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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Check your ego at the door : En intervjustudie om prestige vid musikundervisning / Check your ego at the door : An interview study about prestige during teaching in music.

Höglund, Evelina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att vidga förståelsen för hur olika instrumental- och ensemblelärare inom klassisk musik och folkmusik upplever prestige. Detta undersöks i deras roller som både musiker och musiklärare. Därtill undersöks hur dessa musiklärare arbetar förebyggande mot negativ prestige i musikundervisning. I musikpedagogisk litteratur lyser ordet prestige med sin frånvaro. Istället används negativt laddade synonymer vilka kan kopplas ihop med min tolkning av negativ prestige. Tidigare forskning påvisar hur praxisgemenskapens gemensamma värderingar och hemmiljön är påverkande faktorer för prestige i musikundervisning för såväl lärare som elever. Studien är kvalitativ med en komparativ design och tar utgångspunkt i hermeneutiken. Data har samlats in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex musiklärare på gymnasiet, folkhögskola och musikhögskola. Datan analyserades sedan med metoderna hermeneutisk meningstolkning och tematisk analys. I resultatet framkommer att krav, status, och duktighet förknippas med prestige av informanterna. Okunskap och stolthet framläggs därtill som huvudsakliga ursprungskällor för negativ prestige. Informanterna berättar att de i eget musicerande upplever prestige i samband med konkurrens mellan lärosäten och i form av olika sorters tävlingar. I undervisning berättar informanterna att prestige mellan lärare och mellan lärare och elever är påverkat av yrkesstolthet, personligt marknadsvärde och förväntningar. Intervjupersonerna beskriver därtill att de arbetar förebyggande mot negativ prestige i musikundervisning genom att använda diskussion som metod samt genom att sträva efter prestigelöst, lustfyllt lärande. I diskussionen resoneras kring min förförståelse av negativ prestige och hur den genom arbetet har förändrats, möjliga scenarion i en prestigefri tillvaro samt möjliga ursprung till prestige. Studien avslutas med resonemang kring studiens metod, betydelse och fortsatta forskningsmöjligheter. / The purpose of this study is to expand the understanding of how different instrumental and ensemble teachers in classical music and folk music experiences prestige within their daily music teaching praxes. Furthermore this study investigate how the teachers work towards preventing negative prestige in music teaching. The word prestige is seldom found within educational litterature in music. There are instead negative synonyms used which can be connected with my interpretation of negative prestige. Earlier research shows how communal values, as well as the home environment, affect prestige in musical teaching for both the teacher and the student. This is a qualitative study with a comparative design that is rooted in hermeneutics. In this study, data has been gathered through semi structured interviews with six music teachers from different educational levels. This data has then been analyzed using hermeneutical interpretations of sentences and thematic analysis. The results show that, according to the interviewees, demands, status, and cleverness are related to how different types of music are valued. Ignorance and pride are found to be the main sources of this negative prestige. The interviewees said that through their musical experiences, they perceive prestige-related rivalry between musical institutions in a variety of ways. Within teaching, the interviewees bring up that prestige-related rivalry between teachers, as well as between teachers and students, is affected by vocational pride, personal market value, and expectations. The interviewees describe that in order to help reduce negative prestige related to different genres of music, they strive to cultivate a prestige-free and zestful learning experience for their students. They also use discussion as a method for combatting this issue. The discussion of this study is focused around my understanding of musical prestige, how my understanding has changed through this study, possible models of prestige-free teaching, as well as possible sources of prestige in this field. The discussion concludes with a reasoning around the method of the study, its importance, and further possible areas of research.

Det underskattade arbetet med försörjningsstöd : En litteraturstudie om statushierarkin inom socialt arbete / The Underestimated Work with Financial Aid : A Literature Study on Statushierarchy within Social Work

Haruni, Blerta, Mefmedoski, Gjulsime January 2022 (has links)
Through the assistance of a literature study, the purpose of this degree project is to investigate if a hierarchical status order within social work exists and where the work with financial aid and its employees are located in this status hierarchy. Another goal is to compile knowledge around if the status has the opportunity to develop. A part of the literature has shown a clear lack of knowledge regarding the work with financial aid which causes prejudice about the employees and how they carry out their tasks. This ignorance may be due to the lack of research in the field which underestimates the services in financial assistance and instead prioritizes other forms of social work therefore contributes to the low status. The central queries of this project are to examine firstly the adding factors to the subordinate status of the social worker and the organization in terms of work with financial aid, secondly to investigate how the work itself is viewed by outsiders such as politicians, other social workers, the general population including media and lastly to inspect if there are any possibilities of increasing the current status. The main results of this report that have been found identify four main factors such as workload, external prestige, mobility and clientele, which contribute to the organization's status and have an impact on how individual social workers experience the low occupational status. Finally, the researchers demonstrate some proposals on how status can be raised with the help of actual job descriptions, investment in resources and greater differences in educational levels that also aim at further education for the role of executive.

Die Ent_Erwähnung von Frauen* in androgendernden maskulinen personalen Appellationen als diskriminierende Sprachhandlung

Dróżdż, Valentina 15 February 2022 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit untersuche ich Ent_Erwähnung als diskriminierende Sprachhandlung in den zwei Diskursfeldern Berufsbezeichnungen für Frauen* in der polnischen Sprache, wie auch Migratisierungsbezeichnungen für Frauen* in der deutschen Sprache aus positionierter Forscher_innenperspektive (vgl. Harding 1995). Ziel ist das Aufzeigen der Interdependenz unterschiedlicher Diskriminierungsebenen von Genderismus, Rassismus und Klassismus, die durch Ent_Erwähnung (Lockward 2010) realisiert wird. Anhand eines selbst erstellten Zeitungskorpus erfasse ich den sprachlichen Status Quo von Bezeichnungen für Frauen* in unterschiedlichen Zeiträumen (2013-2017) und werte ihn anschließend mittels einer qualitativen und quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse aus. Meinen Erkenntnisse aus psycholinguistischen Studien und weiteren Theorien und Erkenntnissen aus der Sekundärliteratur ergänze ich mit Expert_inneninterviews. Berufsbezeichnungen in der polnischen Sprache konzeptualisieren genderistische Stereotype, die über Klassismus strukturiert sind. Rund vierzig Prozent der registrierten Berufsbezeichnungen kommen einmal in maskuliner und femininer Form vor. Die untersuchten Migratisierungsbezeichnungen werden überwiegend in androgendernden maskulinen Pluralformen realisiert, und bilden somit eine Grundlage für eine Entindividualisierung und Pauschalisierung, wodurch diskriminierende Metaphern (Flucht als Naturkatastrophe) produktiver gebildet werden können. Frauen* und queere Lebensrealitäten werden überwiegend in Migratisierungsbezeichnungen ent_erwähnt. Über das asymmetrische Verwenden von Personenbezeichnungen in Polizeiberichten werden rassistische Tatmotivationen durch Migratisierungsbezeichnungen markiert. Als ausschlaggebendes gemeinsames Element meiner Untersuchungen werte ich die Retraditionalisierung und Nationalisierung, auf der sich die Interdependenz der Ent_Erwähnung von Frauen* unabhängig der untersuchten Diskurse und Sprachen abspielt. / In the current research work I consider Ent_Erwähnung („de_mentioned“, „unmentioning“) as discriminatory language use in the two separate fields of discourse; professional titles for women* in the polish language, and migrational descriptions (migratized appellations) for women* in the german language from a positioned research perspective (Harding 1995). The purpose is to demonstrate the interdepence between multiple levels of discrimination; genderism, racism and classism, and how these are implemented through Ent_Erwähnung (Lockward 2010). Using a self- performed newspaper survey I gathered a linguistic status quo of descriptions for women* during different time periods (2013-2017), I then interpreted the data and performed a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the contents. My knowledge of psycholinguistic studies and other theories, together with findings from secondary literature will be complemented by interviews with experts. Professional titles in the polish language conceptualize genderist stereotypes, which are structured by classism. About fourty percent of the registered professional titles occur once in feminine and masculine form. The studied migrational descriptions (migratized appellations) are predominantly applied in androgynous masculine plural form, and therefore provide a basis for de-individualization and generalization; and in this way can be more effectively framed together with discriminative metaphors (flight as a natural disaster). Women* and people in queer life situations are ent_erwähnt predominantly in migrational descriptions. Through asymmetrical use of personal descriptions in police reports, racist motivation for crime is highlighted via migrational descriptions (migratized appellations). As a crucial common element of my research I consider retraditionalization and nationalization; upon which the interdependency of Ent_Erwähnung (de_mentioning) of women* occurs independently from the discourses and languages.

Rätt man på rätt plats : Manlighetskonstruktioner i 1700-talets Sverige utifrån den nyländske dragonen Carl Johan Aminoffs memoarer

Lindgren, Maria January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Trendové věci v dospívání aneb materializace prestiže? / Trendy things in adolescence - prestige and its materialization

Maierová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to present possible influence of trendy things to prestige, in the ninth grade of city primary school. The goal of this thesis is to identify the social structure of the students' group, to map the value orientation of the students, to identify their trendy things, and to connect all these findings. The thesis tries to answer the question of the influence of trendy things to the prestige in this students' group, and find out whether in this group of students exists the materialization of prestige. The text is divided into two parts. The theoretical part focuses on pointing out the main aspects of the topic of trendy things, adolescence, materialism and prestige. These topics are analysed in the context of psychology and partly sociology, antropology and education as well. Empirical part, in addition to the description of objectives, methods, research sample and environment, pays particular attention to analysis of its own data of quality-oriented research with the support of several quantitative methods. First, it describes the social hierarchy of students in terms of their degree of influence, popularity and prestige, and identifies their sub-groups. Next I try to find out the prevailing students' value orientation. Then I subscribe the possible negotiation strategies...

Brand preference and its impacts on customer share of visits and word-of-mouth intention: an empirical study in the full-service restaurant segment

Hwang, Jinsoo January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Hospitality Management and Dietetics / Chihyung Ok / This study attempted to investigate antecedents and consequences of consumers’ utilitarian and hedonic attitudes toward restaurant brands and to examine the effects of brand prestige on brand preference and word-of-mouth intention with customer involvement as a moderator. In study 1, to investigate the antecedents and consequences of consumer attitudes toward restaurant brands in the full-service restaurant, this study proposed, based on existing theoretical premises, significant interrelationships among three service qualities (i.e., physical environment quality, interactional quality, and outcome quality). This study also hypothesized that these service qualities predict consumers’ utilitarian and hedonic attitudes toward restaurant brands. Finally, this study examined the effects of consumer attitudes toward restaurant brands in forming brand preference and relative customer share of visits. A theoretical model was proposed and then tested with data collected from 318 casual and 303 fine dining restaurant patrons. The results of data analysis indicated significant interrelationships among three service qualities in both casual and fine dining restaurants. In addition, interactional and outcome qualities had significant effects on utilitarian and hedonic attitudes toward restaurant brands in the casual dining restaurant. In the fine dining segment, interactional quality significantly influenced both utilitarian and hedonic attitudes toward restaurant brands, while physical environment and outcome qualities had positive impacts only on hedonic attitude toward the restaurant’s brand. Finally, utilitarian and hedonic attitudes toward restaurant brands enhanced brand preference, and in turn, brand preference increased relative customer share of visits in both casual and fine dining restaurants. The purpose of study 2 was to examine the effects of brand prestige on brand preference and word-of-mouth with customer involvement as a moderator in the fine dining restaurant segment. Based on a thorough literature review, this study hypothesized that brand prestige would have positive effects on brand preference and word-of-mouth and that brand preference would have a positive relationship with word-of-mouth. Finally, this study examined the moderating role of customer involvement in the relationships between (1) brand prestige and brand preference, (2) brand prestige and word-of-mouth, and (3) brand preference and word-of-mouth. A total of 293 questionnaire responses were used to empirically test the proposed relationships in fine dining restaurants. This study found that brand prestige has significant effects on brand preference and word-of-mouth. In addition, brand preference had a positive relationship with word-of-mouth. However, customer involvement as a moderator was not supported.

Benedetto Croce nos dois lados do Atlântico: os percursos de uma obra na Itália e nos Estados Unidos / Benedetto Croce on both sides of the Atlantic: the paths of a work in Italy and in the United States

Pantoja, Jônatas Oliveira 05 October 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar as raízes do prestígio de Croce na Itália e da recepção de suas ideias nos Estados Unidos. Interessa descobrir como ele se fez um intelectual reconhecido em seu país de origem, e quais sentidos sua obra teve entre os acadêmicos americanos. Para tanto, são aqui examinadas as condições sócio-históricas destes dois circuitos intelectuais socialmente diferenciados. A partir do exame da principal obra croceana, Estetica (1902), procura-se esclarecer como as especificidades destes universos intelectuais conferiram sentidos distintos ao pensamento de Croce. / This thesis aims to analyze the Croce prestigious roots in Italy and the reception of his ideas in the United States. Interests find out how he became an intellectual recognized in their country of origin, and which way his work has had among American academics. To that end, the socio-historical conditions of these two socially differentiated intellectual circuits examined here. From the examination of the main work of Croce, Estetica (1902), seeks to clarify how the specific features of these intellectual universes have given different meanings to the thought of Croce.

Orsakar lyxväskor fjärilar i magen? : Motiven bakom köpet av en lyxväska / Does designer handbags make us feel the butterflies? : The motivation behind the purchase of a designer handbag.

Tran, Shawn, Andersson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
En av de mest efterfrågade lyxvarorna på dagens marknad är lyxväskor, allt fler väljer attkomplettera sin outfit med denna accessoar. Förr i tiden hade handväskan en merfunktionell roll då den enbart användes för att bära tillhörigheter i. Idag har handväskanen helt annan roll då den framförallt återspeglar en bild av den person som äger väskan.Konsumenter kan med hjälp av denna produkt utge sig för att ha bättre ekonomiskaförutsättningar än vad de i själva verket har.Prognoser visar att efterfrågan på lyxväskor ökar trots att vi befinner oss mitt i vad sombeskrivs som en av de största ekonomiska kriserna i världshistorian. Den svenskamarknaden för lyxväskor växer sig allt större och några bland de främsta varumärkenasom återfinns på marknaden är Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Mulberry, Hermes etc.Eftersom vårt syfte är att undersöka vad motivationen är hos konsumenter som väljer attköpa lyxväskor har vi valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie på tio personer, varför vivalde att genomföra en studie av kvalitativ karaktär var med anledning av att vi hadebehov av mycket information som berörde respondenterna på ett personligt plan.Respondenterna som vi har valt att genomföra denna studie på är alla unga kvinnor ochmän, större delen av de jobbar inom handel samt restaurangbranschen.Vi har funnit att respondenterna i denna undersökning inför köpet av sin lyxväska befannsig i ett spänningstillstånd orsakat av en konflikt mellan deras lustfyllda begär ochansvarskänsla kring deras ekonomiska situation. Resultatet påvisar att främstaanledningen till varför respondenterna köper lyxväskor är för att bli bekräftade av sinsociala omgivning. Behovet av konformitet är överordnat andra behov som exempelvisfunktionalitet. Status anses vara ett utav de viktigaste värdena som respondenterna kanerhålla igenom köpet av en lyxväska, exempelvis använder vissa av respondenternalyxväskan som en symbol för att öka sin status vid anställningsintervjuer.Utifrån det empiriska utfallet kunde vi se ett mönster där majoriteten av respondenternasom köper lyxväskor prioriterar sitt självförverkligande framför kvaliteten på mergrundläggande behov som till exempel mat och boende. Detta gör att vi funderar på omMaslows behovshierarki är användbar i sin nuvarande form i ett land med västerländskkultur.Respondenternas strävan samt önskan efter att erhålla de värden som köpet av enlyxväska innebär gör att de inte tar hänsyn till hållbarhetstrenden. Bland annat ser vi atten stor del av respondenterna köper lyxväskor som överstiger deras ekonomiskaförutsättningar.

The Influence of Religion on Immigrant Structural Assimilation in the Greater Los Angeles Area

Simons, Jason D. 10 June 2011 (has links)
By operationalizing Gordon's definition of structural assimilation, I examine occupational prestige, income, and educational attainment across four immigrant groups: 1.5 generation, 2nd generation, 3rd generation, and 4th generation. Additionally, I analyze the effect of religious affiliation, frequency of attendance, religious conversion, context of reception, and selective acculturation on each of the three measures of structural assimilation. Ethnic origin, gender, and age are implemented as control variables. Results provide evidence that religion does affect measures of structural assimilation. While impacts on occupational prestige and income seem minimal to non-existent, the effect of religion on educational attainment is more substantial. Religion indirectly affects occupational prestige and income outcomes due to their strong relationship to educational attainment.

Mind the Gap : Essays on Explanations of Gender Wage Inequality

Magnusson, Charlotta January 2010 (has links)
The gender wage gap is accounted for to a substantial degree by the sex composition of occupations. The present thesis examines the mechanisms that produce this pattern. In particular, the theory of devaluation, currently the most widely accepted sociological explanation, is tested. The empirical findings, reported in three self-contained essays, question this line of explanation. All results are based on Swedish data: the Level of Living surveys (LNU; essays I and II) and administrative labour market registers (essay III). In Essay I the association between occupational prestige and occupational sex composition is examined. The association is non-linear, with gender mixed occupations having the highest prestige. Further, care work does not have lower prestige than other kinds of work. These results are inconsistent with expectations derived from devaluation theory. The analysis also shows that the wage returns to occupational prestige are lower for women than for men. Essay II examines why women receive relatively low returns to prestige. Family related factors are shown to be crucial. The gender difference in pay-off to prestige is thus marked among married/cohabiting employees with children but insignificant among singles as well as among childless married/cohabiting women and men. The gender wage gap in high-prestige occupations is largely due to differences between women and men in work characteristics difficult to reconcile with family duties. In essay III the functional form of the relation between wages and occupational sex composition is investigated. In the cross-section gender mixed occupations have the highest wages. Panel data tend to confirm this pattern: mobility from strongly male or female dominated occupations to more gender mixed occupations is associated with relatively high rates of wage growth. Further, there is a wage premium for care work but a wage penalty for other service work. These findings do not support devaluation theory. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. 3: Accepted.</p>

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