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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A natureza jurídica dos juros sobre o capital próprio e as convenções para evitar a dupla tributação / The nature of the interest on equity and the treaties to avoid double taxation

Lima, Mariana Miranda 13 May 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar a figura dos juros sobre o capital próprio, especialmente para definir a sua natureza jurídica e adequada qualificação no âmbito dos acordos para evitar a dupla tributação. Para tanto, além de fazermos uma digressão sobre o histórico de tal figura e os motivos da sua instituição, visando entendê-la melhor, estudamos, sob a perspectiva do Direito Tributário e também do Direito Comercial, as diferentes formas de remuneração do capital financiado por meio de capital próprio e de capital de terceiros, quais sejam: os dividendos e os juros remuneratórios. Analisamos detalhadamente as regras tributárias aplicáveis ao pagamento de juros sobre o capital próprio e também aquelas que definem a sua forma de cálculo. Comparamos as particularidades dos juros sobre o capital próprio às figuras dos dividendos e dos juros remuneratórios, de modo a definir a sua natureza jurídica como espécie de remuneração de sócios, diversa dos dividendos. Criticamos alguns aspectos das correntes atualmente existentes sobre o assunto, justificando a nossa posição. Analisamos, também, a forma adequada de qualificação dos juros sobre o capital próprio nos acordos para evitar a dupla tributação, especialmente em relação à Convenção Modelo da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE). Ao final, concluímos que, a despeito de os juros sobre o capital próprio terem natureza de remuneração de sócios diversa da figura dos dividendos, para fins de aplicação dos acordos para evitar a dupla tributação, devem ser qualificados como dividendos. / This dissertation aims at analyzing the interest on equity, especially to define its nature and proper qualification within the treaties to avoid double taxation. For this purpose, in addition to the history of the interest on equity and the reasons that justified its creation, we study, from a Corporate Law and also Tax Law standpoint, the different kinds of remuneration of equity and debt, which is: dividends and interests. We also analyze in details the tax rules applicable to the payment of the interest on equity and the ones that provide for its calculus. We compare the specificities of the interest on equity with the dividends and interests, in order to define its nature as a kind of equity remuneration, which may not be associated to dividends. In this regard, we criticize specific aspects of the existing understandings on the issue, justifying our opinion. Moreover, we analyze the proper qualification of the interest on the equity within the treaties to avoid double taxation, in particular the Model Tax Convention of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). We conclude that, even though the interest on equity is a kind of equity remuneration, which is different from the dividends, for the purposes of applying treaties to avoid double taxation, it should be qualified as dividends.

Estrutura de capital de multinacionais no Brasil após o estabelecimento de regras para thin capitalization: um experimento natural / Capital structure of multinationals in Brazil after the establishment of thin capitalization rules: a natural experiment

Alves, Denis Lima e 06 April 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho emprega métodos quantitativos a dados de Demonstrações Financeiras para avaliar a existência de relação de causalidade entre a Lei 12.249 de 11 de junho de 2010, que institui normas de subcapitalização no Brasil, e a estrutura de capital de empresas brasileiras que possuem partes vinculadas no exterior. Esta lei estabeleceu limites ao endividamento oriundo de tais partes vinculadas para que os respectivos juros pagos sejam considerados dedutíveis para fins da apuração de tributos sobre o lucro e foi usada como intervenção exógena na análise proposta. Os dados são oriundos de empresas fechadas e de empresas públicas, coletados manualmente, em jornais publicamente disponíveis, e na base de dados Economatica® e foi obtida uma amostra inicial de 2,070 observações. Após exclusão daquelas com Patrimônio Líquido negativo, restaram 1,816 observações em um painel não balanceado, subamostra usada para estimação com o método principal de investigação deste trabalho, que foi o de Diferenças-em-diferenças (DD). Neste, a variável dependente consistiu da razão entre dívida onerosa total e Ativo Total, observados anualmente no período compreendido entre o ano de 2006 e ano de 2014. Este método foi estimado por OLS seus resultados foram complementados com o pareamento de observações por meio de quatro procedimentos de propensity score matching (PSM), one-to-one, nearest neighbour, radius e kernel, em que a variável resposta consistiu da diferença, observada entre o ano de 2011 e o ano de 2009, dos valores da variável resposta descrita anteriormente. Para estimação por meio de matching, foram excluídas observações de empresas que variaram a composição societária ao longo do período de forma a possuir partes vinculadas estrangeiras em determinado momento e não possuí-las mais tarde e também foram excluídas aquelas empresas que não possuem observações durante todo o período avaliado, obtendo-se um painel balanceado com 114 empresas e 1,026 observações. O propensity score obtido foi ainda empregado para ponderar as observações no modelo previamente estimado com o método DD. As variáveis de controle empregadas tanto no DD quanto na estimação do propensity score consistiram dos valores de Ativo Imobilizado, Vendas Líquidas, Lucro Bruto e Patrimônio Líquido, obsevados anualmente e dividido pelo Ativo Total. Os resultados obtidos não foram significantes aos níveis convencionais de confiança, apontando para possível redução da relação entre dívida total e Ativo Total das empresas do grupo tratamento em valores que variaram entre 4.17% e 0.5% em termos de Ativo Total, dependendo do método e modelo estimados. Observa-se que tanto a variável resposta quanto o endividamento oneroso total das empresas de ambos os grupos parecem ter aumentado durante o período investigado, mas a variável resposta, aparentemente, já apresentava crescimento menos acentuado nas empresas do grupo tratamento antes do advento da lei, não sendo possível concluir que esta seja a causa da tendência de decréscimo da relação entre dívida e Ativo Total no grupo de empresas que possuem partes vinculadas estrangeiras. Ressalvadas as limitações do estudo, conclui-se que a lei não teve efeito sobre o endividamento total e, portanto, sem efeitos sobre a arrecadação de tributos sobre o lucro destas empresas. / This work applies quantitative methods to data from Financial Statements to assess the existence of a causal relationship between the Law 12,249 of June 11, 2010, which establishes thin capitalization rules in Brazil, and the capital structure of Brazilian companies that keep foreign related parties. This law established limits to the tax deductibility arising from interest payments to such related parties and was here employed as a source of exogenous variation to perform the proposed analysis. The data came from private and public companies, were manually collected, from publicly available newspapers, and obtained from the Economatica database. An initial sample of 2,070 observations was obtained. After the exclusion of those with negative Equity, there were 1,816 observations composing an unbalanced panel, sub-sample which was used for estimation with the main research method of this investigation, which was the Differences-in-differences (DD) method. A dependent variable consisted of the ratio between total costly debt and Total Asset, observed annually in the period between the years 2006 and 2014. This method has been estimated by OLS and its results were complemented with the pairing of companies by means of four matching methods: One-to-one, nearest neighbour, radius, and kernel, where the response variable consisted of the difference between the dependent variable\'s values observed in the years 2011 and 2009. To estimate the laws\' effects by means of matching procedures, data from companies that showed variation at the societal composition in such a way that led them to have foreign related parties in less than the whole period and from those companies that do not have data throughout the whole period evaluated were excluded, and a balanced panel with 114 companies and 1,026 observations remained. Yet again, the obtained propensity score was applied as weight for another OLS DD estimation. Control variables consisted of the values of Fixed Assets, Net Sales, Gross Profits and Shareholders\' Equity, reported annually and divided by Total Assets. The results obtained were not significant at any conventional confidence levels, nevertheless pointing to a reduction of the treatment group companies\' ratio between debt and Total Assets which varied between 4.17% and 0.5% of Total Assets, depending on the estimated method and model. It appears that the companies\' both response variable and total costly indebtedness increased during the period analysed, but the response variable seems to have already presented a less pronounced growth in the treatment group\'s companies before the existence of the law, therefore making it not possible to conclude that this legislation piece is the cause of the downward trend in the ratio between debt and Total Assets of companies that keep foreign related parties. Subject to this study\'s limitations, it is possible to conclude that the law had no effect on total indebtedness and, therefore, had no effect on profit taxes base erosion regarding this group of companies.

各國反自有資本稀釋稅制與我國採用國際會計準則後對該稅制影響之研究 / The study of anti-thin capitalization rules and the impacts of IFRS on anti-thin capitalization rules in Taiwan

李欣, Lee, Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討我國反資本稀釋稅制在國際會計準則導入後之影響,並以各國目前對於金融工具應分類為負債或權益的規定,以及相對應之股利收入與利息收入課稅方式,了解各國對防止自有資本稀釋的規範,並提出因應國際會計準則導入,我國之反自有資本稀釋條款的可能調整方向。 研究結果分為兩部分:在各國相關稅制上,主要以固定比率法作為反避稅的方法,而美國與德國則以盈餘減除法計算超額利息,英國藉由常規交易原則判斷經濟實質;導入國際會計準則影響上,主要係因具有融資性質的融資租賃分類標準從我國會計準則的規則基礎轉換為國際會計準則的原則基礎,而產生租賃交易的分類變動。另外金融工具在國際會計準則下以該工具的經濟實質予以分類,也與我國過去規定不甚相同,例如特別股、可贖回公司債或附賣回權之金融工具等。此外,對於關係人的認定方式,我國目前現行反自有資本稀釋法規亦與國際會計準則之範圍不同。這些項目在導入IFRS皆有稅法適用上是否配合改變之問題須待釐清。 / This study focused on thin capitalization rules and the impacts of adopting IFRS. It also emphasized the classification of debt and equity instruments of foreign countries, as well as the taxation issues of dividend and interest revenue, to introduce thin capitalization rules of other countries, and the available adjustment of Taiwanese thin capitalization regulation as to respond the adoption of IFRS. The conclusions of this study are divided into two parts. The first part is for other countries’ related regulations. Most countries employ fixed debt/equity ratio approach as the way of anti-avoidance. United States and Germany employ earnings stripping rules approach, while United Kingdom use arm’s length approach. The second part is for the impacts from adoption of IFRS. The impacts are mainly from finance lease and financial instruments’ classification due to the transfer from rule-based to principle-based under IFRS. In addition, financial instruments may have to reclassify with the economics substance, such as preferred stock, callable bonds, and puttable bonds, which are different from Taiwanese original rules. The definition and scope of related party in IFRS are also different and should be clarified.

Estrutura de capital de multinacionais no Brasil após o estabelecimento de regras para thin capitalization: um experimento natural / Capital structure of multinationals in Brazil after the establishment of thin capitalization rules: a natural experiment

Denis Lima e Alves 06 April 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho emprega métodos quantitativos a dados de Demonstrações Financeiras para avaliar a existência de relação de causalidade entre a Lei 12.249 de 11 de junho de 2010, que institui normas de subcapitalização no Brasil, e a estrutura de capital de empresas brasileiras que possuem partes vinculadas no exterior. Esta lei estabeleceu limites ao endividamento oriundo de tais partes vinculadas para que os respectivos juros pagos sejam considerados dedutíveis para fins da apuração de tributos sobre o lucro e foi usada como intervenção exógena na análise proposta. Os dados são oriundos de empresas fechadas e de empresas públicas, coletados manualmente, em jornais publicamente disponíveis, e na base de dados Economatica® e foi obtida uma amostra inicial de 2,070 observações. Após exclusão daquelas com Patrimônio Líquido negativo, restaram 1,816 observações em um painel não balanceado, subamostra usada para estimação com o método principal de investigação deste trabalho, que foi o de Diferenças-em-diferenças (DD). Neste, a variável dependente consistiu da razão entre dívida onerosa total e Ativo Total, observados anualmente no período compreendido entre o ano de 2006 e ano de 2014. Este método foi estimado por OLS seus resultados foram complementados com o pareamento de observações por meio de quatro procedimentos de propensity score matching (PSM), one-to-one, nearest neighbour, radius e kernel, em que a variável resposta consistiu da diferença, observada entre o ano de 2011 e o ano de 2009, dos valores da variável resposta descrita anteriormente. Para estimação por meio de matching, foram excluídas observações de empresas que variaram a composição societária ao longo do período de forma a possuir partes vinculadas estrangeiras em determinado momento e não possuí-las mais tarde e também foram excluídas aquelas empresas que não possuem observações durante todo o período avaliado, obtendo-se um painel balanceado com 114 empresas e 1,026 observações. O propensity score obtido foi ainda empregado para ponderar as observações no modelo previamente estimado com o método DD. As variáveis de controle empregadas tanto no DD quanto na estimação do propensity score consistiram dos valores de Ativo Imobilizado, Vendas Líquidas, Lucro Bruto e Patrimônio Líquido, obsevados anualmente e dividido pelo Ativo Total. Os resultados obtidos não foram significantes aos níveis convencionais de confiança, apontando para possível redução da relação entre dívida total e Ativo Total das empresas do grupo tratamento em valores que variaram entre 4.17% e 0.5% em termos de Ativo Total, dependendo do método e modelo estimados. Observa-se que tanto a variável resposta quanto o endividamento oneroso total das empresas de ambos os grupos parecem ter aumentado durante o período investigado, mas a variável resposta, aparentemente, já apresentava crescimento menos acentuado nas empresas do grupo tratamento antes do advento da lei, não sendo possível concluir que esta seja a causa da tendência de decréscimo da relação entre dívida e Ativo Total no grupo de empresas que possuem partes vinculadas estrangeiras. Ressalvadas as limitações do estudo, conclui-se que a lei não teve efeito sobre o endividamento total e, portanto, sem efeitos sobre a arrecadação de tributos sobre o lucro destas empresas. / This work applies quantitative methods to data from Financial Statements to assess the existence of a causal relationship between the Law 12,249 of June 11, 2010, which establishes thin capitalization rules in Brazil, and the capital structure of Brazilian companies that keep foreign related parties. This law established limits to the tax deductibility arising from interest payments to such related parties and was here employed as a source of exogenous variation to perform the proposed analysis. The data came from private and public companies, were manually collected, from publicly available newspapers, and obtained from the Economatica database. An initial sample of 2,070 observations was obtained. After the exclusion of those with negative Equity, there were 1,816 observations composing an unbalanced panel, sub-sample which was used for estimation with the main research method of this investigation, which was the Differences-in-differences (DD) method. A dependent variable consisted of the ratio between total costly debt and Total Asset, observed annually in the period between the years 2006 and 2014. This method has been estimated by OLS and its results were complemented with the pairing of companies by means of four matching methods: One-to-one, nearest neighbour, radius, and kernel, where the response variable consisted of the difference between the dependent variable\'s values observed in the years 2011 and 2009. To estimate the laws\' effects by means of matching procedures, data from companies that showed variation at the societal composition in such a way that led them to have foreign related parties in less than the whole period and from those companies that do not have data throughout the whole period evaluated were excluded, and a balanced panel with 114 companies and 1,026 observations remained. Yet again, the obtained propensity score was applied as weight for another OLS DD estimation. Control variables consisted of the values of Fixed Assets, Net Sales, Gross Profits and Shareholders\' Equity, reported annually and divided by Total Assets. The results obtained were not significant at any conventional confidence levels, nevertheless pointing to a reduction of the treatment group companies\' ratio between debt and Total Assets which varied between 4.17% and 0.5% of Total Assets, depending on the estimated method and model. It appears that the companies\' both response variable and total costly indebtedness increased during the period analysed, but the response variable seems to have already presented a less pronounced growth in the treatment group\'s companies before the existence of the law, therefore making it not possible to conclude that this legislation piece is the cause of the downward trend in the ratio between debt and Total Assets of companies that keep foreign related parties. Subject to this study\'s limitations, it is possible to conclude that the law had no effect on total indebtedness and, therefore, had no effect on profit taxes base erosion regarding this group of companies.

A natureza jurídica dos juros sobre o capital próprio e as convenções para evitar a dupla tributação / The nature of the interest on equity and the treaties to avoid double taxation

Mariana Miranda Lima 13 May 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar a figura dos juros sobre o capital próprio, especialmente para definir a sua natureza jurídica e adequada qualificação no âmbito dos acordos para evitar a dupla tributação. Para tanto, além de fazermos uma digressão sobre o histórico de tal figura e os motivos da sua instituição, visando entendê-la melhor, estudamos, sob a perspectiva do Direito Tributário e também do Direito Comercial, as diferentes formas de remuneração do capital financiado por meio de capital próprio e de capital de terceiros, quais sejam: os dividendos e os juros remuneratórios. Analisamos detalhadamente as regras tributárias aplicáveis ao pagamento de juros sobre o capital próprio e também aquelas que definem a sua forma de cálculo. Comparamos as particularidades dos juros sobre o capital próprio às figuras dos dividendos e dos juros remuneratórios, de modo a definir a sua natureza jurídica como espécie de remuneração de sócios, diversa dos dividendos. Criticamos alguns aspectos das correntes atualmente existentes sobre o assunto, justificando a nossa posição. Analisamos, também, a forma adequada de qualificação dos juros sobre o capital próprio nos acordos para evitar a dupla tributação, especialmente em relação à Convenção Modelo da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE). Ao final, concluímos que, a despeito de os juros sobre o capital próprio terem natureza de remuneração de sócios diversa da figura dos dividendos, para fins de aplicação dos acordos para evitar a dupla tributação, devem ser qualificados como dividendos. / This dissertation aims at analyzing the interest on equity, especially to define its nature and proper qualification within the treaties to avoid double taxation. For this purpose, in addition to the history of the interest on equity and the reasons that justified its creation, we study, from a Corporate Law and also Tax Law standpoint, the different kinds of remuneration of equity and debt, which is: dividends and interests. We also analyze in details the tax rules applicable to the payment of the interest on equity and the ones that provide for its calculus. We compare the specificities of the interest on equity with the dividends and interests, in order to define its nature as a kind of equity remuneration, which may not be associated to dividends. In this regard, we criticize specific aspects of the existing understandings on the issue, justifying our opinion. Moreover, we analyze the proper qualification of the interest on the equity within the treaties to avoid double taxation, in particular the Model Tax Convention of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). We conclude that, even though the interest on equity is a kind of equity remuneration, which is different from the dividends, for the purposes of applying treaties to avoid double taxation, it should be qualified as dividends.

反避稅租稅改革對企業租稅負擔及避稅行為之影響 / The impact of anti - avoidance tax reform on tax burden and tax avoidance

黃竑傑, Hunag, Hung Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
過往的國際租稅制度設計著重於避免雙重課稅以消除經貿交流所產生之障礙,然而當今因資訊科技快速發展使得新興商業模式興起,跨國交易手法複雜且創新,此套國際租稅制度已逐漸無法滿足當今新型態稽徵之需求,常造成各國稅捐之流失。因此,國際租稅制度的理念已由過往的避免雙重課稅轉換為現今的避免雙重不課稅,而跨國反避稅風潮也由此而生。我國於跨國反避稅浪潮中亦制定多項反避稅措施,然而其成效如何並未有相關研究文獻作全面性之檢視,因此本文以2002年至2014年台灣上市、上櫃與興櫃公司財務資料探討我國實施多年之反避稅措施對於企業租稅負擔與避稅行為之影響。 本文研究結果顯示,移轉訂價查核準則實施與簽署租稅協定將提升企業租稅負擔與降低避稅行為。由於我國企業資本弱化情形並不嚴重,因此反資本弱化條款實施對於我國企業並無顯著影響。在簽署租稅協定內含利益限制條款方面,利益限制條款並未顯著提升我國企業租稅負擔與避稅行為,究其原因,可能為我國簽署租稅協定且含利益限制條款之樣本數過少使其效果並不明顯。 / The emergence of international tax system was to reduce the burden of juridical double taxation and increase cross-border transactions. However, the new business model changed by rapid development of science and technology made taxing authorities difficult to define the substance of cross-border transactions. In this case many countries faced the fact of tax erosion, so the objective of international tax system has been changed from the elimination of double taxation to anti-avoidance measures. In order to prevent tax erosion, Taiwan’s government had legislated some anti-avoidance provisions. There is no study that research those anti-avoidance provisions whether have impact on Taiwanese enterprise. This study used Taiwanese financial information from 2002 to 2014 to investigate the tax burden and tax avoidance of enterprise after anti-avoidance provisions had been legislated. Empirical results show transfer pricing rules and tax treaties not only increase the tax burden but also decrease the tax avoidance of Taiwanese enterprise. This study find that there is no thin capitalization in Taiwan. At the end, tax treaties which involved limitation-on-benefits can’t increase the tax burden and decrease the tax avoidance of Taiwanese enterprise. Owing to few samples of tax treaties which involved limitation-on-benefits, the empirical result don’t reach the significant level.

Kapitálová přiměřenost - vliv daňových zákonů na využití cizího úročeného kapitálu / Thin Capitalization - The Influence of Tax Legislation on Employment of Debt Financing of Companies

Kočer, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out the answer to the question whether the state authorities influence the employment of debt financing of companies. First part of the work briefly summarizes the main economic theories engaged in the research on capital structure. Further are depicted approaches to thin capitalization in the European countries with focus on the Czech republic tax law dealing with the subject. The final part of the thesis demonstrates on the financial data of Czech companies from the period 2003-2008 that the state authorities influence the employment of debt in Czech companies by means of tax laws and so affect the capital structure of the companies.

反資本弱化條款對台灣跨國公司資本結構的影響 / The Impact of Anti-thin Capitalization Rules on the Capital Structure of Taiwanese Multinational Firms

賴家琪, Lai,Chia Chi Unknown Date (has links)
由於許多公司會利用資本弱化來從事跨國利潤移轉,各國政府因而相繼制定反資本弱化條款,在稅務上限縮公司可減除的利息費用,以防堵企業規避稅負。惟多數探討反資本弱化條款有效性的實證文獻,都是以地主國的觀點看外來投資。 不同於之前文獻偏重探討某一特定國家 (大多數是歐美國家) 的反資本弱化條款是否會改變其境內公司之資本結構,本文則是以居住國的觀點,探討 2008 年至 2012 年台灣電子製造業的上市公司與其國內外關係企業的資本結構,是否會受到其所在國的反資本弱化條款影響。另外,基於內部債務和外部債務間的替代性,本文進一步將負債區分為內部債務與外部債務,以期能更細部了解公司的融資行為。 本文共分為四個模型:以模型一、二分析反資本弱化條款對公司內部債務的影響;以模型三、四分析反資本弱化條款對公司外部債務的影響。實證結果發現,處罰方式若為重分類為股利,會造成公司的內部債務比率下降15.45%,外部債務比率上升 27.66%。而安全港比率中的分子若指所有負債,會造成公司的外部債務比率下降 14%。此外,反資本弱化條款的施行對公司外部債務比率的影響取決於處罰方式和安全港比率中負債的定義。最後,若安全港比率的分子僅指關係人間負債,公司仍可透過增加外部債務的方式,繼續享受利息費用的稅盾效果。 / Because many companies shift their profits through debt financing, governments had imposed anti-thin capitalization rules one after another to limit the tax deductibility of interest expenses. However, most empirical researches on the effectiveness of the anti-thin capitalization rules are from host countries perspectives. Different from previous literature focusing on how the anti-thin capitalization rule of one country affects capital structures of companies in that country, this paper is from a home country perspective to analyze the effects of the anti-thin capitalization rules on capital structures of Taiwanese listed companies (Electronics manufacturing industry) and their affiliates over the period 2008-2012. This paper subdivides debt into internal debt and external debt on account of the substitution between them so that it would help us to understand financing behavior of companies in depth. Model 1 and Model 2 are to investigate how anti-thin capitalization rules affect internal debt of companies. Model 3 and Model 4 are to investigate how anti-thin capitalization rules affect external debt of companies. The findings indicate that reclassifying excess interest as dividends reduces a company’s internal debt ratio by 15.45% and increases its external debt ratio by 27.66%. Defining the numerator of the safe haven ratio as total debt reduces a company’s external debt ratio by 14%. Moreover, how the enforcement of the anti-thin capitalization rule affects a company’s external debt ratio depends on the penalty and the definition of the debt measure in the numerator of the safe haven ratio. Finally, if the numerator of the safe haven ratio refers to related-parties debt, a company may still make good use of the tax shields of interest expenses by increasing external debt.

反租稅規避制度對利潤移轉之影響 -以台灣上市電子工業在境外設立子公司為例 / Impact of anti-tax avoidance regimes on the profit shifting-Evidence from the listed electronic industries in Taiwan investing on subsidiaries abroad

顏瀅庭 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的趨勢之下,國際分工不可避免地成為跨國公司運作的趨勢。2013年2月,OECD發布《處理稅基侵蝕及利潤移轉》的報告表示,跨國公司利潤移轉策略的採取被認為是稅基侵蝕的主要原因。基於BEPS已經成為各國非常重視的議題,世界各國也為了保全稅基及防杜利潤移出,紛紛訂出反制措施。這些反制措施是否能遏制利潤不當的移動,是一個值得重視議題。惟目前學術文獻上並未有一篇全面盤點這些反制措施及地主國租稅制度對利潤移轉的影響。 故本篇研究以2005年至2012年台灣電子工業作為研究對象,利用橫斷面及時間序列的追蹤資料 (panel data) 之隨機模型做估計,探討台灣跨國公司之電子業海外子公司的利潤移轉是否會受到租稅規避行為的影響。結果顯示,利潤移轉會受到以下四種國際租稅規避工具所影響,分別是地主國是否有移轉訂價的規範、是否有預先移轉訂價規範、是否有反資本弱化條款以及地主國是否為租稅天堂。

Antivengiminių priemonių teisinis reglamentavimas ir jo praktinio taikymo problemos / Anti-avoidance measures in legal regulation and its practical application problems

Zaicevaitė, Neringa 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas - Lietuvos Respublikos norminiuose mokesčių teisės aktuose įtvirtintos prieš mokesčių vengimą nukreiptos normos: jų doktrininis aiškinimas bei analizė, jų taikymas mokestinius ginčus nagrinėjančių institucijų praktikoje. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas turinio viršenybės prieš formą principui, kaip bendrajai prieš mokesčių vengimą nukreiptai normai ir specialiosioms antivengiminėms priemonėms – pajamų arba išmokų apibūdinimo iš naujo (plonos kapitalizacijos – angl. thin capitalization) taisyklėms, kontroliuojamųjų užsienio vienetų apmokestinimo taisyklėms, sandorių kainodaros (angl. transfer pricing) taisyklėms, ūkinių operacijų, atliekamų su tikslinėse teritorijose registruotais asmenimis, apmokestinimas. Darbo tikslai - išanalizuoti antivengiminių priemonių teisinį reglamentavimą bei atskleisti jo praktinio taikymo problemas. Darbo uždaviniai: atskleisti turinio viršenybės prieš formą principo įtvirtinimo įstatyme istorinę raidą; išanalizuoti jį įtvirtinančias teisės normas, atskleisti mokesčių vengimo kaip teisės pažeidimo sudėties analizę, o taip pat pateikti turinio viršenybės prieš formą principo taikymo tvarką mokesčių administratoriui apskaičiuojant mokėtinus mokesčius; išnagrinėti Lietuvos Respublikos mokesčių teisės aktuose įtvirtintas specialiąsias antivengimines normas, identifikuoti jas, suformuluoti ir išanalizuoti atskirų priemonių, nukreiptų prieš mokesčių vengimą, sampratą, pasitelkiant teisinį reglamentavimą, atskleisti jų turinį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the master thesis – norms, which are embeded in Lithuanian Republic tax laws and which are against tax avoidance: their doctrinal explanation and analysis, their practical appliance in a light of institutions, which solve taxing disputes. Main consideration is paid to substance over form principle, which is a general anti-avoidance rule and to specific anti-avoidance rules – thin capitalization rules, controlled foreign corporations imposition rules, transfer pricing rules, transactions with organizations, which operate in tax-heavens, imposition. The two objectives of this dissertation are as follows: to analyse anti-avoidance measures embeded in tax laws and unfold their practical implication problems. In order to reach the goal, further tasks were set: to unfold substance over form principles historical embedment evolution in laws; to analyse law rules, which embed this principle, to unfold tax avoidance composition as violation of law analysis and also to present the order of substance over form principle application, when tax authority has to impose a tax; to study special anti-avoidance rules, which are infixed in Lithuanian Republic tax laws, identify these rules, formulate and analyse seperate definitions of measures pointed against tax avoidance, conception, by employing law rules, to unfold their substance; to estimate relationship between general and specific anti-avoidance rules; to analyse and structure practice of institutions, which solve taxing... [to full text]

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