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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The new age of Green Marketing in Swedish forestry

Söderström, John, Luiga, Jesper January 2018 (has links)
The adoption of Green Marketing within the Swedish forest industry has raised questions as to why there has been an increase in implementation of the concept, and what the results have showed. After conducting eight semi-structured qualitative interviews with companies involved with forestry in Sweden, this paper has been able to showcase an in-depth analysis. The companies interviewed include a forest owner, five forestry companies, a packaging company, and a lobby initiative in Sweden. This has allowed the research to explore different perspectives in the forest industry. The answers derived from the interviews were for the most part in correlation to each other, and highlighted the similar ways to approaching Green Marketing within the Swedish forest industry. Public concern, governmental regulations, and opportunity to form strong relationships were all seen as reasonings behind the usage of Green Marketing. The Swedish forest industry has done very well in avoiding many Green Marketing mistakes, and has also showcased a strong effort in following what is known as the ‘Golden Rules of Green Marketing’.

Forest : Ecological and emotional layers within a Swedish forest / Forest : Ecological and emotional layers within a Swedish forest

Edlund, Michaela January 2023 (has links)
Through qualitative interviews and secondary research, the emotional and ecological layers to a forest have been explored. Several studies and sources of data speak against Swedish forestry being sustainable, and the industry often views the forest through anthropocentric ethics with focus on economic value. The aim is to inform and inspire small-scale private forest owners in their decision making in forestry to consider more environmentally sustainable cultivation methods. There is a gap in communication between facts on forestry and small-scale private forest owners which the project aims to fill. The project looks at the forest holistically, through biocentric ethics and the Swedish folk art Kurbits, and covers ecological and cultural sustainability. This takes the shape of a booklet which uncovers a forest’s layers in both text and visuals.

The Green Gold in Light of the Green Deal : A discourse analysis of the Swedish forest policy debate

Valger, Charlotte January 2024 (has links)
This thesis used discourse analysis to critically study language in use in the Swedish forest policy debate. This was done by applying Maarten Hajer ́s argumentative discourse analysis and his concepts of discourse coalitions, storylines, and discourse institutionalization. The analysis concentrates on different actors’ input in the political debate after the launch of the EU Green Deal in 2019. The debate on Swedish forest policies have been going on for decades and are characterized by seemingly locked positions and actors defending their standpoints in different forums. Four competing discourses were identified: the bioeconomy discourse, the market competition discourse, the biodiversity discourse, and the rights of nature discourse. The dominating discourse is the bioeconomy discourse, which can be determined by its presence in Sweden’s national forest plan and further, in strategies determining the forest management. One puzzling finding is that the Swedish government together with the forest industry actively tries to hamper regulations and directives under the Green Deal, despite being positive about the bioeconomy pathway promoted by the EU. This suggests that even if Swedish policymaking processes are influenced by certain meta-discourses, bioeconomy is portrayed in different ways and cannot be generalized. Results from this study contributes with insights to the contemporary debate in a time when increased regulations demands policy reformations. Conclusions suggests that if Sweden’s National Forest Plan is to be in line with the EU Green Deal, large revisions are required. Critical policy studies that scrutinize the policymaking process could support the process by opening for other ways of imagining the future of Swedish forests.

Brexit - The Waiting Game : A qualitative case study about how Swedish forestry firms perceive and respond to the uncertainty regarding Brexit

Ek, Jennie, Persson, Robin January 2019 (has links)
Brexit is the source of changes in the business environment in Europe. The situation generates uncertainty in which direction the United Kingdom wants to take on the decision of leaving the European Union. The situation is unique, the outcome and impact are unknown. The aim of the thesis is to gain profound knowledge and analyze how Swedish forestry industry firms perceive and respond to the uncertainty of Brexit. The reviewed literature present how uncertain business environments affect firms, the perception of uncertainty and strategy that generates a response to uncertainty. The conceptual framework illustrates the process and the connection between the elements. In order to gain profound knowledge on the subject, a qualitative study with an abductive approach was conducted. The applied research design was a multiple-case study that consisted of six cases. The analysis discusses the empirical data with a cross-case examination and pattern matching to the literature in order to identify similarities and differences between the cases. The perceived uncertainty is dependent on several elements and the findings display how changes in the business environment impact firms differently depending on the risk management of the firm, market commitment, information, experience and how the market is valued. These factors influence the process behind the response and the resources that are allocated to the process. The thesis contributes both to the theoretical and practical understanding of uncertainty and how to respond to uncertainty.

Applying Machine Learning to Detect Historical Remains in Swedish Forestry Using LIDAR Data / Tillämpning av maskininlärning för att upptäcka historiska lämningar inom svenskt skogsbruk med hjälp av LIDAR-data

Abdulin, Ruslan January 2021 (has links)
Historical remains in Swedish forests are at risk of being damaged by heavy machineryduring regular soil preparation, scarification, and regeneration activities. Thereason for this is that the exact locations of these remains are often unknown or theirrecords are inaccurate. Some of the most vulnerable historical remains are the tracesleft after years of charcoal production. In this thesis, we design and implement acomputer vision artificial intelligent model capable of identifying these traces usingtwo accessible visualizations of Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data. Themodel we used was the ResNet34 Convolutional Neural Network pre-trained on theImageNet dataset. The model took advantage of the image segmentation approachand required only a small number of annotations distributed on original images fortraining. During the process of data preparation, the original images were heavilyaugmented, which bolstered the training dataset. Results showed that the model candetect charcoal burners sites and mark them on both types of LIDAR visualizations.Being implemented on modern frameworks and featured with state-of-art machinelearning techniques, the model may reduce the costs of surveys of this type of historicalremains and thereby help save cultural heritage.

Hygge bryggeri : Skogens skymda skatt – sprängtickan

Jansson, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
FN:s globala mål nummer sex och femton fodrar skyddandet av vatten och landsburna ekosystem. För att nå målen krävs bland annat bevarandet och restaureringen av naturskogar och ett främjande av ett hållbart skogsbruk. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka huruvida sprängtickan kan inom småskalig skogsförvaltning kan ses som en resurs för konsumenter och för skogsägare ur ett konsumentperspektiv genom att besvara frågeställningen; Hur kan design ha betydelse för ett urvals konsumenters inställning till sprängtickan som livsmedel? Samt genom en kartläggning över den produktmarknad med sprängticka som existerar i Sverige idag. Studien besvaras genom att koppla till teorier inom FoodTech, Food design thinking samt nudging. Undersökningen har genomförts genom en visuell innehållsanalys samt en kvantitativa enkätundersökning. Resultatet av de båda metoderna visar att det finns stor potential för sprängtickan att utnyttjas som konsumentvara och på så sätt hjälpa privat skogsägare att bevara urskogarna. Studien visar dock en problematik i den nuvarande svenska marknaden med sprängticka och att det finns stora utvecklingsmöjligheter inom detta område.

EU Versus Sweden – the Battle of Sustainability in Our Forests

Kaniecka, Ewelina January 2023 (has links)
In 2021, the European Union (EU) released the New EU Forest Strategy for 2030 to improve the welfare of forests within the EU. This caused a conflict between the EU and some of its Member States. The Swedish Government criticised the strategy for being too intrusive to countries' national affairs and their right to autonomy over their forest resources. In addition, Sweden has been criticised by the EU for its clear-cutting forest management strategies to be unsustainable. At the same time, the deadline to align with national agreements like the Paris Agreement, the 2030 Agenda and the European Green Deal is approaching. By 2050, the EU should be a carbon-neutral continent. Forests play an important role in climate change mitigation and in the sustainability agenda of both the EU and Sweden, although both parties seem to disagree on the other’s forest politics. This thesis investigates how sustainability in forests is formulated by the European Union (EU) and Sweden. Through quantitative content analysis and qualitative content analysis, the forest policy and strategy documents of the EU and Sweden are analysed to identify the sustainability content, its differences, and its similarities. The analysed documents that are selected to illustrate the sustainability content in the EU are the New EU Forest Strategy for 2030, Staff Working Document on the 3 Billion Tree Planting Pledge for 2030 and Guidelines for Defining, Mapping, Monitoring and Strictly Protecting EU Primary and Old -Growth Forests. The analysed documents that are selected to illustrate Swedish Forest Policy are Skogsvårdslagstiftningen and Sveriges Nationella Skogsprogram. The findings showed that both the EU and Sweden strive to reach international commitments on climate change and sustainability in their forest politics. However, the sustainability content in the EU emphasises protecting, restoring, and increasing the forest areas within the EU to achieve the goals. The sustainability content in Sweden views forests as an economic resource that can contribute to the sustainability transition of Swedish society. The conclusion is that bo th approaches of the EU and Sweden align with previous research on forest and climate change but strive for sustainability from different perspectives.

Utvärdering av effekter hos deltagare i projektet Skogsbruk och vatten inom Landsbygdsprogrammet hos Skogsstyrelsen i Östergötland / Evaluation of the effects on participants in the project Forestry and Water in the Rural Development Program at the Swedish Forest Agency in Östergötland

Rydé, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Som skoglig sektorsmyndighet är det Skogsstyrelsens uppgift att omsätta regeringens skogspolitiska mål i praktiken. De behöver därför ha kunskap om deras arbete faktiskt ger effekter i skogsbruket. Ett verktyg för att undersöka effekter är utvärderingar. Genom en utvärdering kan Skogsstyrelsen se vilka effekterna är samt få ett underlag till att förändra och utveckla framtida projekt. Denna studie syftade till att utvärdera effekter hos deltagare avseende kunskapsinhämtning och användningsgrad samt deltagarnas upplevelse av vattenkvällarna i projektet Skogsbruk och vatten inom Landsbygdsprogrammet hos Skogsstyrelsen i Östergötland. Utvärderingen genomfördes som en kvantitativ intervjustudie genom telefonintervjuer med 50 deltagare från vattenkvällarna. Resultatet visade att informationen var lärorik och på en lagom nivå samt att muntlig information och praktiska förevisningar var de informationskällor som gav mest. Användningsgraden varierade beroende på hur mycket kunskap de hade sedan tidigare och om de har vattendrag på den egna fastigheten. Flertalet ansåg att det delvis skett en förändring av deras synsätt och framtida brukande av skog. Majoriteten hade ett bra helhetsintryck. / As the state authority of forestry the purpose of the Swedish Forest Agency is to transfer forest policy into practice. Therefore, it has to obtain knowledge of its efforts and their effects on forestry. A tool to measure such effects is evaluation. Through evaluating these effects the Swedish Forest Agency can develop and improve its future projects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Forestry and Water project run by the Swedish Forest Agency in the district of Östergötland, supported by the Rural Development Program, on participants with respect to increased knowledge, usefulness and experience of the Water seminars. The evaluation was made as a quantitative interview study and data was gathered through phone interviews with 50 participants in the Water seminars. The results showed that the information was worthwhile and distributed at an appropriate level. Furthermore, oral presentations and practical advices were the most suitable way of gaining information. The usefulness varied among participants depending on previous knowledge as well as if they had waters on their own forestry properties. Several participants thought that the seminars to some degree had changed their approach and thoughts about future forestry. The general impression of the water seminars was good for a majority of the participants.

Det sitter i timret : Maskulinitetsnormer inom den svenska skogsbranschen

Jakobsson, Ester, Rickeberg, Anna January 2023 (has links)
This essay aims to investigate the meaning of masculinity norms within the forestry sector in Sweden, and how these norms affect the gender equality within the industry. A qualitative research method was applied to highlight and investigate the research aim and questions. Six semi-structured interviews were conducted and furthermore analyzed with a discursive analysis method and a gender theoretical perspective. This study is a continuation of and has its starting point, where the project Jämställdhet i skogsbranschen, implemented by Länsstyrelsen in Västernorrland and other actors, left off. The fourth aim of that project became an object of focus for us and this essay as a whole. The results of this study implied that there are several masculinity norms within the Swedish forestry sector and that the norms influence both men and women. A hegemonic masculinity within the industry became apparent that affected women as well as men. Finally, the gender equality work within the sector could be affected by masculinity norms, that could be considered to prohibit existing and ongoing gender equality work.

Debatten om skogen : En undersökning om tittarnas upplevelse, förtroende, källgranskning och påverkan av slaget om skogen

Karlsson, Joakim, Sundqvist, Mimmi January 2023 (has links)
Studien genomfördes som en enkätundersökning av tittarna till programserien slaget om skogen. Studien undersökte tittarnas källkritik, deras förtroende för utgivarna, om tittarnas åsikt förändrats efter att ha tittat på programserien samt hur respondenterna upplevde att programserien presenterat och speglat det svenska skogsbruket. En kombination av kvalitativa och kvantitativa data samlades in genom en enkätundersökning där totalt 168 respondenter valde att besvara enkäten, 49 respondenter besvarade den frivilliga frågan. Resultatet av studien visade att respondenterna hade ett lågt förtroende för public service och till viss del valde respondenterna att källgranska informationen i programserien. Respondenterna kände sig inte påverkade av programserien och hade inte ändrat åsikt om det svenska skogsbruket efter att ha tittat, de anser inte heller att det svenska skogsbruket presenterades och speglades representativt.

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