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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

FUKTSKADOR I UTELUFTSVENTILERAD KRYPGRUND : Med avseende på klimatförändringar och installation av golvvärme

Louise, Breman, Andreas, Svensson January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Idag riskerar cirka 300 000 hushåll med uteluftsventilerad krypgrund att bli angripna av fukt- och mögelskador. Klimatet i en uteluftsventilerad krypgrund påverkas i stor grad av temperaturen och den relativa luftfuktigheten. Det råder inga tvivel om att klimatet står inför förändringar, vilket innebär en höjd temperatur och en förändring av den relativa luftfuktigheten. Detta gör att den uteluftsventilerade krypgrunden inte har möjlighet att torka ut under vissa perioder på året och utsätts då för en förhöjd risk av fuktskador. Parallellt med klimatförändringen moderniseras även uppvärmningssystemen i småhusen, vilket ändrar förutsättningar för krypgrunderna. Målet med arbetet är att undersöka om klimatförändringarna och installation av golvvärme i träbjälklaget har bidragit till fuktskador i uteluftsventilerade krypgrunder och ge underlag till effektivare åtgärder av fuktskador. Metod: För att utreda om klimatförändringarna är ett problem för de uteluftsventilerade krypgrunderna har dokumentanalyser genomförts vilka sedan följdes av beräkningar av krypgrundens relativa luftfuktighet. På samma sätt gavs svar på om golvvärmen är en bidragande faktor till fuktskadorna. Båda frågeställningarna styrktes även av kvalitativa intervjuer med sakkunniga personer. Hur fuktskadorna effektivare kunde åtgärdas togs främst fram genom kvalitativa intervjuer men styrktes av dokumentanalyser. Resultat: Studien visar att klimatförändringarna kommer att påverka uteluftsventilerade krypgrunder i positiv bemärkelse då studien endast tog hänsyn till temperaturhöjningen. Installation av golvvärme har även visats vara positivt mot fuktskador i en uteluftsventilerad krypgrund om isolering i bjälklaget saknas eller är bristfällig. Branschen ser ingen vinst i att effektivisera åtgärdsmetoderna då dessa redan är välprövade och väl fungerande. Konsekvenser: Ett varmare klimat ger bättre förutsättningar för en uteluftsventilerad krypgrund. Medvetenheten om hur klimatförändringarna påverkar krypgrunderna ger byggbranschen ett försprång att förbereda sig inför kommande förändringar. Kunskapen om att golvvärme kan ge positiva effekter mot fuktskador i uteluftsventilerade krypgrunder ger nya förutsättningar för renoveringar och åtgärder mot fuktskador, dock måste energiförlusterna tas i hänsyn i dessa fall. Branschen ser ingen vinst i att effektivisera åtgärdsmetoderna, vilket gör att det inte finns någon anledning att gå djupare in i detta. Begränsningar: Arbetet behandlar endast uteluftsventilerade krypgrunder med träbjälklag som ligger inom Sveriges gränser. Denna studie är därför inte applicerbar på andra konstruktioner eller utanför Sveriges gränser. Endast klimatförändringarna det senaste seklet och fram till 2100 tas hänsyn till i rapporten. Studien tar heller inte hänsyn till fukttillskott från mark och dagvatten, likaså görs inga beräkningar på ventilation. / Purpose: Today are about 300 000 buildings with outdoor ventilated crawl space at risk to be contaminated by moisture and mold damage. An outdoor ventilated crawl space’s climate is greatly affected by the temperature and the relative humidity. There is no doubt that the climate is facing changes, which means an increased temperature and a change in the relative humidity. This prevents the outdoor ventilated crawl space from drying out during certain periods of the year and is then exposed to a heightened risk of moisture damage. Parallel to the climate change the heating systems are being modernized in houses, which changes the conditions for the crawl spaces. The objective of this essay is to do a research if climate change and the installation of underfloor heating in the greater part of the joist area has given rise to moisture damage in outdoor ventilated crawl spaces and provide good basis for more effective measures to moisture damage. Method: To investigate whether the climate change is a problem for outdoor ventilated crawl spaces have document analyzes been conducted, which was followed by calculations of the crawl spaces’ relative humidity. Calculations have been made to find out if the underfloor heating is a contributing problem to moisture damage. Both issues are also corroborated by interviews with qualified people. How the moisture damage more effective could be fixed was answered primarily through qualitative interviews, but corroborated by document analysis. Findings: The study shows that climate change will affect outdoor ventilated crawl spaces in a positive sense, only account to the temperature rise. Installing underfloor heating has also been shown to be positive against moisture damage in outdoor ventilated crawl spaces if insulation in the soffit is missing or deficient. The industry sees no gain in efficiency action methods as these are already proven and well- functioning. Implications: A warmer climate provides better conditions for outdoor ventilated crawl space. Being aware of the changes associated with climate change, and its effects on buildings give the construction industry a head start to prepare for future changes. Knowledge that underfloor heating can provide positive effects against moisture damage in crawl spaces creates new opportunities for renovations and actions against dampness but the energy losses in this case must be considered. Since the industry does not see profit in streamlining action methods is no need to go deeper into this. Limitations: The report deals only outdoor ventilated crawl spaces with wooden soffit that is located within the Swedish borders. This study is therefore not applicable to other constructions or other countries. Only climate change in the last century and up until 2100 are taken into account in the report. Further on the study does not take the excess moisture from the soil or the storm water into account; likewise there are no calculations for the ventilation.

Contribution à la commande sans capteur mécanique de la machine synchrone à aimants permanents / Contribution of the sensorless control dedicated to the permanent magnet synchronous machine

Cathelin, Joël 06 December 2012 (has links)
La commande sans capteur mécanique de la machine synchrone à aimants permanents est un sujet largement répandu dont les plus grandes difficultés connues, quel que soit l’observateur utilisé, sont celui du démarrage à vitesse nulle et plus largement de la commande aux basses vitesses, et celui du rejet des fortes perturbations du couple. Afin d’y faire obstacle, diverses adaptations des algorithmes d’observateur ont été proposées afin d’améliorer le comportement de la machine en commande sans capteur. Par ailleurs, il est couramment admis que les déchets de tension produit par l’onduleur sont nuisibles à l’observation de la position, les tensions de référence étant légèrement différentes des tensions appliquées aux enroulements de la machine. Quelques propositions apparaissent dans certaines publications notamment en établissant un algorithme de compensation. C’est ainsi que les travaux de cette thèse portent sur cette thématique, celle d’améliorer la commande sans capteur dans les situations d’observabilité difficile en proposant une solution originale afin de faire correspondre au mieux les tensions appliquées à la machine et les tensions de référence utiles à l’observateur. Les résultats montrent que la solution proposée et largement analysée améliore considérablement le comportement de la machine en commande aux basses vitesses et en rejet de perturbation, tant en régime permanent qu’en régime transitoire ; une analyse de Fourier des courants mesurés atteste l’efficacité de la méthode et une analyse des grandeurs observées par la statistique descriptive met en lumière l’intérêt de l’algorithme. Nous montrons ainsi que la solution proposée permet d’observer la vitesse et la position en deçà de la vitesse mécanique de 15 rad/s alors que la commande est instable en deçà de 20 rad/s quand la solution n’est pas mise en œuvre. Un constat similaire apparaît en rejet de perturbation. D’autres résultats montrent que l’observation à plus basse vitesse est entachée d’une perturbation liée à un couple pulsatoire dont l’origine peut être le couple de détente, lequel n’est pas pris en compte par le modèle de la machine. / The sensorless control of the permanent magnet synchronous machine is a subject widely spread. Two great difficulties are known; (i) the start at nil initial speed and more generally the control at very low speed whatever the observer used and (ii) the high torque disturbance rejection. In order to hinder these difficulties numerous modifications of observer algorithms were proposed to improve the performances of the permanent magnet synchronous machine sensorless control. Moreover, we admit commonly that the drop voltages due to the inverter are prejudicial to the position estimated, because the difference between the voltage reference transmitted to the PWM (pulse width modulation) and the motor winding voltage is not negligible at low speed and low load torque. According to the literature, several papers propose some solutions by compensation algorithms and voltage estimator in particular. So, the goal of this thesis is to estimate the winding voltage and to apply the state observer by Extended Kalman Filtering to improve more finely the sensorless control. We propose an original solution to estimate the voltage references which is applied to the observer. Numerous experimental results show the attractive effects in marked contrast to the sensorless control results without estimation of the winding voltages. The results of sensorless control show that the solution proposed which widely analysed improves significantly the estimation errors of the motor running in low speed range and low torque disturbances range. Fourier analyses and statistic data obtained in steady state speed and results during the transient response indicate complementary results and highlight the interest of the estimation algorithm. Our study brings out that the estimation error reduction allows to running the motor at mechanical speed short of 15 rad/s. In the other hand, the system is instable with speed short of 20 rad/s if the voltage references are used by the observer rather than the estimation voltages. The same improvement appears in disturbance rejection. Other results show that the estimated position errors at lower speed increases in spite of the estimation algorithm. In fact, the torque disturbances are dominant at low speed, low load torque and are harmful to control the electromagnetic torque.

Sistema de controle com compensação de tempo morto aplicado à geração de vento em tanque de prova. / Control, system with dead time compensation applied to wind generation in tank test.

Parra, Luis Antonio 11 October 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um sistema de controle com compensação de tempo morto aplicado a um ventilador para simular os efeitos do vento em modelos de embarcações. O sistema é instalado no tanque de provas do Departamento de Engenharia Naval da Escola Politécnica da USP. Um sistema de controle baseado em computador é elaborado para a realização dos testes e validação, procedendo-se inicialmente a identificação do sistema a ser controlado. Na malha de controle, o sinal de referência é a velocidade do vento desejada em uma distância pré-definida do ventilador e pode ser tanto um valor constante (representando um vento constante) ou um valor variante no tempo (representando uma rajada de vento). O sistema atuador consiste de um inversor de frequência que aciona o ventilador e a velocidade do vento é medida por um anemômetro, cujo sinal é usado como realimentação para o controlador. A sintonia da malha é realizada pelo método do modelo interno (IMC) e o efeito do tempo morto é observado nos testes, aplicando-se o compensador baseado no Preditor de Smith para minimizá-lo. Pelos resultados dos ensaios, conclui-se que o Preditor de Smith melhora o desempenho do sistema de geração de vento. / This paper describes the development of a control system with dead time compensation applied to a fan to simulate wind effects in models of vessels. The system is installed on the academic towing tank of the Naval Architecture and Oceanic Engineering Department of the University of São Paulo. A control system based on computer is designed for testing and validation, proceeding initially to identify the system to be controlled. In the control loop, the set-point is the desired speed of the wind on a pre-defined distance from the fan and it can be either a constant value (representing a constant wind) or a time-varying value (representing a wind gust). The actuator system consists of a frequency-inverter that drives the fan and the wind speed is measured by an anemometer, whose signal is used as feedback to the controller. The tuning of the controller is made by the internal model control (IMC) and the effect of dead time is observed in the tests, applying the compensator based on Smith Predictor to minimize it. Through the results from the tests, it was concluded that the Smith Predictor improves the performance of the wind generation system.

Caractérisation géodésique de la déformation active du point triple d'Hatay (Syrie-Turquie) / Caractérisation géodésique de la déformation active du point triple d'Hatay (Syrie-Turquie)

Mahmoud, Yasser 22 November 2012 (has links)
Le point triple d’Hatay ne peut pas être décrit par un modèle simple à trois grandes plaques comme il était proposé par les études précédentes. Un modèle de bloc plus complexe est proposé dans cette étude en rajoutant les micros blocs d’Iskenderun et d’Amanous; la faille de Karasu et la faille de Karatas-Osmaniye ont été définies comme des failles individuelles et non pas comme l'extension d'autres failles majeurs dans la région. Notre modélisation assume que la jonction triple de Maras est formée par la connexion de et la faille de Karatas-Osmaniye (KOF) avec la faille de Karasu (KF) et la faille East Anatolienne (EAF). La KF montre un taux de glissement senestre de 4,0±1,0 mm/an et un comportement de compression, avec un taux de raccourcie de 2.1 à 2.7 mm/an, ce qui contredit la nature extensionnelle proposée par les études précédentes. L'EAF montre un taux pur de glissement latéral gauche de 9,0±0,3 mm/an sans extension ou compression significative, la DSF a un taux de glissement de 3,5±0,3 mm/an sur les segments nord et sud, la KOF a 3,6±0,7 mm/an; l'arc de Chypre a une déformation de compression clair avec un taux de glissement revers de 2.0 à 5.0 mm/an et sans significative dérochement. Les pôles relatifs d’Euler ont été estimés dans cette modélisation de blocs, nous définissons l’Euler pôle de l'Anatolie-Arabie à (27.61±0.98 °N, 45.127±2.45 °E, 0.391±0.056 °/Ma), et l’Euler pôle de Sinaï-Arabie à (31.012±1.51 °N, 46.464±4.44 °E, 0.202±0.067 °/Ma). / The Hatay Triple Junction (HTJ) cannot be described by a simple model with three major plates as proposed by previous studies. A more complex block model is proposed in this study by adding the Iskenderun block and Amanous micro block, the Karasu fault and Karatas-Osmaniye fault being defined as individual faults not as the extension of other major faults in the region. Our modeling assumes that the Maras triple junction is formed by the connection of the Karatas-Osmaniye Fault (KOF) with the Karasu Fault (KF) and the East Anatolian Fault (EAF). The KF shows a sinistral slip rate of 4.0±1.0 mm/yr and a compressional behavior with a compression rate of 2.1-2.7 mm/yr which contradicts the extensional nature proposed by previous studies. The EAF shows pure left lateral slip rate of 9.0±0.3 mm/yr with no significant extension or compression; the DSF has a slip rate of 3.5±0.3 mm/yr over the northern and southern segments; the KOF has a 3.6±0.7 mm/yr; the Cyprus arc has a clear compressional deformation with a revers slip rate of 2.0-5.0 mm/yr and with no significant strike-slip component. The relative Euler poles are estimated in this block modeling, we define the Anatolia-Arabia Euler pole at (27.61±0.98 °N, 45.127±2.45 °E, 0.391± 0.056°/Myr), and (31.012±1.51 °N, 46.464±4.44 °E, 0.202±0.067°/Myr) Sinai-Arabia Euler pole.

Desenvolvimento de pulsos formatados para redução do tempo morto de espectrômetros de RMN no domínio do tempo / Development formatted pulses to reduce the dead time of spectrometers in in Time Domain NMR

Garcia, Rodrigo Henrique dos Santos 16 July 2015 (has links)
A ressonância magnética nuclear no domínio do tempo (RMN-DT), possui inúmeras vantagens em relação à RMN de alta resolução tais como: baixo custo do equipamento, de análise e manutenção e não precisa de operador especializado. Apesar disso a técnica de RMN-DT ainda tem um campo muito grande de desenvolvimento para análise de componente com baixa mobilidade molecular como sólidos amorfos e cristalinos. Isto requer o desenvolvimento de instrumentação e/ou métodos de análise que se consiga medir o sinal de RMN em menos de 10 µs, após a irradiação da amostra. O tempo entre o final da excitação e o começo da aquisição do sinal é conhecido como tempo morto. A opção estudada nesta dissertação para redução do tempo morto foi o uso de pulsos formatados, que já são utilizados em experimentos de RMN em alta resolução e de imagens por RMN, para excitação seletiva. No entanto, pulsos formatados não têm sido utilizados em RMN-DT. A principal vantagem desses pulsos é que eles são projetados para que a potência no final do pulso seja mínima, o que diminui o tempo morto do espectrômetro. No caso do pulso convencional, na forma retangular, a potência no final do pulso é máxima, o que aumenta o tempo morto. Os pulsos formatados utilizados foram pulsos Sinc, Sine e também pulsos com início similar aos pulsos retangulares, com potência máxima, e que depois de certo tempo tem decaimento similar aos pulsos Sinc e Sine. Esses pulsos inéditos foram denominados Reta-Sine e Reta-Sinc. Foram avaliados amostras heterogêneas (solido-líquido) e sólidas como CaSO4.2H2O, farelo de soja, polímeros amido e Policaprolactona. Esses pulsos também foram usados para monitorar reações de polimerização da resina epóxi com poliamida (Araldite®). Com esses métodos foi possível reduzir o tempo morto de espectrômetro de 23MHz 23 µs para 14 µs e de 20 Mhz de 9 para 6 µs. Com isso conclui-se que o pulsos formatados podem reduzir significativamente o tempo morto de espectrômetro de RMN-DT, sem acessórios ou custo financeiro, pois as sequências podem ser instalada e usadas em qualquer espectrômetro moderno. / The nuclear magnetic resonance in the time domain (TD-NMR) It has numerous advantages over the high-resolution NMR such as low cost of equipment, analysis and maintenance and requires no specialized operator. Nevertheless NMR DT technique also has a very large development field for component analysis with a low molecular mobility as amorphous and crystalline solids. This requires the development of instrumentation and / or analysis methods that can measure the NMR signal in less than 10 µs, after irradiation of the sample. The time between the end of excitation and signal acquisition the beginning is known as dead time. The option studied in this work to reduce the dead time was the use of formatted pulses, which are already used in NMR experiments in high resolution and NMR imaging for selective excitation. However, formatted pulses have not been used in NMR DT. The main advantage of these pulses is that they are designed so that the power in the pulse end is minimized, which reduces the dead time of the spectrometer. In the case of conventional pulse in rectangular form, the power in the pulse end is maximum, which increases the dead time. Formatted pulses used were Sync pulses, Sine and also pulses beginning similar to rectangular pulses with maximum power, and after a while has similar decay to Sync and Sine wrists. These unpublished wrists were called Sine and Straight-Line-Sync. They were evaluated heterogeneous samples (solid-liquid) and solid as CaSO4.2H2O, soybean meal, starch polymers and Polycaprolactone. These pulses are also used to monitor polymerization reactions the polyamide epoxy resin (Araldite®). With these sequences it was possible to reduce the dead time of 23 µs 23MHz spectrometer to 14 µs e 20 Mhz from 9 to 6 µs. With this it is concluded that the formatted pulses can significantly reduce the dead time DT-NMR spectrometer, without fittings or financial cost because the sequences can be installed and used in any modern spectrometer.

Efeitos da quantização em sistemas de controle em rede

Campos, Gustavo Cruz January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a influência da quantização em sistemas de controle em rede. São tratados problemas de estabilidade e estabilização de sistemas lineares de tempo discreto envolvendo quantização finita nas entradas da planta controlada, considerando dois tipos de quantizadores: os uniformes e os logarítmicos. Como consequência da quantização finita, ocorrem também efeitos de saturação e zonamorta dos sinais de entrada. Tais comportamentos não-lineares são considerados explicitamente na análise. Para plantas instáveis, o objetivo é estimar a região onde os estados estarão confinados em regime permanente. Esta região, denominada atrator dos estados, é estimada por meio de um conjunto elipsoidal. Ao mesmo tempo, determina-se um conjunto elipsoidal de condições iniciais admissíveis, para o qual se garante a convergência das trajetórias para o atrator em tempo finito. Primeiramente, esses conjuntos são determinados para o caso de um controlador dado e, posteriormente, sintetiza-se um controlador que minimiza o atrator. Em se tratando de plantas estáveis, investiga-se como o desempenho dinâmico é afetado pela quantização. Para tanto, utiliza-se como critério o coeficiente de decaimento exponencial que é garantido para o sistema. Nesta parte, excluem-se os comportamentos na região de saturação e na região da zona-morta. Primeiramente, o coeficiente de decaimento garantido é estimado para um sistema com controlador dado. Neste caso, faz-se uma análise de degradação de desempenho induzida pela quantização com relação ao comportamento do sistema em malha fechada sem quantização. Posteriormente, sintetiza-se um controlador que minimiza este coeficiente na presença da quantização. Na obtenção dos resultados, utilizam-se condições de setor respeitadas pelas não linearidades e formulam-se os problemas na forma de inequações matriciais que podem ser resolvidas a partir de problemas de otimização baseados em LMIs. / This work investigates the in uence of quantization over networked control systems. At rst, we tackle stability and stabilization problems of discrete-time linear systems involving nite quantization on the input of the controlled plant, considering two kinds of quantizers: uniform and logarithmic. As a consequence of the nite quantization, saturation and dead-zone e ects on the input signals are also present. These non-linear behaviors are explictly considered in the analysis. For unstable plants, the objective is to estimate the region where the states will be ultimately bounded. This region, which we call the attractor of the states, is estimated through an ellipsoidal set. Simultaneously, we determine an ellipsoidal set of admissible initial conditions, for which the trajectories will converge to the attractor in nite time. At rst, the sets are determined for the case where the controller is given and, in the sequel, a controller that minimizes the attractor is designed. When dealing with stable plants, we investigate how the dynamic performance is a ected by the quantization. To do that, we use as criterion the exponential decay rate which is guaranteed for the system. At this point, we exclude the behaviour in the saturation and deadzone regions. At rst, the guaranteed decay rate is estimated for a system where the controller is given. In this case, we analyze the deterioration of the performance in uenced by the quantization, compared to the behavior of the closed-loop system without quantization. In the sequel, a controller that minimizes that rate in the presence of quantization is designed. To obtain the results, we use sector conditions which are respected by the nonlinearities and we state the problems as matrix inequalities which can be solved using LMI-based optimization problems.

La mort perçue comme une nouvelle naissance dans les grands textes funéraires de l’Égypte ancienne jusqu’à la fin du Nouvel Empire / Death as Rebirth in the Funerary Texts of Ancient Egypt, from the Pyramid Texts to the Royal Books of the Afterlife of the New Kingdom

Arnette, Marie-Lys 27 November 2010 (has links)
Ce travail vise à démontrer le caractère essentiel du référent de la naissance dans les croyances funéraires de l’Égypte ancienne, ainsi que les modalités de sa mise en œuvre. Les grandes compositions funéraires égyptiennes, depuis les Textes des Pyramides jusqu’aux livres royaux du Nouvel Empire, sont riches d’allusions à une destinée post-mortem envisagée comme une seconde naissance, calquée plus ou moins fidèlement sur le processus biologique de la première. Roi ou particulier, le mort est porté en gestation par une ou plusieurs mères divines, puis est remis au monde dans l’au-delà, son cordon ombilical est coupé, il est lavé, allaité et soigné à l’image d’un nouveau-né. À ces aspects pragmatiques se mêlent de nombreux éléments mythiques, le modèle biologique étant parfois largement réinterprété, ce qui témoigne de l’interpénétration du plan individuel et du domaine cosmique. Grâce à ce procédé cyclique, le défunt accède non seulement à l’autre monde, mais il y est aussi vivant éternellement. / This work aims at demonstrating that referring to birth and its practical modalities is an essential aspect of Ancient Egypt’s funeral beliefs. From the Pyramid Texts to the royal books of New Kingdom, the great funeral writings of Egypt are full of allusions to post mortem fate viewed as a second birth, the latter copying more or less exactly the biological process of the first. Be he king or ordinary man, the dead is carried in gestation by one or several divine mothers and is born again in the other world ; there, his umbilical cord is cut, he is washed, fed and cared for like a new born child. Numerous mythical elements add to the purely practical, however, thus reinventing the biological model and showing the intermingling of both the worldly and cosmic levels. Thanks to this cyclical process, the dead not only reaches the other world but, also, accesses to eternal life.

Les scarabées inscrits et autres amulettes de cœur de l’Égypte ancienne (présentation, corpus, critères de datation, caractéristiques, collections) / Inscribed Scarabs and other Heart Amulets in Ancient Egypt (Presentation, Corpus, Dating criteria, Characteristics, Collections)

Laroche, Claude 06 December 2014 (has links)
Le seul ouvrage dédié exclusivement à ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler « les scarabées de cœur » est signé du Professeur Michel Malaise et date de 1978. Ce livre est depuis cette date la référence en la matière mais, en l’absence d’un corpus, les critères de datation proposés n’y peuvent être ni exhaustifs ni très précis. L’objectif de cette étude était de remédier à ces lacunes.Les scarabées de cœur étaient des amulettes disposées dans la région du cœur de la momie d’un individu, juste après son décès, afin de le protéger contre la trahison possible de son propre cœur. En effet, le défunt devait subir l’épreuve de la pesée du cœur devant un tribunal de dieux présidé par Osiris, mais c’est son cœur qui était interrogé pour savoir quelle avait été la conduite de son propriétaire lors de son passage sur la terre. Les réponses à ces questions conditionnaient l’avenir du défunt dans l’au-delà : la vie éternelle ou l’anéantissement. Pour se concilier les bonnes grâces du cœur, d’autant plus que celui-ci pouvait mentir, les amulettes étaient inscrites d’une prière choisie dans un des chapitres 26 à 30 B du Livre des Morts, suppliant le cœur d’avoir des réponses favorables devant le tribunal.La présente étude a pris huit années pour rassembler un corpus de 1400 scarabées de cœur et autres amulettes ayant la même fonction rituelle, soit probablement plus de 85% de ceux qui sont conservés dans les musées, qui sont désignés ici sous le nom générique d’« amulettes de cœur ». Ce corpus a donné lieu à l’établissement d’une typologie permettant de déterminer des séries d’amulettes présentant des caractèristiques plastiques et épigraphiques semblables qui, croisées avec celles des amulettes de date connue, qui sont soit celles dont les propriétaires sont des personnages historiques soit celles provenant de fouilles bien datées, ont conduit à la détermination de critères de datation objectifs. L’étude présente aussi les clichés de plus de 1200 amulettes avec description, une traduction des textes inscrits et une proposition de datation. / The only book dealing specifically with the so-called “ Heart Scarabs” was written by Professor Michel Malaise and published in 1978. It has remained since the reference on the subject but, due to the unavailibility of a corpus, the datation criteria could not be exhaustive nor accurate. The target of this dissertation was to fill these gaps. The heart scarabs were amulets to be laid on (or in) the mummy of a person just after his death in the heart area, in order to protect him from the possible treachery of his own heart. In effect, the Dead was to be put to the test of the weighing of his heart, in front of a court of gods presided by Osiris, but it was his hesart which was interrrogated in order to know whether its owner had behaved well during his life. The answers to these questions would determine whether he would be granted an eternal life or the nothingness. In order fo gain the heart’s goodwill, especially when it might lie, the amulets were inscribed with a prayer chosen in one of the chapters 26 to 30B of The Book of the Dead. This prayer was begging his heart to make favorable answers to the court.It took eight years to gather a corpus of 1400 heart amulets and others amulets with the same ritual function, called “heart amulets” in this dissertation, a number representing likely more than 85% of the total in existence. The gathering of these amulets made possible an adapted typology to be built, which lead to the determination of series of amulets with similar shape or epigraphic characteristics to be compared with the characteristics of amulets with a known date, which are the ones the owners of which are historical persons or those originating from well dated excavations. This comparison allowed for the determination of objective datation criteria. This memoire finally presents photos of more than 1200 amulets with a description, a translation of the texts and an estimated datation.

O cotidiano da morte e a secularização dos cemitérios em Belém da segunda metade do século XIX (1850/1891)

Silva, Erika Amorim da 30 May 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:32:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ErikaASilva.pdf: 3405619 bytes, checksum: d3f09e9868a79b5a848184dd730074d1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-05-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This dissertation titled O cotidiano da morte e a secularização dos cemitérios em Belém na secunda metade do século XIX (1850/ 1891) tried to show understanding around death s meaning along with dead and mortuary ceremonies in Belém in the second half of the 19º century. Thus, the composition studies about the changes in the trip of death from the buries inside a church to open-sky cemeteries, plus the secularization of these spaces. Those questions have gained importance in the following pages cause they started a new parallel about the urban space threated by wide-spread diseases and miasmas exhalated from putrescent bodies. Taking that to explain the tensions formed in the core of Belém s society wich made same significant changes in the path of that specifical society before death and deads. The construction of the cemeteries- Nossa senhora da soledade and Santa Izabel - implacate in complex questios like start to bury dead bodies into open-sky cemeteries intead instead of inside churchs, the wish of the Catolic church to have exclusiveness in these new places, the secularization of those cemeteries and buries keeping in mind the unsolved religious, cultural and social conflicts to understanding the attitudes of the whites, indians, colored, catolics, protestants, masons and the way they used to react before the dead and death. So the city was visualized, it s quotidian and the existing and dying of it s inhabitants and seeing closest the representation before death and dead. To be well acquired with the text the central axel inquire the understanding of how different Belém s social divisions in the 80 s deal with circle of life including bury, mortuary ceremonies and the secularization of the cemeteries / Esta dissertação de título O cotidiano da morte e a secularização dos cemitérios em Belém na segunda metade do século XIX (1850 / 1891) , procurou visualizar o caminhar e o permanecer em torno dos significados da morte, dos mortos e dos ritos fúnebres em Belém durante a segunda metade do século XIX. Assim, a dissertação versa sobre as transformações no cotidiano da morte decorrente da mudança dos locais dos enterramentos do interior das Igrejas para os cemitérios a céu aberto, mas também sobre o projeto de secularização destes espaços. Estas questões, aliás, ganham expressividade nas páginas seguintes, pois delas surgiram outros tangenciamentos como os debates acerca da salubridade do espaço urbano ameaçado por epidemias e miasmas emanados dos corpos em decomposição. Foi nesta perspectiva que se buscou interpretar determinadas tensões que se formaram no interior da sociedade belenense e que contribuíram para mudanças significativas no caminhar dessa sociedade frente à morte e aos mortos. A construção dos cemitérios o de Nossa Senhora da Soledade e o de Santa Izabel envolveram questões complexas como o abandono do costume de enterrar nas igrejas e passar a enterrá-los em cemitérios a céu aberto, a exclusividade que a Igreja Católica desejava ter nesses novos espaços, o debate em torno da secularização dos cemitérios e dos enterros civis levantando questões que não ficaram circunscritas às inquietações religiosas, mas estabeleceram conflitos políticos, culturais e sociais, enfim seguir os passos de brancos, índios e negros, Católicos, Protestantes e Maçons e tentar compreender suas atitudes diante da morte e dos mortos. Para isso procurou-se visualizar a cidade, seu cotidiano, o viver e o morrer de seus habitantes, encarar o mais próximo possível as representações frente à morte e aos mortos. Entenda-se então que os eixos centrais da presente dissertação são os que buscam perceber como diferentes segmentos sociais da Belém oitocentista lidaram com o processo de vida e morte, com os enterramentos, os ritos fúnebres, e a secularização dos cemitérios

Entre os fantasmas do passado e as ruínas do presente: a decadência familiar em Absalão, Absalão!, de William Faulkner, e Ópera dos mortos, de Autran Dourado / Between the ghosts of the past and the ruins of the present: the decline of the family in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Autran Dourado’s The voices of the dead.

Silva, Ívens Matozo 22 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-05-31T20:32:01Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação Ívens Matozo Silva.pdf: 2559231 bytes, checksum: 4e31a08bf20af3254d8967b4ee3e82fa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-05-31T20:36:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação Ívens Matozo Silva.pdf: 2559231 bytes, checksum: 4e31a08bf20af3254d8967b4ee3e82fa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-31T20:39:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação Ívens Matozo Silva.pdf: 2559231 bytes, checksum: 4e31a08bf20af3254d8967b4ee3e82fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / O meio literário tornou-se um ambiente fecundo para a representação e elaboração de narrativas que procuram refletir sobre as relações familiares. Entre os diversos assuntos explorados nessas obras, a temática da decadência tem sido um motivo recorrente. É sob esse aspecto que se insere a presente dissertação, a qual possui o objetivo de examinar como se configura o tema da decadência nos romances Absalão, Absalão! (1936), de William Faulkner, e Ópera dos mortos (1967), de Autran Dourado, levando em consideração a influência das transmissões transgeracionais e o peso simbólico do passado sobre os integrantes das dinastias Sutpen e Honório Cota. Para atingirmos esse objetivo, procuramos investigar o valor simbólico atribuído à figura paterna presente nos romances, enfatizando o seu papel na constituição da estrutura e na formação da identidade familiar; examinar as relações intersubjetivas e as transmissões comportamentais entre ascendentes e descendentes; analisar o papel da memória familiar e os efeitos causados pela compulsão dos descendentes em preservar as heranças ancestrais; e, por fim, verificar o modo como as memórias familiares se articulam na configuração espacial, mais precisamente na casa, como vestígios mnemônicos que asseguram a presença dos mortos e apontam para a apreensão do passado frente às transformações históricas e sociais. Para tanto, nossa pesquisa está ancorada nos pressupostos teóricos desenvolvidos por Assmann (2011), Benjamin (2012; 2013), Candau (2011), Freud (1996) e Penso, Costa e Ribeiro (2008). Os resultados deste trabalho evidenciam que as transmissões transgeracionais e o peso simbólico do passado exercem uma forte ação negativa sobre as personagens. Além disso, a decadência que acomete as duas famílias funciona como uma representação metafórica e metonímica que correlaciona a trajetória de ascensão e queda das duas dinastias com o esfacelamento das sociedades às quais aludem as narrativas. / The literary field has become a fruitful ground for the representation and elaboration of narratives which attempt to reflect upon family relations. Among the diversity of motifs presented in those productions, the theme of decay has been a recurrent topic. In light of this, the present research aims at analyzing how the theme of the declining family is portrayed in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! (1936) and Autran Dourado’s The voices of the dead (1967) taking into account the influence on transgeracional transmission and the symbolic burden of the past over the Sutpen’s and the Honório Cota’s dynasty members. In order to reach the objective above, we seek to investigate the symbolic value of the father figure within the novels, focusing on his role in the constitution of the structure and formation of the family; to examine the relation among the family members as well as the transmission of behavior between ancestors and descendants; to analyze the role played by the family memory and the effects caused by the descendants’ compulsion to preserve their inheritance; and, lastly, to verify in what way the family memories are embodied in the spatial configuration, more precisely the house, as a mnemonic trace that keeps the presence of the dead and reflects the view of the past towards historical and social transformations. To this end, we based our analysis on the studies developed by Assmann (2011), Benjamin (2012; 2013), Candau (2011), Freud (1996), Penso, Costa and Ribeiro (2008). The results show that the transgeracional transmission and the burden of the past hold a remarkable negative power over the characters. Furthermore, it may be concluded that the decay which tears the families apart function as a metaphorical and metonymic representation that associate the rise and fall of both dynasties to the process of destruction and transformation of the societies described in the novels.

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