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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza hodnotového toku / Value stream analysis

Perutka, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis “Value stream mapping” is to analyse the montage workplace of the company IFE-CR, a.s. with focus on the value stream and the methods of lean production. The thesis aims to identify priorities for applying lean production methods at the montage workplace and to propose concrete measures in order to reduce different types of wasting. The first part of the thesis is dealing with the theory, understanding the main principles and methods of lean production, as well as with the method of value stream mapping. The second part is dealing with value stream analysis of the montage workplace and proposes concrete measures to reduce wasting and to increase the production effectiveness, respectively to improve the material stream trough implementation of selected lean production methods in the montage workplace.

Analýza hodnotového toku / Value stream analysis

Hrnčíř, Roman January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis: „Analysis of the value stream“ deals with the mapping of production processes in terms of flow value, their analysis and application of possible improvements that should be task to speed up and improve process. Finally, correctness will be proved with process audit of proposed solutions and will be quantified also possible savings. The goal of this work is to design, implement and validate methods of lean production in working process.

Optimalizace procesů ve společnosti / Company Processes Optimization

Lindovská, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on optimization of working processes in Witzenmann Opava by using Value Stream Map. The aim of the thesis is on a basis current status of value stram propose to suitable actions and draw them into new value stream map. The thesis is devided into three parts – theoretical, analytical and proposal part. In the first part of the thesis are compiled theoretical knowledge about lean management sphere, tools for elimination of wastings and theory about mapping value stream by using VSM. Analytical part is deal with characterictic of company Witzenmann Opava, its internal and external factors of developments and implementation of lean production. In this part there is also characteristic of choosed product. Proposal part is deal with value stream analysis of choosed product and specific actions to reduce wasting and getting production more effective with the help of lean production methods.

Relationen mellan Lean och arbetstillfredsställelse i Folktandvården / The relationship between Lean and job satisfaction in Folktandvården

Brdar, Mihret, Söderlind, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Trycket har ökat på Folktandvården under de senare åren på grund av en befolkningstillväxt vilket resulterar i en ökad arbetsbelastning för personalen och vårdköerna. Samtidigt rapporterar nästintill samtliga regioner en brist på tandläkare. För att hantera detta problem har flera regioner infört ett förbättringsarbete enligt Lean för att tiden ska användas bättre och att kunna utnyttja begränsade resurser på bästa sätt. Denna satsning har från många upplevts positivt då man kunnat se minskning i både väntetider och vårdtider vilket inneburit att bristen av tandläkare inte varit ett lika stort problem. Användandet av Lean-verktyg och Lean som styrmodell har vidare uppmärksammats med en viss motsättning som menar att Lean inte ska tillämpas i en miljö där patienter är i centrum. Traditionellt sett har det varit motsatta åsikter kring ämnet där ena parten anser att främjande av storskalig förbättring av industrityp behövs för att få vård in i modern tid. Den andra parten hävdar att människor inte ska hanteras som inom produktion och att en förenklad adoption bara förvärrar de extrema svårigheterna att leverera enhetlig, högkvalitativ vård med få resurser till befolkningar vars förväntningar fortsätter att öka. Men vid branscher såsom tandvård där personalen utgör både service och “produktion”, bör det vara av största vikt att se över vad som går att påverka för att förbättra deras arbetsmiljö så att de kan utföra bästa möjliga arbete med begränsad personal. Frågan som vidare uppstår är, hur påverkar egentligen användandet av Lean-verktyg arbetsmiljön och vidare arbetstillfredsställelsen hos personalen i folktandvården? Är ett skifte till ett förbättringsarbete enligt Lean en hållbar lösning för den tandläkarbrist som uppstått i landet?    Mycket av den forskning som utfört kring relationen mellan användandet av Lean-verktyg och personalens arbetstillfredsställelse har utförts i sjukhusmiljö. Vi resonerar att delar av denna forskning kan vara applicerbart inom tandvården då de bedriver en liknande verksamhet med patienter i fokus, men då forskning visat på att det finns skillnader i resultat av implementeringen även avdelningar sinsemellan är det av behov att studera tandvården närmre. Huruvida användandet av Lean och dess olika styrverktyg påverkar arbetstillfredsställelsen är därför av relevans att studera för att kunna komplettera den redan existerande forskning som finns inom hälso- och sjukvård.   Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att redogöra för vilken påverkan användandet av Lean-verktyg har på personalens arbetstillfredsställelse på Folktandvården.   Metod: Denna studie har utförts genom en kvantitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv forskningsansats. Data har samlats in genom enkätundersökning från Folktandvården i 4 st regioner med frågor angående deras arbetstillfredsställelse samt arbetssätt.   Resultat: Studiens resultat tyder på att Lean-verktyget Value Stream Mapping har en positiv inverkan på personalens arbetstillfredsställelse. De andra Lean-verktygen som testades (Visuell styrning, standardiserat arbetssätt, 5S) hade ingen inverkan på personalens arbetstillfredsställelse. Vid test av en sammanslagning av samtliga verktyg så sågs en positiv inverkan på arbetstillfredsställelsen. / Background and problem: The pressure has increased in Folktandvården in recent years due to population growth as a result and an increased working life for staff and the care queues. At the same time, almost all regions report a shortage of dentists. In order to deal with this problem, several regions have introduced improvement work according to Lean in order to use time in a more productive way and to be able to make the best use of limited resources. This initiative has by many been seen as positive seen there has been a reduction in both waiting times and care times, which made the lack of dentists not as big of a problem as before. The use of Lean tools and Lean as a control model has also been noted with some contradictions which mean that Lean should not be applied in an environment where patients are at the center. Traditionally, there have been opposing views on the subject where one party considers promoting large-scale improvement of industrial type is important to move healthcare into modern times. The other party claims that people should not be treated as in production and that simplified adoption only exacerbates the extreme difficulties of delivering uniform, high quality care with few resources to populations whose expectations continue to increase. In industries use dental care where staff are both service and "production", it should be of utmost importance to look at what can be done to their work environment so that they can perform at their best with limited personal. The question that arises is, how does the use of Lean tools really affect the working environment and, furthermore, the job satisfaction of the staff in the dental care? Is shifting to an improvement work according to Lean and sustainable solution for the dentist deficiency that has arisen in the country?   Much of the research conducted on the relationship between the use of Lean tools and staff job satisfaction has been conducted in a hospital setting. We reason that parts of this research may be applicable in dentistry as they conduct a similar activity with patients in focus, but as research has shown that there are differences in the results of the implementation, also departments among themselves, it is necessary to study dentistry more closely. Therefore, whether the use of Lean and its various control tools influences job satisfaction is of relevance to study in order to supplement the already existing research that exists in health care.   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to report on the impact of the use of Lean tools on staff job satisfaction at Folktandvården.   Method: This study was done through a quantitative research method with a deductive research approach. Data has been collected through a survey by Folktandvården in 4 regions with questions regarding their job satisfaction and working methods.   Results: The study's results indicate that the Lean tool Value Stream Mapping has a positive impact on staff job satisfaction. The other Lean tools tested (Visual Control, Standardized working method, 5S) had no effect on staff job satisfaction. When testing a combination of all the tools, a positive impact on job satisfaction was seen.

Sustainable Manufacturing: Green Factory : A case study of a tool manufacturing company

Mohanty, Smruti Smarak, Jagtap, Rohan S. January 2020 (has links)
Efficient use of resources and utility is the key to reduce the price of the commodities produced in any industry. This in turn would lead to reduced price of the commodity which is the key to success. Sustainability involves integration of all the three dimensions: environmental, economic and social. Sustainable manufacturing involves the use of sustainable processes and systems to produce better sustainable products. These products will be more attractive, and the industry will know more about the climate impact from their production.   Manufacturing companies use a considerable amount of energy in their production processes. One important area to understand the sustainability level at these types of industries is to study this energy use. The present work studies energy use in a large-scale tool manufacturing company in Sweden. Value Stream Mapping method is implemented for the purpose of mapping the energy use in the different operations. To complement this, an energy audit has been conducted, which is a method that include a study and analysis of a facility, indicating possible areas of improvements by reducing energy use and saving energy costs. This presents an opportunity for the company to implement energy efficiency measures, thus generating positive impacts through budget savings. Less energy use is also good for the environment resulting in less greenhouse gas emissions level. This also helps in long-term strategic planning and initiatives to assess the required needs and stabilize energy use for the long run. Social sustainability completes the triad along with environmental and economic sustainability. In this study, the latter is reflected with the company’s relationship with its working professionals, communities and society.

An application of the Value Stream Mapping method in order to identify sources of wastes and opportunities for improvements

Mathey, Aimeric January 2012 (has links)
Nowadays, the global economy imposes great competition between companies that creates an intense pressure. Due to this increasing competition, companies have to keep improving their process for becoming more efficient to lower costs while improving their quality level and providing a better service. A company that does not improve every year is a company that is dying. Although Kraft Foods Inc. is the world’s second largest food company, they also need to keep improving in order to maintain its competitive position on the market and this is why they have been implementing the Lean culture in France since 2007. They want to become more efficient by eliminating all the activities that the customer is not willing to pay for, defined as waste. Providing more value with fewer resources, goal of Lean manufacturing, should make Kraft Foods France even more competitive. However, in order to become Leaner, the nine plants of Kraft Foods Biscuit needed a structured method because the first difficulty of eliminating wastes lies in identifying them. The main purpose of this thesis was to develop one of the most important Lean tools to identify wastes called “Value Stream Mapping”. This master thesis will therefore explain and describe how mapping the value stream can help identifying and eliminating the wastes but also can be a priceless support to share a common vision of the value stream among managers. This tool should be seen as the starting point of any improvements projects since it allows identifying opportunities for improvement that will improve the bottom line of the company. VSM should be used to challenge the status quo and the behaviors of all employees in order to improve Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Sustainability and Morale. This master thesis will deal with the two main missions I led in order to reach this goal. The first mission was to develop a standard of the Value Stream Mapping for Kraft Foods France. I was asked to participate in the structuralizing and in the standardization of the VSM tool for the company. The tool was first analyzed and then a taylor-made VSM tool was developed to meet the characteristics and needs of the food industry. The last step of this mission was to train managers and engineers so that they can lead VSM projects themselves, in any plants, that can help them identifying improvements to be done. The second mission was to apply this method in different production lines to show managers the effectiveness of the tool for identifying rooms for improvement that could increase the productivity of theses studied production lines. For example, the project at Granville’s plant, described in the last part of the thesis, shows what types of improvements can be identified thanks to a Value Stream Mapping project since this project led to a productivity improvement of 40 k€. On completion of this thesis, I wish to have contributed to the emergence of the good use of Value Stream Mapping tool at Kraft Foods that will help the company to keep improving and focusing on customers.

Kartläggning och analys av förbättringspotential vid en produktionsanläggning : En fallstudie på CGI Printing Services / Mapping and analysis of a production facility’s potential for improvements : A case study at CGI Printing Services

Halvarsson, Martin, Löwhagen, Martin January 2014 (has links)
CGI är ett av världen största IT-tjänsteföretag med säte i Kanada. I Sverige erbjuder CGI flera tjänster där Business Process Services (BPS) är en av dem. Inom BPS finns grupperingen Data Documenting Services (DDS). DDS:s uppgift är att förmedla meddelanden till och mellan såväl människor som företag, via olika kanaler. Meddelanden som förmedlas i form av fysiska utskrifter, exempelvis administrativ post, hanteras inom tjänsten Printing Services. Administrativ post är till exempel kontrolluppgifter från skatteverket och försäkringsbrev. På Printing Services’ produktionsanläggning i Slagsta Strand söder om Stockholm printas, efterbehandlas och kuverteras drygt 440 miljoner sidor årligen, vilka genererar 150 miljoner försändelser per år. Ledningsgruppen på Printing Services anser att uttaget per investerad timme är för lågt, varför syftet med detta arbete är att utvärdera eventuella problem och identifiera potentiella förbättringar inom produktionen. Arbetets mål har varit att genomföra en kartläggning av verksamheten, utvärdera Printing Services mätmetoder samt identifiera förbättringsförslag inom varje delprocess och prioritera dessa. Resultatet är baserat på praktik, semistrukturerade intervjuer och visuella studier av delprocesserna. Resultatet av arbetet presenteras i form av textbeskrivningar och swimlane-diagram för respektive avdelning, där nuläget och ett potentiellt framtidsläge beskrivs. De identifierade förbättringsförslagen prioriteras i en PICK-matris. Slutsatserna som dragits under examensarbetet är censurerade. Nyckelord: Lean, Värdeflödesanalys, Print, Kuvertering / CGI is based in Canada and is one of the world’s largest IT service companies. CGI provides the Swedish market with several services including Business Process Services (BPS). Within BPS is Data Documenting Services (DDS). DDS’s main task is to communicate messages through various channels both directly to, and between, people and enterprises. DDS has a service called Printing Services that is responsible for all physical printouts. Printing Services is located in Slagsta Strand, an area south of Stockholm. At this facility more than 440 million pages are printed, post processed, and enveloped annually which generates around 150 million postal items each year. The management team of Printing Services considers the production rate to be unsatisfactory; therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate this problem and to identify potential improvements in the production. The goals of the thesis have been to conduct a Value Stream Mapping of Printing Services, evaluate Printing Services’ performance measurements, and provide suggestions for improvements and order of priority. The gathering of information, as a base for the thesis, was done by performing internships at Printing Services divisions, semi-structured interviews, and visual studies of sub-processes. The results of the thesis describe the present and the future state of Printing Services, presented in text and swimlane diagrams, with a prioritization of the suggestions for improvements in a PICK-matrix. The conclusions are censored. Keywords: Lean, Value Stream Mapping, Print, Enveloping

Value Stream Mapping in New Product Introduction – A Case Study at Ericsson

Hedberg, Viktor, Lindström, Jens January 2012 (has links)
Today, companies have to redesign and improve their operational performance to cope with the market competition. While research related to organizational improvements has focused on applications of value stream mapping in mass production plants, it is unclear whether value steam mapping can be applied in new product introduction organizations. This thesis strives to generate and describe a customized value stream mapping tool adapted to manage twofold customer value within new product introduction environments, processes that construct products and information gathered from the production and incorporated into next generation products. The study is conducted with a case study approach including an application of the model in an industrial setting. The findings implicate that the value stream mapping tool is applicable when managing performance improvements during new product introduction. Moreover, performance measures to evaluate the new product introduction information loop are presented.

Optimize cold sector material flow of a steel rolling mill

Baudet, Alvaro January 2010 (has links)
The steel production is a highly capital and energy intensive industry that due to recent raw materials’ price increase and lowered demand, it has been squeezed and forced to look more deeply on how to add value to the customer at lower operative costs. The project was carried out on site at the ArcelorMittal’s millin Esch-Belval, Luxembourg which comprises an integrated melt shop, continuous casting plant and the rolling mill with the objectives of proposing optimization rules for the cold sector of the rolling mill and to analyze the impact of the future truckbay shipment area. The course of action followed was to draw a Value Stream Map (VSM) in order to understand the plants’ current status and serve as a roadmap to build a discrete event simulation model that after its validation, served as a support tool to analyze what-if scenarios. Similarly, a current status analysis of the  shipment/stock area was conducted collecting statistics about potential truckshipments and finally proposing a series of recommendations for its operation. The main proposed solutions to optimize the rolling mill’s cold sector were:(a) Integer programming model to globally optimize the scrap level when cutting the mother beams to customer size beams. (b) Updating pacemaker parameters and (c) Local process time improvements. Concerning the future truck loading, the simulation model was used as a support tool to dimension the transition area between the cranes’ and forklift operations resulting in a 6-9 bundles buffer capacity. Additionally, the current length-based storage policy was found to have competitive objectives so a turnover class-based storage policy is proposed with A, B, C classes which should provide an improved organization of the stock and travel distance of the cranes. The evaluation of the cranes’ performance remains an issue since there are currently no objective measures like, for instance, travelled distance. Optical measuring devices are suggested as one option to have a performance indicator that would help further investigate root cause problems in the shipping/stock area.

Lean om lean : en värdeflodesanalys av en lean-ledarutbildning / Lean on Lean : A Value Stream Mapping of a Lean-leadership Course

von Würtemberg, Liv Marcks January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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