Spelling suggestions: "subject:"structuralism,"" "subject:"structuralisme,""
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Männlichkeit in der LiteraturwissenschaftSchwanebeck, Wieland 25 April 2017 (has links)
Ähnlich wie in den Sozialwissenschaften blieben Männlichkeiten lange Zeit ein blinder Fleck innerhalb einer Gender-orientierten Literaturwissenschaft und die Konstruktionsmechanismen literarischer Männlichkeit im Dunklen. Erforscht wurden zunächst herausragende Modelle von Männlichkeit(en): einerseits dominante Leitbilder, andererseits deviante Alternativen, etwa der Dandy, der Homosexuelle, der Cross-Dresser. Mittlerweile liegt in nahezu allen Philologien eine Fülle von Einzelstudien zur Darstellung von Männlichkeit innerhalb bestimmter Epochen oder Autoren-Oeuvres vor, wiewohl der Stand der theoretischen Reflexion unterschiedlich ausgeprägt ist.
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The Scrivener De-Scribed: Logos and Originals in Nineteenth-Century Copyist FictionOrr, Sara Ceilidh 30 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Har passionen för hästar ett kön? : att göras och göra sig till ridsportkille / Passion for horses as gender positioning : boys and men 'doing gender' in equestrian sportsLinghede, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Det övergripande syftet handlar om att undersöka hur villkoren för killars och mäns deltagande i ridsportverksamheter gestaltas i berättelser om ridsport. Annorlunda uttryckt är jag intresserad av hur kön konstrueras, eller ”görs”, i killars och mäns ridsportberättelser. Centrala frågeställningar är: Hur hanteras killarnas och männens könsgränsöverskridande i berättelserna? Vilka normer och föreställningar kring kön och sexualitet blir synliga i berättelserna? Hur positionerar sig killarna och männen i förhållande till rådande köns- och sexualitetsnormer? Metodologi: Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med 19 killar och män, 13 till 55 år gamla, aktiva på såväl bredd som tävlingsnivå i verksamheter knutna till Svenska Ridsportförbundet. I ett första analyssteg genomfördes en narrativ analys, där fem berättelser – eller narrativ – konstruerades. Dessa illustrerar på olika sätt centrala teman, erfarenheter och problematiker i intervjupersonernas berättelser. I ett andra analyssteg gjordes en feministisk poststrukturell läsning av de fem narrativen. Resultat och diskussion: Sammanfattningsvis verkar det som att deltagandet i en kvinnligt kodad idrott som ridsporten kan öppna upp för andra, och mindre stereotypa, sätt att vara kille än traditionellt manligt kodade idrotter. Eftersom den vardagliga verksamheten innehåller både sådant som (i vår kultur) brukar definieras som kvinnligt, exempelvis omsorg, kommunikation och lyhördhet, och sådant som brukar definieras som manligt, exempelvis handlingskraft, styrka och mod, får man som kille (och tjej) möjlighet att inta såväl feminint som maskulint kodade positioner. På detta sätt utmanas dominerande diskurser om hur tjejer och killar, män och kvinnor ”är”. Samtidigt måste man som kille inom ridsporten förhålla sig till det omgivande samhällets syn på ridning som en ”tjejsport” liksom till en heteronormativ särartsdiskurs enligt vilken killar inom ridsporten är tävlings-, prestations- och målinriktade, inte gillar att pyssla med hästarna och tycker att det bästa med ridsporten är tjejerna. Det verkar göra att det kan bli extra viktigt att betona maskulinitet – och framförallt heterosexualitet – för att visa att man trots allt är en ”normal” kille. Bögen blir här en form av ”gränsvakt”, en stereotyp som både möjliggör och begränsar, men som framförallt synliggör en heteronormativ ordning. / Aim: The overall aim is to investigate how conditions of boys and men’s participation in equestrian sports activities are framed in stories about equestrian sports. In other words I´m interested in the construction of gender, or the ‘doing of gender’, in boys and men´s stories about equestrian sports. Research questions are: How is the gender bending of the boys and men treated in the stories– both inside and outside equestrian sports? Which norms and representations about gender and sexuality are visible in the stories? How do the boys and men position themselves in relation to prevailing gender- and sexuality norms? Methodology: 19 boys and men, between the ages of 13 and 55, active on different levels in the Swedish Equestrian Sports Federation, were interviewed in the study. In a first step, a narrative analysis was conducted. Five narratives, illustrating central themes and experiences in the informants´ stories were constructed. In a second step a feminist post-structuralist reading of the five narratives was carried out. Results and discussion: The results indicate that participation in female-coded sports, like equestrian sports, can open up to other and less stereotypical ways of being a boy or man than participation in sports traditionally seen as masculine. Since the everyday activities contains both elements that we usually (in our culture) define as female, for example care, communication and sensitivity and elements we usually define as male, for example initiative, strength and courage, boys get the opportunity to practice assumed feminine as well as assumed masculine positions. In this way dominant discourses about boys and girls and men and women – how they “are” and what they like – are challenged. At the same time the stories make visible that boys and men in equestrian sports have to relate to the surrounding society’s view of horse riding as a “girl sport” and to heteronormative gender discourses in which men in equestrian sports are competitive and goal oriented, don’t like to cuddle with horses and think that the best thing with horse riding is the girls. It seems as if one strategy for handling this is to emphasize masculinity – and especially heterosexuality – to show that you in spite of everything are a “normal” guy. In this way the “fag” becomes a sort of “border agent” – a stereotype that both allows and restricts, but above all makes visible a heteronormative order. / <p>Uppsatsen tilldelades stipendiemedel ur Överste och Fru Adolf Johnssons fond för VT 2014.</p>
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[pt] A tese oferece uma leitura pós-estrutural e pós-colonial/decolonial sobre a intersecção entre os
atores políticos e midiáticos estadunidenses, especialmente o The New York Times (NYT),
sobre Somália e Ruanda. O argumento principal que discursos calcados na política do
statecraft, disseminados em perspectiva comparada, pelos atores políticos e midiáticos
estadunidenses sobre Somália e Ruanda, durante as décadas de 1990 frente aos anos 2000,
foram caracterizados mais pelas continuidades, do que pelas descontinuidades das narrativas,
tendo em vista as práticas coloniais reiteradas ao longo de décadas sobre os países africanos.
Salienta-se que esta tese visa preencher a lacuna sobre os estudos multidisciplinares entre as
Relações Internacionais e a Comunicação Social, especificamente nas agendas sobre
(P)política E(e)xterna estadunidense, por intermédio da análise discursiva à guisa da
semiótica. Argumenta-se, nesta tese, que as narrativas orientalistas disseminadas pelos atores
políticos e midiáticos estadunidenses sobre Somália e Ruanda no transcorrer do tempo
replicaram hegemônicas representações que diz mais sobre o Ocidente do que propriamente
sobre o Oriente – leia-se Áfricas. Estes discursos foram mobilizados por meio de uma política
comparada que vem posicionando os atores africanos aqui analisados em relações
hierárquicas entre si. Propõe-se chamar a atenção para o modo homogêneo e monolítico pelo
qual as sociedades africanas são abordadas. A tese sugere que as práticas coloniais são
mantidas tendo em vista a reprodução de hierarquias das sociedades africanas em relação ao
Self estadunidense. Veremos como ao longo do tempo a Somália deixa o status de sociedade
faminta e passa ser retratada enquanto país símbolo do terrorismo. Já Ruanda antes vista como
uma sociedade produtora da guerra civil/geno(cídios), torna-se nos anos 2000, o país símbolo
do sucesso e prosperidade no continente africano na medida em que adere à paz híbrida no
pós-geno(cídios). Ao fazer adesão a paz híbrida, Ruanda, à luz do etnocentrismo, permaneceu
vinculada, mediante múltiplas resistências, a uma determinada concepção de modernidade, já
que suas reformas estatais estiveram alinhadas ao melhores modelos de gestão traduzidos na
forma de um trinômio segurança-humanitarismo-desenvolvimento. / [en] The dissertation offers a post-structural and post-colonial/decolonial reading on the
intersection between US politicians and media, especially The New York Times (NYT),
on Somalia and Rwanda. The main arguments that speeches grounded in the perspective
of the state, by politicians and mid-American discourses Somalia and Rwanda, during
the decades to the 2000s, were characterized more of continuities by 1990, than front of
continuities of the narratives, for now in view of colonial practices reiterated over
decades on African countries. It should be noted that this thesis fills a gap on
multidisciplinary studies between International Relations and Social Communication,
specifically in the agendas on American (F)foreign (P)policy, through discursive
analysis in the guise of semiotics. It is argued, in this thesis, that the eastern narratives
disseminated by US political and media actors about Somalia and Rwanda over time
replicated hegemonic representations that say more about the West than about the East
itself – that is, Africas. These relationships were mobilized through comparative politics
that have been positioning the actors here between more hierarchical discourses. It is
proposed to draw attention to the homogeneous and monolithic way in which African
societies are approached. The thesis suggests that colonial practices are maintained in
view of the reproduction of hierarchies of African societies in relation to the American
Self. We will see how, over time, Somalia leaves the status of a starving society and
starts to be portrayed as a country that is a symbol of terrorism. Rwanda, previously
seen as a society producing civil war/geno(cides), becomes, in the 2000s, the country
symbol of success and prosperity on the African continent as it adheres to the hybrid
peace in the post-geno(cides). By joining peace, Rwanda to light and trinity, determined,
maintained already secure, to a creation of modern management models, that its
improvements are linked to the creation of modern management models, that its
improvements are linked to a creation of management models, which are their best
models of creating an age, that their improvements are linked to a management model
translated into security. humanitarianism-development..
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Beckett, Barthelme, and Vonnegut : finding hope in meaninglessnessBritten, Alex M. 16 April 2012 (has links)
This thesis is a study of the shifting philosophical trends in the works of Samuel Beckett, Donald Barthelme, and Kurt Vonnegut as representations of a greater shift from modernism to postmodernism. I have chosen to explore Beckett's plays Waiting for Godot and Krapp's Last Tape, Barthelme's short stories "Nothing: A Preliminary Account," "The New Music," and "Kierkegaard Unfair to Schlegal," and Vonnegut's book Timequake to see how each author seeks to find a new hope in the face of a collapsed causal system. This work is an examination of the form and content of each author's work as it pertains to their own philosophical standing and in relation to the other two authors' works. I argue that each author finds a different hope for humanity depending on their place among the philosophical trends during their time. / Graduation date: 2012
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Pierre BourdieuHeitzmann, Daniela 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Pierre Bourdieu (1930–2002) war ein französischer Ethnologe und Soziologe, der von 1981 bis 2001 einen Lehrstuhl für Soziologie am Collège de France innehatte. Sein zentrales Erkenntnisinteresse richtete Bourdieu auf die Beständigkeit der sozialen Verhältnisse, deren zentralen Mechanismus er im Phänomen der symbolischen Gewalt fand. Bourdieu beschreibt dabei, wie in der sozialen Praxis über Akte des Klassifizierens Herrschafts- und Machtverhältnisse konstituiert und perpetuiert werden. Als Beispiel schlechthin für die symbolische Gewalt benennt Bourdieu die „Männliche Herrschaft“. Die Rezeption dieses Konzepts ist in der deutschsprachigen Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung bis heute jedoch eher zurückhaltend.
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PoststrukturalismusSchwanebeck, Wieland 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Unter dem Begriff des Poststrukturalismus wird eine disparate, auf den Axiomen des Strukturalismus aufbauende und diese zugleich überwindende Strömung verstanden, die sowohl innerhalb der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften als auch in interdisziplinär organisierten Feldern wie den Gender Studies von großer Tragweite ist. Geteilt wird die Auffassung, dass kulturelle Phänomene allgemein sprachlich strukturiert sind. Seine Tendenz, unter die Oberfläche vermeintlich stabiler, monolithischer Strukturen zu schauen, qualifiziert den Poststrukturalismus für eine Anwendung auf genderwissenschaftliche Kategorien wie Weiblichkeit und Männlichkeit, deren Bedeutung nicht aus sich selbst erwächst, sondern die als Signifikate innerhalb eines (phallokratischen) Systems zu denken sind.
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Nerovnomoměrný rozvoj světové ekonomiky / Uneven Development of the World EconomyBílý, Boris January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with inequalities within the Word economic development. The development is conceived in the context of world systems theory for the proper evaluation of this development. The question, whether there is a convergence or divergence across countries and groups of countries is an important question of contemporary studies of globalization. While proponents of modernization theory tend to say that countries converge, adherents of world systems theory mostly think the opposite. Another contribution of this work is the evaluation of economic development not based only on the production capabilities and growth. The approach is more complex and includes the development of the society as a whole. Therefore, Human development index was used for analysis and the researched period was set to 1980-2014 due to data availability. The analysis deals not only with inequalities between the parts of the world system, but partially also with inequalities within these parts. The theoretical part consists of discussion of the existing studies of world systems and economic development and explains the necessary terms and context. Practical part is made of own regionalization of the world into three parts of the world system (core, semiperiphery and periphery) based on criteria chosen according to...
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"O avunculado na Antropologia Evolutiva: uma abordagem intercultural" / "The avunculate in the evolutionary anthropology: a cross cultural survey"Maia, Antonio Carlos do Amaral 28 February 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a compreender a variabilidade cultural humana em relação à organização da família por meio das teorias darwinianas da seleção natural e da seleção sexual, e se encontra baseado em evidências vindas da comparação de dados etnográficos. Pretende-se demonstrar que existe uma alteração marcante no comportamento de todos os envolvidos nas relações familiares quando mudam as regras de herança. Essas alterações assim ocorrem porque as regras de herança direcionam o Investimento Parental Masculino (MPI), ora ao sobrinho, ora ao filho. A hipótese apresentada é a de que a variação do MPI modifica de maneira compreensível e previsível as relações familiares em organizações matrilineares e patrilineares. A prova da hipótese será feita por meio da aplicação do método intercultural com pesquisa etnográfica nos bancos de dados do HRAF, e utilizando-se da amostra PSF. Os resultados do presente trabalho indicarão que em sociedades em que o tio tem uma relação afetuosa com seu sobrinho, o marido espanca a mulher; e quando o pai se relaciona de maneira indulgente e amigável com seu filho, irmãos e irmãs se evitam, alinhando esses fatos de maneira que possam ser coerentemente entendidos com a teoria sociobiológica. A riqueza cultural, o sem número de costumes, as tradições, os tabus, as normas explícitas ou ocultas, os aparatos de coerção de toda sorte, as regras sobre herança, casamento, dote, preço da noiva, divisão de trabalho, enfim, todas as regras observadas em todos os agrupamentos humanos podem ser explicadas à luz das seguintes teorias: a) da seleção de consangüíneos" (Hamilton, 1963), b) do altruísmo recíproco" (Trivers, 1971), c) do investimento parental e seleção sexual" (Trivers, 1972), e d) do conflito entre prole e parentais" (Trivers, 1974). / The present work proposes to account for cultural variability in connection to human family organization, through Darwins theories of natural selection and sexual selection. It is also founded on evidence based on the comparison of ethnographic data of diverse human societies. It intends to demonstrate that there is a significant alteration in the behavior of family members when the rules of inheritance of wealth change. These alterations are triggered because the rules of inheritance dictate the MPI Male Parental Investment sometimes in the nephew and sometimes in the son. The hypothesis is that this variation in MPI (male investment in either the nephew or the son) modifies family relations in matrilineal and patrilineal organizations in a predictable manner. The role played by MPI in determining family tensions will be shown by applying cross cultural analysis to the data obtained from HRAF (Human Relations Area Files), using PSF (Probability Sample Files). The results of the present work show that societies in which the uncles relation with his nephew is affectionate, the husband beats the wife; on the other hand, when the fathers relation with his son is indulgent and friendly, brother and sister avoid each other. This variability of behavior can be coherently explained by sociobiological theory. Cultural wealth: the innumerable customs, the traditions, the taboos, the manifest and hidden norms, the apparatus of coercion, the rules of inheritance, marriage, dowry, bride price, the division of labor, in short, all the rules observed in all human groups can be explained in the light of the following theories: a) kinship selection (Hamilton, 1963); b) reciprocal altruism (Trivers, 1971; Axelrod, 1981); c) parental investment and sexual selection (Trivers, 1972); and d) parentoffspring conflict (Trivers, 1974).
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Re-Imagining the Victorian Classics: Postcolonial Feminist Rewritings of Emily BrontëCelestrin, Yannel 27 March 2018 (has links)
Yannel M. Celestrin
Florida International University, 2018
Miami, Florida
Professor Martha Schoolman, Major Professor
Through a post-structural lens, I will focus on the Caribbean, specifically Cuba, Guadeloupe, Marie-Galante, and Roseau, and how the history of colonialism impacted these islands. As the primary text of my thesis begins during the Cuban War of Independence of the 1890s, I will use this timeframe as the starting point of my analysis. In my thesis, I will compare Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heightsand Maryse Condé’s Windward Heights. Specifically, I will examine Condé’s processes of reimagining and rewriting Brontë’s narrative by deconstructing the notions of history, race, gender, and class. I will also explore ways in which Condé disrupts the hegemonic and linear notions of narrative temporality in an attempt to unsilence the voices of colonized subjects. I argue that Condé’s work is a significant contribution to the practice of rewriting as well as to the canon of Caribbean literary history. I argue that the very process of rewriting is a powerful mode of resistance against colonizing powers and hegemonic discourse.
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