Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atrength - braining"" "subject:"atrength - craining""
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Kartläggning samt beskrivning av självskattad styrketräningsdosering under tävlingssäsong : Hos manliga spelare inom amerikansk fotboll i Sveriges högsta och tredje liga / A mapping and description of self-rated strength training dosage during competitive season : Among male American football players in the highest and third division in SwedenKällmyr, Victor January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Amerikansk fotboll är en sport under tillväxt internationellt. I Sverige finns tre herrligor i dagsläget. Styrketräning är, nästintill, nödvändigt för spelare inom amerikansk fotboll för att optimera prestation samt reducera risk för akuta- samt överbelastningsskador. Syfte: Kartlägga styrketräningsdosering samt skade- och sjukdomsläget hos spelare i Sveriges högsta och tredje herrliga under fyra veckor i tävlingssäsong. Metod: Ett frågeformulär formades riktat åt studiens syfte, och förmedlades ut till organisationer i ovan nämnda ligor. Data gällande antal styrketräningspass per vecka, antal övningar per styrketräningspass, antal set per övning, antal repetitioner per set samt skattad utmattning (RPE) i genomsnittligt set samlades in. Även data gällande sjukdomar och skador som begränsat träning senaste fyra veckorna togs in. Data delades in i subgrupper enligt liga samt spelarens position. Resultat: Insamlad data visade följande: 41 % av deltagarna styrketränade ett till två pass per vecka och 37 % tre till fyra pass. Tjugoen procent utförde tre till fyra övningar per pass, 48 % utförde fem till sex och 27 % utförde sju eller fler. Åttioen procent utförde tre till fyra set per övning. Fyrtio procent utförde fyra till sju repetitioner per set och 52 % utförde åtta till tolv. Medianvärdet (kvartilavstånd) för RPE skattningar per set var 7 (2). Andelen som begränsats i träning av skada under de senaste fyra veckorna var 42 %. Motsvarande andel gällande sjukdom var 13 %. Slutsats: Denna studie visar att hälften av deltagarnas styrketräningsdosering var i linje med rekommendationer för att bibehålla styrka och kraftutveckling samt inverka på risk för akuta- samt överbelastningsskador under tävlingssäsong. På grund av stickprovets begränsade storlek behövs vidare studier i detta område samt kring optimal styrketräningsdosering hos spelare inom amerikansk fotboll. / Introduction: American football is a growing sport internationally. In Sweden there are three leagues of men’s American football. Strength training is thought necessary for American football players to perform well and reduce the risk of acute and overload injuries. Aim: To describe what the dosage of strength training were among the players and, further, the number of injuries and illnesses of players active in the first and third Swedish league during the competitive season. Method: A survey was created for this aim and sent to organizations in targeted leagues. Data on weekly number of sessions, number of exercises per session, number of sets and repetitions and ratings of perceived exertion as well as injuries and illnesses was collected and analyzed for the entity and subgroups, determined by league and position. Results: The collected data showed the following: 41 % of the players performed one to two weekly sessions and 37 % performed three to four weekly sessions. Twenty-one percent performed three to four exercises per session, 48 % performed five to six and 27 % performed seven or more. Eighty-one percent performed three to four number of sets per exercise. Forty percent performed four to seven repetitions per set and 52 % performed eight to twelve. The median value (inter-quartile range) of the rated perceived exertion per set was 7 (2). The amount of players limited in training by injuries during the previous four weeks was 42 %. The equivalent for illnesses was 13 %. Conclusion: Approximately half the sample of players performed a total strength training dosage thought to retain strength and power and, further, to have an effect on the risk of acute and overload injuries during the competitive season. Because of the small sample size, optimal strength training dosage for American football players needs further study.
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Muscular hypertrophic adaptations in high and low load training regimes : Eight weeks training interventionKalenius, Richard January 2017 (has links)
Aim The purpose of this study was to assess muscle hypertrophy outcomes from high and low load strength training routines performed to muscular fatiguein a unilateral design. Method 14 well-trained men and women (age 26.4 ±4.4 years, weight 79.9 ±10.7 kg, height 179.4 ±76 cm) volunteered to participate in eight weeks of fully supervised training two times per week. Subjects had their legs randomized to a HL protocol performing 3-5reps and LL protocol performing 20-25 reps. Training was performed in leg press and leg extension and all sets were performed until volitional failure. Subjects were measured for muscle thickness by ultrasound at mid and distal portion of vastus lateralis before and after the study. Paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test was used to establish differences in pre and post and between leg differences. Results Muscle thickness increased inHL: MID 8% p=0,002 and DIST 14% p=0.009, in LL: MID 7% p=0.004 and was unchanged at DIST 4% p=0.512. Total muscle thickness for both measurement sites combined increases significantly in both legs, HL: 9% p=0.001 and LL: 5% p=0.045. There were no between leg differences at MID (p=0.404) or DIST (p=0.989) after eight weeks. Conclusion We conclude that high and low load strength training performed unilaterally to volitional failure yields equal increases in muscle thickness after eight weeks for well-trained men and women. / <p>Kursen Projektarbete.</p>
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Assessment of Shoulder Biomechanics during Pull-up Techniques / Bedömning av axelns biomekanik under räckhäv teknikerSabioni, Mariah January 2023 (has links)
CrossFit® has gained popularity as a functional training method that caters to individuals with varying levels of fitness, including those with little to no athletic background. Regardless, shoulders represent the highest injury rate in this sport, most frequently associated with pull-up variations. Therefore, ensuring safety during these movements is crucial. This thesis utilized optical motion tracking, force sensors, and Electromyography to measure nine experienced non-professional CrossFit® athletes performing three pull-up techniques used in CrossFit® (strict, kipping, and butterfly). Data were used in musculoskeletal modeling to assess and compare kinematics, kinetics, and muscle activations. Findings were then associated with common injury factors observed in overhead athletes. The novel dataset generated in this study demonstrated excellent repeatability and revealed significant differences between the techniques for most kinematic and kinetic variables, while variations in muscle activations were less systematic. Results indicated shoulder joint angles linked to impingement risk, with the kipping pull-up displaying more prominent risk factors. The butterfly pull-up exhibited extreme angular velocities and negative joint powers; however, direct associations with injuries could not be established. Notably, shoulder joint moments were high in all three techniques, suggesting significant muscle stresses. These results underscore the importance of individualized training load management to mitigate the risk of overuse injuries. Furthermore, the evidence presented in this study supports the importance of maintaining proper mechanics and developing strength before attempting kipping and butterfly pull-ups. The high joint moments, combined with severe positions and velocities observed during these techniques, highlight the necessity of prioritizing foundational strength and technique to minimize injury risks. / CrossFit® har blivit populärt som en funktionell träningsmetod som lockar individueller med olika fitnessnivåer, även de utan tidigare idrottserfarenhet. Trots detta utgör axelskada den högsta skadefrekvensen inom denna sport och är oftast förknippad med räckhäv varianter. Därför är det avgörande att garantera säkra övningarna. Denna studie använde optisk rörelsespårning, kraftsensorer och elektromyografi för att mäta nio tränade icke-professionella CrossFit® atleter utförande av tre olika räckhäv tekniker som används inom CrossFit® (strikta, kipping och butterfly). Data användes för muskuloskeletala modeller för att uppskatta och jämföra kinematik, kinetik och muskelaktivering. Resultaten förknippades med till vanliga skadefaktorer som observeras hos overhead-idrottare. Det nya datasetet som genererades i denna studie visade utmärkt repeterbarhet och avslöjade signifikanta skillnader mellan teknikerna för de flesta kinematiska och kinetiska variablerna, medan variationer i muskelaktiveringar var mindre systematiska. Resultaten visade på axelledens vinklar som var kopplade till inklämningsrisk, där kipping pull-up uppvisade mer framträdande riskfaktorer. Butterfly pull-up uppvisade extrema vinkelhastigheter och negativa ledkrafter; men direkta samband med skador har inte upprättats. Det är anmärkningsvärt att axelledsmomenten var höga i alla tre tekniker, vilket tyder på betydande muskelspänningar. Dessa resultat understryker vikten av individualiserad hantering av träningsbelastning för att minska risken för överbelastningsskador. Dessutom stöder de bevis som presenteras i den här studien vikten av att behålla rätt mekanik och utveckla styrka innan man försöker göra kipping och butterfly pull-ups. De höga ledmomenten i kombination med svåra positioner och hastigheter som observerades under dessa tekniker lyfter fram behovet av att prioritera grundläggande styrka och teknik för att minimera risk för skador.
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A Study to Investigate the Cognitive Changes that Occur Following Keto-Adaptation and Resistance Training in Healthy AdultsHardesty, Vincent H. 04 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Undersökning av styrketränings effekt på axelsmärta och funktion hos simmare : Single Case Experimental Design / Investigating the Effect of Strength Training on Shoulder Pain and Function in Swimmers : A Single Case Experimental DesignHambraeus, My, Hedling, Olivia January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Smärta från axelleden är vanligt förekommande hos simmare, därav finns begreppet ”simmaraxel”. Etiologin till tillståndet och smärtan är dock ännu inte fastställd, flertalet studier visar på varierande orsaker och symtom. Den oklara etiologin, skapar delade meningar sett till lämplig behandling för simmaraxlar. Flera teorier finns kring den bästa behandlingsmetoden för axelsmärta hos simmare. Många olika studier har gjorts med syfte att undersöka sambandet mellan axelspecifik styrketräning på axelfunktion hos simmare med axelsmärta. Få studier har gjorts med syfte att undersöka effekten av axelspecifik styrketräning på just smärtan vid simmaraxlar. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att på individnivå undersöka hur axelspecifik styrketräning påverkar simmare med axelsmärta gällande smärta och funktion. Metod: Studien baseras på single-case experimentell design (SCED), med en AB-design. I studien medverkade tre deltagare från en simklubb i Stockholm. Deltagarna fick under totalt nio veckor skatta smärta via Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) och axelfunktion via Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI), för att undersöka förändringen på smärta och funktion över tid. Resultatsammanfattning: En deltagare uppnådde signifikant förbättring sett till självskattad smärta. Sett till självskattad funktion fanns signifikant försämring hos två deltagare. En deltagare uppnådde en stabil baslinje. Resterande två deltagare uppgav spridda värden under samtliga faser för NRS och WOSI. Slutsats: Inga specifika slutsatser går att dras utifrån studiens resultat eftersom endast en deltagare uppnådde en stabil baslinje och på grund av oklarheten kring orsakerna till deltagarnas smärta. / Background: Pain originating from the shoulder joint is frequent among swimmers, therefore the term “swimmer’s shoulder” was constructed. However, the etiology of the condition has not yet been established and numerous studies indicate varying origins. Divided opinions have formed about effective interventions due to the confusion regarding swimmer’s shoulder. Several studies have investigated the interaction between various interventions and their effect on swimmer’s shoulders, however only a few have studied the effect strength training has on pain in the shoulder joint due to the condition. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate at an individual level, how strength training of the shoulders affects active swimmers with shoulder pain, concerning pain and function. Method: This study is designed after a single-case experimental design (SCED), with an AB-design. Three swimmers from a swimming club in Stockholm participated. During a total of nine weeks, the participants had to assess pain via the numeric rating scale (NRS) and shoulder function via the Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI). Results: One participant acquired significant improvement in self-rated pain. Regarding self-rated function two participants showed significant impairment. One participant acquired a stable baseline. The remaining two participants reported scattered values during all phases for both NRS and WOSI. Conclusion: No specific conclusions can be made based on the results of the study as only one participant achieved a stabile baseline, and there is ambiguity regarding the causes of pain among the swimmers.
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Välbefinnandet kommer som ett brev på posten : En kvalitativ studie om vad som motiverar äldre till att styrketränaLarsson, Elin, Nystedt, Jennie January 2016 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie var att få en djupare förståelse för hur äldre personer förhåller sig till styrketräning med särskilt fokus på deras motivationsfaktorer och vad som påverkar deras upplevelse av kompetens, autonomi och tillhörighet. Detta har studerats inom ramen för self determination theory (SDT) och utifrån följande frågeställningar: (1) Vad motiverar äldre till att styrketräna? (2) Av vilka anledningar började seniorerna med just styrketräning? (3) Vilka faktorer påverkar seniorernas upplevelse av kompetens, autonomi och tillhörighet vid styrketräning? Metod Med ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt utfördes sex intervjuer med seniorer över 70 år som är aktiva inom styrketräning. På centret där samtliga deltagare tränar idag genomfördes halvstrukturerade intervjuer utifrån en utarbetad intervjuguide. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades med ett tolkande tillvägagångssätt. Genom ett induktivt synsätt framkom meningsbärande enheter och teman som sedan kategoriserades in efter likheter för att gradvis bygga en hierarki. Resultat Resultaten visar att seniorerna motiveras till att styrketräna av att upprätthålla fysiken och undvika försämring samt hälsovinster. Alla tre behoven var av stor betydelse för motivationen. Kompetens och tillhörighet hade framträdande roller samtidigt som autonomi beskrevs som en självklarhet. En viktig del i behovstillfredsställelsen var det senior-anpassade centret, både personal, redskap och centrets klientel var källor till upplevd kompetens. Centret bidrog även till en hög känsla av tillhörighet då det sociala utbytet var en viktig del i motivationen för många. Att alla hade fysiska begränsningar genererade samhörighet och skapade en prestigelös miljö på centret. Slutsats Framförallt var kompetens och tillhörighet viktiga komponenter för seniorernas motivation till styrketräning. För att tillfredsställa dessa behov var centrets utformning avgörande, vad gäller både instruktörer, utrustning samt klientelet som vistas där. Förhoppningsvis kan resultatet användas som underlag vid skapandet av arenor och mötesplatser som attraherar äldre.
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Treniravimo veiksnių įtaka sportiniam rezultatui plaukime: jėgos komponentai / The influence of training factors to the results in swimming: strength componentsMudėnas, Gediminas 19 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – jėgos rodikliai įtakojantys sportinį rezultatą plaukime.
Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti kai kurių jėgos komponentų įtaką sportiniam rezultatui plaukime.
1. Identifikuoti plaukikų raumenų aktyvavimo ir jėgos pasireiškimo ypatybes plaukimo judesiuose.
2. Nustatyti ir palyginti skirtingo meistriškumo moterų plaukikių peties išorinio ir vidinio sukimo jėgos komponentus esant kampiniui greičiui 60 ° / s.
3. Nustatyti ir palyginti skirtingo meistriškumo vyrų plaukikų peties išorinio ir vidinio sukimo jėgos komponentus esant kampiniui greičiui 60 ° / s.
4. Išaiškinti skirtingo meistriškumo plaukikų raumenų disbalanso rodiklius.
Hipotezė - didelio meistriškumo plaukikų dinaminių (jėga, galingumas) charakteristikų rezultatai yra aukštesni nei vidutinio meistriškumo plaukikų.
1. Mokslininkai tyrinėję raumenų funkcijas plaukimo metu išskiria šias ypatybes:
1.1 Plaukiko judesių visumoje išskiriami 48 labiausiai reikšmingi raumenys, kurių tarpe pagrindinės raumenų grupės padedančios plaukikui judėti į priekį yra kaklo, rankų, liemens bei kojų raumenys, kurių funkciniam parengtumui turi būti skiriama daugiausia dėmesio.
1.2 Plaukime yra išskiriamos 4 plaukimo jėgos pasireiškimo formos: maksimalioji jėga, staigioji jėga, greitumo jėga bei ištvermės jėga. Kiekvienoje atskirai paimtoje plaukimo distancijoje šių jėgos parsireiškimo formų reikšmingumas yra savitas.
2. Didesnio meistriškumo moterų plaukikių peties išorinio ir vidinio sukimo jėgos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object – strength factors that have influence on the sport results in swimming.
The aim of the research – to examine some of the strength components which have an influence on the results in swimming.
1. Identify the swimmer's muscle activation and the force characteristics in the swimming movements.
2. To identify and compare the different levels of swimmers shoulder external and internal rotation force components at angular speed of 60 °/s.
3. To identify and compare the different levels of swimmers shoulder external and internal rotation force components at angular speed of 60 °/s.
4. To clarify the different levels of swimmers muscles imbalance rates.
Hypothesis – Higher skill swimmers dynamic (force, power) characteristics are better than the lower - skill swimmers.
1. Researchers have explored muscle function at swimming movements distinguishes these features:
1.1 In swimmer’s movements there are 48 most important muscles groups, including: neck, arms, torso and leg muscles which help swimmer’s to move forward.
1.2 Swimming distinguished 4 swimming force application forms: peak strength, explosive power, speed and strength endurance strength. Those forces have different impact on every different swimming distance.
2. Higher level women swimmers shoulder external and internal rotation strength ratios are better than lower-skill swimmers.
3. Higher level men swimmers shoulder external and internal rotation strength ratios are better than... [to full text]
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Flow-Acting: Modern Sports Science and the Preparation of ActorsBillew, Barrett Slade 01 January 2008 (has links)
Theatre artists and acting teachers throughout history have sought to find and create presence. By combining modern sports science with an understanding of systems of actor training I have suggested an approach that makes presence a trainable skill. My coach Dr. Scott Sonnon, developer of the Circular Strength Training System, has refined modern sports science to emphasize the development and maintenance of flow-state. This state allows the athlete to respond openly and freely within a constantly changing situation.By combining my life long study of acting with my eight years of work with Coach Sonnon I am developing a system to teach actors the skill of cultivating flow. This work will enhance the actor's presence and ability to handle the stress of performance while developing a strong, supple, and coordinated psychophysical instrument. Video of examples of the exercises can be found in the accompanying materials.This work was created in Microsoft Word 2004 for Mac.
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Vliv příjmu proteinů (aminokyselin) na syntézu svalových bílkovin po silovém tréninku / Effect of protein (aminoacid) ingestion on muscle protein synthesis following resistance exerciseJuřík, Roman January 2017 (has links)
Title: Effect of protein (amino acid) ingestion on muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise. Purpose: The main objective of this thesis is to verify the three basic factors of the amount, type and timing of protein intake based on scientific studies and literature, to provide the most objective and accurate information and procedure on the methodology of nutrition and supplementation associated with the intake of protein / amino acids after strength training and how it all affects muscle synthesis. Summery: The theoretical part of the thesis, discusses the factors affecting muscle protein synthesis, which stimulate growth and tissue regeneration, based on optimal stress response. Logically, it starts from general, i.e. the explanation of terms such as muscle tissue, the stimulation of muscle tissue and its manifestations and changes, nutrition factors and muscle stimulation, the mechanism of dietary factors (proteins/amino acids), specificity of protein/ amino acids in their application to answer the three key issues, which are summarized in the section named scientific studies, which focuses on the effect of intake of protein/ amino acids, in relationship to the efficiency of protein synthesis after strength training. The section summarizes, in detail, the questions of timing,...
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Fundamentação eletromiográfica do método de pré-exaustão no treinamento de força / Electromyography as a basis to pre-exhaustion method in strength trainingLeite, Allan Brennecke 03 April 2007 (has links)
Ao contrário da recomendação tradicional do treinamento de força, a proposta do método de pré-exaustão é iniciar a sessão de treino com exercícios monoarticulares e terminar com exercícios multiarticulares. O objetivo deste estudo foi, por meio da EMG, investigar parâmetros temporais e de intensidade da ativação dos músculos peitoral maior (PM), deltóide (DA) e tríceps braquial (TB) que possam fundamentar a aplicação do método de pré-exaustão em 10RM dos exercícios supino e crucifixo. Foram comparados dois protocolos experimentais: P1) método da préexaustão; P2) recomendações tradicionais. A intensidade de ativação baseada no valor RMS, bem como a relação desta com a duração da contração muscular, estabelecida em faixas de intensidade, não obteve diferenças estatisticamente significativas para PM. Para DA, não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os protocolos na intensidade de ativação quando as repetições foram analisadas em conjunto. Entretanto, quando analisado cada repetição, este músculo apresentou aumento estatisticamente significativo de intensidade de ativação em P1, assim como maior solicitação da faixa de intensidade 80 a 100% CIVM. Para TB, a intensidade de ativação foi significativamente maior em P1 que em P2 para todas as formas de análise. Os resultados mostraram que o aparelho locomotor aumentou a dependência de TB como estratégia alternativa para tentar atingir 10RM do supino em P1. Assim, é possível afirmar que o método de pré-exaustão pode ser eficiente para impor maior estímulo neural sobre pequenos grupos acessórios na execução de um movimento e não sobre o grupo principal o qual se deseja. Entretanto, estes achados suportam que os efeitos do método de pré-exaustão ainda não podem ser afirmados categoricamente. Pois, ao longo da série em P1 não houve aumento significativo na intensidade de ativação de um mesmo músculo, bem como das faixas de intensidade, como houve em P2. Desse modo, é possível afirmar que os músculos, em P1, iniciaram a série em um nível de intensidade mais alto que em P2, pois foram estimulados previamente / Contrariwise the strength training traditional recommendation, the preexhaustion method purposes to begin a training session with monoarticular exercises and to finish it with multiarticular exercises. The aim of this study was, through EMG, to inquire into temporal and activation intensity parameters of pectoralis major (PM), deltoid (DA) and triceps brachii (TB) muscles, which can be used as a basis to bench press and flying 10RM pre-exhaustion method application. It was compared two experimental protocols: P1) pre-exhaustion method; P2) traditional recommendation. The activation intensity, as well its relationship with the muscular contraction duration, established on intensity levels, did not attain significant differences to PM. To DA, there were not differences between the protocols respecting the activation intensity when whole the repetitions were analyzed. However, when each repetition was analyzed, this muscle exhibited significant increasing in activation intensity in P1; as well it showed a more intense solicitation of 80 to 100% MVIC level. To TB, the activation intensity was significant greater in P1 than P2 respecting whole manners to data analysis. The results exhibited that the locomotor apparatus increased the TB dependence as an alternative strategy to try to attain bench press 10RM in P1. Therefore, it is possible to assert that pre-exhaustion method may be efficient to impose largest neural stimuli on small synergists muscular groups during movement execution, but not on the main target muscular group. However, these findings sustain that the pre-exhaustion method effects cannot receive a categorical affirmation, yet. Because, contrariwise the P2, during the P1 bench press set there was not significant increasing in the same muscle activation intensity, as well in the intensity levels. This way, it is possible to assert that, in P1 the muscles began the set in a highest intensity levels than in P2, because they were stimulated previously
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