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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A (hetero)normalização dos corpos em práticas pedagógicas da educação física escolar

Dornelles, Priscila Gomes January 2013 (has links)
Nesta tese problematizo os processos de (hetero)normalização dos corpos na Educação Física escolar. Para isso, discuto e analiso como e quais processos de normalização do gênero e da sexualidade são postos em movimento no discurso pedagógico de professores/as que atuam na disciplina de Educação Física no Vale do Jiquiriçá/BA, tomando como referências teórico-metodológicas e políticas os estudos feministas, a teoria queer e os estudos foucaultianos pós-estruturalistas. Para compor o corpus da pesquisa, conduzi o trabalho de campo articulando alguns procedimentos metodológicos. Prioritariamente, realizei a pesquisa com docentes que ministravam aulas de Educação Física nas escolas públicas localizadas nos diversos municípios da região investigada. Desse modo, apliquei 28 questionários, organizei um grupo focal com sete participantes e realizei sete entrevistas. De forma complementar, analisei os projetos político-pedagógicos das duas escolas que disponibilizaram o documento. As linhas conceituais definidoras das noções de ‘norma’, ‘gênero’ e ‘heteronormatividade’ foram privilegiadas para explorar os materiais empíricos produzidos. Organizei as análises subsequentes a partir da díade saber-poder, investindo na sua potência organizativa e explicativa para compreender como a (hetero)norma funciona. Argumentei que os discursos biológico-reprodutivos e da educação em saúde circunscrevem o limite do pensável sobre sexualidade na escola a partir de uma lógica preventivo-informativa. Além disso, abordei as músicas do tipo ‘pagode baiano’ como pedagogias culturais que, em conflito com o discurso biológico-etário, visibilizavam conhecimentos ‘avançados’ sobre a sexualidade. No plano estratégico, analisei as feiras e/ou seminários interdisciplinares anuais como pedagogias que operam com ênfase na saúde sexual e reprodutiva de forma articulada ao silenciamento das experiências de desejo dos sujeitos não heterossexuais. Discuti como o gênero binário, em articulação com os discursos regionais, faz funcionar o enunciado “prendam suas bezerras que o meu garrote tá solto”, expresso no rechaço dos meninos ao toque em outros meninos e na naturalização das manifestações de desejo ‘atrevidas’ de meninos em relação às meninas nas aulas de Educação Física. A investigação realizada permite dizer que a heterossexualidade é assumida como medida do conhecimento e o investimento em pedagogias com base no sexo (e no gênero binário) conforma o sujeito (ir)reconhecível e (im)possível da Educação Física escolar. / In this thesis I problematize the processes of (hetero)normalization of bodies in school Physical Education. For this, I discuss and analyze how and which processes of gender and sexual normalization are set in the pedagogical discourse of teachers who work in the discipline of Physical Education in Vale do Jequiriçá/Bahia, taking as theoretical, methodological and politic references the feminist studies, the queer theory and poststructuralist Foucauldian studies. To build the research corpus, I conducted the fieldwork articulating some methodological procedures. Primarily, I made a research with teachers who taught Physical Education classes in public schools located in different municipalities of the region investigated. Thus, I applied 28 questionnaires, organized a focus group with seven participants, and performed seven interviews. Complementarily, I analyzed the political-pedagogical projects of two schools which provided the documents. The conceptual lines that define the notions of ‘norm’, ‘gender’ and ‘heteronormativity’ were privileged to explore the empirical material produced. The subsequent analysis were organized from the dyad knowledge-power, investing in its organizational and explanatory power for understanding how the (hetero)norm works. I argued that biological-reproductive and health education discourses circumscribe the limits of the thinkable about sexuality in school from a preventive-informative logical. In addition, I discussed songs from ‘pagode baiano’ style as cultural pedagogies that, conflicting with biological-age discourse, make visible ‘advanced’ knowledge about sexuality. In the strategic plan, I observed the annual interdisciplinary fairs and/or seminars as pedagogies that operate with emphasis on sexual and reproductive health articulated to the silencing of the desire experiences of non-heterosexual individuals. I discussed how binary gender, in conjunction with regional discourses, runs the statement “arrest your calves because my bull calf is loose”, expressed in the rejection of boys to touch other boys and in the naturalization of ‘daring’ desire manifestations from boys to girls in Physical Education classes. The performed investigation allows to say that heterosexuality is taken as a measure of knowledge and the investment in pedagogies based in sex (and in binary gender) form the subject (un)recognizable and (im)possible of school Physical Education. / En esta tesis problematizo los procesos de (hetero)normalización de los cuerpos en la Educación Física escolar. Para eso, discuto y analizo cómo y cuáles procesos de normalización de género y de la sexualidad son puestos en movimiento en el discurso pedagógico de profesores/as que actúan en la disciplina de Educación Física en el Vale do Jiquiriçá/BA, tomando como referencias teórico-metodológicas y políticas los estudios feministas, la teoría queer y los estudos foucaultianos pos-estructuralistas. Para componer el corpus de la investigación, conducí el trabajo de campo articulando algunos procedimientos metodológicos. Prioritariamente, realicé la investigación con docentes que ministraban clases de Educación Física en las escuelas públicas localizadas en los diversos municípios de la región investigada. De ese modo, aplique 28 cuestionarios, organicé un grupo focal con siete participantes y realicé siete entrevistas. De forma complementar, analicé los proyectos político-pedagógicos de las dos escuelas que disponibilizaron el documento. Las líneas conceptuales definidoras de las nociones de ‘norma’, ‘género’ y ‘heteronormatividad’ fueron privilegiadas para explorar los materiales empíricos producidos. Organicé los análisis subsecuentes a partir de la díade saber-poder, invirtiendo en su potencia organizativa y explicativa para compreender como la (hetero)norma funciona. Argumenté que los discursos biológico-reproductivos y de la educación en salud circunscriben el limite de lo pensable sobre sexualidad en la escuela a partir de una lógica preventivo-informativa. Además de eso, aborde las músicas del tipo ‘pagode baiano’ como pedagogías culturales que, en conflicto con el discurso biológico-etário, visibilizaban conocimientos ‘avanzados’ sobre la sexualidad. En el plano estratégico, analicé las ferias y/o seminarios interdisciplinares anuales como pedagogías que operan con énfasis en la salud sexual y reproductiva de forma articulada al silenciamiento de las experiencias de deseo de los sujetos no heterosexuales. Discutí como el género binario, en articulación con los discursos regionales, hace funcionar el enunciado “prendan sus vacas que mi garrote está suelto”, expreso en el rechazo de los niños al toque en otros niños y en la naturalización de las manifestaciones de deseo ‘atrevidas’ de niños en relación a las niñas en las clases de Educación Física. La investigación realizada permite decir que la heterosexualidad es asumida como medida del conocimiento y la inversión en pedagogías con base en el sexo (y en el género binario) conforman el sujeto (ir)reconocible e (im)posible de la Educación Física escolar.

O Departamento de Design Gráfico da Cranbrook Academy of Art (1971-1995): novos caminhos para o design / The Cranbrook Academy of Art´s Graphic Design Department (1971-1995): new paths for design.

Iara Pierro de Camargo 08 December 2011 (has links)
A partir da análise dos trabalhos do departamento de design da Cranbrook Academy of Art, durante o período coordenado por Katherine McCoy (1971 a 1995), este trabalho procura identificar os novos caminhos desenvolvidos pela escola para a prática do design gráfico contemporâneo, e em especial a concepção do design como parte do processo de comunicação. O design até os anos 1970 era regido por pressupostos formais, funcionais e neutros, o que talvez não permitisse entendê-lo como linguagem visual, em si, mas como mero suporte para o texto. Na escola, a abordagem funcionalista foi questionada nos anos 1970 e, a partir daí, nos anos 1980, inspirados por conceitos teóricos do pós-estruturalismo e pós-modernismo, foram introduzidas novas ideias a fim de legitimar o designer também como produtor de conteúdo. Ao buscar referências teóricas no pós-estruturalismo, percebeu-se a importância do receptor na interpretação da mensagem, assim como a necessidade de se produzir peças gráficas que encorajassem, a partir da relação do conteúdo com a forma gráfica, a participação do público. A escola, de modestas proporções, cuja média era a de 8 alunos ingressantes por ano, era baseada no ensino em estúdio, não possuía grade curricular fixa, nem disciplinas regulares. Os discentes eram sempre encorajados a pesquisar e se desenvolver. Muitas das pesquisas e resultados dos trabalhos são frutos da reflexão individual de cada aluno, inspirados pelo ambiente em contínuo desenvolvimento. A Cranbrook foi, dessa maneira, formadora de muitos dos principais designers norteamericanos atuais, como por exemplo Allen Hori, Andrew Bleauvelt, David Frej, David Shields, Ed Fella, Elliot Earls, Geoff Kaplan, Jane Kosstrin, Jeff Keedy, Kimberly Elam, Laurie Haycock Makela, Loraine Wild, Lucille Tenazas, Martin Venezky, Meredith Davis, Michael Carrabeta, Nancy Skolos, Richard Kerr, Robert Nakata, Scott Makela (1960-1999), Scott Santoro, Scott Zukowsky, entre outros. Cada um deles possuiu um papel particular e muitos compartilhavam idéias semelhantes, mas a maior parte deles procurou ampliar o campo do design gráfico agregando conteúdos mistos e abrindo-se a novas possibilidades de produção e reflexão sobre a relação entre texto e imagem. / With the analysis of the works from Cranbrook Academy of Art´s Design Department, under Katherine McCoy\'s Co-Chairmanship (1971 to 1995), this work intends identify the new ways developed by the School for the practice of contemporary graphic design, focusing on the concept of the design as part of communication process. Until the years 1970 design was ruled from the formal, functional and neutral presuppositions of Modernity, without the understanding of design as a visual language itself, but only as a mere support the text. In the 1970\'s the School questioned the functionalist approach, and during the 1980\'s years, new ideas were introduced to legitimate the designer as producer of contents, inspired by post-structuralism and post-modern concepts. Theoretical references in post structuralism stressed the importance of the receptor\'s interpretation of the message, as well in the importance of producing graphic works that encourage the participation from the public audience, founded in the relationship between content and graphic form. The School\'s graphic design program was modest in size 8 new students per year - and was studio-based without a fixed curriculum of courses and classes. The students were challenged to research and develop their individual expressions. Their research and resulting works are the fruit of the students\' individual reflection inspired by the continuously developing environment. Cranbrook produced many of the most important contemporary North American designers, such as Allen Hori, Andrew Bleauvelt, David Frej, David Shields, Ed Fella, Elliot Earls, Geoff Kaplan, Jane Kosstrin, Jeff Keedy, Kimberly Elam, Laurie Haycock Makela, Lorraine Wild, Lucille Tenazas, Martin Venezky, Meredith Davis, Michael Carrabeta, Nancy Skolos, Richard Kerr, Robert Nakata, Scott Makela (1960-1999), Scott Santoro, Scott Zukowsky, and others. Each one had a particular role play and many shared similar ideas, as they worked to enlarge the graphic design field with mixed contents and explored new possibilities of production and new roles for text and image.

Concevoir le contexte de l'architecture: réalité habitée et réalité projetée dans trois doctrines du 20e siècle

Marbehant, Sylvain 21 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat développe un questionnement de nature épistémologique à propos du domaine architectural et des connaissances qui lui sont associées. La théorie architecturale se distingue par la grande diversité de ses formes, par la multiplicité des acteurs qui la mobilisent et surtout par la grande complexité de l'objet qu'elle vise :l'œuvre architecturale. Pour pouvoir aborder de manière lucide ces différents filtres, nous proposons d'en décoder les origines pour une notion théorique particulière: le contexte de l'œuvre architecturale.<p>Le contexte d'une œuvre rassemble l'ensemble des conditions matérielles, sociocognitives et culturelles qui contribuent à sa signification. Cependant l'interprétation d'un contexte est souvent faite de manière équivoque tant les sources du sens sont multiples et variées pour l'architecture. <p>Un examen rapide de l'évolution de la culture architecturale dans le courant du 20e siècle permet de situer la grande popularité de la question du contexte dans la seconde moitié de ce siècle. L'importance du contexte y apparaissait comme une force effective pour endiguer la crise du sens que connaissait l'architecture. Une sensibilité commune émergea au sein de trois courants architecturaux – appelés dans cette étude la Team 10, les Italiens et les Américains. Tous fondaient leurs interprétations sur l'idée que les conditions matérielles et historiques d'une situation donnée participent à la signification que prend l'œuvre architecturale chez ses habitants. Ils en déduisirent une série de notions originales qui constituent l'objet de cette étude.<p>Au moment du repli théorique amorcé au moment du postmodernisme, ces interprétations furent formalisées au sein de trois doctrines :le structuralisme, le rationalisme et le contextualisme. Dans ce cadre doctrinal, à chaque situation donnée pouvaient correspondre plusieurs contextes élaborés a priori et conditionnant sans détour l'œuvre architecturale qui y prenait place. Ainsi, alors que la signification d'un contexte est liée à sa spécificité, ces interprétations formalisées encourageaient la reproduction de stratégies d'interventions architecturales abstraites de toute contingence. <p>La critique du postmodernisme expliqua ces pratiques caricaturales par l'oubli du rôle actif des auteurs architectes dans le travail d'interprétation du contexte d'une œuvre. Un contexte ne doit pas être interprété seulement en tant que réalité habitée – trouvant son sens chez les habitants de l'œuvre – mais aussi en tant que réalité projetée. – trouvant son sens dans la conception de l'œuvre. <p>La première hypothèse de cette recherche avance qu'au sein des trois courants à l'origine des doctrines du structuralisme, du rationalisme et du contextualisme s'exprimait consciemment cette différence entre réalité habitée et réalité projetée. Si les formalisations doctrinales écartèrent l'importance de l'engagement créatif des architectes dans l'interprétation d'un contexte n'avait pas été oubliée chez les principaux auteurs de ces trois courants. La seconde hypothèse de cette recherche avance que l'interprétation d'un contexte en tant que réalité projetée est nécessaire pour renouveler le sens de l'œuvre qui y est associée. Par l'engagement de l'auteur architecte, peut naître une relation spécifique entre l'œuvre architecturale et son contexte, spécificité garante de la signification.<p>Ces deux hypothèses s'appuient sur deux développements. D'abord un double inventaire des principales notions relatives à la compréhension du contexte de l'œuvre architecturale en tant que réalité habitée et en tant que réalité projetée. Ces inventaires sont illustrés par quelques projets exemplaires traduisant l'impact de ces interprétations sur l'architecture construite. Ensuite par une réflexion théorique plus générale développant la relation possible entre la connaissance architecturale et l'œuvre au sein d'une réalité projetée. A la suite de ce second développement de nature épistémologique, nous avançons que par la nature intermédiaire que prennent les connaissances dans le cadre d'une réalité projetée, il s'instaure une relation de réciprocité – et non pas d'autorité - entre le théorique et le pratique.<p> / Doctorat en Art de bâtir et urbanisme / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Gränsland : Svensk ungdomsvård mellan vård och straff

Silow Kallenberg, Kim January 2016 (has links)
Borderlands. Swedish youth care in the intersections of care and punishment This dissertation concerns staff working in special residential homes, or secure units, for boys and young men and, less specifically, the compulsory care of problematic teenagers. The study is based on interviews with staff members and participatory observations of daily practices at a compulsorycare institution. The empirical material is complemented by observations of learning situations and interviews with students and teachers in education of social pedagogy. The aim of the thesis is to map out and to analyse understandings of, and motivations for, compulsory care that is produced and sustained through articulations of residing teenagers, treatment practices and institutional staff in the daily work, and in staff narratives, at a secure unit for compulsory care. Three aspects of compulsory care are analysed: constructions of teenagers, of treatment practices and of subject positions or identity of staff. Concepts and ideas from a post-structural framework are used as theoretical tools to conduct analysis of the interviews and observations. Discourse, as well as a three-fold concept of logics, is central for the analysis. As a theoretical complement to the main analytical framework, perspectives from symbolic interactionism are used. The results of the thesis show that tensions and ambivalence characterise compulsory care for adolescents. Aspects of care as well as of punishment, for example, are both evident parts of the institutional work and narratives studied. The teenagers are alternately being constructed as children in need and as manipulative criminals: articulations that are made part of either a logic of care or a logic of punishment. Other tensions that are analysed as significant parts of institutional practices and subject positions are those of the biological and the social, theory and practice, and power and powerlessness. Age, gender and class are all significant parts in constructing subject positions for both teenagers and staff and in creating a division between the two groups. Such categorisations are articulated together in various ways in the different logics identified. These subject positions also have consequences for institutional interactions and for the institutional care provided in secure units.

The Promises of the Free World : Postsocialist Experience in Argentina and the Making of Migrants, Race, and Coloniality

Ingridsdotter, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates the narrated experiences of a number of individuals that migrated to Argentina from Russia and Ukraine in the wake of the fall of the Soviet Union. The over-arching aim of this thesis is to study the ways in which these migrants navigated the social reality in Argentina, with regards to available physical, material, and socioeconomic positions as well as with regards to their narrated self-understandings and identifications. The empirical data consists of ethnographic in-depth interviews and participatory observation from Buenos Aires between the years 2011 and 2014. Through the theoretical frameworks of political discourse theory, critical race studies, auto-ethnography, and theories on coloniality, the author examines questions of migration, mobility, race, class, and gender in the processes of re-establishing a life in a new context. The interviewees were not only directly affected by the collapse of the USSR in the sense that it drastically changed their terrain of possible futures as well as retroactive understandings of their pasts, but they also began their lives in Argentina during the turmoil of the economic crisis that culminated in 2001. Central to this thesis is how these dislocatory events impacted the interviewees’ possibilities and limitations for living the life they had expected, and thus how discursive structures affect subject positions and identifications, and thereby create specific conditions for different relocatory trajectories. By focusing on how these individuals narrate their reasons for migration and their integration into Argentine labor and housing markets, the author demonstrates the role Argentine and East European history, as well as the neoliberal restructuring of the postsocialist region and Argentina in the 1990’s, had for self-understandings, subject positions, identities, and mobility. Various intersections of power, and particularly the making of race and whiteness, are important for the way that the interviewees negotiated subject positions and identifications. The author addresses how affect and hope played a part in these processes and how downward mobility was articulated and made meaningful. She also examines how participants’ ideas about a “good life” were related to understandings of the past, questions of race, social inequality, and a logic of coloniality. / Den här avhandlingen undersöker hur ett antal individer som migrerade från Ryssland och Ukraina till Argentina efter Sovjetunionens fall berättar om sin erfarenhet. Det övergripande syftet är att studera hur dessa migranter navigerade i den sociala verkligheten i Argentina, särskilt vad det gäller kroppsliga, materiella och socioekonomiska positioner, såväl som hur detta påverkat deras berättade självförståelse och identifikationer. Det empiriska materialet består av etnografiska djupintervjuer och deltagande observationer gjorda i Buenos Aires mellan åren 2011 och 2014. Författaren använder sig av ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av politisk diskursteori, kritiska ras- och vithetsstudier, autoetnografi och teorier om kolonialitet för att undersöka frågor om migration, mobilitet, rasialisering, klass och kön i en kontext av återetablering av ett liv i ett nytt samhälle. De som intervjuas i denna avhandling påverkades inte bara av Sovjetunionens kollaps, på så sätt att det påverkade deras förståelse av möjlig framtid samt deras retroaktiva förståelser av det förflutna, utan de påbörjade även sina nya liv i Argentina under den ekonomiska krisen som kulminerade år 2001. Centralt i avhandlingen är hur dessa dislokatoriska händelser inverkade på de intervjuades möjligheter och begränsningar för att kunna leva det liv som de hade förväntat sig, och därmed hur diskursiva strukturer påverkar subjektspositioner och identifikationer och därmed skapar specifika villkor för olika vägar för återetablering. Genom fokus på hur dessa individer berättar om sina anledningar för migrationen och om deras väg in i den argentinska arbets- och bostadsmarknaden visar författaren vilken roll argentinsk och östeuropeisk historia, såväl som 1990-talets nyliberala omstrukturering av den postsovjetiska regionen och Argentina, hade för deras självförståelse, subjektspositioner, identitet och mobilitet. Viktigt för hur de intervjuade förhandlade om olika subjektspositioner och identifikationer är intersektionella maktordningar och särskilt skapandet av ras och vithet. Författaren analyserar hur affekt och hopp spelade en roll i dessa processer och hur social deklassering artikulerades och gjordes meningsfull. Här undersöks även hur de intervjuades idéer om möjligheten att leva ett ”gott liv” var sammanflätade med förståelser av det förflutna, rasialisering, social ojämlikhet och en logik som präglades av kolonialitet. / Тема этой диссертации – это личный опыт ряда индивидуумов, переехавших в Аргентину вскоре после распада Советского Союза, на основе их собственных повествований. Основная цель работы заключается в исследовании того, как мигранты-участники вписывались в общественную реальность Аргентины на фоне её превалирующих физических,  материальных и социо-экономических позиций, а также по отношению к тому, как согласно их рассказам, эти люди сами себя воспринимали и идентифицировали. Эмпирическая компонента диссертации включает в себя комплекс углубленных этнографических интервью и включенного наблюдения, проводимых в Буэнос Айрес в 2011 -2014 гг. Автор изучает вопросы миграции, класса, социальной мобильности, расы и гендера в процессе переустановки жизни в новых условиях, руководствуясь теоретическими посылами теорий политического дискурса, критических расовых исследований (critical race studies), автоэтнографии и теорий колониальности. В дополнение к тому факту, что на интервьюируемых оказал непосредственное влияние распад Советского Союза, который кардинальным образом изменил как возможные сценарии их будущего, так и ретроактивные интерпретации их прошлого, эти люди начали свою новую жизнь в Аргентине сразу после сумятицы экономического кризиса, достигшего кульминации в 2001 г. Центральным аспектом диссертации является изучение воздействия, которое имели эти дислоцирующие обстоятельства на спектр естественных возможностей и преград на пути реализации жизненного проекта участников исследования, как они себе его представляли, а также какое влияние оказывают соответствующие дискурсивные структуры на позиции и идентификации субъектов, обуславливая определенные условия реализации различных траекторий их жизни в эмиграции. Фокусируя внимание на том, как эти индивидуумы повествуют о том, что побудило их к эмиграции в Аргентину и интеграции в местные рынки труда и жилья, автор подчеркивает ту роль, которую сыграли в этом особенности как аргентинской, так и восточноевропейской истории, наряду с более поздними структурными изменениями 90х гг., происходившими как на постсоветском, так и аргентинском пространствах в эпоху неолиберализма. Это касается в равной степени аспектов самовосприятия, позиций субъектов, а также вопросов их идентификации и мобильности. Важной составляющей того, каким образом интервьюируемые устанавливали рамки своей субъективной идентификации и позиции, являлись различные грани концепции власти; в частности того, как возникают понятия расы и ‘белизны’ (whiteness). Автор обращается к вопросу, какую роль в этих процессах сыграли аффект и надежда, и как субъекты исследования артикулировали и находили смысл в своей нисходящей мобильности. Параллельно автор анализирует то, как представления участников о "хорошей жизни" ставились ими в зависимость от их собственной интерпретации прошлого, наряду с вопросами расы, общественного неравенства и колониальной логики. / Esta tesis investiga las experiencias narradas por una serie de individuos que emigraron a Argentina desde Rusia y Ucrania a raíz de la caída de la Unión Soviética. Su objetivo general es estudiar el modo en que estos inmigrantes transitaron la realidad social argentina en lo que se refiere a las posiciones físicas, materiales y socioeconómicas disponibles, así como también a su auto-comprensión y a las identidades construidas desde sus narraciones. La autora examina cuestiones de migración, movilidad, raza, clase y género en los procesos de restablecimiento de la vida de estos sujetos a través del marco de la teoría política del discurso, los estudios críticos de la raza, la auto-etnografía y teorías sobre la colonialidad. Los datos empíricos consisten en entrevistas etnográficas en profundidad y observación participante realizadas en Buenos Aires entre los años 2011 y 2014. Los entrevistados no sólo se vieron directamente afectados por el colapso de la URSS en el sentido de que éste cambió drásticamente su terreno de futuros posibles y la comprensión retroactiva de su pasado, sino que también comenzaron sus vidas en Argentina durante las turbulencias de la crisis económica que estalló en el año 2001. En esta tesis, es central la indagación sobre cómo estos eventos dislocatorios impactaron en las posibilidades y limitaciones de los entrevistados para vivir la vida que esperaban y cómo las estructuras discursivas afectan las posiciones y las identificaciones de los sujetos, creando condiciones específicas para diferentes trayectorias de reubicación. Al enfocarse en cómo estos individuos narran sus razones para la migración y su integración en los mercados laborales y de la vivienda en Argentina, la autora demuestra el papel que tienen en las auto-comprensiones, posiciones de sujeto, identidades y movilidad, tanto la historia argentina y de Europa del Este, así como también la reestructuración neoliberal de la región postsocialista y de la Argentina en los años 90. Diversas intersecciones de poder, y particularmente la raza y la blancura son importantes para la manera en que los entrevistados negociaron posiciones subjetivas e identificaciones. La autora aborda cómo el afecto y la esperanza desempeñaron un papel en estos procesos y cómo la movilidad descendente se articuló y se hizo significativa. También examina cómo las ideas de los participantes acerca de una "buena vida" se relacionan con la comprensión del pasado, las cuestiones de raza, desigualdad social y una lógica colonial.

L'intelligibilité de la pratique : entre Foucault et Sartre / The intelligibility of practice : between Foucault and Sartre

Oulc'hen, Hervé 20 November 2013 (has links)
Partant d'un questionnement sur la logique de la pratique comme enjeu central de la vie intellectuelle française des années 1960, ce travail propose d'articuler une rencontre entre les pensées de Foucault et de Sartre. Sans minimiser leurs divergences, par quoi on a coutume de les opposer dans le cadre de la querelle de l'humanisme, il s'agit de faire apparaître un enjeu commun aux deux auteurs : la proposition d'une mise en intelligibilité de la pratique, entée sur un matériau historique dûment circonscrit. Cette rencontre permet de revisiter les notions de praxis, de généalogie, de politique de la vérité. Cela implique tout un renouvellement du geste théorique du côté d'une pensée en situation commune à l'intellectuel universel et à l'intellectuel spécifique, d'une pratique « historico-philosophique » soucieuse de saisir à bonne distance son objet – les « ensembles pratiques » – sans le déréaliser ni le surplomber, dans un rapport complexe entre passé et présent. L'espace théorique ainsi ouvert entre Foucault et Sartre sur cette question de l'intelligibilité de la pratique est également l'occasion d'une confrontation avec Marx et les marxismes (Althusser principalement), ainsi qu'avec les sciences sociales (Bourdieu surtout). / By questioning the logic of practice as the main topic of intellectual life in France in the 1960s, we shall undertake a confrontation between the ideas of Foucault and Sartre. Without playing down their differences of opinion, which have often been emphasized by the humanist dispute, we shall endeavor to bring forward a topic these two authors share: the proposal of an attempt at the intelligibility of practice, based on a duly defined historic material. Such a confrontation will enable us to examine thoroughly the notions of praxis, genealogy, and the politics of truth. This will entail radically new theories about a “situated thought” shared by both the universal intellectual and the specific intellectual, about a “historic and philosophical” practice which will not hold its object – the “practical ensembles” too close and will not derealize or overhang it, in a complex relation between past and present. The theoretical space which is open in this manner between Foucault and Sartre on the question of the intelligibility of practice also permits a confrontation with Marx and marxisms (Althusser mainly), as well as with social sciences (Bourdieu mostly).

Myter om gymnasieeleven : En diskursteoretisk studie av dominerande subjektspositioner i politiska texter 1990-2009 / The Social Myths of Student Subjects : A study of dominating subject positions in political documents in Swedish educational discourse 1990-2009

Terning, Maria January 2016 (has links)
For whom the educational system should be available, what it should contain and what it should lead to, are all questions but with different answers. In this dissertation, these answers are understood as products of relations including a power dimension. As these relations constantly changes, the discursive struggle of defining the educational system is constant. Said struggle also contains different constructions of the student subject; what she/he ought to be and should become. It is the struggle of defining the student subject that is the focus of this dissertation. As a starting point for the analysis, a political discourse theory is used, developed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe (2001). The main aims of the dissertation are to analyze 1) How the student subject is defined and positioned in the analyzed policy texts 2) What kind of relations that are constituted among student subjects and in between student subject, working life and social life 3) How does the conditions of the discursive struggle make impact of the space for political subjectivity. The empirical material is Swedish Political documents written between the time periods 1990-2009. The analysis of the discursive political struggle shows three dominant subject positions structured in partly different discourses: The successful and free student, produced in the discourse of liberation (1990-1998), the individualized and solidary student, produced within the discourse of nostalgia (1997-2005) and the dutiful and adaptable student, which dominates the political struggle in 2006-2009, produced in the discourse of harmony. Although the subject positions are constituted within three different discourses, structured by partly different logics, they share an idea; the idea of an ongoing globalization. These articulations are not questioned and cannot be ignored in the discursive struggle. They are understood as disarticulations of an English/American neo-liberal discourse. To win a hegemonic position, the discourse of liberation, nostalgia and harmony, has to adopt signs from this neo-liberal discourse. They are also forced to rearticulate the intent of specific signs so they fit into each discourse’ inner logics. The disarticulations of the neo-liberal discourse which goes across the discursive borders are in this dissertation understood as a social fantasy.

Transcendence in immanence - a conversation with Jacques Derrida on space, time and meaning

Kruger, Jacob Petrus 09 1900 (has links)
This study postulates the existence of a notion of transcendence in immanence in the thought of Jacques Derrida. The deconstruction of, amongst others, Husserlian phenomenology and Saussurean structuralism, affords Derrida the opportunity of presenting a thought of contamination, haunting and impurity, which is a thought of transcendence in immanence. The hypothesis of a notion of transcendence in immanence in Derrida’s thought is refined by specifying it as temporal transcendence in immanence. Accordingly, the intimation of transcendence in immanence does not amount to the ontological acceptance of a separate transcendent realm. On the contrary, what appears is a monism: the infinite finitude of temporality. In conversation with the notion of temporal transcendence in immanence intimated in Derrida’s thought, this study proposes a notion of theological transcendence in immanence. Theological transcendence in immanence is presented as an inflected interpretive performance of salient themes from the tradition of Christian theology prior to the advent of modernity. From this perspective, all being is referred to God and finite creation is deemed to be a contingent, non-necessary participation, at an unquantifiable analogical remove, in the life and being of God. The notions of space, time and meaning that emerge from such a premise are subsequently explored, and brought into conversation with the corresponding notions in Derrida’s work. The study concludes by asking whether the conversation between the notions of temporal and theological transcendence in immanence can in any way be furthered, or whether the two positions should rather be regarded as irreconcilable, that is, as lying separatively transcendent to each other. In response, it is suggested that the notion of transcendence in immanence implies the attempt to relate juxtaposed positions after the fashion of transcendence in immanence. The possibility of temporal transcendence in immanence inhabiting theological transcendence in immanence after the fashion of transcendence in immanence is firstly considered and rejected. Thereupon, the reverse option, namely that of theological transcendence in immanence making use of temporal transcendence in immanence, iii while at the same time transcending it, is considered and judged to be a suitable provisional outcome of the conversation with Derrida. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D. Litt. et Phil. (Religious Studies)

Specifika ruské fenomenologie a její význam pro interpretaci literárního textu / The Specifics of a Russian Phenomenology and IIs Its Relevance for Literary Studies

Šimák, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to think over the possibilities of the history of literature and some other literature theories in the field of interpretation. The history of literature describes literary texts as historical objects. Although it's a human science, it disregards a human beings and their life-world. It rather categorize technically literary texts into different groups. This approach is purely scientific. The history of literature as many other branches of literary science solves their own abstract problems through the abstract theories which has no aim to interpret the literary text as a specific experience for a reader. The article points out how the scientific approach to the literary text disable to interpret a conrete literary text in the sense for human being. I use phenomenological philosophy as a proposal of another type of approach to the interpretation. Interpretation in the phenomenological sence means that through literary text the interpret seeks to understand our living world. In the other parts I follow the trail of phenomenological philosophy in tradition of Prague structuralism. Especially I focus on specifics of Russian phenomenology, particularly in philosophies of these Russian philosophers which dealed with interpretation of art (namely J. Golosovker, B. Engelgardt, G....

Specifika ruské fenomenologie a její význam pro interpretaci literárního textu / The Specifics of a Russian Phenomenology and IIs Its Relevance for Literary Studies

Šimák, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to advert to precarious position of the history of literature and some other literature theories. The history of literature describes literary texts as dead historical objects. Although it's a human science, it disregards a human beings and their life-world. It rather categorize technically literary texts into different groups. This approach is purely scientific. The history of literature as many other branches of literary science solves their own abstract problems through the abstract theories which has no aim to interpret the literary text as a specific experience for a reader. The article points out how the scientific approach to the literary text disable to interpret a conrete literary text in the sense for human being. I use phenomenological philosophy as a proposal of another type of approach to the interpretation. Interpretation in the phenomenological sence means that through literary text the interpret seeks to understand our living world. In the other parts I follow the trail of phenomenological philosophy in tradition of Prague structuralism. Especially I focus on specifics of Russian phenomenology, particularly in philosophies of these Russian philosophers which dealed with interpretation of art (namely J. Golosovker, B. Engelgardt, G. G. Shpet, M. Bakhtin etc.). At the...

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