Spelling suggestions: "subject:"territory."" "subject:"lerritory.""
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Dos subespaços ao território descontínuo paradoxal: os moradores de rua e suas relações com o espaço urbano em Porto Alegre/RS - BrasilPalombini, Leonardo Lahm January 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação visa apresentar a pesquisa desenvolvida no curso de Mestrado em Geografia na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul junto a moradores de rua da cidade de Porto Alegre/RS. Os moradores de rua, por viverem no espaço urbano, sem um domicílio ou refúgio próprio, são pessoas que têm um perspectiva totalmente diferente do espaço do que as pessoas domiciliadas. Mesmo a Geografia, habituada à questão do território enquanto categoria central, tem dificuldade de acessar essa percepção. São eles os habitantes urbanos que tem uma relação mais frágil com o espaço. Porém, mesmo sem ter nenhuma espécie de posse sobre o terreno, os moradores de rua estabelecem certas relações com espaço, uma vez que têm preferências por habitar e circular em certas partes específicas da cidade. Apesar disso, esses espaços não lhes são de livre escolha, mas sim submetidos à rede de controle espacial do Poder Público e dos hábitos sociais, que relegam certos espaços à marginalidade, onde os moradores de rua são permitidos a ocupar. Ainda assim, essas ocupações são efêmeras, pois são eles constantemente expulsos, mantendo um constante trânsito no espaço urbano em busca de locais para sua ocupação. Estarão eles, assim, estabelecendo alguma espécie de território? Esse é o principal problema que trazemos à reflexão nesse trabalho. Ainda, perguntamos: de que forma eles se enxergam no espaço urbano, como definem seus locais de estadia, de que maneira se relacionam com seu entorno? Para buscar essas respostas foi desenvolvido trabalho semanal junto ao Jornal Boca de Rua - jornal exclusivamente escrito por moradores de rua de Porto Alegre - em uma pesquisa participante, com acompanhamentos e observações, além da participação em diversos eventos relativos ao tema e aplicação de entrevistas e questionário aos indivíduos em situação de rua. Estabeleceremos algumas relações e conceitos acerca da espacialização/territorialização dos moradores de rua na cidade, analisando os limites simbólicos constituídos entre o eu e o outro, através das suas relações simbólicas de poder, cultural e socialmente construídas com base nos valores hegemônicos da sociedade. Se os moradores de rua, nesse meio, conseguem ou não estabelecer uma espécie de território na cidade ao se dispor agrupadamente no espaço urbano, de maneira ordenada e deliberada, mesmo que transitória e efêmera, é o que responderemos ao final dessa pesquisa. Procedemos nessa investigação através da análise da transição entre o que chamamos de subespaços - espaços marginalizados e subutilizados na cidade - ao território paradoxal - aquele formado pela imposição social da marginalidade ante os valores hegemônicos, que se dá como contradição a eles, mas também por eles condicionado, numa relação de variação entre centro e margem, insiders e outsider, de acordo com sua temporalidade/espacialidade. / This dissertation presents the research developed in the course of Masters in Geography at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul with the homeless people of Porto Alegre city - RS/Brazil. The homeless, because they live in the urban space, without a home or shelter of their own, are people who have a totally different perspective of the space than domiciled people have. Even Geography, accustomed to the question of the territory as a central category, have difficulty to access such perception.. They are the urban inhabitants who have a weaker relationship with the space. But even without having any kind of ownership over the terrain, the homeless establish certain relations with space, since they have preferences for living and circulating in specific parts of the city. Nevertheless, these spaces are not of their free choice, but underwent spatial control of the government and social habits that relegate certain spaces where the homeless are allowed to occupy. Still, these occupations are ephemeral, because they are constantly evicted, maintaining a constant-traffic in urban areas in search of locations for their occupation. Are they thus establishing some kind of territory this way? This is the main problem that we bring to reflection in this work. Still, we ask: how do they see themselves in the urban space, how do they define their places to stay, how do they relate to their surroundings? To get these answers a weekly work was developed at the Boca de Rua newspaper- a newspaper exclusively written by homeless people of Porto Alegre - in a participant research, with follow ups and observations, as well as participation on different events related to the theme and application of questionnaire and interviews with the people in homeless situation. We will establish some relation and concepts about the process of spatialization / territorialization of the homeless in the city, analysing the invisible limits composed between self and other by symbolic relations of power, cultural and socially constructed and based in hegemonic values of the society. If the homeless people, in this enviroment, can form or not a kind of territory in the city when putting themselves together into the urban space by an orderly and deliberate way, even if transient and ephemeral, that is what we will respond at the end of this research. We did this investigation through analysis of the transition of that we call subspaces - marginalized and subutilized spaces on the city - to the paradoxical territory - that formed by the social imposition of marginalization in front of hegemonic values, and also as a contradiction to them, but also by it conditioned, in a relation of variation between the center and margin, insiders and outsiders, according to its temporality / spaciality. / Esta disertación tiene como objetivo presentar las investigaciones desarrolladas en el curso de Maestría en Geografía de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul con los moradores en situación de calle en la ciudad de Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil. Los moradores en situación de calle, porque viven en áreas urbanas, sin un hogar o abrigo propio, son personas que tienen una perspectiva del espacio totalmente diferente de las personas con hogar. Mismo la Geografia, acostumbrada a la cuestión del territorio como una categoría central, tiene dificultades de acceder a la dicha percepción. Son ellos los habitantes de las ciudades que tienen una relación más vulnerable con el espacio. Pero incluso sin tener ningún tipo de propiedad sobre la tierra, los sin techo establecen cierta relación con el espacio, ya que tienen preferencias para vivir y circular en determinadas partes de la ciudad. Sin embargo, estos espacios no son de su libre elección, pero son sometidos a la red de control espacial del gobierno y a los hábitos sociales que relegan a ciertos espacios a la marginalidad, donde se permite a las personas sin hogar para ocupar. Aún así, estas ocupaciones son efímeras porque son expulsados constantemente, manteniendo un tráfico constante en las zonas urbanas en busca de localizaciones para su ocupación. ¿Están estableciendo de este modo una especie de territorio? Este es el principal problema que traemos a la reflexión en este trabajo. Aún preguntamos: ¿cómo se ven a sí mismos en el espacio urbano, cómo definen sus lugares de estancia, cómo se relacionan con su entorno? Para obtener estas respuestas se desarrolló un trabajo semanal con el Periódico Boca de Rua - diario escrito exclusivamente por las personas sin hogar de Porto Alegre - en una investigación participativa con acompañamientos y observaciones, así como la participación en diversos eventos relacionados con el tema y la aplicación de entrevistas y cuestionario a las personas en la calle. Vamos a tratar de establecer algunas relaciones y conceptos acerca de la espacialización / territorialización de los moradores en situación de calle en la ciudad, el análisis de los límites simbólicos formados entre yo y el otro, a través de sus relaciones de poder simbólico, cultural y socialmente construidas sobre la base de los valores hegemónicos de la sociedad. Si las personas sin hogar, en ese ambiente, lo pueden o no establecer una especie de territorio en la ciudad a ser agrupadamente dispuestos en el espacio urbano, de una manera ordenada y deliberada, aunque transitoria y efímera, es lo que vamos a responder al final de esta investigación. Haremos esta búsqueda a través del análisis de la transición entre lo que llamamos subespacios - espacios marginados y subutilizados de la ciudad - al territorio paradójico - formado por la imposición social de la marginalidad en contra de los valores hegemónicos, que se da como una contradicción a ellos, sino también por ello condicionado, en una relación de variación entre el centro y el margen, los de adentro y los de afuera, de acuerdo con su temporalidad / espacialidad.
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O processo de transformação do território no noroeste do Paraná e a construção das novas territorialidades camponesas / The transformation process of territory in the Northeast of Parana State and the construction of new peasants` territorialitiesAdélia Aparecida de Souza Haracenko 18 September 2007 (has links)
O objetivo do nosso esforço analítico neste trabalho de pesquisa incide na compreensão do processo de transformação de uma fração do território, iniciando pela análise do território original indígena até chegar ao desvendamento das novas territorialidades camponesas resultantes as da atuação do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra - MST. É esta questão que norteia a presente pesquisa, cujo recorte geográfico é o Noroeste do Paraná, uma fração desse Estado que teve um rápido processo de transformação territorial num curto espaço de tempo. Para compreendermos esta metamorfose partimos do pressuposto de que a lógica da construção do território é uma unidade dialética em que simultaneamente ocorrem a construção, a destruição, a manutenção e, evidentemente, a transformação. Nesse contexto, procuramos desvendar tal processo através da identificação de três momentos históricos: o do território original indígena, o do advento da formação da propriedade privada, com o desenvolvimento da colonização, e por fim, o da construção das novas territorialidades camponesas, objeto da tese. Sendo assim, a análise das evidências para compreendermos o processo de transformação do território está desenvolvida da maneira a seguir descrita. Após a introdução, no primeiro capítulo, expomos os caminhos de construção da investigação, identificando o recorte geográfico em que ela ocorre e apresentando a reflexão teóricometodológica e os conceitos que sustentam esta pesquisa. No segundo capítulo, somando-nos às pesquisas dos estudiosos que tratam da questão indígena no Norte do Paraná, procuramos, da mesma maneira contribuir para a desmistificação do discurso hegemônico do \"vazio demográfico\" implantado nesta região no período em que estava sendo colonizada e mostrar que a região estudada, até um passado recente que coincide com o período da colonização, tinha como seus primeiros habitantes a população autóctone, sendo, portanto, território original dos povos indígenas. No terceiro capítulo, procuramos compreender, utilizando entrevistas com fontes orais, o desenvolvimento do processo de colonização que se inicia nos primórdios da década de 1950. Paralelamente à colonização, destacamos, igualmente os acontecimentos que envolvem os conflitos pela posse da terra na região. Por fim, no quarto capítulo o trabalho demonstra que após a fase de ocupação efetuada através da colonização, a partir de meados da década de 1980, ocorre uma nova forma de ocupação do território, desenvolvida pelo MST, a qual vai influenciar diretamente a construção das novas territorialidades camponesas, através das desapropriações dos grandes latifúndios improdutivos e imissão de posse aos camponeses. / The aim of the analytical effort, in this study, focus on the understanding of the transformation process happening in a determined territory fraction. It started with the investigation of the original indian territory up to revealing the new peasants` territorialities, which resulted from the acting of the Landless Workers Movement (LWM), known in Brazil as MST Movement. That issue directs the present study, whose geographical focus is a fraction of the state - Northeast of Paraná, which in a short period of time has undergone a fast transformation process. In order to understand such a metamorphosis, it was presumed that, the logic of territory construction is a dialectic unit, in which the construction, as well as the destruction, maintenance and transformation occur simultaneously. In such a context, the transformation process was submitted to an investigation, by identifying three historical movements: the original indian territory, the advent of forming private properties, happening with the colonization development, and finally, the construction of new peasants` territorialities in fact the main aim of the present study. Thus, further, the development of the evidence analysis is described, in order to promote the comprehension concerning the process of territory transformation. After introducing the theme, the first chapter focus on the ways used to construct the investigation, thus identifying the geographical area in which it occurs, and presenting the theoretical-methodological reflection, as well as the concepts on which the present study is based. In the second chapter, joining our study to other studies dealing with Indian issues focusing the North of Parana State, there was an attempt to contribute to demystify the hegemonic discourse of \'demographic emptiness\' implanted in that region during the colonization period. The aim was to show that till a recent past, which coincides with the colonization period, the region under investigation had the autochthon population as its first inhabitants, therefore, being a territory originally from indian people. In the third chapter, oral interviews used to understand the development of the colonization process, which started in the 50´s are explored. Simultaneously to the colonization, happenings involving conflicts for possessing the land are pointed out. Finally, in the fourth chapter it is demonstrated that, after the occupation phase through the colonization, a new form of territory occupation happened in the 80´s. Such occupation was developed by the movement of landless people, which has been influencing directly the construction of new peasants` territorialities, through the dispossession or expropriation of some large land areas, considered as non- productive latifundiuns, thus resulting in emitting legal documents of property favoring the peasants.
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[pt] Esta tese traz para o debate um estudo sobre a inserção de um território
universitário no espaço que ocupa, através da dimensão extensionista do ensino
superior. Para tanto, buscamos analisar as práticas originadas no Campus da Praia
Vermelha da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), situado na zona sul
da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, para compreender a relação entre a universidade e as
comunidades vicinais deste seu Campus. No desenvolvimento do estudo de cunho
qualitativo, com base na pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, discutimos a
conformação do território universitário considerando as abordagens presentes nos
debates da arquitetura e urbanismo, e alguns aspectos históricos da formação deste
Campus; já do que foi construído, onde o Campus está inserido compreende-se um
desenho urbano-social, dado pelas características e contradições dos bairros que o
circundam, e examinamos as ações de sua Extensão sob a perspectiva dos territórios
e lugares para os quais foram dirigidas tais atividades, procurando elaborar sobre a
relação território-extensão universitária nesta dimensão teórica. O trabalho destaca
as atividades acadêmicas realizadas entre os anos de 1999 e 2009, quando tiveram
início os Congressos de Extensão da UFRJ, cujos Anais foram as principais fontes
documentais da pesquisa. No exame das ações, optamos pela identificação e
organização das áreas temáticas por cada edição dos eventos, cotejando cada texto-resumo constante nos Anais, segundo os objetos e objetivos das ações; formas de
operacionalizar (modalidades); públicos e respectivos territórios; objetivos da
comunicação; relações com o Campus da Praia Vermelha (além da vinculação) e
com as problemáticas a sua volta; e parcerias institucionais, sendo que tais
experiências estão contextualizadas pelas formulações da política de Extensão no
ensino superior e pelos seus desdobramentos na UFRJ. No conjunto dos resultados,
evidenciaram-se problemáticas sociais de várias naturezas que podem ser
constituídas como demandantes das ações, assim como emergiram os desafios da
interdisciplinaridade na formação universitária e da qualidade na manutenção da
Extensão – como parte do tripé da formação superior. Em relação ao problema
central, as atividades não abarcaram, prioritariamente, demandas do território
destacado, pois estiveram voltadas a diversos outros com ênfase aos públicos de
lugares próximos à Cidade Universitária (UFRJ), na Ilha do Fundão, e à Baixada
Fluminense, no Grande Rio. / [en] This thesis brings to the debate a study on the insertion of a university
territory in the space it occupies, through the extensionist dimension of higher
education. We seek to analyze the practices originating at the Praia Vermelha
Campus of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), located in the south
zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro, to understand the relationship between the
university and the neighboring communities of this Campus. In its qualitative
development, based on bibliographic and documentary research we discuss the
formation of the university territory considering the approaches present in
architecture and urbanism debates, and some historical aspects of the formation of
this Campus; the built territory where the Campus is located is understood by an
urban-social design, given by the characteristics and contradictions of the
neighborhoodssurrounding it, and we examine the extension actions of this Campus
from the perspective of the territories and places for whom these activities were
directed, we seek to elaborate on the relationship between territory and university
extension in this theoretical dimension. The work highlights the academic activities
carried out between 1999 and 2009, when the UFRJ Extension Congresses began,
whose Annals were the main documentary sources of the research. When examining
the actions, we chose to identify and organize the thematic areas for each edition of
the events, comparing each summary text contained in the Annals, according to the
objects and objectives of the actions; ways of operationalise (modalities); public
and respective territories; communication objectives; relations with the Praia
Vermelha Campus (in addition to the connection) and the issues surrounding it; and
institutional partnerships, and such experiences are contextualized by the
formulations of the Extension policy in higher education and by its developments
at UFRJ. In the set of results, social problems of various natures were evident, which
can be constituted as demands for actions; just as the challenges of
interdisciplinarity in university training and quality in the maintenance of Extension
emerged, as part of the tripod of higher education. In relation to the central problem,
the activities did not primarily cover demands from the highlighted territory, as they
were focused on several others, with an emphasis on audiences in places close to
Cidade Universitária (UFRJ), on Ilha do Fundão, and Baixada Fluminense, in
Grande Rio.
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Socio-economic factors contributing to exclusion of women from maternal health benefit in Abuja, NigeriaOyewale, Tajudeen Oyewale 18 February 2015 (has links)
The study was conducted to describe how socio-economic characteristics (SEC) of women affect their utilization of maternal healthcare services in Abuja Municipal Areas Council (AMAC) in Abuja Nigeria.
A non-experimental, facility-based cross-sectional survey was done. Data was collected using structured interviewer administered questionnaire in 5 district hospitals in AMAC. Sample size of 384 was calculated a priori based on the assumption that 50% of the target population utilized maternal healthcare services during their last pregnancy. Equal allocation of samples per facility was done. The ANC register was used as the sampling frame and proportionate allocation of samples per clinic days was undertaken in each facility. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, cross tabulations and measures of inequality. Logistic regression analysis was used to test the hypothesized relationship between socioeconomic characteristics (predictors) and maternal healthcare service utilization.
Other than birth order that showed consistent effect, the results of this study indicated that the predictive effect (predisposing and enabling factors) of the SEC of women included in this study (age, education, birth order, location of residence, income group and coverage by health insurance) on maternal healthcare service utilization were not consistent when considered independently (bivariate analysis) as opposed to when considered together through logistic regression. In addition, the study revealed that there was inequality in the utilization of maternal healthcare services (ante-natal care - ANC, delivery care and post natal care - PNC, and contraceptive services) among women with different SEC, and the payment system for maternal healthcare services was regressive.
Addressing these predictors in the natural co-existing state (as indicated by the logistic regression) is essential for equitable access and utilization of healthcare during pregnancy, delivery and the postnatal period, and for contraceptive services in AMAC, Abuja Nigeria. Targeted policy measures and programme actions guided by these findings are recommended to optimise returns on investment towards achieving national and global goals on maternal health in Nigeria / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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Factors influencing the utilisation of PMTCT services in the Federal Capital Territory of NigeriaChukwukaodinaka, Nkwakaego Ernestina 07 September 2015 (has links)
This study investigated the factors influencing the utilisation of PMTCT of HIV services and proposed measures to promote service utilisation by HIV positive pregnant women in the FCT, Abuja, Nigeria. Effective interventions exist that can reduce the transmission of HIV infection to the baby.
The study is a quantitative descriptive one, with 190 HIV positive pregnant women from 20 health Centres in three area councils in Abuja, who were interviewed using structured questionnaire to get their opinion.
The findings revealed that the majority (90.4%) of the respondents were aware of PMTCT and how HIV can be transmitted from mother-to-child. The respondents (95.9%) were of the opinion that all pregnant women should be tested. Notably, PMTCT services will be hindered by the following: permission from spouse before being tested, couple counselling not done, group post test counselling, non-incorporation of family planning and low support group enrolment.
Recommendations made include emphasis on couple counselling, confidentiality and friendly environment / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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Mining memory: contention and social memory in a Oaxacan territorial defense struggleMacias, Anthony William 23 September 2014 (has links)
Faced with the profound social and ecological threats posed by extractivist projects such as large hydroelectric dams, wind farms, and mining operations, many indigenous communities and their allies in Mexico have articulated new forms of contentious politics into a broad territorial defense movement. This project explores the strategies of contention practiced by an anti-mining movement based in the Municipality of San José del Progreso in the southern state of Oaxaca. As a deeply-divided community that has suffered increased violence and conflict directly related to a Canadian-owned gold and silver mine operating in its vicinity, it presents a valuable case study in how strong social movements can still develop under conditions of disunity. This study combines ethnographic and archival research methods to uncover the deep historical roots of community division, and to develop a close analysis of the contentious strategies employed by the anti-mining movement. The historical record and local narratives show the central role that hacienda colonialism played in creating a salient geography of ethnic discrimination and division in the municipality whose effects can still be seen today. In response to the ongoing processes of colonization and dispossession in San José del Progreso, a legacy of contention has defined and defended both campesino (peasant farmer) and indigenous claims to local territory. More than a series of instrumental strategies designed to expel the hacienda and later mine project, this politics of contention operates as a form of social memory to produce a hybrid form of indigenous/campesino identity linked to healthy land stewardship, an interconnectedness between the earth and human subjects, and a shared history of struggle. As a result, the anti-mining movement in San José del Progreso has shown success in converting its troubled past and checkered present into the foundations of a healthy social and ecological commons, independent of its failure to fully-unite the municipality or close down the mine project in the short-run. / text
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Territoire, observation et gouvernance. Outils, méthodes et réalités / Territories, observation and governance. Tools, methods and realitiesSignoret, Philippe 07 December 2011 (has links)
La thèse se présente en trois parties qui reprennent les trois mots clés du titre et mettent en perspective la fonction d’observation territoriale, par une approche de la complexité essentiellement empirique et faisant référence de manière récurrente à la systémique.La première partie s’intéresse à la notion polysémique de territoire. La modélisation du processus de territorialisation permet alors de contourner la difficulté sémantique qui découle des multiples acceptions du terme rencontrées dans la littérature et au cours des entretiens conduits auprès de spécialistes. Le territoire se révèle alors sous la forme d’une représentation, combinant des dimensions matérielles et immatérielles, des représentations individuelles et collectives.La deuxième partie s’appuie sur des réalisations concrètes d’observatoires pour élaborer et mettre en oeuvre une approche comparée, entre une trentaine d’observatoires, sous l’angle de leur structuration et de leur fonctionnement. Cette seconde partie du travail révèle des situations très contrastées et l’absence d’un modèle consensuel qui sont les signes de réalisations opportunes, et non d’une approche normalisée de la fonction d’observation.La prise en compte des jeux d’acteurs s’opère au cours de la troisième partie qui traite de la gouvernance pour et par l’observation. Nous réinterrogeons alors les structures et les organisations qui se mettent en place autour des observatoires et d’un enjeu qui est celui de l’aide à la décision par l’instrumentation de l’information géographique. / The thesis is presented in three parts which include the three key words of the title and put intoperspective the function of territorial observation, with an approach to complexity mostly empiricaland constantly referring to systemics.The first part focuses on the polysemic notion of territory. Modeling the process of territorializationallows us to bypass the semantic difficulty that arises from multiple uses of the term in the literatureand in interviews conducted with experts. The territory is then revealed in different forms ofcombinations of tangible and intangible dimensions, and individual or collective representations.The second part is based on concrete achievements of observatories to develop and implement acomparative approach between thirty observatories according to their structure and functioning. Thissecond part of the work reveals sharp contrasts and lack of a consensual model which are the signs ofachievement and not an appropriate standard approach based on observation.Consideration sets of actors takes place during the third part which deals with governance for and byobservation. We raise questions about the structures and organizations which exist or should be set upso as to allow a better integration of observatories and an issue that is the decision support by theinstrumentation of geographic information
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Entre nature et cultures : constructions culturelles et représentations du territoire : des faits historiques aux dynamiques rurales actuelles en Rouergue / Between nature ans cultures : cultural constructions and territory representations : indicators of cultural construction over time and current social dynamics in RouergueGuibert, Bertrand 17 December 2012 (has links)
Notre questionnement traite du rapport privilégié existant entre la culture et l’espace géographique du Rouergue. Les concepts abordés sont ceux inclus dans les notions de culture (langues usuelles, savoirs, savoir-faire, comportements, productions artistiques) ainsi que celle de nature (espace rural, territoires en construction, lieux vécus et paysages). Depuis le XXe siècle et la régression de l’usage de la langue occitane, une nouvelle construction culturelle est en cours. Celle-ci apparaît comme porteuse d’une dynamique rurale précieuse. Mais des incompréhensions nourrissent des crispations identitaires relatives à des objectifs contradictoires d’investissements sur le territoire. En effet, des oppositions complexifient les relations sociales et engendrent un mal être. Face à ces enjeux de développement local, la construction culturelle en cours reste tributaire à la fois des influences exogènes (la culture mondialisée) et des représentations populaires locales. Notre hypothèse consiste à démontrer que la culture résulte d’un construit social en lien avec la culture mondialisée mais aussi avec la nature perçue par la diversité des habitants. En tant que potentiel de changement, la culture est en partie véhiculée par des représentations de la nature. Elle se construit selon trois voies distinctes : la culture atavique, la culture mondialisée et la culture composite (ou de contact). La culture apparaît bien en lien avec le territoire en exerçant d’abord une sorte de médiation populaire, ensuite en véhiculant un véritable héritage polymorphe et enfin en permettant une différenciation sociale des habitants. / This thesis examines the privileged relationship between culture and the geographical area in Rouergue. It addresses concepts encompassed by the notion of culture (shared languages, knowledge, know-how, attitudes, interpersonal skills, local art) and nature (rurality, territories under construction, places and perceived landscapes). The dawning of the 20th century and the decline of Occitan has led to a new cultural construction that has engendered promising rural dynamics. However, identity tensions related to conflicting investment objectives in the region are feeding misunderstandings. A dichotomous opposition between natives and newcomers has rendered social relations complex and nourished feelings of ill will. In light of these challenges to local development, the cultural construction underway depends on both exogenous influences (global culture) and traditional local representations. Our hypothesis aims to demonstrate that culture is the result of a social construct connected to global culture, but also linked to nature as it is perceived by its inhabitants (natives and newcomers). As a potential element of change, culture is mediated by representations of nature. It is built on three axes that interact and/or oppose one another: atavistic culture, global culture and composite culture (either through contact or mixing). Culture is clearly linked to the land from which it emerges, first as a mediating force between the population and nature, then as a vehicle of a genuine polymorphic heritage, and finally as an instrument of social differentiation.
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Archéologie d'un territoire de colonisation en Algérie : la commune mixte de La Calle 1884-1957Mussard, Christine 07 December 2012 (has links)
Dans l'Algérie française de la fin des années 1860, l'Etat est à la recherche d'une organisation administrative du territoire conquis. Plusieurs formes communales se développent et parmi elles, la commune mixte. Pour ses concepteurs, la création de cette entité a une visée singulière : étendre la colonisation dans l'intérieur du pays par l'accroissement du peuplement européen dans des villages ; favoriser le contact colons/colonisés et le développement d'une « éducation civique » de ces derniers. C'est donc une construction transitoire vers la commune de plein exercice, telle qu'elle existe en métropole. Dans les faits, les communes mixtes perdurent et ce jusqu'à leur disparition, institutionnalisée en 1947, mais effective à partir de 1956. La commune mixte de La Calle est érigée en 1884 à la frontière algéro-tunisienne. Son évolution est fortement liée à l'histoire de ce pays voisin, tour à tour Régence, protectorat français puis nation indépendante. A grande échelle, ce territoire évolue également en fonction de dynamiques de populations imprévues par le projet initial : mobilités diverses, enjeux fonciers. Les crises économiques, les guerres mondiales et la guerre d'Algérie sont autant de bouleversements internationaux qui marquent fortement le territoire de cette commune mixte. Cette étude vise à exposer le processus de construction d'un espace administratif, mais aussi à saisir les divers modes d'appropriation d'un territoire par l'ensemble des groupes qui forment son espace social. / In the late 1860s, in French Algeria, the State seeks an administrative organization of the conquered territory. Several communal forms grow and among them, the ”commune mixte ”. For its thinkers, this entity is created to expand settlement in the country by increasing European settlement in villages, but also to promote contacts between settlers and colonized people and to develop a "civic education". It is therefore a transitional construction to full-function joint as it exists in France. But in fact, the “communes mixtes” persist until their disappearance, institutionalized in 1947, but effective from 1956. The “commune mixte” of La Calle was erected in 1884 on the border between Algeria and Tunisia. Its development is closely linked to the history of the neighboring space that turns to the Regency, the French Protectorate and the independent nation. On a large scale, this area also changes depending on population dynamics unforeseen by the original project, related to mobility and land issues. Economic crises, world wars and the war in Algeria are all international upheavals that mark the territory of the ”commune mixte”. This study aims to describe the process of constructing an administrative space, but also to capture the various ways of appropriation of territory by all groups within its social space.
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L'eau dans les politiques d'aménagement et dans la construction territoriale en Isräel (1880-2000) / The role of water in development policies and the territorial construction of Israel (1880-2000)Benfredj, Daniel 21 June 2012 (has links)
Le sujet de l'eau et du territoire en Israël, est au coeur de la problématique actuelle de ce pays. Comment l'eau a-t-elle façonné les politiques d'aménagement du territoire en Israël ? Comment est-elle devenue un facteur décisif de développement et de paix régionale ? Sujet essentiel de la formation et de l'aménagement du territoire de ce pays, c'est l'eau qui sera le facteur de paix déterminant de toute la région. II m'a semblé intéressant de travailler cette question car elle rend compte de la situation actuelle de la ressource, c'est-à-dire d'une gestion de plus en plus intégrée et durable des eaux du Jourdain, avec ses implications multiples pour Israël et ses voisins. De plus, une analyse diachronique de la gestion de la ressource est en mesure de retracer l'évolution des politiques d'aménagement du territoire israélien A ce titre, l'étude de la vallée de Beth Shean et du cours du Harod, affluent de rive droite du Jourdain, offre un exemple de l'évolution de l'aménagement du territoire et de la maîtrise de l'eau. Il conviendra de s'interroger sur la validité" de cet exemple de gestion de la ressource et de se demander s'il a permis un développement harmonieux et durable de la région. Cet exemple a été très proche du modèle d'aménagement du territoire en Israël, et il a répondu à l'objectif de construction d'un Etat neuf et à une gestion intégrale de la ressource. Qu'advient-il de ce mode de gestion aujourd'hui ? Peut-il répondre aux besoins d'une population toujours plus nombreuse ? Ne faut-il pas envisager une gestion durable de la ressource afin de satisfaire les besoins de tous et de générer la paix et la liberté pour les peuples de la région ? / The issue about water and territory is the heart of the present problem in this country. How has water shaped the development policies in Israël? How has it become a decisive factor of regional development and peace? As the essential cause of territory and regional development in this country, water will be a determining peace factor in all the area. It seemed to me interesting to analyze this question as it explains the present resources situation, which means a more and more integrated and sustainable management of the Jordan water, with its numerous implications both for Israël and for its neighbors. Moreover, a diachronic analysis of the resource management is liable to relate the israelian territory political development evolution. On this account, the analysis of Beth Shean valley and of the Harod stream, an affluent of Jordan River right bank, gives an example of the territory development evolution and of water control. We should point out the question about the validity of the management of resource in this example and wonder whether it has allowed a harmonious and lasting development of the area. This example was very close to the model of national territory development in Israël and it corresponded fits the aim for the building of a new state and total resource management. What happens to this type of management today? Can it cope with the needs of an ever-growing population? Isn't necessary to envisage a sustainable management of the resources to meet with the needs of all and generate peace and freedom for the people in this area?
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