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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Of Opaque Bodies and Transparent Eyeballs / Democracy as Rhizomatic Panopticism in Paine's THE AGE OF REASON and Emerson's NATURE

Boss, Aleksandra 08 May 2018 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation stellt eine Interpretation von Thomas Paines THE AGE OF REASON (1794) und Ralph Waldo Emersons NATURE (1836) als politiktheoretische Traktate vor, die normative Demokratiekonstrukte entwickeln. Diese Demokratiekonstrukte werden anhand ihrer Parameter vergleichend und historisierend gelesen. Die Annahme ist hierbei, dass sich die normativen Demokratieentwürfe beider Autoren mithilfe der Denkfigur des rhizomatischen Panoptizismus explizieren lassen. Die Dissertation leitet diese Denkfigur anhand von Texten des französischen Poststrukturalismus und auf Grundlage des soziologischen Ansatzes der Surveillance Studies her und erläutert seine Relevanz für das Verständnis und die Verhandlung von Demokratie in den Epochen der frühen Republik und des Antebellum in den USA. Ebenso findet eine Analyse der diskursiven Vermittlung dieser Denkfigur durch das religiöse Vokabular von Deismus, Unitarismus und Transzendentalismus in beiden Traktaten statt. Ein ausführliches close reading legt schließlich dar, wie einzelne Parameter eines rhizomatischen Panoptizismus in den Texten entwickelt, repräsentiert und diskutiert werden. / The present dissertation introduces an interpretation of Thomas Paine’s THE AGE OF REASON (1794) and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s NATURE (1836) as politico-theoretical tracts that develop normative constructions of democracy. At the core of the analysis lies a comparative and historicist reading of the parameters of these constructions. The thesis informing the analysis posits that both normative constructions of democracy can be made explicit with the aid of the concept of a rhizomatic panopticism. The dissertation develops this concept on the basis of French poststructuralist texts and with theoretical approaches from the sociological field of Surveillance Studies in mind, explaining its relevance for the understanding of democracy during the Early-Republic and Antebellum periods in the USA. Furthermore, the discursive mediation of the introduced concept through the religious vocabularies of Deism, Unitarianism, and Transcendentalism in both tracts receives attention. Finally, a close reading elucidates how the distinct parameters of a rhizomatic panopticism are developed, represented, and discussed in both texts.

Bildung relational denken / eine strukturtheoretische Präzisierung des transformatorischen Bildungsbegriffs anhand von Robert Kegans Entwicklungstheorie

Richter, Beate 03 April 2014 (has links)
Eingebettet in die Theorie der Weiterbildung nimmt die Dissertation die Forderung der bildungstheoretisch orientierten Biographieforschung auf, den transformatorischen Bildungsbegriff zu präzisieren. Aus der Diagnose einer Stagnation in diesem Bereich wird der Wechsel vom interpretativen zum relationalen Paradigma vorgeschlagen und eine relationale Entwicklungslogik als methodologische Basis relationalen Denkens eingeführt. Mit der Übertragung der Ergebnisse der informellen Axiomatisierung von Robert Kegans strukturaler Entwicklungstheorie auf den Bildungsbegriff wird unter Verwendung weiterer Referenztheorien aus dem Bereich der relationalen Kommunikationstheorien die Präzisierung des Begriffs möglich. Bildung wird als Prozess der Transformation der Regel der Bedeutungsbildung einer Person unter Konfrontation mit der Regel der Bedeutungsbildung nächsthöherer Ordnung definiert und als eine Struktur der Übergänge zwischen Kontext-Regeln beschrieben, die ein Beobachter der Person im Interaktionsprozess zuschreibt. Mit dem hier entwickelten Kontext-Ebenen-Modell der Bedeutungsbildung lassen sich zum einen Zeichen-Arten ZA definieren, die eine empirische Beschreibung des Bildungsprozesses einer Person zulassen, und zum anderen drei Typen von Kontext-Regeln XR bestimmen, die aus der relationalen Entwicklungslogik abgeleitet, die Prinzipien der Bedeutungsbildung als Regeln der Zeichenrelationierung darstellen. Das Kontext-Ebenen-Modell der Bedeutungsbildung steht als Ergebnis einerseits für eine erfolgreiche Präzisierung des transformatorischen Bildungsbegriffs, andererseits für die Leistungsfähigkeit der strukturalistischen Methode im Rahmen des Programms der relationalen Weiterbildungsforschung. / Embedded in the theory of adult education (andragogy) this PhD-thesis takes up the challenge proclaimed by the biography research based on the concept of Bildung and seeks to define the concept of transformational Bildung more precisely. To overcome the identified stagnation in this research field, this thesis proposes a change from qualitative research paradigm to relational paradigm and introduces the relational logic of development as methodology of relational thinking. The application of the results of the informal axiomatization of Robert Kegan’s theory of human development to the concept of transformational Bildung as well as the use of various approaches based on relational communication theories allowed to provide a more precise definition of the concept of transformational Bildung. In this thesis Bildung is defined as a process of transformation of individual’s rules of meaning making caused by a person’s confrontation with the rules of meaning making of a higher order. From the observer’s perspective the structure of the Bildung process can be described as a transition from one context rule to another. The developed model of context levels of meaning making allows defining types of signs (ZA) that enable to measure the levels in the process of Bildung. Furthermore, this model allows determining three types of context rules (XR), which – according to the relational logic of development – represent principles of meaning making seen as rules for relating signs. Thus, on the one hand, the model of context levels of meaning making has succeeded to specify the concept of transformational Bildung and, on the other hand, has proven the effectiveness of the structuralist method for the relational adult education research.

Towards an articulation of architecture as a verb : learning from participatory development, subaltern identities and textual values

Bower, Richard John January 2014 (has links)
Originating from a disenfranchisement with the contemporary definition and realisation of Westernised architecture as a commodity and product, this thesis seeks to explore alternative examples of positive socio-spatial practice and agency. These alternative spatial practices and methodologies are drawn from participatory and grass-roots development agency in informal settlements and contexts of economic absence, most notably in the global South. This thesis explores whether such examples can be interpreted as practical realisations of key theoretical advocacies for positive social space that have emerged in the context of post-Second World-War capitalism. The principal methodological framework utilises two differing trajectories of spatial discourse. Firstly, Henri Lefebvre and Doreen Massey as formative protagonists of Western spatial critique, and secondly, John F. C. Turner and Nabeel Hamdi as key advocates of participatory development practice in informal settlements. These two research trajectories are notably separated by geographical, economic and political differentiations, as well as conventional disciplinary boundaries. However by undertaking a close textual reading of these discourses this thesis critically re-contextualises the socio-spatial methodologies of participatory development practice, observing multiple theoretical convergences and provocative commonalities. This research proposes that by critically comparing these previously unconnected disciplinary trajectories certain similarities, resonances and equivalences become apparent. These resonances reveal comparable critiques of choice, value, and identity which transcend the gap between such differing theoretical and practical engagements with space. Subsequently, these thematic resonances allow this research to critically engage with further appropriate surrounding discourses, including Marxist theory, orientalism, post- structural pluralism, development anthropology, post-colonial theory and subaltern theory. 5 In summary, this thesis explores aspects of Henri Lefebvre's and Doreen Massey's urban and spatial theory through a close textual reading of key texts from their respective discourses. This methodology provides a layered analysis of post-Marxist urban space, and an exploration of an explicit connection between Lefebvre and Massey in terms of the social production and multiplicity of space. Subsequently, this examination provides a theoretical framework from which to reinterpret and revalue the approaches to participatory development practice found in the writings and projects of John Turner and Nabeel Hamdi. The resulting comparative framework generates interconnected thematic trajectories of enquiry that facilitate the re-reading and critical reflection of Turner and Hamdi's development practices. Thus, selected Western spatial discourse acts as a critical lens through which to re-value the social, political and economical achievements of participatory development. Reciprocally, development practice methodologies are recognised as invaluable and provocative realisations of the socio-spatial qualities that Western spatial discourse has long advocated for, and yet have remained predominantly unrealised in the global North.

Ring Out Your Dead : Distribution, form, and function of iron amulets in the late Iron Age grave fields of Lovö

Mattsson McGinnis, Meghan January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the distribution, forms, and function(s) of iron amulets deposited in the late Iron Age gravefields of Lovö, with the goal of ascertaining how (and so far as possible why) these objects were utilized in rituals carried out during and after burials. Particular emphasis is given to re-interpreting the largest group of iron amulets, the iron amulet rings, in a more relational and practice-focused way than has heretofore been attempted. By framing burial analyses, questions of typology, and evidence of ritualized actions in comparison with what is known of other cult sites in Mälardalen specifically– and theorized about the cognitive landscape(s) of late Iron Age Scandinavia generally– a picture of iron amulets as inscribed objects made to act as catalytic, protective, and mediating agents is brought to light.

Les enjeux de la "nouvelle critique" dans la critique racinienne / The challenges of the “New Criticism” in Racine’s criticism

Zarzouli, Despoina 06 January 2015 (has links)
Les XIXe et XXe siècles sont caractérisés comme des siècles de la critique. La plus grande partie de cette thèse porte sur l’analyse de la « Nouvelle Critique » en relation avec l’œuvre de Jean Racine. Ce mouvement critique qui a marqué les années soixante, s’intéresse plutôt aux structures sous-Jacentes qui peuvent être dégagées d’une œuvre littéraire.Les représentants de la Nouvelle Critique qui sont en principe, Lucien Goldmann, Charles Mauron et Roland Barthes dégagent de l’œuvre racinienne, chacun de sa propre façon, une structure de base. La critique sociologique de Goldmann, la psychocritique de Mauron et la critique structurale de Barthes offrent plusieurs pistes de réflexion.Présenter les méthodes proposées par la Nouvelle Critique, dégager l’essentiel de ses théories et apprécier leur valeur en démontrant la raison qui les a rendues fondamentales ainsi que comprendre la polémique déclenchée autour d’elle sont pour ce travail des tâches à accomplir. Or, cerner les enjeux de la « Nouvelle Critique » dans la critique racinienne en examinant les critiques faites par d’autres critiques constitue l’objectif de ce travail. / The nineteenth and twentieth centuries are characterized as centuries of literary criticism. The primary objective of this thesis will focus on the methodology used by “New Criticism” in relation to the work of Jean Racine. The New Criticism was a formalist movement, popular in the sixties, which focuses on objectively evaluating the underlying structure and text from literary work.Representatives of ‘‘New Criticism”, such as, Lucien Goldmann, Charles Mauron and Roland Barthes utilized structure methods to interpret Racine's literary works. The Sociological criticism of Goldmann, the Psychoanalytic criticism of Mauron, and the Structuralism of Barthes offer several areas of consideration.The aim of this study is to present the methods proposed by “New Criticism”, to reveal the essence of its theories, to assess their value by demonstrating the reason of their importance, and to understand controversy sparked around this formalist movement. So, identifying the “challenges of the ‘’New Criticism” in Racine’s criticism’’ by examining the criticisms made by other critics is the purpose of this work.

El mito de la Quintrala : Estructuras simbólicas en dos novelas de Gustavo Frías / The myth of La Quintrala : The symbolic structures in two novels by Gustavo Frías

Belmar Shagulian, Jasmin January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this comparative study is to analyse La Quintrala’s myth as a symbolic discourse, thereby filling a gap in the previous studies about La Quintrala. The theoretical and methodological framework of this analysis consists of a hermeneutical approach based on the method of figurative structuralism: mythocriticism. This is a dual classification method of symbols: Diurnal and Nocturnal Orders that expose the symbolic structures formed by symbols and archetypes found in mythemes in a compilation of corpora. The first one is Gustavo Frías’ novels Tres Nombres para Catalina: Catrala (2008) and Tres nombres para Catalina: la doña de Campofrío (2008); the second is a historic essay (hypotext), Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna’s Los Lisperguer y la Quintrala (1944), and four novels: Magdalena Petit’s (2009) La Quintrala, Mercedes Valdivieso’s (1991) Maldita yo entre las Mujeres, Virginia Vidal’s (2002) Oro, veneno y puñal, and Gustavo Frías’ El Inquisidor (2008). Mythocriticism is employed in the analysis to show what the mythical structure of the hero’s journey (Separation, Initiation, Return) reveal. Such journey is combined structurally with the Mother archetype (White, Red and Black Goddess), the intrinsic archetype of La Quintrala’s myth. The heroic structure unveils its own mythemes, La Quintrala’s and the first corpus’s mytheme through the diachronic and synchronic flow of the hero’s journey. This method permits to identify and compare the progression of the symbolic structures. The analysis demonstrates a transformation of the symbolic structures between both corpora. This survey reveals that Vicuña Mackenna and Petit, and partially Vidal and El Inquisidor, exhibit an inclination to the diurnal symbols that strengthen, through a heterodiegetic narrator, the representations of the witch-femme fatale, counteractive attributes of the Red and Black Goddesses in the myth. Valdivieso, on the other hand, shows a propensity to the nocturnal symbols of inversion and intimacy that emphasize the Red Goddess’ features, though the novel also exposes La Quintrala as a witch-femme fatale. This exposure occurs through the use of both an autodiegetic narrator –La Quintrala– and a heterodiegetic one –the hypotext embodied in the popular voice– that appear to contrast each other. Finally, in Tres Nombres para Catalina, La Quintrala as the autodiegetic narrator dominates the whole story. She personifies the Great Goddess archetype who bestows her new positive attributes during the adventure. This novel assumes primordially the nocturnal symbolism incarnated by both the mystical and the synthetical structures and relegates the diurnal discourse of the hypotext to a secondary position in the narrative. Nonetheless, Tres Nombres para Catalina’s narrative still relies on the hypotext to reproduce and reconstruct all the mythemes in the myth of La Quintrala. Conclusively, the results of this analysis indicate that the identification of all the mythemes supports the hypothesis of a transformation in the symbolic structures which characterize La Quintrala in both corpora. This reveals the embodiment of Tres Nombres para Catalina’s own mytheme, consisting of a vindication and a recognition to her indigenous heritage, and the acceptance of her mestizaje. As a consequence, Tres nombres para Catalina, in comparison to the second corpus, diverges and expands the symbolic structures, but still shows a continuity of the myth.

Les enjeux de la "nouvelle critique" dans la critique racinienne / The challenges of the “New Criticism” in Racine’s criticism

Zarzouli, Despoina 06 January 2015 (has links)
Les XIXe et XXe siècles sont caractérisés comme des siècles de la critique. La plus grande partie de cette thèse porte sur l’analyse de la « Nouvelle Critique » en relation avec l’œuvre de Jean Racine. Ce mouvement critique qui a marqué les années soixante, s’intéresse plutôt aux structures sous-Jacentes qui peuvent être dégagées d’une œuvre littéraire.Les représentants de la Nouvelle Critique qui sont en principe, Lucien Goldmann, Charles Mauron et Roland Barthes dégagent de l’œuvre racinienne, chacun de sa propre façon, une structure de base. La critique sociologique de Goldmann, la psychocritique de Mauron et la critique structurale de Barthes offrent plusieurs pistes de réflexion.Présenter les méthodes proposées par la Nouvelle Critique, dégager l’essentiel de ses théories et apprécier leur valeur en démontrant la raison qui les a rendues fondamentales ainsi que comprendre la polémique déclenchée autour d’elle sont pour ce travail des tâches à accomplir. Or, cerner les enjeux de la « Nouvelle Critique » dans la critique racinienne en examinant les critiques faites par d’autres critiques constitue l’objectif de ce travail. / The nineteenth and twentieth centuries are characterized as centuries of literary criticism. The primary objective of this thesis will focus on the methodology used by “New Criticism” in relation to the work of Jean Racine. The New Criticism was a formalist movement, popular in the sixties, which focuses on objectively evaluating the underlying structure and text from literary work.Representatives of ‘‘New Criticism”, such as, Lucien Goldmann, Charles Mauron and Roland Barthes utilized structure methods to interpret Racine's literary works. The Sociological criticism of Goldmann, the Psychoanalytic criticism of Mauron, and the Structuralism of Barthes offer several areas of consideration.The aim of this study is to present the methods proposed by “New Criticism”, to reveal the essence of its theories, to assess their value by demonstrating the reason of their importance, and to understand controversy sparked around this formalist movement. So, identifying the “challenges of the ‘’New Criticism” in Racine’s criticism’’ by examining the criticisms made by other critics is the purpose of this work.

Staroegyptské mytologické narativy. Strukturalistické interpretace Příběhu o dvou bratrech, Příběhu o princi, kterému byl předurčen osud, Astartina papyru, Usirovského cyklu a Anatina mýtu / Ancient Egyptian Mythological Narratives. Structural Interpretation of the Tale of Two Brothers, Tale of the Doomed Prince, the Astarte Papyrus, the Osirian Cycle and the Anat Myth

Pehal, Martin January 2015 (has links)
is study is composed of two units: manuscript of the author's publication Interpreting Ancient Egyptian Narratives: A Structural Analysis of the Tale of Two Brothers, the Anat Myth, the Osirian Cycle, and the Astarte Papyrus (Nouvelles études orientales, Bruxelles-Fernelmont: EME, 2014) and an additonal chapter entitled Accommodating Ambivalence: Case of the Doomed Prince and His Dog, which follows directly a er the Index of the first unit and which extends the applied methodology to yet another New Kingdom mythological narrative, the so-called Tale of the Doomed Prince. Methodologically, the author follows the neo-structuralist approach. Both studies explain the strong configurational character of ancient Egyptian (mythological) thought which has the ability to connect various ontological levels of human experience with the surrounding world into complex synchronic structures. ese symbolical systems are shown to be mediating between the various cultural paradoxes which were inherent to ancient Egyptian society. Axial role in this process is a ributed to the institution of positional kingship represented by the Pharaoh. Its transformative function is also put into relation to the special status of female characters who are shown to play the part of the "powerful powerless ones" further personifying...

Les enjeux de la "nouvelle critique" dans la critique racinienne / The challenges of the “New Criticism” in Racine’s criticism

Zarzouli, Despoina 06 January 2015 (has links)
Les XIXe et XXe siècles sont caractérisés comme des siècles de la critique. La plus grande partie de cette thèse porte sur l’analyse de la « Nouvelle Critique » en relation avec l’œuvre de Jean Racine. Ce mouvement critique qui a marqué les années soixante, s’intéresse plutôt aux structures sous-Jacentes qui peuvent être dégagées d’une œuvre littéraire.Les représentants de la Nouvelle Critique qui sont en principe, Lucien Goldmann, Charles Mauron et Roland Barthes dégagent de l’œuvre racinienne, chacun de sa propre façon, une structure de base. La critique sociologique de Goldmann, la psychocritique de Mauron et la critique structurale de Barthes offrent plusieurs pistes de réflexion.Présenter les méthodes proposées par la Nouvelle Critique, dégager l’essentiel de ses théories et apprécier leur valeur en démontrant la raison qui les a rendues fondamentales ainsi que comprendre la polémique déclenchée autour d’elle sont pour ce travail des tâches à accomplir. Or, cerner les enjeux de la « Nouvelle Critique » dans la critique racinienne en examinant les critiques faites par d’autres critiques constitue l’objectif de ce travail. / The nineteenth and twentieth centuries are characterized as centuries of literary criticism. The primary objective of this thesis will focus on the methodology used by “New Criticism” in relation to the work of Jean Racine. The New Criticism was a formalist movement, popular in the sixties, which focuses on objectively evaluating the underlying structure and text from literary work.Representatives of ‘‘New Criticism”, such as, Lucien Goldmann, Charles Mauron and Roland Barthes utilized structure methods to interpret Racine's literary works. The Sociological criticism of Goldmann, the Psychoanalytic criticism of Mauron, and the Structuralism of Barthes offer several areas of consideration.The aim of this study is to present the methods proposed by “New Criticism”, to reveal the essence of its theories, to assess their value by demonstrating the reason of their importance, and to understand controversy sparked around this formalist movement. So, identifying the “challenges of the ‘’New Criticism” in Racine’s criticism’’ by examining the criticisms made by other critics is the purpose of this work.

Émile Benveniste a úloha smyslu / Émile Benveniste and the role of sens

Krásová, Eva January 2017 (has links)
Eva Krásová: Émile Benveniste and the role of sens My thesis "Émile Benveniste and the role of sens" is a monographic study of the life work of Émile Benveniste (1902-1977) through the role that the concept of meaning (sens) takes in his thought. I adopt the methodology defined by K. Kœrner as "historiography of language sciences", and thus my perspective on Benveniste's work is mainly chronological and developmental. First part of the thesis concentrates on theoretical foundations of Benveniste's thought in the school of Paris (A. Meillet and M. Bréal), Prague (R. Jakobson and V. Skalička) and Copenhagen (texts around 1939). I point out the concept of language system in diachrony in A. Meillet's thinking and in Prague school and present a hypothesis about the role of Émile Bneveniste in their contact during the International congresses of linguists. This results into a description of the perspective of meaning as it was presented in Benveniste's 1962 lecture "Levels of linguistic analysis". Second part deals with Benveniste's concept linguistics of discours. First chapter explains the main concepts of Benveniste's theory of language: semiotics and semantics or the semiotical and the semantical (le/la sémiotique, sémantique), enunciation (énonciation), appropriation (appropriation) and the theory...

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