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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à l'étude des procédés de réalisation de circuits intégrés optiques en matériaux polymères

Maalouf, Azar 19 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Au laboratoire, cette thèse fait suite à des modélisations sur des fonctions passives intégrées optiques à base de micro-résonateurs en anneaux. Pour les réaliser, une étude de toutes les étapes de réalisation de circuits en polymère a été effectuée. Les objectifs sont l'obtention de guides arêtes, ridge monomodes avec des performances acceptables et la miniaturisation de fonctions avec les matériaux et technologies envisageables au CCLO. Des points bloquants ont été identifiés au départ, tels que le manque d'adhérence entre matériaux, les incompatibilités technologiques et optiques entre polymères, les phénomènes liés au procédé occasionnant des pertes optiques excessives. Après un état de l'art sur les polymères pour guides d'ondes optiques, le manuscrit présente les travaux spécifiques sur le choix des matériaux et l'évaluation de l'adhérence de polymères amorphes sur les substrats envisagés, ainsi que la qualité et la reproductibilité des dépôts et leur gravure sèche par plasma. L'analyse de l'apparition de défauts de surface des films et " ridge " ainsi que les solutions trouvées pour les éliminer, sont plus particulièrement développés. L'adaptation de la photolithographie classique en UV proche est détaillée pour atteindre des tailles de motifs submicroniques. Les résultats des méthodes d'analyse entreprises pour discriminer les différents facteurs de pertes optiques en propagation sont discutés. Enfin, les réalisations de guides monomodes à base de polymères méthacryliques pour le coeur ainsi que les premières structures de filtres et multiplexeurs en micro-résonateurs intégrés en anneaux et à faible intervalle spectral libre (1-3nm) sont présentées et analysées.

Laser Nonlinear Propagation In Gases: The Properties And Applications

Zhou, Bing 28 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
When an intense femtosecond laser pulse propagates in a gas, it undergoes filamentation, a spectacular process where the pulse spatial, spectral and temporal characteristics change considerably. A thin short-lived plasma column is formed in the wake of the propagating pulse. My PhD work has been dedicated to the further understanding of the filamentation process. In a first part, I compare the properties of a usual filament with those of a filament formed by a femtosecond laser pulse with a Bessel beam profile. Using a laser pulse of same intensity and duration, I show that a Bessel beam can form a longer and more uniform plasma column in air, but that the plasma density is significantly lower. In a second part, I show that it is possible to increase considerably the lifetime of the plasma column, using a dual femtosecond/nanosecond laser pulse technique. To obtain an increased lifetime over a significant segment of a plasma column, I rely on the properties of Bessel beams in the nonlinear regime developed in the first chapter. In a third part, I study the dynamics of free electrons that are produced in the filamentation process. To do this, I have developed a specially designed current probe. Experiments reveal a very rich behaviour. The longitudinal displacements of electrons in the plasma column depend sensitively on the nature of the gas and its pressure as well as on the laser polarization of the laser. I propose a model to explain this behaviour. The direction of electron flow results from the competition between pure laser forces and a Coulomb wake field force. In the last chapter, I study filamentation in a Helium gas. This required improving the laser characteristics in order to reach the necessary power for filamentation. Improved characteristics have been achieved by implementing a planar compression stage which shortened the laser pulse from 50 fs to 10 fs without appreciable energy loss. The first experimental evidence for filamentation in He is presented at the end of the thesis. Agreement is found with a numerical simulation.

Couplage des méthodes modale et éléments finis pour la diffraction des ondes élastiques guidées : Application au Contrôle Non Destructif

Baronian, Vahan 17 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
En vue de simuler une expérience de contrôle non destructif par ondes ultrasonores guidées, on considère un guide élastique 2D (une plaque) ou 3D (une barre) qui comporte un défaut (fissure, hétérogénéité locale due à une soudure etc...). L'objectif est de résoudre numériquement le problème de la diffraction d'un mode du guide par le défaut. Nous nous sommes attachés à mettre au point une méthode couplant des éléments finis dans une portion (aussi petite que possible) du guide, contenant le défaut, avec des décompositions modales de part et d'autre du défaut. La difficulté consiste à écrire la bonne condition de raccord entre ces deux représentations. Le point important est d'avoir à sa disposition une relation d'orthogonalité permettant de projeter la solution éléments finis sur les modes. Ceci conduit à formuler le problème à l'aide de vecteurs hybrides déplacement/contrainte pour lesquels il existe une relation de bi-orthogonalité : la relation dite de Fraser. On peut alors écrire une condition exacte (ou transparente) à la troncature modale près, sur les frontières artificielles du domaine de calcul. Il faut enfin intégrer cette condition aux limites dans une approche variationnelle (en déplacements) en vue de développer une méthode d'éléments finis. Du fait du caractère hybride de la condition, on doit pour cela introduire comme inconnue supplémentaire la composante normale de la contrainte normale définie sur la frontière artificielle et écrire une formulation mixte. Nous avons traité numériquement les cas bidimensionnel et tridimensionnel d'un guide isotrope à bords libres. Les modes du guide sont calculés numériquement par une approche originale utilisant à nouveau les vecteurs hybrides déplacement/contrainte, qui permet de conserver au niveau discret la relation de biorthogonalité. Le code développé permet de calculer très rapidement la "matrice de scattering

Den upproriska skötsamheten : Att vara ung och scout / The rebellious aspect of being well-behaved : To be young and a scout

Westberg, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to describe children’s own perspectives on being scouts and to describe the scout movement as a cultural phenomenon. The thesis is based on interviews with 34 members of the movement and studies of archive material and contemporary documents. It is also based on a social constructivist view of knowledge.</p><p>The results show that the movement seems to lack profile and is decentralised and secularised from the children’s point of view. They say that the movement’s history, the scout law, the scout oath and religion do not have great meaning. The movement has changed and membership today is not what it used to be. The children are scouts, but not too “scouty”.</p><p>The informants find that outsiders think that the movement is “geeky”, but it can have a high status among elderly people. The informants react to the “geekiness” by not caring, hiding the fact that they are members, not telling anyone or protesting against other people’s views on the subject. This “geeky” label and the informants’ reactions to it can be seen as an unexpressed initiation rite to becoming a scout. It is something the members have to go through to be seen as worthy scouts.</p><p>Being a scout is not considered rebellion against adults. Scouts can be seen as lacking youth culture patterns, adapting to an organized recreational activity. However, being a scout can be considered rebellion against other youngsters; some informants for example wore the scout uniforms in school. Some informants think that they have the correct picture of the movement and that outsiders have the wrong one. This strengthens their feeling of togetherness. Thus they are rebellious by being well-behaved. They fight against a dominating culture. Hence the scout movement works as a subculture even though it was created by adults.</p>

Contrôle cohérent des états électroniques d'une boîte quantique unique

Enderlin, Alexandre 29 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Nous avons étudié les propriétés de cohérence d'une paire électron-trou confinée dans une boîte quantique (BQ) unique. Ce travail a été réalisé sur deux types de BQs : d'une part, des BDs de GaAs sur GaAlAs obtenues par fluctuations d'épaisseur aux interfaces, et d'autre part, des BQs auto-organisées d'InAs sur GaAs. Afin d'exciter de manière résonnante la transition fondamentale de BQs, celles-ci sont insérées dans un guide d'onde unidimensionnel. La luminescence des BQs est collectée par la surface du guide d'onde, de telle façon à séparer la luminescence du laser diffusé. Tout d'abord, nous avons observé des oscillations de Rabi sur l'intensité de la micro-photoluminescence en fonction de l'aire de l'impulsion lumineuse d'excitation. Ceci démontre l'existence d'une régime de couplage fort entre une BQ unique et l'impulsion. Deuxièmement, une paire électron-trou peut être manipuler par un train de deux impulsions, dans une expérience dite de contrôle cohérent. En fonction de la différence de phase entre les deux impulsions, des interférences constructives ou destructives entrainent, respectivement, une augmentation ou une diminution de l'intensité de la luminescence de la BQ. Nous avons montré que deux impulsions π permettent de mesurer le temps de vie, T1, de l'état excité et deux impulsions π/2 sont utilisées pour mesurer le temps de cohérence, T2. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que le temps de décohérence total, T2 (170 ps), est du même ordre de grandeur que le temps de vie T1 (200 ps) bien que le limite supérieure de 2T1 ne soit pas atteinte. Nous en concluons que la perte de cohérence est autant dû à l'émission spontanée qu'aux processus de déphasage pur.

Bakom 24-timmarskommunens ansikte : Om utvecklingen av en medborgarassistent i Enköpings kommun / Behind the Face of the 24/7 Municipality Information Service : On the development of an interactive web assistant in Enköping

Perfect, Henrik January 2005 (has links)
<p>Sedan slutet på 1990-talet brukar begreppet 24-timmarsmyndigheten användas för att beteckna visionen och arbetet kring att modernisera den svenska förvaltningen. Mycket handlar om att införa elektroniska tjänster i syfte att möta medborgarnas krav och förväntningar på samhällsservice. I mötet mellan visioner och operativt arbete formas lösningar som syftar till att underlätta både samspelet med medborgarna och förvaltningens interna arbete. I den här studien ligger fokus på en e-tjänst som på den offentliga sektorns webbplatser ofta kallas för medborgarassistent. Det är en form av informationssystem som börjar synas på kommuners och myndigheters webbplatser för att i 24-timmarsvisionens anda hjälpa medborgare att hitta information och få svar på sina frågor.</p><p>Genom en instrumentell fallstudie kring utveckling och mplementering av en medborgarassistent på Enköpings kommuns webbplats belyser studien hur den svenska förvaltningens gemensamma visioner om 24-timmarsmyndigheten slår igenom i kommunens strategiska och operativa informationsarbete. I studien ställs frågor om vilka behov som ligger till grund för kommunens satsning och hur man resonerar kring tekniska möjligheter samt de visioner och förväntningar man har på medborgarassistenten.</p><p>I resultatet framstår medborgarassistenten som en del av en begynnande kanalstrategi där Internet är tänkt att bli den ominerande kanalen för kommunens informationsarbete. Medborgarassistenten ska kunna bemöta många av medborgarnas enkla och vanligt förekommande frågor och därmed ge kommunens medarbetare mer tid till kvalificerade frågor och handläggning. Även om kommunens visioner och strategier i stora drag överensstämmer med 24-timmarsmyndigheten finns ett glapp till det operativa arbetet med medborgarassistenten. Det visar sig i assistentens förmågor och organisationens anpassning till nya inslag i informationsarbetet. Studien visar på möjligheter att minska glappet och dess konsekvenser genom att grunda utvecklingsprocessen i tydliga behovsunderlag och målbilder som underlättar identifiering och prioritering av kritiska punkter hos medborgarassistenten.</p> / <p>In the late 1990s the Swedish government launched their ideas on strategic use of information and communication technology (ICT) to improve public administration. The ideas have come to revolve around the ability to meet the changing needs and demands of citizens by using electronic web based services.</p><p>In this context there is a growing interest in interactive web assistants, or FAQ robots among Swedish municipalities. The focal point of this instrumental case study is the introduction and use of an interactive web assistant that has been developed in order to improve the web services provided by the Swedish municipal government of Enköping. The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge of what kind of arguments and thoughts that took place, and issues that were involved in the developing process and preparation of the web assistant. This knowledge may be of interest in similar situations when developing public web based information systems.</p><p>The study portrays how the web assistant in Enköping has evolved from discussions about access to municipal information to become a part of a strategy to use the Internet as the main channel for municipal information and communication. The purpose of launching the assistant, as mentioned by interviewees in Enköping, was to guide citizens with common and frequently asked questions to information on the municipal website in order to answer their questions. This, when common questions are being solved with the use of web based information, is expected to free resources so more complex questions and cases can be handled effectively by the municipal staff. The visions and strategies underpinning the Enköping assistant are similar to national ideas of focusing on citizens’ needs and demands on access to public information. But the study also pin points a gap between the strategies and procedures in the development of the assistant. The study concludes that extended preparatory work may reduce the gap and allow the municipal government to identify reasonable goals and defining citizens’ needs in order to develop an assistant to meet the specific demands of their particular citizens.</p>

Towards the successful application of diatom-based biomonitoring in South Africa / J.C. Taylor

Taylor, Jonathan Charles January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Environmental Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Correcting Technical Deficiencies in High School Clarinet Sections: A Resource for Band Directors

Woolery, Danielle 08 May 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the specific advanced clarinet techniques in which further knowledge is required and to provide a resource for band directors to aid in the instruction of these techniques. In order to determine results, a survey was administered to high school band directors who are members of the Florida Bandmasters Association (N = 131). Sixteen band compositions were selected based on survey responses for analysis of technical challenges ranging from grade levels 4-6 on the Florida Bandmasters Association Concert Music List. The results of the band composition analysis and the survey responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics and topics to be included in the guide were chosen based on these results. The first part of this essay details the need for the study, a review of literature, the method of the study, the results of the study and a summary/conclusions section which includes implications for further research. The second part of this essay is the resource guide for band directors. The topics that were selected to be included in the guide are: Embouchure, Tone, Intonation and Tuning, Hand Position and Finger Technique, The Break, Altissimo, Articulation, Auxiliary Clarinets and Reeds, Equipment and Care. An appendix is also included which provides further resources for solo repertoire, method and etude books and a discography.

Ultraminiaturized Pressure Sensor for Catheter Based Applications

Melvås, Patrik January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Den upproriska skötsamheten : Att vara ung och scout / The rebellious aspect of being well-behaved : To be young and a scout

Westberg, Anna January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe children’s own perspectives on being scouts and to describe the scout movement as a cultural phenomenon. The thesis is based on interviews with 34 members of the movement and studies of archive material and contemporary documents. It is also based on a social constructivist view of knowledge. The results show that the movement seems to lack profile and is decentralised and secularised from the children’s point of view. They say that the movement’s history, the scout law, the scout oath and religion do not have great meaning. The movement has changed and membership today is not what it used to be. The children are scouts, but not too “scouty”. The informants find that outsiders think that the movement is “geeky”, but it can have a high status among elderly people. The informants react to the “geekiness” by not caring, hiding the fact that they are members, not telling anyone or protesting against other people’s views on the subject. This “geeky” label and the informants’ reactions to it can be seen as an unexpressed initiation rite to becoming a scout. It is something the members have to go through to be seen as worthy scouts. Being a scout is not considered rebellion against adults. Scouts can be seen as lacking youth culture patterns, adapting to an organized recreational activity. However, being a scout can be considered rebellion against other youngsters; some informants for example wore the scout uniforms in school. Some informants think that they have the correct picture of the movement and that outsiders have the wrong one. This strengthens their feeling of togetherness. Thus they are rebellious by being well-behaved. They fight against a dominating culture. Hence the scout movement works as a subculture even though it was created by adults.

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