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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv daňové judikatury na průběh daňové kontroly v ČR / The impact of tax judicature on the process of tax audit in Czech Republic

Řezníčková, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the impact of courts tax practice on the procedure of tax audit in Czech Republic. The main purpose of the thesis was to evaluate the impact of tax judicature on the process of tax audit including the successive acts. Furthermore, the thesis should evaluate the view on tax administration of tax audit procedure reflecting the changes in judicature. The interpretation given by the judicature should be helping by illustration of the tax audit particular phases. Moreover, it should guarantee adequate level of peace to the tax subjects and tax administrators as well during this procedure. In the second part of the thesis, the particular phases of tax audit procedure were evaluated from the perspective of the tax code. This will be effective after January 1st 2011. In the course of the analysis it was shown the currently effective tax code is no more sufficient code of tax administration. It includes lots of deficits affecting the tax audit procedure. The courts tax practice covered these shortages greatly indeed. It also helped for better understanding of the current tax code tax audit paragraphs. Anyway, from the point of view of the controversy between two Czech main courts - the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Administrative Court - the absolute peace during the tax audit procedure is not achievable. From all these facts, as well as from the difficultness of following all the actual judicature concerned, I concluded, the function of the new tax code is unavoidable.

Boj daňové správy proti daňovým únikům – přehled transakcí se spojenými osobami / Tackling Tax Evasion: Overview of Transactions with Related Parties

Hospodka, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is transfer pricing, its significance in international trade and the on-going effort to create appropriate tax rules by both international organisations and the Financial Administration of the Czech Republic. My thesis has a particular focus on a new disclosure to a company's income tax return, that is, the Overview of Transactions with Related Parties. The theoretical part of this thesis addresses the function and significance of transfer pricing in international trade as well as the current development in international and domestic transfer pricing rules. The practical part focuses on an analysis of how the connections between the Overview of Transactions with Related Parties and the financial statements of entities help the Financial Administration to derive significant ratios and conduct systematic data collection to analyse transactions with related parties and detect which entities to audit.

Les garanties du contribuable dans le cadre du contrôle fiscal en droit marocain / The taxpayer guarantees during the tax audit under Moroccan law

Haloui, Khalil 02 December 2011 (has links)
La thèse a pour objet d'examiner la question cruciale des garanties légales du contribuable face aux prérogatives importantes de contrôle fiscal dévolues à l'administration à la suite de la mise en place du nouveau régime d'imposition déclaratif au Maroc. Elle se propose alors de rendre compte de l'état du droit positif sur cette problématique et de répondre à la question de savoir dans quelle mesure les nouvelles procédures de contrôle fiscal instituées permettent-elles de protéger les droits du contribuable vérifié. / The thesis aims at examining, following the introduction of new tax declaration regime in Morocco, the paramount issue in respect the taxpayer legal safeguards against the tax authorities prerogatives during tax audit . This work intends to report on the applicable law on this issue and to answer the question on how the newly established tax audit procedures may protect the audited taxpayer's rights

Совершенствование экологического налогообложения хозяйствующих субъектов на примере ООО «РУСДДМСЕРВИС» : магистерская диссертация / Improving the environmental taxation of business entities on the example of LLC "RUSDDMSERVICE"

Кравченко, С. С., Kravchenko, S. S. January 2019 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена разработке методов экологического налогообложения хозяйствующих субъектов на примере предприятия ООО «РусДДМСервис». Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения и списка использованных источников. В первой главе рассмотрены теоретические аспекты экологического налогообложения. Во второй главе проведён анализ и оценка воздействия на окружающую среду ООО «РусДДМСервис». Третья глава посвящена разработке рекомендаций по совершенствованию экологического налогообложения на примере предприятия ООО «РусДДМСервис». / The master's thesis is devoted to the development of environmental taxation methods for business entities using the example of the enterprise RusDDMServis LLC. Final qualification work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and list of sources used. The first chapter discusses the theoretical aspects of environmental taxation. The second chapter analyzes and assesses the environmental impact of RusDDMServis LLC. The third chapter is devoted to the development of recommendations for improving environmental taxation using the example of the enterprise RusDDMServis LLC.

Implementace E-Auditu do problematiky kontroly daně z příjmů právnických osob / The Role of E-Audit Software in A Tax Search on Corporation Tax

SEDLÁČKOVÁ, Vendula January 2010 (has links)
The graduation thesis is focused above analysis of Legal Entity Income Tax and include new trends aplicated in the Czech Tax Administration. First there is described tax audit general procedure, including operations that are necesarry to do before of initiation of tax audit. Next there is carried out of tax audit till its finishing. After I try to meet readers with implementation of new audit instruments used in tax audit. In the practical part of my thesis there are the most frequent tax frauds and mistakes, from those I aimed for analysis for the problem of the rectyfiing items to claims of course all this operations are carried out with e-audit instruments, especially with analytic software IDEA.

El incremento patrimonial no justificado y su impacto en la fiscalización tributaria a los ingenieros civiles de Lima Metropolitana, año 2020 / The Unjustified Capital Increase and its Impact on the Tax Inspection of the Civil Engineers of Metropolitan Lima, year 2020

Galvan Villegas, Kory América, Pozo Alarcon, Almendra Berenize 20 December 2021 (has links)
El incremento patrimonial justificado ocurre cuando el valor del patrimonio de un contribuyente aumenta, sin que este pueda acreditar fehacientemente su causa o la fuente que lo originó, el presente trabajo de investigación tiene como principal objetivo determinar el impacto del incremento patrimonial no justificado en la fiscalización tributaria a los ingenieros civiles de Lima Metropolitana, año 2020. Para ello, se realizó una investigación de metodología mixta (exploratoria y descriptiva) no experimental de corte transversal con un enfoque mixto. Dentro de esta, se detalla los siguientes puntos, el marco teórico en el cual se expone los principales antecedentes de la investigación, así como las consideraciones del tema en cuestión y el plan de investigación, en donde se identifica el problema principal y específicos, objetivos e hipótesis. En los capítulos consecutivos, se explica la metodología de la investigación y diseño de la presente investigación; asimismo, se determina los instrumentos de recolección de datos a utilizar, así como el tamaño de la población y el cálculo de la muestra, el desarrollo de la investigación y la aplicación de los instrumentos mediante las entrevistas a profundidad y las encuestas realizadas mediante un cuestionario y el caso práctico, por ende, se presenta los resultados obtenidos de la ejecución de los instrumentos de recolección de datos, además de la medición de la fiabilidad con el indicador del alfa de conbrach. Finalmente, se detallan las conclusiones y recomendaciones obtenidas tras la realización de la investigación. / The justified equity increase occurs when the value of a taxpayer's equity increases, without being able to reliably prove its cause or the source that originated it, the main objective of this research work is to determine the impact of the unjustified equity increase in the audit. tax to the civil engineers of Metropolitan Lima, year 2020. For this, a non-experimental cross-sectional mixed methodology (exploratory and descriptive) investigation was carried out with a mixed approach. Within this, the following points are detailed, the theoretical framework in which the main background of the research is exposed, as well as the considerations of the subject in question and the research plan, where the main problem and specific objectives are identified. and hypotheses. In the consecutive chapters, the research methodology and design of this research is explained; Likewise, the data collection instruments to be used are determined, as well as the size of the population and the calculation of the sample, the development of the research and the application of the instruments through in-depth interviews and surveys carried out using a questionnaire. and the practical case, therefore, presents the results obtained from the execution of the data collection instruments, in addition to the reliability measurement with the conbrach alpha indicator. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations obtained after conducting the research are detailed. / Tesis

Le droit fiscal à l'épreuve de la mondialisation : la règlementation des prix de transfert au Sénégal / Tax law and the test of globalization : regulating transfer pricing in Sénégal

Ba, El Hadji Dialigue 07 July 2011 (has links)
Symbole de la souveraineté de l’État, le droit fiscal est fortement éprouvé par la mondialisation.Les prix de transfert en sont un témoignage éloquent. Les règles en matière de détermination desprix de transfert ne garantissent pas un résultat exact. Le principe de pleine concurrence estd’application délicate. Les comparables qui en assurent la bonne application ne sont pas toujoursdisponibles. Dès lors, la justification des prix de transfert est souvent difficile et parfoisimpossible. À ce titre, la réglementation sénégalaise doit être mise à jour, notamment dans le sensde prévoir les méthodes nouvelles de détermination des prix de transfert et des obligationsdocumentaires spécifiques.Du fait du caractère limité du contrôle unilatéral des prix de transfert, les États développent deplus en plus la coopération internationale. Mais, pour utile qu’elle soit, la coopération fiscaledemeure elle aussi limitée. C’est pourquoi, le Sénégal doit s’inspirer de l’expérience des pays del’OCDE pour instituer une politique d’accords préalables en matière de prix de transfert. De lamême manière, il est nécessaire d’instituer, à titre transitoire, un régime de protection fiscale. Cesmécanismes de contractualisation et de facilitation fiscales sont très efficaces, mais demeurentégalement limités.Le meilleur moyen de contrôler les prix de transfert qui sont un phénomène transnational estd’adopter une stratégie au niveau supranational. La communauté des États ne saurait fairel’économie de la création d’un ordre fiscal mondial. Ce nouvel ordre devra reposer sur une lexfiscalia et une aequitas fiscalia vectrices d’un droit commun fiscal mondialisé élaboré et mis enoeuvre à travers une véritable gouvernance fiscale mondiale qui ne doit pas laisser en rade lespays en développement, sous la supervision d'un observatoire mondial des prix de transfert et lecontrôle d’un tribunal fiscal international. / As a symbol of State sovereignty, tax law is strongly afflicted by globalization and transferpricing are an eloquent testimony. The rules for determining transfer pricing do not guarantee anexact result. The arm’s length principle is difficult to apply and the comparables that ensure theproper implementation are not always available. Therefore, the justification for transfer pricing isoften difficult and sometimes impossible. Senegalese law must be updated, particularly in thesense of providing new methods of determining transfer pricing and specific documentationrequirements.Because of the limited nature of unilateral control, States are increasingly developinginternational cooperation. But, however useful it may be, tax cooperation remains limited.Therefore, Senegal must learn from the experience of OECD countries to institute a policy ofadvanced pricing agreements (APA). Similarly, it is necessary to establish, provisionally, asystem of tax protection. These contracting mechanisms and tax incentives are very effective, butremain also limited.The best way to control transfer pricing, which is a transnational phenomenon, is to adopt asupranational strategy. The community of States cannot do without creating a worldwide taxorder. This new order is based on both a lex fiscalia and an aequitas fiscalia as vectors of a globaltax law that is developed and implemented through truly global tax governance under thecontrol of an International Tax Tribunal, which should not leave stranded developing countries.

La sécurité juridique en droit fiscal : étude comparée France-Côte d’Ivoire / Legal certainty in tax law : comparative study between France and Côte d'Ivoire

Okou, Urbain 29 November 2014 (has links)
La France et la Côte d’Ivoire sont deux États qui présentent des similitudes dues principalement à leur passé colonial commun ; mais il s’agit également de deux États qui présentent de nombreuses différences tenant notamment à leur niveau de développement. Si les règles de droit fiscal substantiel au sein de chacun de ces deux États permettent d’étudier les exigences de sécurité juridique et les moyens par lesquels elles sont prises en compte, c’est en réalité la pratique processuelle qui révèle de manière plus substantielle l’effectivité de cette prise en compte. Au demeurant, la problématique de la sécurité juridique n’est bien souvent réduite qu’aux seules exigences d’accessibilité, de stabilité ou de prévisibilité de la norme. Ce qui témoigne au fond d’une approche partielle de l’exigence de sécurité juridique tendant à en limiter l’étude à la qualité formelle et à l’évolution temporelle des actes juridiques. La prise en compte d’une pluralité de systèmes juridiques différents révèle cependant que la notion de sécurité juridique ne ramène pas nécessairement à un contenu univoque. En effet, l’insécurité juridique ne s’exprimant pas toujours en des termes identiques d’un cadre juridique à un autre, la sécurité juridique pourrait se révéler polysémique, voire antinomique, d’un système juridique et fiscal à un autre. Ainsi donc, au-delà de la norme, la sécurité juridique s’applique également au cadre et au système juridique ainsi qu’à la pratique juridique et juridictionnelle. La sécurité juridique apparaît donc, en droit fiscal, comme l’expression de la fiabilité d’un cadre et d’un système juridiques et fiscaux, à travers des normes de qualité offrant une garantie d’accessibilité et d’intelligibilité ainsi que des moyens pour le contribuable de bâtir des prévisions ou donner satisfaction à celles légitimement bâties. En outre, au-delà du cadre imposé par la présente thèse, il convient d’aborder la problématique de la sécurité juridique dans une approche moins restrictive, afin de ne point en occulter les aspects historiques, philosophiques, sociologiques et juridiques essentiels à une étude d’ensemble de la question. / France and Côte d'Ivoire are two countries with similarities mainly due to their common colonial past; but they are also two countries with many differences especially due to their level of development. While the rules of substantive tax law within each of these two countries make it possible to study the requirements of legal certainty and the means whereby they are taken into account, it is actually the procedural practice that reveals more substantively the effectiveness of this consideration. It should also be noted that the issue of legal certainty is often reduced to the only requirements of accessibility, stability or predictability of the standard. This actually reflects a partial approach to the requirements of legal certainty that tends to limit its study to the formal quality and the temporal evolution of legal acts. Taking into account a plurality of different legal systems, however, reveals that the concept of legal certainty does not necessarily lead to an unequivocal content. Indeed, since legal certainty is not always expressed in identical terms from one legal framework to another, legal certainty could prove to be polysemic, or even antinomic, from one legal and fiscal system to another. Thus, beyond the norm, legal certainty also applies to the legal framework and system as well as to the legal and judicial practice. Legal certainty thus, appears in tax law, as an expression of the reliability of a legal and fiscal framework and system, through quality standards, offering a guarantee of accessibility and intelligibility, as well as means for the taxpayer to build predictions or satisfy those legitimately built. Moreover, beyond the framework imposed by the present dissertation, it is important to deal with the problem of legal certainty in a less restrictive way, so as not to obscure the historical, philosophical, sociological and legal aspects essential to a holistic study of the issue.

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