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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det äldre brottsoffret : Från orsaker till åtgärder

Obleser (fd. Sundström), Jennifer, Johansson, Evelina-Ying January 2016 (has links)
Sveriges befolkning blir äldre och äldre. Medellivslängden för män och kvinnor i Sverige ökar succesivt och äldre individer 65 år och uppåt beräknas utgöra en fjärdedel av landets befolkning år 2060. Våld och brott mot äldre har betraktats som en privat angelägenhet och det uppskattas att ca 4 miljoner äldre i europaregionen lever under nån form av fysiskt eller psykiskt våld. Åldringsvåld samt brott mot äldre betraktas idag som ett dolt samhällsproblem. Syftet med denna studie är att därför att undersöka hur brott mot äldre kan förklaras och beskrivas inom litteratur och vetenskaplig forskning, samt hur olika individer utifrån deras professionsroll kan förklara brott som begås mot äldre. Resultatet grundar sig i vetenskaplig forskning och litteratur samt utförda kvalitativa intervjuer med två yrkesverksamma individer inom brottsofferarbete. Via en tematisk analys har resultat visat att brott mot äldre kan förklaras i vetenskaplig forskning och litteratur som något som har en direkt koppling till hur den äldre generationen “är” samt äldres fysiska och psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Forskningen visar att dessa faktorer utnyttjas av gärningspersoner och därför har den äldre en risk att utsättas för brott. Intervjupersonerna följer forskningens förklaringar till brott mot äldre och att det enligt deras erfarenheter också har koppling till att gärningspersoner utnyttjar äldres goda vilja och psykiska och fysiska funktionsnedsättningar.

Hemtjänsten i Växjö kommun : En fallstudie om personal- och ruttplanering / Home care for the elders in Växjö municipality : A case study about personnel and route planning

Nählstedt, Kristoffer, Norén, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Kurs: Examensarbete i logistik för Civilekonomprogrammet, 4FE19E, VT17 Författare: Martin Norén och Kristoffer Nählstedt Handledare: Hana Hulthén Examinator: Helena Forslund Titel: Hemtjänsten i Växjö kommun - En fallstudie om personal- och ruttplanering Bakgrund: Boendeformen särskilt boende har minskat påtagligt de senaste åren och förväntas minska ytterligare i framtiden. Samtidigt ökar andelen äldre som är i behov av vård och omsorg. Ett sätt att lösa detta är att förlägga omsorgsvården på hemtjänsten. För att klara sitt uppdrag använder hemtjänstenheter idag sig av olika planeringsverktyg som är tänkt att säkerställa att en kostnadseffektiv hemtjänst kan bedrivas samtidigt som den inte ska ge avkall på kvalitén av omsorg. Det ökade trycket på hemtjänsten kräver dock mycket resurser och det är idag svårt att klara av att nå upp till de interna målen som ställts på organisationen under denna föränderliga tid. Därför är det viktigare än någonsin med effektiva planeringsprocesser som kan underlätta och stödja hemtjänsten i sina åtaganden. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att effektivisera hemtjänstenheters planeringsprocesser. Avsikten med effektiviseringen är att uppnå en mer kostnadseffektiv hemtjänst som når måluppfyllelsen inom kontinuitet och brukartid. Metod: Studien är en fallstudie som genomförts i Växjö kommuns omsorgsenhet. Med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer, insamling av kvalitativ och kvantitativ data har studien kunnat inhämta empiriskt material. En processkartläggning genomfördes och författarna identifierade slöserier och presenterade sedan förbättringsförslag med stöd från åtskilliga teorier. Slutsatser: Författarna lyckades lägga fram förbättringsförslag på alla de tre planeringsprocesser som studien lyckades identifiera. Först lades förbättringsförslag av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ karaktär fram med avsikten att säkerställa kompetensförsörjningen i organisationen. I ruttplaneringsprocessen delade författarna upp hemtjänstenheten Vikaholm i två olika grupper baserat på dess geografiska placeringar och lyckades därigenom förbättra både kontinuiteten och brukartiden samtidigt som kostnaden sjönk för organisationen som helhet. Efter observationer och intervjuer på de olika arbetsgrupperna framkom slutligen fler förbättringsförslag på hur hemtjänstenheter skulle kunna arbeta för att effektivisera sin schemaläggningsprocess ytterligare. Nyckelord: Hemtjänst, äldreomsorg, kontinuitet, brukartid, planering, planeringsprocesser, processkartläggning, ruttplanering, prognostisering. / Course: Examensarbete i logistik för Civilekonomprogrammet, 4FE19E, VT17 Authors: Martin Norén and Kristoffer Nählstedt Tutor: Hana Hulthén Examiner: Helena Forslund Title: Home care for the elders in Växjö municipality - A case study about personnel and route planning Background: In Sweden the amount of people living in an assisted living have reduced significantly during the recent years and is predicted to be reduced even more. At the mean time the amount of elders in need of care is increasing. One way of solving this is by the use of home care. To handle its duty home care units use different kinds of planning tools to ensure quality of the care and that the home care is being cost efficient. The increased demand on the home care service requires a lot of resources and it is today very hard to achieve the internal goals which have been set up by the organisation. Therefore it is now more important than ever with efficient planning processes that can ease and support the home care service in its obligations. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to streamline the planning process in elder care units. The streamlined planning process intends to achieve a more cost efficient elder care, that achieves the objectives concerning continuity and time spent with the elders. Method: The study is a case study, which have been carried out in the municipality of Växjö. With the use of semi-structured interviews, gathering of qualitative and quantitative data the study have been able to obtain empirical material. In order to identify waste the authors used process mapping and then later on proposed improvements with support from a number of theories. Conclusions: The authors managed to propose improvements on all of three identified planning processes. Firstly, the study presented the proposed improvements on the process of ensuring competent personnel with the use of both qualitative and quantitative data. In the route planning process the authors split the home care unit of Vikaholm into two units, based on the locations of the elders. Thereby the authors managed to improve all of the three main goals of the home care unit; continuity, economy and the amount of time the care takers spend with the elders. Observations and interviews on the different units lead to the conclusion of potential improvements on how home care units could work to be more efficient in their scheduling processes.  Keywords: Home care, elder care, time spent with the elder, planning, process planning, process mapping, route planning, forecasting.

Atenção integral à saúde do idoso na atenção primária: os sistemas brasileiro e espanhol / Full care in the health of elderly in primary care: the brazilian and the spanish systems

Costa, Maria Fernanda Baeta Neves Alonso da 09 December 2009 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o entendimento dos gestores, profissionais de saúde e idosos sobre necessidades de saúde e atenção integral, na Atenção Primária de Saúde. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, qualitativo no qual, através do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC) foram encontradas categorias analíticas, relacionadas à Taxonomia de Necessidades de Saúde (Cecílio e Matsumoto, 2006) e analisadas a partir da Representação Social. O cenário do estudo foi a Atenção Primária de Saúde nos Municípios de Santos/São Paulo (Brasil) e LHospitalet de Lobregat (Espanha). O total de sujeitos foi de 98, dos quais 68 (38 gestores e profissionais de saúde, 30 idosos) do Município de Santos e, 30 (17 gestores e profissionais de saúde, 13 idosos) de LHospitalet de Lobregat. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre agosto de 2007 e março de 2008 (Santos) e entre setembro de 2008 e maio de 2009 (LHospitalet de Lobregat). As categorias relacionadas à Taxonomia do DSC foram necessidades de boas condições de vida: atenção global, desenvolvimento social e suporte familiar, intersetorialidade e qualidade de vida; garantia de acesso a todas as tecnologias que melhorem e prolonguem a vida: direito à saúde, atenção domiciliária, acesso às tecnologias na atenção à saúde do idoso, acesso a todos os níveis de atenção e, ações de prevenção e promoção da saúde; necessidades de autonomia e autocuidado na escolha do modo de andar a vida: promoção da autonomia e independência dos idosos e educação em saúde; necessidades de ter vínculo com um profissional ou equipe: acolhimento e responsabilização. Os resultados das duas realidades apontaram que, para os gestores, o modelo de gestão deve centrar a atenção da assistência no usuário; melhorar a coordenação entre os níveis de atenção; possuir profissionais capacitados para evitar duplicidades nas ações e reconhecem que as ações devem contemplar a intersetorialidade para que o idoso tenha suporte social no atendimento de suas necessidades. Os profissionais de saúde entendem que a assistência é ministrada com qualidade, porém, para prestar cuidados a este grupo, cada vez mais dependente e com agravos das doenças crônico-degenerativas, são necessários profissionais mais capacitados; os serviços de saúde deveriam ser mais acessíveis desde a atenção primária até a terciária. Para os idosos, as informações sobre sua saúde, são fornecidas de forma compreensível, mas, quando necessitam de informações, assim como, do acesso na rede de serviços, elas são complexas e confusas; preferem utilizar o atendimento de urgência como alternativa; percebem que alguns profissionais demonstram compromisso, responsabilidade, competência e empatia, já outros, não apresentam interesse em escutar suas queixas; possuem consciência sobre seus direitos e demonstram interesse para participar das decisões que afetam sua saúde. Concluímos que no Município de Santos os serviços estão organizados para, prioritariamente, atender à população idosa na Atenção Primária de Saúde, através do Programa Saúde da Família, da mesma forma que no Município de LHospitalet de Lobregat. No entanto, o sistema de saúde na Espanha está mais preparado para atender o idoso, portador de doenças crônicas, degenerativas e dependência, pelo motivo de ser um país envelhecido / The aim of this study was to analyse the understanding of managers, health professionals and elder people on health needs and full care in Primary Attention Health. This is an exploratory, qualitative study, which found analytical categories through the Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC), related to Taxonomy of Health Needs (Cecílio and Matsumoto, 2006) and they were analyzed based on Social Representation. The study setting was the Primary Health Care in the cities of Santos / São Paulo (Brazil) and L\'Hospitalet de Lobregat (Spain). The number of interviewed people were 98, whose 68 (38 managers and health professionals, 30 elder) from Santos, and (17 managers and health professionals, 13 elder) from L\'Hospitalet de Lobregat. Data collection was performed between August 2007 and March 2008 (Santos) and between September 2008 and May 2009 (L\'Hospitalet de Lobregat). The categories related to the Taxonomy of the DSC were \"needs of good conditions of life\": global attention, social development and family support, intersectoral and quality of life; \"guaranteed access to all technologies that improve and prolong life\" health rights, home care, access to technology in health care for elder people, access to all levels of care and prevention and health promotion; \"needs of autonomy and self-care in choosing the way of living life\": autonomy promotion and independence of elder and health education; \"need of a link with a professional or a team\": host and accountability. The results of these two realities pointed out that, for managers, the management approach should focus the attention on user assistance; improve coordination between levels of care; have trained professionals to avoid duplication of actions and recognize that these actions must include intersectorality for elder social support on their needs. Health professionals believe that the assistance is provided with quality, but to provide assistance for this group increasingly dependent and with chronic illnesses-degenerative, it is necessary more trained professionals; the health services should be more accessible from primary to tertiary level of care. To elder people, the information about their health is provided in an understandable way, but when they need information, as well as the access to the network services, the information is complex and confusing; they prefer to use the emergency care as an alternative; they also realize that some professionals demonstrate commitment, responsibility, competence and empathy, as others have no interest in \"listen\" to their complaints; they have awareness of their rights and are willing to participate in decisions that affect their health. We conclude that, in Santos, the services are organized to primarily serve the elders in Primary Health Care through the Programa Saúde da Família in the same way that L\'Hospitalet de Lobregat. However, the health system in Spain is better prepared to serve the elders with chronic, degenerative diseases and dependence, because it is a country with a great number of elder people

Atenção integral à saúde do idoso na atenção primária: os sistemas brasileiro e espanhol / Full care in the health of elderly in primary care: the brazilian and the spanish systems

Maria Fernanda Baeta Neves Alonso da Costa 09 December 2009 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o entendimento dos gestores, profissionais de saúde e idosos sobre necessidades de saúde e atenção integral, na Atenção Primária de Saúde. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, qualitativo no qual, através do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC) foram encontradas categorias analíticas, relacionadas à Taxonomia de Necessidades de Saúde (Cecílio e Matsumoto, 2006) e analisadas a partir da Representação Social. O cenário do estudo foi a Atenção Primária de Saúde nos Municípios de Santos/São Paulo (Brasil) e LHospitalet de Lobregat (Espanha). O total de sujeitos foi de 98, dos quais 68 (38 gestores e profissionais de saúde, 30 idosos) do Município de Santos e, 30 (17 gestores e profissionais de saúde, 13 idosos) de LHospitalet de Lobregat. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre agosto de 2007 e março de 2008 (Santos) e entre setembro de 2008 e maio de 2009 (LHospitalet de Lobregat). As categorias relacionadas à Taxonomia do DSC foram necessidades de boas condições de vida: atenção global, desenvolvimento social e suporte familiar, intersetorialidade e qualidade de vida; garantia de acesso a todas as tecnologias que melhorem e prolonguem a vida: direito à saúde, atenção domiciliária, acesso às tecnologias na atenção à saúde do idoso, acesso a todos os níveis de atenção e, ações de prevenção e promoção da saúde; necessidades de autonomia e autocuidado na escolha do modo de andar a vida: promoção da autonomia e independência dos idosos e educação em saúde; necessidades de ter vínculo com um profissional ou equipe: acolhimento e responsabilização. Os resultados das duas realidades apontaram que, para os gestores, o modelo de gestão deve centrar a atenção da assistência no usuário; melhorar a coordenação entre os níveis de atenção; possuir profissionais capacitados para evitar duplicidades nas ações e reconhecem que as ações devem contemplar a intersetorialidade para que o idoso tenha suporte social no atendimento de suas necessidades. Os profissionais de saúde entendem que a assistência é ministrada com qualidade, porém, para prestar cuidados a este grupo, cada vez mais dependente e com agravos das doenças crônico-degenerativas, são necessários profissionais mais capacitados; os serviços de saúde deveriam ser mais acessíveis desde a atenção primária até a terciária. Para os idosos, as informações sobre sua saúde, são fornecidas de forma compreensível, mas, quando necessitam de informações, assim como, do acesso na rede de serviços, elas são complexas e confusas; preferem utilizar o atendimento de urgência como alternativa; percebem que alguns profissionais demonstram compromisso, responsabilidade, competência e empatia, já outros, não apresentam interesse em escutar suas queixas; possuem consciência sobre seus direitos e demonstram interesse para participar das decisões que afetam sua saúde. Concluímos que no Município de Santos os serviços estão organizados para, prioritariamente, atender à população idosa na Atenção Primária de Saúde, através do Programa Saúde da Família, da mesma forma que no Município de LHospitalet de Lobregat. No entanto, o sistema de saúde na Espanha está mais preparado para atender o idoso, portador de doenças crônicas, degenerativas e dependência, pelo motivo de ser um país envelhecido / The aim of this study was to analyse the understanding of managers, health professionals and elder people on health needs and full care in Primary Attention Health. This is an exploratory, qualitative study, which found analytical categories through the Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC), related to Taxonomy of Health Needs (Cecílio and Matsumoto, 2006) and they were analyzed based on Social Representation. The study setting was the Primary Health Care in the cities of Santos / São Paulo (Brazil) and L\'Hospitalet de Lobregat (Spain). The number of interviewed people were 98, whose 68 (38 managers and health professionals, 30 elder) from Santos, and (17 managers and health professionals, 13 elder) from L\'Hospitalet de Lobregat. Data collection was performed between August 2007 and March 2008 (Santos) and between September 2008 and May 2009 (L\'Hospitalet de Lobregat). The categories related to the Taxonomy of the DSC were \"needs of good conditions of life\": global attention, social development and family support, intersectoral and quality of life; \"guaranteed access to all technologies that improve and prolong life\" health rights, home care, access to technology in health care for elder people, access to all levels of care and prevention and health promotion; \"needs of autonomy and self-care in choosing the way of living life\": autonomy promotion and independence of elder and health education; \"need of a link with a professional or a team\": host and accountability. The results of these two realities pointed out that, for managers, the management approach should focus the attention on user assistance; improve coordination between levels of care; have trained professionals to avoid duplication of actions and recognize that these actions must include intersectorality for elder social support on their needs. Health professionals believe that the assistance is provided with quality, but to provide assistance for this group increasingly dependent and with chronic illnesses-degenerative, it is necessary more trained professionals; the health services should be more accessible from primary to tertiary level of care. To elder people, the information about their health is provided in an understandable way, but when they need information, as well as the access to the network services, the information is complex and confusing; they prefer to use the emergency care as an alternative; they also realize that some professionals demonstrate commitment, responsibility, competence and empathy, as others have no interest in \"listen\" to their complaints; they have awareness of their rights and are willing to participate in decisions that affect their health. We conclude that, in Santos, the services are organized to primarily serve the elders in Primary Health Care through the Programa Saúde da Família in the same way that L\'Hospitalet de Lobregat. However, the health system in Spain is better prepared to serve the elders with chronic, degenerative diseases and dependence, because it is a country with a great number of elder people

Análise da atenção básica à saúde do idoso na estratégia saúde da família / Analysis of primary care health of elderly in family health strategy

ARAÚJO, Maria Aparecida da Silva 15 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:29:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO - MARIA APARECIDA DA SILVA ARAUJO.pdf: 739826 bytes, checksum: 89e1afb06e3a94bdfc17be4f74ccdfbb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-15 / The study focused on the health care of the elderly, more specifically in Family health strategy as a way of thinking about alternatives that allow the reorganization of elderly care to adscritas areas. Processorsthe General was discussing the basic attention actions offered to the elderly in context family health strategy. Search descriptive exploratory in nature,- qualitative basic performed with professionals that comprise health team family doctors, nurses, technicians, nurses and community agents health in the municipality of Aparecida de Goiânia, goaiz. For data collection were the focal group technique and the data were analysed in categories as Bardin. The results suggest that prospects strengthen the professional aspects in family health care to the elderly, while showing some limitations of the elderly in the team. The team's contribution family health was significant health care of the elderly be reconsidered by professionals and managers for the operationalization of education These professional standing. It was concluded that the multidisciplinary actions are present in health promotion, both in the basic unit in address through talks, walks, assistance activities Prevention and control of diseases, although realize difficulties operacionalizá them. The insertion of the elderly in some family health teams occurs through attractive activities forming your social network participation activities outside of the health unit, such as concerts and tours and provide suggestions for activities. However, for other teams actions intersectoral health promotion is not present. The results of this study may offer subsidies to family health professionals for Organization of care to the elderly, to assistance the oldest coherent national policy guidelines of care. / O estudo focalizou a atenção básica a saúde do idoso, mais especificamente na Estratégia Saúde da Família, como forma de pensar alternativas que possibilitem a reorganização da atenção básica ao idoso nas áreas adscritas. O objetivo geral foi discutir as ações de atenção básica oferecidas ao idoso no contexto da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Pesquisa de natureza descritivo-exploratória, de base qualitativa realizada com profissionais que compõem a equipe de saúde família, médicos, enfermeiros, técnicos de enfermagem e agentes comunitários de saúde no município de Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se a técnica de grupo focal e os dados foram analisados em categorias conforme Bardin. Os resultados apontam aspectos que fortalecem os profissionais de saúde da família na atenção básica ao idoso, ao mesmo tempo em que mostram algumas limitações da equipe na atenção ao idoso. A contribuição das equipes de saúde da família foi significativa para que a atenção básica a saúde do idoso seja repensada pelos profissionais e gestores para a viabilização da educação permanente desses profissionais. Concluiu-se que as ações multidisciplinares encontram-se presentes na promoção da saúde, tanto na unidade básica como no domicilio por meio de palestras, caminhadas, intervenções, atividades de prevenção e controles de doenças, embora percebam dificuldades para operacionalizá-las. A inserção do idoso em algumas equipes ocorre em atividades atrativas formando sua rede social na participação de atividades fora da unidade de saúde, tais como shows e passeios. Entretanto, para outras equipes as ações intersetoriais de promoção da saúde não se faz presente. Os resultados deste estudo poderão oferecer subsídios aos profissionais de saúde da família para organização da atenção básica ao idoso, no sentido de privilegiar a assistência ao idoso pautado nas diretrizes da Política Nacional da Atenção Básica. Descritores: Programa Saúde da Familia; Atenção Básica; Idoso.

On Naming and Knowing Plants: Botanical Latin from Pliny the Elder to Otto Brunfels’ 1530 Herbarum Vivae Eicones

Petrella, Erin January 2023 (has links)
In 1530, a German physician named Otto Brunfels published an herbal entitled Herbarum Vivae Eicones (Living Images of Herbs). In it, he planned to map the names of medicinal herbs known in and native to Germany onto their Greek and Latin names. Brunfels’ audience included fellow physicians and in order to assist with the identification of the herbs in his book, his publisher employed a woodcut artist to produce realistic images of them, a novelty in the genre of printed herbals. Over time, Brunfels’ work was superseded by 16th-century botanists and his legacy was relegated to the illustrations of his herbs, while his contributions to the naming and description of them were dismissed as unoriginal. However, a closer examination reveals Brunfels’ herbal as a transitional text bridging the gap between the herbal tradition and the development of the science of botany. In addition to citing Pliny the Elder as his primary authoritative influence, Brunfels also references a number of 15th-century Italian humanist scholars who were neither botanists nor physicians, but who were known for their critiques of the early printed editions of Pliny’s Historia Naturalis and even of Pliny himself as a natural history authority. Thus, Brunfels’ herbal is tied to the manuscript and printing history of Pliny and to humanist attempts to correct and stabilize his text. Moreover, in the course of his work, Brunfels encountered a number of herbs that were known to him, but whose Latin and Greek nomenclature he could not accurately identify. As a result, he was forced to describe in his own words, in original Latin, these herbae nudae with German nomenclature but with unknown Greek and Latin names. In addition, Brunfels encounters considerable disagreement among the ancient authorities about the naming and classification of other herbs and he is again forced to insert his own opinion, which he calls iudicium nostrum. I argue that Brunfels’ original Latin is a very early example of what would eventually become formal botanical Latin. Brunfels’ herbal is situated in such a way that it looks backward whilst simultaneously looking forward. It is an object of reception, appropriating terminology and methods from Pliny the Elder and from the humanist scholars who debated the quality of the printed editions of his work and the accuracy of the information provided in it. It is simultaneously the subject of reception, demonstrating a halting, hesitant vocabulary and style of Latinity that would eventually come to be identified with botany as a discipline. Chapter 1 addresses Pliny’s ideas of what constitutes knowledge (cognitio) about plants in the Historia Naturalis, via his arguments against improper nomenclature (nomina nuda) and the alignment of herbal medicine with magic (magicae herbae). Pliny’s advocacy for proper methodology (experience over book learning) is also examined. Chapter 2 turns to the manuscript tradition of Pliny’s text and the first two printed editions, in 1469 and 1470, which were corrupt and resulted in an unstable, inaccurate text. In Chapter 3, the reactions of the Italian humanists to these early printed editions are considered, along with the transition from critiques of the editors and printers to debates about inaccuracies that can be traced to Pliny himself. Chapter 4 turns to Otto Brunfels and traces his reliance on Pliny as well as on the Italian humanists, especially Ermolao Barbaro, who claimed to “heal” the errors in Pliny and stabilized his text. Brunfels’ original descriptions of herbs are also discussed. In the conclusion, Brunfels’ work is compared with that of botanists who postdated him, including Leonhard Fuchs, Kaspar Bauhin, and Karl Linnaeus.

Formal carers in health care and the social services witnessing abuse of the elderly in their homes

Saveman, Britt-Inger January 1994 (has links)
The purpose was to elucidate the reactions of formal carers as witnesses and helpers in situations of elder abuse, to illuminate abusive situations and to reflect on the findings from an ethical point of view. Twenty-one district nurses from one county council were interviewed (I, II, III, IV). They described the problems they had when dealing with cases of elder abuse, the uncertainty they felt when they approached the family, identified the abuse and intervened (I). They used no distinct definition of elder abuse but described it as ’overstepping the boundaries of a person’s integrity/autonomy’ (II). In the 44 cases narrated the elderly people were mostly physically and/or psychologically impaired, the person abused could either be the impaired elderly person, the informal carer or both. Abuse was related to the inability of one party to meet the demands made on him/herself, the other person, or to a history of violence (III). The cases narrated were analysed for reliability and were considered reliable (IV). Questionnaires submitted to 163 district nurses revealed 33 cases of elder abuse (V) and to home service assistants 97 cases (VI). The abused elderly people were often very old women, mostly healthy or unhealthy in equal proportions. The perpetrators were mostly close relatives, responsible or not responsible for the caring. The abusive acts often involved a combination of psychological, physical, and financial abuse and neglect. Mental disturbance and alcohol abuse, as well as financial reasons were reported as contributing to the abuse (V, VI). The attitudes of general practitioners, district nurses and home service assistants towards elder abuse and the interventions suggested in hypothetical cases of elder abuse were investigated (VII). All groups were uncertain about their attitudes towards elder abuse. Their suggested interventions were amalgamated into three groups; sparse and of the social type, more specific and of the health care and voluntary type, or overall types of intervention. The situation, profession and organization seemed to result in different interventions (VII). The findings were reflected on using Lögstrup’s ethic as a framework, and the conclusion was that in order to be able to intervene successfully formal carers need to find solutions on a meta-level. Conventions and norms must be developed and public responsibility is needed. / <p>S. 1-82: sammanfattning, s. 85-199: 7 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu

Äldreomsorg på vinst och förlust-Råder det kommunala skillnader i utförande av särskilt boende? / Win or loose in Swedish elderly careIs there municipal differences in the performance of special accommodation?

Pettersson, Mats, Holm, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Det svenska välfärdssamhället har sedan länge värnat om alla likas rätt att få sina levnadsbehov tillgodosedda. I de fall där äldre blivit inkapabla att själva ta hand om sina behov kan plats till särskilt boende sökas där den äldre får assistans i sin livsföring. Biståndsansökningar till dessa boenden hanteras av kommunala tjänstemän och ska enligt lag hanteras lika för alla, oavsett kommunal utförare.Studien undersöker och analyserar huruvida det råder skillnader mellan större kommuner i Sverige vad gäller planering av- och placering till särskilt boende.Slutsatsen är att skillnader föreligger då vissa kommunerna utformat en reaktiv strategi där en uppbyggnad av ej verkställda beslut rättas till i efterhand och som inte tar hänsyn till behov utan endast ålder. De kommuner som lyckats väga in hälsa och behov i sin planering och i förväg försökt skatta den framtida efterfrågan på särskilt boende har lyckats bättre. Studiens resultat är att det råder kommunala skillnader kopplade till planering och placering till särskilda boende / The swedish welfare state has a history of equal rights for living needs. In cases whereolder people become incapable to take care of their needs, there are specialaccommodations where the elderly can receive all forms of assistance. Theapplication to these special accommodations are managed by the municipal officialsand must be handled equal by law, regardless of local performers.This study examines and analyzes whether there are differences between the largermunicipalities in Sweden in terms of planning and placement to specialaccommodations.The conclusion is that differences exist because some municipalities have designed areactive strategy in which a buildup of unexecuted decisions has to be correctedretrospectively and does not take needs but age into to account. The municipalitiesthat managed to weigh health and needs in their planning and tried to estimate thefuture in advance regarding demand for special accommodations has been moresuccessful. The result of this study is that there are municipal differences in planningand placement for special accommodations

Vårdpersonalens behov av stöd i sitt arbete med vårdtagarna i demensboende

Thunberg, Julia January 2014 (has links)
This study will examine if caregivers, working with people with dementia problems, is in need of support and in what way they see how the support should be designed. Previous research shows that there are many factors in elderly care that affect all of the caregivers. Working with people in this sort if dependence, requires a lot of the caregivers, both mentally and physically. To study if the caregivers consider themselves to be in need of support, and in what way they see how the support should be designed, the study employs a qualitative approach using to types of interviews, one focus group with four assistant nurses, and two individual in-depth interviews with the administrative personnel and one nurse.   The results show that the need for support for the caregivers exists. Caregivers working with people with dementia problems, daily face difficulties, some more difficult to handle than others. The more difficulties to handle, the more the caregivers have the need for support.  The support should be designed in both internal and external forms, such as support from colleagues and tutoring. It is also indicated, by the caregivers that the need of support in their work exists despite of several years of experience. The need for continuous professional development is, according to caregivers, based in that each person with dementia problems has different needs. It can be seen as a similar need, but it's never quite the same. / Denna studie skall undersöka om vårdpersonalen, som arbetar med vårdtagare med demensproblematik, är i behov av stöd och på vilket sätt de då ser att detta i så fall ska utformas. Tidigare forskningsresultat visar att det finns väldigt många faktorer inom äldreomsorgen, som påverkar vårdpersonalen. Att arbeta med människor i denna beroendeställning kräver väldigt mycket av vårdpersonalen, både psykiskt och fysiskt. För att undersöka om vårdpersonalen anser sig ha ett behov, och i så fall på vilket sätt de ser att detta ska utformas, gjordes en kvalitativ studie. Studien delades upp i olika former av intervjuer. Det genomfördes två enskilda intervjuer och en fokusgruppintervju. Intervjuerna gjordes med sjuksköterska och chefen för demensboendet. Fokusgruppen genomfördes med fyra av demensboendets undersköterskor.   Resultatet påvisar att det finns ett behov av stöd för vårdpersonalen. Ett arbete på ett äldreboende, med inriktning för vårdtagare med demensproblematik innebär dagligen svårigheter, vissa mer svårhanterliga än andra. De mer svårhanterliga utmaningarna, som sker på demensboendet, behöver vårdpersonalen hjälp att hantera. Stödet får gärna vara utformat i både interna och externa former, som till exempel stöd mellan kollegor och handledning. Det framkommer även av vårdpersonalen att de behöver ett stöd i sitt arbete trots flera års erfarenhet. Behovet av kontinuerlig kompetensutveckling ligger, enligt vårdpersonalen, i att varje vårdtagare har olika behov. Det kan ses som liknande behov, men det är aldrig helt lika.

Försöka hålla sig frisk så länge som möjligt och vara i rörelse : En undersökning om hälsa och fysisk aktivitet hos äldre / Trying to stay healthy as long as possible and being in motion” : A study about health and physical activity in elderly

Skoglund, Martina January 2014 (has links)
ABSTRACT Title ”Trying to stay healthy as long as possible and being in motion” Titel ”Försöka hålla sig frisk så länge som möjligt och vara i rörelse” Author Martina Skoglund Institute Institution For Health Science Tutor Konstantin Kougiomtzis Date 2014-06-05 No. of pages 39 Keywords Elder, Health, Healthy aging, Physical activity, SOC Summary Background: Thanks to advances in healthcare recent decades life expectancy have increased steadily. In order not to put pressure on the healthcare service we as a society need to think in terms of salutogenetic and health promotion. Research has shown that physical activity has great effects to healthy aging. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to see what older individuals believe health and physical activity to be, and with the help of questions about SOC interconnect these with healthy aging. Method: To gain knowledge in this area the qualitative method was selected, it provides a deeper understanding. A hand-picked selection was applied and eight individuals were selected for interviews. Result: They define health with good food, exercise, to feel good and having no diseases. Physical activity is moving your body in different ways. They believe circuit training to be a great way to be physically active, with exercises that target the entire body, and your part of a group who can draw strength from each other. Respondents generally have relatively high SOC, high on manageability and meaningfulness and lower comprehensibility. Conclusion: Based on the results and studying of literature the conclusion can be drawn that in order to grow old in a strong and healthy way, physical activity in group are recommended.

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