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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Du harem à la scène artistique : être femme et peintre du déclin de l'Empire ottoman à la République

Daǧoǧlu, Özlem Gülin January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal. / Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse ou ce mémoire a été dépouillée, le cas échéant, de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse ou du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Fred Kabotie, Elizabeth Willis DeHuff, and the Genesis of the Santa Fe Style

welton, jessica w 01 January 2014 (has links)
Those scholars who have overlooked the relevance of Fred Kabotie and the Santa Fe Style he developed have missed an important historical segment of early Native American painting. This dissertation underscores the convergence of diverse intellectual, artistic and cultural backgrounds, especially those of Kabotie and Elizabeth Willis DeHuff, his first art teacher, which led to the formation of the Santa Fe Style in 1918. This style was formative for Dorothy Dunn’s later Studio School at the Santa Fe Indian Boarding School. This first generation of the Santa Fe Style of watercolor painting was empowered by highly educated men and women, who helped to ensure the national recognition Kabotie’s work received. Among Kabotie’s early supporters were Elizabeth Willis and John DeHuff, Mabel Dodge Luhan, Edgar Lee Hewett, Kenneth Chapman, Robert Henri, Maynard Dixon, Marsden Hartley, John Sloan, John Louw Nelson and George Gustav Heye. By uncovering the multiple discourses connecting these individuals with Kabotie and his work, this study develops a basis for analyzing the many perspectives this new style synthesized and advanced. This dissertation positions Kabotie and the Santa Fe Style within these and several larger cultural arenas, including Hopi culture, modern art and Santa Fe intellectuals, thus providing a multistoried dimensionality overlooked in earlier scholarship. Through evaluating these individuals who informed and empowered the creation of the Santa Fe Style, while carefully considering Kabotie’s response to them in his work, this dissertation initiates a clearer understanding of early twentieth-century cultural and artistic interactions, both locally and nationally. The Santa Fe Style provided a new direction for American Indian art prior to World War II; it initiated a fresh dialogue between the Hopi people and the Anglo government, and it afforded a complex and ongoing conversation for not just Fred Kabotie and his art, but also, through him, the Hopi people. Moreover, it had a profound effect on the development of Southwest Native American painting over the next fifty years.


FERNANDA DE ABREU CARDOSO 26 November 2003 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa pretende analisar a produção de material gráfico produzido pelas classes populares, o que é aqui denominado Design Gráfico Vernacular. O objetivo do trabalho é analisar este fenômeno através de pesquisa teórica, entrevistas, observações e análise gráfica do objeto em questão considerando o contexto social em que surge esse tipo de produção, o que a define, assim como o uso desses objetos. O objeto de estudo consiste em um conjunto de letreiros formado por três categorias de negócios de prestação de serviços, sendo eles: bares, restaurantes e lanchonetes; cabeleireiros e chaveiros, registrados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A partir da observação e análise do conjunto de letreiros confeccionados artesanalmente por profissionais especializados, os letristas, o trabalho busca também verificar a existência de uma linguagem própria desse tipo de produção. A pesquisa parte do princípio de que instâncias de legitimação provenientes de grupos sociais distintos, impõem valores e critérios de julgamento que afetam a produção de um campo de produção de bens simbólicos como o design. A importância desta pesquisa reside no fato de que a produção do design gráfico vernacular, mesmo caracterizando uma produção artesanal em uma sociedade pós-industrial, ainda é uma prática comum em todo o país. Esse tipo de produção convive com a produção do design gráfico culto dentro de uma mesma sociedade, porém ambos os campos de produção se formam para atender as necessidades de grupos sociais distintos. / [en] This dissertation intends to analyse the production of graphical material proceeding from popular social groups, which is herein named Graphic Vernacular Design. The focus of the work is to analyse this phenomenon through theoretical research, surveys, observation and graphical analyses of the object at issue, observing the social context in which that production arises, what defines it and the use of such objects. The object of study is based on a set of signs featured by three categories of business and services, such as: bars, restaurants and snack-bars; hairdressers and locksmiths registered in the city of Rio de Janeiro. From the observation and analysis of a handmade set of signs made by skilled professionals in that area of production, the so-called letter painters, this piece of work also investigates the existence of a particular language in that kind of production. The research takes as principle the fact that legitimation instances proceeding from different social groups impose values and rules of judgement which affect the production of a field of production of symbolic goods as occurs with the design. The importance of this study is based on the fact that the production of graphic vernacular design, even though characterizing a handmade production in a post- industrial society is still a regular practice in the country. That kind of production lives together with the production of cultured graphic design inside the same society: however, both fields of production are formed to attend the needs of distinct social groups.

Apelle, saint Luc et le singe : trois figures du peintre dans l'Espagne des XVIème et XVIIème siècles [fonctions littéraires, théoriques et artistiques] / Apelles, Saint Luke and the monkey : three figures of the painter in the 16th and 17th centuries Spain [literary, theoric and artistic functions]

Hue, Cécile 09 December 2009 (has links)
Dans l’Espagne des XVIe et XVIIe siècles, le peintre est un personnage en construction. Souvent défini par l’idéologie qui le commande et les œuvres qui lui survivent, son geste semble perdu à jamais, ou figé sous la forme d’archétypes et d’allégories. L’autoportrait, genre naissant, témoigne de cette main, mais il reste loin de toute objectivité : « Le peintre, peintre de lui-même, dans la dépendance de ce que l’histoire charrie et porte, n’aurait-il été qu’un singe savant et dressé qui rabâche ? », se demande Pascal Bonafoux en conclusion de son étude sur Les peintres et l’autoportrait. Même dans le reflet direct que l’artiste offre de lui-même, les topiques s’immiscent : ils aident à son identification, au déchiffrage des chefs-d’œuvre et au balisage des chemins de la gloire. Cependant, ces figures ont une vie, et elles échappent parfois à l’évidence qu’on leur prête. À commencer par saint Luc, personnalité a priori idéale pour conduire les peintres vers la reconnaissance attendue dans l’élan contre-réformiste, mais qui doit compter avec Apelle, le maître grec dont l’excellence retentit depuis un sommet convoité. Ces légendes se diversifient et se ramifient dans le jeu métaphorique des mots, elles évoluent au gré de la revendication théorique et dévoilent leurs limites au moment de prendre corps. Leur fréquence, leur intensité et leurs croisements témoignent des voies empruntées afin de saisir le personnage du peintre, non pas sa psychologie, mais sa stature, libérale et noble. La focalisation sur la patte du peintre mythique, qui pousse dans l’ombre celle du singe imitateur, éclaire l’avancée de l’artiste dans le Siècle d’Or de la peinture espagnole. / In 16th and 17th century Spain, the figure of the painter is a work in progress. His gesture – often defined by the underlying ideology and by the pieces which will outlive it – seems lost forever or frozen into archetypes and allegories. The new genre of the self-portrait states the existence of the painter’s hand but without any objectivity: “Has the painter, painting himself, been nobody but a performing trained monkey rambling on?”, Pascal Bonafoux wonders in the conclusion of his study Les peintres et l’autoportrait. Topics creep in even in the direct reflection the painter offers when painting himself: they help identify him, decipher the masterpieces and mark out the way to glory. However, those topics live and sometimes escape the obviousness one tends to see in them. Starting with St Luke, who should be the ideal one to lead the painters towards the recognition expected in the wake of the anti-reformation movement, but who has to reckon with Apelles, the Greek master whose excellence resounds from a much-envied summit of fame. Those legends become diverse and ramified through the metaphoric game of language, evolve according to theoretical claims and show their limits when given substance. Their frequency, intensity and conjunctions bear witness to the ways one follows to grasp the figure of the painter – not his psychology but his stature, liberal and noble. The focus on the painter’s touch – which relegates the gesture of the copying monkey to the shadows – sheds a light on the artist’s progression in the Golden Age of Spanish Painting

Ein irischer 3. Mai? Jack B. Yeats’ Funeral of Harry Boland (1922) im Kontext der Stilkonstruktion einer irischen Moderne

Ansel, Elisabeth 06 September 2019 (has links)
Mitte der 1920er Jahre und im Kontext der irischen Unabhängigkeit erklärte der Kunstkritiker Thomas MacGreevy (1893–1967) den Maler Jack B. Yeats (1871–1957) zum Nationalkünstler Irlands und verglich sein Werk mit keinem Geringeren als dem Francisco de Goyas. Im Zuge dessen konstatierte er, „Yeats’ […] pictures such as A Republican Funeral will [one day] be considered as important a part of the nation’s history as Goya’s 3rd of May is to the Spanish art lover” (MacGreevy 7999/1, S. 8). Bemerkenswert ist dabei zunächst, dass MacGreevy die historischen Gegebenheiten im Spanien Goyas mit denen Irlands im 20. Jahrhundert gleichsetzte (MacGreevy 7999/1, S. 3). Zusätzlich aber reihte der Kritiker Yeats damit auch in eine künstlerische Traditionslinie ein, sei doch der Ire ebenso wie der spanische Hofmaler in der Lage gewesen, zeithistorische Ereignisse seiner Heimat in adäquater Weise in die eigene Kunst zu übersetzen (MacGreevy 7999/2, S. 3), wobei er dessen Bild A Republican Funeral auf eine Stufe mit dem wohl bedeutendsten Gemälde Goyas stellte.

Jag ska bli målarinna! : Stina Forssells liv och konstnärskap

Johansson, Hans January 2022 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om konstnären Stina Forssells (1906-1970) liv och konstnärskap. Då hon varit tämligen okänd ges en biografisk skildring av hennes liv, från uppväxten i Uddevalla och fortsatta liv och verksamhet i Stockholm. Fakta har främst inhämtats via intervjuer av barn och barnbarn till vänner och släktingar. Hennes konstnärskap skildras genom beskrivning och tolkning av hennes huvudsakliga motivbilder som bestod av porträtt, interiörer, stilleben och landskap. Tolkningar sker genom formalanalyser och kontextuella analyser. Vidare studeras på vad sätt Forssells personlighet och den konst- och samhälleliga kontexten påverkade hennes konstnärskap samt hur hennes konstnärskap värderats utifrån ett genusperspektiv.     Utöver att vara en biografisk och konstanalytisk studie har ett av uppsatsens viktigaste syften varit att analysera vilken konststil Forssells konst kan innefattas i. Resultatet har blivit att en stor del av hennes viktigaste verk kan införlivas i konstriktningen den nya sakligheten. Ännu en frågeställning har gällt vilken position Stina Forssell har, och har haft, i svensk konsthistoria, och varför hon blivit bortglömd. Var hon ännu en av dessa kvinnliga konstnärer som borde förtjänat en mer framskjuten position? Är det på tiden att hon placeras jämsides med till exempel Arvid Fougstedt inom den nya sakligheten? / This essay is about the life and artistry of the artist Stina Forssell (1906-1970). As she has been relatively unknown, a biographical accpount of her life from growing up in Uddevalla and continued life and activities in Stockholm is given. The facts have mainly been gathered through interviews of children and grandchildren of friends and relatives. Her artistry is depicted through the description and interpretation og her main subject imageswhich consisted of prtraits, interiors, still lifes and landscapes. Interpretations take place through formal analyses and contextual analyses. Furthermore it is studied in what way Forssell´s personality, and the art and social context influenced her artistry and how her artistry was valued from a gender perspective.    In addition to being a biographical and art study, one of the most important purposes of the essay has been to analyse the art style of Forssell´s art. The result has been that a large part of her most important works can be incorporated into the art direction of the new objectivity. Another important question concerns what position Stina Forssell has in Swedish art history, and why she has been forgotten. Was she yet another one of those woman artists who deserved a more prominent position? Is it about time that she should be placed alongside, for example, Arvid Fougstedt in the art style of the new objectivity?

Living Impaired and Other Stories of the Underemployed

Hoffman, Dustin M. 29 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.

František Kaván - přátelství v korespondenci 1894-1941, Korespondence Františka Kavána s Františkem Topičem, Oldřichem Blažíčkem a Ladislavem Janem Živným / František Kaván - friendship in correspondence 1894-1941, Kaván's correspondence with František Topič, Oldřich Blažíček and Ladislav Jan Živný

Charvátová, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents compiled and edited collection of letters from the czech landscape painter František Kaván (1866-1941), a scholar of Julius Mařák's painting school, to the publisher and gallerist František Topič (1858-1941), the painter Oldřich Blažíček (1887-1953) and the librarian and bibliographer Ladislav Jan Živný (1872-1949). The edition is based on 104 letters kept in the Museum of Czech Literature in Prague and the Archives of the National Gallery in Prague. The correspondence describes a life of the painter from the year 1894 to 1941. The diploma thesis analyses and comments approachable literature and deals with relevant sources of material. Editorial comment summarizes principles and methods applied in this thesis, one part is dedicated to the editor Svatopluk Klír. The main parts are chapters based on commentary of selected passages of 104 edited documents with further relevant information in the apparatus. Fulltext edition of mentioned documents is a part of the appendix. A part of the thesis are indices and list of sources and literature. This edition of Kaván's letters from 19th to second part of 20th century reflects till now uncompiled sources and throug them give as a new insight into life and work the significant czech landscape painter and his three friends who...

The Pistoxenos Painter, revisão crítica da atribuição de John Davidson Beazley / The Pistoxenos Painter, critical revision of the attribution of John Davidson Beazley

Sanches, Pedro Luis Machado 23 April 2010 (has links)
Desde a primeira publicação da alcunha Pistóxenos Painter (Pintor de Pistóxenos), designando o artista cujas mãos originaram pinturas de um conjunto de vasos áticos, passou-se a dispor de uma nova classificação para este material. Tal classificação ainda e tida como muito mais precisa que qualquer cronologia ou tipologia existente. Quase a totalidade dos pesquisadores de ceramologia e iconografia gregas entenderam que enquanto a denominação foi uma invenção moderna, o pintor anônimo por ela determinado foi uma descoberta. O autor desta e de centenas de outras atribuições, o helenista inglês John D. Beazley (1885-1970), foi indubitavelmente o mais importante perito ou connaisseur de que se tem registro, a julgar pela extensão enciclopédica de suas listas de pintores e pela aceitação quase universal dos resultados de seu método de atribuir. Críticas e revisões deste método (surgente no século XIX, com os estudos do medico e perito Giovanni Morelli) são datadas já das primeiras décadas do século XX e tiveram uma historia descontinua e desprestigiada. Uma analise recorrente do revisionismo o atribui a falha de seus defensores e a ignorância das técnicas morellianas. Talvez a principal característica dos ataques dirigidos as atribuições de Beazley tenha sido a falta de importância atribuída ao reconhecimento de pintores vasculares. Seja pela proximidade com a arte do metal, seja pelo lugar que estes artistas ocupavam na sociedade ateniense, sobretudo entre o fim das guerras medicas e a ascensão política de Péricles. A presente tese se propõe a considerar o problema do método de atribuição a partir da obra de um só pintor, escolhido dentre aqueles que não foram diversas vezes reconsiderados e extensivamente justificados (a única monografia dedicada ao Pintor de Pistóxenos foi publicada nos anos 1950). A divergência estilística entre os fundos brancos e as figuras vermelhas do Pintor de Pistóxenos e a conservação fragmentaria da maioria de suas obras também colaboraram para a decisão de revisar esta serie de atribuições dentre tantas outras. / Since the first publication of the nickname Pistoxenos Painter, like identity of an artist whose hands had originated attic vase-paintings, a new classification of the series of vases and fragments was developed. This classification is still recognized like more precise than all other existing chronology or typologies. Almost all the specialists in Ancient Greek ceramology and iconography understood that while the denomination was a modern invention, the anonymous painter determined was a discovery. The author of this and hundreds of other attributions, the English Hellenist John D. Beazley (1885-1970), was doubtlessly the most important well-know connoisseur of all the History, what can be judged by the encyclopedic extension of his lists of painters and by the almost universal acceptance of his method of attribution\'s results. Criticisms and revisions of this method - initiated in XIX century, with the studies of Giovanni Morelli, an Italian doctor and connoisseur - are dated already of the first decades of XX century, but their development was discontinuous and discredited. A current interpretation of the revisionism considers it like an error and ignorance of the techniques developed by Morelli. The principal characteristic of the attacks against attributions of Beazley is perhaps the lack of importance given to the recognition of the vascular painters. Either by the proximity with the metal\'s art, or by the place that the pottery artists occupied in the Athenian society, chiefly between the end of the Persian wars and the political ascension of Perikles. This thesis proposes to considerate the problem of the method of attribution from only one painter\'s workmanship, chosen among the least published and not extensively justified (the only monograph dedicated to the Pistoxenos Painter was published in the years 1950). The stylistic divergence between the white-grounds and the red-figures of the Pistoxenos Painter, and the fragmentary conservation of the majority of his works had also collaborated for the decision to revise this particular series of attributions.

L'oeuvre de Yun Duseo (1668-1715), peintre-lettré coréen à l'époque "prémoderne" / The work of Yun Duseo (1668-1715), a korean scholar-painter at the premodern period

Ryu-Paganini, Naeyoung 13 October 2017 (has links)
L’œuvre de YUN Duseo (1668-1715), peintre lettré ayant vécu lors de la dernière monarchie coréenne, reflète la forte sinisation de la société de l’époque. Cette œuvre est un fruit de la civilisation du « monde chinois », et interroge les principes esthétiques et le statut de la peinture dérivés de la doctrine néo-confucéenne, doctrine elle-même ici associée à des doctrines souvent considérées comme opposées, le taoïsme et le bouddhisme. YUN Duseo invente une peinture « pré-moderne » qui met en valeur de manière nouvelle des figures humaines, les portraits en particulier, et donne une nouvelle forme à des sujets courants de la peinture chinoise, les natures mortes ou les scènes de la vie quotidienne. La peinture de YUN Duseo, influencée aussi bien par un mouvement de retour aux sources de la culture chinoise que par le contact avec la culture européenne, est étudiée principalement à travers le prisme du rapport entre peinture et écriture. / The work of YUN Duseo (1668-1715), a scholar-painter who lived during the last Korean monarchy, reflects the strong sinicization of contemporary Korean society. Indeed, such work is a product of the civilization of the ‘Chinese world’: it questions the aesthetic principles and the status of painting stemming from the Neo-Confucian doctrine, a doctrine itself associated with two often opposed doctrines, Taoism and Buddhism. YUN Duseo invented a ‘pre-modern’ painting that emphasized human figures, and particularly portraits, in a novel way and gave new form to common subjects in Chinese painting, whether still lives or scenes of everyday life.YUN Duseo’s painting, influenced by a return to the sources of Chinese culture as well as by the contact with European culture, is examined here through the prism of the relation between painting and writing.

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