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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Pilgrim, An Outlaw: Features of Dramatic Adaptation and Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie

DiCintio, Matt 23 April 2012 (has links)
Although there are countless manuals devoted to playwriting, very few take up the craft of dramatic adaptation in a practical context. My rendering of Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie is an exploration of fundamental elements that require consideration when adapting for the stage. My approach to the characters’ inarticulateness reveals an inherent theatricality in the novel, which both respects Dreiser’s themes and makes them accessible through the conventions of the stage. I suggest the craft of dramatic adaptation should strike a delicate balance between being a “pilgrim” toward the intentions of the source and an “outlaw” in its innovative theatrical representation of them.

Divadlo dle Stefana Hulfelda / Theater by Stefan Hulfeld

Kunčarová, Helena January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis explores the concept of theatricality as developed by the Swiss theatrologist Stefan Hulfeld. The thesis aims at a presentation of Hulfeld's research which is based on examination of historical documents, his particular focus being the theatricality of the 18. century in Solothurn (Switzerland). In this thesis, his theory is compared to other theatricality theories developed by Rudolf Münz and Andreas Kotte. The more general aim of the presented work is to devise a notion of theatricality which is based on historical- theatrological exploration of historical documents.

La porosité des genres littéraires au XVIIIe siècle : le roman-mémoires et le théâtre. / Porosity within literary genres in the 18th century : memoir-novels and drama.

Deharbe, Charlène 27 January 2012 (has links)
Cette étude se propose de mettre en évidence l'influence du théâtre dans les romans-mémoires du XVIIIe siècle. Alors qu'il revient sur sa vie depuis son entrée dans le monde, le narrateur (ou la narratrice) évoque et analyse, dans un récit à la première personne, son Moi d'autrefois. Il s'agit de relater les étapes d'une ascension sociale, de faire part aussi de ses égarements ou d'une passion malheureuse sur le mode tragique, sensible ou comique. Toutefois, ces romans de l'introspection s'ouvrent, paradoxalement, sur le spectaculaire. Des dramaturges célèbres deviennent des personnages de fiction, leurs œuvres sont citées, les héros se rendent dans les lieux où s'exerce l'art dramatique et, surtout, le romancier recourt à des éléments caractéristiques du genre théâtral : déguisements, variations sur des personnages et des scènes types, construction dramatique et recours à l'esthétique du tableau, ampleur et disposition des dialogues contribuent à faire du lecteur un spectateur. / This study is meant to highlight the influence of drama on the (French) memoir-novels of the 18th century. The narrator, be it a man or a woman, recollects his or her life from the moment they are coming into the world. This evocation and analysis of their earlier “I” is recalled in a first person narrative. The idea is to recount his or her social ascension, step by step, evoke his or her past mistakes and relate an unrequited love, in a tragic, sensitive or comic tone. Yet, these introspective novels paradoxically reach a theatrical dimension. The then famous playwrights are turned into fictional characters, their works are quoted, the heroes go to places where the art of drama is performed and, most importantly, the novelist resorts to elements which are characteristic features of drama : costumes, variations on specific characters and scenes, a dramatic construction, the use of the aesthetics of the tableau, the extent and distribution of the dialogues ; all of these contribute to place the reader in the position of the audience.

Les théâtres artificiels : mise en scène, biotechnologie, intelligence artificielle / Artificial theaters : staging life in the age of biotechnologies and artificial intelligence

Tina, Yvan Calvin 16 March 2018 (has links)
L’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle et des biotechnologies dans l’art conduit à une reformulation des enjeux du théâtre comme « spectacle vivant ». Ces pratiques technoscientifiques déplacent l’objet de la performance et produisent du discours. Nous proposons dans cette étude de nous servir de leurs énoncés pour élargir le cadre de la théâtralité aux arts de la vie artificielle. En effet, les déplacements opérés au moyen de la théâtralité dans le champ artistique s’effectuent à la fois sur les oeuvres et dans le langage. À la lumière de ces opérations, nous faisons apparaître le potentiel transformateur de l’intégration de nouveaux matériaux dans l’esthétique théâtrale mais aussi les obstacles qui s’y trouvent. Prise entre les arts et les technosciences, l’analyse démontre que la théâtralité des oeuvres technologiques repose notamment sur l’artifice du langage. / The use of artificial intelligence and biotechnology in art has led to a radical reformulation of theater as living performance. These technoscientific practices have displaced the subject of performance and produced various new discourses: In this study, I propose to make use of these discourses to expand the frame of theatricality to the realm of artificial life art. The displacements operated by means of theatricality in the artistic field are taking place both on the level of the artworks and the level of discourse. In light of such operations, we see the potential of transformation relying on the use of these materials in theatrical aesthetics, as well as the obstacles found in them. Taking place between the arts and the technosciences, the study proves that the theatricality of technological works relies on the artifice of language.

Ensaios de uma dramaturgia limiar / Essays of a threshold dramaturgy

Rosa, Rafael Vogt Maia 15 June 2012 (has links)
Tendo um conjunto de ensaios como base, esta tese busca discutir uma dramaturgia de cunho realista e contemporâneo, produzida por autores como Henry Ibsen, Harold Pinter e David Mercer, e suas relações com o contexto da adaptação audiovisual. Dentre os problemas abordados está o debate sobre a questão da teatralidade, ocorrido nos EUA, no final da década de 1960. A teatralidade é aqui entendida como expressão artística entre as linguagens artísticas tradicionais e contemporâneas, e como aproximação do universo da arte e da experiência cotidiana. Como parte do diálogo estão incluídas produções recentes no campo da pintura, música popular e documentário. Nesse aparato de questões, a produção ensaística também ganha visibilidade por meio de um ensaio audiovisual, produzido especialmente para este trabalho e apresentado em sua versão escrita e filmada. / Taking a body of essays, this dissertation examines a certain realist and a contemporary dramaturgy produced by authors such as Henry Ibsen, Harold Pinter and David Mercer, and discusses its relations with the audiovisual adaptation context. Among its subjects is the debate about theatricality which occurred in the U.S. in the late 1960s, understood as artistic expressions between traditional and contemporary artistic languages, as well as an approach between the universe of art and everyday experience. Recent productions in painting, popular music and documentary are also discussed alongside the essays. The question related to essayism itself is also addressed through an audiovisual essay, submitted in its written version and in the filmed one, both especially produced for this work.

Andrea Tonacci: do teatro das verdades às cenas de ficção em Interprete Mais, Pague Mais e Serras da Desordem / Andrea Tonacci: from the Theatre of Truths to the Scenes of Fiction.

Canton, Luciana Giannini 29 October 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa analisa e compara o processo criativo de dois filmes de Andrea Tonacci: Interprete Mais, Pague Mais (1974-1995) e Serras da Desordem (2006), com foco na relação do cineasta com os atores documentados, investigando a questão da encenação, performatividade e teatralidade. No primeiro filme, ao documentar a crise de um grupo de teatro, Tonacci explora a teatralidade inerente à realidade que documenta, resultando em uma presentificação que só existe através de seu registro cinematográfico. No segundo filme, ele encena a vida de um índio com o próprio índio, encontrando na reconstituição da vida do outro uma narrativa essencialmente autobiográfica. A comparação dos dois procedimentos visa ao confronto e a uma possível aproximação entre as diferentes formas de mise en scène/mise en présence no ato de filmar do cineasta, bem como a um entendimento das diferentes formas de encenar/presentificar o real no cinema de ficção e documentário. / This work analizes and compares the creative process of two films by Andrea Tonacci: Play More, Pay More (1974-1995) and Hills of Disorder (2006), focusing on the relationship between the filmmaker and the actors, by exploring the notions of staging, theatricality and performativity. On the first film, while showing the crisis faced by a theater group, Tonacci exposes the teatricality inherent to the reality portrayed, resulting in a presentification that only exists through his cinematic device. On the second film, by enacting the story of a native Brazilian, played by the native himself, he finds on the reconstruction of the life of the other a narrative that is essencially autobiographic. A comparison of the two procedures aims at the confrontation and possible approach of these two forms of mise en scène/mise en présence on the very act of filming, through an understanding of the diferent forms of staging/presenting the real on documentary and fiction films.

Stendhal, Shakespeare et La Chartreuse de Parme / Stendhal, Shakespeare and La Chartreuse de Parme

Breffi, Ferdinand 11 May 2019 (has links)
La Chartreuse de Parme est marquée par des matériaux « shakespeariens » recueillis par Stendhal, tout au long de sa pratique des pièces du dramaturge et de leurs multiples remodelages dans les arts. De quel(s) Shakespeare s’agit-il, entre 1800 et 1840 ? Faut-il s’atteler à celui traduit par Pierre Letourneur, à celui transmis par des réécritures parfois infidèles, ou au Shakespeare dans le texte, lu plus tardivement mais avec précision par Stendhal ? Ou à un Shakespeare mythique, construit tout au long de la vie intellectuelle de Stendhal ? Comment ces « Shakespeare » fonctionnent-ils dans le paysage intime du romancier ? Faut-il s’en tenir à l’auteur de 1838 ? Comment articuler ce Stendhal du crépuscule, avec celui de l’aube, un jeune Henri Beyle qui cherche à copier Shakespeare, dans son rêve de création théâtrale ? Comment, dans le texte du roman, s’interroger sur la présence préalable de l’auteur de pamphlets, qui, entre 1818 et 1825, affirme à travers le nom de Shakespeare le modèle d’une liberté esthétique qui manque à Paris, où étouffent les idées nouvelles ? Quelles conséquences l’imaginaire shakespearien de Stendhal a-t-il eu sur le texte de La Chartreuse de Parme ? Si le Stendhal de l’accomplissement chartreux recouvre les phases multiples de la construction de son imaginaire le plus intime, et si son innutrition shakespearienne est constituée par la démultiplication des matériaux shakespeariens qu’il rencontre et dont il se saisit constamment et pleinement, la question se pose, massive : comment lire, dans l’écriture de La Chartreuse de Parme les traces, les échos et les interactions des pièces de Shakespeare ? / La Chartreuse de Parme is marked by Shakespearean elements collected by Stendhal in his study of the playwright and his many imitations in the arts. But which Shakespeare(s) is it, between 1800 and 1840? Should we focus on the one translated by Pierre Letourneur, sometimes approximately, or should we focus on Shakespeare read in the original by Stendhal? Or even, on a mythical Shakespeare, constructed by Stendhal throughout his life? What part do these "Shakespeares" play in the intimate thoughts of the writer? Should we limit ourselves to the writer of 1838? How to reconcile the Stendhal of the twilight, with the one of the dawn, when a young Henri Beyle tried to imitate Shakespeare, in his dream of playwriting? How are we to take into account the presence, in the novel, of the pamphlet writer, who, from 1818 to 1825, uses Shakespeare’s name in order to propose an aesthetic freedom of which Paris is notably lacking? How much influence did the world of Shakespeare, as it was perceived by Stendhal, have on the text of La Chartreuse de Parme? In La Chartreuse de Parme, Stendhal uncovers the full extent of his imaginary world. His Shakespeare is made of the many Shakespearean materials he has come across, and he uses them without restraint. Then, the question is raised: how should one read, in La Chartreuse de Parme, the traces, echoes and interplays of Shakespeare's plays?

Le Jeu des genres dans l'oeuvre romanesque d'Alfred Jarry : transformations, hybridations, mélanges. / The Play of genres in Alfred Jarry’s novels : transformations, hybridizations, mixings

Briquet, Aurélie 25 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’étudier sous l’angle des genres et formes littéraires les romans d’Alfred Jarry : Gestes et opinions du docteur Faustroll, pataphysicien (posth. 1911), Les Jours et les nuits (1897), L’Amour absolu (1899), Messaline (1901), Le Surmâle (1902) et La Dragonne (posth. 1932). Il s’agit d’analyser la manière dont ces œuvres trop méconnues, qui se déclarent « romans » par leur sous-titre, résultent en réalité de phénomènes de transformation, d’hybridation ou de mélange des genres. Alfred Jarry, qui a commencé sa carrière littéraire sous les auspices du symbolisme, participe d’abord à faire évoluer le genre romanesque lui-même en élaborant des œuvres anti-illusionnistes qui accordent une large place à l’onirisme, s’appuient sur une temporalité originale, une structure non-linéaire et des personnages évanescents. Ces romans sont aussi des textes hybrides : ils exploitent les ressources de l’argumentation en donnant naissance à des digressions didactiques teintées de pataphysique, tandis que la théâtralité fait éclore des dialogues et des personnages influencés par le mode dramatique et l’imaginaire des arts du spectacle. Enfin, les romans d’Alfred Jarry subissent la contamination de la poésie, à l’heure où celle-ci tend à investir tous les genres littéraires et où émerge le vers libre. Des poèmes versifiés font leur apparition au sein des textes romanesques, et la prose est elle-même infléchie en direction de l’expression poétique, par son emploi de l’image et d’un rythme spécifique. Ces œuvres apparaissent alors comme le laboratoire d’un nouvel espace générique, en pleine métamorphose à la charnière du XIXe et du XXe siècle. / This thesis aims at studying, under the perspective of literary genres and forms, Alfred Jarry’s novels : Gestes et opinions du docteur Faustroll, pataphysicien (posth. 1911), Les Jours et les nuits (1897), L’Amour absolu (1899), Messaline (1901), Le Surmâle (1902) and La Dragonne (posth. 1932). It shows how these largely overlooked works, labelled as « novels » by their subtitles, are actually the result of transformations, hybridization and mixings of genres. First, Alfred Jarry, who began his literary career under the auspices of symbolism, plays a role in the evolution of fiction itself, by creating anti-illusionist works where dreams prevail, and which are set in an original temporality, with a non-linear structure and evanescent characters. Then, these novels are also hybrid texts: they resort to argumentation, giving birth to didactic digressions coloured with “pataphysique”, while theatricality brings about dialogues and characters which are influenced by the dramatic genre and the imaginary world of the performing arts. Finally, Alfred Jarry’s novels are contaminated by poetry at a time when the latter tends to pervade all the literary genres and when free verse emerges. Verse poems appear in the novels, and prose itself turns to poetic expression, by using images and a specific rhythm. Therefore these fictional works can be seen as the laboratory of a new generic space, undergoing a deep transformation at the turn of the nineteenth and the twentieth century.

Música-como-teatro : uma prática composicional e sua autoanálise / Music-as-theater: a compositional practice and its self-analysis

Oliveira, Heitor Martins January 2018 (has links)
A expressão compor música-como-teatro sintetiza e agrupa minhas contribuições no campo das relações entre composição musical e teatralidade, organizadas em três eixos de prática e autoanálise: 1- a situação de performance musical como espaço cênico; 2- a seleção e organização de materiais como jogo cênico e 3- estrutura e forma como encenação. A noção de compor música-como-teatro é delimitada em diálogo com: afirmativas e obras de compositores como Luciano Berio, Péter Eötvös, Gilberto Mendes, Mauricio Kagel e Georges Aperghis; as categorias teatro musical, teatro instrumental e Teatro Composto, abordadas na bibliografia sobre música de concerto pós-1960; as categorias teatralidade e dramaturgia, como discutidas em escritos de teóricos que abordam as artes cênicas. Em síntese, compositores se movem em direção ao teatro, eles compõem com materiais gestuais e visuais, gerando partituras/roteiros para performances cênico-musicais. A prática de compor música-como-teatro pressupõe a intenção expressiva de incorporar a dimensão estética de teatralidade da performance musical ao âmbito das escolhas composicionais. Avança ao adotar uma aproximação entre composição e dramaturgia: compor consiste em organizar um roteiro de ações com e sem implicação sonora concatenadas musicalmente ‒ ‒ e enquadradas em dispositivos de construção e deslizamento de sentidos narrativos. O portfólio apresenta partituras e registros audiovisuais de três peças: O Espelho (2015-2017), As Gerações dos Mortais Assemelham-se às Folhas das Árvores (2015-2017) e I saw them together ‒ I heard them together (2017) / The expression composing music-as-theater synthesizes and groups my contributions in the field of relations between musical composition and theatricality, organized into three axes of practice and self-analysis: 1- the situation of musical performance as scenic space; 2- the selection and organization of materials as scenic play; and 3- structure and form as staging. The notion of composing music-as-theater is delimited in dialogue with: stances and works of composers like Luciano Berio, Péter Eötvös, Gilberto Mendes, Mauricio Kagel and Georges Aperghis; the categories musical theater, instrumental theater and Composite Theater, addressed in the bibliography on post-1960 concert music; the categories theatricality and dramaturgy, as discussed in the writings of theorists dealing with performing arts. In synthesis, composers move towards theater, they compose with gestual and visual materials, generating scores / scripts for scenic-musical performances. The practice of composing music-as-theater presupposes the expressive intention of incorporating the aesthetic dimension of theatricality of musical performance into the scope of compositional choices. It advances by adopting an approximation between composition and dramaturgy: composing consists in organizing a script of actions with and ‒ without sound implication ‒ musically concatenated and framed in devices of construction and sliding of narrative meanings. The portfolio features scores and audiovisual recordings of three pieces: O Espelho (2015-2017), As Gerações dos Mortais Assemelham-se às Folhas das Árvores (2015-2017) e I saw them together ‒ I heard them together (2017).

A TEATRALIDADE NA OBRA DE SIRON FRANCO: uma relação entre História, Teatro e Artes Plásticas (1988 a 1999).

Gonçalves, Luiz Davi Vieira 18 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:34:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LUIZ DAVI VIEIRA GONCALVES.pdf: 5824349 bytes, checksum: 45338fcf2a4bd3fb866a5c11c8a3e091 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-18 / Siron Franco is an artist who, in addition to his pictorial work, have a vast production, such as monuments and facilities. The theater nowadays reinvents itself every day, or every time we think about the interfaces that are being produced theater, etc. created. This research work aims at a relationship between the Theatre and Arts based on the artistic process of Siron Franco. Contributing to the knowledge of specific relationships performing the work of the author investigated the theater. I want to reflect on the theatricality that was born over his career, his involvement in the theater as a director of the Martin aesthetic Ceres, causing bodily creations of actors through his pictorial research for the play and finally reflect on what are the theater and theatricality, to reflect more essence and theatricality in the work area sironiana. Therefore, identifying which features theatrical vision in the work of an actor can use Siron to the awakening of the creative imagination and spontaneous theater that can be searched from the historical process of the work of Siron Franco. / Siron Franco é um artista que, paralelamente ao seu trabalho pictórico, têm uma vasta produção de monumentos e instalações. O teatro nos tempos atuais se reinventa a cada dia, ou seja, a cada momento podemos refletir sobre as interfaces teatrais que estão sendo produzidas, criadas etc. Este trabalho visa uma investigação da relação entre o Teatro e as Artes Plásticas tendo como base o processo histórico artístico de Siron Franco. Contribuindo de forma especifica para o conhecimento das relações performáticas da obra do autor investigado com o teatro. Pretendo refletir sobre a teatralidade que foi nascendo ao longo de sua carreira, sua participação dentro do teatro enquanto diretor estético da Companhia Martim Cererê, provocando as criações corporais dos atores através de sua pesquisa pictórica para a peça e, por fim, refletir sobre o que são os teatros e a teatralidade, para refletir com mais eficácia e domínio da teatralidade na obra sironiana. Portanto, viso identificar quais recursos teatrais nas artes plásticas que ator pode utilizar para o despertar da imaginação criativa e espontânea no teatro que possam ser pesquisado a partir do processo histórico da obra do Siron Franco.

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