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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Report on the results of a comparative Russian-German research on sustainable mobility: Perception, Priorities and Trends of Sustainable mobility in Russia and Germany

Evseeva, Anastasia 28 August 2018 (has links)
The report presents the results of a comparative Russian-German research on the topic of sustainable mobility. On the basis of two stages of sequential, electronic, anonymous interviews of 23 Russian and 24 German experts in the field of transport, there was identified the role of a sustainable mobility in achieving the Sustainable development goals (SDG’s); the most relevant objectives of sustainable mobility in Russia and Germany; the barriers and contributors of the inclusion of these objectives in Russian transport policy. Furthermore, specific strategies that can effectively contribute to tackling transport problems under specific national conditions were outlined. In addition, the perception of the role of sustainable mobility in the expert circles of Russia and Germany were compared. In conclusion, the author provides a number of problematic issues that require further research in order to promote the concept of sustainable mobility in Russia.:Introduction. Part I. Sustainable Transport Impacts on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG\'s). Part II. Priority objectives of sustainable mobility in Germany and Russia. Part III. The effectiveness of sustainable mobility strategies. General conclusions. Further research. References. Annex 1. The questionnaire of the first stage of the research. Annex 2. The questionnaire of the second stage of the research. Annex 3. Statistics of evaluations on question №1: \'Sustainable Transport Impacts on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)\'. Annex 4. Statistics of evaluations on question №2: \'The relevance of sustainable mobility objectives in Russia / Germany\'. Annex 5. Statistics of evaluations on question №2: \'The effectiveness of sustainable mobility strategies in Russia / Germany\'.

Pedaling towards a sustainable future: lessons Learned from Cargo Bike Pool Operators in Sweden

Brandon David, Kvist January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the impact and potential of cargo bikes as socio-economically and ecologically beneficial modes of transportation. It focuses on the perspectives of cargo bike pool members and the challenges faced by pool operators. Three interviews were conducted with cargo bike pool operators in Sweden to understand the challenges and considerations involved in establishing and operating a pooling service, as well as their opinions on its financial future. Additionally, a user survey targeting pool members from one of the interviewed operators was conducted in 2020. The survey investigated user barriers, motivations, opinions towards the pooling service, and its effect on user mobility habits before and after joining. Although the acceptance and utilization of these services depend on factors such as proximity, pricing, availability, quality, and convenience of the service. The findings show that pooling services increase member interest in owning and using cargo bikes as a replacement for cars. However, concerns regarding the marketability of cargo-bike pools alone are raised in this study, thus, to enhance the attractiveness of cargo-bike pools, this study suggests incorporating additional modes of transportation, offering supplementary value propositions, and ensuring a user-friendly experience. On the operator side, this study highlights the importance of stakeholder collaboration in maximizing the potential of cargo bike pools for sustainable transportation enabling resource sharing, and marketing efforts, and improving the overall service by leveraging financial, spatial, and logistical benefits. Finally, this study finds that the current state of cargo bike pools necessitates collaboration and subsidies from municipalities and stakeholders. Suggesting innovations in business models and increased marketing strategies that capture a broader demographic through an enhanced value proposition that includes other forms of modality and benefits in their services, are vital for the growth of cargo biking through pooling systems.  The research provides insights for prospective operators in establishing and operating cargo bike pools, emphasizing considerations related to the physical layout, financial aspects, marketing, and value proposition of the service and has broader implications in how to encourage more sustainable mobility practices.

The implementation of e-scooters in Linköping municipality : Opportunities and challenges for sustainable transportation

Jesper, Kuduk January 2022 (has links)
Across the world, efforts are being made to deal with climate change, where development in different fields is being made to transition towards a sustainable future. Transportation has become one component of this, resulting in the emergence of micro-mobility. One popular micro-mobility mode discussed by many scholars and introduced in many places, including the city of Linköping, is e-scooters. E-scooters have become popular due to the flexibility they offer. However, they have contributed negative aspects too. Therefore, I have investigated how the implementation of e- scooters has affected Linköping municipality in terms of the built environment, travel habits, and sustainable goals perspective. I further describe the approach to socio-technical transition by introducing a niche innovation and, in this case, e-scooters to improve the current transportation system to steer towards a low-carbon future. The impact e-scooters have had in Linköping municipality will be captured through interviews with the officials and politicians from the municipality. The findings showed that e-scooters negatively impacted the built environment by putting more pressure on an already crowded city. Some e-scooters would be carelessly parked, posing a danger to other traffic users. As a result, specific regulations, such as geo-zones, were made to reduce e-scooters being wrongly parked. In Linköping city, e-scooters have mostly replaced walking and public transport trips. Because e- scooters are still relatively new in Linköping municipality, their contribution to the municipality's sustainable goals is limited and difficult to assess.

Våga tänka hållbar mobilitet : En studie om utmaningar och stigberoende i Malmö stads arbete med hållbar mobilitet / Embracing sustainable mobility : A study on challenges and path dependence in The City of Malmö’s work towards sustainable mobility

Kindahl, Elin, Andersson, Joakim January 2023 (has links)
Kandidatuppsatsens syfte är att undersöka och skapa förståelse för hur Malmö stad arbetar med hållbar mobilitet, hur det implementeras samt vilka utmaningar som kan uppstå. Detta för att öka kunskapen hos planerare med flera som behandlar frågor om hållbar mobilitet. Undersökningens empiriska material grundas i en dokumentstudie där policy- och strategidokument studeras, samt en intervjustudie med kvalitativa intervjuer där fem tjänstepersoner från tre av Malmö stads förvaltningar. Med hjälp av Banisters (2008) fyra policyprinciper för hållbar mobilitet - teknologi, styrning av efterfrågan, utvecklande av markanvändning samt acceptans - och genom teorin om stigberoende analyseras Malmö stads arbete med hållbar mobilitet. Slutsatsen är att komplexiteten i begreppet hållbar mobilitet bidrar till olika tolkningar av vad begreppet innefattar, vilket i sin tur kan leda till otydliga policyer och strategier. Dessa utmaningar kan leda till trög beslutsfattning och långsam implementering av åtgärder, vilket förklaras av teorin om stigberoende. Vi beskriver detta som en rundgång då utmaningarna både påverkar och påverkas av varandra. För att bryta ett eventuellt stigberoende i Malmö stads organisation föreslår vi ett större mod att våga planera, besluta och testa olika åtgärder som främjar hållbar utveckling. Detta kan leda till att Malmö stad kan arbeta effektivt för en förändring från konventionell transportplanering till hållbar mobilitet. / The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate and create an understanding of how the City of Malmö works with sustainable mobility, how it is implemented and what challenges may arise. This is to increase the knowledge of planners and others who deal with issues of sustainable mobility. The empirical material for the study is based on a document analysis of policy and strategy documents, as well as a qualitative interview study involving five och officials from three administrative departments of the City of Malmö. Using Banister's (2008) four policy principles for sustainable mobility - technology, demand management, land usedevelopment and acceptance - and the theory of path dependency, the City of Malmö's work on sustainable mobility is analyzed. The conclusion is that the complexity of the concept of sustainable mobility contributes to different interpretations of what the concept entails, which in turn can lead to unclear policies and strategies. These challenges can lead to slow decision-making and slow implementation of measures, as explained by the theory of path dependency. We describe this as a feedback loop, as the challenges both influence and are influenced by each other. To break the potential path dependence within the organization of the City of Malmö, we propose a more courageous approach to planning, decision-making, and testing various measures that promote sustainable development. This may enable the City of Malmö to effectively work towards a shift from conventional transportation planning to sustainable mobility.

Rena rama vilda västern : Den hållbara mobilitetsdiskursens påverkan på transportjämlikhet på landsbygden - upplevelser bland planerare och resenärer / It is like the wild west : The impact of the sustainable mobility discourse on transport equality in rural areas - experiences among urban planners and travellers

Adell Duveborn, Maja, Eriksson, Arvid January 2022 (has links)
Developing and building cities in a sustainable way is essential in modern day planning. A huge factor that influences this is the transport sector. The growing discourse of sustainable mobility is transport researchers answer to this but the lack of a social sustainability  perspective motivates research in relation to transport equality. The aim of this thesis is to increase the understanding of transport equality in Scania and contribute with insights primarily of how planning measures can be developed and consequences managed. To investigate the phenomenon, we look at how the sustainable mobility discourse affects transport equality with a focus on Scanias rural areas. We mainly examine cycling and public transport as two sustainable means of transport and how various priorities between and within these modes affect equality. Through interviews with both planners and travellers we establish an understanding of the phenomenon from two different perspectives. The study shows that general goals for increased share of travels by bicycle and public transport are governing traffic planning in Scania. Based on this, we argue that sustainable mobility is considerably more influential than the transport equality perspective. One strategy that clearly shows this is the dominance of the ridership goal in public transport planning. Geographical coverage has a lower priority compared to increasing the share of travels. The study concludes that there is a car dependency in rural Scania. The car is considered the obvious mode of transport due to flexibility, dangerous cycling conditions and the limited range of public transport. The poor public transport service can be seen as a direct result of the ridership goal. Resources from routes with less demand are reallocated to stronger routes and rural traffic is negatively affected as a result. There is also an understanding among travellers that service along rural routes are expensive and therefore not as justified by planners. However, this understanding among travellers is not accepted in the same way when it comes to the limited bicycle infrastructure. There is a strong wish for improved bicycle connections between small towns and cities, however the study reveals legal and organisational obstacles to the construction of bicycle infrastructure outside urban areas.


[pt] Utilização de veículos elétricos no transport e rodoviário de cargas e os desafios para implementação no Brasil discute as principais políticas públicas internacionais bem sucedidas voltadas para a expansão da frota de veículos elétricos para o transporte rodoviário de carga e como tais políticas pode riam ser adaptadas ao modelo de negócio brasileiro. Análises sobre as principais políticas públicas em mercados estrangeiros que resultaram em incentivos fiscais, expansão da infraestrutura existente e fomento de novos negócios na transição da frota de veículos convencionais para veículos elétricos, além de estudo sobre as possíveis adaptações que a legislação brasileira permite para que essas políticas possam ser adaptadas ao mercado nacional são os principais desafios para o setor. Os administradores públicos possuem o desafio de promover a sustentabilidade, capaz de proporcionar qualidade de vida à população e garantir que os sistemas de distribuição de bens urbanos atendam com eficiência as necessidades das cidades. Entretanto, embora a eletrificação , forma internacionalmente vista como alternativa à produção de gás carbônico, e outros chamados gases de efeito estufa, desde que a produção de eletricidade seja vista como essencialmente limpa, surja como a principal alternativa para melhorar a eficiência energética, muitos países ainda não implementaram políticas públicas para dinamizar a transição de suas respectivas frotas. Os resultados da pesquisa podem contribuir com futuros estudos sobre adequação de políticas públicas bem sucedidas e possíveis adaptações ao modelo de negócio brasileiro no setor do transporte rodoviário de carga com enfoque na mobilidade urbana sustentável. / [en] This research discusses the main successful international public policies aimed at expanding the fleet of electric vehicles for road freight transport and how these policies could be adapted to the Brazilian business model. Analysis of the main public policies in foreign markets that resulted in tax incentives, expansion of the existing infrastructure and promotion of new businesses in the transition from the fle et of conventional vehicles to electric vehicles, in addition to a study on the possible adaptations that the Brazilia n legislation allows for these policies can be adapted to the national market are the main challenges for the sector. Society is increasin gly demanding in terms of sustainability and, in addition, public administrators have the challenge of promoting sustainable mobility, capable of providing quality of life to the population and ensuring that the systems of distribution of urban goods effic iently me et the needs of the population in the cities. However, although electrification appears as the main alternative to improve energy efficiency and reduce the emission of atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gases, many countries have not yet implem ented public policies to streamline the transition of their respective fleets. The results of the research may contribute to future studies on the adequacy of successful public policies and possible adaptations to the Brazilian business model in the road f reight transport sector with a focus on sustainable urban mobility.

Autonomous shuttle buses : A multiple-case study evaluating to what extent autonomous shuttle buses contribute to achieve sustainable mobility in Lindholmen and Barkarbystaden

Njie, Haddyjatou January 2023 (has links)
Travelling and moving within urban areas in a sustainable way acquires a transition toward sustainable commuting modes. An approach to reaching the transition is recognised as sustainable mobility. According to smart mobility research, autonomous shuttle buses could contribute to achieve sustainable mobility in urban areas. This study therefore aims to evaluate to what extent autonomous shuttle buses are contributing to achieve sustainable mobility in Lindholmen and Barkarbystaden, by analysing the enabling and challenging factors of integrating autonomous shuttle buses from a spatial planning perspective. Based on a thematic analysis, three themes: integration into transport networks, urban policy integration, and spatial planning and urban design integration, emerged from a multiple-case study and an in-depth interview study. It is revealed that the buses are bringing forth a multi-modal transportation network with an extension of sustainable travel opportunities beyond the privately owned car. Nonetheless, it is evident that the autonomous shuttle buses are not eligible to cover the first-last mile accessibility gap in Lindholmen nor Barkarbystaden. Practitioners should therefore consider evaluating what autonomous shuttle buses should be used for, how and where before they decide to go any further with the integration of autonomous shuttle buses in other urban areas.

Towards a sustainable mobility paradigm? An assessment of three policy measures

Johansson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Transportation and mobility are important components in the organisation and structure of people´s daily activities, but the transport sector has considerable environmental impacts, e.g. greenhouse gas emissions and land use. Governance of the sector is difficult, as there is an ongoing a shift in governance structures away from hierarchical towards more collaborative governance. Given these challenges, it may be necessary to shift the focus from mobility to accessibility and to adopt a new paradigm in transport planning. This thesis critically investigates what a paradigm shift might mean for the Swedish national and municipal transport, housing and parking planning context and examines what a Social Practice Theory framework could contribute in analysing such a paradigm shift. This is done by investigating three different policies that are arguably in line with a shift in planning paradigms. All three policy measures open up decision making to different stakeholders or even citizens, reflecting a shift in governance, and all highlight the need to shift the focus from physical infrastructure to accessibility, through collaboration with a range of stakeholders. However, in each case, current conditions and practices render a transition more difficult. The Swedish Transport Administration (STA) states the importance of reducing the need to travel and of using existing infrastructure more efficiently, and stipulates that these types of measures should be considered before new infrastructure investments. However, the STA has a limited mandate to finance these measures, resulting in ambiguous signals and frustration among regional STA officials. This thesis shows that making the STA’s mandate more function-oriented would facilitate a transition in line with the sustainable mobility paradigm. Another policy measure discussed in the thesis is a shift from minimum parking requirements, where developers are required to build a minimum number of parking spaces, to flexible parking requirements, where the number of parking spaces provided depends on the local context and where other mobility services may replace the need for physical parking spaces. In this thesis, people who have bought apartments in developments with flexible parking requirements were surveyed in order to understand their practices and how they perceive and plan to use the mobility services provided. The feasibility of using a new parking management tool, Parking Benefit Districts, in a European context (Stockholm, Sweden) was assessed. In a Parking Benefit Districts system, parking charges are implemented, increased or extended to curb parking, with the revenues being returned to the area where the charges are imposed and with citizens, or other stakeholders, participating in decisions on how to use the revenues. The underlying intention is to increase acceptance of parking charges, as on-street parking charges may be deemed necessary by planners, but are unpopular among citizens and other stakeholders. This thesis shows that there are no legal barriers to implementing a Parking Benefit District programme in Sweden, but there are some limitations on how revenues can be used. Moreover, Sweden does not have this planning tradition and the programme may not be perceived as legitimate. Another important issue is equity and participation, e.g. it is important to consider who to include and how to include them. Overall, the policy measures studied involve a shift away from an infrastructure-centred to a people-centred approach. However, other planning practices and institutions may push in different directions. This thesis shows that a Social Practice Theory framework can be useful as a lens through which researchers and policymakers view possible changes needed to achieve a sustainable mobility paradigm. / Transport och mobilitet är viktiga komponenter i organiseringen och strukturen av människors dagliga aktiviteter. Transportsektorn ger emellertid upphov till stor miljöpåverkan, exempelvis växthusgasutsläpp och markanvändning. Governance av sektorn är komplicerad och det har skett ett skifte från en hierarkisk styrning mot en större delaktighet och samarbete mellan olika aktörer. Givet dessa utmaningar kan det finnas behov av att flytta fokus från att palnera för rörlighet till tillgänglighet samt att ändra planeringsparadigmer. Syftet med avhandlingen är dels att kritiskt undersöka vad ett paradigmskifte skulle kunna innebära i det svenska nationella och kommunala transport-, bostads- och parkeringsplaneringssammanhanget, dels att undersöka hur ett Social Practice Theory ramverk skulle kunna bidra till förståelsen av ett sådant paradigmskifte. För att göra detta har avhandlingen undersökt tre policys som är i linje med ett paradigmskifte. Alla policys som diskuteras i avhandlingen öppnar upp beslutsfattande för olika aktörer eller medborgare. Vidare lyfter alla diskuterade strategier fram behovet av att flytta fokus från fysisk infrastruktur till tillgänglighet och att samarbete mellan olika intressenter är nödvändigt. I varje fall finns dock förhållanden och praktiker som försvårar omställningen. Trafikverket framhåller exempelvis vikten av att minska behovet av att resa och av att använda befintlig infrastruktur mer effektivt, och de menar att dessa åtgärder bör övervägas innan nya infrastrukturinvesteringar. Samtidigt har Trafikverket begränsat mandat att finansiera dessa åtgärder, vilket ger upphov till tvetydiga signaler och frustration bland regionala planerare på Trafikverket. Papper I argumenterar för att ett mer funktionsorienterat mandat skulle kunna underlätta en ett paradigmskifte i linje med en ’sustainable mobility paradigm’. I paper II diskuteras en förändring från miniminorm för parkeringsplatser vid bostäder, där byggherrarna måste bygga minst ett visst antal parkeringsplatser, till flexibla parkeringstal, där antal parkeringsplatser som ska byggas beror på den lokala kontexten och där andra mobilitetstjänster kan ersätta behovet av parkeringsplatser. I detta paper studeras personer som har köpt lägenheter i flerbostadshus med flexibla parkeringstal. Målet är att förstå dessa människors praktiker och hur de använder och uppfattar de mobilitetstjänster som tillhandahålls. I papper III diskuteras möjligheten att använda ett nytt parkeringsverktyg, Parking Benefit Districts, i en europeisk kontext. Parkering Benefit Districts är ett koncept där parkeringsavgifter på gatan införs, höjs eller utökas. Intäkterna från parkeringsavgifterna återförs därefter till det område där de togs ut, och medborgare, eller andra intressenter i området, deltar sedan i beslutet om hur intäkterna ska användas. Syftet med denna åtgärd har traditionellt varit att öka acceptansen för parkeringsavgifter, eftersom parkeringsavgifter på gatan kan anses vara fördelaktiga av planerare, men impopulära bland medborgare och andra intressenter. Paper III nämner i analysen att det inte finns några legala hinder för att genomföra ett Parking Benefit District program i Sverige, men det finns vissa begränsningar för hur intäkterna kan användas. Planerare i Stockholms stad hävdar dock att Sverige inte har den här planeringstraditionen och påpekar att ett sådant åtgärd kanske inte uppfattas som legitim. En annan viktig fråga att diskutera är jämlikhet och deltagande. Det finns en risk att vissa grupper i samhället inte deltar i samma utsträckning och det är därför viktigt att överväga vem som ska involveras samt hur det ska ske. I slutet diskuteras resultaten i relation till forskningsfrågorna. Alla de studerade policys skiftar fokus från fysisk infrastruktur till människors behov. Samtidigt finns det andra planerings praktiker och institutioner som drar samhällsutvecklingen i motsatt riktning. I avhandlingen diskuteras även hur ett Social Practice ramverk kan hjälpa både forskare och beslutsfattare att se de förändringar som behövs för att nå en ’sustainable mobility paradigm’. / <p>QC 20181228</p>

Swedish Municipal Staff’s Conceptualization of Sustainable Mobilityin Rural Communities

Stridell, Rosanna January 2024 (has links)
To mitigate climate change, greenhouse gas emissions from mobility systems must be reduced. Measures toreduce greenhouse gas emissions from mobility systems tend to suggest implementations of mobility solutionsthat are optimally adapted to urban areas where demand is high. In rural areas, mobility options outside of theprivate car are scarce. This has led to a disproportionate relation between rural and urban opportunities fortransitioning to a sustainable mobility system. An additional problem is the v ery abstract conceptualization ofsustainable mobility—which can lead to misaligned climate policies and ambitions. Through a literature reviewand semi-structured interviews, this qualitative study examined how nine Swedish mid -sized municipalities’staff defined sustainable mobility for rural residents by having them describe problems related to sustainablemobility in their area, and measures to counter said problems. In doing so, they indirectly suggest what theyconsider a sustainable mobility system to be. The literature was primarily concerned with mobility solutions,rather than problems. The empirical results demonstrated that the problems described by the respondents werecaused by car dependence, feelings and ideas of injustice and unfairness, as well as authoritative and managerialcomplexities from the municipal side. Suggested and implemented measures to promote sustainable ruralmobility were often suited to densely populated areas, but the broader ambitions revealed that the investigatedmunicipalities aim to create behavior change in mobility patterns regarding shorter journeys (&lt; 5 km) in urbanareas, and allowing car use in rural areas where options are few.

Promoting Sustainable Mobility In Visby's Inner City : A Case Study Inspired By Ghent's Mobility Plan

Clift, Summer January 2024 (has links)
This paper examines how selected measures from Ghent's mobility plan can be achievable in Visby's inner city. Gotland has the highest car density and the shortest driving distance in Sweden per person per year (Energicentrum, n.d). Most of the short journeys occur in Visby's inner city (Telia, 2023). This is a problem as short car journeys are often more polluting as carbon dioxide emissions are higher in the first 5km (Energicentrum, n.d). This is a case study with data collected from a document analysis and an interview with an official at Region Gotland to enhance scientific knowledge and understand the limitations and potential for selected measures in Visby.  The selected measures that are evaluated are a Low Emissions Zone, Push and Pull parking strategies and increasing pedestrian and bike mobility through Living Streets and bike parking. These three measures from Ghent were found to be achievable in Visby’s inner city. These measures could be achieved by a long planning process and changed to scale and adapt to Visby's unique inner city. Support from politicians to increase acceptance and allow for better conditions for the implementation would also be beneficial in achieving the measures. Additionally, introducing the measures to Visby could help Gotland reach its 2040 regional development goals and increase sustainable mobility in the inner city.

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