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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La reconnaissance des qualifications des professionnels formés à l’étranger : l’égalité réelle mise en oeuvre au Québec?

Doucet, Frédérick J. 06 1900 (has links)
De nombreuses études tendent à démontrer qu’au Québec et au Canada, les personnes immigrantes font face à divers obstacles pour accéder au marché de l’emploi québécois, surtout lorsqu’il s’agit d’y exercer une profession réglementée par un ordre professionnel. En effet, avant de décerner un permis, les ordres doivent s’assurer de la compétence des candidats à la profession, conformément à la mission de protection du public qui leur a été déléguée par l’État. Pour ce faire, ils imposent diverses conditions d’admission aux professions, dont celle d’obtenir un diplôme reconnu. Pour ne pas restreindre indûment l’accès aux professions, la loi prévoit que les ordres ont l’obligation d’offrir aux personnes aux parcours atypiques – dont la quasi-totalité sont formées à l’étranger – la possibilité de démontrer l’équivalence de leurs qualifications. Lorsque les ordres estiment qu’il n’y a pas équivalence, des mesures de compensation – sous forme de formations d’appoint, de stages ou d’épreuves d’aptitude – sont prescrites aux candidats. Or, certaines conditions d’admission et procédures de reconnaissance sont aujourd’hui contestées, car considérées inadaptées ou discriminatoires à l’égard des personnes immigrantes. Il convenait donc d’examiner la compatibilité des normes d’admission et de reconnaissance des ordres professionnels québécois au droit à l’égalité, tel que garanti par la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne. La présente thèse conclut que les personnes formées à l’étranger sont victimes de discrimination systémique dans l’admission aux professions. Pour en arriver à cette conclusion, nous avons, dans un premier temps, brossé le portrait du cadre juridique entourant l’admission aux professions, puis identifié, par le biais d’une revue de la littérature, les difficultés que les conditions d’admission et les mécanismes de reconnaissance posent aux personnes formées à l’étranger. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons appliqué la méthode du droit classique pour mettre en exergue les exigences du droit à la non-discrimination en contexte d’admission aux professions et de reconnaissance des qualifications. L’analyse de la jurisprudence pertinente démontre d’ailleurs que les personnes formées à l’étranger disposent de chances raisonnables de faire valoir le caractère à première vue discriminatoire des normes, pratiques et décisions en la matière. Dans un troisième temps, l’enquête empirique de type qualitatif que nous avons menée, en complément de la méthode du droit classique, mène à la conclusion que les ordres professionnels comprennent mal le sens que prend la protection du public et ses exigences particulières dans le contexte propre des professions qu’ils réglementent. Non seulement ce constat permet-il de remettre en doute la légitimité de l’ensemble des normes, pratiques et décisions des ordres relatives au contrôle de l’admission, mais il confirme que, dans de nombreux cas, les normes d’admission et de reconnaissance, prisent isolément ou lorsque considérées dans leur ensemble, portent atteinte, de façon injustifiée, au droit à l’égalité des personnes formées à l’étranger. Dans un dernier temps, l’ensemble de nos recherches nous a permis de proposer différentes mesures d’ordre systémique à l’attention des ordres, à titre de principaux responsables du contrôle de l’admission, et aux autres acteurs impliqués dans le parcours d’admission et dont l’action concertée est requise pour remédier à la situation. / Multiple studies tend to demonstrate that in Québec, and elsewhere in Canada, immigrants must overcome many obstacles to work in the field in which they were trained. These difficulties are even greater when it comes to accessing a regulated profession. Obtaining a license from a professional regulatory body is contingent on the candidates meeting various requirements, for example having obtained a recognized diploma, which are made to ensure that candidates are sufficiently qualified to practice the profession in a manner deemed safe for the public. In order to not unduly restrict access to these professions, regulatory bodies are legally obliged to offer foreign-trained candidates the opportunity to show that their qualifications are equivalent to those of locally trained candidates. If the qualifications are not deemed equivalent, compensatory measures, such as a training program, an internship, or qualification exams, are imposed. However, certain admission requirements and procedures for recognition of qualifications are now being challenged, as they are considered inappropriate or discriminatory towards immigrants. As a result, it is timely to examine whether these admission and recognition standards respect the right to equality as guaranteed by the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms (Québec Charter). In this thesis, I conclude that foreign-trained professionals are victims of systemic discrimination when it comes to accessing regulated professions. To arrive at this conclusion, I reviewed the legal framework regulating admission to these professions, and the academic and professional literature relating to the difficulties faced by foreign-trained professionals throughout the admission process. Then, using the traditional legal method, I set out the teachings and principles of anti-discrimination law, and in particular under the Québec Charter. The decisions rendered across Canada in cases brought forward by foreign-trained professionals seeking access to a regulated profession show that, despite some loopholes, immigrants have reasonable chances to prove they are the victims of prima facie discrimination. In addition to the traditional legal method, I conducted a qualitative empirical research that demonstrates that Québec’s professional regulatory bodies misunderstand the meaning of public safety, and what it requires in the specific context of each profession. These observations confirm that, in many cases, norms regarding admission to regulated professions and the recognition of qualifications, whether by themselves or considered as a whole, are not justified, and therefore infringe the provisions of the Québec Charter. I conclude this thesis by proposing various measures, some of which are systemic, that professional regulatory bodies and other actors implicated in the admission processes can put in place in order to ensure that foreign-trained professionals’ equality rights are respected.


Dasgupta, Shuvalaxmi Purnendu 20 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Relationships Among Eye Gaze, Social Ability and Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Pathway Activation in Children and Adolescents with Autistic Disorder

Carter, Molly H. 25 April 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Étude du transcriptome des cellules non tumorales de l’épithélium de surface de l’ovaire des femmes porteuses d’une mutation des gènes BRCA1 et BRCA2

Abd-Rabbo, Diala 04 1900 (has links)
Nous avons étudié le transcriptome de neuf échantillons d'ARN extraits de cultures primaires de cellules non tumorales de l’épithélium de surface de l’ovaire (NOSE) provenant de quatre donneuses non porteuses de mutation, deux mutées sur BRCA1 et trois sur BRCA2, ainsi que de quatre échantillons d’ARN extraits de cultures primaires de cellules tumorales de l’ovaire (TOV) provenant de trois donneuses porteuses de mutation sur BRCA1 et une sur BRCA2. Nous avons identifié, pour la première fois, les signatures moléculaires associées à la présence d’une mutation de BRCA1 et BRCA2 dans les cellules NOSEs ainsi que la signature associée à la transformation tumorale des cellules NOSEs en TOVs chez les porteuses de mutation de BRCA1. Nous avons également localisé les domaines chromosomiques comportant des gènes corégulés en association avec la présence d’une mutation de BRCA1 dans les cellules NOSEs. Les allèles sauvage et muté de BRCA2 étaient exprimés dans les cellules TOVs provenant des porteuses de la mutation 8765delAG sur BRCA2. Nous avons observé que le niveau d’expression des transcrits de BRCA2 était plus élevé dans les cellules provenant des tumeurs ovariennes les plus agressives chez les femmes porteuses de la mutation 8765delAG sur BRCA2, les transcrits correspondants à l’allèle muté contribuant avec un pourcentage élevé du niveau d’expression total du gène. Le phénotype tumoral observé chez les Canadiennes Françaises porteuses de cette mutation pourrait résulter d’un effet de dosage de l’allèle muté. / We analyzed the transcriptome of nine primary cultures of non-tumor ovarian surface epithelium cells (NOSE) from four non-carriers, two BRCA1 and three BRCA2 carriers, and four primary cultures of tumor ovarian cells (TOV) from three BRCA1 and one BRCA2 carriers. We identified the first molecular signatures associated with the presence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in NOSEs and the first molecular signature associated with the transformation from NOSEs to TOVs in French Canadian women carriers of BRCA1 mutation. Moreover, we localized some co-regulated chromosomal domains associated with the presence of a BRCA1 mutation in NOSE cells. Wild-type and mutated BRCA2 allelic transcripts were expressed in tumor cells from 8765delAG BRCA2 mutation carriers, with the highest level of BRCA2 transcript expression and the highest contribution of the mutated allele in cells originating from the most aggressive ovarian tumors. The observed phenotype in BRCA2-mutated cells as well as the aggressiveness of the tumor could result from a dosage effect of the BRCA2 mutated allele.

Modelling and Dynamic Performance of Hydropower in Frequency Regulation : Modelling of Double Regulated Hydropower Turbines

Ormsson, Kristinn Arnar January 2021 (has links)
The frequency of the Nordic power system has been increasingly deviating outside the normal frequency band (50 ± 0.1 Hz) in the past two decades. In an effort to counteract this, the Nordic Transmission System Operators (TSOs) have proposed new and stricter requirements on the units participating in Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) market. The implication of these new requirements is that all units participating in the FCR markets must be re-evaluated and early predictions state that double regulated (DR) hydropower turbines, such as Kaplan and Bulb types, will have problems meeting these new requirements. To limit the amount of work required to re-evaluate all DR turbines, which might ultimately show that the unit will not pass the requirements, it is highly beneficial for power producing companies to be able to simulate the turbine response accurately enough, without full-scale physical testing, to filter out the possible cases from the impossible ones. This thesis is aimed at finding a hydropower turbine model that could accurately predict the FCR prequalification outcome for a DR hydropower turbine in Simulink from only pre-existing testing and design data. Three hydropower turbine models, one single regulated (SR) and two DR, were tested and validated for FCR Normal operation (FCR-N). The validation was performed by comparing the model results to field test data attained from a full-scale FCR-N test performed on one of Fortum’s DR hydropower units. Furthermore, two of these models were simulated and tested with regard to the FCR Disturbance (FCR-D) requirements but not validated as no such data was available. The results showed that simulating DR turbines with SR models can give inaccurate results as the SR model could not capture the more complex dynamics of the DR turbine accurately enough. The SR model underestimated the active power response drastically while at the same time overestimating the dynamic stability. The DR turbine models managed to capture the dynamics better with the most prominent model, DR Model 2, giving less than 3 % overestimation of the FCR-N capacity and a correctly predicting that the unit would fail the dynamic stability for FCR-N. The thesis results further showed that when modelling DR turbines, the calculation of the net head is vital for accurate model response. Finally, both the SR and DR model agreed that the unit would likely not pass the FCR-D requirements and therefore confirm the early predictions that DR hydropower turbines, such as the one modelled in this thesis, may have problems passing the new FCR prequalification requirements. Ultimately this might impact electrical price or frequency quality negatively. / Frekvenskvaliteten i det nordiska kraftsystemet har stadigt avvikit alltmer från det normala frekvensbandet (50 ± 0,1 Hz) under de två senaste decennierna. I ett försöka att motverka denna trend har de nordiska kraftsystemoperatörerna (TSO) föreslagit nya och striktare krav på aggregat som deltar i frekvensreservsmarknaden (FCR). Dessa nya krav innebär att alla aggregat som redan deltar på FCR-marknaden måste omvärderas och de bedömningar som har gjorts antyder att dubbelreglerade (DR) vattenkraftturbiner, som kaplan- och bulbturbiner, kommer att ha svårt med att uppfylla dessa nya krav. För att begränsa mängden arbete som krävs för att omvärdera alla DR-turbiner, som i slutändan kan visa att aggregatet inte kommer att klara kraven, är det mycket för fördelaktigt för kraftföretag att kunna noggrant simulera turbinresponsen innan de fysiska testerna utförs, för att filtrera bort de omöjliga fallen från de möjliga. Detta examensarbetes syfte var att hitta en turbinmodell som med bra noggrannhet kan förutsäga FCR förkvalificeringsresultatet for en dubbelreglerad vattenkraftturbin, med hjälp av Simulink från endast befintliga driftdata och information om aggregatets konstruktion. Tre turbinmodeller, en enkelreglerade (SR) och två dubbelreglerade, testades och validerades för FCR Normal drift (FCR-N). Valideringen utfördes genom att jämföra modellresultaten med fälttestdata från ett fullskaligt FCR-N-test som utfördes på en av Fortums dubbelreglerade vattenkraftturbiner. Dessutom simulerades även två av dessa modeller och testades med avseende på frekvensreglering vid störd drift (FCR-D) men validerades inte på grund av avsaknad av fälttestdata. Resultaten visade att simulering av dubbelreglerade turbiner med enkelreglerade turbinmodeller kan vara problematisk eftersom enkelreglerade modellen inte kunde fånga dubbelregleringsturbinernas mer komplexa dynamik tillräckligt bra. Enkelreglerade modellerna tydligt underskattade den aktiva effektresponsen samtidigt som de överskattade den dynamiska stabiliteten. De dubbelreglerade turbinmodellerna fångade däremot dynamiken bättre, där den mest framstående modellen, DR model 2, gav mindre än 3 % överskattning av FCR-N-kapaciteten och en korrekt förutsägelse att enheten skulle misslyckas uppfylla den dynamiska stabiliteten för FCR-N. Resultaten visade vidare att beräkningen av nettofallhöjden är avgörande för korrekt modellrespons. Slutligen var både singel- och dubbelreglerade modellerna överens om att aggregatet sannolikt inte skulle klara FCR-D-kraven och bekräftar därmed de tidiga bedömningarna att dubbelreglerade aggregat, som den som modellerades i denna avhandling, kan ha svårt att klara de nya FCR kraven. I slutändan kan det påverka såväl elpris som frekvenskvalitet negativt.

<b>Enhancing Teamwork through Co-Regulated Learning: Strategies and Implications for Software Development Education in Higher Education</b>

Sakhi Aggrawal (19250923) 29 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This dissertation investigates the dynamics of co-regulated learning within the context of teamwork in higher education with a focus on software development courses. Co-regulated learning, where team members collaboratively manage, adapt, and synchronize their learning processes, is essential for effective teamwork and improved learning outcomes. The study comprises three interrelated investigations: a systematic literature review of co-regulation in higher education, an empirical evaluation of co-regulated learning strategies in a software development course, and a longitudinal study on the evolution of these strategies over time.</p><p dir="ltr">The systematic literature review synthesizes findings from 25 empirical studies on co-regulation in teamwork, highlighting the theoretical foundations, methodological approaches, and gaps in existing research on co-regulation. The first study examines how co-regulated learning strategies influence team interactions, performance, and learning outcomes in a semester-long software development course, identifying common challenges and effective practices such as adaptive planning, proactive monitoring, and reflective practices. The second study provides a dynamic view of how co-regulation strategies evolve over multiple project milestones, demonstrating how teams transition from initial role exploration to more defined responsibilities and improved collaboration over time and offering deeper insights into the factors influencing team dynamics and effectiveness.</p><p dir="ltr">Key findings highlight the importance of structured planning, continuous monitoring, reflective evaluation in fostering effective teamwork and co-regulation, and the dynamic evolution of teamwork strategies. The research contributes to understanding co-regulated learning in software development education and offers practical insights for fostering effective teamwork skills such as integration of co-regulation strategies into educational curricula and the development of instructional interventions to support collaborative learning. This research contributes to the theoretical understanding of co-regulated learning and offers practical recommendations for educators, policymakers, and researchers to enhance teamwork and co-regulation skills in higher education, ultimately preparing students for the collaborative demands of the software industry.</p>

Essays on regulatory impact in electricity and internet markets

Roderick, Thomas Edward 26 June 2014 (has links)
This dissertation details regulation's impact in networked markets, notably in deregulated electricity and internet service markets. These markets represent basic infrastructure in the modern economy; their innate networked structures make for rich fields of economic research on regulatory impact. The first chapter models deregulated electricity industries with a focus on the Texas market. Optimal economic benchmarks are considered for markets with regulated delivery and interrelated network costs. Using a model of regulator, consumer, and firm interaction, I determine the efficiency of the current rate formalization compared to Ramsey-Boiteux prices and two-part tariffs. I find within Texas's market increases to generator surplus up to 55% of subsidies could be achieved under Ramsey-Boiteux pricing or two-part tariffs, respectively. The second chapter presents a framework to analyze dynamic processes and long-run outcomes in two-sided markets, specifically dynamic platform and firm investment incentives within the internet-service platform/content provision market. I use the Ericson-Pakes framework applied within a platform that chooses fees on either side of its two-sided market. This chapter determines the impact of network neutrality on platform investment incentives, specifically whether to improve the platform. I use a parameterized calibration from engineering reports and current ISP literature to determine welfare outcomes and industry behavior under network neutral and non-neutral regimes. My final chapter explores retail firm failure within the deregulated Texas retail electricity market. This chapter investigates determinants of retail electric firm failures using duration analysis frameworks. In particular, this chapter investigates the impact of these determinants on firms with extant experience versus unsophisticated entrants. Understanding these determinants is an important component in evaluating whether deregulation achieves the impetus of competitive electricity market restructuring. Knowing which economic events decrease a market's competitiveness helps regulators to effectively evaluate policy implementations. I find that experience does benefit a firm's duration, but generally that benefit assists firm duration in an adverse macroeconomic environment rather than in response to adverse market conditions such as higher wholesale prices or increased transmission congestion. Additionally, I find evidence that within the Texas market entering earlier results in a longer likelihood of duration. / text

Nespojitá regulace s PLC ve výrobních systémech / Discontinuous control with PLC in production systems

Petlach, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Discontinous regulation, PLC control system, Programmable controller, Temperature control using Peltier´s module.

The influence of learning strategies learners' self-efficacy and academic achievement

Matseke, Phyllistus Moshala 11 1900 (has links)
Accelerated social change emphasises knowledge and innovation, creating a need for learners to excel at learning and thinking. The study’s purpose was to replicate previous cognitive research findings, which emphasise the positive influence of learning strategies on learners’ self-efficacy and academic achievement and to verify the validity of training learners in learning strategy-use to promote learner-autonomy and accountability. The research targeted a selected primary school in a Black township in Gauteng Province using quasi-experimental and qualitative methods. The sample comprised 152 4th - 7th graders assigned by quota system to the treatment group and the control group. Learners participated in pre-tests and post-tests for learning strategies, self-efficacy and academic achievement. Only the experimental groups received strategy instruction before the post-test. The experimental group’s improved performance compared to the control group’s lower performance suggests the effectiveness of strategy-training. Subsequent learner reports of improved self-efficacy beliefs and academic achievement confirm strategy-effect on these variables. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Educational Psychology)

Adolescent self-regulated learning development in school : a psycho-educational perspective

Moseki, Monkie Muriel 11 1900 (has links)
High school students need to be equipped with the competencies that may enable them to adapt to the increasing demands of learning in the school and beyond. To this end, the main research question of this study was, namely How can the self-regulated learning of adolescents be developed at high school? The aim of the study was to design, implement and evaluate a study skills programme for high school students. The social-cognitive theory, in particular the self-regulated Learning (SRL) theory, was used as the conceptual framework on which this study was based. An explanatory, sequential, mixed-methods research design was implemented. Purposeful sampling was used to select the participants in the three phases of the research project. Two classes of Grade 10-students (an experimental and a comparison group) from one school participated in the study, as follows: (i) in the first quantitative phase both classes wrote a pre-test, using the Learning and Strategies Inventory - High School Version (LASSI-HS); (ii) this was followed by a qualitative phase over 10 weeks. During this time a programme was implemented with the experimental group, once per week for 30 minutes (during school hours), and a 30 minute session in the afternoons. Individual work was also done with eight students, who were purposefully sampled. Between one and four sessions were held with each of the eight students. During the 10 weeks data were collected continuously by means of individual interviews with the eight students, as well as from their journals. In addition, the researcher collected data by means of field-notes. (iii) After the 10 weeks, the final quantitative phase involved both the experimental and the comparison groups in the writing of a post-test. The results indicated that the programme to enhance the students’ goal-setting, self-monitoring and self-evaluation strategies was successful. The students also indicated an improvement in their attitudes, motivation, information-processing, and in selecting the main ideas in their study material. However, shortcomings were noted in certain areas. Based on the literature and the empirical findings of the study, an improved programme for the development of the adolescents’ SRL in high school was designed. The programme recommended the early commencement of the programme, and that the two problem areas that were identified, namely time-management and motivational strategies be emphasised. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

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