Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe third"" "subject:"ehe nhird""
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Aplicação do sensoriamento remoto na roteirização turística na encosta nordeste do planalto meridional do Rio Grande do Sul, RS. Estudo de caso: município de Três Cachoeiras / Application of remote sensing in the tourist planning on northeast coast of Rio Grande do Sul - RS. Case study: city of Três CachoeirasSchütz, Rosvita January 2009 (has links)
O turismo tem apresentado uma demanda mundial cada vez maior e, por conseguinte, há uma crescente necessidade de preservar o meio ambiente com vistas às gerações futuras. O geoturismo e a roteirização, são ferramentas que podem ser utilizadas para este fim. Este trabalho visa, portanto, integrar dados turísticos, através do Sensoriamento Remoto com dados altimétricos representados por um Modelo Digital de Elevação - MDE. Desta forma, esta sistemática permite desenvolver um ambiente virtual onde o usuário pode realizar vôos cênicos em 3D (terceira dimensão) sobre o município de Três Cachoeiras e realizar, com isso um planejamento eficaz de suas atividades turísticas antes mesmo de ir a campo. Com a imagem de alta resolução espacial IKONOS (1m) sobreposta ao MDE é possível caracterizar a região e definir critérios, como por exemplo, a declividade do terreno para avaliar cada percurso. Estas ferramentas permitem, portanto, o estabelecimento de critérios de deslocamento e aos níveis de dificuldade para cada percurso. Os dados de campo, bem como aqueles provenientes da análise das imagens orbitais e do MDE, resultaram em uma roteirização turística sobre dois temas distintos: o Geoturismo e o Turismo Rural. / The tourism has presented a world-wide demand (2008). Representing an increasing necessity to preserve the environment with sights to the future generations, by the geotourism and the route planning, as well as the scientific research. This work aims at, therefore, to integrate tourist and de Remote sensing with altimetric data, represented by a Digital Elevation Model - DEM. In such a way, this systematics, allows to develop a virtual environment where the user can to visualize through scenic flights in 3D (third dimension) the city of Três Cachoeiras and make an efficient planning of tourist activities before exactly to go the field. With high resolution space image IKONOS (1m) overlapped to the DEM, is possible to characterize the region and to define criteria, as for example, the declivity of the land for evaluate each passage. These tools allow the establishment of criteria of displacement and the levels of difficulty for each passage. The field data, as well as those proceeding from the analysis of the orbital images and the DEM, had resulted in a touristic route on two distinct subjects: the Geotourism and the Rural Tourism.
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O papel das emoções no processo decisório de escolha de destinos de viagens por consumidores da terceira idadeEsteves, Priscila Silva January 2010 (has links)
Com o passar dos anos, a estrutura populacional de diversos países do mundo vem se alterando e o envelhecimento populacional não é mais uma preocupação apenas de países desenvolvidos. A população dos consumidores idosos está se tornando muito atrativa, especialmente pela disponibilidade de renda que possui para consumo. Dentro deste contexto, cabe destacar que toda e qualquer compra apresenta um aspecto racional de análise, todavia a emoção não tem como ficar excluída desse processo. As emoções exercem grande importância no comportamento do consumidor, porém apenas na última década começou-se, realmente, a estudar, a partir de abordagens qualitativas, a sua relevância e influência no processo de consumo. Sob esta ótica é que este estudo se inseriu, ou seja, na presença das emoções positivas e negativas no comportamento e nos processos decisórios dos consumidores, mais especificamente dos consumidores pertencentes ao segmento da terceira idade. Para isso, a investigação se concentrou em um serviço pelo qual os idosos vêm demonstrando interesse: o turismo. Buscou-se, então, descobrir qual o papel das emoções no processo decisório de escolha de destinos de viagens por consumidores da terceira idade. Para tanto, o método escolhido foi do tipo exploratório, utilizando-se entrevistas em profundidade auxiliadas por Photo Elicitation Technique (PET). A partir da análise das entrevistas, foi possível perceber que as emoções afetam na escolha por um determinado destino de viagem, uma vez que experiências e sensações vividas durante viagens anteriores ficam guardadas na memória destas pessoas e têm forte influência no seu processo de decisão. Elas se mostraram presentes antes, durante e depois da ocorrência de uma viagem. A partir das informações obtidas nas entrevistas, foi possível estabelecer categorias de análise, as quais contribuíram para um melhor entendimento acerca do processo de decisão do público da terceira idade, sendo elas: motivações que ocasionam as viagens, justificativas para viajar mais depois dos 60 anos, significado das viagens na vida das pessoas e companhia nas viagens. A partir destas categorias, pôde-se observar que as pessoas da terceira idade apresentaram diversas justificativas para viajarem mais após os 60 anos, destacando, em alguns casos, a importância de ter uma companhia em sua realização. Os entrevistados mostraram possuir diferentes motivações para realizar suas viagens, atribuindo as suas viagens distintos significados. No que concerne ao método de pesquisa, é importante destacar que a utilização da PET contribuiu muito para uma melhor compreensão acerca das emoções. Esta técnica possibilitou acessar conteúdos emocionais que, apenas através das entrevistas em profundidade, não seriam expressados, de forma tão profunda, pelos entrevistados. / Over the years, the population structure of various countries around the world is changing and the aging population is no longer a concern only for developed countries. The population of elder consumers is becoming very attractive, especially the availability of income that has led them to consume. Within this context, it is important to say that every purchase presents a rational analysis aspect, however, the emotions can’t be excluded from this process. Emotions have a great importance on consumer behavior, but only in the last decade their relevance and influence in the consumption process really begun to be studied with qualitative approaches. In this sense the present study discuss the presence of positive and negative emotions in behavior and consumers decision-making processes, more specifically, on elderly segment. To access this objective, this research focused on a service for which the elderly have shown interest: tourism. It was aim to find out what is the role of emotions in the decision-making process of choosing travel destinations for elderly consumers. The research method was exploratory involving in-depth interviews aided by Photo Elicitation Technique (PET). From the interviews analysis, it was possible to find that emotions affect the choice of a particular travel destination, and those experiences and sensations experienced during previous trips are stored in people’s memory and have a strong influence on their decision making. They were presented before, during and after the occurrence of a trip. From information obtained in the interviews, it was possible to establish categories of analysis, which contributed to a better understanding of the third age decision-making, which were: travel’s motivations, reasons to travel more after the age of 60, travel’s meaning on people’s lives and travel companionship. From these categories, it was observed that the elderly presented several reasons to travel more after 60 years old, highlighting in some cases, the importance of having a company on its achievement. The interviewees showed that the third age have different motivations to realize their travels, assigning distinct meanings to that. Regarding the research method, it is important to emphasize that the use of PET has contributed greatly to a better emotion’s understanding. This technique allowed to access emotional content that only through indepth interviews, were not expressed, so deeply, by the interviewees.
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Gênero e sexualidade na educação de jovens e adultos : um estudo de casoOliveira, Karina Fürstenau de January 2010 (has links)
Mudanças nas condições de vida repercutem no cotidiano atual do/a idoso/a, fazendo com que muitos deles/as procurem formas de diversão, como por exemplo os bailes da terceira idade, que criam condições para a integração com novas pessoas, podendo inclusive formar laços afetivos. Nos últimos anos, houve um aumento de alunos/as da pré e terceira idade matriculados na Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Assim, a EJA é uma modalidade de ensino oferecida em algumas escolas brasileiras com objetivo de oportunizar o retorno aos estudos de sujeitos que não puderam concluí-los em tempo regular. No caso da terceira idade, esses/as alunos/as não estão somente em busca de aprendizado, mas também de um local onde possam se expressar, estabelecer laços de amizade, amores, conhecer seus corpos, suas sexualidades, etc. Contudo, na sociedade ocidental, ainda, a velhice é vista como sinônimo de decrepitude, o/a idoso/a é tido/a como assexuado/a, desconsiderando-se, assim, as suas possibilidades de terem e se verem com desejos, paixões, amores. Pensando nestas questões, esta pesquisa de mestrado visou analisar como o gênero e a sexualidade aparecem em práticas escolares e nas falas de alunos/as, com idade superior aos 50 anos, e de professores/as de uma escola com Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Neste estudo, o envelhecimento está sendo entendido como um processo contínuo, e a velhice uma categoria socialmente produzida a partir de múltiplos significados decorrentes das experiências de vida. Para isso, foram realizadas observações sistemáticas em sala de aula. Estabelecemos conexões com perspectivas culturalistas, a partir das quais entendemos o corpo e os processos que nele ocorrem como efeitos de interrelações de caráter biossocial, problematizando as visões biologicistas. Nas análises das aulas, pudemos perceber nas práticas escolares que o corpo é visto dentro da perspectiva biológica, amparado na anatomia e fisiologia, limitando o conhecimento ao conteúdo proposto dentro de um currículo, que desconsidera a historicidade desses corpos . Além disto, percebemos também que os/as professores/as evitam discutir o tema da velhice e da sexualidade com os/as alunos/as da terceira idade. Para eles/as, no momento em que discutimos tais temáticas, estamos também refletindo sobre nós mesmos, o que pode gerar um incômodo dependendo do assunto a ser tratado. / The improvement in living conditions reflected in the daily current, the elderly, causing so many of them seek ways of entertainment, such as the dances of third age that create conditions for integration with new people and may even form emotional. In recent years, there was an increase of pre and third age students registered in Youth and Adults Education. Thus, the Y.A.E. is a type of education offered in some schools in Brazil with the aim of making it possible to return to studies of subjects who could not complete them in regular time. In the case of seniors, these students not only in search of learning, but also a place where they can express themselves, to establish friendship, love, learn about their bodies, their sexuality. However, in Western society, yet, old age is seen as synonymous with decrepitude, the elderly to be taken how asexual ignoring thus the possibilities to they have and to see themselves with desires, passions, loves. Thinking about these issues, this research master’s degree project aims to analyze the discourses on gender and sexuality present in the speech of students with age more than 50 years and teachers of a school with Youth and Adults Education. In this study, aging is being understood as a continuous process and an old age social category produced from multiple meanings from the experiences of life. For this, we carried out systematic observations in the classroom. We have established connections with cultural perspective, from which we understand the body and the processes that occur in it as effects of the interrelationship of biosocial character, exploring the views biologicist. Analyzing the lessons, we could see on teaching practices that the body is seen within the biological perspective, basing himself on the anatomy and physiology, limiting the knowledge of the content proposed within a curriculum that ignores the historicity of these bodies. Moreover, it is perceived that show the teachers avoid discussing the subject of sexuality and aging with the third eld students. For the moment we are discussing certain topics, we are also reflecting on ourselves, which can cause a nuisance depending on the subject to be treated.
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Proposta de uma sistemática para escolha de um provedor de serviços logísticosVelho, Cassiane Oliveira January 2010 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas a atividade logística vem recebendo status estratégico como sendo uma variável importante para a obtenção de vantagem competitiva por parte das empresas. Dessa forma, as organizações vêm investindo significativamente no desenvolvimento de sistemas logísticos ágeis e na coordenação eficiente das cadeias de abastecimento nas quais estão inseridas. No entanto, para não perderem competitividade e realmente agregar valor ao seu negócio, muitas dessas empresas estão se focando cada vez mais em seu core business e, consequentemente, transferindo para terceiros algumas ou todas as suas atividades logísticas como forma de reduzir custos e aumentar a eficiência de sua operação. Assim, este trabalho trata do problema de tomada de decisão de terceirização das atividades logísticas e de como viabilizar a seleção de um provedor de serviços logísticos (PSLs). Para isto, foi elaborada e proposta uma sistemática de apoio à análise e seleção de um PSL que agrega conceitos gerais de gestão de projetos e de análise multicriterial para embasar a escolha pelo PSL mais adequado. Nesse particular, foi utilizado o método AHP – Analytic Hierarchy Process - que permite tratar aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos, tendo sido aplicado a problemas que envolvem a tomada de decisão em segmentos distintos. Como forma de validação da sistemática proposta, ela foi aplicada parcialmente em uma empresa fabricante de motores diesel com forte viés na logística de abastecimento e que estava em processo de terceirização de parte de suas atividades logísticas. Como principais resultados, encontrou-se que a sistemática foi aderente ao ambiente empresarial encontrado, auxiliando a análise e compreensão das oportunidades e riscos relativos à terceirização das atividades logísticas e dos atributos importantes a serem considerados no processo de seleção e escolha do PSL que mais esteja adequado à realidade da empresa contratante; e mostrando adicionalmente que o preço não é o fator mais importante no momento da decisão. / In recent decades the logistics activity has received strategic status as an important factor for gaining competitive advantages for businesses. Thus companies have been investing significantly in the development of agile logistics systems and efficient coordination of the supply chains, in which they operate. However, to avoid losing competitiveness and really add value to their business, many of these companies are increasingly focusing on their core business and thus transferring to others some or all of their logistics activities as a way to reduce costs and increase efficiency of their operation. This work addresses the problem of decision-making on outsourcing of logistics activities and how to facilitate the selection of a Third-Party Logistics (3PL). For this, it was developed and proposed a system to support the analysis and selection of a 3PL that combines general concepts of project management and multicriteria analysis to base the choice of the 3PL that better fits the current needs. In particular, we used the AHP - Analytic Hierarchy Process - which could handle qualitative and quantitative aspects, since it has been applied to many decision-making problems in different segments. As a way of validating the proposed methodology, it was partially applied to a manufacturer of diesel engines with a strong bias in its supply chain logistics, which was in process of outsourcing part of their logistics activities. As the most important results, it was found that this methodology adhered to the business environment, supporting the analysis and understanding of the opportunities and risks for the outsourcing of logistics activities, as well as important attributes to be considered in the selection process and choice of a 3PL that is more appropriate to the reality of the contracting company. In addition, it showed that the price is not the most important factor for this decision.
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Caracterização da emergência do 3º Setor diante da conjuntura do mercado de trabalho e das atuais políticas públicas. / Characterization of the emergence of the 3rd Sector in the context of the labor market and current public policies.PEREIRA, Maria Gracilene Marques. 21 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-21T18:45:33Z
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MARIA GRACILENE MARQUES PEREIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGERR 2003..pdf: 14344648 bytes, checksum: bc09da56ed7612ba86059887e69afde6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-21T18:45:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MARIA GRACILENE MARQUES PEREIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGERR 2003..pdf: 14344648 bytes, checksum: bc09da56ed7612ba86059887e69afde6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2003-04 / O trabalho tem como objetivo geral caracterizar a emergência do 3o Setor, definir e classificar seus componentes, destacar conjunturas favoráveis a esse processo e as referências teóricas que explicam o assunto. É um trabalho descritivo, teórico e dissertativo, fundamentado em leituras bibliográficas e observações empíricas, dividido em 4 partes.: 1.Apresenta-se a técnica utilizada para enfocar o 3o Setor, definido como um conjunto de MS que foge a natureza pública/privada, observando a origem de suas partes. 2. Destaca-se duas realidade que favorecem a emergência-, a conjuntura do mercado de trabalho e as políticas públicas da 3ª Via. 3. Dedica-se as referências
teóricas que explicam o tema. 4. Volta-se a enfocar o Setor, mas combinando as conjunturas e o marco teórico. Observou-se que simultaneamente a emergência do 3º Setor cresce o número e a qualidade dos estudos acadêmicos que explicam o assunto na aparência (estuda nas duas las partes. Onde se percebe que o 3º Setor brasileiro nasce dos MS que predominaram nas décadas 70/80, de lideres de esquerda e intelectuais da classe média; apesar da insatisfação com o sistema os MS juntam-se ao Estado e ao Capital a fim de ganharem força e crescimento; aqueles que utilizam meios de comunicação mais modernos, transformam-se em MS institucionalizados, passando a participar do combate aos problemas conjunturais) e na essência (desenvolvida nas
duas últimas partes. Atualmente os MS apresentam-se como uma nova roupagem em seus planos de ação; não seguem o mesmo discurso do Estado nem do Mercado, mas não se opõem, contribuem para compensar as mazelas econômicas e sociais das políticas públicas/privadas). Concluímos que as conjunturas econômica e política e o processo de articulação entre o próprio 3º Setor, o Estado e o Mercado, desencadearam a institucionalização dos MS, transformando-os em NMS, com novos marcos referências e estratégias compartilhadas, o que cria a possibilidade de descaracterização do MS. A certeza dessa possibilidade é a limitação do trabalho, por isso este corresponde apenas aos l°s passos no estudo do 3º Setor, os quais serão continuados em uma tese de doutorado. / This paper has the general purpose of describing the emerging of the Third Sector, define and classify its constituent parts, emphasize favorable conjunctures to the process and the theoretical refcrences that explain the subject. It's a descriptive, theoretical, and dissertative paper bàsed on bibliographic readings and on empirical observations, separated in four parts : 1. Introduction of the technique used to focalize the Third Sector, defined as a group of social movements that escapes to the public/private nature, observing the origin of its component parts. 2. Point out two realities that favors the emerging: the conjuncture of the labor market and the public policies of the Third way. 3. Dedicate to the theoretical references that explains the theme. 4. Return focusing the Sector, but connecting the conjunctures and the theoretical mark. It has been
observed that simultaneously the emerging of the Thir Sector grows the number and the quality of the academic studies that explains the subject on its appearance (studies the first two parts, in which we can realize that the Brazilian Third Sector raises from the social movements that prevailed in the 70's and the 80's, from the left leaders and the intellectuals of the médium class; in spite of the insatisfaction with the system, the social movements joined to the State and the Capital in order to gain strength and growth; those ones whom use more moderas means of communication become institutionalized social movements, beginning to contribute in the battle against conjunctural problems) and essence (developed in the ]ast two parts. Nowadays, the social movements presents themselves with a new clothing on its action planning; they do not follow the same speech of the State neither of the Market, but they do not oppose themselves to the last
ones, they co-operate to equalize the social and economic blemishes of the private and public policies). It has been canclude that the economic and politic conjunctures and the process of articulation among the Third Sector itself, the State and the Market, unleashed the institutionalization of the social movements, transforming them into new social movements, with new limits, references and shared strategies, which allows the possibility of uncharaterize of the social movements. The conviction of this possibility is the limitation of this paper, which corresponds only to the first steps on the study of the Third Sector, which will be continued on a Doctor's thesis.
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Understanding roles of experiential value and perceived switching drivers on travelers’ loyalty: an empirical study of third-party travel websitesChoi, Sooyoung January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Hospitality Management and Dietetics / Rebecca A. Gould / Chihyung Ok / The Internet has been one of the primary channels for acquiring information during pre-purchase and actual purchase stages characterized by easy entry and low supplier power. Internet travel businesses find it harder to retain customers, and customer defection to better alternatives is inevitable. Travel website developers and/or managers face problems that make it necessary to understand and identify what makes their customers continue to use websites without switching. To date, much attention has gone to identifying what affects website users’ behavioral intentions. Limited research, however, has been published on the experiential value of using travel websites and what influences travelers to switch to other travel websites, a context that requires more information.
The purpose of this study was to explore and test travelers’ loyalty empirically, along with determinants like the value of travel websites and website switching drivers. In particular, Study 1 proposed a theoretical model identifying the effects of a website’s experiential value on satisfaction, and, in turn, attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. Study 2 aimed to examine website switching factors (i.e., switching costs, attractiveness of alternatives, and perceived network externality) on the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. Along with the purpose and objectives of the study, 14 hypotheses were proposed based on the literature review.
Data were collected from 384 travel website users in the United States who are 18 years or older and have used travel websites within the last three months. The proposed relationships were examined using structural equation modeling and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Results showed that customer return on investment, service excellence, and aesthetics were directly associated with satisfaction; satisfaction was directly related to attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty; attitudinal loyalty showed a positive influence on behavioral loyalty; and attitudinal loyalty partially mediated the relationship of satisfaction with behavioral loyalty. Further, the results of this study revealed that switching costs, attractiveness of alternatives, and perceived network externality were significantly and positively associated with loyalty, but their interaction effects with satisfaction on loyalty were not significant.
The findings should add to the understanding of travelers’ value perception of travel websites and website switching behaviors. In addition to its contribution to the literature, online travel and tourism businesses or organizations benefit from suggestions of practical applications for retaining customers.
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Communication Strategies Contributing to the Positive Identities of Third Culture Kids: An Intercultural Communication Perspective on IdentityJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: This study aims to deepen the understanding of how Third Culture Kids (TCKs) receive and maintain long-term perceptions of positive identity. The literature review surveys bodies of research related to Third Culture Kids, intercultural communication conceptions of identity, and communication strategies of identity management. The research framework is a response to Martin and Nakayama’s (2010) call for a dialectical approach to the study of intercultural communication, and reflects an interpretive/critical/activist dialectic paradigm.
This qualitative multi-method research project gathered survey, interview, and visual data through online platforms. Participants were TCKs over age 40 who self-selected as having a positive identity. A modified grounded analysis revealed several key findings connected to agency development, choice making, communication filters, and framing of positivity. Factors contributing to characteristics of a positive identity included sending organization, total number and frequency of moves, and degrees of difference among their cultural contexts. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Communication 2016
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Espacio Iluminado: An Empowerment Model of Latino Parent Involvement Located in the Third SpaceJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: Parent involvement in their children’s education has been a frequently sought after and highly regarded component in education that has repeatedly been identified as a significant influence that contributes to children’s success in school. Historically, Latino parent involvement has been markedly low in the United States. Researchers’ interest in Latino parents’ involvement in their children’s education has been spurred by this low level of involvement coupled with reports of significant differences in educational achievement between Latino students and students of other ethnic backgrounds. Perceptions of self-efficacy and role construction have been identified as motivators for parent involvement. The purpose of this action research study was to examine the relationship between the Espacio Iluminado Parent Engagement Program as a nontraditional Latino parent involvement opportunity and parents’ perceptions of self-efficacy and role construction as it pertains to supporting the education of their children. The foundation of the program was developed utilizing Third Space Theory (Bhabha, 1994) to generate a framework that had the potential to serve as a model for future parent involvement programs that validated the knowledge of diverse cultures and discourses and encouraged a mediation of the two. Participants’ ratings of Role Construction and Self-Efficacy were significantly improved after their involvement in the parent program. Participants also felt strongly that the program was personally valuable and useful. Future direction might include a longitudinal study to track the academic progress of children of the participants. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 2017
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Cultural Identity and Third Space: An Exploration of their Connection in a Title I SchoolJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: Implementing an assimilative agenda within the traditional U.S. education system has prevented the authentic inclusion, validation, and development of American Indian students. The enduring ramifications, including the loss of cultural identity, underscored the critical need to decolonize, or challenge, the historic assimilative agenda of the school space. The purpose of this action research study was to examine the connection between the cultural exploration activities of Culture Club, cultural identity, and the creation of a Third Space to serve as a decolonizing framework for this Indigenous program conducted within a school space.
The epistemological perspective guiding this study was that of constructionism. The theoretical frameworks were post-colonial theory, Indigenous methodology, and, most prominently, Third Space theory. A thorough review of Third Space theory resulted in deduction of four criteria deemed to be necessary for creating a Third Space. These four theoretically-deduced criteria were (a) creating new knowledge, (b) reclaiming and reinscribing hegemonic notions of identity and school, (c) creating new or hybrid identities, and (d) developing more inclusive perspectives. The criteria were employed to create the Culture Club innovation and to determine whether a Third Space was effectively created within Culture Club.
This qualitative action research study focused on the Culture Club innovation, an after-school, cultural exploration, extracurricular program for sixth-grade American Indian students, at a Title I school in a large southwest metropolitan area. The participants were five, sixth-grade American Indian students. The role of the researcher was to facilitate a Third Space within Culture Club, as well as collect and analyze data.
Data were collected using semi-structured interviews; recorded Culture Club sessions; phase 3, and research journal entries. Once the data were transcribed, eclectic coding methodology, consisting of open, descriptive, and in vivo coding was employed and interpretive analysis procedures followed.
Findings showed modest changes in participants’ cultural identities but confirmed the creation of a Third Space within Culture Club. Findings have important implications for both practice and future research. Recommendations for improving and sustaining the decolonizing framework of Culture Club to create safe spaces for American Indian students and their explorations of their Indigeneity are also proposed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Leadership and Innovation 2017
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Towards silicon quantum dot solar cells : comparing morphological properties and conduction phenomena in Si quantum dot single layers and multilayers / Towards Silicon Quantum Dot Solar Cells : comparing Morphological Properties and Conduction Phenomena in Si Quantum Dot Single Layers and MultilayersSurana, Kavita 21 September 2011 (has links)
Le confinement quantique dans le silicium, sous forme de boîtes quantiques de silicium de diamètre 5 nm, permet de contrôler le bandgap et donc l'émission de lumière. Cette ingénierie du bandgap des nanocristaux de silicium est utile pour les applications photovoltaïques avancées et présente l'avantage de conserver la compatibilité avec les technologies silicium existantes. Ces boîtes quantiques peuvent aider à réduire les pertes par thermalisation dans une cellule solaire homo-jonction. Ce travail se concentre sur la fabrication à grande échelle des nanocristaux de silicium dans SiO2 en utilisant le Dépôt Chimique en Phase Vapeur assisté par Plasma (PECVD), suivi d'un recuit à haute température. Des monocouches sont comparées avec des multicouches pour les propriétés morphologiques, électriques et optiques et des dispositifs avec ces différents couches sont comparés. Dans le cas d'une structure monocouche, l'épaisseur de la couche contrôle l'organisation des nanocristaux et permet de mettre en évidence l'amélioration de la conductivité électrique, avec cependant une réponse optique faible. Les multicouches montrent un bandgap du Si augmentée et controlee, avec une meilleure absorption dans la gamme bleu-vert visible, accompagnée d'une conductivité électrique faible. L'amélioration de ces propriétés optiques est un signe prometteur pour une potentielle intégration photovoltaïque. / Quantum confined silicon, in the form of silicon quantum dots of diameters 5 nm or less, has the property of bandgap control and light emission. This bandgap engineering gives silicon quantum dots applications in novel photovoltaic devices, while maintaining compatibility with existing silicon technologies. These dots can help reduce lattice thermalisation losses in a single-junction solar cell. This work focusses on the large scale fabrication of silicon quantum dots in SiO2 using Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD), followed by high-temperature annealing. Thick single layers are compared with multilayers for morphological, electrical and optical properties. Devices with these layers are compared with different electrode materials. Film thickness dependent organization of dots is observed in thick single layer structures which demonstrate improved electrical conductivity, but poor optical response. Multilayer films demonstrate augmented and controlled Si bandgaps and improved absorption in the blue-green visible range, accompanied by poor electrical conductivity. The improved optical properties are a promising sign for any potential photovoltaic integration.
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