Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe main"" "subject:"ehe many""
1081 |
Rozdíly v kouření u žen a mužů - studentů JU. / Diference in smoking among women and men - students JU.KLOUDOVÁ, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis consists from two substantial parts. Important information relating to smoking, specifically information about tobacco and its ways of consumption, smoking effects on womens and mens organism and the health in general, nicotinism and prevention in this case are translated in the theoretical part. The questionnaire was made in practical part and by using quantitave research it was found out the differences in smoking among women and men ? students at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Obtained dates were noted, evaluated and processed in programmes MS Word and Exel by using tables and graphs into the arranged form. By the research survey it was found out that among 254 respondents there was more mens smoker (48,03%) than womens smoker (48,13%). Also, it was showed that women (55,51%) are more informed about smoking effects and its harmfulness to the organism than men (36,61%). The difference between men and women was demonstrated also in the type of cigarettes which they smoke. Women prefer thin cigarettes to stronger cigarettes that are preferred by men. In the end of the work there is stated discussion and drawn conclusions relating to the issue of the diploma thesis.
1082 |
Rozdíly v konzumaci alkoholu u žen a mužů - studentů JU / Differences in alcohol consumption in men and women - students JUJÍNOVÁ, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
This work focuses on research related to alcohol consumption of men and women students of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The purpose of my work is to find out what opinions/ experiences do the students have with alcoholic beverages. The main attention is aimed at these chapters: ethanol its production, properties and use, alcoholic beverages, effects on human organism, effect of ethanol in the blood and its elimination, alcohol addiction alcoholism, the consequences of alcohol addiction, the treatment of intoxication and prophylaxis. The applicative part includes prepared questionnaire and quantitative research dedicated to the target group of students of USB. The obtained data are compiled in spreadsheets, graphs and subsequently evaluated. The information is further analyzed in the discussion. The contribution of my work is located at the end.
1083 |
Genderové rozdíly při řešení životních situací v sociální práci / Gender differences in dealing with life situations in social workDVOŘÁKOVÁ, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with gender differences in social work. Specifically, it focuses on gender differences in social workers in dealing with life situations of clients in social work. At work, there are differences between men and women in everyday life, which is reflected in the work area. There are also mentioned gender prejudices focused on social work. To complement the professional literature I use in this thesis research survey. For that I use qualitative data collection techniques based on semi-structured interview. The sample is divided into social men workers and social women workers from an unnamed city in the South Region. The intention in the sample is to get interviews from both, men and women social workers, from organizations and institutions focusing on different target groups. The aim is to describe the disparity in the attitude of social workers in dealing with life situation in terms of gender aspect.
1084 |
Projekt: Příprava pokrmů ve výuce na primární škole / Preparation of Dishes in Primary School EducationČERVENÁ, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis deals with three topics in the theoretical part. The first part focuses on project method at primary school education; in the second part the goals and output competences of a pupil at primary education according to Framework training programme for primary schools can be found. Finally a chapter about creativity in the subject "practical activities" and introduction to history of food culture in last centuries concludes the theoretical part. In the practical part ten projects that focus on the food preparations and culture in the teaching are created. These are intended for the fourth and fifth classes of primary schools. A part of it are also preparations of the meals, experience from realisation of some projects, advantages and disadvantages, reactions of pupils or formulations of more general recommendations for the use of original educational projects.
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Itinerários terapêuticos de homens em situação de adoecimento crônico : (des)conexões com o cuidado e arranhaduras da masculinidadeBurille, Andréia January 2012 (has links)
Itinerários terapêuticos são caminhos que os indivíduos buscam ao se perceberem adoecidos, podendo estes serem constituídos no sistema informal, popular e profissional, em diferentes combinações. Partindo de que a escolha de buscar um ou mais sistemas de cuidado ou de simplesmente não buscá-los pode ter diversas influências, entre elas, as relacionadas ao gênero, e aliando isso ao que diversos estudos têm apontado sobre homens e o retardo na busca de cuidado, buscou-se conhecer os itinerários terapêuticos de homens em situação de adoecimento crônico residentes em uma comunidade rural do sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Nesse cenário articulou-se a construção social da masculinidade e o processo de adoecimento, por meio do levantamento das possíveis ações/elementos arranhadores da masculinidade. Para isso, optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória. A geração de dados deu-se por entrevistas semiestruturadas, observação não participante, diário de campo e grupo focal, sendo as técnicas trianguladas para as análises. Como resultados, o estudo apresenta as concepções masculinas de saúde e doença, que por sua vez ultrapassam a barreira do biológico, considerando saúde como a harmonia entre homem e tudo que o cerca e a classificação deles sobre doenças sérias e simples, e o que fazer com cada uma delas. Com relação aos itinerários, configuraram-se dois grupos, um com homens que buscaram somente o cuidado profissional ao vivenciar a situação de adoecimento crônico, e outro, no qual os entrevistados tiveram uma busca plural de cuidados. Evidenciaram-se critérios elencados ao escolher um sistema de cuidado ou outro e uma busca quase sempre tardia, motivada principalmente pelo agravamento do problema vivenciado. Entre outros disparadores para a busca de cuidado, também foram apontados a incapacidade para o trabalho, a indicação de familiares, amigos e conhecidos, sintomas parecidos de doença de pessoa conhecida e insatisfação com sistema de cuidado buscado anteriormente. Ainda nos itinerários terapêuticos, abordam-se os momentos de silenciamento, retomando os pontos negativos e positivos de vivenciar uma situação de adoecimento crônico. Como arranhadores da masculinidade revelaram-se o pensar e falar sobre saúde e, consequentemente, de adoecer, buscar cuidado, depender de outro, não desempenhar as atividades cotidianas, realizar o exame de toque retal e o envelhecimento. Frente aos resultados, destaca-se a importância de estudos e discussões sobre a saúde do homem, considerando-se suas especificidades, para fomentar ações integrais, humanizadas e efetivas. / Therapeutic itineraries are ways that the individuals look for when they notice sick, may be constituted by the informal, popular and professional system, in different combinations. Starting that the choice of looking for one or more care systems or simply don’t look for them can have several influences, among them, the related to the gender subjects, and combining this to the several studies that have pointed about men and the retard in the care search, it has looked for to know the men's therapeutic itineraries in situation of chronic illness in a rural community of the Rio Grande do Sul. In this scenery also, the social construction of the masculinity and the illness process was listed, by the survey of the possible actions/elements scrapers of the masculinity. For that, a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory approach was opted. The generation of data was given by semistructured interviews, no participant observation, field diary and focal group, being the triangular techniques for the analyses. As results the study presents the masculine conceptions of health and disease, which in turn exceed the biological barrier, considering health as the harmony among men and everything that surrounds them and their classification about serious and simple diseases and what to do with each one of them. With relationship to the itineraries, two groups were configured, one with men that looked for only the professional care to experience the situation of chronic illness an other, in which the interviewees had a plural search of cares. Listed criterions were evidenced when choosing a care system or other and a search almost always late, motivated mainly by the aggravation of the experienced problem. Among other triggers for the care search, t also were pointed to the inability for the work, the relatives' indication, friends and acquaintance , similar symptoms of well-known person's disease and dissatisfaction with care system looked for previously. Still in the therapeutic itineraries, it is approached the silencing moments, retaking the negative and positive points of to experience a situation of chronic illness. As scrapers of the masculinity were revealed the think and to speak about health and consequently of getting sick, to look for care, to depend of other, do not carry out the daily activities, to accomplish the exam of rectal touch and the aging. Front to the results, it is out-standing the importance of studies and discussions about the man's health, being considered its specificities, to foment more integral , humanized and effective actions. / Itinerarios terapéuticos son caminos que los individuos buscan cuando se perciben enfermos, y pueden ser constituidos por el sistema informal, popular o profesional, en diferentes combinaciones. Partiendo de que la elección de buscar o no uno o más sistemas de cuidado puede tener diversas influencias, entre ellas, las relacionadas a las cuestiones de género, y sumado a eso diversos estudios apuntan a que los hombres se retrasan en buscar cuidado, se busca conocer los itinerarios terapéuticos de los hombres en situación de enfermedad crónica residentes en una comunidad rural de Rio Grande do Sul. En este escenario también se relacionó la construcción social de la masculinidad y el proceso de enfermedad, por medio de una relación de posibles acciones/elementos rascadores de la masculinidad. Para eso se optó por un abordaje cualitativo, descriptivo y de exploración. La generación de datos se dio por medio de entrevistas semi estructuradas, observación no participativa, diario de campo y grupo focal, siendo estas técnicas trianguladas para los análisis. Como resultado el estudio presenta las concepciones masculinas de de salud y enfermedad, que a su vez ultrapasan la barrera de lo biológico, considerando la salud como una armonía entre el hombre y todo lo que lo rodea y la clasificación de ellos sobre enfermedades serias o simples y qué hacer con cada una de ellas. Con relación a los itinerarios, se configuran en dos grupos, uno con los hombres que buscan solamente el cuidado profesional estando en situación de enfermedad crónica y otro, en el cual los entrevistados tuvieron una búsqueda plural de cuidados. Se evidenció una relación de criterios en la elección de uno u otro sistema de cuidado y la búsqueda casi siempre tardía, motivada principalmente por el agravio del problema. Entre otros disparadores para la búsqueda de cuidado también fue mencionada la incapacidad para el trabajo, la recomendación de familiares, amigos y conocidos, síntomas similares de enfermedad de persona conocida e insatisfacción con el sistema de cuidado buscado anteriormente. Todavía en los itinerarios terapéuticos se aborda los momentos de silencio, retomando los puntos negativos y positivos de vivir en una situación de enfermedad crónica. Como rascadores de la masculinidad se reveló el pensar y hablar sobre salud y consecuentemente el enfermarse, buscar cuidado, depender de otros, no desempeñar las actividades cotidianas, realizar el examen de tacto rectal y el envejecimiento. Delante de los resultados, se destaca la importancia del estudio y discusiones sobre salud del hombre, considerando sus especificaciones , para fomentar acciones más integrales, humanizadas y efectivas.
1086 |
Souffrance : anthropologie de la violence conjugale / suffering : anthropology of the conjugal violenceGueye, Seynabou 11 December 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est de faire une anthropologie de la violence au sein de couple marital composé d’une femme Noire et d’un homme Blanc. Malgré, les nombreuses lois votées ce fléau perdure et les réponses apportées à ces situations de couple varient selon les représentations que l’on se fait de ces femmes. Partant du constat que la couleur de peau détermine les réponses des institutions françaises, cette recherche s’appuie sur les récits de trois femmes Noires décrivant leur vie conjugale auprès d’hommes Blancs. Des vécus jalonnaient de violence qu’elles tentaient de dénoncer. Elles se sont heurtées à des institutions policières qui n’ont pas voulu les écouter. / The objective of this work is to an anthropology of violence within marital couples consists of a black woman and a white man. Despite the many laws passed this scourge continues the responses to these situations torque vary representations that we have of these women. Based on the observation that skin color determines the responses of French institutions, this research is based on narratives of three black women describing their married life with men whites. Of experienced marked out of a violence she tried to terminate. They clashes with police agencies that did not want to listen.
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La S.A.R.S. (Société à responsabilité sociale) comme innovation organisationnelle nécessaire à la réactivation du processus de création d'emplois : ou déterminisme et nécessité en économie / The SARS as an organizational innovation necessary to the reactivation of the job creation processTonolo, Philippe 19 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse au problème du chômage et de la dette en économie — problème que l’on peut considérer comme majeur dans nos économies contemporaines occidentales. Cependant, ce n’est pas pour en dresser des bilans et des constats supplémentaires que cette recherche fut engagée mais plutôt pour tenter de résoudre de manière convenable ce problème, ce que, dans les faits, aucune théorie économique n’est parvenue à obtenir jusqu’à présent. Ces travaux abordent plus particulièrement la conjecture du plein emploi et la thèse repose sur une triple ambition : montrer comment espérer accéder à un plein emploi total et durable, prouver comment sortir économiquement du capitalisme, impulser une révolution scientifique en économie, ces trois thématiques étant indissociables. La recherche vise à expliquer les raisons conduisant à devoir forger un nouveau modèle d’entreprise — nommé SARS : Société à responsabilité sociale. Cette conceptualisation se caractérise par trois innovations fondamentales destinées à conférer aux SARS des avantages concurrentiels imparables, si tant est que ces entreprises puissent entrer en concurrence avec les modèles existants (EURL, SARL, SA, SCOP, SNC, SAS, SCIC, SOSE, etc.). L’idée centrale prend pour hypothèse que ce modèle doté de propriétés émergentes bénéfiques grâce à de puissants avantages concurrentiels, finirait à long terme par devenir dominant et à faire disparaître les anciens modèles devenus désuets face à l’attrait de cette nouveauté économiquement et socialement performative. Alors introduite dans l'économie et amenée à se développer, cette forme entrepreneuriale inédite contribuerait à fonder les bases d’un nouveau régime économique autre que le capitalisme et le collectivisme. Ce futur régime économique, permettant un changement de procès dans la répartition des richesses à petite puis à grande échelle, conduirait (contrairement au capitalisme) à un plein emploi total et durable. Par-delà la prédiction, propriété essentielle d’une théorie scientifique, cette étude entend fournir les clés d’accès pour engager une épreuve expérimentale, celle d’une réalité en devenir, à laquelle chaque théorie doit être soumise afin d’établir sa validité. S’appuyant sur le champ de la prospective, elle s’essaye à une description d’un avenir possible dans la mesure où, cette thèse obtenait quelque crédit et que l’opération expérimentale devienne une réussite. / This thesis addresses the problem of unemployment and of the debt in the economic context—problem that could be regarded as a major issue in our Western contemporary societies. However, it is not with the goal of making some more assessments and additional findings that this research was hired, but in order to try to resolve in a proper manner this problem, fact that, in practice, no single economic theory has been able to obtain so far. These studies focus in particular on the conjecture of full employment and the thesis is based on a threefold ambition: showing how to access to a comprehensive and lasting full employment, proving how to get out of capitalism from an economic point of view, stimulating a scientific revolution in the economic field, as these three subject areas are intrinsically linked. The research aims to explain the reasons that lead to the creation of a new business model — called SARS: Society with a social responsibility. This conceptualization is characterized by three fundamental innovations aimed at giving to the SARS unstoppable competitive benefits, if these companies can compete with existing models (EURL, SARL, SA, SCOP, SNC, SAS, SCIC, SOSE, etc.). The central idea assumes that this model endowed with beneficial emergent properties thanks to powerful competitive benefits, would eventually become dominant in the long term and make disappear the older models that became outdated with regard to this novelty seen as being economically and socially performative. Then, inserted into the economy and set to develop, this innovative entrepreneurial form would contribute to lay the foundations for a new economic system different from capitalism and collectivism. This future economic regime, allowing a change in the distribution of wealth in a small-scale and afterwards in a large-scale, would lead (unlike capitalism) to a comprehensive and lasting full employment. Across the prediction, essential property of the scientific theory, this study intends to provide access keys in order to institute an experimental testing, experimental testing of a reality in the state of becoming, to which each theory has to be submitted to establish its validity. Building on the prospective field, it is trying to provide the description of a possible future to the extent that this thesis got some credits and that the experimental operating would become a success.
1088 |
O CONFESSOR E O CULTO Uma abordagem exegética a Deuteronômio 26,1-11: A terra, Deus e homem Um memorial dos atos libertadores de JavéSantos, Pedro Evaristo Conceição 30 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / By means of the exegesis of the Deuteronomy 26,1-11 perícope, this dissertation
seeks to show, from a social perspective, that this passage is a memorial confession
of the redemptive acts witnessed during the exit of the people from Egypt. This
memorial is intertwined with the Redeemer God as with the land given by this God
to his people, as a means of expressing their complete freedom to direct their own
destiny, in celebration of the Redeemer God. Also within this social perspective is
the fact that the redemptive acts of Yahweh ought to result in social acts of the
redeemed people for those are disadvantaged within the Israelite society. The
perícope in focus points to two groups of disadvantaged the levite and the
foreigner. / Com a pesquisa exegética realizada na perícope de Deuteronômio 26,1-11, esta
dissertação busca entendê-la, a partir de sua perspectiva social, ao procurar mostrar
que esta perícope é uma confissão memorial dos atos redentores, vistos na saída do
povo do Egito. Este memorial está entrelaçado com o Deus redentor bem como com
a terra doada por este Deus ao seu povo, como meio de expressar sua completa
liberdade para dirigir seu destino, em celebração ao Deus redentor. Dentro desta
perspectiva social está também que os atos redentores de Javé deveriam resultar em
atos sociais de seu povo redimido para com aqueles que eram desfavorecidos dentro
da sociedade israelita. A perícope em estudo aponta para dois grupos de
desfavorecidos o levita e o estrangeiro.
1089 |
As naturezas de Natura Ekos : vídeos publicitários constituindo sujeitos consumidores “sustentáveis”Martins, Thaís Presa January 2016 (has links)
Discursos em prol da “natureza” foram ingressando na ordem do dia em diversas instâncias e práticas sociais, vindo a atuar como potentes diferenciais para a venda de produtos pela mídia, particularmente, pela publicidade. Assim, novos nichos de mercado, novas categorias de produtos e novos valores empresariais foram sendo construídos, constituindo um novo perfil de sujeitos consumidores: os “sustentáveis” ou socioambientalmente “corretos”. Nesta direção, analisei como e de que lugar a linha de produtos Natura Ekos da empresa Natura Cosméticos fala sobre a “natureza” para atingir e formar sujeitos consumidores “sustentáveis”, a partir dos vídeos publicitários da campanha “Somos Produto da Natureza”. Para tanto, utilizei-me de ferramentas teórico-metodológicas dos Estudos Culturais, em suas vertentes pós-estruturalistas; pretendendo tecer uma articulação entre diferentes campos – “natureza”, cultura, política, publicidade, ciência e consumo –, a partir de saberes oriundos das áreas da Educação, da Filosofia, da Sociologia e da Comunicação. Tracei uma revisão histórica sobre a construção discursiva das noções de “natureza” desde a Antiguidade Grega, atentando para as (des)continuidades que foram ocorrendo e configurando as distintas compreensões que apresentamos hoje. Abordei a emergência das pedagogias culturais, entendendo que: a) a mídia exerce um papel eminentemente pedagógico, ao passo em que (in)forma os sujeitos sobre o mundo; b) a publicidade é uma das principais forças de moldagem dos pensamentos e dos comportamentos; c) os anúncios publicitários utilizam-se de inúmeras estratégias para ensinar sobre a “natureza” – formando sujeitos consumidores de produtos “biodiversos” e “sustentáveis”, obtendo lucro financeiro com a construção de uma imagem “verde” A meu ver, os anúncios publicitários analisados ensinam-nos certos modos de pensarmos, estarmos, sentirmos e agirmos em relação à “natureza”, articulando determinados elementos discursivos e não-discursivos. Os vídeos têm a finalidade de educar os sujeitos consumidores socioambientalmente “corretos” construindo o entendimento de que os mesmos são produto da “natureza”, de que os produtos Ekos também são esta “natureza” e de que, portanto, adquirir e consumir os produtos Natura Ekos é pertencer a esta “natureza” veiculada. A campanha lança mão de estratégias publicitárias dinâmicas (sons, imagens, cores, enunciados, movimentos) para construir aquilo que quer mostrar para o espectador: a indissociável relação entre o homem e a “natureza”. Ekos comercializa uma visão de “natureza” como sinônimo de “essência” e de “(re)conexão” consigo e com o planeta; uma “natureza” estética, ética e moralmente benéfica, que deve ser buscada, preservada e cuidada ao se consumir os seus produtos produzidos com os bens “naturais” da Amazônia. Nesta perspectiva, penso que um grande desafio educacional consiste em promover deslocamentos por meio do alfabetismo crítico em relação à mídia, para que possamos (re)pensar a separação entre homem e “natureza”, sujeito e objeto, humano e não-humano, cultural e “natural”; propondo novos olhares e novas compreensões para o mundo e para o funcionamento de suas redes. / Speeches in favor of “nature” were entering on the agenda in several social instances and practices, acting as powerful differentiators for the sale of products by the media, particularly by advertising. Thus, new market niches, new product categories and new business values were being built, creating a new profile of consumer subjects: the “sustainable” or social environmental “correct”. In this direction, I analyzed how and from which place the line of products Natura Ekos of Natura Cosmetics company talks about the “nature” to reach and form “sustainable” consumer subjects, from advertising videos of the campaign “We Are Product of Nature”. Therefore, I used theoretical and methodological tools of the Cultural Studies, in its post-structuralist strands; intending to weave a link between different fields – “nature”, culture, politics, advertising, science and consumption – from knowledge derived from the fields of Education, Philosophy, Sociology and Communication. I traced a historical review of the discursive construction of “nature” notions since Greek Antiquity, observing the (dis)continuities that have been occurring and configuring the different understandings that we present today. I discussed the emergence of the cultural pedagogies, understanding that: a) the media plays an eminently teaching role, while it (in)forms the subjects about the world; b) advertising is one of the main shaping forces of thoughts and behaviors; c) the commercials use numerous strategies to teach about the “nature” – forming consumer subjects of “biodiverse” and “sustainable” products, obtaining financial profit from the construction of this “green” image In my point of view, the commercials analyzed teach us certain ways of thinking, being, feel and act in the "nature", articulating certain discursive and non-discursive elements. The videos are intended to educate the social environmental “correct” consumer subjects by building the understanding that they are product of “nature”, that the Ekos products are also this “nature” and that, therefore, purchase and consume the Natura Ekos products is to belong to this conveyed “nature”. The campaign makes use of dynamic advertising strategies (sounds, images, colors, statements, movements) to build what it wants to show to the viewer: the inseparable relation between man and “nature”. Ekos markets a vision of “nature” as a synonym of “essence” and “(re)connection” with yourself and the planet; an aesthetic, ethical and morally benefic “nature”, that must be sought, preserved and cared for consuming its products made with the “natural” Amazon goods. In this perspective, I think a great educational challenge is to promote displacements through critical literacy about the media, so we can (re)think the separation between man and “nature”, subject and object, human and non-human, cultural and “natural”; proposing new perspectives and new understandings for the world and for the operation of its networks.
1090 |
(Im)prováveis : processos híbridos envolvendo o desenho técnico e a gravura na construção da metáfora do homem-máquinaRama, Jander Luiz January 2013 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa, proponho trabalhos que consistem em desenhos de híbridos entre homens e máquinas, utilizando o desenho técnico e a figura do pós-humano como suporte para reflexão, metaforizando as relações entre o homem e sua tecnologia, e a substituição de parte das experiências cotidianas pelo uso da máquina. Tratam-se de imagens digitais e linoleogravuras que apresentam diálogos e tensões entre o artesanal e o tecnológico, bem como entre a figura humana e a figura mecânica. O embasamento teórico é estabelecido a partir de definições da filosofia da técnica de Gilbert Simondon em diálogo com apontamentos de Edmund Couchot e Vilém Flusser. Apontamentos sobre o ciborgue são debatidos a partir de Haraway, Santaella e Novaes. Hoelscher, Springer, Dobrovolny e Belofsky contribuem com referenciais históricos e definições sobre o desenho técnico, em diálogo com observações realizadas em registros de patentes de época. Ainda são abordadas obras de artistas como Stelarc, Albrecht Dürer, Da Vinci, Regina Silveira e Rubem Grilo, como referenciais poéticos que estabelecem relações com a presente produção plástica. Procuro, deste modo, estabelecer proposições dentro do campo da gravura, do desenho técnico e de linguagens híbridas, contribuindo para ampliar a construção do conhecimento no campo das artes visuais. / In this research, I propose works that consist of hybrid designs for men and machines, using technical drawing and figure the posthuman as support for reflection, Indulging in metaphor the relationships between humans and their technology, and replacing part of everyday experiences when using machine. These are digital images and linoleum engraving which feature dialogues and tensions between craft and technology, as well as between the human figure and the figure mechanics. The basement is established by the theoretical literature from definitions of technical philosophy of Gilbert Simondon in dialogue with notes of Edmund Couchot and Flusser. Notes on the cyborg are discussed from Haraway, Santaella and Novaes. Hoelscher, Springer, Dobrovolny and Belofsky contribute with historical references and definitions of the technical drawing in dialogue with observations made in patent registers. Are still considered works of artists such as Stelarc, Albrecht Dürer, Da Vinci, Regina Silveira and Rubem Grilo as poetic references that establish dialogue with this plastic production. Try, thereby establishing propositions within the field of printmaking, technical drawing and hybrid languages, contributing to enlarge the construction of knowledge in the field of visual arts.
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