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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexualidade e envelhecimento: uma análise da relação atividade e satisfação sexual / Sexuality and aging: an analysis of relationship between sexual activity and satisfaction

Rodrigues, Carlos Lima 12 April 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar se há associação entre atividade sexual e satisfação sexual, e as condições demográficas, socioeconômicas e de saúde, e também a importância dada à vida sexual no passado e no presente, para a população idosa residente no município de São Paulo. Foram considerados os dados do Estudo SABE - Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento, relativos à amostra de 2006, composta por 1.078 sujeitos, correspondendo após ponderação a uma população de 854.724 idosos do município de São Paulo. Homens e mulheres foram analisados separadamente, e os dados comparados posteriormente. Os resultados mostraram que frente ao aumento da idade e determinadas condições socioeconômicas e de saúde, a satisfação sexual é cada vez menos associada à atividade sexual, sendo isso mais verificado entre as mulheres do que os homens. Em relação às condições de saúde, a ocorrência de doenças entre as mulheres mostrou mais interferência negativa para a satisfação sexual do que entre os homens. Entre os casados verificou-se maior relação entre a atividade sexual e a satisfação sexual. Como conclusão observou-se que, com o avanço da idade, a satisfação sexual está menos associada à realização de atividade sexual, independente do sexo, porém, isso se verifica mais entre as mulheres, o que não justifica dizer que as pessoas idosas são assexuadas. / The purpose of this thesis is to analyze whether there is an association between sexual activity and sexual satisfaction, and demographic, socioeconomic and health conditions, and the importance given to sexual life in the past and nowadays by the elderly population living in São Paulo. Data from the SABE Study - Health, Welfare and Aging were considered, relating to sample of 2006, consisting of 1078 individuals, corresponding to a population of 854.724 elderly, after weighting, in São Paulo. Men and women have been analyzed separately and then information has been compared. The results showed that against the increased age and specific socioeconomic and health conditions, sexual satisfaction is becoming less associated with sexual activity and it is more observed among women than men. Regarding health conditions, occurrences of diseases among women proved more negative interference for sexual satisfaction than men. Among those married there was a highest ratio between sexual activity and sexual satisfaction. As a conclusion, it was observed that, with increasing age, sexual satisfaction is less tied to the sexual activity, regardless of sex, but it occurs more among women, which is not right to say that older people are asexual.

Sjuksköterskans ledarskap för en personcentrerad vård : En litteraturstudie

Carlsson, Lisa, Hogland, Sanna January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund Antalet äldre som behöver hemsjukvård ökar. Sjuksköterskan är omvårdnadsledare som ska leda teamet i strävan att uppnå personcentrerad vård hos den äldre. Syfte Syftet med denna uppsats var att sammanställa forskning om sjuksköterskans ledarskap med fokus på faktorer som påverkar personcentrerade processer inom hemsjukvård av äldre. Metod Metoden var en litteraturstudie där artiklar söktes i databaserna CINAHL, PudMed och PsycINFO. Efter diskussion om artiklarnas innehåll, kvalitetsgranskades relevanta artiklar och sju artiklar valdes ut och analyserades. Resultat Resultatet beskrivs utifrån tre kategorier som var att öka medvetenheten om personcentrerad vård, gensvar av personcentrerad vård och hinder i ledarskapet. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskans ledarskap har inverkan på huruvida en personcentrerad vård uppnås eller inte. Slutsats Litteraturstudien visar att sjuksköterskans ledarskap kan påverka genomförandet av personcentrerad vård. Mer kunskap och utbildning samt tillgång till ett ramverk behövs hos all vårdpersonal för att kunna förstå vad personcentrerat arbetssätt innebär.

Violência contra idosos e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde: estudo populacional no município de São Paulo / Violence against the elderly and health-related quality of life: populational study in São Paulo

Machado, Daniel Rodrigues 29 January 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Qualidade de Vida Relacionada à Saúde (QVRS) tem sido considerada como importante medida de avaliação do estado de saúde e de predição de mortalidade em idosos. Diversos estudos detectaram fatores associados à QVRS de idosos, mas, poucos deles, até o momento, propuseram-se a analisar as associações entre violência e QVRS dessa população. Objetivos: identificar a prevalência e as características da violência contra idosos não institucionalizados, residentes no Município de São Paulo; comparar idosos expostos e não expostos à violência em relação a dados sociodemográficos, econômicos, de saúde, de funcionalidade familiar, de incapacidade funcional e dos componentes físico e mental da QVRS; verificar se a violência é um fator independente associado aos escores dos componentes físico e mental da QVRS de idosos. Método: esta pesquisa transversal é parte integrante do Estudo SABE (Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento). Os dados foram coletados em 2010 e a amostra compôs-se de 1.147 idosos que responderam o Short-Form 12 Health Related Survey (SF-12), instrumento genérico que avalia a QVRS em seus Componentes Físico (CF) e Mental (CM). O CF e o CM do SF-12 foram as variáveis dependentes do estudo. Utilizou-se a regressão linear múltipla, método stepwise backward, para identificação dos fatores associados aos componentes da QVRS. Resultados: a prevalência da violência contra idosos foi de 10,1% (IC 95% 8,4 12), e o tipo mais comum foi a psicológica (9,3%). As variáveis idade e coabitação não diferenciaram significativamente os idosos expostos e não expostos à violência. Sexo feminino, insuficiência de renda, baixa escolaridade, família disfuncional, saúde percebida como ruim, multimorbidade, dor referida, sintomas depressivos, deterioração cognitiva e dificuldades para executar ABVD ou AIVD foram as características presentes em maior proporção no grupo de idosos expostos à violência, quando comparados ao grupo não exposto. Além disso, os idosos expostos à violência, em comparação aos não expostos, alcançaram menores médias nos escores no CF (44,4, DP=10,8 contra 49,1, DP=9,3) e no CM (50,1, DP=12 contra 55,8, DP=7,5) com p<0,001 em ambos os componentes. Na análise múltipla, a violência contra idosos permaneceu significativamente associada ao CM da QVRS (=-2,69; p<0,001), independente de covariáveis demográficas, econômicas, de saúde, de apoio familiar e de incapacidade funcional. Conclusão: a prevalência da violência contra idosos detectada neste estudo foi elevada; os idosos expostos à violência, em comparação aos não expostos, apresentaram diferenças em relação às suas características demográficas, econômicas, de saúde, de funcionalidade familiar e de incapacidade funcional; e a exposição à violência comprometeu o CM da QVRS dos idosos. Medidas de prevenção e controle desse agravo à saúde devem ser tratadas como prioritárias à população idosa / Introduction: Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) has been considered as an important measure of health status assessment and a predictor of mortality in elderly. Several studies found factors associated to elderly\'s HRQoL, however, to date, few have proposed to examine the associations between violence and HRQoL of this population. Objectives: to identify the prevalence and characteristics of violence against non-institutionalized elderly who live in the city of São Paulo; to compare elderly who are exposed and not exposed to violence regarding to following variables: sociodemographic, economic and health data, familiar functionality, functional disability and HRQoL\'s physical and mental components; to verify whether violence is a factor independently associated to scores of the HRQoL\'s physical and mental components in elderly. Method: This cross-sectional study is part of the SABE (Health, Wellness, and Aging Study). Data were collected in 2010 and the sample was composed by 1,147 elderly who responded to the 12-Item Short-Form Health Related Survey (SF-12), a generic instrument that assesses the HRQoL in its Physical (CF) and Mental (CM) Components. The CF and CM of the SF-12 were the dependent variables of this study and we used the multiple linear regression, a method of backward stepwise selection to identify the factors associated to HRQOL\'s components. Results: The prevalence of violence against the elderly was 10,1% (IC 95% 8,4 12) and the psychological violence was the most common (9,3%). The cohabitation and age variables did not significantly differentiate the elderly exposed and those non- exposed to violence. Female sex, insufficient income, low education, dysfunctional family, health perceived as poor, multimorbidity, referred pain, depressive symptoms, cognitive impairment and difficulty to perform ABVD ou AIVD were the features presented with higher proportion in the group of elderly exposed to violence, compared to the unexposed ones. Furthermore, elderly exposed to violence achieved lower scores in HRQoL\'s CF(44,4, SD=10,8 vs. 49,1, SD=9,3) and CM(50,1, SD=12 vs. 55,8, SD=7,5) compared to unexposed ones, with p<0,001 in both components. In multiple analysis, the violence against the elderly remained significantly associated to HRQOL\'s CM (=-2,69; p<0,001), independent of demographic, economic, health, family support and functional disability covariables. Conclusion: The prevalence of violence against elderly identified in this investigation was high; the elderly exposed to violence, compared to non-exposed ones, presented differences concerning their demographic, economic, health, family support and functional disability features; and the exposion to violence undermined the HRQOL\'s CM of elderly. Prevention and control actions for this health hazard should be considered as a priority for the elderly

O cuidado em família sob o olhar do idoso / Caretaking in the family from the perspective of the elder

Mazza, Márcia Maria Porto Rossetto 15 April 2008 (has links)
Esta tese é uma continuação da investigação iniciada em meu trabalho de mestrado desenvolvido em 2002, cujo foco dirigiu-se ao cuidador familiar, figura central de atenção ao idoso no domicílio. Este estudo se propôs a estudar como se estabeleceram as relações de cuidado entre o cuidador familiar e o idoso, desviando o olhar deste cuidador e focalizando o olhar no idoso, podendo, com isto, estabelecer a contrapartida para o entendimento desta dinâmica. O objetivo foi identificar o significado, para a pessoa idosa, portadora de alguma incapacidade funcional, que caracterize alguma forma de dependência, sobre o cuidado que a ela é prestado pelo seu cuidador familiar, e identificar a representação social desta pessoa idosa, com referência ao seu cuidador familiar. Foram entrevistados 31 idosos na faixa etária de 65 a 95 anos, matriculados no Centro de Saúde Escola Geraldo de Paula Souza, da Faculdade de Saúde Pública - USP, pertencentes à região de Pinheiros, cidade de São Paulo. A metodologia utilizada foi a qualitativa, usando a teoria da representação social, e a estratégia metodológica para a análise das entrevistas foi o discurso do sujeito coletivo-DSC. Diferentes representações sociais foram extraídas dos depoimentos. Quanto ao significado do cuidado foram referidos: o afeto que recebiam do seu cuidador; a vocação do cuidador para executar o cuidado; a solidão que sentiam; a obrigação/retribuição; o desgaste/tensão, e a troca de papéis. As representações quanto ao julgamento do cuidador e do cuidado foram tanto atributos exclusivos do cuidador quando se referiram à sua competência e eficiência, como atributos dos próprios idosos quando justificaram ser independentes e fáceis de cuidar. Em contraposição, ao reconhecimento de sua dependência do cuidador ao enumerar suas fragilidades; à importância deste cuidador quando asseguraram não terem mais ninguém, só ele; e outras alternativas de cuidado como: contar com a família como provedora de auxílio; procurar outro cuidador; ir para instituição de longa permanência, como asilo/casa de repouso; contar com a ajuda de Deus; importância do empregado doméstico na ajuda do cuidado; morar sozinho, apesar das fragilidades; contar com o amparo dos amigos e do serviço de saúde. Para tais idosos a família é a instituição mais valorizada para executar o cuidado, na hipótese de não haver mais o cuidador principal. Reconhecem a dificuldade da prestação do cuidado para a vida de seu familiar e a dificuldade de encontrar outro cuidador para se responsabilizar por eles. A preservação da sua autonomia e independência são buscas contínuas no cotidiano de suas vidas. Através dos discursos dos idosos foi possível compreender suas necessidades, anseios, desejos, possibilitando uma reflexão sobre o envelhecimento e suas implicações. / This thesis is a sequence of the investigation started in my M.A. dissertation developed in 2002, which focus was directed to the caregiver, the central element in the attention to the elders in the household. This study aimed at the study of the way the care relations family caregiver-elder take place shifting the focus to the elder so as to make possible the establishment of the counterpart for the understanding of such dynamics. The objective was twofold: the identification of the meaning, for an elder bearing one or more functional handicaps that characterize some form of dependence, of the care given to him by his family caregiver and also the identification of the social representation of this aging person concerning this caregiver. 31 elders aged 65 to 95 enrolled in the Centro de Saúde Escola Paula Souza of the School of Public Health - USP, residents in the Pinheiros Region of São Paulo were interviewed. A qualitative methodology based on the theory of social representation was used and the methodological strategy utilized for the analysis of the interviews was the Collective Subject Discourse Analysis - CSDA. Different social representations were drawn from the statements. Concerning to the meaning of the care were mentioned: affection they received from their caregiver; the vocation of the caregiver to deliver the attention; the loneliness they felt; the obligation/retribution; the wearing out/tension and the role exchange. The representations relating to the judgment of the caregiver and care were both exclusive attributes of the caregiver with regard to his competence and efficiency, as their own attributes when they referred being independent and easy to be taken care of. In contraposition, to the recognition of their dependence of the caregiver when they enumerated their fragilities; the importance of this caregiver; when they assures having no one but him; and other alternatives of care such as: counting on the family as care provider; seek another caretaker; go to long term stay institution, like a nursing home/rest home; counting on God's help; importance of the house maid for the help in the care; living alone, despite the frailties; confiding on the help of friends and health service. For these elders the family is the most valued institution to carry out the assistance, in case of the absence of the main care caregiver. They recognize the difficulty of care giving in the life of his relative and also the difficulty in finding another caregiver to take responsibility over them. The preservation of their own autonomy and independence are continually sought in their daily lives. From the discourse of the elders it was possible to understand their needs, wishes and desires, which make possible a reflection on aging and its implications.

Människans Bästa Vän : En Litteraturöversikt om Hundens påverkan på Äldre med Demenssjukdom / Human’s Best Friend : A Review of the Dog’s influence on Elderly People with Dementia

Issa, Maram, Hult, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Medellivslängden har ökat kraftigt och att människanslivslängd tenderar att öka kan bidra till ett större vårdbehov i framtiden. Demenssjukdomdrabbar främst äldre men är ingen normal del av åldrandet och har ofta enkronisk eller progressiv karaktär med både fysisk och psykologisk påverkan. Detfinns inget botemedel och varje årinsjuknar och dör tusentals i en demenssjukdom, en siffra som beräknas attfördubblas. Människan har under århundranden levt jämsides med djur och enpositiv effekt av djur har kunnat ses. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetetvar att undersöka hundens påverkan på äldre med demenssjukdom boende på ettvård- och omsorgsboende. Metod: Iexamensarbetet användes en litteraturöversikt som metod, innefattandebåde kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskning.Resultat: Litteraturöversikten resulterade i fyra kategorier och 14underkategorier, hundmöten visade påverkan på känslor, kommunikation, kognitionoch beteende hos de äldre med demenssjukdom. Konklusion: Hundmötenabidrog till ökad glädje och livskvalité, mötena hade även en effekt påvälbefinnandet och ansågs vara det mest njutbara tillfället på vård ochomsorgsboendena. Hundmöten bör därför inkluderas i vården för att ökavälbefinnandet samt omvårdnadsmålet för hälsa och välbefinnande. / Background: The average life expectancy has increased and the growing lifeexpectancy is expected to contribute to an increased need for care. Dementiadisease affects mainly elderly peoplebut is not a normal part ofaging and often hasa chronic or progressive nature with both physical andpsychological impact. There is no cure and everyyear thousands of people develop a dementia disease. The number is expected to double in the future. Humans has always lived alongside with animalsfor centuries and a positive effect of animals has been shown. Aim:The aim is to investigate thedog's influence on elderly people with dementia living in a nursing home. Method: Thestudy used a literature review that included both qualitative and quantitativeresearch. Result: The literature review resulted in four categories and14 subcategories, dog meetings showed effects on emotions, communication,cognition and behaviors inthe elderly with dementia. Conclusion: The dog meetings contributed toincreased joy and quality of life, the meetings also had an effect onwell-being and were considered to be the most enjoyable time in nursing homes. Dog meetings should therefore be included in thecare to increase the well-being for the residents.

O cuidado em família sob o olhar do idoso / Caretaking in the family from the perspective of the elder

Márcia Maria Porto Rossetto Mazza 15 April 2008 (has links)
Esta tese é uma continuação da investigação iniciada em meu trabalho de mestrado desenvolvido em 2002, cujo foco dirigiu-se ao cuidador familiar, figura central de atenção ao idoso no domicílio. Este estudo se propôs a estudar como se estabeleceram as relações de cuidado entre o cuidador familiar e o idoso, desviando o olhar deste cuidador e focalizando o olhar no idoso, podendo, com isto, estabelecer a contrapartida para o entendimento desta dinâmica. O objetivo foi identificar o significado, para a pessoa idosa, portadora de alguma incapacidade funcional, que caracterize alguma forma de dependência, sobre o cuidado que a ela é prestado pelo seu cuidador familiar, e identificar a representação social desta pessoa idosa, com referência ao seu cuidador familiar. Foram entrevistados 31 idosos na faixa etária de 65 a 95 anos, matriculados no Centro de Saúde Escola Geraldo de Paula Souza, da Faculdade de Saúde Pública - USP, pertencentes à região de Pinheiros, cidade de São Paulo. A metodologia utilizada foi a qualitativa, usando a teoria da representação social, e a estratégia metodológica para a análise das entrevistas foi o discurso do sujeito coletivo-DSC. Diferentes representações sociais foram extraídas dos depoimentos. Quanto ao significado do cuidado foram referidos: o afeto que recebiam do seu cuidador; a vocação do cuidador para executar o cuidado; a solidão que sentiam; a obrigação/retribuição; o desgaste/tensão, e a troca de papéis. As representações quanto ao julgamento do cuidador e do cuidado foram tanto atributos exclusivos do cuidador quando se referiram à sua competência e eficiência, como atributos dos próprios idosos quando justificaram ser independentes e fáceis de cuidar. Em contraposição, ao reconhecimento de sua dependência do cuidador ao enumerar suas fragilidades; à importância deste cuidador quando asseguraram não terem mais ninguém, só ele; e outras alternativas de cuidado como: contar com a família como provedora de auxílio; procurar outro cuidador; ir para instituição de longa permanência, como asilo/casa de repouso; contar com a ajuda de Deus; importância do empregado doméstico na ajuda do cuidado; morar sozinho, apesar das fragilidades; contar com o amparo dos amigos e do serviço de saúde. Para tais idosos a família é a instituição mais valorizada para executar o cuidado, na hipótese de não haver mais o cuidador principal. Reconhecem a dificuldade da prestação do cuidado para a vida de seu familiar e a dificuldade de encontrar outro cuidador para se responsabilizar por eles. A preservação da sua autonomia e independência são buscas contínuas no cotidiano de suas vidas. Através dos discursos dos idosos foi possível compreender suas necessidades, anseios, desejos, possibilitando uma reflexão sobre o envelhecimento e suas implicações. / This thesis is a sequence of the investigation started in my M.A. dissertation developed in 2002, which focus was directed to the caregiver, the central element in the attention to the elders in the household. This study aimed at the study of the way the care relations family caregiver-elder take place shifting the focus to the elder so as to make possible the establishment of the counterpart for the understanding of such dynamics. The objective was twofold: the identification of the meaning, for an elder bearing one or more functional handicaps that characterize some form of dependence, of the care given to him by his family caregiver and also the identification of the social representation of this aging person concerning this caregiver. 31 elders aged 65 to 95 enrolled in the Centro de Saúde Escola Paula Souza of the School of Public Health - USP, residents in the Pinheiros Region of São Paulo were interviewed. A qualitative methodology based on the theory of social representation was used and the methodological strategy utilized for the analysis of the interviews was the Collective Subject Discourse Analysis - CSDA. Different social representations were drawn from the statements. Concerning to the meaning of the care were mentioned: affection they received from their caregiver; the vocation of the caregiver to deliver the attention; the loneliness they felt; the obligation/retribution; the wearing out/tension and the role exchange. The representations relating to the judgment of the caregiver and care were both exclusive attributes of the caregiver with regard to his competence and efficiency, as their own attributes when they referred being independent and easy to be taken care of. In contraposition, to the recognition of their dependence of the caregiver when they enumerated their fragilities; the importance of this caregiver; when they assures having no one but him; and other alternatives of care such as: counting on the family as care provider; seek another caretaker; go to long term stay institution, like a nursing home/rest home; counting on God's help; importance of the house maid for the help in the care; living alone, despite the frailties; confiding on the help of friends and health service. For these elders the family is the most valued institution to carry out the assistance, in case of the absence of the main care caregiver. They recognize the difficulty of care giving in the life of his relative and also the difficulty in finding another caregiver to take responsibility over them. The preservation of their own autonomy and independence are continually sought in their daily lives. From the discourse of the elders it was possible to understand their needs, wishes and desires, which make possible a reflection on aging and its implications.

Substance Abuse Associated with Elder Abuse in the United States

Jogerst, Gerald J., Daly, Jeanette M., Galloway, Lara J., Zheng, Shimin, Xu, Yinghui 01 January 2012 (has links)
Background: Substance abuse by either victim or perpetrator has long been associated with violence and abuse. Sparse research is available regarding elder abuse and its association with substance abuse. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of state-reported domestic elder abuse with regional levels of substance abuse. Methods: Census demographic and elder abuse data were sorted into substate regions to align with the substance use treatment-planning regions for 2269 US counties. From the 2269 US counties there were 229 substate regions in which there were 213,444 investigations of abuse. For the other Ns (reports and substantiations) there were fewer counties and regions. See first sentence of data analyses and first sentence of results. Results: Elder abuse report rates ranged from .03 to .41% (80 regions), investigation rates .001 to .34% (229 regions), and substantiation rates 0 to .22% (184 regions). Elder abuse investigations and substantiations were associated with various forms of substance abuse. Higher investigation rates were significantly associated with a higher rate of any illicit drug use in the past month, a lower median household income, lower proportion of the population graduated high school, and higher population of Hispanics. Higher substantiation rates were significantly associated with higher rate of illicit drug use in the past month and higher population of Hispanics. Conclusion: It may be worthwhile for administrators of violence programs to pay particular attention to substance abuse among their clients and in their community’s environment, especially if older persons are involved. Scientific Significance: Measures of documented elder abuse at the county level are minimal. To be able to associate substance abuse with elder abuse is a significant finding, realizing that the substance abuse can be by the victim or the perpetrator of elder abuse.

Economic Analysis of Dryland Wheat Tillage Practices in Box Elder County, Utah

Bond, Michael Dale 01 May 1992 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the economic viability of various dryland wheat tillage systems, many of which were developed from years of cooperative research efforts. In the study three conventional tillage methods were analyzed along with ten conservation tillage practices. The study farm consisted of 2000 acres, of which 1000 acres are classified as land 1 and its wheat yield is assumed to be 35 bushels per acre for non-continuous tillage methods and 23 bushels per acre for continuous tillage methods. The remaining 1000 acres are classed as land 2 and its assumed wheat yield is 30 bushels per acre for non-continuous tillage methods and 20 bushels per acre for continuous tillage practices. The farm operating conditions were changed to allow for an economic evaluation of questions that a dryland farmer would face. Questions such as: 1. do no-till chemical-fallow treatments have higher profits than do conventional tillage treatments; 2. will it pay for my farming enterprise to participate in the 1990 Farm Bills' Acreage Reduction Program (ARP); 3. what effect will be on returns to land, labor and management of a new 20-ft combine purchase, were analyzed using the Cost and Return Estimator (CARE) computer enterprise budgeting program developed for USDA-Soil Conservation Service (SCS) for each land class totaling 104 CARE budgets. A computer linear programming optimization model was run using LINDO to examine the 104 CARE budgets for an optimal tillage practice. The results are as follows: 1. Under the study assumptions chemical-fallow (no-till) treatments have higher profits than do conventional tillage treatments, if conventional tillage equipment can be adapted to no-till tillage methods. 2. Participation in the government ARP set-aside will offset the higher machinery ownership costs and thus it would pay to participate. 3 . The purchase of a new 20-ft combine or no-till Yielder drill as well as other major purchases could bankrupt a farming enterprise. It should be handled with CARE.

Structure and Petrology of Tertiary Volcanic Rocks in Parts of Toms Cabin Spring and Lucin NW Quadrangles (Box Elder Co.), Utah

Scarbrough, Bruce Edward 01 May 1984 (has links)
A series of late Tertiary rhyolitic and dacitic flows, domes, and minor pyroclastic rocks form an elongate volanic mass along the northwestern Utah-northeastern Nevada border . The structure of the flow banding and the linear arrangement of vents indicate that the mass represents a multi-sourced extrusive complex which erupted through many fissure-type conduits. A 39 km2 area at the southern end of the mass was studied in detail in order to gain a better understanding of the eruptive nature and history of these Tertiary volcanic rocks. Age dating reveals that volcanism in the study area was episodic, and covered a period of at least 4 to 5 million years. The silicic volcanic rocks in the study area are similar chemically and mineralogically to other eruptive units within the Rhyolite Mts., which range from dacite (Si0 2 69%) to high-silica rhyolite (SiOz 75-77%). They also exhibit chemical characteristics similar to other silicic volcanic rocks of bimodal association in the western United States. Two-feldspar high-K rhyolite is the dominant volcanic rock in the study area, commonly found overlying rhyolitic vitric tuffs and agglomerates. Rhyolite from the southern portion of the study area is dated at 7.6 to 8.6 m.y.b.p. Dacitic samples contain phenocrysts of plagioclase, quartz, biotite, hornblende, and orthopyroxene. Dacitic volcanism is dated at 12.4 m.y.b.p. By analogy with other "bimodal" volcanic fields in the western U.S., it is assumed that these si 1 icic magmas are products of partial melting of crustal rocks. Evidence from a least squares differentiation model, along with the overall geochemical characteristics, indicates crystal fractionation as the dominant mechanism for the transition from dacite to rhyolite, with plagioclase as the dominant fractionating phase.

Elder Abuse in Illinois: A Two–Pronged Approach to Assessing the State's Response

Pass, Angelique Marie 01 January 2019 (has links)
The Adult Protective Services Program is tasked with enforcing the standards and policies created at the federal level relating to how provider agencies should respond to elder abuse. What has yet to be explored is whether the Adult Protective Services Program is efficiently responding to the issue of elder abuse through its monitoring and evaluation protocols, which are based on the current policies. The purpose of this study was to explore the role of the 13 planning and service areas in their response to elder abuse. The response to elder abuse is guided by the current policies and funding strategies and has determined that there is a need for a policy change. The primary research questions sought to determine if the current policies were effective in every aspect, from planning to execution of the policies as well as the funding in guiding the level of response to elder abuse. The narrative policy framework was used to assess the feelings and opinions of the 13 directors of the planning and service areas regarding the current policies and response strategies to elder abuse. The study utilized a qualitative methodology that procured data through methods such as interviews and secondary data. Content analysis and coding were the two main strategies for analyzing the data for this study. Key results indicated that the directors felt restricted in term of the current policies, while funding has remained stagnant despite an increase in new programs. A change of policy that allows more freedom for investigating elder abuse is needed, as well as a reinvigoration of funding in the area of elder abuse.

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