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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The connection between the bow shock at Mercury and the interplanetary magnetic field / Kopplingen mellan Merkurius bogchock och det interplanetära magnetfältet

Sellberg, Erik January 2023 (has links)
As the solar wind reaches Mercury it interacts with the planet’s magnetic field slowing down, forming a bow shock in front of the planet and diverting the flow around it. Along with the solar wind comes the interplanetary magnetic field, an extension of the sun’s magnetic field. The interaction between the bow shock and the interplanetary magnetic field impacts the behaviour of the plasma both up- and downstream of the bow shock. An important factor is the angle between the normal to the bow shock surface and the interplanetary magnetic field, θBN. The angle can be divided into two categories: quasi-parallel for when θBN < 45° and quasi-perpendicular for θBN > 45°. It is expected for a quasi-parallel configuration to have stronger fluctuations in both the solar wind upstream of the bow shock and in the magnetosheath downstream caused by reflected particles backstreaming into the solar wind. Quasi-perpendicular configurations are expected to have less fluctuations in both regions due to fewer solar wind particles being reflected back. In this thesis this connection is investigated at the bow shock at Mercury using magnetic field data from the MESSENGER mission. By looking at the data when the spacecraft travels through the thin bow shock the local θBN angle can be calculated. The fluctuation level is then calculated as the standard deviation of the magnetic field in a 30 second period upstream and downstream of the crossing. The results found are unexpected as the correlation between θBN and the fluctuation levels are weaker and more uniformly distributed than expected compared to similar studies conducted at Earth using the Cluster satellites. This is most likely due to the smaller spatial scale of the Hermean system: the structures perpendicular to the interplanetary magnetic field of upstream activity, such as SLAMS, cover a greater proportion of the bow shock than at Earth allowing them to extend over into neighbouring regions of different θBN values, giving a more uniform distribution of the fluctuation levels. / När solvinden når Merkurius växelverkar den med planetens magnetfält och solvinden saktas ned och avledes till att flöda kring planeten. Då solvinden decelereras formas en chock framför planeten, bogchocken. Tillsammans med solvinden kommer det interplanetära magnetfältet, som är en förlängning av solens magnetfält. Växelverkan mellan bogchocken och det interplanetära magnetfältet påverkar plasmat både upp- och nedströms från bogchocken. En viktigt faktor är vinkeln mellan normalen till bogchocken och det interplanetära magnetfältet, θBN . Bogchocken kan delas in i två kategorier: kvasi-parallell då θBN < 45° och kvasi-vinkelrät då θBN > 45°. Vid kvasi-parallella förhållanden förväntas starkare fluktuationer i magnetfältet både uppströms i solvinden och nedströms i magnetskiktet, orsakat av reflekterade partiklar som färdas in i den inkommande solvinden. Kvasi-vinkelräta förhållanden förväntas ha mindre fluktuationer då färre partiklar reflekteras. I den här uppsatsen undersöks kopplingen vid Merkurius bogchock med data från rymdsonden MESSENGER. Genom att använda data då rymdsonden färdas igenom den tunna bogchocken kan det lokala värdet på θBN uträknas. Fluktuationsnivåerna räknas ut som standardavvikelsen av magnetfältet under en 30 sekundersperiod uppströms och nedströms från korsningen. Resultaten är ej som förväntade då kopplingen mellan θBN och fluktuationsnivån är mycket svagare och jämnt fördelade än förväntat, baserat på resultat från jorden från Cluster-satelliterna. Den mest troliga förklaringen är att Merkurius och dess bogchock är mindre än jordens: de strukturerna som är vinkelräta till det interplanetära magnetfältet hos uppströmsfenomen, t.ex SLAMS, täcker då en större proportion av bogchocken än vid jorden vilket tillåter dem att sträcka sig in i närliggande regioner med annorlunda θBN värden, vilket ger en mer jämn utbredning av fluktuationsnivåerna.

Emission of Multiple Messengers from Gamma-Ray Bursts

Rudolph, Annika Lena 05 August 2022 (has links)
Gammastrahlenblitze (Gamma-Ray Bursts, GRBs) gehören zu den energiereichsten transienten Ereignissen im Universum und werden als mögliche Quellen von ultra-hochenergetischen kosmischen Strahlen (Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays, UHECRs) gehandelt. Eine eindeutige Bestätigung durch UHECR-Messungen ist jedoch schwierig, da die Richtungsinformation der kosmischen Strahlen während ihrer Ausbreitung aufgrund von Ablenkung durch Magnetfelder teilweise verloren geht. In dieser Dissertation folgen wir einem alternativen multi-messenger Ansatz in welchem die Anwesenheit von kosmischen Strahlen in einem astrophysikalischen Objekt durch Neutrino- oder Photon-Signaturen angezeigt wird. Hierfür simulieren wir GRBs im Internal-Schock-Szenario, welches verschiedene Emissionszonen entlang des astrophysikalischen Jets erfasst, und berechnen nukleare Wechselwirkungen mit modernsten numerischen Codes. In diesem Rahmen diskutieren wir unter welchen Voraussetzungen die Quellklasse von GRBs UHECR-Daten beschreiben kann ohne Neutrinolimits. Letzere begründen sich im Mangel an gemessenen hoch-energetischen (High-Energy, HE) Neutrinos, die mit bekannten GRBs assoziert werden konnten. Die Neutrinolimits können alternativ in Objekten niedriger Leuchtkraft eingehalten werden, die typischerweise eine niedrige Neutrinoproduktionseffizienz haben. Wir präsentieren leptonische Strahlungsmodellierungen für die Unterklasse von GRBs niedriger Leuchktraft mit einem Fokus auf sehr hoch-energetischer (Very-High-Energy, VHE) Emission welche von aktuellen/zukünfitgen Instrumenten beobachtet werden könnte und bestimmen wir die maximalen Energien verschiedener Atomkerne. Die Präsenz von Hadronen kann alternativ durch Signaturen in verschiedenen Wellenlängen des Photonspektrums angezeigt werden. Wir erforschen diesen Ansatz in lepto-hadronischen Modellen für GRBs mit hoher Leuchtkraft, wobei wir kritisch diskutieren, welche Bedingungen erfüllt sein müssen damit typische GRB-Spektren reproduziert werden können. / Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are among the most energetic transients in the Universe and candidate sources of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs). A clear confirmation from UHECR measurements is however challenging, as the directional information of cosmic rays is partially lost due to deflection by (inter-)galactic magnetic fields. In this dissertation we follow an alternative multi-messenger approach, in which the presence of UHECRs in an astrophysical object is indicated by neutrino or photon signatures produced in nuclear interactions. For this, we simulate GRBs in the multi-zone internal shock model, which accounts for different emission zones along the astrophysical jet and calculate nuclear interactions with state-of-the-art numerical codes. In this framework we discuss under which conditions the population of GRBs can still account for UHECR measurements while obeying current neutrino limits that stem from the lack of detected High-Energy (HE) neutrinos which could be associated with known GRBs. These neutrino limits may alternatively be met in low-luminosity objects, which typically have low neutrino production efficiency. We present leptonic radiation models of the sub-class of low-luminosity GRBs, with a focus on Very-High-Energy (VHE) emission potentially observable by current/future instruments. Connecting to UHECRs, we determine maximal energies of different cosmic-ray nuclei. The presence of nuclei may also be indicated by multi-wavelength signatures in the photon spectrum. We explore this approach in lepto-hadronic models of high-luminosity bursts, where we also critically review the conditions necessary to reproduce typical GRB spectra within our model.

Time-Dependent Radiation Modeling of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows

Klinger, Marc 28 February 2025 (has links)
Der Ursprung des Nachglühens von Gammastrahlenausbrüchen (GRBs) wird allgmein Plasmaausströmungen mit ultra-relativistischen Geschwindigkeiten zugeordnet. Die sub-eV bis multi-GeV Strahlung wird dabei als Synchrotronemission nicht-thermischer Elektronen interpretiert, die an der Shockfläche zwischen Ausströmung und Umgebung beschleunigt werden. Seit langem besteht auch die Vorhersage einer weiteren spektralen Komponente bei höheren Energien durch die Interaktion von den selben Elektronen mit der Synchrotronemission (das SSC Szenario). Neuste zeitgleiche Multiwellellängendaten zeigen jedoch Diskrepanzen zum SSC Szenario. Deshalb widmet sich diese Dissertation einer sorgfältigen Datenanalysis innerhalb eines angemessenen statistischen Rahmen und einer Revision der vielen Bausteine des SSC Modells. Zuerst werden die keV-TeV Beobachtungen von zwei hellen GRBs, GRB 190114C und GRB 221009A, auf Signalebene mit den Daten verglichen. Für GRB 190114C ergibt sich keine statistische Präferenz für oder gegen eine neue Komponente. Für GRB 221009A sind die Daten begrenzt auf Energien unter einigen GeV, aber ebenfalls konsistent mit einer einzigen Potenzgesetzkomponente mit Steigungsänderung bei einigen keV und darüber einem spektralen Index erstaunlich ähnlich zu dem von vorhergehenden Daten, die bis zu multi-TeV Energien reichen. Das deutet auf eine übergreifendes Bild einer einzigen harten keV-TeV Potenzgesetzkomponente hin. Zur Interpretation werden die Ergebnisse einer systematischen Parameterraumerkundung des SSC Models, zusätzlich erweitert um die Strahlungskomponenten von Protonen, vorgestellt. Es werden 4 Alternativen zum SSC Szenario diskutiert, darunter ein Einkomponenten-Elektron-Synchrotron-Szenario und drei lepto-hadronische Szenarien in Umgebungen mit höherer Dichte, wie sie für Molekülwolken üblich sind. / The afterglows of Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are commonly believed to originate from plasma outflows of ultra-relativistic speeds. The sub-eV to multi-GeV photon afterglow emission is commonly interpreted as the synchrotron emission of non-thermal electrons, accelerated at the relativistic shock between the outflow and the surrounding material into which the outflow is propagating. A long-standing prediction for GRB afterglows is a new spectral component from inverse Compton up-scattering of synchrotron photons by the same population of electrons (the so-called synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) scenario). However, recent contemporaneous multi-wavelength observations reveal a growing number of discrepancies from the SSC prediction. Thus, this thesis performs a careful data analysis within a suitable statistical framework and a revision of the various building blocks of the SSC model. First, the keV-TeV observations of two bright GRBs, GRB 190114C and GRB 221009A, are compared to the SSC model at the counts-level. For GRB 190114C, a statistical test shows no robust preference for or against a second spectral component. For GRB 221009A, the contemporaneous data is limited to energies less than a few GeV, however being consistent with a single smoothly-broken power-law component with a break energy around a few keV and a photon index above the break showing remarkable similarity with earlier data of GRB 221009A extending up to multi-TeV energies. From this, the picture of a single hard power-law component extending from keV to TeV energies emerges. In order to interpret these observations, the results of a systematic parameter space exploration of the synchrotron model extended to the acceleration of protons are presented. Four alternative scenarios are discussed, including a single-component electron-synchrotron scenario, and three lepto-hadronic scenarios in environments of higher densities such as common for molecular clouds.


McCullers, Deanna Lynn 01 January 2001 (has links)
Glucocorticoid activation of two types of adrenocorticosteroid receptors (ACRs), themineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), influences hippocampalneuron vulnerability to injury. Excessive activation of GR may compromise hippocampalneuron survival after several types of challenge including ischemic, metabolic, and excitotoxicinsults. In contrast, MR prevents adrenalectomy-induced loss of granule neurons in the dentategyrus. The present thesis addresses the respective roles of MR and GR in modulating neuronalsurvival following two forms of neuronal injury, excitotoxicity and traumatic brain injury. MaleSprague-Dawley rats were pretreated with MR antagonist spironolactone or GR antagonistmifepristone (RU486) and subsequently injected with kainic acid, an excitotoxic glutamateanalog, or injured with a controlled cortical impact. Twenty-four hours following injury,hippocampal neuron survival was measured to test the hypotheses that MR blockade wouldendanger and GR blockade would protect hippocampal neurons following injury. MessengerRNA levels of viability-related genes including bcl-2, bax, p53, BDNF, and NT-3 were alsomeasured to test the hypothesis that ACR regulation of these genes wouldcorrelate with neuronal survival. In addition, ACR mRNA levels were measured followingreceptor blockade and injury to test the hypothesis that glucocorticoid signaling is alteredfollowing neuronal injury via regulation of ACR expression.Mineralocorticoid receptor blockade with spironolactone increased neuronal vulnerability toexcitotoxic insult in hippocampal field CA3, and GR blockade with RU486 prevented neuronalloss after traumatic brain injury in field CA1. These results are consistent with the hypothesesthat MR protects and GR endangers hippocampal neurons. Adrenocorticosteroid receptorblockade decreased mRNA levels of the anti-apoptotic gene bcl-2 in select regions of uninjuredhippocampus, yet ACR regulation of bcl-2 did not consistently correspond with measures ofneuronal survival after injury. Kainic acid decreased MR mRNA levels in CA1 and CA3, whileboth kainic acid and controlled cortical impact dramatically decreased GR mRNA levels indentate gyrus. These data suggest that injury modulation of glucocorticoid signaling throughregulation of ACR expression may influence hippocampal neuron viability following injury.

Perceptions of quality teaching at a business school : implications for management / Claus Kempen

Kempen, Claus January 2014 (has links)
The general purpose this study has been to determine the perception of MBA students on quality lecturing. Business schools are concerned about how learners evaluate the lecturing experiences in order to monitor the quality of the lecturing. Student evaluations are assumed to mirror relative stable views which hold implications for how tertiary institutions act upon and reward the educational practices of lecturers. It is evident from prior research that broad reaching claims concerning student satisfaction cover large alternatives in terms of a construct being evaluated. Links between what is measured, and how this information should be utilised, are not always well-defined. Previous studies suggest that student satisfaction and perception is a multifaceted concept consisting of several complex dimensions. The true muscle of lecturing is crucial leadership ability. It is not just a lecture or a presentation. Lecturing is a set of skills. It is not just about a gift. It is a set of practices that should be rehearsed, mastered and delivered. A lecturer will certainly not deliver a faultless lecture, but might bring an influential and current lecture. The skill set of lecturing is both a skill and a discipline. A lecturer should learn and practices the discipline; then the skill will be conquered. Everyone can be a powerful and skillful presenter, but it will take time, rehearsal and vigor to overcome mediocrity. The management of business schools should comprehend the importance of quality lecturing. Without emphasis on lecturing, the perceived quality of a business school could be misconceived by students. Quality lecturing should always be a focus point and the emphasis on improved effectiveness by management. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Structures and processes in the Mercury magnetosphere

Liljeblad, Elisabet January 2017 (has links)
The mechanisms involved in the transfer of mass and energy from the solar wind to any planetary magnetosphere is considered an important topic in space physics. With the use of the Mercury spacecraft MESSENGER's data, it has been possible to study these processes in an environment different, yet similar, to Earth's. These data have resulted in new knowledge advancing not only the extraterrestrial space plasma research, but also the general space physics field.   This thesis aims to investigate mechanisms for the transfer of mass and energy into Mercury’s magnetosphere, and magnetospheric regions affected by, and processes directly driven by, these. The work includes the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) at the magnetopause, which is one of the main drivers for mass and energy transfer on Earth, the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL), which is in direct connection to the magnetopause and proposed to be affected by the KHI, magnetospheric ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves driven by the KHI, and isolated magnetic field structures in the magnetosheath as possible analogues to the Earth magnetosheath plasmoids and jets.   Kelvin-Helmholtz waves (KHW) and the LLBL are identified and characterized. The KHWs are observed almost exclusively on the duskside magnetopause, something that has not been observed on Earth. In contrast, the LLBL shows an opposite asymmetry. Results suggest that the KHI and LLBL are connected, possibly by the LLBL creating the asymmetry observed for the KHWs.   Isolated changes of the total magnetic field strength in the magnetosheath are identified. The similar properties of the solar wind and magnetosheath negative magnetic field structures suggest that they are analogues to diamagnetic plasmoids found on Earth. No clear analogues to paramagnetic plasmoids are found.     Distinct magnetospheric ULF wave signatures are detected frequently in close connection to KHWs. Results from the polarization analysis on the dayside ULF waves indicate that the majority of these are most probably driven by the KHI. In general, likely KHI driven ULF waves are observed frequently in the Hermean magnetosphere.  Although similar in many aspects, Mercury and Earth show fundamental differences in processes and structures, making Mercury a highly interesting planet to study to increase our knowledge of Earth-like planets. / <p>QC 20170519</p>

Quantifizierung des postmortalen RNA-Status im Gehirn mittels Real-time-PCR: Ein Beitrag zur Bestimmung der Leichenliegezeit / Quantification of the postmortem RNA-status in human brain by means of real-time-PCR: A contribution to the determination of the postmortem interval

Walter, Christina January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Quantifizierung des postmortalen RNA-Status im Gehirn mittels Real-time-PCR: Ein Beitrag zur Bestimmung der Leichenliegezeit Der postmortale Nukleinsäureabbau verläuft unterschiedlich: während DNA im Allgemeinen als stabil angesehen wird und erst mit Einsetzen von Fäulniserscheinungen stärkerer Degradation unterliegt, wird RNA mit dem Sistieren der Kreislauftätigkeit relativ rasch abgebaut. Eine Reihe von Studien hat aber gezeigt, dass RNA in bestimmten Geweben eine höhere Stabilität besitzt als ursprünglich angenommen. Dies könnte Bedeutung für die molekulare Medizinforschung besitzen, die auf Genexpressionsstudien in postmortalem Gewebe angewiesen ist. Außerdem könnte eine Quantifizierung der RNA-Degradation z.B. durch Real-time-PCR zur Eingrenzung der Leichenliegezeit genutzt werden. In dieser Studie wurde ein quantitativer Vergleich verschiedener sog. Haushaltsgene (u.a. GAPDH, ß-Actin, FASN) in Gehirngewebe mit einer Leichenliegezeit zwischen 0 und 96 Stunden und unter alternativen Ansätzen zur reversen Transkription (oligo-(dT)-Primer mit und ohne sog. Anker, Random Hexamer Primer) durchgeführt. Zunächst erfolgten systematische Untersuchungen zur Effektivität der RNA-Isolierung, reversen Transkription und der PCR im Hinblick auf eine möglichst präzise Quantifizierung. Es zeigte sich, dass die Resultate der Real-time-PCR ein Maß für die ursprünglich in der Probe vorhandene mRNA-Menge darstellen. Weiterhin stellte sich heraus, dass eine deutliche und evtl. auch zur Liegezeitbestimmung nutzbare RNA-Degradation erst nach 24h einsetzt. Ein wesentlicher Unterschied zwischen Random- und oligo-(dT)-priming der reversen Transkription war dabei nicht festzustellen. Diese Ergebnisse belegen zum einen, dass RNA im frühen postmortalen Intervall relativ stabil ist und als Substrat für quantitative Untersuchungen dienen kann, zum anderen, dass ein zeitabhängiger Abbau besteht, der eine Eingrenzung der Leichenliegezeit z.B. mittels Grenzwerten in ein frühes und mittleres Postmortalintervall zulässt. / Quantification of the postmortem RNA-status in human brain by means of real-time-PCR: A contribution to the determination of the postmortem interval The postmortem degradation of nucleic acid proceeds differently: whereas DNA is generally considered as stable and is only subject to stronger degradation with the beginning of putrefaction, RNA degrades very fast when the circulation is suspended. A series of studies, however, has shown that RNA has a greater stability in certain tissues than originally expected. This could be important for molecular medical research which is dependent on gene expression studies using postmortem tissue. Furthermore, the quantification of RNA-degradation by means of real-time-PCR could be used for the limitation of the postmortem interval. In this study, a quantitative comparison has been made between different so-called housekeeping-genes (e.g. GAPDH, ß-Actin, FASN) in human brain and a postmortem interval between 0 and 96 hours. Different alternative approaches have been used for the reverse transcription (oligo-(dT)-Primer with and without Anker, Random Hexamer Primer). At first, systematic examinations concerning the effectiveness of RNA isolation, reverse transcription and PCR have been undertaken with regard to a preferably exact quantification. It turned out that the results of the real-time-PCR represent a measure for the mRNA amount originally present in the specimen. Moreover, it emerged that a clear RNA degradation, which could possibly be used for the determination of the postmortem interval, begins after 24 hours. An important difference between random and oligo-(dT) priming of the reverse transcription could not be stated. These results demonstrate, on the one hand, that RNA is relatively stable during the early postmortem interval so that it can serve as substrate for quantitative examinations. On the other hand, it is shown that a time-dependent degradation exists which allows a limitation of the postmortem interval into an early and middle postmortem interval by means of threshold values for example.

Der Nachweis der muscarinischen Rezeptorsubtypen M2, M3 und M5 im schwangeren und nicht schwangeren humanen Myometrium mittels RT-PCR / Detection of the muscarinic receptors M2, M3 and M5 in pregnant and non pregnant human myometrium via RT-PCR

Saar, Matthias January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Da die Kontrolle der Kontraktion am Myometrium in der klinischen Praxis eine bedeutende Rolle spielt, sind Kenntnisse über die Physiologie zur Blockierung der Wehentätigkeit und Vermeidung von Frühgeburtlichkeit unverzichtbar. Der Einfuß des sympathischen Nervensystems mit Alpha und Beta-Rezeptoren ist gut untersucht, weshalb wir in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine Untersuchung zur Verteilung der muscarinischen Rezeptoren M1-M5 im schwangeren und nicht schwangeren Myometrium durchführten. Diese G-Protein gesteuerten parasympathischen Rezeptoren sind beispielsweise an Kontraktionsvorgängen in Blasen-, Magen-Darm- und Bronchialmuskulatur beteiligt und könnten so auch im Myometrium eine Rolle spielen. Mittels RT-PCR wurden 21 Myometriumbiopsien analysiert, wovon 11 Myometriumproben von Patientinnen in der 40. Schwangerschaftswoche, sowie jeweils 3 Proben von Patientinnen in der 32. Schwangerschaftswoche und von Patientinnen in der 25. Schwangerschaftswoche stammten, desweiteren eine Probe einer in der 10. Schwangerschaftswoche durch Hysterektomie abgebrochenen Schwangerschaft. Die drei letzten Proben stammten von nicht schwangeren Patientinnen nach vaginaler Hysterektomie. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten in der Schwangerschaft, als auch am nicht schwangeren Myometrium jeweils m-RNA für M2, M3 und M5 muscarinische Rezeptoren existiert. Die durch die hier angewendeten Verfahren zur Gewebepräparation, Gewinnung von RNA und Anwendung der RT-PCR vorliegenden Ergebnisse sollten auf Proteinebene bestätigt werden, die Durchführung funktioneller Studien wäre wünschenswert. / Contraction in human myometrium plays an important role concerning preterm labour. As the influence of sympathetic nervous system with alpha- and beta-receptors is well known, we were searching for muscarinic receptors M1-M5 in pregnant and non pregnant human myometrium. These G-protein coupled parasympathetic receptors induce contraction in tissues like bladder, gastrointestinal and bronchial smooth muscle. Via RT-PCR we analysed 21 tissue biopsies, 11 from 40th week of pregnancy, three probes from 32th and 25th week and one from 11th week. Last 3 tissues were from non pregnant myometrium after vaginal hysterectomy. We were able to show that mRNA for the muscarinic receptors M2, M3 and M5 exists at different points in pregnancy and in the non pregnant myometrium. We hope that your methods for tissue preparation, mRNA isolation and processing RT-PCR and the results will help to prove the existence of muscarinic receptors on protein level and in functional studies.

Interação com Wikis por meio de Mensageiros Instantâneos / Wiki Interation using Instant Messaging Bots

Santos, Rafael Pereira dos 19 February 2009 (has links)
A utilização da Internet cresceu amplamente nos últimos anos e tem propiciado o desenvolvimento de diversas ferramentas de comunicação via web. Têm se destacado, de maneira especial, as ferramentas que possibilitam a disponibilização online de conteúdos diversos, criados pelos próprios usuários, como as wikis. O sucesso obtido pelas wikis deve-se, em grande parte, à pequena quantidade de esforço necessário para a edição das páginas, indicando que esta característica é muito apreciada pelos usuários. Visando tornar o processo de edição de wikis ainda mais ágil, este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de como os mensageiros instantâneos podem auxiliar nesta tarefa. Assim, uma nova nova forma de interação no processo de edição de wikis, por meio de Mensageiro Instantâneo, foi projetada e implementada. Essa forma de interação proposta altera a forma de interação com wikis convencional, no sentido de possibilitar que o autor do conteúdo a ser editado na wiki não necessite mudar de seu ambiente de comunicação, que atualmente tem sido muito utilizado, o de troca de mensagens por meio do mensageiro instantâneo. Além disso, esta pesquisa possibilitou a identificação de diversas vantagens e desvantagens da utilização de bots de mensageiros instantâneos, encontradas na literatura, bem como durante os experimentos e estudos de caso realizados / The Internet usage has grown significantly in recent years and has fomented the development of several communication tools via web. Tools that make available the various online contents created by the users, such as wikis should be especially highlighted. The success achieved by wikis is due in large extent to the small amount of effort required to edit pages. This is an indicator that this feature is very appreciated by users. In order to make the editing process of wikis even faster, this work presents a proposal of using integrated Instant Messaging tools features with wikis. Thus, a new means of interaction in the process of editing in wikis, via Instant Messenger, was designed and implemented. This proposed means of interaction augments the way of interaction with conventional wikis, by enabling authors to edit the wiki content without having to shift from his/her communication environment in use. This proposal is supported by the fact that Instant Messaging systems have been widely used and adopted. Moreover, this research provides evidences to help the identification of advantages and disadvantages of the use of bots in Instant Messaging, from the results of the experiments and case studies conducted

Enriquecimento antigênico de linhagens tumorais: estratégia para abordagens imunoterapêuticas personalizadas. / Antigenic enrichment of tumor cell lines: a strategy for personalized immunotherapeutic approaches.

Pinho, Mariana Pereira 25 November 2014 (has links)
Células dendríticas (DCs) são células apresentadoras de antígenos usadas em estratégias imunoterapêuticas, como as que utilizam híbridos de DCs e células tumorais. Este projeto avaliou a possibilidade de utilizar, como parceiro de fusão das DCs, células de linhagem tumoral previamente transfectadas com mRNA amplificado de células tumorais contra as quais se pretende induzir resposta. Os híbridos foram capazes de induzir uma resposta antígeno-específica e foi possível enriquecer uma célula com antígenos de outra, uma vez que células transfectadas passaram a apresentar mRNAs da célula doadora, e expressar GFP quando a célula doadora era positiva para GFP. Foi possível amplificar integralmente o mRNA para GFP e amplificar os mRNAs de uma célula, gerando um material contendo mRNAs do preparado inicial mas incapaz de aumentar a expressão das moléculas avaliadas nas células transfectadas, mostrando que o protocolo ainda precisa ser aperfeiçoado. Em conjunto, os resultados mostraram que a estratégia de imunoterapia aqui explorada é promissora e merece maior investigação. / Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen presenting cells widely used in immunotherapy strategies, as the ones that utilize dendritic cell tumor cell hybrids. The present project evaluated the possibility of using cells from tumor cell lines, which were previously transfected with mRNA amplified from tumor cells against which a response is aimed, to fuse with DCs. The hybrids were able to induce a specific immune response. Also, it was possible to enriched one cell with antigens from another one, since transfected cells increased the amount of mRNAs from the donator cell, and expressed GFP when the donator cells expressed this protein. It was possible to successfully amplify the GFP specific mRNA. The mRNAs amplified from RNA of different cell lines contained mRNAs that were present in the total extracted RNA, but were not able to increase the expression of the molecules we attempted to detect in the transfected cells, showing that the protocol still need to be improved. Together, these results show that this new strategy is promising and deserves further investigation.

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