího v Markově evangeliu / Speech act theory in the field of theology in Mark´s gospel speaking about Jesus as the Son of GodFAJMON, Blahoslav January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to inquire into the application of the Speech act theory in the field of theology. First, philosophical part introduces distinctive topics of language-philosophy found in Wittgenstein, Austin and Searle. The main focus of this summary lies on Searle`s categorization of speech acts. If we approach Searle`s categorization from the perspective of Wittgenstein`s philosophy, we could understand his categorization in functional and not ontological terms and therefore we find a certain liberty to modify Searle`s categorization with regard to analysed phenomenon. In the beginning of the theological part we analyse the limits of the application of the speech act theory in the case of the confession of faith. Consequently we construct categorization of the speech acts of faith discourse based on its communicative and transformative dimensions. Afterwards we focus on one of the main types of faith discourse, namely the petitionary prayer. During analysis of the petitionary prayer in the Old and New Testament we gradually introduce considerable insights of theologians who applied Austin`s and Searle`s concepts in their work. These are followed up by our own observations. Second section of the theological part of the dissertation is concerned with the application of speech act theory in exegesis of particular texts, namely those passages in Mark`s gospel which speak about Jesus as the Son of God. Speech act theory evidently could not serve to settle exegetical disagreements by always locating the precise illocutionary point of every speech act, however it proves itself as a good tool for conceptual orientation and its application brings valuable insights.
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