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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hamba-kahle : an interior intervention to long-distance rail travel in South Africa

Jacobs, Anneli January 2014 (has links)
Public rail transport interiors must be adaptable and cater to a wide target market to address the diverse needs of the South African public. Local rail transport competes directly with air travel for market share. Currently, local rail transport fails on both accounts. The failure to invest in and update rail infrastructure has resulted in a desperate need to play catch up with decades of international railway evolution – a need especially visible in the interiors of local long-haul trains. The design and aesthetic identity of transport interiors are generic, dated and fail to address the functional and aesthetic needs of contemporary South African travellers. As a result, these interiors fail to establish an identity synonymous with our unique demographic makeup. The current state of local long-haul passenger rail interiors was investigated through the use of a heuristic inquiry. An Electro Star Multiple Unit train structure was then selected in which an interior insertion is made. Hamba-Kahle addresses the physical and psychological discomfort in the train interior, the absence of social spaces, the disregard for wayfinding and the lack of contextual identity. The design challenges the insular train interior layout and divides the interior into different spatial zones. A Budget Sitter car, Premium Sitter car, Budget Sleeper and Universal Car provides seating variation for passengers and in turn integrates a wide target market. Break-away spaces are also incorporated. The programme and the spaces it creates assist the interior in mediating between private and public spaces. It facilitates chance encounters and supports retractable privacy. The interior reinforces adaptability in the use of spaces while adhering to universal design principles. The scenery from the surrounding landscapes is used in the design to enrich the interior spaces and improve the embodied experience of the user. In establishing a contemporary South African identity, a sense of place is created with which passengers can identify and feel physically, psychologically and socially comfortable in. / Dissertation (MInt(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Architecture / MInt(Prof) / Unrestricted

Impacts of Passenger Travelling: A Scenario Study of Impacts Associated with Passenger Travelling in the Mälardalen Region

Norell Bergendahl, Annika January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis is the final assignment within my master program at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The thesis is performed in cooperation with WSP and linked to their research project ‘On the right track”. The aim of this master thesis is to identify and estimate the impacts resulting from future passenger transports in Mälardalen region by using a scenario study methodology. The research problem this thesis is dealing with is the negative societal consequences can be expected to increase as a result of the predicted rise in passenger traffic volumes in Mälardalen. Four alternative scenarios are introduced in the thesis and compared with the projected development; Scenario 1 assumes more energy efficient vehicles, Scenario 2 expects an extended fuel substitution, Scenario 3 is based on a doubling of the public transport travelling and Scenario 4 assumes that the structurally enforced travels will be halved. From a methodological perspective, the results and discussion in the thesis indicate firstly that Mälardalen is a suitable geographical boundary in future studies related to the transport system as the region is becoming more integrated and secondly, that a wide range of impacts and modes of transport must be considered when sustainable transports are discussed. The results of the scenario analysis can be summarized as if the projected passenger transport development will decrease the energy use and the emissions, despite longer travel distances, as a result of more energy efficient vehicles. In order to reduce the negative impacts of passenger transports further, the most favorable development paths to follow are to either decrease the structurally enforced trips or to increase the public transit travelling. The reason why neither the projected development nor Scenario 1 and 2 will reduce the negative impacts is that such developments cannot reduce consequences that are not related to energy or fuel use to the same extent.

Alternative cost-optimal pathways for the transport sector of Cyprus

Wiking, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates the possible future pathways for the road transportation sector of Cyprus, in a time horizon from the year 2013 to 2040. The road transportation sector of Cyprus is the most energy consuming sector in the country, completely dependent on the use of diesel and gasoline. In order to comply with the renewable energy target for the transportation sector set by the European Union, Cyprus needs to transform its road transportation sector. The software MESSAGE (Model for Energy Supply Strategy Alternatives and their General Environmental Impact) is used to model the road transport sector, consisting of passenger and freight transportation. The results of the modelling provides insights into the most cost-effective pathways for Cyprus in the future. In addition to the reference scenario, four different scenarios are examined. These scenarios are focusing on different relevant aspects for Cyprus which are renewable energy, natural gas, public transport and hydrogen. The results of the study indicate that the total numbers of petroleum fueled vehicles will increase in the future, and the freight transport will be particularly difficult to transform. For the passenger transport, there will be a fuel switch from gasoline to diesel, since diesel is less expensive than gasoline. There are possibilities for increasing the numbers of alternative low-carbon emitting vehicle technologies in Cyprus. For the passenger transport, the most cost-effective low-carbon vehicle technologies are hybrid diesel electric cars, plug-in hybrid diesel electric cars and hybrid electric diesel buses. For the freight transport, the most cost-effective low-carbon vehicle technologies are natural gas heavy trycks and electric light trucks. Lastly, the results of the study indicate that it will not be possible for Cyprus to reach the renewable energy target for the transportation sector. The country has to investigate in taxation schemes for increasing the numbers of alternative vehicles as well as increasing the blends of biofuels into gasoline and diesel.

The Swedish Air Passenger Tax : The impact on passenger numbers

Soto Runevall, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
In this essay I have estimated what impact the Swedish air passenger tax that was introduced in Sweden on April 1st in 2018 has had on passenger numbers in Sweden. The tax was introduced to lower demand for air travel within the public and thus, decrease the aviation industry´s greenhouse gas emissions as aviation contributes through these emissions to a large extent to climate change and is expected to have an even greater impact in the future as the number of air travels are expected to grow continuously. Besides that the emissions from aviation have this large negative impact on the climate, a large part of these emissions are not included in any pricing system or market. Therefore, aviation is a source of negative externalities and the Swedish air passenger tax is an instrument implemented to correct for these negative externalities. Previous studies that have evaluated similar taxes and their effects have reached different conclusions. I have used the difference-in-difference method to estimate any effect from the introduced aviation tax in Sweden. Denmark is used as the control group to compare the development in Sweden with. I found that the tax has had a decreasing effect on passenger numbers in Sweden. It is discussed however if this estimated decrease in passenger numbers might be biased and thus overstated. It is also discussed if this decrease might be due to other reasons than the air passenger tax itself.

Passagerarfartyg i svenska havsområden : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av kollisioner och grundstötningar / Passenger ships in Swedish waters : A qualitative content analysis of collisions and groundings

Nielsen, Simon January 2021 (has links)
Kollisioner, grundstötningar och andra haverier till sjöss har förekommit lika länge som det funnits fartyg. Dessa olyckor är vanligt förekommande och utgör fara för människor, fartyg, miljö, last och ekonomi. Med dagens utvecklade teknologi finns det bra metoder och utrustning för att undkomma grundstötningar och kollisioner, dock är det fortfarande vanligt förekommande händelser. För att kunna minska denna typ av sjöolyckor är det viktigt att undersöka orsaken till varför de inträffar. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och få en djupare förståelse om varför passagerarfartyg går på grund eller kolliderar i svenska havsområden. För att få fram vilka bidragande faktorer som orsakar dessa typer av sjöolyckor granskas och analyseras 29 haverirapporter från Statens haverikommission (SHK) och Transportstyrelsen. Resultat visar att majoriteten av olyckorna sker i farleder runt om i Sverige. Faktorer som bidrar till olyckorna är bland annat brist på rutiner, accepterat möten i för liten marginal, utkik används på fel sätt och brist på framförhållning. Därmed är det betydelsefullt att fartygen ser över sina rutiner och bryggbemanning. / Collisions, groundings and other accidents have been occuring for as long as ships have existed. These accidents are common and pose a danger to people, ships, the environment, cargo and the economy. With today's developed technology there are good methods and equipment to avoid groundings and collisions, although they are still common. To be able to reduce these types of accidents it is important to investigate the reasons behind them. The purpose of this study is to investigate and develop a deeper understanding as to why passenger ships ground or collide within Swedish waters. To obtain the contributing factors behind these types of sea accidents 29 accident reports from The Swedish Accident Investigation Authority (Statens haverikommission - SHK) and the Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) have been reviewed and analyzed. The results show that the majority of accidents happen in fairways around Sweden. Contributing factors to the accidents include a lack of routines, two ships passing with too small of a margin, lookout used incorrectly and a lack of forward planning. It is therefore of importance that ships review their routines and bridge manning.

En studie över biometriska system inombusstrafiken, ur passagerarperspektiv / A study of biometric systems in bus traffic, from the perspective of bus passengers

Arvid, Jansson January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om en möjlig framgångsrik implementering avett biometriskt system kommer att leda till ett ökat anat resenärer som använder bussbolagetstjänster, utifrån passagerarperspektiv. I studien undersöker jag vilken typ av biometriskt system som är mest troligt att bliaccepterat av busspassagerarna och vad det kan bero på, hur bussbolaget kan marknadsförabiometriska system till passagerarna för att skapa mer värde för passagerarna samtundersöker hur kunderna anser att bussbolaget kan agera för att busspassagerarna skaacceptera ett biometriskt system. Studien baseras på en enkätundersökning baserad på mina undersökningsfrågor och minanalysmodell som användes för att analysera resultatet. Enkätundersökningen är uppbyggd av16 frågor med svarsalternativ som består av en graderad inställning. Resultatet presenteras i form av stycken utifrån analysmodellens uppbyggnad därresultatet från enkätundersökningen ställs mot teorin. Studien resulterar i tre stycken slutsatser, den första slutsatsen är att Automatic PassengerCounting är det biometriska system som har högst trolighet att bli accepterat avbusspassagerarna och det beror på att busspassagerarna högt värdesätter att bussbolagensbussar inte är fulla och att det inte är trängsel på bussarna samt att bussbolagen sätter in extrainsatta bussar om det skulle krävas. Den andra slutsatsen är att det bästa sättet att marknadsföra biometri mot passagerarna ärvia appen då flest busspassagerare tycker att appen är det bästa stället att se marknadsföring. Den tredje och sista slutsatsen är att bussbolagen behöver bevisa för passagerarna att detar säkerheten och lagringen av passagerarnas uppgifter på allvar och hur de planerar attadressera integritetsoron

Parents' Knowledge of Child-Passenger Safety and Child-Passenger Restraint Usage

Cadore, Amanda 01 January 2019 (has links)
Although occupant protection laws exist, limited research has been conducted on how current child passenger safety (CPS) issues and CPS marketing strategies relate to child passenger safety seat (CPSS) usage. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to analyze the relationship between parents' perception and knowledge of CPS issues and CPSS usage rates. The diffusion of innovation and the social marketing theories provided the frameworks for this study. The overall research question for the study examined the correlation between parents' knowledge of CPS issues and CPSS usage. Data (participants' surveys, car seat check-up information, and observational statistics) were collected from events that occurred in 3 locations across the county. The population consisted of a convenience sample of adults (parents of children 8-years-old and younger) from each of the locations. The study survey was distributed to 93 participants and only 71 surveys (76.34%) were received for analysis. Data analysis methods included deductive coding, Cronbach's alpha, descriptive statistics, hypotheses testing, linear regression, and Pearson Correlation. The overall test results showed that there were no significant relationships between the independent variable predictors (parents' knowledge of proper CPSS installation techniques, CPS laws and regulations, and marketing strategies) and the dependent variable (CPSS usage rates). The overall study was not statistically significant. The study should be replicated, however modified (on a larger scale for a longer period). Thus, having a stronger possibility to impact the community (producing noteworthy results and promoting social change).

Supervision en transport multimodal / Supervision in Multi-Modal Transportation System

Theissing, Simon 05 December 2016 (has links)
Les réseaux de transport multimodaux modernes sont essentiels pour la durabilité écologique et l’aisance économique des agglomérations urbaines, par conséquent aussi pour la qualité de vie de leurs habitants. D’ailleurs, le bon fonctionnement sur le plan de la compatibilité entre les différents services et lignes est essentiel pour leur acceptation, étant donné que (i) la plupart des trajets nécessitent des changements entre les lignes et que (ii) des investissements coûteux, dans le but de créer des liens plus directs avec la construction de nouvelles lignes ou l’extension de lignes existantes, ne sont pas à débattre. Une meilleure compréhension des interactions entre les modes et les lignes dans le contexte des transferts de passagers est ainsi d’une importance cruciale. Toutefois, comprendre ces transferts est singulièrement difficile dans le cas de situations inhabituelles comme des incidents de passagers et/ou si la demande dévie des plans statistiques à long terme. Ici le développement et l’intégration de modèles mathématiques sophistiqués peuvent remédier à ces inconvénients. À ce propos, la supervision via des modèles prévoyants représente un champ d’application très prometteur, analysée ici. La supervision selon des modèles prévoyants peut prendre différentes formes. Dans le présent travail, nous nous intéressons à l’analyse de l’impact basé sur des modèles de différentes actions, comme des départs en retard de certains véhicules après un arrêt, appliqué sur le fonctionnement du réseau de transport et sa gestion de situations de stress qui ne font pas partie des données statistiques. C’est pourquoi nous introduisons un nouveau modèle, un automate hybride avec une dynamique probabiliste, et nous montrons comment ce modèle profondément mathématique peut prédire le nombre de passagers dans et l’état de fonctionnement du véhicule en question du réseau de transport, d’abord par de simples estimations du nombre de tous les passagers et la connaissance exacte de l’état du véhicule au moment de l’incident. Ce nouvel automate réunit sous un même regard les passagers demandeurs de services de transport à parcours fixes ainsi que les véhicules capables de les assurer. Il prend en compte la capacité maximale et le fait que les passagers n’empruntent pas nécessairement des chemins efficaces, dont la représentation sous la forme d’une fonction de coût facilement compréhensible devient nécessaire. Chaque passager possède son propre profil de voyage qui définit un chemin fixe dans l’infrastructure du réseau de transport, et une préférence pour les différents services de transport sur son chemin. Les mouvements de véhicules sont inclus dans la dynamique du modèle, ce qui est essentiel pour l’analyse de l’impact de chaque action liée aux mouvements de véhicule. De surcroît, notre modèle prend en compte l’incertitude qui résulte du nombre inconnu de passagers au début et de passagers arrivant au fur et à mesure. Comparé aux modèles classiques d’automates hybrides, notre approche inspirée du style des réseaux de Pétri ne requiert pas le calcul de ces équations différentielles à la main. Ces systèmes peuvent être dérivés de la représentation essentiellement graphique d’une manière automatique pour le calcul en temps discret d’une prévision. Cette propriété de notre modèle réduit le risque de précisions faites par des humains et les erreurs qui en résulteraient. Après avoir introduit notre nouveau modèle, nous développons dans ce rapport également quelques éléments constitutifs sous la forme d'algorithmes qui visent les deux types d'impasses qui sont probables d'occurir pendant la simulation faisant un pronostic, c-à-d l'intégration numérique des systèmes de haute dimension d'équations différentielles et l'explosion combinatoire de son état discret. En plus, nous prouvons la faisabilité des calculs et nous montrons les bénéfices prospectifs de notre approche dans la forme de quelques tests simplistes et quelques cas plus réalistes. / Without any doubt, modern multimodal transportation systems are vital to the ecological sustainability and the economic prosperity of urban agglomerations, and in doing so to the quality of life of their many inhabitants. Moreover it is known that a well-functioning interoperability of the different modes and lines in such networked systems is key to their acceptance given the fact that (i) many if not most trips between different origin/destination pairs require transfers, and (ii) costly infrastructure investments targeting the creation of more direct links through the construction of new or the extension of existing lines are not open to debate. Thus, a better understanding of how the different modes and lines in these systems interact through passenger transfers is of utmost importance. However, acquiring this understanding is particularly tricky in degraded situations where some or all transportation services cannot be provided as planned due to e.g. some passenger incident, and/or where the demand for these scheduled services deviates from any statistical long term-plannings. Here, the development for and integration of sophisticated mathematical models into the operation of such systems may provide remedy, where model-predictive supervision seems to be one very promising area of application which we consider here. Model-predictive supervision can take several forms. In this work, we focus on the model-based impact analysis of different actions, such as the delayed departure of some vehicle from a stop, applied to the operation of the considered transportation system upon some downgrading situation occurs which lacks statistical data. For this purpose, we introduce a new stochastic hybrid automaton model, and show how this mathematically profound model can be used to forecast the passenger numbers in and the vehicle operational state of this transportation system starting from estimations of all passenger numbers and an exact knowledge of the vehicle operational state at the time of the incident occurrence. Our new automaton model brings under the same roof, all passengers who demand fixed-route transportation services, and all vehicles which provide them. It explicitly accounts for all capacity-limits and the fact that passengers do not necessarily follow efficient paths which must be mapped to some simple to understand cost function. Instead, every passenger has a trip profile which defines a fixed route in the infrastructure of the transportation system, and a preference for the different transportation services along this route. Moreover, our model does not abstract away from all vehicle movements but explicitly includes them in its dynamics, which latter property is crucial to the impact analysis of any vehicle movement-related action. In addition our model accounts for uncertainty; resulting from unknown initial passenger numbers and unknown passenger arrival flows. Compared to classical modelling approaches for hybrid automata, our Petri net-styled approach does not require the end user to specify our model's many differential equations systems by hand. Instead, all these systems can be derived from the model's predominantly graphical specification in a fully automated manner for the discrete time computation of any forecast. This latter property of our model in turn reduces the risk of man-made specification and thus forecasting errors. Besides introducing our new model, we also develop in this report some algorithmic bricks which target two major bottlenecks which are likely to occur during its forecast-producing simulation, namely the numerical integration of the many high-dimensional systems of stochastic differential equations and the combinatorial explosion of its discrete state. Moreover, we proof the computational feasibility and show the prospective benefits of our approach in form of some simplistic test- and some more realistic use case.

An exploration of procurement practices in the state-owned passenger rail agencies in Gauteng province.

Mkhabele, Caxwell 12 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Logistics Management, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Supply Chain Management (SCM) departments and, specifically, procurement functions, account for the largest expenditure in most organisations. However, their function has been misunderstood, undervalued, and under-capacitated, and their strategic importance not recognised. As a result, the majority of public agencies in South Africa are implementing their procurement practices poorly. The main research question of this study focused on procurement practices in the state-owned passenger rail agencies in the Gauteng province. A qualitative research method was adopted in which semi-structured interviews were employed to gather data regarding current procurement practices within the procurement function in the state-owned passenger rail agencies. Content analysis was utilised to analyse and interpret data collected from 12 procurement officials employed in the procurement functions within these state-owned passenger rail agencies in the Gauteng province. The findings of this study indicate that there are poor procurement practices within the state-owned passenger rail agencies in the Gauteng province regardless of government initiatives established to address lack of accountability, inconsistency in application of procurement policies, lack of supporting structures and fragmented processes. The detailed findings indicate that the procurement function is still regarded as an administrative function within the state-owned passenger rail agencies. Due to the procurement function still being regarded as an administrative rather than as a strategic function, the procurement function is still under-rated within the state-owned passenger rail agencies in the Gauteng province. The findings also establish that there is poor contract management during the procurement processes. Furthermore, the findings established that there is poor implementation of supplier management within multiple stages of the procurement processes in the state-owned passenger rail agencies in the Gauteng province. Due to poor procurement practices within the passenger rail agencies, eleven challenges were identified within the procurement functions. As a result of the above-mentioned challenges, this study recommends strategies that can be used to address the problems identified within the procurement functions of these state-owned passenger rail agencies in the Gauteng province.

Investigation of Child Restraint System (CRS) Misuse: Passive and Active Educational Interventions

Mansfield, Julie Ann 21 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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