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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nietzsche: a moral da exaltação do tipo forte

Freitas, Valdeci 27 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T21:02:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Propomo-nos a apresentar nesta pesquisa uma exposição acerca da moral preconizada por Nietzsche. Nietzsche faz uma profunda crítica à moral ocidental platônico-judaico-cristã, pois, segundo ele, o ocidente vive uma moral castradora, que oprime as forças instintivas e naturais da vida. Esta é a moral dos fracos, dos ressentidos, uma moral que impede o homem de alcançar o seu desenvolvimento pleno e realizar ao máximo suas potencialidades. Em contrapartida, Nietzsche apresenta a moral que expressa o otimismo pelas forças vitais do homem, forças essas que animam e impelem-no a alçar o supremo brilho e potência próprios do homem. Em torno dessa concepção procuramos apresentar em que aspectos a moral ocidental oprime a expansão da vida? Qual é a origem do estado depressivo e da fraqueza de vontade que estão presentes em nossa cultura? Apontando como possível resposta a indicação nietzscheana de que a decadência do ocidente está na repressão das forças instintos e naturais do homem; por outro lado, buscamos explora

Nietzsche e o nascimento do trágico: um estudo a partir das tragédias de Ésquilo, Sófocles e Eurípides

Piccoli, Luiz Felipe Hallmann 16 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T21:02:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar a origem e o desenvolvimento do conceito de trágico dentro do pensamento de Nietzsche. Para nossa pesquisa partimos da análise das tragédias gregas de Ésquilo, Sófocles e Eurípides e comparamos as obras desses autores principalmente o ciclo de tragédias da família dos Átridas. Antes de explicar o conceito de trágico optamos primeiro por contextualizar o pensamento de Nietzsche no estudo sobre a estética do século XIX. Tomamos como ponto central de nossa abordagem o livro O nascimento da tragédia e verificamos até que ponto as principais ideias desse escrito já estão presentes nos textos anteriores de Nietzsche. Foi realizada a comparação das ideias do autor com as de Aristóteles na Poética para identificar qual a sua contribuição sobre no estudo do tema. Após a análise sobre surgimento do conceito de trágico a partir da tragediógrafos procuramos desvendar quais são as causas que levaram Nietzsche a considerar Sócrates como o responsável pela morte da arte trágica. Fin

Vida como vontade de poder: perspectivismo, metafísica e niilismo no pensamento de Nietzsche / Life as will to power

Rebeca Furtado de Melo 23 March 2011 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal descrever, em suas especificidades e abrangência, o conceito de vontade de poder no pensamento nietzschiano, mostrando como a metafísica, em sua essência moral, pode ser entendida a partir desse pensamento. A partir do diálogo nietzschiano com pensadores da tradição, pretende-se analisar o conceito de metafísica e como ele possibilita o momento histórico denominado morte de Deus, que desencadeia a experiência do niilismo. Ao descrever o desenvolvimento do pensamento Ocidental, o texto busca evidenciar porque Nietzsche pode denominar a história da metafísica como vontade de verdade. A partir daí, se reconstrói a relação fundamental existente entre as noções de verdade e conhecimento nas nuances de cada época do pensamento metafísico, mostrando como tal processo culmina, no pensamento nietzschiano, com o questionamento acerca do próprio valor da verdade. Por outro lado, a dissertação pretende mostrar como a morte de Deus e o niilismo possibilitam, de certa maneira, o surgimento da própria filosofia nietzschiana, defendendo que o perspectivismo e a vontade de poder são pensamentos possibilitados pelo próprio desenvolvimento histórico da metafísica. / This dissertation intends to describe, in its specificity, the concept of will to power in Nietzsche's thought, showing how the metaphysics can be understood from this thought. From the dialogue between Nietzsche and thinkers of the tradition, this study intends to analyze the concept of metaphysics and the historical moment called the "death of God", together with nihilism. In describing the development of Western thought, the text seeks to show why Nietzsche might call the history of metaphysics the will to truth. Therefrom, it reconstructs the fundamental relationship between the notions of truth and knowledge in the nuances of each season of the metaphysical thought, showing how this process culminates in Nietzsche's thought, with the questioning of the value of truth. The other hand, the dissertation aims to show how the death of God and nihilism make possible, in a sense, the emergence of Nietzsche's own philosophy, arguing that the will to power and perspectivism are thoughts made possible by the historical development of metaphysics.

Entre a ontologia e o ficcionalismo: uma análise crítica da proposta nietzschiana de superação da metafísica / Between ontology and fictionalism: a critical analysis of the Nietzschean proposal of overcoming of metaphysics

Renan da Rocha Cortez 30 November 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Essa dissertação tem como objetivo fazer uma análise crítica da proposta nietzschiana de superação da metafísica. Primeiro, determinaremos o que Nietzsche entende por metafísica no período intermediário de sua produção filosófica. Conquistada essa compreensão, mostraremos as críticas feitas pelo filósofo à metafísica, presentes em sua obra de juventude Sobre a verdade e a mentira no sentido extra-moral. Por fim, a proposta de superação da metafísica será analisada a partir de quatro grandes referências interpretativas: o realismo negativo do devir, o neokantismo, o naturalismo substantivo e a proposta ontológica da vontade de poder. Testaremos a legitimidade de cada uma dessas interpretações a partir de duas principais perguntas: qual o estatuto ontológico do devir na filosofia de Nietzsche? Por que o filósofo afirma que nossas categorias são somente ficções? / This dissertation aims to make a critical analysis of the nietzschean proposal regarding the metaphysics overcoming. First, we will determine what Nietzsche understands by metaphysics in the intermediate period of his philosophical production. After we acquire this understanding, we will show the criticisms made by the philosopher about the metaphysics, prevailing in his youth work about the truth and falsehood in the extra-moral sense. Finally, the proposal of the metaphysics overcoming will be analyzed based in four large interpretative references: the negative realism of becoming, the neokantianism, the substantive naturalism and the ontological proposal of the will to power. We will test the legitimacy of each one of these interpretations from two main questions: What is the ontological status of the becoming in the Nietzsches philosophy? Why the Philosopher asserts that our categories are only fictions?

Godot is Dead : Nietzsche and Beckett on Salvation and Suffering in a Godless Universe

Valsson, Jökull January 2012 (has links)
There are many parallels and points of similarity between the themes of the play Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett and the themes explored by Friedrich Nietzsche. This essay examines the play in light of some of Nietzsche’s key concepts, such as the Will to Power, the Übermensch or Overman, the Eternal Recurrence, as well as the aesthetic conception of existence. The essay argues that while Waiting for Godot shares many of the premises and conclusions of Nietzsche’s philosophy, the play can also be interpreted as a critique of the same. The play presents a post-religious world marked by pessimism and resignation rather than affirmation and Nietzschean amor fati. The characters are as far removed from the heroic Overman ideal as can be imagined, unable to harness the Will to Power, which is absent or distorted or even unknowable. Communication is fraught with difficulty and uncertainty. The dynamic of the Eternal Recurrence is present but rather than being affirmed it is a source of crushing boredom, tediousness and existential angst. The characters are unable to embrace the Eternal Recurrence and are in a continual state of mental flight from its implications. They suffer from a vague recollection of the past while projecting their hopes into the future in order to diminish the unbearable suffering of the existing present, or state of perpetual becoming. Beckett can thus be said to be offering a satirical critique of the concept of salvation, both in its traditional religious sense as well as in the sense implied by Nietzsche’s concept of the Eternal Recurrence. However, Beckett does offer a sense of hope by suggesting, paradoxically, that the abandonment of hope of salvation may lead to a sort of salvation of resignation.

Att övervinna det mänskliga : En läsning av återkomsttanken i Nietzsches Så talade Zarathustra i ljuset av Heideggers kritik

Akca, Uljana January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to discuss the meaning of the human and its possible overcoming in Friedrich Nietzsche’s doctrine of the eternal recurrence of the same, with Martin Heidegger’s readings of Nietzsche as point of departure. According to Heidegger, Nietzsche’s doctrine of the eternal recurrence of the same represents the end of occidental metaphysical thinking. The thought concludes a thinking of being as the presence of beings, where the original question of being was never developed out of its own ground. But at the heart of this interpretation, often considered “violent”, lies the question of whether man is able to think being out of his finitude. This is the question I will unfold, through a reading of Nietzsche’s thought of the eternal recurrence of the same, as it is presented in his Thus spoke Zarathustra, as an attempt to think beings in their being beyond a “humanization” of them, expressed in transcendental aims, purposes and categories. This attempt, I argue, is essentially bound up with a comportment toward the human self as the finite and the corporal. In this sense the human being in its finitude and corporeality is thefocus and the basis for the search for “the overman”. But this focus on man, as he who can overcome himself, is at the same time a focus that canbe said to lead man away from himself, in not asking the deeper question about what it means to be this human being. I will furthermore consider the tragic as the theme where this question of the overcoming of the human comes to the fore; the dionysic-tragic reveals both a view of man as the being that is mastered by the abyss that underlies this world, and therefore mastered by his finitude - and as the being who can master this same abyss, in thinking it as one with the human self. The purpose is not to take a position for or against Heidegger’s reading, but to develop a discussion between Heidegger and Nietzsche about the human self as always being both the closed and the open, and about the ways in which human thinking can approach this.

Nietzschean Nihilism And The Ways To Overcome It In Tom Murphy&#039 / s Plays &quot / bailegangaire&quot / And &quot / the Sanctuary Lamp&quot

Yilmaz, Victoria Bilge 01 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Nietzschean epistemology involved many subversive elements and, thus, posed a challenge to the Christian epistemology and to other traditional frames of references which appeared after the Enlightenment. With his philosophy Nietzsche problematised many of the traditional givens like the master signifier (God), the other organising principles, and the traditional binary oppositions on which the Western metaphysics was based. He shattered the previous parameters of existence irraparably when he disconnected the individual from his/her illusions by laying bare a decentered universe devoid of any form of meaning, and the result was nihilism in the beginning. Interestingly enough, Nietzschean epistemology also offered ways to overcome this nihilistic stage in an individual&rsquo / s struggle for a meaningful existence. This thesis is based on the analysis of two plays by Tom Murphy, &ldquo / Bailegangaire&rdquo / and &ldquo / The Sanctuary Lamp&rdquo / , against the background of Nietzschean philosophy and attempts to discover the parallelisms between Murphy&rsquo / s characters and Nietzschean elements in their search for the essence of existence and their desire for a meaningful life. In the plays, self-realisation of an individual, that is, overcoming nihilism, is mainly achieved by means of art and one&rsquo / s individual strength, which is characterised by the ability to endure abyss, affirm life as it is, forget and forgive one&rsquo / s enemies, follow instincts, employ one&rsquo / s will to power, acquire the power and the position of God in one&rsquo / s personal zone, and combine destruction and creation. The playwright conveys an individual&rsquo / s loss of purpose and the inevitable chaos in the aftermath of the death of God and, also, the methods to surmount this nihilistic condition. The study comes to the conclusion that all the above Nietzschean elements build a solid background for Murphy&rsquo / s drama, where the dramatist draws a picture of systematicity of existence of an individual who struggles to attain meaning.

"You are will to power and nothing besides": Nietzsche, Foucault, Yoga, and Feminist s/Self-Actualisation

Moritz, Heather , English, Media, & Performing Arts, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
This thesis argues that Friedrich Nietzsche???s notion of world and self as ???will to power and nothing besides??? offers a highly productive interpretive lens or ???grid of intelligibility??? for understanding the ethical implications of Michel Foucault???s middle and late works on power and subjectivity. For if the late modern era is marked by a sustained and pervasive incredulity toward metanarrative, it is also the historical site for the reappearance and widespread acceptance of a very ancient metanarrative ??? the Heraclitean view of material reality as continual flux. Inasmuch as Nietzsche???s will to power philosophy is grounded in this Pre-Socratic worldview, his works and those of his devotee Foucault may serve as a productive foundation for a late modern ethics. The scholarly implications of reading Foucault???s middle and late works through the interpretive lens of Nietzschean will to power in its two key manifestations, domination and dynamism, are multiple. In addition to providing new insights into the value of Nietzschean-Foucauldian philosophy for advancing a late modern ethics, such an analysis also illuminates important continuities in Foucault???s theory of power and how his works simultaneously extend and critique Nietzschean views on the role of asceticism in culture. The thesis then turns to a more futuristic exploration of how Foucault???s final texts, feminist critiques and extensions of these texts, and works from the separate discipline of feminist moral theory may advance a feminist form of will to power ethics. Feminist reflection upon the dualistic philosophical basis of modern androcentric power invites further speculation upon the utility of the nondual philosophies of yoga, including those found in Ved??ntic texts like the Bhagavad G??t??, for such an endeavour. Because yoga utilises asceticism-based practices of the self as its primary means for moulding moral subjects, it is comparable to the Greco-Roman will to power ethics described in Foucault???s final works. On the other hand, yoga???s nondual telos may present certain ethical possibilities that dualistic constructs like the Greco-Roman model cannot. Indeed, by practicing nonduality through yoga, contemporary women and others may be engaging in a practice of freedom in the most essential sense.

Practical Paradise: Ethics for a Modern Age

Davanzo, Anthony P 01 January 2016 (has links)
This play demonstrates an interpretation of Nietzsche's philosophy in practice. The main character experiences loss and confusion, however, through this struggle arrives at a discovery of profound truth. If you've ever wondered how to live your life in the best way possible, the main character believes he's found the answer.

Moralidade, civilização e decadência: uma história natural da moral ascética

Costa, Mariana Lins January 2009 (has links)
136f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-04-16T18:49:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Mariana Costaseg.pdf: 745327 bytes, checksum: 6ed73c24f334b27f0dce0a2f642dc0af (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-16T17:34:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Mariana Costaseg.pdf: 745327 bytes, checksum: 6ed73c24f334b27f0dce0a2f642dc0af (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-16T17:34:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Mariana Costaseg.pdf: 745327 bytes, checksum: 6ed73c24f334b27f0dce0a2f642dc0af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Na filosofia nietzschiana, os valores possuem lugar de destaque, uma vez que se configuram como o sustentáculo das civilizações: os valores são as condições de conservação e crescimento dessas organizações. Todavia, tanto no que se refere à civilização ocidental, quanto à oriental, os valores dominantes – por Nietzsche, compreendidos como valores ascéticos – seriam valores hostis à vida, o que significa que eles promoveriam uma existência mórbida e declinante. Frente a esse panorama, a presente dissertação buscou esclarecer como, de acordo com os critérios da filosofia nietzschiana, foi possível a formação de valores mórbidos e o seu, conseguinte, império. / Salvador

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