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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

English Out-of-School Activities - A Way of Integrating Outwards?

Larsson, Brita January 2012 (has links)
AbstractThe aim of this essay is to identify English out-of-school activities among students with an immigrant background to find out to what extent English out-of-school activities have an impact on the students’ results at the National Test of English.An additional aim is to find out if English out-of-school activities are a way of integration outwards or vice versa if the lack of English out-of-school activities is a sign of integration inwards. The present study is based upon a questionnaire with closed questions, which was filled in by 54 third graders enrolled in the Child and Recreation Programme. The informants are divided into two groups, one of which is a control group of native Swedish students. The study showed a tendency that students with an immigrant background who are not involved in English out-of-school activities obtain lower grades in English and that they integrate inwards by using their native language on the Internet, listening to music and watching films from their home country. Furthermore, the study showed that there is a slight difference between native Swedish students and students with an immigrant background as regards computer habits.Keywords: English out-of-school activities, integration, third language acquisition, informal learning, computer habits, National Test of English, the third culture

Partes e terceiros na arbitragem / Parties and third parties in arbitration

Guilherme Recena Costa 23 March 2015 (has links)
A tese discute o problema dos terceiros na arbitragem. Ela distingue os planos substantivo (contratual) e processual (jurisdicional) da arbitragem e, portanto, o status de parte e terceiro com relação, respectivamente, à convenção de arbitragem e ao processo arbitral. Depois de desenvolver as premissas teóricas na Parte 1, a Parte 2 expõe as teorias contratuais e societárias por meio das quais um não-signatário pode ficar vinculado à convenção de arbitragem, com destaque para a extensão a todos os acionistas da companhia da cláusula compromissória estatutária, bem como para a aplicação do princípio da boa-fé objetiva (teoria dos atos próprios, estoppel) para impedir com que determinados signatários burlem a convenção de arbitragem ao incluir terceiros no polo passivo da demanda ou, ainda, para impor a arbitragem a não-signatários que derivaram um benefício do contrato inter alios. Na Parte III, a atenção volta-se para o processo e a sentença arbitral. Expõe-se uma teoria dos efeitos da sentença, buscando-se explicar a sua potencial eficácia ultra partes com base: a) na necessidade de realizar o direito da contraparte à tutela jurisdicional (adquirente do direito litigioso, sucessores post rem judicatam); e b) na identificação de nexos de prejudicialidade-dependência permanente entre as relações jurídicas no plano do direito material (terceiro titular de situação dependente). Refutam-se, em passo seguinte, teorias que preconizam o valor absoluto da sentença. Oferece-se, como núcleo da tese, uma reconstrução dogmática das modalidades de intervenção de terceiro, buscando adaptá-las à arbitragem para alcançar, em cada situação, um justo equilíbrio entre as expectativas contratuais das partes originárias e a natureza privada da arbitragem, de um lado, e os efeitos da sentença perante terceiros, de outro. Conclui-se que, em alguns casos, legitima-se o terceiro a intervir voluntariamente, mesmo contra ou independentemente da vontade das partes, se ele estiver sujeito aos efeitos da sentença. Em hipótese excepcionalíssimas, ademais, a parte pode sujeitar um terceiro aos efeitos de intervenção, provocando a sua assistência no processo arbitral. / The thesis addresses the problems of third parties in arbitration. It distinguishes the substantive (contractual) and procedural dimensions of arbitration and, hence, the status of parties and third parties in connection with, respectively, the arbitration agreement and the arbitral proceedings. After spelling out theoretical premises in Part 1, Part 2 covers the contractual and corporate theories by which a non-signatory may be bound by the arbitration agreement, highlighting the extension to all shareholders of the agreement in the corporate bylaws, as well as the application of the equitable doctrine of estoppel to bar certain signatories from avoiding the arbitration agreement by including third parties as defendants or even to impose arbitration onto non-signatories who derived a benefit from the contract inter alios. In Part III, my attention turns to the proceedings and the arbitral award. I set out a doctrine of the effects of judgments, seeking to explain their potential effects on third parties based: a) on the prevailing need to preserve the counterpartys right to a binding declaration on its asserted claims (acquirers, successors post rem judicatam); b) the identification of substantive ties between legal relationships that make the third parties rights permanently dependent on the situation between the parties. I then refute theories ascribing absolute value to the award vis-à-vis third parties. As the core of the thesis, I offer a doctrinal reconstruction of third party interventions, seeking to adapt them to arbitration in order to achieve, in each situation, a fair balance between the contractual expectations of the original parties and the private nature of arbitration, in one hand, and the effects of the award on third parties, on the other. I conclude that a third party should be allowed to intervene, albeit against the will of the parties, if it is subject to the concrete effects of the arbitral award. In exceptional situations, moreover, a party may vouch in a third party, who will then be bound by the determinations of factual and legal issues made in the award.

Denunciação da lide no direito brasileiro / Implead in Brazilian law.

Fernando Hellmeister Clito Fornaciari 17 May 2013 (has links)
O objetivo central do presente trabalho é contribuir para o aprimoramento da aplicação da denunciação da lide, que é instituto valorizado, especialmente porque é modalidade de intervenção de terceiro que se ajusta aos princípios da economia e da celeridade processuais. Além disso, evita decisões contraditórias, facilita o cumprimento de provimentos jurisdicionais e vincula o terceiro à coisa julgada. O instituto já era aplicado no direito romano, mudando radicalmente seus contornos no direito germânico primitivo. As características da denunciação da lide nesses dois sistemas são marcantes e influenciaram as demais legislações. A depender da preferência que se lhe pretenda conferir, o instituto estará mais associado ao caráter de assistência, auxiliando o terceiro na defesa do denunciante, ou de efetividade do processo, resolvendo duas demandas por meio de uma única instrução processual e sentença e possibilitando o reembolso do denunciante no mesmo feito. Pretendeu-se, com esse trabalho, destacar a importância do instituto, que possui traços modernos no direito brasileiro, sendo tratado por disposições de direito processual, de direito material e de direito consumerista. Apesar dessas diversas previsões legais, ainda existem controvérsias e imprecisões, gerando relativa insegurança jurídica, que poderia ser afastada, porém o projeto do novo Código de Processo Civil não as resolveu e, para piorar, suprimiu diversos avanços, tornando o instituto praticamente um desdobramento do chamamento ao processo, em que pesem os requisitos para a aplicação deles serem tecnicamente distintos. A inegável importância histórica da denunciação da lide, sua relevante utilidade e sua riqueza são evidentes, consistindo a modalidade de intervenção de terceiro mais utilizada na prática, o que justifica o estudo detido nesse trabalho. / The main goal of this study is to contribute to the improvement of the valued institute of implead, specially because it is a kind of third intervention institute that adjusts itself to the procedure principles of economy and celerity. Furthermore, it avoids contradictory decisions, facilitates the enforcement of judicial decisions and attach a third party to the res judicata. The institute was applied in roman law and changed its basis in earlier german law. Implead characteristics in both mentioned systems were remarkable and had an effect in other legal systems. It can be approached for different angles, or as an institute close to the so called assistência existing in Brazilian law, by which the third party helps on defense of the impleader, or as an instrument to procedure effectiveness, solving two suits by only one proof production and only one decision, and enabling the refund to impleader on the same suit. The intention of this work was to highlight the institutes magnitude, that is found in a modern conception, on procedure, material or consumers Brazilian laws. Despite been provided by law, there are still controversies and inaccuracies, what leads to judicial insecurity, that could be avoided. However, Civil Procedure Codes Project did not solve them, as well has suppressed many advances, making the institute a kind of the so called chamamento ao processo, a kind of invitation to the suit, although their requirements be technically different. The undeniable historical relevance of implead, its utility and value are manifest, and it is the third party proceedings most used, justifying the detailed study in this work

Lärares syn på sin påverkan av traditionella genusstrukturer i musikklassrummet

Polotto, Gabriel Rufino January 2018 (has links)
Att genus tar plats och formas i musik-klassrummet har uppmärksammats sedan länge inom forskningen. Lärarens roll lyfts fram som central i det här området. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att studera hur lärare ser på sin roll och möjlighet att påverka genusstrukturer i klassrummet. För att uppfylla syftet studerar jag lärarens roll bland annat med hjälp av bedömning, både formativ och summativ. Som teoretisk ram använder jag teorier om skapande och återskapande av genus och third space, med performativitiet och interaktion som huvudkoncept. Metoden är kvalitativ, med data från intervjuer med aktiva lärare ur ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Resultaten visar att lärarna beskriver att de upplever att de kan påverka genusstrukturen i sina klassrum, men bedömning framhålls inte som det mest centrala verktyget. Dessutom skildras inte elevernas privata sfär som bara en förstärkning av traditionella genusstrukturer, utan också som källa för förändring. Traditionell genusstruktur återfinns också i det köns-homogena klassrummet. / That gender occupies space and is being formed in the music classroom, is something that since long has been observed in research. The role of the teacher is often underlined as central in this field. The purpose in this thesis is thereby to study how teachers look upon their role and their possibilities to affect the gender structures in the classroom. To fulfil the purpose I study the teacher’s role by looking at assessment. As theoretical framework I apply theories about the creation and recreation of gender and third space, with performativity and interaction as main concepts. The method is qualitative, with data from interviews with active teachers from a social constructivist perspective. The results show that the teachers describe themselves as able to affect the gender structure in their classrooms, but assessment is not underscored as the most central tool. Furthermore, the pupils’ private sphere is not defined as only basis for strengthening traditional gender structures, but also as a source for change. Traditional gender structure is also found in the gender homogenous classroom.

L’Etat tiers en relations internationales : déclinaisons d’identités stratégiques médianes : neutralisation, finlandisation, neutralité / The Third State in International Relations : declensions of median strategic identities : neutralization, Finlandization, neutrality

Le Barreau, Lucie 28 January 2015 (has links)
La notion de « tiers » est complexe et relève d’une grande transdisciplinarité. Les définitions afférentes ont cependant pour trait commun de l’envisager comme qualifiant la posture d’un Etat à l’écart d’un processus politique ou juridique. Relégué ainsi à un rang subsidiaire, le tiers semble désigner l’Etat considéré comme étranger au mécanisme principal à l’œuvre. Le propos de ce travail de recherche a été de s’interroger sur l’acception stratégique du tiers en tant que dépassement de la posture passive classique. Ainsi, le tiers incarne l’expression d’une identité stratégique médiane pour certains Etats développant une réponse particulière à l’égard des contraintes auxquelles leur environnement les soumet. La voie du tiers s’affirme alors comme une alternative à la lecture classique des logiques de puissance en relations internationales. Rétablissant le tiers dans sa dimension stratégique, il s’agit d’écarter la vision d’un Etat tiers exclusivement subi et d’en appréhender les différentes déclinaisons, du tiers objet au tiers sujet.Dans cette perspective, trois modèles de tiers sont convoqués à titre illustratif. La neutralisation de l’Autriche, la finlandisation de la Finlande, et la neutralité de la Suisse. Ces trois cas d’étude ont pour vocation de démontrer de la capacité stratégique de la dénomination d’ « Etat tiers » par la mise en pratique de la grille d’analyse théorique élaborée en première instance. / The notion of "third party" is complex and pertains to a certain transdisciplinarity. The concerned definitions have however for common line to envisage it as qualifying the posture of a State away from a political or legal process. Relegated so to a supplementary rank, the third-party seems to indicate the State considered as foreign to the main mechanism at work.The purpose of this research work was to wonder about the strategic dimension of the meaning of the third as overtaking of the classic passive posture. So, the third embodies the expression of a median strategic identity for some States developing a particular answer towards the constraints to which their environment submits them. The way of the third asserts itself then as an alternative in the classic reading of the logics of power in international relations. Restoring the third in its strategic dimension, it is a question of deviating from the vision of an exclusively undergone third State and of considering the various declensions, from the third as object to the third as subject.In this perspective, three models of third are summoned to illustrative title. The neutralization of Austria, the Finlandization of Finland, and the neutrality of Switzerland. This three study cases have for vocation to demonstrate of the strategic capacity of the category of "third State" by the implementation of theoretical framework established at first instance.

Plodnost třetího pořadí - důvody pro a proti / Third order-specific fertility - pros and cons

Svozil Karpecká, Olga January 2013 (has links)
This work aims to outline the factors that may affect probability of transition from motherhood of two children to motherhood of three children, in positive or negative way. This work would also like to specify, if this factors can be affected and so the better conditions for three-children-families can be achieved. These goals are reached by analysing demographical data of years 1990-2011 and also by own research of qualitative data in group of mothers-of-two-children in age up to 45 including. This work also contains theoretical background of the problem of decreasing fertility, the development of indicators of fertility of third child in the Czech Republic and selected states of Europe. It is also important to characterize the progression of length of interval between delivery of second and the third child, analysis of probability of transition from motherhood of two children to motherhood of three and estimations of cohort probability of giving birth to third child.

Third-Grade Reading Teachers' Views on Achieve3000 for the Florida Standards Assessment Test

Brinson, Ennis L 01 January 2019 (has links)
Educators are challenged with meeting the academic needs of students, particularly in the subject area of reading. School districts purchase tools such as Achieve3000 to help students improve their proficiency in reading; however, implementation of such interventions has not been explored from the educators' perspective. This study explored 3rd grade reading teachers' views on Achieve3000 as a tool for improving reading proficiency and preparedness for the Florida State Standards English Language Arts assessment. The conceptual framework included the theory of social validity and current research as it related to differentiated instruction. This study utilized a basic qualitative approach to answer these key research questions. The participants included 6 3rd grade reading teachers from 3 Florida schools. Individual face-to-face interviews and a focus group interview session were conducted to answer the research questions. Data were analyzed via open, axial, and selective coding to generate the themes. The findings revealed the 3rd grade reading teachers believed that Achieve3000 can be considered a reliable method for improving reading and preparing students for the reading portion of the Florida Standards Assessment. The findings of this study can positively affect social change by providing educators with an increased repertoire of instructional tools to assist them in meeting the needs of all learners, as well as to prepare students for a technology driven world.

Mythologies: Sarah Charlesworth’s Photography, 1977-1988

Ford, Ivey C. 27 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Les effets du label sur la qualité perçue, les relations à la marque et le consentement à payer

Chameroy, Fabienne 23 January 2013 (has links)
Ce travail doctoral est une contribution à la compréhension des effets des labels lorsqu’ils sont associés aux marques. Il s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux effets des labels sur la qualité perçue par le consommateur, les relations à la marque et le consentement à payer. La définition de la qualité et la désignation des instances en charge de sa normalisation sont des problématiques historiques dont on retrouve les traces tant dans les principes du droit romain que chez les théologiens médiévistes et, plus récemment, au cœur de la distinction théorique entre les biens ou les attributs de recherche, d’expérience et de croyance. La thèse aspire à dépasser la dyade marque-acheteur. Elle considère que la qualité ne peut être garantie par le seul offreur dans certaines circonstances. Nous inscrivons notre modélisation dans le cadre des enseignements des recherches sur le capital-marque et nous appuyons sur la théorie économique du signal. Les labels, en tant qu’émanation de l’action d’un tiers de confiance permettent de réduire l’asymétrie informationnelle facteur essentiel de la difficulté à estimer la qualité. Le design de notre expérience repose sur un plan factoriel complet de type 4 × 4 (quatre marques, sans label et trois types de label) en inter-sujets. Au total, 1005 acheteurs de marques d’un produit agroalimentaire de grande consommation ont été interrogés sur internet et en face-à-face. Les qualités psychométriques des instruments de mesure sont vérifiées, les interactions entre marque et label sont étudiées par les chemins de causalité et la mesure du consentement à payer est formalisée par une zone d’acceptabilité du prix. Un effet direct du label sur les variables dépendantes est constaté mais lorsque la marque est prise en compte cet effet disparait, mettant ainsi en évidence une médiation totale par la marque. Des effets indirects de médiation en chaîne sont également mesurés, différents d’un label à l’autre et selon la marque à laquelle ils sont associés. Nos résultats conduisent à donner avec prudence de l’importance aux stratégies d’association d’une marque et d’un label. / This doctoral work is a contribution to understand the effects of third-party seals when they are associated with brands. It focuses more precisely on their effects on the perceived quality, the relationship to brand and the willingness to pay. The determination of the quality and the designation of who is revealing it are historical issues which the foundations can be found in the principles of the Roman law, among the theologians medievalists and more recently in the heart of the theoretical distinction between research, experience and credence goods or characteristics. This thesis led to exceed the brand-buyer dyad and consider that the quality cannot be guaranteed by the single buyer, under certain circumstances. We took anchor on the signal theory with reference to research on brand equity. The third-party seals, as a consequence of the action of a trusted third party, can reduce information asymmetries linked to the difficulty to estimate the quality. Our experience is based on a 4 × 4 between-subjects full factorial design (four brands, without label and three types of third-party seals). A sample of 1005 buyers of a fast-moving consumer good was asked on the internet and face-to-face. The psychometric qualities of the measuring instruments are verified, brand-label interactions are studied by the path analysis and the extent of the willingness to pay is formalized by a zone of price acceptability. A direct effect of third-party seals on dependent variable is measured, but when the brand is taken into account this effect disappears, highlighting a total mediation by the brand. Indirect effects of serial multiple mediation are also underlined; the results differ from one third-party seal to another and depending on the brand to which they are associated. Our results lead to give with caution the importance to the association of a brand with a third-party seal.

F.T.O. Den Helige Franciskus Tredje Orden inom Svenska kyrkan

Fröhler, Magnus January 2006 (has links)
<p>Detta arbete, inom ämnet Kristendomens historia, presenterar en svenskkyrklig orden, ”Franciskus Tredje Orden inom Svenska kyrkan” (F.T.O.), som tillhör den ”Tredje Orden” (TSSF) inom ”The Society of Saint Francis” (SSF), en ordensgemenskap inom den Anglikanska kyrkan, Church of England. Orden är öppen för kvinnor och män, vigda (biskopar, präster och diakoner) och lekfolk som lever vanliga liv i familj och samhälle, med en vilja att leva sina liv utifrån en tydlig inspiration av den helige Franciskus och hans liv.</p><p>Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka och redogöra för de primärkällor som finns från tiden av F.T.O.: s grundande för att svara på frågan om huruvida Ordens uppkomst var förenlig eller ej med den Svenska kyrkan, dess tro, lära och bekännelse.</p><p>Undersökningen inleds med en deskriptiv del gällande bakgrunden till frågeställningen där jag redogör något för reformationen och vad detta medförde för Svenska kyrkan gällande klosterliv. Sedan följer en redogörelse och en hermeneutiskt och dogmatisk analys av de, för tiden av Ordens grundande, aktuella källorna.</p><p>En sammanfattning av resultatet som framkommit är det att grundandet av F.T.O. i början av 1970-talet var förenligt med den Svenska kyrkan. Vi kan se i källorna att Ordens syfte och annat typiskt för Orden, korresponderar väl med vad som uttrycks gällande tro, lära och bekännelse i Kyrkolagen 1686 och de, förutom Bibeln, samlade bekännelseskrifterna för den Svenska kyrkan. Genom detta arbete konstaterar vi att ett ordensliv likt F.T.O. kan tillämpas inom ett evangeliskt-lutherskt kyrkosamfund och att det på intet sätt är synonymt med den gärningsfromhet inom klosterväsendet som reformatorerna så tydligt vände sig mot under medeltiden.</p> / <p>This study, in the subject the history of Christianity, present an order in the Church of Sweden, “Saint Francis Third Order within the Church of Sweden” (F.T.O.), which is a part of the “Third Order” (TSSF) within “The Society of Saint Francis” (SSF), a community within the Anglican Church, Church of England. The order is open for women and men, ordained (bishops, priests and deacons) and lay people who live ordinary lives in family and society, with a desire to live their lives inspired by Saint Francis and his life.</p><p>My purpose with this study is to examine and describe the prime sources from the time of the foundation of the F.T.O. to answer the question about whether the foundation of the Order was compatible or not with the Church of Sweden, their faith, doctrine and confession.</p><p>The examination starts with a descriptive part about the background to the study problem where I give some facts about the reformation and what that brings for the Church of Sweden in relation to monastery life. Then comes a description and a hermeneutics and a dogmatic analysis of the, for the time of the foundation of the Order, current sources.</p><p>A summery of the upcoming results of this study is that at the foundation of F.T.O. in 1970ths was compatible with the Church of Sweden. In the sources we can see that the Orders purpose and other typical for the Order corresponds well with what they say about faith, doctrine and confession in the church law from 1686 and the, except the holy Bible, confession scripts for the Church of Sweden. Through this work we establish the fact that an order life like that we see in F.T.O. could practices in an evangelical-Lutheran church and it is not in any way synonymic with that phenomena called “action piety” within the monastery life that the men’s of the reformation so clearly said no to under the middle age.</p>

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