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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pratiques innovantes d'exploitation des réseaux routiers en lien avec une mobilité durable : une nouvelle approche de l'évaluation / Innovative strategies for road network management and sustainable mobility : a new evaluation approach

Princeton, Judith 09 November 2011 (has links)
La gestion du trafic sur les réseaux routiers se heurte aux nouveaux enjeux du développement durable. L'objectif n'est plus seulement de proposer aux usagers des temps de parcours raisonnables. Il faut aussi limiter la consommation énergétique et les émissions des gaz à effet de serre et des polluants qui y sont associées, afin de garantir une meilleure qualité de vie pour les générations actuelle et futures. Les exigences en matière de sécurité routière sont également renforcées et visent à éliminer le nombre de tués sur les routes. Les exploitants ont donc recours à diverses stratégies, souvent innovantes, pour au moins approcher la situation idéale. Néanmoins, si les décideurs disposent d'une plus grande capacité à mettre en œuvre leurs programmes dans le domaine, ils ont également l'obligation d'en évaluer les performances à divers stades. Cette thèse analyse les nouvelles stratégies de gestion des réseaux autoroutiers en identifiant leurs domaines d'application ainsi que leurs impacts potentiels et réels. Les limites des méthodes existantes d'évaluation a priori et/ou a posteriori sont mises en évidence et une nouvelle approche est proposée. Celle-ci associe les trois principaux critères d'une mobilité durable à un seul concept: le niveau de service, largement employé par les exploitants de réseaux. La méthodologie a fait l'objet d'une validation sur différentes opérations. Par ailleurs, se basant sur les résultats obtenus sur un ensemble d'opérations d'affectation variable des voies au niveau européen, la thèse propose un outil d'aide au choix d'une stratégie d'exploitation d'un réseau en fonction de la configuration de l'infrastructure et du niveau de congestion. Cet outil se présente sous la forme d'un catalogue de cas-types applicable au réseau d'Ile-de-France. La nouvelle approche d'évaluation proposée dans cette thèse présente l'intérêt de pouvoir facilement s'intégrer aux outils de simulation du trafic. Les impacts d'une opération d'exploitation routière sur la congestion, la sécurité et l'environnement peuvent ainsi être fournis par ces simulateurs dans le cadre de l'évaluation a priori. L'intégration est également possible au niveau des systèmes des centres de gestion du trafic, pour l'évaluation a posteriori. Par ailleurs, la thèse identifie des pistes potentielles pour des investigations futures. Tout d'abord, la gravité des accidents pourrait être prise en compte dans l'approche d'évaluation proposée, qui considère pour l'instant tous les accidents corporels confondus en raison du manque de données. De même, seules quatre stratégies d'affectation variable des voies sont proposées dans le catalogue de cas-types. Celui-ci pourrait donc être étendu à l'ensemble des opérations d'exploitation en suivant la même méthodologie décrite dans la thèse / Traffic management is facing the new issues of the sustainable development concept. The objective is not only to guarantee acceptable travels times over the networks anymore. Energy consumption as well as associated greenhouse gaz and pollutant emissions must be reduced for a better quality of life for current and future generations. Standards in road safety have also been reinforced and aim at cutting off the number of accident fatalities. Thus, traffic operators use the most innovating strategies. Nevertheless, if decision-makers have greater possibilities to implement their programmes, they also are committed to assess their performance at different stages. This doctoral thesis analyses the new strategies in motorway network management by identifying their respective domains of application as well as their potential and real impacts. Limitations of existing a priori and a posteriori evaluation methods are highlighted and a new approach is proposed. It associates the three main criteria of sustainable mobility to one concept: the level of service, which is widely used by network operators. The methodology is validated on several operations. Besides, based on results obtained from the various lane management operations implemented all accross Europe, the thesis proposes a tool to help in choosing the appropriate strategy according to the motorway layout and congestion level. The tool is presented in the form of a catalog of typical cases for the Ile-de-France motorway network. The new evaluation approach proposed in this thesis may be easily integrated in the available traffic simulation tools. Hence, the impacts of a traffic management operation on congestion, safety and the environment may be obtained as output from those simulators in the framewok of an a priori evaluation. This integration is also possible in the traffic management center systems, for a posteriori evaluations. Besides, the thesis identifies potential subjects for future research. Firstly, accident severity could be considered in the proposed evaluation approach, which takes into account all injury accidents at once by now, due to a lack of data. Likewise, only four manged lane strategies are included in the catalog, which could be extended to all the existing traffic management operations through the same methodology described in the thesis

L'usage du vélo en libre-service : impact de l'environnement socio-économique des stations sur la génération de la demande : application sur la Métropole de Lyon / The usage of bike sharing : impact of built environment of the stations on the generation of demand : the case of the metropolis of Lyon

Tran, Tien Dung 20 December 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte de mobilité durable, le vélo en libre-service (VLS) représente un élément important dans les politiques de mobilité urbaine pour favoriser les modes doux dans le centre urbain. Son développement rapide dans le monde nécessite des recherches pour mieux comprendre le succès de ce mode de déplacement. Notre contribution à travers cette recherche est d’analyser les éléments socio-économiques importants ainsi que les caractéristiques du système VLS qui influent son usage pour construire des modèles de prédiction de la demande en VLS. Partant de l’hypothèse que les éléments socio-économiques autour des stations de VLS constituent des facteurs qualitativement et quantitativement explicatifs pour l’usage du VLS, notre démarche de recherche repose d’abord sur une analyse statistique, temporelle et spatiale des éléments explicatifs du système VLS pour ensuite les quantifier. Ces éléments sont utilisés pour modéliser la génération de la demande journalière en VLS par la méthode de régression linéaire multiple. Les modèles estimant les flux entrants et sortants journaliers en VLS ont été développés. Ils sont basés sur l’environnement socio-économique autour des stations et des variables d’offre de VLS. Ces modèles sont utiles pour comprendre le fonctionnement du système VLS, l’améliorer et estimer la demande des nouvelles stations dans une perspective d’élargissement d’un système VLS existant. Les modèles développés peuvent être également utilisés pour la localisation et le dimensionnement des stations d’un nouveau système VLS. La démarche de détermination, de quantification des variables explicatives et de modélisation forment un cadre de travail pour modéliser la demande d’autres modes de déplacement partagés. / In a context of sustainable transport, the bike sharing is an important factor in the policies to promote soft modes of transport in the urban center. Its rapid development in the world requires a need to deepen the usage of this mode of travel. Our contribution through this research is to analyze the important built-environment factors and the characteristics of bike sharing system that influence the use of bike sharing in order to build predictive models of demand for bike sharing. Assuming that socio-economic elements around the bike sharing stations are qualitatively and quantitatively explanatory for the use of bike sharing, our approach are based primarily on statistical analysis of temporal and spatial elements explaining bike sharing usage in order to determine and quantify the important built-environment variables. These variables are then used to model the generation of the daily demand of bike sharing using multiple linear regression method. The models estimating inflows and outflows of bike sharing using socioeconomic variables determined in a buffer area of each station are built. These models are useful for estimating the demand for new stations in an enlargement perspective of an existing bike sharing system or location and sizing of a new bike sharing system. The similar process of determination, quantification of the explanatory variables and modelling can be used to form a framework to predict the demand of other vehicle sharing systems.

Barreiras, motivações e estratégias para mobilidade sustentável no campus São Carlos da USP / Barriers, motivators and strategies for sustainable mobility in the campus of USP at São Carlos

Stein, Peolla Paula 26 April 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar barreiras, motivações e estratégias que apresentam potencial para promover a mobilidade sustentável de alunos de graduação, pós-graduação, servidores técnico- administrativos e servidores docentes no campus da Universidade de São Paulo em São Carlos. O método utilizado para atingir o objetivo foi dividido em três etapas: i. desenvolvimento de ferramenta para coleta de dados; ii. análise dos dados por meio do modelo transteórico de mudança comportamental; iii. análise de estratégias visando a mobilidade sustentável. O questionário on-line desenvolvido e aplicado para o estudo forneceu uma taxa de resposta robusta e bem distribuída dos principais usuários do campus (25,5% da população do campus total). Percentagens consideráveis de usuários em todos os grupos investigados manifestaram a intenção de mudar para outro modo de transporte. Entre aqueles que mudariam para modos de transporte sustentáveis, 27,1% mudariam para o modo a pé, enquanto que 46,2% mudariam para o modo bicicleta. No entanto, 13,6% dos entrevistados declararam que mudariam para o automóvel, o que representa uma demanda adicional de cerca de 300 lugares de estacionamento no campus. Em relação às barreiras para a adoção de modos de transporte sustentáveis, a posse de um veículo motorizado foi o principal obstáculo identificado (independentemente do modo a ser adotado como uma alternativa). Duas alternativas foram classificadas como as melhores estratégias para promoção da mobilidade sustentável no contexto estudado: a construção de ciclovias que ligam o campus com a rede viária urbana e estacionamento para bicicletas dentro do campus. Uma avaliação adicional da primeira alternativa demonstrou significativo potencial para servir a usuários de vários modos de transporte, com grande impacto positivo sobre o modo a pé. Outra estratégia também testada foi a abertura de novos pontos de acesso para pedestres no campus. Estimou-se que sua implantação resultaria em uma redução de 20% nas distâncias de viagem a pé dos alunos. / The objective of this study was to investigate barriers, motivators and strategies with potential to promote sustainable mobility for graduate and undergraduate students, staff and faculty at the campus of the University of São Paulo at São Carlos. The method used to reach the objective had three steps: i. development of a data collection tool; ii. analysis of the data with the transtheoretical model of behavior change; iii. analysis of strategies aiming at sustainable mobility. The online questionnaire developed and applied for the study provided a robust and well-distributed response rate of the main users (25.5% of the total campus population). Considerable percentages of users in all groups investigated have declared that would eventually change to another travel mode. Among those who would change to sustainable modes, 27.1% would change to the walking mode, whereas 46.2% would change to the cycling mode. However, 13.6% of the respondents declared they would change to the automobile, what represents an additional demand of approximately 300 parking spaces in the campus. Regarding the barriers to the adoption of sustainable modes, owning a motorized vehicle was identified as the main obstacle (regardless of the mode to be adopted as an alternative). Two alternatives have been rated as the best strategies for promoting sustainable mobility in the studied context: the construction of cycling paths connecting the campus with the urban street network and parking facilities for bicycles within the campus. An additional evaluation of the first alternative has shown a significant potential to serve users of several transport modes, with a large positive impact on pedestrians. Another strategy also tested was the opening of new access points to pedestrians in the campus. This strategy could reduce the total walking distance travelled by the students in 20%.

Hållbart resande i Malmö : En kvalitativ textanalys / Sustainable Mobility in Malmö : A qualitativ text analysis

Räntilä, Maria, Tillander, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Urbaniseringen ökar globalt och med den ökar även bilanvändningen. Städer står inför problematiken att bilanvändningen har en negativ klimatpåverkan och försämrar livskvalitén för invånarna i staden. I och med detta måste biltransporter minska och de hållbara färdsätten öka. Avsikten med studien är att undersöka hur Malmö stad arbetar med hållbara transporter. Malmö är utvald då staden har påbörjat omställningen till mer hållbara resor och är i framkant i Sverige. Genom kvalitativ textanalys har fyra dokument angående det strategiska arbetet kring hållbara resor analyserats. Staden arbetar på olika sätt för att möta utmaningar med hållbara färdmedel såsom cykel, gång och kollektivtrafik. De hållbara transportmedlen ska prioriteras genom stadens utformning och beteendeändringar. Studien har visat på att Malmö arbetar med social, ekonomisk och miljömässig hållbarhet med en övervägande del på de sociala aspekterna. Staden prioriterar cykel som det främsta transportmedlet där tillgänglighet och närhet ska vara ledordet för staden. Det som anses saknas efter genomförandet av studien är fokus på samtliga stadsdelar och klimataspekten i relation till hållbara resor. Malmö stad vill vara en framstående stad i frågan om hållbara resor, men är det mest för att visa upp en grön sida av staden? / Urbanization is increasing globally and with it, the use of cars. Cities are now faced with the problem that cars have a negative climate impact and reduce the quality of life for the inhabitants of the city. Therefore, the use of cars must decrease and sustainable mobility increase. The purpose of the study is to investigate how Malmö city works with sustainable mobility. Malmö is selected due to being ahead in the transition to more sustainable mobility in Sweden. A qualitative text analysis on four documents regarding sustainable mobility has been conducted. Malmö works in various ways to meet the challenges with sustainable transportation means for example cycling, walking and public transport. The sustainable means of transport must be prioritized through the city's design and behavior changes. The study has shown that Malmö works with social, economic and environmental sustainability, with more focus on the social aspects. The city prioritized the bicycle as the main means of transport, where accessibility and proximity should be leading. What is considered missing after the implementation of the study is focus on all neighborhoods and the climate aspect in relation to sustainable mobility.

Mobilidade urbana sustentável e o caso de Curitiba / Sustainable urban mobility and the case of Curitiba

Miranda, Hellem de Freitas 13 October 2010 (has links)
O atual modelo de planejamento dos transportes é constantemente confrontado com novos ideais associados à mobilidade sustentável. Assim, inúmeros pesquisadores debruçam-se em busca de indicadores e índices capazes de avaliar e monitorar o desempenho de políticas públicas relacionadas ao tema. Dessa forma foi desenvolvido o Índice de Mobilidade Urbana Sustentável (IMUS), uma ferramenta pautada nos preceitos da mobilidade sustentável com a proposta de tornar-se um apoio à gestão municipal. Por ser um método recente, sua aplicação ainda é limitada. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo concentra-se em realizar o cálculo do índice na cidade de Curitiba, muito conhecida por suas soluções urbanas que associam o planejamento dos transportes ao uso do solo. A aplicação do método na cidade fundamentou-se não apenas em obter o simples score relacionado ao desempenho das condições da mobilidade local, mas também possibilitaram avaliar o próprio método. O valor resultante alcançado foi correspondente a 0,747, confirmando Curitiba como uma cidade com características bastante positivas quanto às políticas urbanas voltadas à mobilidade. Por outro lado, foram identificadas algumas deficiências, especialmente quanto aos modos não motorizados de transporte. O cálculo do IMUS permitiu encontrar também indicadores que não foram capazes de identificar aspectos reconhecidamente favoráveis da cidade, demonstrando que possivelmente esses apresentem problemas de avaliação ou normalização de valores. A aplicação do método também se mostrou eficiente para promover uma avaliação intraurbana entre as diversas regiões da cidade. Nesse aspecto Curitiba demonstrou um saudável equilíbrio, sem apresentar grandes disparidades quanto suas políticas locais. Tal característica mostra-se bastante favorável para identificar Curitiba como um benchmarking da mobilidade sustentável. Finalmente o método foi testado como uma ferramenta de comparação entre cidades distintas, demonstrando também ser eficiente, desde que se mantenha uma estrutura de cálculo compatível entre as cidades que se deseja comparar. / The current transportation planning approach is constantly confronted with new values derived from the concept of sustainable mobility. As a consequence, several researchers have devoted time and effort in the search of indicators and indexes capable of evaluating and monitoring the performance of urban policies related to the theme. The Sustainable Urban Mobility Index (I_SUM) was one of them. It is a decision support tool developed to help municipal administrations in the planning and management of sustainable mobility. As it is a recent method, its application is still limited to just a few cases. The objective of this study is to conduct an application of the index in Curitiba, which is a well-known city due to the quality of its urban planning solutions that associate transport planning to land use. The application of the method in the city was motivated not only by the possibility of having a score showing the performance of the city regarding sustainable mobility, but also by the opportunity of evaluating the method itself. The overall resulting value was 0.747, what confirms that Curitiba has very positive characteristics and effective urban policies regarding sustainable mobility. Conversely, some deficiencies were identified, especially concerning non-motorized transport modes. The I_SUM calculation also allowed the identification of indicators that were not able to identify aspects that are good to the city. That may suggest problems in the assessment or normalization procedures of the index. The method application was also efficient for the evaluation of city subdivisions. Curitiba also performed well in that intra-urban evaluation, with a positive equilibrium of the values throughout the city. It may be an indication that the city policies are homogeneously applied in the entire urban area, what certainly contributes to characterize Curitiba as a benchmark of urban mobility. Finally, when used to compare distinct cities, the method was also efficient. In that case, the calculation was compatible with a structure adjusted to simultaneously represent the compared cities.

Um índice de mobilidade urbana sustentável / An index of sustainable urban mobility

Marcela da Silva Costa 08 October 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivos: identificar os conceitos que estruturam o referencial de mobilidade urbana sustentável, desenvolver uma ferramenta para diagnóstico e monitoração da mobilidade urbana e realizar a sua avaliação a partir de uma aplicação em uma cidade de médio porte. O processo de construção do referencial de mobilidade urbana sustentável, feito a partir de workshops realizados em onze cidades brasileiras através da metodologia multicritério de apoio à decisão construtivista (MCDA-C), revelou questões-chave que devem ser consideradas para a implementação do conceito. Ao mesmo tempo, forneceu as bases para a construção da ferramenta denominada de índice de mobilidade urbana sustentável - IMUS. O índice é constituído de uma hierarquia de critérios que agrega nove domínios, trinta e sete temas e oitenta e sete indicadores. Seu sistema de pesos permite identificar a importância relativa de cada critério de forma global e para cada dimensão da sustentabilidade (social, econômica e ambiental). Seu método de agregação permite a compensação entre critérios bons e ruins. O índice apresenta ainda escalas de avaliação para cada indicador, permitindo verificar o desempenho em relação a metas pré-estabelecidas e realizar análises comparativas entre diferentes regiões geográficas. A aplicação do IMUS para a cidade de São Carlos, estado de São Paulo, indicou a viabilidade de sua utilização para a monitoração da mobilidade e avaliação de impactos de políticas públicas em cidades de médio porte, e revelou aspectos importantes sobre as condições de mobilidade no município. O resultado global do IMUS para a cidade alcançou valor em torno de 0,58, considerado médio segundo a escala de avaliação proposta para o índice. A aplicação do índice permitiu identificar fatores críticos e fatores de maior impacto para a melhoria de aspectos globais e setoriais da mobilidade urbana, fornecendo subsídios para a proposição de políticas e estratégias visando melhorar a mobilidade urbana sustentável. A compatibilidade dos resultados obtidos segundo o cálculo dos indicadores e análise expedita feita por um especialista sugere que o IMUS fornece resultados confiáveis para o acompanhamento das condições de mobilidade urbana em cidades e médio e grande porte. / The objectives of this research are: (i) to identify the concepts that shape the sustainable urban mobility framework; (ii) to develop a tool for assessing and monitoring urban mobility conditions; and (iii) to evaluate the proposed tool through an actual application in a medium-sized city. The main elements of the sustainable urban mobility framework were identified in workshops conducted in eleven brazilian cities. The use of a multicriteria decision analysis-constructivist (MCDA-C) approach in the workshops revealed key elements that shall be considered in the concept implementation. In addition, it provided the basic elements for the development of the so-called index of sustainable urban mobility - I_SUM. The index is formed by a hierarchy of criteria with nine domains, thirty-seven themes, and eighty-seven Indicators. The weighting system makes it possible to identify the relative importance of each criterion for the global Index as well as for each sustainability dimension (social, economic, and environmental). Furthermore, the aggregation procedure adopted allows for trade-offs, therefore compensating good and bad performances found among the indicators. The index is also associated with evaluation procedures for each Indicator, which makes it possible to compare index values with predefined goals and to carry out comparative analyses between different geographic regions. The application of I_SUM to São Carlos, a city in the state of São Paulo, has shown the feasibility of its use to monitor local mobility conditions and to evaluate impacts of public policies in medium-sized cities, revealing important mobility aspects in the city. The global I_SUM value for the city was 0.58, what can be considered a reasonable value when compared with the reference values proposed for the index. The use of the index highlighted critical factors and those that have significant impact on the global and certain dimensions of urban mobility. These inputs might be useful for the formulation of policies and strategies aiming at achieving greater sustainable urban mobility. Lastly, the comparison between the value obtained with the index calculation procedures and that estimated by an expert suggests that I_SUM can give reliable estimates of mobility conditions in medium and large-sized cities.

Um índice de mobilidade urbana sustentável / An index of sustainable urban mobility

Costa, Marcela da Silva 08 October 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivos: identificar os conceitos que estruturam o referencial de mobilidade urbana sustentável, desenvolver uma ferramenta para diagnóstico e monitoração da mobilidade urbana e realizar a sua avaliação a partir de uma aplicação em uma cidade de médio porte. O processo de construção do referencial de mobilidade urbana sustentável, feito a partir de workshops realizados em onze cidades brasileiras através da metodologia multicritério de apoio à decisão construtivista (MCDA-C), revelou questões-chave que devem ser consideradas para a implementação do conceito. Ao mesmo tempo, forneceu as bases para a construção da ferramenta denominada de índice de mobilidade urbana sustentável - IMUS. O índice é constituído de uma hierarquia de critérios que agrega nove domínios, trinta e sete temas e oitenta e sete indicadores. Seu sistema de pesos permite identificar a importância relativa de cada critério de forma global e para cada dimensão da sustentabilidade (social, econômica e ambiental). Seu método de agregação permite a compensação entre critérios bons e ruins. O índice apresenta ainda escalas de avaliação para cada indicador, permitindo verificar o desempenho em relação a metas pré-estabelecidas e realizar análises comparativas entre diferentes regiões geográficas. A aplicação do IMUS para a cidade de São Carlos, estado de São Paulo, indicou a viabilidade de sua utilização para a monitoração da mobilidade e avaliação de impactos de políticas públicas em cidades de médio porte, e revelou aspectos importantes sobre as condições de mobilidade no município. O resultado global do IMUS para a cidade alcançou valor em torno de 0,58, considerado médio segundo a escala de avaliação proposta para o índice. A aplicação do índice permitiu identificar fatores críticos e fatores de maior impacto para a melhoria de aspectos globais e setoriais da mobilidade urbana, fornecendo subsídios para a proposição de políticas e estratégias visando melhorar a mobilidade urbana sustentável. A compatibilidade dos resultados obtidos segundo o cálculo dos indicadores e análise expedita feita por um especialista sugere que o IMUS fornece resultados confiáveis para o acompanhamento das condições de mobilidade urbana em cidades e médio e grande porte. / The objectives of this research are: (i) to identify the concepts that shape the sustainable urban mobility framework; (ii) to develop a tool for assessing and monitoring urban mobility conditions; and (iii) to evaluate the proposed tool through an actual application in a medium-sized city. The main elements of the sustainable urban mobility framework were identified in workshops conducted in eleven brazilian cities. The use of a multicriteria decision analysis-constructivist (MCDA-C) approach in the workshops revealed key elements that shall be considered in the concept implementation. In addition, it provided the basic elements for the development of the so-called index of sustainable urban mobility - I_SUM. The index is formed by a hierarchy of criteria with nine domains, thirty-seven themes, and eighty-seven Indicators. The weighting system makes it possible to identify the relative importance of each criterion for the global Index as well as for each sustainability dimension (social, economic, and environmental). Furthermore, the aggregation procedure adopted allows for trade-offs, therefore compensating good and bad performances found among the indicators. The index is also associated with evaluation procedures for each Indicator, which makes it possible to compare index values with predefined goals and to carry out comparative analyses between different geographic regions. The application of I_SUM to São Carlos, a city in the state of São Paulo, has shown the feasibility of its use to monitor local mobility conditions and to evaluate impacts of public policies in medium-sized cities, revealing important mobility aspects in the city. The global I_SUM value for the city was 0.58, what can be considered a reasonable value when compared with the reference values proposed for the index. The use of the index highlighted critical factors and those that have significant impact on the global and certain dimensions of urban mobility. These inputs might be useful for the formulation of policies and strategies aiming at achieving greater sustainable urban mobility. Lastly, the comparison between the value obtained with the index calculation procedures and that estimated by an expert suggests that I_SUM can give reliable estimates of mobility conditions in medium and large-sized cities.

Att resa rätt är stort, att resa fritt är större : Kommunala planerares föreställningar om hållbara resor / Travelling right is great, travelling free is greater : Municipal planners’ images of sustainable mobility

Henriksson, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Minskning av transporters negativa miljöpåverkan, eller en ökning av hållbara resor, har blivit en allt viktigare fråga för lokala aktörer. Genom samhälls- och trafikplanering ska dagens ohållbara transportsystem bli mer hållbart. Det gör hur planerare i Helsingborg planerar för hållbara resor intressant att studera. Avhandlingen undersöker hur planerare föreställer sig vad hållbart resande är, vilka resenärer det är som bör resa mer hållbart samt hur en hållbar stad kan se ut. Teoretiskt kombinerar avhandlingen ett intersektionellt ramverk med feministisk planeringsteori samt teorier från STS (teknik- och vetenskapsstudier). Det empiriska materialet består av djupintervjuer med sexton planerare, en fokusgruppsintervju samt bildanalys av de planeringsdokument som Helsingborgs stad använder sig av i planeringen för hållbara resor. Framförallt visar avhandlingen att planerare inte betraktar resors negativa miljöpåverkan som ett argument som kan få människor att resa mer hållbart. Istället är det möjligheten att framställa hållbara resor som roliga, hälsosamma, lustfyllda och praktiska som planerare tror kan få helsingborgarna att cykla eller åka mer buss. Men det är bara vissa resenärer som antas kunna ta del av de hållbara resornas positiva värden. Planerarnas föreställningar om bland annat kön, etnicitet och klass är avgörande för hur de förstår hållbara resor. Planerarna menar sammanfattningsvis att det är stort att resa rätt av miljöskäl, men större att fritt välja det mest attraktiva färdsättet. / Demands for sustainable mobility have become an increasingly important issue for local actors. Through city and traffic planning, the current unsustainable transport systems are going to become more sustainable. However, how to define sustainable mobility is disputed. Therefore, how planners in the Swedish municipality of Helsingborg define sustainable mobility makes an interesting case. This thesis examines how planners imagine sustainable mobility, who the sustainable traveler is, and what a sustainable city might look like. Theoretically the thesis combines an intersectional framework with a feminist planning theory and theories from Science and Technology Studies. The empirical material is based on in-depth interviews with sixteen planners, a focus group interview, and visual analyses of the planning documents the city of Helsingborg uses in planning for sustainable mobility. The analyses show that planners do not see the negative environmental impact of traveling as an argument which will persuade people to travel more sustainably. Instead, it is the possibility to construct sustainable mobility as fun, healthy, pleasurable, and practical that planners believe will persuade the inhabitants of Helsingborg to cycle or travel by bus more often. But not all travelers are likely to benefit from the positive values of sustainable mobility. To conclude, when planners imagine sustainable mobility, they imagine that it is good to travel the correct way for environmental reasons, but it is even greater to make independent travel choices, based on what modes of transport attract the most people. / <p>I denna elektroniska version av avhandlingen är bilderna i bilaga 2 uteslutna på grund av upphovsrättsliga skäl.</p>


DAYANA ENRIQUEZ BURBANO 21 May 2018 (has links)
[pt] A Prefeitura de Bogotá, publicou em 2015 o Plano Urbanístico do Centro Ampliado de Bogotá (PUCAB) cujo objetivo principal era diminuir a segregação socioespacial evidente nos limites geográficos da cidade, onde nas periferias habita a classe socioeconômica baixa, e no centro da cidade habitam as classes média e alta, ao mesmo tempo em que é almejado o adensamento da cidade, alocando pessoas num número equivalente ao aumento populacional para o ano 2020 no setor analisado e delimitado geograficamente sob condições de mobilidade de tempos de chegada aos polos de emprego em máximo 20 minutos nos transportes públicos e 10 minutos a pé até as estações dos sistemas coletivos, isso desde qualquer ponto dentro do setor do Centro Ampliado. A partir do objetivo geral de alocar pessoas de classe socioeconômica baixa no centro da cidade e, das variáveis de delimitação geográfica, deduz-se a intensão de alocar à população adensada em zonas em que são permitidos os percursos curtos lar-trabalho-lar, de onde surge a hipótese de tese do não cumprimento de tempos máximos de 20 minutos nos transportes públicos ainda submetidos ao transito veicular no setor do PUCAB; comprovação feita com base nas pesquisas da Secretaria Distrital de Mobilidade (2015). Avalia-se o limite geográfico do setor do PUCAB e se apresentam metodologias de priorização de adensamento em zonas em que são permitidos os deslocamentos curtos das casas à maior oferta de emprego e, outras atividades habituais dos cidadãos. / [en] The Bogota Humana series (2015) published a book entitled Urbanistic Plan for the Enlarged Bogota s Downtown (PUCAB in Spanish) aimed at turning Bogota into a more egalitarian and environmentally friendly city, with spaces where sustainable mobility is promoted. Among other objectives, the book proposes a structured densification of the historical downtown and nearby sectors of Bogotá, the Colombian capital city. The project intended to mitigate the existing sociospatial segregation characterized by low class people living towards the city periphery and middle-high classes living in the so-called Enlarged Downtown. The search for social inclusion should be promoted in Bogota by forcing spatial inclusion, i.e., by dislocating low class population to central areas equipped with better public facilities (TORRES et al. 2009). The dislocated population will benefit from subsidies programs similar to the ones they now receive. The advantages of concentrating low class residences close to high employment areas are obvious as most of these people have precarious labor conditions and commute long distances (ALCALDÍA DE BOGOTÁ, 2015). The economy of Bogota is mostly based in factories and sales, which employ low class employers (GUTIÉRREZ, 2011). This fact underscores the convenience of dislocating these people who presently commute mostly from the periphery, so that they can get better access to jobs with shorter commutes, and eventually to other job offers. The densification initiative is understood as an activity that precedes economic growth for the city and the country, while improving urban mobility through decreasing pendulum-like tides, originated by people who live in the periphery and work downtown. Though urban zoning is coherent with the Urban Plan main goal regarding socio-spatial segregation, it is not part of the land zoning variables defined in the same document. Because of this, there is a discussion about the environmental and socio viability of densifying the enlarged Bogota downtown. The discussion is mentioned but scarcely analyzed in the Urban Plan.

Towards a Zero-Emission Urban Mobility Urban design as a mitigation strategy, harmonizing insights from research and practice / Vers une mobilité urbaine zéro-emission la conception urbaine comme stratégie d'atténuation : une approche intégrée de la recherche et de la pratique

Rynning, Maja karoline 01 February 2018 (has links)
La thèse étudie la façon dont le design urbain peut être une stratégie pour promouvoir les mobilités zéro émission, dans le cadre d’une mobilité quotidienne, telles que la marche, le vélo et les transports en commun. Ce travail explore les connaissances des praticiens du design urbain bâti, à savoir des urbanistes, des aménageurs, des architectes ainsi que des paysagistes, en tant qu’une source complémentaire s’ajoutant à celles issues de la recherché. Des enquêtes ont été menées en France et en Norvège. Les résultats ont été croisés avec la littérature scientifique ainsi qu’avec la littérature issue du design urbain. Un changement modal permanent requiert que l’utilisation de modes zéro émission soit à la fois une possibilité et un plaisir. L’influence du design urbain sur les choix modaux est particulièrement importante durant le voyage, lorsque l’usager se déplace à travers la ville et ses espaces publics. En particulier, les interactions avec l’environnement bâti, à l’échelle d’un quartier, influencent la manière dont la personne se souviendra de son déplacement. Ce souvenir impactera, dans un second temps, ses futurs choix modaux. Ces interactions sont d’autant plus importantes dans le cas de la marche et du vélo, ce qui impacte directement l’utilisation des transports en commun. / The doctoral thesis explores how urban design can be a mobility-mitigation strategy to promote the use of zero-emission modes such as walking, cycling, and public transport. What is the potential contribution of neighbourhood-scale built-environment interventions towards a sustainable modal shift? The work explores the experience-based knowledge of urban design practitioners (urban planners and designers, architects, landscape architects) as a source for new insights, complementary to those of research. A mixed-methods approach was employed in France and in Norway, consisting of workshops, interviews, and a survey. The results were crossed with findings from research and design literature, analyzed from an interdisciplinary, holistic perspective. The results show that achieving a permanent modal shift requires the use of zero-emission choices to be both possible and pleasurable. The influence of urban design is likely most significant during trips, when a person moves through a city and its public spaces. Interactions with the neighbourhood-scale built environment influences overall travel satisfaction, and the remembered trip experience matters for future modal choices. Modal choices are highly individual; people’s barriers for a zero-emission choice vary. Urban design interventions can help lower these, through bigger or smaller measures.

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