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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ALEX AVELINO CARRASCO MARTINEZ 08 February 2021 (has links)
[pt] Eu desenvolvo um modelo de gerações sobrepostas com crescimento salarial ao longo do ciclo de vida (LCWP, por sua sigla em inglês), taxa de mortalidade dependente da idade, restrições de liquidez e rigidez nominal. O modelo é calibrado para capturar a transição demográfica dos EUA, estimativas de LCWP e outras características importantes da economia dos EUA durante o período 3;72-4239. O modelo é usado para examinar a relação entre dados demográficos e taxas de juros reais assim como os principais mecanismos de transmissão em jogo. Eu encontro que o rápido aumento da população em idade ativa entre 3;72 e 3;:2 contribuiu significativamente para o aumento das taxas de juros reais. A reversão desse processo, juntamente com o aumento da expectativa de vida, desencadeou um rápido declínio nas taxas de juros desde então. A heterogeneidade na propensão marginal a consumir entre os trabalhadores desempenha um papel importante na conexão desses movimentos de fertilidade e taxa de juros real. Num exercício adicional, devido à evidência de grandes erros de previsão da expectativa de vida, eu estendo o modelo com um processo de aprendizado sobre longevidade e encontro que ele pode aumentar significativamente a relevância de fatores demográficos na explicação dos movimentos reais das taxas de juros. Por fim, encontro que a falha dos bancos centrais em levar em conta a relação entre dados demográficos e taxas de juros pode gerar, devido a mudanças não monitoradas na taxa de juros natural, variações na taxa de inflação. / [en] I develop an overlapping generations model with life cycle wage profile (LCWP), age-dependent mortality rate, liquidity constraints, and nominal rigidities. The model is calibrated to capture US demographic transition, LCWP estimations, and other salient features of the US economy during 3;72-4239. The model is then used to examine the relationship between demographics and real interest rates and the main transmission mechanisms in play. I find that the rapid increase in the working age population from 3;72-3;:2s has significantly contributed to the rise of real interest rates. The reversion of this process together with the increase in life expectancy triggered a rapid decline in the interest rates ever since. The heterogeneity in the marginal propensity to consume among workers plays a major role in connecting these fertility and real interest rate movements. In an additional exercise, due to the evidence on large life expectancy forecast errors, I introduce a learning process about longevity and find that it can significantly a ugment t he r elevance o f d emographic f actors in explaining real interest rate movements. Finally, I find t hat t he central banks failure to recognize the relationship between demographics and interest rates can generate, due to unaccounted changes in the natural interest rate, inflation rate variations.

Vývoj plodnosti ve státech a regionech Evropské unie po roce 1991 / Development of fertility in countries and regions of the European union after 1991

Kurkin, Roman January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of fertility in countries and regions of the European Union in the context of convergence and divergence trends. The goal is to analyze and evaluate the basic trends in international and regional differentiation of fertility by studying the literature and by my own analysis trying to explain the observed spatial differences and to identify problems in methodology and data collection. The European Union is for the purpose of analysis divided into western and eastern part in order to respond better to the hypothesis defined in the introductory chapter. First, the analysis of the regional differentiation of fertility rate is made. Variability in fertility at the regional level is consequently successfully explained by international differences which allow you to move the analysis at the state level. International differentiations of fertility rate are then explained by the different position of states in the process of second demographic transition. Despite the expectations, a clear trend towards convergence in fertility levels was not observed in the western part of the European Union and its spatial patterns remained stable. The eastern part experienced a significant decrease in the intensity of fertility which caused its convergence and overshadowed the ongoing changes...

組織行為之分析:台北市士東國小的個案研究 / An analysis of organizational behavior: case study of shih-tung elementary school of Taipei city

郭麗美, Kuo, Li Mei Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣經歷少子化而後,國小超額老師問題相形嚴重. 故本論文以個案研究方式探討中型學校士東國小的資深與資淺教師為例,就學校歷史文化,課程設計,領導風格,及學校效能方面來探討教師在教職生涯滿意度與家長對教師之期望. / Since the phenomenon of low fertility rate emergent in Taiwan, the teacher of the primary education suffered and gradually caused the sever problem of the surplus elementary school teacher. Hence, the Shih-Tung elementary, a medium size school, is the scale aligned with optimal scale for government to borrow the experience. The thesis applied a case study method of in-depth interview for related party of teachers and parents of Shih-Tung Elementary School. Initially from retrieving the education core both from definition and ancient wisdom testing the true meaning for the primary education. It is discussed from the culture of the school, the belief of an organization, which is the symbol of pine, big pencil and eraser under persistent learning, preceding that, from the culture to the curriculum design in terms of characteristic of the school, the charm of the school which made less decline of the student enrollment. Moreover, from the leadership style to verify how it formed the consensus and the acceptance form the teachers, which later on lead the effectiveness of the school. Further, it is focused on the organizational behavior analysis applying the Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Motivator-Hygiene Theory to analyze the satisfaction factors of the teachers in the school. The main parts for the central idea are focused on the teachers’ attitude in relation with the satisfaction factors in the case school, in words, the organizational behavior of the case school. Hence, the discussions are brought under school culture and curriculum design, leadership style and school effectiveness, teachers’ working satisfaction and inspiration, parents’ expectation. Consequently, the result and suggestions are made for the 2 parts: one for the school, and the other for the government under the transition of the era. The suggestions are made for the school as to keep the culture and inheritance of the senior to the junior teacher as legacy, and improving the environment for more efficient purpose of using and curriculum design under innovated way under long history. And utilize the human resource of unmarried woman, and build a communicative talk relationship with the parents since the mutual understanding of both parties are changing from authorities to cooperative and increasing junior teachers in the near future.

Struktura populace a modelování jejích změn: Neolitická demografická tranzice ve střední Evropě. / Modelling population structure and their changes: Neolithic demographic transition in Central Europe.

Galeta, Patrik January 2011 (has links)
Neolithic dispersal in Europe has been alternatively explained through spread of farmers (migrationist position) or by adoption of farming by Mesolithic foragers (indigenist position). Mixed explanations have considered a combination of both processes. Neolithic dispersal in Central Europe was traditionally viewed as migrationist process. It was believed that farmers colonized the area and replaced indigenous foragers. During the last decade, authors have adhered to integrationist view as they have observed the continuity between Mesolithic and Neolithic technologies. Interestingly, the most recent genetic analyses again invoked the idea of colonization. Surprisingly, little attention has been paid to demographic modeling. The farming quickly spread in Central Europe between 5 600 and 5 400 calBC. Assuming colonization, Neolithic dispersal in Central Europe would have to be associated with high fertility rate of farmers. Our goal was to test whether the fertility rate of farmers was high enough to allow them to colonize Central Europe without admixture with local foragers. We produced four stochastic models of population dynamics of farmers during their colonization in Central Europe. The principle of Model 1-3 is based on methods of population projections. Model 4 stems from the wave of advance...

臺灣各縣市平均地價對其生育率的影響 / The effect of average land price on fertility rate in Taiwan

廖珮郁, Liao, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
目前超低生育率現象,已對整體社會的走向、國家經濟的發展、生活思維的方式等都產生了相當大的影響。換言之,生育不僅是婦女本身的問題,它與國際社會的動態、經濟的全球化、企業的國際化、現代的子女教育、社會的性別教育、老年人的護理等都有著相當緊密的關係。因此,本研究的主要目的,在於探討臺灣各縣市房地產價格對生育率的影響,並瞭解臺灣生育率持續下降的癥結所在,找出可能影響生育率下降的主要因素加以分析。 本文利用臺灣23個縣市別的追蹤資料,涵蓋期間為2000年至2008年,採雙因子固定效果模型進行實證分析。估計結果發現,在控制其他變數不變之下,在生育率遞延二期時,臺灣各縣市平均地價對生育率為負影響,且在生育率遞延三期時更為顯著,兩者之間的資源排擠效果更為強大。而其他影響臺灣生育率的主要因素,如:各縣市農業人口比例、各縣市粗結婚率、與外國人結婚人數比例皆呈顯著正影響;臺灣各縣市平均地價、原住民人數比例及婦女勞動參與率皆呈顯著負影響。 依本研究結果顯示,房地產價格是影響臺灣生育率相當重要的因素,政府應需高度正視此問題並有所作為。建議未來政府在訂定國家發展政策時,除需研擬更多提升生育率的策略,如:降低父母生育子女的機會成本、改善學前幼托體系,以及加強減輕家庭育兒壓力的宣導工作等,並可增加控制「臺灣房地產價格」及避免房價炒作之策略,以促進國家永續發展及增強國際競爭力。 / The current low fertility rate has been a great impact on our entire social trend, the development of national economy, and the way we think. That is, fertility is not only women’s consideration, but also an issue connected closely to international society, economical globalization, internationalization of business, children education, sex education, and nursing care of the elders. As a result, the main purpose of this paper lies on the effect of average land price on fertility rate in Taiwan. This article uses the panel data of the 23 counties and cities of Taiwan from 2000 to 2008, and does the evidence-based analysis by two-factor fixed-effects model. We found that the average land price has conspicuously positive effect on the fertility rate in Taiwan. While other main factors affect the fertility rate in Taiwan such as the proportion of farm-workers, crude marriage rate, and the proportion of marriage with the foreigners have conspicuously positive effects on it; on the other hand, female labor force participation and the proportion of aborigine have conspicuously negative effects on it. According to our study, average land price is the most important factor which affects the fertility rate in Taiwan, and the government should face the problem and do something to it. When making policy, it is suggested the government may take into consideration of how to control the housing price in Taiwan and avoid housing price speculation.

世代和年代生育率、死亡率模型的比較 / Comparing fertility and mortality models in the view of cohort and period

李心維, Lee, Sin Wei Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣婦女生育率下降快速,近年來屢創新低,堪稱全球生育率最低的國家,總生育率自民國89年1.68、降為民國98年1.03,民國99年甚至降至0.90以下,提升生育率成為政府施政的重要課題。因為資料限制,生育率大多以總生育率(Total Fertility Rate)表示,而非較能反映婦女一生生育總數的世代完成生育率(Completed Cohort Fertility Rate)。這兩者間存有不少差異,以生育率下降的臺灣為例,總生育率會因生育時機遞延而低估世代生育率,以總生育率詮釋生育率可能有瑕疵。有鑒於此,本文以比較「世代」及「年代」兩者的差異,以生育率及死亡率為研究對象,探討較適宜描述臺灣特性的模型。 由於世代生育率會有資料不足的問題,本文使用外推法(Extrapolation)補足年齡較高(如35歲以上)的婦女生育率,並以四種模型估計年代生育率與世代生育率,包括Gamma模型、Gompertz模型、主成份分析(Principle Component Analysis)與單一年齡組個別估計法,希望找出適合預測臺灣世代完成生育率的模型。除了台灣資料,也用日本、法國與美國的世代生育率資料,比較各國世代生育率模型的異同。另外,本文也以世代及年代兩種觀點,類似生育率的探討方式,比較常用死亡率模型的優劣。 不論是生育率或是死亡率資料,配適模型結果皆以世代資料可得到較好的估計結果,生育率以單一年齡組個別估計法為最佳的模型,死亡率則以Gamma模型、主成份分析、單一年齡組個別估計法為較佳的模型。 / Taiwan’s fertility rates have been declining radically in recent years, much faster than most countries in the world. For example, the total fertility rate (TFR) is 1.68 in 2000, 1.03 in 2009, and even reduces to 0.90 in 2010. Therefore, one of the top priorities for Taiwan government policies is to enhance the willingness of having children. Due to the data availability, the TFR is used more often, although the completed cohort fertility rate (CFR) is a more reasonable measurement. However, previous studies showed that the TFR is likely to be influenced by the deferring (i.e., tempo effect) of childbearing and produces misleading results. In order to measure the effect of deferring childbearing, this study focuses on exploring the difference of measures in the view of cohort and period (especially the CFR vs. TFR) and evaluates which fertility and mortality model is more appropriate for Taiwan. Because there are fewer complete cohort fertility data, we use extrapolation to make up the higher age-group fertility data (such as aged 35 and above). We consider four fertility models in this study, including Gamma model, Gompertz model, principal component analysis, and individual group estimation. We use the data from Taiwan, Japan, France and United State data to evaluate these fertility models. The results indicate that the parametric models (Gamma and Gompertz) have the worst performance, probably due to the rapid change of fertility behaviors. In addition, similar to evaluating the fertility models, we compare the performance of frequently used mortality models using the cohort and period mortality data. The result shows that using cohort data to estimate fertility and mortality is better than period data. Also individual group estimation is the best model to fit fertility; the better models to fit mortality are Gamma model, principle component analysis and individual group estimation.

Determinants of contraceptive use among currently married women in Amhara and Oromiya Regions of Ethiopia

Zeleka, Teferi January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this research is to study the effect of different demographic and socio economic factors on the contraceptive use among currently married women of age 15-49 in the two regions of Ethiopia, Amhara (17,214,056) and Oromiya (27,158,471). Data are obtained from the 2005 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS). Information on contraceptive use was provided by current use 1334 (14.7), future use 4017 (52.0), unmet need for spacing 1817 (20.0) and limiting 1249 (13.3) currently married women aged 15&ndash / 49 interviewed in the 2005 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS).</p>

台灣婦女教育程度與龍虎年效應對生育率之影響 / The Influence of Female Education and the Chinese Animal Zodiac on Fertility Rate in Taiwan

黃修梅, Huang, Hsiu-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本文的主要研究目的,在於將文化因素(即龍年與虎年效果)納入生育行為的考量,以重新審視台灣生育率與婦女教育程度之間的Granger因果關係。利用台灣1952年至1994年資料進行實證的Cheng and Nwachukwu(1997)及Cheng(1999),其結論指出台灣教育程度與生育率之Granger因果關係並不顯著。本文將以該文章之實證模型為基礎,並加入代表龍年效應與虎年效應的虛擬變數以建立本文模型。 首先根據Cheng(1999)的資料與變數,利用台灣1952年至2005年之年資料,建立一個包含粗出生率、教育程度大專以上的比例、女性勞動參與率、與實質經濟成長率等四個內生變數,以及代表龍虎年效應的兩個虛擬變數之VAR模型。並以Toda and Yamamoto(1995)提出的Granger因果關係檢定,檢定台灣教育程度與生育率之間的因果關係。隨後,為增進估計的有效性,本文利用台灣地區1978年至2005年的季資料,共112個樣本進行實證研究。變數定義方面,將粗出生率替換為一般生育率,教育程度大專以上的比例替換為育齡婦女大專以上的比例。並根據上述建立之VAR模型,進行Granger因果關係檢定。 經由本文的實證研究發現,將龍年效果與虎年效果納入考量後,台灣婦女教育程度的提昇會Granger影響生育率的下降。亦即台灣婦女教育程度日益提升,是解釋生育率下降的重要因素,此結果與Cheng(1999)所提出的結果並不一致。此外,龍年與虎年對台灣的生育率分別有顯著正向與負向的影響。 / This paper tries to revisit the null hypothesis of Granger no-causality between female education and fertility rate in Taiwan, by considering the culture factors captured by Dragon and Tiger Years which might influences the fertility behavior. In addition, this study compares the primary finding with the result proposed by Cheng and Nwachukwu (1997) and Cheng (1999) which are that female education does not affect fertility rate in Taiwan. According to Cheng (1999), official time series yearly data from 1952 to 2005 provided by Taiwan government are used first, and quarterly data from 1978 to 2005 are required to improve the efficiency. This study models a 4-Variables VAR and applies Granger no-causality test proposed by Toda and Yamamoto (1995). The primary finding of this study is that there is a negative causality from female education to fertility rate in Taiwan, which is inconsistent with conclusions in Cheng (1999). In addition, culture factors do play a very important role in fertility behavior in Taiwan.

Determinants of contraceptive use among currently married women in Amhara and Oromiya Regions of Ethiopia

Zeleka, Teferi January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this research is to study the effect of different demographic and socio economic factors on the contraceptive use among currently married women of age 15-49 in the two regions of Ethiopia, Amhara (17,214,056) and Oromiya (27,158,471). Data are obtained from the 2005 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS). Information on contraceptive use was provided by current use 1334 (14.7), future use 4017 (52.0), unmet need for spacing 1817 (20.0) and limiting 1249 (13.3) currently married women aged 15&ndash / 49 interviewed in the 2005 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS).</p>

La fécondité des groupes linguistiques au Québec de 1984 à 2006

Du Mays, Danny 06 1900 (has links)
L’histoire identitaire du Québec a constamment été marquée par des enjeux d’ordre «linguistique». En effet, de par l’isolement de cette province majoritairement francophone, entourée de provinces et d’un pays anglophones, nous avons été témoins de plusieurs débats passionnés sur l’avenir du français au Québec. Mais qu’en est-il réellement de la situation linguistique et plus particulièrement de la fécondité au Québec? Avec le constat que le Québec, tout comme la plupart des pays occidentaux, n’assure plus le remplacement de ses générations par son accroissement naturel, l’immigration devient la seule alternative. Certains se sont alors interrogés sur la représentativité future des francophones au sein de leur province. Axée essentiellement sur la langue d’usage, nous avons effectué plusieurs analyses comparatives de l’indice synthétique de fécondité (ISF) selon les groupes linguistiques, mais également selon les régions. Trois facteurs importaient : déterminer les différences de fécondité entre les groupes linguistiques; déterminer les différences de fécondité entre l’ensemble du Québec, l’île de Montréal et le reste du Québec; et déterminer quel jeu d’hypothèses de construction de l’ISF se rapproche le plus de la réalité. C’est à l’aide de six combinaisons d’hypothèses que nous avons effectué l’analyse de la fécondité des groupes linguistiques, soit trois hypothèses de redistribution des naissances dont la langue d’usage de la mère est inconnue, et deux hypothèses de distribution des effectifs, soit la population féminine âgée de 15 à 49 ans. L’analyse annuelle de la fécondité des groupes linguistiques au Québec nous a permis d’observer des variations pour le moins importantes au cours des deux dernières décennies, ce que des analyses de la fécondité limitées aux années censitaires seulement ont en quelque sorte atténué. Bien que les allophones aient des ISF plus «instables» que les deux autres groupes linguistiques, à cause de leurs faibles effectifs, il appert que leur ISF est en-deçà du seuil de remplacement depuis 1996, pour progressivement se rapprocher de celui des deux autres groupes linguistiques. / The history of Quebec’s identity has constantly been affected by linguistic issues. Being a majority Francophone province surrounded by Anglophone neighbors on all sides, we have witnessed many passionate debate on the future of the French language in Quebec. What is the reality of this linguistic issue in Quebec and its relation to fertility? As in most western societies, Quebec’s population replacement is not maintained by its natural increase rates. Therefore immigration is the only vehicle for population growth. Questions have been raised regarding the future representation of French-speaking people in the province of Quebec. Based primarily on the language spoken most often at home, several comparative analyses have been performed which examined fertility rates according to linguistic groups as well as corresponding geographical locations. Three objectives were considered: to determine the differences of fertility between linguistic groups; to determine the differences of fertility between the whole of Quebec, the island of Montreal and the remainder of Quebec; and to determine which set of scenarios approaches the most the reality. The analysis of fertility was conducted by examining six combinations of hypotheses. Three of which are hypotheses of distribution of births where the mother tongue is unknown, and two hypotheses of distribution of the female population between the ages of 15 and 49 years of age. The annual analysis of fertility of linguistic groups in Quebec showed us important variations over the last two decades, variations which have been mitigated by fertility analyses limited to census years. Although the fertility rates of Allophones have been « unstable » in comparison with both Francophone and Anglophone groups, their fertility rate sits below the generation replacement level since 1996, and has gradually been approaching that of the other two linguistic groups.

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