Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe french revolution"" "subject:"ehe drench revolution""
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Of Crimes and Calamities: Marie Antoinette in American Political DiscourseSommer, Heather J. 30 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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George Canning, Liberal Toryism, and Counterrevolutionary Satire in the Anti-JacobinThompson, Martha 01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
One of the most defining moments in the histories of British satire and the public sphere took place in the late 1790s in an abandoned house in Piccadilly. Here George Canning and several fellow conservatives began writing and circulating their weekly newspaper the Anti-Jacobin. Although the periodical has been critically neglected, it is a valuable model for exploring how literary (partisan) politicians attempted to form a rational and critical public sphere through their satiric poetry. Founded by George Canning and edited by William Gifford, the Anti-Jacobin seems to reflect a reactionary conservative's ideology and has been summarily dismissed because of this one-sided nature. In this essay, I suggest a more nuanced reading of both Canning's biography and his Anti-Jacobin poetry that will give a fuller and more accurate version of Canning, one that illustrates a moderate reformer who is concerned with centralizing the extremism of the 1790s.
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Aux Français, sur le 14 Juillet - un pamphlet de la Révolution Française15 March 2023 (has links)
Le pamphlet anonyme 'Aux Français, sur le 14 Juillet' a probablement été publié en 1799, à l’occasion du dixième anniversaire de la prise de la Bastille. Son auteur veut montrer comment la Révolution française a modifié le prestige de la politique étrangère et l’état de la politique intérieure de la France. Il examine la politique étrangère et la situation militaire du pays avant et après la Révolution. Selon lui, elles étaient auparavant affectées par la faiblesse et la corruption du gouvernement. Cela n’a pris fin qu’avec la Révolution, car celle-ci a permis à tous les citoyens, y compris les plus énergiques et les plus vertueux, d’entreprendre une carrière militaire.
Pour l’auteur, les charges qui pesaient sur le tiers état avant la Révolution sont à l’origine de la stagnation économique du passé. Il voit dans l’abolition du féodalisme et la liberté nouvellement acquise la condition préalable au progrès économique. S’il souligne également les aspects négatifs de la Révolution, à savoir la guerre et la tyrannie, il juge décisif le progrès qui a été rendu possible par la prise de la Bastille. / Die anonyme Flugschrift „Aux Français, sur le 14 Juillet“ („An die Franzosen, über den 14. Juli“) wurde wahrscheinlich im Jahr 1799 anlässlich des 10. Jahrestags des Sturms auf die Bastille veröffentlicht. Ihr Autor will zeigen, wie die Französische Revolution das außenpolitische Prestige und die innenpolitischen Zustände Frankreichs verändert hat. Er untersucht die Außenpolitik und die militärische Situation Frankreichs vor und nach der Revolution. Sie seien davor durch die Schwäche und Verdorbenheit der Regierung beeinträchtigt gewesen. Dies endete erst mit der Revolution, da sie allen Bürgern, also auch den Tatkräftigen und Tugendhaften, eine militärische Karriere ermöglicht habe.
Für den Autor sind die Belastungen, die vor der Revolution auf dem Dritten Stand lagen, der Grund für den wirtschaftlichen Stillstand in der Vergangenheit. Er sieht in der Abschaffung des Feudalismus und der neu gewonnenen Freiheit die Voraussetzung für den ökonomischen Fortschritt. Er weist jedoch auch auf die negativen Seiten der Revolution, nämlich Krieg und Tyrannei, hin. Entscheidend ist für ihn allerdings der Fortschritt, der mit dem Sturm auf die Bastille erst möglich wurde. / The anonymous pamphlet 'Aux Français, sur le 14 Juillet' ('To the French, on 14 July') was probably published in 1799 on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille. His author aims to show how the French Revolution changed France’s foreign policy prestige and domestic political conditions. He examines France’s foreign policy and military situation before and after the Revolution. Before that, he says, they were marred by the weakness and corruption of the government. This only ended with the Revolution, as it made a military career possible for all citizens, including the energetic and virtuous.
For the author, the burdens that lay on the Third Estate before the revolution are the reason for the economic stagnation in the past. He sees the abolition of feudalism and the newly won freedom as the precondition for economic progress. However, he also points out the negative sides of the revolution, namely war and tyranny. What is decisive for him, however, is the progress that only became possible with the storming of the Bastille.
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No description available.
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Making History: How Art Museums in the French Revolution Crafted a National Identity, 1789-1799Sido, Anna E 01 January 2015 (has links)
This paper compares two art museums, both created during the French Revolution, that fostered national unity by promoting a cultural identity. By analyzing the use of preexisting architecture from the ancien régime, innovative displays of art and redefinitions of the museum visitor as an Enlightened citizen, this thesis explores the application of eighteenth-century philosophy to the formation of two museums. The first is the Musée Central des Arts in the Louvre and the second is the Musée des Monuments Français, both housed in buildings taken over by the Revolutionary government and present the seized property of the royal family and Catholic Church. Created in a violent and unstable political climate, these museums were an effective means of presenting the First Republic as a guardian of national property and protector of French identity.
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旺代戰爭與羅馬公教 / The Vendée War and the Catholic Church林弘毅, LIN, Hong yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文所要探究的,即是從旺代地區在舊制度時期羅馬公教下鐘聲文化開始,進而探討大革命發生後,在旺代戰爭過程中,地方意識與中央集權的對抗,以及戰後國家認同的問題。 / In French history, cultural diversity influenced the identity of many different regions. In the case of Vendée, local identity, strengthened by the Roman Catholic Church, formed a special concept, which was described as “esprit du clocher”. The rhythm of daily life, as well as the general view of the world, was dominated by the church bell.
Even after the French revolution, the French government followed the example from the ancien régime. They tried to replace this feeling of local identity with the spirit of a new nation. The general tendency of centralization continued. However, Vendée tried hard to maintain their long held approach. The Vendée War was a result of the cumulation of this tension.
The outcome of this war proved that the new national identity was prevailing. In this thesis, the author wishes to examine the transition from the esprit du clocher to the esprit de la nation.
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The sovereignty of the royal portrait in revolutionary and Napoleonic Europe : five case studies surrounding Maria Carolina, Queen of NaplesGoudie, Allison J. I. January 2014 (has links)
This study demonstrates how royal portraiture functioned during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars as a vehicle for visualizing and processing the contemporary political upheavals. It does so by considering a notion of the 'sovereignty of the portrait', that is, the semiotic integrity (or precisely the lack thereof) and the material territory of royal portraiture at this historical juncture. Working from an assumption that the precariousness of sovereignty which delineated the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars goes hand in hand with the precariousness of representation during the same period, it reframes prevailing readings of royal portraiture in the aftermath of the French Revolution by approaching the genre less as one defined by the oneway propagation of a message, and more as a highly unstable intermedial network of representation. This theoretical undertaking is refracted through the figure of Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples (1752-1814), close sister and foil to Queen Marie- Antoinette of France, and who, as de facto ruler of the Kingdom of Naples, physically survived revolution but was twice dethroned and thrice exiled. A diverse ecology of royal portraiture revolving around Maria Carolina is presented across five case studies. Close attention to the materiality of a hyperrealistic wax bust of Maria Carolina reveals how portraiture absorbed the trauma of the French Revolution; Maria Carolina’s correspondence in invisible ink is used as a tool to read a highly distinctive visual language of 'hidden' silhouettes of sovereigns and to explore the in/visibility of exile; a novel reading of Antonio Canova's work for the Neapolitan Bourbons through the lens of contemporary caricature problematizes the binary between ancien régime and parvenue monarchy; and a unique miniature of Maria Carolina offers itself as a material metaphor for post-revolutionary sovereignty. Finally, Maria Carolina’s death mask testifies to how Maria Carolina herself became a relic of the ancien régime.
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Le concept de "convention nationale" sous la Révolution. Contribution à l'étude de la représentation constiuante / The concept of "national convention" during the French revolution. Contribution to the study of constituent representationRoux, Stéphane 05 December 2011 (has links)
Dans un système constitutionnel fondé sur la souveraineté de la nation, le pouvoir constituant fait figure de phénomène ambivalent, difficilement analysable en termes juridiques. Par définition réfractaire à tout encadrement impératif, le pouvoir suprême au sein de l’Etat n’en doit pas moins revêtir une forme organisée pour exprimer une volonté normative. Les acteurs de la Révolution française agissent aux confins du droit, tirant profit des ressources de la philosophie politique et de l’histoire pour établir une constitution, principe fondamental du système juridique qu’ils cherchent à établir. Ils se dotent d’outils pour parvenir à leurs fins : le concept de « convention nationale » en est un, auréolé du succès des réalisations américaines. Plutôt qu’à une transposition institutionnelle, les révolutionnaires français procèdent à une adaptation. En devenant « extraordinaire », la représentation constituante qu’ils conceptualisent perd son caractère révolutionnaire pour devenir pleinement juridique. Elle offre une alternative à l’insurrection. Un tel processus présente cependant un revers. Ce pouvoir, en accédant à l’existence investi de l’exercice de la souveraineté, est dégagé de toutes contraintes juridiques autres que celles qui découlent de son organisation. Ces contraintes pèsent sur ses membres, exacerbant les tensions qui déchirent un corps collectif doté des pouvoirs les plus étendus. Les dérives sanglantes qui frappent la Convention nationale ne sont pas inéluctables ; elles découlent de l’exploitation politique des failles inhérentes au fonctionnement d’une représentation souveraine dont les membres ne doivent jouir d’aucun privilège. / In a constitutional system founded on the sovereignty of the nation, constituent power is an ambivalent phenomenon, difficult to analyse in juridical terms. By definition resistant to mandatory regulation, the supreme power in the state must necessarily take a form which enables it to express a normative will. The actors of the French Revolution push the confines of the law, taking advantage of the resources of political philosophy and history to establish a constitution, fundamental principle of the juridical system they seek to institute. They create tools to achieve their ends: the concept of “national convention” being one, taking inspiration from the success of American achievements. Rather than an institutionnal transposition, the French revolutionaries proceed with an adaptation. By becoming “extraordinary”, the constituent representation which they conceptualize losses its revolutionary character to become fully juridical. It offers an alternative to the insurrection. By coming into existence invested with the capacity to exercise sovereignty, this power is released from all legal constraints other than those arising as a result of its organization. The process, however, is two-sided, and internally produced constraints weigh on its members, exacerbating tensions thar tear a collective body endowed with the broadest powers. The bloody excesses that strike the National Convention are not inevitable. They arise from political exploitation of flaws inherent to the organization of a sovereign representation whose members must not have any privilege.
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Un journal réactionnaire sous la Convention thermidorienne : La Quotidienne / A reactionary newspaper in 1795 : La QuotidienneEljorf, Ghazi 31 May 2017 (has links)
Nous abordons par le biais de ce journal un chapitre de la pensée réactionnaire en France après la Révolution – précisément en 1795 –, chapitre constitué par un journal favorable à la monarchie, à savoir La Quotidienne. Si le titre de notre thèse se focalise sur la Convention thermidorienne, le corpus de notre recherche comprend également le mois de décembre 1796, sous le Directoire, ce qui nous permet de mesurer l’évolution du journal entre ces deux systèmes politiques. Nous nous intéressons principalement à la littérature publiée dans La Quotidienne, sous des formes et des genres variés (poésie, dialogues, théâtre…), non sans avoir d’abord examiné le contexte de la publication : l’histoire politique de la Convention thermidorienne et la renaissance, timide et mesurée, de la liberté de la presse après le 9 Thermidor. Entre ces deux volets de notre recherche, nous proposons une description matérielle du journal (forme des articles, structuration en rubriques, souscription, etc.)Nous avons lu La Quotidienne d’un œil curieux et aussi objectif que possible ; mais surtout avec plaisir : notre intérêt pour ce journal est en effet né d’une double passion pour la littérature et pour la presse. Nous souhaitons que les lecteurs de cette recherche puissent éprouver le même intérêt pour un journal quelque peu oublié quant à sa période révolutionnaire, mais qui est un petit théâtre où se jouent en direct et de façon originale, les grands enjeux idéologiques de la période. / Our purpose throughout this research on La Quotidienne, a Parisian daily newspaper, is to deal with an aspect of reactionary thought in France at the end of the Revolution, in 1795 to be precise. Even though the title of this thesis focuses on the Thermidorian Convention, our research includes December 1796 issues, published therefore under the Directory rule. This allows us to consider the evolution of this paper between two political systems.Our thesis mostly focuses on the different genres and forms of literature published in La Quotidienne (poetry, dialogues, theatre…). It was however necessary to first consider the general context of publication: the political history of the Thermidorian Convention, as well as the timid and careful rebirth of press freedom after the 9th Thermidor. Between these two parts, we provide a material description of the newspaper (headings, articles, sections, subscription, etc.)We have read La Quotidienne with curiosity and as objectively as possible; but also with a pleasure derived from our strong attachment to literature and the press. We wish to convey some of this pleasure to our readers, when they discover this somewhat neglected newspaper – a small stage where the main ideas of the time are at play.
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O Estado Moderno: elementos de formação e de transformaçãoBorges, Márcia Medeiros Campos 29 March 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-03-29 / The objective of this dissertation is to relate the several determining and transforming elements of the so-called modern state, especially by means of analysis of the period between the Sixteenth and Eighteenth centuries. It will show the dynamics of the most important phenomena which served to fuel several conflicts of interest throughout history, whose result was, undoubtedly, the claim for a new state order, apart from covering aspects relevant to those movements which competed in causing deep wounds and significant modifications to the organization and structures of the consolidated modern state. Therefore, we shall borrow from some scholars, especially the thinkers who forged this ideology which dawned at the threshold of the Sixteenth century and became in the centuries to come, a necessary instrument in exercising political power in its myriad forms of domination / O objetivo do presente trabalho é discorrer sobre os diversos elementos constitutivos e transformativos do chamado Estado moderno, interessando, especialmente, a análise do período compreendido entre os séculos XVI e XVIII, bem como apontar a dinâmica dos mais importantes fenômenos que serviram para impulsionar diversos conflitos de interesses ao longo da história, cujo resultado foi, inequivocamente, a afirmação de uma nova ordem estatal, além de abordar os aspectos relevantes dos movimentos que concorreram para provocar traumas profundos e modificações significativas na organização e estruturas do Estado moderno já consolidado. Para tanto, nos socorreremos de alguns estudiosos, especialmente dos pensadores que forjaram a ideologia dessa ordem que raiou definitivamente no limiar do século XVI e firmou-se nos séculos vindouros como instrumento necessário ao exercício do poder político em suas variadas formas de dominação
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