Spelling suggestions: "subject:"territory."" "subject:"lerritory.""
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Habitat, aménagement et gouvernance locale en Palestine : le cas de Naplouse / Housing, planning and local governance in Palestine : Nablus case studyAbushosha, Suhail 15 May 2013 (has links)
Ces dernières années, les villes Cisjordaniennes ont connu un développement urbain très dynamique mais cette urbanisation est aujourd’hui encadrée par des dispositifs législatifs et techniques hérités des périodes successives de colonisation qui ne sont plus adaptés à la ville contemporaine. Ce développement urbain anarchique s’est peu à peu inscrit dans les modes de pensée des acteurs locaux comme une nécessité justifiée par la situation géopolitique et ledéveloppement économique du pays. Le marché du logement s’est accru au point de devenir aujourd’hui une composante essentielle de la transformation des villes cisjordaniennes. Notre travail de recherche de six ans, dont les conclusions sont exposées dans cette thèse, a consisté à décrire puis analyser la réalité de ce marché qui soulève actuellement de nombreuses questions. En effet, le rythme soutenu de la construction de logements a laissé de côté des problématiques que nous avons souhaitées mettre en perspective ici. Ces processus interrogent tout d’abord la réalité et la cohérence de ce marché avec une offre qui doit correspondre à la demande tant sur le plan quantitatif que qualitatif. La situation du logement en Cisjordanie pose aussi la question de la structuration du tissu urbain qui transcende désormais les limites communales, les logiques foncières et les zones à risques. Enfin, se pose la question du cadre de vie pour les populations, le paysage urbain en devenir et la disparition d’une identité jusque là transmise en partie par l’habitat traditionnel. Ce travail de recherche appuyé par des entretiens et par la construction d’un véritable système d’informationsgéographiques a permis de vérifier l’adéquation entre d’un côté, le processus de production du logement et les volontés qui y sont associées, et de l’autre, la réalité du terrain et les enjeux réels du logement palestinien. L’absence de données géographiques et statistiques sur ce territoire nous a poussé à construire un outil complet d’analyse cartographique etdémographique permettant de décrire les phénomènes passés, d’analyser la situation présente et surtout de créer un modèle prospectif pour les horizons 2025 et 2050. A travers, le cas de la ville de Naplouse, il apparaît que les jeux d’acteurs constatés aujourd’hui, ne sont justifiés par aucune cohérence géographique ou démographique. A l’inverse, nous montrons ici que des logiques de marché intéressées sont à l’oeuvre, plaçant devant le fait accompli un cadrelégislatif et technique défaillant. Les conséquences, dès aujourd’hui visibles, constatées sur le terrain et cartographiées ici, interrogent sérieusement le caractère durable des villes cisjordaniennes. Ces résultats mettent en évidence un processus destructeur pour l’ensemble de l’armature urbaine de la Palestine et nécessite une réponse. La situation géopolitique et lagravité des risques identifiés nous poussent à proposer des préconisations pour la mise en place d’une véritable politique locale de l’habitat qui doit conditionner l'émergence d’une maîtrise urbaine. Portés par une gouvernance intercommunale à l’échelle de l’aire urbaine, nous décrivons un outil de planification et de programmation permettant à projet urbain depasser du marché du logement à la construction d’un véritable habitat / These last years, the West Bank cities knew a very dynamic urban development but this urbanization is framed(supervised) by legislative and technical devices(plans) inherited from the successive periods of colonization today which are not any more adapted to the contemporary city. This anarchy urban development joined little by little in the ways of thinking of the actors local as a necessity justified by the geopolitical situation and the economic development of the country. The market of the accommodation(housing) increased in the point of future today an essential component of the transformation(processing) of the West Bank cities. Our research work of six years, the conclusions of which are exposed(explained) in this thesis, consisted in describing then in analyzing the reality of this market which raises at present of numerous questions. Indeed, steady rhythm of the homebuilding left aside problems which we wished to put in perspective here. These processes question first of all the reality and the coherence of this market with an offer which has to correspond to the demand(request) both on the plan quantitative and qualitative. The situation of the accommodation(housing) in the West Bank also asks the question of the structuring of the urban fabric which transcends from now on the municipal limits, the land(basic) logics and the high-risk areas. Finally, asks itself the question of the living environment for the populations, the townscape to become and the disappearance of an identity to there there passed on(transmitted) partially by the traditional housing environment. This research work rested(supported) by conversations(maintenances) and by construction of a real system of geographical information allowed to verify the adequacy enter on one side, the process of production of the accommodation(housing) and the wills which are associated with it, and of the other one, the reality of the ground and the real stakes in the Palestinian accommodation(housing).The absence of geographical and statistical data on this territory urged to us to build a complete tool of cartographic and demographic analysis allowing to describe the past phenomena, to analyze the present situation and especially to create a forward-looking model for horizons 2025 and 2050. Through, the case of the city of Nablus, it seems that actors' games(sets) noticed today, are justified by no geographical or demographic coherence. On the contrary, we show here that interested logics of market are at work, presenting a fait accompli a failing legal and technical framework. The consequences, from today visible, noticed on the ground and mapped here, question seriously the long-lasting(sustainable) character of the West Bank cities. These results(profits) highlight a destructive process for the whole urban armature of Palestine and require an answer. The geopolitical situation and the gravity of the identified risks urge us to propose recommendations for the implementation of a real local politics(policy) of the housing environment which has to condition(package) the emergence of an urban control(master's degree). Carried(Worn) by an intermunicipal governance on the scale of the urban area, we describe a tool of planning and programming allowing urban project to depasser of the market of the accommodation(housing) in the construction of a real housing environment
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Patrimoine du présent, fondements et limites : les équipements producteurs d'électricité dans les vallées de la Loire et du Rhône / Heritage of the present's foundations and limits : equipments producing electricity in the valleys of the Loire and the RhôneColin, Clément 16 December 2013 (has links)
L'extension de la patrimonialisation à de plus en plus d'objets et d'espaces est un phénomène étudié en sciences sociales depuis les années 1980. Elle n'est cependant abordée que sous le seul angle de la protection et de la reconnaissance « officielle » dont les critères de sélection sont établis par les agents de l'administration de la conservation patrimoniale (ABF, DRAC). L'analyse de la revendication patrimoniale de certaines industries encore en fonction par les élus locaux, les habitants et ses propriétaires invite à interroger la notion de patrimoine. Comment penser ces objets et les processus sociaux et territoriaux qui leur sont associés? Afin d'aborder ce phénomène, la thèse propose la notion de « patrimoine du présent ». Construite en opposition avec le « patrimoine du passé », elle me sert à aborder cette extension patrimoniale, ses fondements et ses limites. La recherche se base sur des enquêtes de terrain menées auprès d'acteurs territoriaux agissant directement ou indirectement sur la patrimonialisation des territoires fluviaux dans les vallées de la Loire et du Rhône. Soixante-neuf entretiens semi-directifs permettent de restituer en partie les imaginaires, les mémoires et les représentations liés à ces espaces. Dans ce cadre, la thèse s'intéresse aux équipements producteurs d'électricité, en particulier aux centrales hydroélectriques, thermiques ou nucléaires encore en fonctionnement et que je considère comme des exemples de « patrimoines du présent » / Heritage's approach is a phenomenon in extension concerning more and more objects and areas, and being studied by social sciences since the 1980s. It is, however, addressed only from the angle of protection and « official » recognition, the criteria of which are determined by agents of the administration of heritage conservation (ABF, DRAC). Claims of local officials, residents and owners regarding heritage's characteristics of some industries still operating, invite me to examine the notion of heritage. How can we conceptualise these objects and social and territorial processes associated with them? In order to discuss this, this dissertation proposes the notion of « heritage of the present ». Constructed in opposition to the « heritage of the past », it helps me to understand the heritage extension, its foundations, and boundaries. The research is based on field surveys conducted with local actors acting directly or indirectly on the heritage river areas in the valleys of the Loire and the Rhone. Sixty-nine semi-structured interviews are used to restore some of the imaginary, memories and representations related to these areas. I choose to focus on power plants, especially hydro, thermal and nuclear power plants still functioning, which objects I consider to be examples of « heritage of the present »
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Approche institutionnelle de la santé animale : place des compétences, des territoires et des collectifs dans la gestion de la santé des bovins laitiers en France / Territories, farmer's competencies and human networks to explain dairy cattle health results : proposition of an institutional economics frameworkRaboisson, Didier 10 June 2011 (has links)
Ce travail propose une analyse institutionnelle commonsienne de la gestion sanitaire des bovins en termes de compétences collectives et individuelles. Un modèle conceptuel institutionnel d'analyse de la santé animale est proposé comme alternative possible au modèle micro-économique néoclassique. La gestion de la santé est d'abord abordée à travers les compétences et capacités de l'éleveur au sein de l'exploitation, en mobilisant les relations individus - collectifs inorganisés. Le rôle des collectifs organisés dans la santé animale est ensuite identifié, avec l'identification de collectifs productifs et de collectifs sanitaires. Les compétences individuelles et collectives apparaissent territorialisées. Ce modèle est ensuite validé à partir de données issues de la Base de Données Nationale d'Identification des bovins et du Contrôle Laitier, pour 2005 et 2006. La mortalité des bovins laitiers et la qualité cytologique du lait (cellules somatiques, témoins d'infection de la mamelle) de chaque exploitation sont respectivement analysées à l'aide de modèles linéaires et de panels statiques et dynamiques. Un effet global des compétences de l'éleveur sur l'ensemble des troubles sanitaires de l'exploitation est observé. Les compétences doivent être au préalable révélées pour se traduire en capacités (actions). La spatialisation des modèles démontre enfin la dimension institutionnelle, souvent territorialisée, de la santé animale. L'analyse institutionnelle montre qu'une large part de la santé du troupeau repose sur les compétences individuelles des éleveurs et sur des compétences collectives. Ces compétences peuvent être révélées par un renforcement des interventions préventives et de la formation en élevage / This research analyzes cattle health through individual and collective competencies, based on Commons institutionalism. The first part defines a new institutional conceptual framework, alternative to the neoclassic microeconomic models, to study animal health. Health management is analyzed at farm level in terms of farmers' competencies and capabilities considering the relationship between individuals and unorganized going concern. It integrates thereafter organized going concerns and defines production focused organizations and health focused organizations. The competencies and capabilities have both territorial components. The model is validated empirically in the second part, using the national cattle identification database and the milk control program database, for 2005 and 2006. Dairy cattle mortality and milk bacteriological quality (somatic counts) are explained with linear models and static and dynamic panel models, respectively. A global effect of farmer's health competencies on the overall health issues of the farm is shown, but competencies must be translated into capabilities (actions) before impacting on health. The spatialization of the models reveals some territorial correlations that clearly show the effect of institutions on animal health. The institutional analysis shows that an important part of the herd health rests on the farmer's individual competencies, as well as on some collective competencies. These competencies can be strengthened and revealed into capabilities with more accurate and regular preventive interventions in farms and with more farmers' education
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The economic development of second-tier city-regions in the United Kingdom : using 'absorptive capacity' to theorise the 'firm-territory nexus'Waite, David Andrew January 2015 (has links)
The economic development challenges facing second-tier city-regions in the United Kingdom reflect a critical dimension of policy debates concerning spatial rebalancing. The integration of multi-location firms at second-tier territorial contexts is an important aspect of rebalancing narratives, and this thesis examines what such integration may entail for the economic development of these places. Given the label of the “firm-territory nexus” by other economic geographers (Dicken and Malmberg, 2001), integration brings into focus a complex set of factors, processes and conditions. In order to grapple with and order such complexity, the conceptual framework of city-region absorptive capacity has been proposed and developed in this research. Four case studies across two second-tier UK cities, Edinburgh and Manchester, comprising interviews with elites and the collection of extensive documentary material, provides the empirical material for framework development. The research hinges on an analytical process that: first, deploys the functional form of “absorptive capacity” to provide language and broad parameters by which to approach the empirical object; and second, generates abstract categories from the empirical data to flesh out a contextually sensitive conceptual framework. Network position relative to London and labour appear as important integrating mechanisms across the case studies, though the conceptual framework demonstrates contingencies in terms of territorial and relational processes, shifting moments of structure and agency, and the overlapping institutional mosaics at play. By providing portraits of city economies in the middle ground of global economic networks, the need to articulate economic geographies of the “outside” and “inside” are also given emphasis.
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A "Melancholy Experience:" William C. C. Claiborne and the Louisiana Militia, 1811-1815Edwards, Michael J. 20 May 2011 (has links)
William C. C. Claiborne found himself a stranger in a strange land. Almost more a colonial governor of a European power rather than an American statesman, Claiborne grappled with maintaining a militia force for the Territory of Orleans, now the present day state of Louisiana. He built upon the volunteer companies he found within the city of New Orleans, but had little success molding the entire militia into an effective, efficient military force. Claiborne, hoping to use the fear generated by the January 1811 slave revolt to spur militia reform, maintained an active correspondence with the state's legislators, the area's military commanders, the members of the Louisiana congressional delegation, and even the President of the United States for assistance with militia matters. Ultimately, Claiborne failed and the British attack on New Orleans in 1814/1815 made the matter of reform academic.
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Ground erasure : an investigation of the notion of 'territory' through theories of deterritorialisation and machinic connectivityBianco, Ruth January 2004 (has links)
This research project was developed in practice through the production of artwork. Alternating between art and reflection, my aim was to develop a strategy for artistic research that was targeted towards the goal of an intergrative project supported through information technologies. This idea developed out of my position as an artist working at a distance, from a small isalnd (Malta). My problematic, therefore, was focused around the question of territory. This research endeavoured to investigate the notion of "territory" through theories of deterritorialisation and machinic connectivity.
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Quelle gestion intégrée du fleuve Niger au Mali ? : Normes, usages, régulations, territorialités locales dans les Communes riveraines des Cercles de Ségou et de Mopti / Which integrated management for niger river in Mali ? : Standards, uses, regulations, local territorialities in neighboring municipalities of Circles Segou and MoptiCoulibaly, Baba 02 December 2013 (has links)
Le fleuve Niger est aujourd’hui confronté à des menaces naturelles et anthropiques dont la solution relève à la fois d’arbitrages locaux et de considérations d’ordre international. Sa riche histoire montre une succession de régulations et de logiques locales de gestion selon le temps et l’espace. Le fleuve Niger a été au cœur des stratégies de dominations locales et coloniales. Ces modes de régulations locales laissent de plus en plus la place à des systèmes de gestion plus intégrés. Cette recherche porte sur la gouvernance de l’eau du fleuve Niger à Ségou et à Mopti. Elle vise à comprendre les dynamiques d’acteurs, notamment les stratégies, les rapports et les interactions des acteurs autour de l’eau dans le contexte de décentralisation, mais aussi leurs perceptions concernant l’eau du fleuve. Les résultats montrent la complexité de la gouvernance de l’eau notamment en ce qui concerne la régulation et les articulations étroites entre des dynamiques globales et locales. La méconnaissance et l’inapplication des textes régissant le domaine de l’eau caractérisent la gouvernance du fleuve Niger. La multiplicité des acteurs entraine le chevauchement des rôles et les risques de conflits de compétences. Ensuite, la mise en œuvre de cette gouvernance implique des relations complexes entre les multiples acteurs. Cette complexité renvoie à des questions de territoires et de territorialités notamment dans le Delta intérieur. Enfin, la décentralisation a favorisé l’implication directe des acteurs locaux dans la gestion des ressources locales. Mais elle a également exacerbé les risques de conflits entre les multiples acteurs en quête de leadership et de légitimité autour du fleuve. / The Niger River is now facing natural and anthropogenic threats; the solution is both in local arbitrage and in international considerations. Its rich history shows a series of regulation and local management logics depending on time and space. The Niger River has been at the center of strategies for local and colonial dominations. These modes of local controls lead more and more place for some more integrated management systems. This research focuses on the governance of the Niger River waters in Segou and Mopti. It aims to understand the dynamics of actors, especially strategies, relationships and interactions of actors around the water in the context of decentralization, but also their perceptions of the River water. The results show the complexity of water governance especially with regard to regulation and the narrow articulations between global and local dynamics. Ignorance and lack of implementation of laws governing the field of water characterize the governance of Niger River. The multiplicity of actors leads to the overlap of roles and potential conflicts of competence. The implementation of the governance involves complex relationships between multiple actors. This complexity returns to issues of territories and territorialities in particular in the interior Delta. Finally, decentralization has encouraged the direct involvement of local stakeholders in the management of local resources. But it has also exacerbated the risk of conflicts between multiple actors, in search of leadership and legitimacy around the river.
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Territoires et identités du football amateur en Aquitaine / Territories and identities of amateur football in AquitainePlaza, Damien 12 June 2014 (has links)
La forte médiatisation du football professionnel ne doit pas faire oublier l'existence d'une pratique du football amateur très active en Aquitaine dans le cadre des clubs. La diffusion de cette pratique s'est étendue à l'ensemble de la région sur un peu plus d'un siècle en quatre phases d'intensité variable marquées par des événements historiques et les évolutions de la discipline. La fin de ce cycle semble se dessiner aujourd'hui. De multiples acteurs individuels, collectifs, institutionnels, se sont impliqués tout au long de ce processus de diffusion dans des actions de découpage et de contrôle de l'espace aux échelles régionale et locale pour la « fabrique de territoires sportifs ». Des ensembles et des sous-ensembles spatiaux mal définis ont été peu à peu transformés en territoires de pratique, de gestion et d'application de politiques sportives. Ce processus de territorialisation a induit des modes de relation différenciés entre les groupes sportifs et leurs territoires. De multiples identités collectives fondées sur la conscience, le discours, les représentations culturelles, le sentiment d'appartenance ont facilité l'ancrage des clubs dans les territoires de proximité. Cette forme de territorialité sportive est aujourd'hui remise en cause par les réformes territoriales mises en oeuvre à travers l'intercommunalité. On assiste à une redéfinition des relations entre les acteurs du football et des collectivités territoriales, le football amateur étant devenu un enjeu des politiques publiques communautaires. Les recompositions territoriales affectent aussi les identités dans les nombreux clubs issus de fusions en quête de nouveaux liens. Les recompositions territoriales et identitaires sont en train de bouleverser le modèle traditionnel du club de football amateur. / The strong exposure of professional football must not make one forget the existence of the very active practice of amateur football of clubs in Aquitaine. The diffusion of that practice has spread through the whole region for over a little more than a century, in four stages of variable intensity, marked by historic events and changes in the sport. Nowadays, this cycle seems to be coming to an end. Many individual, collective, and institutional parties have been involved in that process of diffusion by dividing and controlling areas, regionally and locally, « to make sports territories ». Ill-defined spaces have been gradually turned into territories connected to the practice, management, and implementation of sports policies. Such process of territorial marking out has lead to different types of relationships between sports groups and their territories. Numerous collective identities based on consciousness, position, cultural perceptions and sense of belonging have made the establishment of football clubs and institutions in territories in proximity easier. Such a form of sports territoriality is nowadays called into question by the different territorial reforms implemented between districts. We are witnessing a re-defining of the relationships between the parties involved in football and the local authorities since amateur football has become an issue for the different local councils's public policies. Territorial reconstruction also affects identities in the numerous clubs which have been merged and are looking for new links and names. Territorial and identity reconstruction are completely changing the traditional amateur football club.
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Migrace v České republice se zaměřením na Sředočeský kraj / Migration in the Czech republic with the intention of Středočeský krajHlaváčková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is focused on people migration in the Czech republic. It is concentrated on important migration flows in terms of territory units of this country and is referred to recently general trends of migration. There is analysed migration in terms of individual demografic indicators such as age, sex or marital status. The essential part of this thesis is attended to migration in Středočeský kraj. There is described the main migration flows in this territory unit. It explains the suburbanization process between this unit and the capital of the Czech republic. At the conclusion of this work migration is assessed in terms of long- term regional development.
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A participação da Associação Força Feminina do Município de Mirante do Paranapanema (SP) no Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA) : território de empoderamento? /Rui, Simone Léia January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Rosangela Aparecida de Medeiros Hespanhol / Resumo: Esta pesquisa pretende analisar como o acesso das associadas da Força Feminina do município de Mirante do Paranapanema – SP, no Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA), contribui para o empoderamento dessas mulheres, além de estabelecer uma relação com a categoria geográfica território, pois são identificadas relações de poder entre os líderes da associação para com as associadas e associados. Para tanto, foi utilizado o estudo de caso para compreender melhor os aspectos particulares da Associação Força Feminina. Além de revisão bibliográfica, levantamento e sistematização de dados de fontes secundárias, se realizou pesquisa de campo, por meio de entrevistas, com roteiros semiestruturados. Para compreender melhor o Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA), foi utilizado dados disponibilizados pela Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab). Estabelecer uma relação entre gênero, território e empoderamento colaborou para entendermos que as relações de gênero são determinadas por relações de poder, sendo que romper com essa estrutura fez com que, no caso desta pesquisa, nos deparássemos com mulheres que não consideram o seu trabalho uma ajuda ao trabalho do homem. Ao contrário. Consideram que trabalham mais que seus maridos, ao acumularem o trabalho no campo ao trabalho doméstico. Dessa forma, busca-se indagar como tal política pode colaborar (ou não) para o fortalecimento da agricultura familiar e empoderamento das mulheres rurais, bem como oferecer elementos para contribuir ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research intends to analyze how the access of members of the Female Force of the municipality of Mirante do Paranapanema - SP, in the Food Acquisition Program (PAA), contributes to the empowerment of these women, in addition to establishing a relationship with the geographical territory category, since power relations are identified between the association's leaders towards associates and associates. To do so, the case study was used to better understand the particular aspects of the Women's Strength Association. In addition to bibliographic review, survey and systematization of data from secondary sources, field research was conducted through interviews with semi-structured scripts. To better understand the Food Acquisition Program (PAA), we used data made available by Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab). Establishing a relationship between gender, territory and empowerment has helped us to understand that gender relations are determined by power relations, and breaking with this structure has made us, in the case of this research, come across women who do not consider their work a help the work of man. Instead. They consider that they work harder than their husbands, as they accumulate labor in the field and domestic labor. Thus, it is sought to investigate how such a policy may or may not contribute to the strengthening of family agriculture and the empowerment of rural women, as well as offer elements to contribute to the qualitative analysis of the PAA, as w... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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