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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bryta målchansen tidigt : Fysiska tester skapade för målvakter / Breaking the scoring chance early : Physiological test designed for goalkeepers

Åberg, John January 2019 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Studiens syfte är att undersöka relationen mellan ungdomsmålvakters resultat i vanligt förekommande standardtester som är avsedda att mäta fysisk kapacitet och deras prestation i matchlika aktioner. Syftet är också att undersöka om resultaten skiljer sig mellan målvakter i två olika ålderskategorier. Frågeställningar: Vad är korrelation mellan resultat i standardtester och matchlika aktioner? Skiljer sig resultaten mellan ungdomsmålvakter på U17 och U19 nivå? Metod För att svara på studiens frågeställningar skapades ett testbatteri innehållande fysiska tester designade för fotbollsmålvakter, utifrån deras rörelsemönster och aktioner (verklighetsnära tester), som jämförs med tester som används av dagens fotbollsklubbar (standardtester). Med hjälp av aktuellt forskningsläge tillsammans med information som mottagits från tränare och målvakter, utfördes 6 tester, på 15 målvakter, som registrerades med mätinstrument och höghastighetskameror. Resultatet analyserades med dubbelsidig t-test för att finna en statistisk signifikans mellan två åldersgrupper och Spearmans test för att finna en korrelation mellan standard- och verklighetsnära testerna. Resultat Resultatet från t-testet visade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan U17:s och U19:s målvakter på samtliga tester (p> 0,05). Spearmans test visade ingen statistiskt signifikant korrelation mellan testerna. Slutsats Både standard- och verklighetsnära testerna har sina fördelar men är syftet att utvärdera målvaktens fysiska kapacitet i matchlika situationer genom tester, bör dessa vara utformade utifrån målvaktens agerande under match. Enligt resultaten från denna studie visar detta att man inte enbart kan använda standardtester utan dessa bör kompletteras med tester specifikt utformade för måvakter. / Aim The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between youth goalkeepers' results in commonly used standard tests that are intended to measure physical capacity and their performance in match-like actions. The purpose is also to investigate whether the results differ between goalkeepers in two different age categories. Research questions: What is the correlation between results in standard tests and match-like actions? Do the results differ between youth goalkeepers at U17 and U19 level? Method To answer the study's questions, a test battery was created containing physical tests designed for football goalkeepers based on their movement patterns and actions (match-like actions) compared to tests used by today's football clubs (standard tests). With the help of research, together with information we received from coaches and goalkeepers, 6 tests were designed and performed, on 15 goalkeepers, which were recorded with measuring instruments and high-speed cameras. The results were analyzed with two tailed t-test to find a statistical significance between the two age groups and Spearman's test to find a correlation between the standard and realistic tests. Results The results of the t-test show no significant difference between the U17 and U19 goalkeepers on all tests (p> 0.05). Spearman's test shows that there was no statistic significant correlation between the tests. Conclusions Both standard and realistic tests have their advantages, but if the purpose is to evaluate the goalkeeper's physical capacity in match-like actions through tests, should these be designed based on the goalkeeper's actions during the match. According to the results of this study, this shows that you should not just use standard tests, but these should be supplemented with tests specifically designed for goalkeepers.

Virtuální model dokmitového testu závěsu kola / Virtual model of manual tail test

Greplová, Kristýna January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the master´s thesis is analysis of limits of tail test exercise in practice for certification of dampening quality of wheel hitches of vehicles using virtual simulation. The goal is to create virtual model of front axle of Skoda Roomster 1.4 TDi using program Adams/View, MSC Software and follow-up simulation of tail test of wheel hitch.

New design and construction of hightemperature tribology testingequipment : in the context of hard coatings / Ny design och konstruktion av högtemperaturtribologisk testutrustning : i kontexten av hårdabeläggningar

Andersson Nykvist, Atle January 2023 (has links)
There are two main goals of this thesis. Firstly, to improve and develop an existing hot weartester at Karlstad University so that it may test more samples of different sizes. Secondly, totest previously impossible samples and investigate their tribological properties and measurethe coefficient of friction with high reproducibility. The development work on the tribometer wasdone by a prestudy including; Investigating the hot wear tester, idea generation in CAD andcollecting information from the creator and prior users of it. After a few rounds of conceptgeneration and discussion with the supervisor and workshop staff, a new sample holder withdifferent sample adapters was created. Five tests of four different materials were conductedand their friction was measured. The new sample holder was able to solve the mainconcerns with the old design and showed great promise in producing reproducible results,better than any previous versions. The friction of the different TiAlN samples, at roomtemperature, seemed to indicate that there is a certain amount of Al% that maximizes frictionand that there is no simple linear relationship between Al% and coefficient of friction. Finallyit can be concluded that the initial goals of the thesis have been met, and that a newscientific instrument has been created to aid in the further understanding of tribology. / Det finns två huvudsakliga mål med detta examensarbete. För det första, att förbättra ochutveckla en existerande varmnötare på Karlstad Universitet så att den kan testa fler proverav olika storlekar. För det andra, att testa tidigare omöjliga prov och undersöka derastribologiska egenskaper och mäta friktionskoefficienten med hög reproducerbarhet.Utvecklingsarbetet av tribometern skedde via en förstudie som innehöll följande:Undersökning av varmnötaren, idégenerering i CAD och samling av information frånvarmnötarens skapare, samt tidigare användare. Efter några iterationer avkonceptgenerering och diskussioner med handledare och verkstadspersonal så skapadesen ny provhållare med flera olika adaptrar. Fem tester med fyra olika material utfördes ochderas friktion mättes. Den nya provhållaren löste de huvudsakliga problemen med dengamla designen och påvisade goda förhoppningar angående att producera tester med högreproducerbarhet. Markant bättre än tidigare versioner. Friktionsmätningarna från de olikaTiAlN-proverna, vid rumstemperatur, indikerade att det finns en viss mängd Al% sommaximerar friktionen och att det inte finns något linjärt samband mellan Al% ochfriktionskoefficient. Slutligen kan det konstateras att de initiala målen för examensarbetet harblivit uppnådda, och att ett nytt vetenskapligt instrument har blivit skapat för att hjälpa utökaförståelse inom tribologi.

Oplemenjivanje šećerne repe u cilju povećanja tolerantnosti prema abiotičkom stresu - nedostatku vode / Sugar beet breeding for improved tolerance to abiotic stress – water deficit

Danojević Dario 26 December 2014 (has links)
<p>Najznačajniji ograničavajući činilac proizvodnje svih biljnih vrsta je nedostatak dovoljnih količina vode. Dobijanje novih genotipova sa povećanom tolerantno&scaron;ću prema nedostatku vode bi doveo do stabilnijih prinosa i u nepovoljnim uslovima, ali oplemenjivanje prema ovom abiotičkom faktoru je jo&scaron; uvek dugotrajno i iziskuje značajna finansijska sredstva. Do sada je bilo veoma malo istraživanja o uticaju nedostatka vode na &scaron;ećernu repi koristeći morfolo&scaron;ke i fiziolo&scaron;ke pokazatelje i kod roditeljskih linija i njihovih hibridnih kombinacija. Zbog toga, potraga za jednostavnim i brzim metodama za opis oplemenjivačkog materijala u odnosu na nedostatak vode igra važnu ulogu u programima oplemenjivanja.<br />Cilj istraživanja je bio da se u uslovima vodnog deficita ispitaju: razlike između roditeljskih linija i njihovih hibrida za 10 odabranih svojstava (masa svežeg korena, masa suvog korena, broj listova, masa liske po biljci, masa lisne dr&scaron;ke po biljci, gustina stoma, difuzni otpor stoma, sadržaj prolina, relativni sadržaj vode u listovima i specifična masa lista), kombinacione sposobnosti linija, međusobna povezanost između svojstava, kao i koja od ispitivanih svojstava bi se mogla koristiti kao pouzdan pokazatelj prema nedostatku vode.<br />Za materijal su odabrane: 4 jednoklične fertilne inbred linije &scaron;ećerne repe različite tolerantnosti prema venjenju u poljskim uslovima (linije 3, 4, 5 i 6), 2 monogermna citoplazmatski mu&scaron;ko sterilna testera ( linija 1 i 2 ) i njihovih 8 hibrida (3x1, 3x2, 4x1, 4x2, 5x1, 5x2, 6x1 i 6x2). Biljke su gajene u stakleniku, a primenjena su tri tretmana zalivanja i to: 30% od izmerene dnevne potro&scaron;nje vode (DPV), 60% od DPV i kontrola (100% od DPV).<br />Najmanja masa svežeg korena (jedna godina istraživanja) je zabeležena kod linija 3 i 4 (u polju ocenjene kao osetljive na nedostatak vode). Masa korena linija i hibrida kao jedno od najvažnijih svojstava u oplemenjivanju je bila u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa masom liske i masom lisne dr&scaron;ke u kontroli kao i u tretmanima. Masa liske osetljivih linija 3 i 4 je u jednoj godini bila najmanja u kontroli (100% DPV) i 60% DPV, a u uslovima najvećeg nedostatka vode skoro da nije bilo razlika između linija, kao ni&nbsp;između hibrida. Veći sadržaj prolina i veća specifična lisna masa se ne mogu koristiti kao pogodna svojstva za veću tolerantnost &scaron;ećerne repe prema nedostatku vode. Primenom PCA analize jasno su se izdvojile linije 3 i 4, koje su u poljskim uslovima ocenjene da su osetljive na nedostatak vode. Prema klaster analizi može se reći da su sa svojstvima korena najvi&scaron;e povezana: masa liske, masa lisne dr&scaron;ke, broj listova i RWC. Tako da su ova svojstva od većeg značaja za oplemenjivanje &scaron;ećerne repe u uslovima dobro obezbeđenih vodom kao i u uslovima sa smanjenim količinama vode. Svojstva koja su bila u najslabijoj vezi sa korenom &scaron;ećerne repe su: gustina stoma, difuzni otpor stoma, specifična masa listova i sadržaj prolina.</p> / <p>The most limiting factor for production of all plant species is the lack of appropriate amount of water. Breeding of new genotypes with increased tolerance to the water stress would lead to more stable yields under dry conditions. Breeding for this abiotic factor is time-consuming and requires significant financial resources. There have been very few researches of the impact of water stress in the sugar beet using morphological and physiological parameters in the parent lines and their hybrid combinations. Therefore, the search for simple and rapid methods for the description of breeding materials in relation to water stress, play an important role in breeding programs.<br />The aim of this research was to examine the differences between parental lines and their hybrids under water deficit for 10 selected traits: (fresh root weight, dry rootweight, number of leaves, lamina weight per plant, petiole weight per plant, stomatal density, stomatal diffusive resistance, proline content, relative water content in leaves and specific leaf weight). The aim of this research was also to test combining ability of lines, correlation between the traits and which trait could be used as a reliable parameter in water stress conditions.<br />As plant material were used: 4 monogerm fertile sugar beet inbred lines with different tolerance to leaf wilting in field conditions (lines 3, 4, 5 and 6), 2 monogerm cytoplasmic male sterile testers (lines 1 and 2) and their hybrids 8 (3x1, 3x2 , 4x1, 4x2, 5x1, 5x2, 6x1 and 6x2). Plants were grown in a greenhouse, and there were applied two treatments of irrigations: 30% of the daily water need (DWN), 60% of the DWN and control (100% of DWN).<br />Line 3 and 4 (in the field marked as sensitive to water stress) had a lowest fresh root weight. Root weight as one of the most important trait in breeding was positively correlated with the lamina weight and petiole weigh in the control and in the treatments. Lines 3 and 4 had lowest lamina weight in the control (100% DWN) and 60% of DWN. The higher content of proline and higher specific leaf weight cannot be&nbsp;used as a suitable trait for higher tolerance to water stress. Lines 3 and 4 were separeted by PCA analysis from other genotypes. These lines were marked as sensitive to water stress in field conditions. According to cluster analysis, the root traits were the most correlated with lamina weight, petiole weight, number of leaves and RWC. These traits are significant for sugar beet breeding in well water and dry water conditions. Stomatal density, stomatal diffusive resistance, specific leaf weight and proline content were in the lowest correlation with root traits.</p>

Influence des paramètres du procédé et des composants de la farine de blé sur la formation du réseau de gluten et son extraction / Influence of process parameters and wheat flour components on gluten network formation and extraction

Baudouin, Frédéric 23 May 2012 (has links)
L'extraction du gluten et de l'amidon de la farine de blé est un procédé en pleine expansion avec le renchérissement des usages non-alimentaires de ces deux produits. Ce procédé repose sur l'aptitude des protéines du blé à former un réseau au cours du malaxage de suspensions farine / eau. Une difficulté majeure auquel ce procédé est confronté est la variabilité de cette aptitude selon la farine. L'enjeu de notre étude est de faire émerger les critères de composition des farines qui déterminent leur comportement dans le procédé amidonnier et de proposer des conduites du procédé adaptées. L'étude s'appuie sur un panel de 40 farines provenant de différents génotypes de blés dont on a déterminé la composition biochimique. On utilise un mélangeur planétaire (P600) couplé à une station de contrôle de la vitesse de mélange et instrumenté en couple et température pour développer le réseau de gluten (Plastographe, Brabender). Les essais sont réalisés à 25°C, pour des vitesses variables (50-110 rpm) et des teneurs en eau contrastées (rapports eau/farine de 70 à 120 g/g). Une relation reliant la durée de développement du réseau de gluten à la puissance de mélange a d'abord été établie. Cette relation fait apparaître deux paramètres propres aux farines, la quantité d'énergie et la puissance de mélange minimale pour développer le gluten. Ces paramètres sont fortement associés au locus glu-1D et à la teneur en protéines polymériques non extractibles au SDS. Par ailleurs, l'inclusion de temps d'arrêt dans le procédé et l'étude des effets d'agents chimiques interférant avec les fonctions thiols nous permet d'affirmer que la mise en place du réseau de gluten obéit successivement à un contrôle temporel puis énergétique. Dans la mesure où la viscosité des suspensions impacte également le procédé, une équation prédictive de celle-ci a été réalisée. Elle prend en compte les teneurs en amidon endommagé et en arabinoxylanes solubles, dans des proportions variables selon la teneur en eau de la pâte. Le rendement en gluten s'est enfin révélé sensible uniquement à la teneur en protéine, pour autant que l'extraction soit réalisée à l'atteinte de l'optimum de développement du réseau. De façon à disposer d'outils prédictifs faciles à mettre en œuvre industriellement, on a évalué les performances de plusieurs tests de qualité d'usage des farines (Farinographe, Alvéographe) et d'un mélangeur récemment développé (Gluten Peak Tester, Brabender). On montre qu'il est possible d'accéder à la plupart des paramètres définis dans ce travail à l'aide de cet appareil. Cette étude fournit ainsi un ensemble de relations pour contrôler le procédé et l'adapter à la farine utilisée. / Gluten and starch extraction out of wheat flour is a developing process due to the growing use of these two products for non-alimentary uses. This process is based on wheat protein abilities to form a network when flour and water are mixed. A difficulty that this process has to face is the variability of this ability among flours. The scope of our work is to determine the flour components that determine their behaviour in the gluten/starch separation process and to propose adapted process control.This study is based on a pool of 40 flours from various wheat genotypes and known biochemical composition. A planetary mixer (P600) coupled with a station controlling mixing speed and measuring torque has been used to develop gluten network (Plastograph, Brabender). Tests were performed at 25°C for varying mixing speeds (50-110 rpm) and contrasted dough water contents (water/flour ratio varying from 70 to 120g/g). A relation predicting mixing duration for network formation according to mixing power has been established. From this relation two parameters characterising flours have been isolated, energy demand and minimum mixing power to develop gluten network. Theses parameters are strongly linked with locus glu-1D and to SDS-unextractable polymeric protein content (UPP) in the flour. Besides, the inclusion of mixing stops in the process and the study of the effects of thiol-interfering chemical reactant has demonstrated that gluten development inclusing successively a temporal and an energetic phenomenon.As dough viscosity also strongly impacts process, a predictive equation of viscosity has been determined. Viscosity is obtained from the calculated effects of damaged starch and soluble arabinoxylans contents, varying with dough water content. Finally, it was whown that gluten extraction yield depends only of flour protein content when extraction is performed out of optimally developped dough,.In order to get tools applicable industrially, the predictive performance of two devices measuring flour quality (Farinograph, Alveograph) and of a novel mixer (Gluten Peak Tester, Brabender) was evaluated. Most of the relevant parameters defined in this work could be obtained out of that novel apparatus. This study hence gives relations to control the process and adapt it to the flour.

Týmová práce a její hodnocení na příkladu testování software / Team work and its evaluation on the example of software testing

Bayerle, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on team work during a process of software testing and is divided in three main parts. The first part of this thesis presents main issues, goals and philosophy of software testing. This part is also aimed at core competency of software tester. The second part is aimed at definition of team, teamwork and its advantages and disadvantages. There are discussed ways how it can be measured and evaluated. The third part contains an analysis of real software development project. Significant barriers of team efficiency related to team communication and information flows within and between teams are identified and discussed. Finally there are shown some ways how they can be faced.

Investigation of Skid Resistance on Asphalt Pavements in Utah

Smith, Aaron B 02 May 2022 (has links)
Friction is one of the essential aspects of pavement performance and safety. Unfortunately, the rate at which the friction data are being collected exceeds the rate at which the data can be proficiently analyzed. Furthermore, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) lacks long-term trend analysis for the many years of locked-wheel skid trailer (LWST) data collected in Utah. In addition, UDOT is missing a statistically adequate correlation equation between friction-testing devices. Likewise, only one method is used in Utah to prequalify aggregates for use in pavements. Finally, there has not been an investigation of the potential use of lithium silicate solution in Utah as a hardening agent to decrease the rate of friction loss. This research consists of five objectives. The first objective was to investigate pavement friction factors that influence skid resistance; methods of measuring skid resistance in the laboratory and the field, including correlations between test results; methods of evaluating aggregate sources; and methods of enhancing skid resistance of asphalt pavements through a comprehensive literature review on these subjects. The second objective was to investigate temporal trends in skid numbers measured using the LWST on Utah highways with different surface treatment types. The third objective was to develop a three-way correlation between the skid number measured with the LWST in the field, the British pendulum number measured with the British pendulum tester (BPT) in the field, and the polish value measured with the BPT in the laboratory. The fourth objective was to investigate selected performance-related properties of aggregates used to produce surface treatments at several field sites representing Utah conditions. The fifth objective was to examine the potential benefits of lithium silicate treatment for improving the resistance of aggregates to polishing. The scope of the research for the five objectives included statistical analysis, field testing, and laboratory experimentation. The findings include, first, a literature review that identified four critical deficiencies in Utah’s friction-related literature, which formed the basis of the remaining four objectives. Second, a statistical analysis of 9 years of LWST data indicated above-average skid values across Utah’s pavement network. Third, correlations were evaluated for multiple friction-testing devices. Fourth, X-ray diffraction testing methods were found to compare favorably to the accelerated polish test. Fifth and finally, the effects of lithium silicate solution on polish-susceptible aggregates were documented. This research has substantially advanced the body of knowledge on pavement friction testing and improving the resistance of aggregates to polishing in Utah through laboratory and field experimentation

Testverktyg - skolans Columbi ägg? : En jämförande studie av två tester som kan användas i skolan för att upptäcka läs- och skrivsvårigheter. / Testing tools - Schools Columbus ägg? : A comparision of two tests which can be used for detecting students with reading and writing disabilities.

Risén, Emma, Svedros, Isabel January 2016 (has links)
Det finns många olika typer av tester som används i skolan för att upptäcka läs- och skrivsvårigheter hos elever. Dessa tester saknar vetenskaplig grund men används ändå i skolan. Detta arbete har därför undersökt två tester, ett screeningtest – Läskedjor-2, och ett kartläggningstest – Kartläggaren. Dessa tester valdes specifikt för att de används i Linköpings kommun. Det är två olika typer av tester som undersöks i den här uppsatsen, men en del av förmågorna som testas är desamma för testerna och därför jämförbara. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av en kritisk hermeneutisk analysmetod. Metoden är baserad på Phillips &amp; Browns fem steg för kritisk hermeneutisk analys. Med hjälp av analysen blev många skillnader tydliga, men den största skiljelinjen mellan testerna är normeringen av testen och testernas höga respektive låga validitet och reliabilitet.


Cora, Omer Necati 09 November 2009 (has links)
Automotive companies are actively pursuing to increase the use of high-strength-lightweight alloys such as aluminum, magnesium, and advanced/ultra high-strength steels (A/UHSS) in body panel and structural part applications to achieve fuel efficiency while satisfying several environmental and safety concerns. A/UHSS sheet materials with higher strength and crashworthiness capabilities, in comparison to mild steel alloys, are considered as a near-term (i.e., ~5 years) choice of material for body and structural components due to their relatively low cost when compared with other lightweight materials such as aluminum and magnesium. However, A/UHSS materials present an increased level of die wear and springback in stamping operations when compared to the currently used mild steel alloys due to their higher surface hardness and high yield strength levels. In order to prevent the excessive wear effect in stamping dies, various countermeasures have been proposed such as alternative coatings, modified surface enhancements in addition to the use of newer die materials including cast, cold work tool, and powder metallurgical tool steels. In this study, a new die wear test method was developed and tested to provide a cost-effective solution for evaluating various combinations of newly developed die materials, coatings and surfaces accurately and rapidly. A new slider type of test system was developed to replicate the actual stamping conditions including the contact pressure state, sliding velocity level and continuous and fresh contact pairs (blank-die surfaces). Several alternative die materials in coated or uncoated conditions were tested against different AHSS sheet blanks under varying load, sliding velocity circumstances. Prior to and after wear tests, several measurements and tribological examinations were performed to obtain a quantified performance evaluation using commonly adapted wear models. Analyses showed that (1) the rapid wear method is feasible and results in reasonable wear assessments, (2) uncoated die materials are prone to expose severe form wear (galling, scoring, etc.) problems; (3) coated samples are unlikely to experience such excessive wear problems, as expected; (4) almost all of the the recently developed die materials (DC 53, Vancron 40, Vanadis 4) performed better when compared to conventional tool steel material AISI D2, and (5) in terms of coating type, die materials coated with thermal diffusion (TD) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) coatings performed relatively better compared to other tested coating types; (6) It was seen that wear resistance correlated with substrate hardness.

Ověření funkčnosti vybraných běžeckých sportesterů vybavených GPS. / Functional verification of selected running Sport-Testers equipped with GPS

Jurič, Miroslav January 2015 (has links)
Name of the author: Bc. Miroslav Jurič Supervisor: Mgr. Lenka Kovářová, Ph.D., MBA Title: Functional verification of selected running Sport-Testers equipped with GPS Objectives: The main object of this thesis is to compare an accuracy between compared sport testers using GPS to measure distance and geodetic devices in different environments and conditions. Followed by attesting or disproving hypothesis about measure accuracy in each instrument and the influence of technological instrumental advancement on speed of connection and measuring accuracy. Methods: The measure divergency of the used sport testers was thanks to % counted from the difference of measured values on different tests and different conditions beside of the golden standard. Measured values were statistically evaluated. Results: During the accuracy measurement on straightforward dial-up section was found in Garmin 910 TX with the average deviation -0,15%, Garmin 620 -0,19%, Polar RC3 -0,25 %, Suunto Ambit 2R -0,26%, Adidas Smart Run -0,43 %. On the curvilinear section was the average deviation of Garmin 910 TX -0,48 %, Garmin 620 -1,025%, Polar RC3 -0,8 %, Suunto Ambit 2R -0,755%, Adidas Smart Run -2,885 %. Keywords: GPS, sport tester, sports training, navigation system.

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