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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Functional Analysis of the Role of Slit and its Receptors During D. melanogaster Heart Morphogenesis

Vassilieva, Katerina 12 1900 (has links)
Proper formation of the heart is a critical developmental event which requires strict regulation of coordinated cardial cell adhesion, alignment, and migration. The simple, tube-like heart of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has proven to be an attractive system in which to study the regulatory pathways which control cardiogenesis. This is mainly due to its strikingly similarity to the vertebrate heart during early embryogenesis. In addition, many genes identified in association with congenital heart disease in humans have homologues in Drosophila, suggesting that this model organism has great potential to contribute to cardiovascular research. The extracellular matrix protein encoded by slit is a ligand for the receptors Robo, and Robo2 (lea). Recently, a third receptor for Slit has been identified as the heparin sulfate proteoglycan Syndecan. The main objective of this thesis was to use time lapse confocal imaging in order to develop further understanding of the mechanisms which result in heart assembly defects in slit, robo, lea, and syndecan mutants. We also aimed to gain a better understanding of the role of Syndecan within the Slit-Robo pathway and elucidate its relative contribution to development of the mature heart. In mutants homozygous for slit, as well as mutants doubly heterozygous for robo and lea, cardial cell alignment, adhesion, and synchronized migration were disrupted. The heart phenotype of syndecan homozygous mutants was similar that of slit and robo, lea, however the migration speed of cells to the midline did not seem to be affected. Based on our findings, we hypothesize that Slit may have Syndecan-dependent and Syndecan-independent functions in the heart. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Human papillomavirus in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, tonsillar and mobile tongue cancer

Loizou, Christos January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the effects of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in tonsillar cancer, mobile tongue cancer, and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP). The purpose was to characterize patients with RRP in northern Sweden in order to identify more care-intensive RRP patients and to describe the voice and quality of life aspects that follow RRP. Further aims were to confirm the expected increase of HPV-positive tonsillar cancer cases in northern Sweden, and to study the correlation between HPV, its surrogate marker p16 and HPV receptor syndecan-1 in both tonsillar cancer and mobile tongue cancer. A total of 27 consecutive patients with RRP were evaluated at 3 months postoperatively using the voice handicap index (VHI) and SF-36 questionnaires to assess the impact on life and voice in a RRP population. The values were compared to normative data. This report was further extended by examining consecutive data from 21 new patients in order to characterize RRP patients in northern Sweden. In order to study HPV DNA in tonsillar (n= 65) and mobile tongue cancer (n=109), HPV DNA was extracted from paraffin-embedded biopsies and detected by polymerase chain reaction using general primers Gp5+/6+ and CpI/IIG. Expression of HPV surrogate marker p16 and the HPV receptor syndecan-1 was analysed by immunohistochemistry. Patients that underwent more than one RRP surgery per year were younger than those treated less frequently and they had significantly impaired voice quality as compared to normal subjects. Females, patients with frequent surgical treatment sessions, and patients with the high-risk HPV subtypes scored significantly lower in several domains of the quality of life assessment as compared with normal subjects. Forty-eight RRP patients had a median age of 44.5 years; 71% were men and 29% females, preferentially infected with HPV6. Patients with high surgical treatment frequency/year showed more widespread RRP in the larynx compared to the patients treated less frequently. A total of 214 tonsillar cancer cases were identified. The vast majority were men. They had a median age of 58 years at diagnosis and expressed HPV as well as p16. The incidence of tonsillar cancer revealed a 2,7-fold increase in men between the years 1990 and 2013. The study demonstrates a strong association between p16 and HPV infection in tonsillar malignancies. These findings are in contrast to the mobile tongue cancer cases, where no evidence of HPV DNA could be detected although one-third showed p16 staining. This demonstrated a poor correlation between HPV and p16 in mobile tongue cancer. There was no difference in the expression of the primary HPV receptor, syndecan-1, between tonsillar and mobile tongue cancer. In conclusion, the frequency of RRP operations, age at onset, gender and subtype of the HPV may be used as factors to predict voice disability. RRP patients with high surgical treatment frequency were significantly younger and had a more widespread laryngeal disease compared to the low-frequency treated group. This study confirms the existence of a clinical RRP group, not primarily related to HPV subtype, but to a more care-intensive RRP population. Our findings identify a 2,7-fold increase in the incidence of tonsillar cancer, HPV and p16 in men between 1990-2013. We can use p16 to detect HPV in tonsillar cancer but not in tongue cancer. The introduction of vaccination against HPV may have a role in the prevention of specific HPV-subtype positive head and neck malignancies and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis since the current vaccine protects against HPV6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58. Males will definitely benefit indirectly from vaccination of females, though males will still remain at risk of cancers associated with HPV. This highlights the need for sex-neutral vaccination strategy. Our intention is that this thesis will provide scientific data to support a gender-neutral vaccination and to develop simple tools to detect HPV in tonsillar cancer. / Syftet med avhandlingen är att beskriva effekterna av humant papillomvirus (HPV) vid cancer i halsmandlarna, cancer i tungan och vid luftvägspapillom. Totalt 27 patienter med luftvägspapillom (RRP) under åren 2004-2012 utvärderades 3 månader efter operationen med röst handikapp index (VHI) och livskvalitetformuläret SF-36. Resultaten jämfördes med normal data. Studiematerialet utökades med 21 patienter till totalt 48 RRP patienter i syfte att karakterisera patientgruppen i norra Sverige. För att studera HPV-DNA i tonsillcancer (n = 65) och i cancer i mobil del av tungan (n = 109) extraherades HPV-DNA från paraffininbäddade provbitar som sedan analyserades med PCR teknik och GP5 + / 6 + och CPI/IIG primer. Uttryck av surrogatmarkör p16 och HPV-receptorn syndekan -1 analyserades med immunhistokemi. RRP patienter hade en medianålder på 44,5 år; 71% var män och 29% kvinnor, företrädesvis infekterade med HPV6. Patienter som opererades mer än en gång per år var yngre än de som behandlats mindre ofta och hade en statistiskt sämre röstkvalitet än friska kontroller. Kvinnor, patienter med täta kirurgiska behandlingsintervall och högrisk-HPV hade signifikant sämre livskvalitet jämfört med friska kontroller. Patienter med hög kirurgisk behandlingsfrekvens per år var signifikant yngre och hade mer utbredd RRP sjukdom i luftstrupen, jämfört med gruppen med låg behandlingsfrekvens. Sammanlagt, 214 fall av halsmandelscancer identifierades i norra Sverige under åren 1990-2013; majoriteten var män, med en medianålder på 58 år och positiva för både HPV och p16. Andelen halsmandelscancer fall ökade med 2,7 gånger bland männen på 23 år. Vi fann ett starkt samband mellan uttryck av p16 och HPV infektion i halsmandelscancer men inte i HPV-negativ, delvis p16-positiv (33%) mobil tungcancer. Det fanns ingen skillnad i uttrycket av den primära HPV-receptorn, syndekan -1, jämförande tung-, och halsmandelscancer. Antalet RRP operationer, ålder vid insjuknandet, kön och genetisk variant av HPV kan användas som indikatorer för att förutsäga grad av röststörning. RRP patienter med hög kirurgisk behandlingsfrekvens var signifikant yngre och hade en mer utbredd luftvägssjukdom jämfört med RRP patienter som behandlas mindre ofta. Vi har identifierat en undergrupp av RRP patienter som inte primärt karakteriseras efter HPV virusets genetik utan av ett mer vårdintensivt förlopp. Den aktuella avhandlingen har identifierat en 2,7-faldig ökning av antalet halsmandelscancer hos män och ett starkt samband mellan p16 och HPV infektion i halsmandlar men inte i HPV-negativ tungcancer som inte korrelerar till p16 uttryck. Vi kan använda p16 för att påvisa HPV i tonsillcancer men inte i cancer i mobil tunga. Idag ingår HPV vaccination i det allmänna vaccinationsprogrammet för flickor. Vi förväntar oss en tydlig profylaktisk effekt avseende insjuknande i HPV-relaterad huvud- och hals cancer samt luftvägspapillom eftersom vaccinet skyddar mot HPV bl.a. 6, 11, 16 och 18. Män kommer definitivt att gynnas indirekt genom vaccination av kvinnor men kommer att ha fortsatt högre risk än kvinnor att insjukna i HPV relaterad cancer vilket understryker behovet av könsneutral vaccination. Vår avsikt med avhandlingen är att ge vetenskapligt stöd för könsneutralt vaccination och enkla metoder att påvisa halsmandelscancer.

Régulation de la synthèse des protéoglycanes et du phénotype chondrocytaire par l'interleukine 1 et Wnt-3a : rôle clé de la xylosyltransférase I et du syndécan 4 / Regulation of proteoglycans synthesis and chondrocyte differentiation by interleukin 1ß and Wnt-3a : Key role of xylosyltransferase I and syndecan 4

Khair, Mostafa 22 January 2014 (has links)
L'arthrose est caractérisée par une dégénérescence progressive du cartilage articulaire. Elle est caractérisée par l'augmentation des cytokines pro-inflammatoires en particulier l'interleukine-1ß (IL-1ß) qui inhibe la synthèse des protéoglycanes (PGs) et augmente leur dégradation conduisant à l'érosion du cartilage. Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires de cette inhibition ne sont pas encore élucidés. Nous avons étudié l'effet de l'IL-1ß sur l'expression du gène de la xylosyltransférase I (XT-I), enzyme qui joue un rôle essentiel dans la régulation de la synthèse des PGs au niveau du cartilage. Nous avons montré que l'IL-1ß est capable de réguler l'expression de la XT-I en deux phases : une phase précoce d'induction et une phase tardive d'inhibition. L'étude de la régulation du promoteur du gène humain de la XT-I par l'IL-1ß a permis de montrer que la phase précoce d'induction est médiée par le facteur AP-1 alors que la phase d'inhibition implique le facteur de transcription Sp3. Nous avons également étudié les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans l'inhibition de l'anabolisme des PGs et de l'induction de la dédifférenciation chondrocytaire par Wnt3a. Nous avons montré que Wnt-3a inhibe l'expression du PG, syndécan 4 dans le cartilage et dans les chondrocytes humain en culture via la voie de signalisation non canonique, ERK1/2. Nous avons montré que l'inhibition de l'expression du collagène II par Wnt-3a est médiée par le syndécan 4 et que ce dernier est essentiel à l'activation des voies non canoniques par Wnt-3a probablement via une interaction avec la protéine régulatrice Dishevelled. Enfin, nous avons montré que les effets délétères de l'IL-1ß sur les PGs et le collagène II sont atténués par Wnt-3a en inhibant l'expression de l'ADMTS4 et de la MMP13 / Osteoarthritis is characterized by progressive degeneration of articular cartilage. It is characterized by the increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines, in particular interleukin 1ß (IL- 1ß ) which inhibits the synthesis of proteoglycans (PGs ) and increases their degradation leading to erosion of cartilage. However, the molecular mechanism of this inhibition is not yet elucidated. We studied the effect of IL-1ß on gene expression of the xylosyltransferase I ( XT- I), an enzyme which plays an essential role in regulating the synthesis of PGs in the cartilage. We showed that IL-1ß regulates the expression of the XT-I gene into two phases: an early phase of induction and a late phase of inhibition. The study of the regulation of the promoter of the human XT-I gene showed that the early induction phase by IL-1ß is mediated by AP-1 while the late inhibition phase involves the Sp3 transcription factor. We also investigated the molecular mechanisms involved in the inhibition of PG anabolism and induction of chondrocyte dedifferentiation by Wnt-3a. We showed that Wnt-3a inhibits expression of the PG syndecan 4 in human cartilage and in cultured chondrocytes via the non-canonical signaling pathway involving the kinase ERK1/2. We also showed that inhibition of the expression of collagen II by Wnt-3a is mediated by syndecan 4, probably via interaction with a regulatory protein Dishevelled and that syndecan 4 is essential for non-canonical Wnt pathway signaling. Finally, we demonstrated that the deleterious effects of IL-1ß on PGs and collagen II are reduced by Wnt-3a by inhibiting the expression of ADMTS4 and MMP13

"Expressão de proteo-heparans sulfato de superfície celular no crescimento gengival induzido pela ciclosporina-A em humanos" / Expression of cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans in human cyclosporin-induced gingival overgrowth

Nelson Gnoatto 27 March 2006 (has links)
O crescimento gengival induzido por ciclosporina-A (CG) é caracterizado por uma variedade de sinalizações que envolvem fatores de crescimento e proteoglicanos, porém pouco compreendidas. Investigamos a expressão gênica dos proteoheparans sulfato de superfície celular sindecam-2 (SDC-2), -4 (SDC-4) e betaglicam nesse CG. A quantidade total e relativa de glicosaminoglicanos sulfatados (GAGs) e a distribuição de SDC-2 e SDC-4 no tecido gengival também foram analisadas. Métodos: A expressão de mRNA dos proteoglicanos SDC-2, SDC-4 e betaglicam foi analisada pela reação de polimerase em cadeia e transcrição reversa (RT-PCR) em amostras gengivais de 9 indivíduos com CG (grupo CsA) e 6 com gengiva normal (grupo controle). Os GAGs foram extraídos e purificados dos tecidos gengivais e analisados tanto por eletroforese em gel de agarose quanto por espectrofotometria. Foi realizada uma avaliação imunohistoquímica dos tecidos com anticorpos para SDC-2 e SDC-4, para sua localização nos tecidos. Os grupos foram comparados pelo teste t de Student. Resultados: Todos os proteoglicanos estudados mostraramse aumentados no grupo CsA (165% para SDC-2, 308% para SDC-4 e 42% para betaglicam), comparativamente ao grupo controle (P < 0.0001). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na quantidade total e relativa de GAGs. A imunohistoquímica mostrou uma distribuição marcante de SDC-2 e SDC-4 no componentes epitelial, conjuntivo, vascular, nervoso e inflamatório, incluindo os compartimentos celulares e matriciais de toda a casuística. Nossos resultados revelam expressão aumentada de mRNA de SDC-2, SDC-4 e betaglicam no crescimento gengival induzido pela ciclosporina-A, porém não se observaram diferenças na quantidade de glicosaminoglicanos sulfatados em relação ao tecido gengival não exposto ao fármaco. / Cyclosporin-induced gingival overgrowth (CIGO) comprises a variety of signaling pathways including growth factors and proteoglycans that remains not fully understood. We investigated the gene expression of the cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans syndecan-2 (SDC-2), -4 (SDC-4) and betaglycan in CIGO. Total and relative amounts of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and the distribution of SDC-2 and SDC-4 in the gingival tissue were also analyzed. Methods: mRNA expression of the proteoglycans SDC-2, -4 and betaglycan was analyzed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in gingival samples obtained from 9 individuals with CIGO and 6 with a normal gingiva (control group). GAGs were extracted and purified from gingival tissues and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and spectrophotometry. An immunohistochemical evaluation using panels of antibodies for SDC-2 and -4 was performed for localization in the tissues. Groups were compared by the Student's t test. Results: All proteoglycans expressions revealed increase in the CIGO group (165% for SDC-2, 308% for SDC-4 and 42% for betaglycan) compared to the control group (P < 0.0001). No significant differences were observed for the total and relative amounts of GAGs. Immunohistochemistry showed a marked distribution of SDC-2 and SDC-4 in gingival epithelial, connective, vascular, neural and inflammatory components comprising cellular and matrix environments in both groups. Our results reveal increased mRNA expression of SDC-2, SDC-4 and betaglycan in CIGO, but no significant differences in the sulfated glycosaminoglycans component in situ.

Implication du syndécan-1 dans la migration des kératinocytes / Syndecan-1 involvement in keratinocyte migration

Montmasson, Marine 20 December 2018 (has links)
Au cours de la réparation cutanée, l’étape de réépithélialisation est essentielle car son objectif est de restaurer la fonction barrière de la peau. Elle consiste en une série d’étapes coordonnées où les kératinocytes migrent, prolifèrent et se différencient jusqu’à restauration complète de l’épiderme. Régulée de façon simultanée au niveau intracellulaire mais également extracellulaire, elle dépend de la production de facteurs de croissance, de métalloprotéases matricielles (MMPs) et de protéines de la matrice extracellulaire sur lesquelles les kératinocytes adhèrent et migrent par l’intermédiaire de récepteurs de la famille des intégrines ou des syndécans. Parmi les ligands matriciels, la laminine 332 (LN332), qui est connue comme étant la protéine d’adhésion majeure des kératinocytes de l’épiderme, s’avère être également impliquée au cours de la réépithélialisation et jouer un rôle important dans les processus d’adhésion et de migration des kératinocytes, notamment par le biais de son domaine globulaire LG4/5 localisé à l’extrémité C-term de sa chaine 3. De récentes études ont montré que ce domaine LG4/5 induit la migration des kératinocytes normaux humains (NHK), impliquant des MMPs pro-migratoires MMP-1 et MMP-9. Puisque les domaines LG4/5 ont été montrés comme participant à la dynamique du cytosquelette et au mouvement cellulaire par le biais des récepteurs syndécan-1 et -4, mon laboratoire d’accueil a décidé d’étudier l’implication du récepteur syndécan-1 dans ce processus d’expression de la MMP-9. Les analyses PCR et les résultats de zymographie obtenus ont révélé que le syndécan-1 joue un rôle dans l’expression et l’activation de la MMP-9 induite par le domaine LG4/5. De plus, la déplétion de l’expression du syndécan-1 dans les NHK a confirmé ces résultats. De précédents résultats de mon laboratoire d’accueil ont montré que le domaine LG4/5 induit la formation de filopodes médiée par le syndécan-1 au niveau du front de migration des kératinocytes. De ce fait, nous avons effectué des zymographies de gélatine in situ chez des NHK en migration afin d’observer la localisation de la MMP-9 et de savoir si cette dernière était trouvée au niveau de ces structures d’adhésion protrusives. Nous avons observé des zones de digestion de gélatine sous les NHK ressemblant à des points de contact d’adhésion. Leur nombre est augmenté chez des NHK traités avec le domaine LG4/5 de la LN332. L’utilisation d’inhibiteurs spécifiques des gélatinases et de la MMP-9 ont révélé que cette dernière est responsable de la formation de ces zones de digestion de gélatine. Parce que ces structures évoquent des podosomes, nous avons décidé de révéler leurs constituants majoritaires, à savoir la cortactine, la vinculine, l’-actinine, VASP, WASP ou encore Arp2/3. Dans le même temps nous avons également révélé le syndécan-1 afin de voir si ce dernier était présent dans ces structures. Nos résultats ont montré que tous les marqueurs des podosomes étaient localisés soit sous la forme d’un point à l’intérieur des zones de digestion pour les protéines régulatrices de l’actine, soit sous la forme d’un anneau entourant les zones de digestion pour les protéines d’adhésion et de signalisation associées à la membrane, confirmant donc que les structures observées sont bien des podosomes. Le syndécan-1 apparaît également sous une forme d’anneau, entourant les protéines régulatrices de l’actine et les zones de digestion laissant penser que le syndécan-1 serait impliqué dans ces structures. La diminution de l’expression du syndécan-1, en utilisant l’approche des petits ARN interférents dans des NHK, a montré que l’absence de syndécan-1 diminue de façon drastique le nombre et la surface des zones digérées. L’ensemble de nos résultats montre que le syndécan-1 serait un constituant des podosomes des kératinocytes, participant à leur formation et jouant un rôle dans le contrôle de l’expression de la MMP-9 / During skin repair, the reepithelialization step is essential to restore the skin barrier function. lt occurs by an orderly series of events whereby keratinocyte migrate, proliferate and differentiate until complete epidermal restoration. Keratinocyte migration determines the efficiency of the overall wound repair process. The keratinocyte's migratory behavior depends on the production of growth factors, matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and on the dynamic interactions of the cells with extracellular components. Laminin 332 (LN332), known as a major adhesion substrate for keratinocytes, was shown to contribute to skin reepithelialization through its a3 chain C-terminal domains LG4/5. Recent studies have reported that LG4/5 induces keratinocyte migration, an event that relies on the involvement of the pro-migratory MMP-1 and MMP-9. As LG4/5 domains were shown to participate in cytoskeleton dynamic and cell movement through binding of the heparan sulfate proteoglycans syndecan-1 and -4, we analyzed the potential involvement of these receptors in this process. The PCR analysis and zymography results revealed that syndecan-1 plays a role in LG4/5 induced MMP-9 expression and activation. Down regulating or overexpressing syndecan-1 expression in cells confirmed these findings. As LG4/5 was shown to induce the formation of syndecan-1-mediated filopodia at the front of migrating cells, we performed in situ zymography experiments in migrating keratinocyte to analyze whether MMP-9 is found in these protrusive adhesion structures. Very interestingly, we found areas of digested gelatin resembling adhesion contacts underneath keratinocytes. Their number was increased in LG45-treated keratinocytes, a result in line with our previous data. The use of specific MMP inhibitors revealed that MMP-9 is responsible for the formation of these digested gelatin clusters. Further confocal microscope analysis revealed, at the cellular level, the presence of actin located within the digested areas, suggesting that an adhesion receptor would be involved in this process. Because these structures resemble podosomes, we revealed major podosome components, such as cortactin, vinculin, -actinin, VASP, WASP, Arp2/3 or dynamin and integrin. Our results showed all the podosome markers either within the digested areas (regulatory actin proteins) or organized as ring encircling the digested areas (signaling and adhesion proteins associated with plasma membrane), confirming that these structures are podosomes. Syndecan-1 also appears as a ring around the digested areas and encircling the regulatory actin proteins, suggesting that this receptor could be involved in these structures. The syndecan-1 depletion in normal human keratinocytes with specific siRNAs drastically decreased the digested areas surface. Taken together, our data demonstrate that syndecan-1 is a podosome components, participating in their formation and playing a role in MMP-9 expression and deposition. These results suggest that its re-distribution at the front edge of migrating keratinocyte may have a role to play in the cleavage or degradation of extracellular matrix proteins therefore facilitating their path through the fibrin clot

"Expressão de proteo-heparans sulfato de superfície celular no crescimento gengival induzido pela ciclosporina-A em humanos" / Expression of cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans in human cyclosporin-induced gingival overgrowth

Gnoatto, Nelson 27 March 2006 (has links)
O crescimento gengival induzido por ciclosporina-A (CG) é caracterizado por uma variedade de sinalizações que envolvem fatores de crescimento e proteoglicanos, porém pouco compreendidas. Investigamos a expressão gênica dos proteoheparans sulfato de superfície celular sindecam-2 (SDC-2), -4 (SDC-4) e betaglicam nesse CG. A quantidade total e relativa de glicosaminoglicanos sulfatados (GAGs) e a distribuição de SDC-2 e SDC-4 no tecido gengival também foram analisadas. Métodos: A expressão de mRNA dos proteoglicanos SDC-2, SDC-4 e betaglicam foi analisada pela reação de polimerase em cadeia e transcrição reversa (RT-PCR) em amostras gengivais de 9 indivíduos com CG (grupo CsA) e 6 com gengiva normal (grupo controle). Os GAGs foram extraídos e purificados dos tecidos gengivais e analisados tanto por eletroforese em gel de agarose quanto por espectrofotometria. Foi realizada uma avaliação imunohistoquímica dos tecidos com anticorpos para SDC-2 e SDC-4, para sua localização nos tecidos. Os grupos foram comparados pelo teste t de Student. Resultados: Todos os proteoglicanos estudados mostraramse aumentados no grupo CsA (165% para SDC-2, 308% para SDC-4 e 42% para betaglicam), comparativamente ao grupo controle (P < 0.0001). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na quantidade total e relativa de GAGs. A imunohistoquímica mostrou uma distribuição marcante de SDC-2 e SDC-4 no componentes epitelial, conjuntivo, vascular, nervoso e inflamatório, incluindo os compartimentos celulares e matriciais de toda a casuística. Nossos resultados revelam expressão aumentada de mRNA de SDC-2, SDC-4 e betaglicam no crescimento gengival induzido pela ciclosporina-A, porém não se observaram diferenças na quantidade de glicosaminoglicanos sulfatados em relação ao tecido gengival não exposto ao fármaco. / Cyclosporin-induced gingival overgrowth (CIGO) comprises a variety of signaling pathways including growth factors and proteoglycans that remains not fully understood. We investigated the gene expression of the cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans syndecan-2 (SDC-2), -4 (SDC-4) and betaglycan in CIGO. Total and relative amounts of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and the distribution of SDC-2 and SDC-4 in the gingival tissue were also analyzed. Methods: mRNA expression of the proteoglycans SDC-2, -4 and betaglycan was analyzed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in gingival samples obtained from 9 individuals with CIGO and 6 with a normal gingiva (control group). GAGs were extracted and purified from gingival tissues and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and spectrophotometry. An immunohistochemical evaluation using panels of antibodies for SDC-2 and -4 was performed for localization in the tissues. Groups were compared by the Student's t test. Results: All proteoglycans expressions revealed increase in the CIGO group (165% for SDC-2, 308% for SDC-4 and 42% for betaglycan) compared to the control group (P < 0.0001). No significant differences were observed for the total and relative amounts of GAGs. Immunohistochemistry showed a marked distribution of SDC-2 and SDC-4 in gingival epithelial, connective, vascular, neural and inflammatory components comprising cellular and matrix environments in both groups. Our results reveal increased mRNA expression of SDC-2, SDC-4 and betaglycan in CIGO, but no significant differences in the sulfated glycosaminoglycans component in situ.


Arjuna Kumarasuriyar Unknown Date (has links)
Alternative bone repair strategies are frequently sought after in orthopaedic surgery to address the growing need for improved morbidity and healing rates. This thesis sought to initiate and validate such an alternative, harnessing the flexible nature of a biomaterial substrate and the unique potential of glycosaminoglycan sugars. A novel, biodegradable biomaterial polymer, PHBV, has previously been identified to have the potential to mimic the characteristics of bone necessary for tissue repair and in this study, it was hypothesized that PHBV would be able to support bone formation. When tested in vitro, PHBV was found to support osteoblast cell attachment, proliferation and differentiation, despite its rougher, more hydrophobic surface characteristics compared to tissue culture plastic (TCP). However, unlike the progression of cells on TCP, PHBV caused a developmental delay at each stage of osteogenesis, suggesting a sub-optimal cell-substrate interaction. The expression profiles of genes involved in the maintenance of the extracellular matrix were monitored to investigate this phenomenon further. The results suggested that cells cultured on PHBV appeared to preference 7 against a collagen-based ECM and, instead, trigger an increase in the expression of other factors, such as osteopontin, presumably to modify the biomaterial microenvironment to optimise continued growth and differentiation. This finding led to the next hypothesis that functionalisation of PHBV with suitable compounds could optimise and enhance the osteogenic development at the implant site by facilitating the desired and appropriate cell-substrate interactions. Non-protein factors are often preferred for functionalisation to material scaffolds over proteins, as they are relatively robust and can survive many of the processes used in the manufacture of biomaterials. Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) sugars were appropriate candidates for this purpose, as they are not only abundantly expressed in bone, but more importantly, they are capable of binding and facilitating the activity of growth factors. Furthermore, they are resistant to several environmental influences including changes in pH, heat and desiccation. To identify a GAG that could be integrated with PHBV or any other biomaterial substrate, GAGs were extracted from phenotypically-distinct stages of MG-63 osteosarcoma cells. These GAGs were identified to display gross structural differences, as well as differences in the enzymes synthesising them, between immature and mature osteoblastic cells, with the increased production of a larger GAG species observed as the cells differentiated. Unexpectedly, however, when these GAGs were subsequently dosed back into the media of growing MG-63 cells, their bioactivity did not match the stage at which they had been harvested: all GAG species were able to influence cell survival and growth to varying degrees but were not capable of affecting cell differentiation. However, if these same GAGs were exposed to cells by first being attached to the growth substrate, they induced varying degrees of aggregation in human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs), with more mature GAGs producing the most profound effects. Interestingly, a similar phenomenon was not observed when MG-63 cells where cultured in a similar manner. A direct correlation between the GAGs expressed by osteoblasts and the specific cellular processes they functionally influence has yet to be identified. While the experiments presented here demonstrate an effect of GAGs in osteoblastic cell survival, a role for GAGs in the progression of bone formation was not revealed. Loss-of-function studies were therefore necessary to determine the role of GAGs in bone, but this was hampered by the limited availability of procedures that allow the alteration of GAGs and the subsequent detection of these effects. Therefore, a tool to screen the efficacy of a loss of GAG function was developed. TAT-EGFP, a purpose-designed fluorescent GAG-binding peptide, was able to confirm that treatment with sodium chlorate was an effective 8 strategy to hinder GAG expression in MG-63 cells with minimal cytotoxicity to the cells. Following more extensive studies with chlorate treatment, it was found that a recoverable disruption to both proliferation and mineralisation could be induced in MG-63 cells. This suggested a role for GAGs in osteogenesis. A series of experiments then carried out following gene expression microarray analysis indicated that GAG de-sulfation by chlorate gives rise to an S-phase block in the cell cycle and a disruption to the actin cytoskeleton, which appeared to be associated with a change in the activity of cell-surface proteoglycans, most likely syndecan 4. It was also found that cells up-regulated plasma membrane ALP activity and cholesterol synthesis, presumably in an attempt to recover from a chlorate-induced loss in GAG function. Cholesterol is known to be important in establishing connections between membrane elements and the actin cytoskeleton, and its up-regulation here may reflect dysfunctions in these units and a dysfunction in syndecan 4 activity. With further confirmation, this would suggest that syndecan 4 plays a pivotal role in maintaining osteogenesis, in at least MG-63 cells, and that sulfated GAGs function principally to facilitate this role. The effective use of GAGs in bone repair strategies will require further understanding of GAG/syndecan 4/osteogenesis relationship.

Análise imunohistoquímica dos proteoglicanossindecan, decorin e biglican na próstata normal e hiperplásica / Immunohistochemical analysis of the proteoglycans sindecan-1, decorin and biglican in the normal and hyperplastic prostate

Bruno Leonardo Marroig de Freitas Ribeiro 30 June 2011 (has links)
Os mecanismos celulares envolvidos na hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) não são bem compreendidos e pouco se sabe sobre como os proteoglicanos estão relacionados com esta condição. Neste estudo foi avaliada a expressão de proteoglicanos de superfície celular e do estroma na HPB. As amostras de próstata com HPB foram colhidas de pacientes submetidos à prostatectomia aberta e ressecção transuretral da próstata (RTUP), enquanto as amostras do grupo controle consistiram na zona de transição de próstatas normais de adultos jovens. Foram usados anticorpos primários anti-sindecan-1, anti-biglican e anti-decorin. A imunomarcação foi avaliada determinando-se a área relativa marcada pelo anticorpo, ou usando-se um escore atribuído à intensidade da coloração. Os resultados mostraram que, no grupo controle, a expressão do sindecan-1 foi mínima ou nula. Na HPB, no entanto, a imunomarcação deste proteoglicano foi intensa e localizada principalmente nas células basais do ácino prostático e com menor intensidade na superfície basolateral das células secretoras. Como não houve diferença entre as amostras obtidas através da prostatectomia aberta e da RTUP, esses grupos foram combinados em um único grupo HPB. A área marcada pelo anticorpo anti-sindecan-1 no epitélio das amostras de HPB foi nove vezes maior do que na próstata normal (p<0,001), e não houve correlações significativas entre a marcação do sindecan-1naHPB e o volume da próstata, o PSA ou a idade do paciente. Quanto ao biglican e ao decorin, a marcação foi exclusivamente no estroma, tanto no grupo controle quanto no grupo HPB, e não houve diferença significativa na extensão e intensidade da coloração entre estes dois grupos. Em conclusão, a imunomarcação do sindecan-1 na HPB é intensa e está localizada no epitélio glandular exclusivamente, mas a intensidade não se correlaciona com o tamanho da próstata ou PSA. A expressão do decorin e do biglican, no entanto, não foi alterada na HPB. / The cellular mechanisms involved in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are not well understood, and little is known about how proteoglycans are affected. Here we investigated the protein expression of stromal and cell surface proteoglycans in BPH. BPH samples were colected from open prostatectomy and transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), while controls consisted of the transitional zone of normal prostates from young adults. We used primary antibodies against the proteoglycans syndecan-1, biglycan, and decorin. Immunolabeling was evaluated by determining the relative area of staining, or by using a score for staining intensity. The results showed that, in controls, syndecan-1 was mostly negative. In BPH, however, the labeling of this proteoglycan was intense and located mainly in acinar basal cells, but could extended into the secretory cells. As there were no differences in samples from open prostatectomy and TURP, these groups were combined into a BPH group. Syndecan-1 labeling area in the epithelium of BPH samples was nine times greater than that of controls (p<0,001), and there were no significant correlations between syndecan-1 labeling in BPH and prostate volume, PSA, or patients age. Biglycan and decorin labeling were in the stroma exclusively, in control and BPH samples, and there were no significant differences in extent and intensity of the staining between these two groups. In conclusion, syndecan-1 immunolabeling in BPH is prominent and is located in the glandular epithelium exclusively, but intensity does not correlate with prostate size or PSA. Decorin and biglycan labeling, however, were unchanged in BPH.

Análise imunohistoquímica dos proteoglicanossindecan, decorin e biglican na próstata normal e hiperplásica / Immunohistochemical analysis of the proteoglycans sindecan-1, decorin and biglican in the normal and hyperplastic prostate

Bruno Leonardo Marroig de Freitas Ribeiro 30 June 2011 (has links)
Os mecanismos celulares envolvidos na hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) não são bem compreendidos e pouco se sabe sobre como os proteoglicanos estão relacionados com esta condição. Neste estudo foi avaliada a expressão de proteoglicanos de superfície celular e do estroma na HPB. As amostras de próstata com HPB foram colhidas de pacientes submetidos à prostatectomia aberta e ressecção transuretral da próstata (RTUP), enquanto as amostras do grupo controle consistiram na zona de transição de próstatas normais de adultos jovens. Foram usados anticorpos primários anti-sindecan-1, anti-biglican e anti-decorin. A imunomarcação foi avaliada determinando-se a área relativa marcada pelo anticorpo, ou usando-se um escore atribuído à intensidade da coloração. Os resultados mostraram que, no grupo controle, a expressão do sindecan-1 foi mínima ou nula. Na HPB, no entanto, a imunomarcação deste proteoglicano foi intensa e localizada principalmente nas células basais do ácino prostático e com menor intensidade na superfície basolateral das células secretoras. Como não houve diferença entre as amostras obtidas através da prostatectomia aberta e da RTUP, esses grupos foram combinados em um único grupo HPB. A área marcada pelo anticorpo anti-sindecan-1 no epitélio das amostras de HPB foi nove vezes maior do que na próstata normal (p<0,001), e não houve correlações significativas entre a marcação do sindecan-1naHPB e o volume da próstata, o PSA ou a idade do paciente. Quanto ao biglican e ao decorin, a marcação foi exclusivamente no estroma, tanto no grupo controle quanto no grupo HPB, e não houve diferença significativa na extensão e intensidade da coloração entre estes dois grupos. Em conclusão, a imunomarcação do sindecan-1 na HPB é intensa e está localizada no epitélio glandular exclusivamente, mas a intensidade não se correlaciona com o tamanho da próstata ou PSA. A expressão do decorin e do biglican, no entanto, não foi alterada na HPB. / The cellular mechanisms involved in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are not well understood, and little is known about how proteoglycans are affected. Here we investigated the protein expression of stromal and cell surface proteoglycans in BPH. BPH samples were colected from open prostatectomy and transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), while controls consisted of the transitional zone of normal prostates from young adults. We used primary antibodies against the proteoglycans syndecan-1, biglycan, and decorin. Immunolabeling was evaluated by determining the relative area of staining, or by using a score for staining intensity. The results showed that, in controls, syndecan-1 was mostly negative. In BPH, however, the labeling of this proteoglycan was intense and located mainly in acinar basal cells, but could extended into the secretory cells. As there were no differences in samples from open prostatectomy and TURP, these groups were combined into a BPH group. Syndecan-1 labeling area in the epithelium of BPH samples was nine times greater than that of controls (p<0,001), and there were no significant correlations between syndecan-1 labeling in BPH and prostate volume, PSA, or patients age. Biglycan and decorin labeling were in the stroma exclusively, in control and BPH samples, and there were no significant differences in extent and intensity of the staining between these two groups. In conclusion, syndecan-1 immunolabeling in BPH is prominent and is located in the glandular epithelium exclusively, but intensity does not correlate with prostate size or PSA. Decorin and biglycan labeling, however, were unchanged in BPH.

Peptídeo AG73, derivado da laminina-111, induz migração, invasão e secreção de proteases em linhagem celular derivada de carcinoma epidermóide oral através de sindecana-1 e integrina b1 / Laminin-111-derived peptide AG73 regulates migration, invasion and protease activity of cell line derived from oral squamous cell carcinoma through syndecan-1 and b1 integrin.

Siqueira, Adriane Sousa de 24 September 2009 (has links)
Carcinona epidermóide é um prevalente tumor de cabeça e pescoço relacionado a altas taxas de mortalidade. Neste trabalho, verificamos se AG73 (RKRLQVQLSIRT, cadeia a1), peptídeo derivado da laminina-111, regula migração, invasão e secreção de protease em células de carcinoma epidermóide oral (OSCC). Cadeia a1 da laminina e MMP9 estão expressas neste tumor in vivo e in vitro. AG73 induziu aumento da taxa migratória de células OSCC em ensaios de ferida e migração, e também estimulou invasão em ensaio em câmaras bipartites com Matrigel. Células OSCC crescidas sobre AG73 exibiram aumento dose-dependente de MMP9, detectado por zimografia. Buscamos receptores de AG73 que regulariam atividade nesta linhagem. Células OSCC crescidas sobre AG73 exibiram colocalização de sindecana-1 e integrina b1, e silenciamento desses receptores com RNA de interferência promoveu diminuição de migração e invasão dependente de AG73 nestas células. Esses resultados sugerem que sindecana-1 e integrina b1, ativados por AG73, podem regular migração, invasão e secreção de MMPs em células OSCC. / Oral squamous cell carcinoma is a prevalent head and neck tumor, related to high mortality rates. Here we studied the role played by AG73 (RKRLQVQLSIRT, a1 chain) on migration, invasion and protease secretion of a cell line (OSCC) from human oral squamous cell carcinoma. Laminin a1 chain and MMP9 are expressed in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells in vivo and in vitro. AG73 increased migratory activity of OSCC cells, as shown by monolayer wound assays and migration assays. This peptide also stimulated cell invasion in chemotaxis chambers coated with Matrigel. OSCC cells cultured on AG73 showed a dose-dependent increase of MMP9 secretion, detected by zymography. We searched for AG73 receptors regulating activities in this cell line. OSCC cells grown on AG73 exhibited colocalization of syndecan-1 and b1 integrin, and siRNA knockdown of these receptors decreased AG73-dependent migration and invasion of OSCC cells. Our results suggest that syndecan-1 and b1 integrin signaling downstream of AG73 regulate migration, invasion and MMP secretion by OSCC cells

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