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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimala antalet användare i en användbarhetsutvärdering : En undersökning om hur många användare som bör vara med i en användbarhetsutvärdering för att uppnå mättnad och ett gott resultat.

Karlsson, Aurora January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att belysa frågan om hur många användare det behövdes för att uppnå en viss mättnad i en användbarhetsutvärdering för en specifik flash-applikation kallad My Garden. De aspekter som låg till grund för denna uppsats var brytpunkten i ökningen av unika fynd i korrelation med höga procentsatser. Med hjälp av den formativa utvärderingen och analysen av denna gick det sedan att ta reda på vilka problem (så kallade fynd) som upplevdes av användarna i gränssnittet. Resultatet av analysen resulterade i 95 unika fynd i tio användbarhetsutvärderingar. Resultatet visade följaktligen att för denna sorts utvärdering behövdes sju användare för att uppnå 93 % av alla unika fynd som hittades och därmed uppnå en slags mättnad i avklingandet av hittade unika fynd. / The purpose of this report was to highlight the issue of how many people are needed to reach a certain level of saturation in a usability evaluation of a specific flash application called My Garden. The aspects that formed the basis of this study were the breakpoint in the growth of unique findings in correlation with high percentages. The help of the formative evaluation and the analysis made it possible to find out what kind of problems (so called findings) the users experienced within the interface. The results of the analysis resulted in 95 unique findings in ten usability evaluations. The results showed consequently that for this kind of evaluation seven users where needed to reach 93 % of all unique findings and thereby achieve a kind of saturation in the unwinding of the findings of unique findings.

Att öka användbarheten på en webbplats : Utvärdering och test av ett makeup-företags webbplats i anpassning till deras målgrupp med tänkbara förbättringsförslag / How to improve the usability on a website : Evaluation and testing of a makeup-brand’s website in adapting to their target users with potential improvement suggestions

Franzén, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Viva la Diva är ett Svenskt makeup-varumärke som nyligen har lanserat sin nya webbplats. Denna webbplats har inte blivit testad på deras slutanvändare eller målgrupp. Genom att använda en heuristisk utvärdering och 12 Think aloud-tester har flera användbarhetsproblem upptäckts där designen behöver förbättringar. Senare i rapporten presenteras några förbättringsförslag om hur användarupplevelsen kan förbättras på webbplatsen, men också hur problemen som jag fann under utvärderingen och Think aloud-testerna kan lösas. Jag tillhandahåller också för Viva la Diva ett designförslag för en av deras sidor som inte är helt färdig i designen. Detta arbete ger insikt i hur man kan använda en heuristisk utvärdering och Think aloudtester för att upptäcka användbarhetsproblem på webbplatser. / Viva la Diva is a Swedish makeup-brand that has recently launched their new website. This website has not been tested with their end-users or target users. By using a heuristic evaluation and 12 Think aloud-tests several user problems have been discovered where the design needs improvements. Later in the article I present some suggestions on how to improve the user experience on the website, as well as fix the problems that I found during the evaluation and Think aloud-tests. I also provide Viva la Diva with a design suggestion for one of their pages that is not completely finished in the design. This work provides insights on how to use a heuristic evaluation and Think aloud-tests to discover usability problems on websites.

Využití eye-trackingu k analýze strategií volených žáky při řešení problémových úloh z chemie / The Use of Eye-tracking for Analysing the Strategies Students Use when Solving Chemistry Problem Tasks

Tóthová, Martina January 2019 (has links)
In the thesis, results of a research focused on monitoring strategies used by students during problem solving are presented. It follows previous studies conducted with the use of think- aloud method. Due to limitations of this method, an eye-camera is used. The record of the camera is used not only to analyse student's problem-solving process, but also as a tool eliminating one of the RTA limits - inaccuracies due to forgetting. The strategies were investigated among economics-oriented vocational school students in the first grade. They solved indicator tasks from the Methodical Comments and Tasks for Educational Standards in Lower-Secondary Education. The research sample was selected based on a pre-test composed of the selected tasks. According to the results, the students were divided into four categories, two students of each category were selected for the research. They solved a second set of the tasks. Based on eye-tracking and think-aloud data, their problem- solving processes were mapped and false-positive results were eliminated. The research results show that the students used the most expansive strategies, mainly work with the periodical table. However, in most cases, these strategies did not lead to a correct solution, due to the students' problems during solving. In these cases, they...

Beslutsprocesser vid näthandel : Fyra narrativ

Gärdén, Annika January 2020 (has links)
Människor fattar inte alltid optimala och rationella beslut, och det finns olika teorier som förklarar dessa mer irrationella beslutsprocesser. Naturalistiskt beslutsfattande handlar om att undersöka hur människor faktiskt fattar beslut i verkliga situationer. Studien ämnade att kvalitativt undersöka hur beslutsprocessen vid näthandel av kläder och skor kan se ut. I studien ingick fyra personer i åldrarna 19 till 36 år. Studien bestod av två delar; en observationsdel där deltagaren skulle leta upp ett plagg hen skulle vilja köpa, samtidigt som hen tänkte högt med think aloud-metoden, samt en avslutande intervjudel med öppna intervjufrågor. Tran- skriberingarna analyserades med en narrativ analys. Studien resulterade i fyra olika berättelser och beslutsprocesser; en om att shoppa utifrån behov och intresse, en om att söka information, en om att shoppa under kort tid och impulsivt och en om att shoppa under kort tid och vara obeslutsam länge. Det visade att beslutsprocessen vid näthandel inte var enbart rationell och bland annat påverkades av hur deltagarna hanterade den stora mängden information de fick på nätet, vilken motivation de hade till shoppingen samt vilket mål de hade med den. Näthandel verkade dessutom innefatta mer än att bara göra ett köp. Att undersöka en så komplex process genom naturalistiskt beslutsfattande kan alltså ge unika insikter. / People do not always make optimal and rational choices, and there are different theories that explain more irrational decision-making processes. Naturalistic decision-making concerns how people make decisions in real life situations. This qualitative study aims to explore what the decision-making process may look like in online shopping of clothes and shoes. The study consisted of four people aged 19 to 36 years old. The procedure contained two parts; one observational study, where the participant was instructed to search for and find an item of clothing online that they would like to buy, while thinking aloud with the think-aloud method, and a final interview part with open-ended questions. The transcriptions were then analysed with a narrative analysis. This resulted in four different stories and decision-making processes; one about shopping out of needs as well as spontaneous interests, one about searching for information, one about shopping impulsively and intensely and one about shopping for a short amount of time but being indecisive for a long time. The decision-making process in online shopping was found to not be solely rational and was, among other things, influenced by how the participants handled the large amount of information they received online as well as their motivation for and goals with the shopping. Furthermore, the objective with the participants’ shopping was found to be more than to just make a purchase. This indicates that examining such a complex process through naturalistic decision making can give unique insights.

Developing a psychological model of end-users' experience with news Web sites

Aranyi, Gabor January 2012 (has links)
The primary aim of the research project presented in this thesis was to develop and test a comprehensive psychological model of interaction experience with news Web sites. Although news media have been publishing on the Web increasingly since the second half of the 1990s and news sites have become a favoured source of news for many, there is a lack of knowledge about news sites in terms of interaction-experience constructs and their structural relationships. The project aimed to examine people’s use of news sites from the perspective of interaction-experience research by developing a model and, based on this model, to provide guidance for designers of news sites. The project comprises three research phases: (1) exploratory phase, (2) modelling phase and (3) experimental phase. In the exploratory phase, a review of literature and an exploratory study of interaction experience with news Web sites were conducted. The latter explored how users of a particular news site interact with the site and which aspects of their experience they report. Data for the exploratory study were collected with an online questionnaire and by recording participants’ use of a news site under think-aloud instructions. In the modelling phase, an online questionnaire was used to collect answers to psychometric scales that were selected based on the literature review and the exploratory study. A measurement model was formulated to test the relationship between measurement items and the measurement scales, and structural models were formulated to test hypotheses related to the structural relationships of variables. Following the test results, a model of interaction experience with news sites was formulated to predict outcome measures of interaction experience from variables measuring aspects of interaction experience. Components of interaction experience, in turn, were predicted from measures of perceived news-site characteristics. In the experimental phase, an experiment was conducted to test the model of interaction experience with news sites in a controlled setting. Additionally, measures of person- and context characteristics were included in the prediction of components of interaction experience. The model of interaction experience with news sites was supported and accounted for a medium to substantial amount of variance in outcome measures. Finally, design guidance was derived from the model to advance interaction-experience knowledge, and conclusions were drawn regarding the model, in relation to existing research.

Reading Strategies of Good and Average Bilingual Readers of Chinese and Spanish Backgrounds

Quiroz, Geissel 24 June 2014 (has links)
The current study examined the reading strategies of 19 bilingual undergraduate students who varied in reading proficiency (good or average) and language background (Chinese or Spanish). Using the think-aloud method, students’ reading strategies were measured and compared to determine whether strategy use differed as a function of reading proficiency, language background, and/or text level. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted to corroborate the findings obtained from the think-aloud protocols. Results from this study suggest that reading proficiency affects strategy use at the syntactic level, whereas language background affects strategy use at the vocabulary level. These findings have significant implications in education, particularly in the area of English language teaching. Students should be encouraged to use their first language reading skills when reading English text, as it facilitates their comprehension and improves their English literacy development.

Ett tryggt rum eller ett sluttande plan? : Lärarstudenter tänker högt kring kulturrelativism och universalism / A safe space or a slippery slope? : Teacher students think aloud about cultural relativism and universalism

Malm, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Denna studiens huvudsakliga syfte har varit att undersöka hur kulturrelativism och universalism ”översätts” av “vardagsmänniskor”. I detta fall har intresset riktats mot lärarstudenters perceptioner av könsuppdelad undervisning i en friskolekontext. Studiens sekundära syfte har varit att undersöka hur väl det metodologiska tillvägagångssättet, think-aloud, kan besvara frågor med en inneboende etisk problematik, likt denna. Med andra ord; kan metodologin på ett rättvisande sätt belysa intervjupersoners tänkande kring detta slags frågor? Datainsamlingen har genomförts med hjälp av tio standardiserade think-aloud sessioner där respondenterna fått läsa en vinjett och sedan instruerats att diskutera innehållet högt (”tänka högt”) utifrån ett värdegrundsperspektiv. I studien har två olika vinjetter inkluderats varav den ena representerar könsuppdelning i en muslimsk friskola och den andra könsuppdelning i en kristen friskola, vilka har fördelats jämnt om fem var på de tio medverkande lärarstudenterna. Resultatet visar att de olika kontexterna varit avgörande för hur studenterna tolkar könsuppdelning, där den muslimska kontexten har problematiserats genom ett mer kulturrelativistisk, ”förlåtande” synsätt, medan den kristna friskolan bedömts vara icke-legitim i sitt agerande. / The main aim of this study has been to investigate how culture relativism and universalism are "translated" into the life of "everyday people". In this case, the focus has been directed towards teacher students' perceptions of gender-divided education in a private school. The secondary purpose of the study has been to investigate how well the methodological procedure, think-aloud, can answer questions with an inherent ethical problem, like this. In other words: can the methodology in a fair way illustrate interviewees thinking about this kind of questions? The collection of data has been carried out through ten standardized think-aloud sessions, where the students have been instructed to read a vignette (small text) and then think-aloud about its content from a value-based perspective. In the study, two different vignettes have been included, one of which represents gender divisions in a Muslim private school and the second represents gender division in a Christian private school. The vignettes have been divided evenly among the ten participating teacher students. The result has demonstrated that the different contexts have been decisive for how the students interpret gender-division, where the Muslim context is assessed by a more cultural relativistic, and ”forgiving” approach, while the Christian context is judged to be non-legitimate in its actions.

To buy and what to buy? : the study of consumer behaviour on the Internet / Att köpa och vad att köpa?

Kozlova, Tatjana, Tytarenko, Olga January 2009 (has links)
<p>The process that consumers go through while buying something is called consumer buying process and has been studied for a long time. Three stages of the Five-Stage Model (Kotler, 2006) provide a starting point for analysis in this paper and the reason of using this model is to make collected data more structured and easier for understanding. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze costumer buying process online.The method for data collection applied in this study is called “think-aloud” that means participants are verbalizing their screen activity and thoughts during the process of observation. The results of this research show that consumer buying process online is a complex process that is influenced by the amount and intensity of information received during the process as well as consumer knowledge and experience on the area of problem. The sequence of the stages proposed by the research model can vary depending on the preferences of consumer and readiness to make a decision.</p>

Not on the same page: undergraduates' information retrieval in electronic and print books

Hoffmann, Kristin, Dawson, Diane, Berg, Selinda Adelle January 2010 (has links)
Academic libraries are increasingly collecting e-books, but little research has investigated how students use e-books compared to print texts. This study used a prompted think-aloud method to gain an understanding of the information retrieval behavior of students in both formats. Qualitative analysis identified themes that will inform instruction and collection practices. / Selinda Adelle Berg, Clinical Medicine Librarian, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, sberg@uwindsor.ca; Kristin Hoffmann, Head, Research & Instructional Services, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, khoffma8@uwo.ca; Diane Dawson, Natural Sciences Liaison Librarian, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, diane.dawson@usask.ca


Kosloski, Jessica S. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Academic difficulties are well-documented among children with ADHD. Exploring these difficulties through story comprehension research has revealed deficits among children with ADHD in making causal connections between events, and using causal structure and thematic importance when recalling stories. Important to theories of story comprehension and implied in these deficits is the ability to make inferences. Often, characters’ goals are implicit and explanations of events must be inferred. The purpose of the present study was to compare the ability of 7- to 11-year-old children with ADHD and their comparison peers to make inferences during story comprehension. Children watched two televised stories, each paused at five points. In the experimental condition, at each pause children told what they were thinking about the story, whereas in the control condition no responses were made during pauses. After viewing, children recalled the story. Several types of inferences and accuracy of inferences were coded. Children with ADHD generated fewer of the most essential inferences, accurate coherence inferences, than did comparison children, both during story processing and during story recall. The groups did not differ on production of other types of inferences. Generating fewer coherence inferences has important implications for story comprehension deficits in children with ADHD.

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