Spelling suggestions: "subject:"third generation"" "subject:"nhird generation""
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Study and Design of a DC-DC Converter for Third Generation Solar CellsLange, Sturla January 2018 (has links)
The perceived battery capacity of battery-powered devices can be increased by harvesting energy from readily available sources. Third generation solar cells are a good candidate for this purpose since they can be integrated with these battery-powered devices and harvest power from diffused light. For a single third generation solar cell to be useful in the context of charging a Lithium based battery, the voltage must be increased tenfold. To increase this perceived battery capacity as much as possible, efficiency is crucial. In this thesis, DCDC converter topologies and designs are studied from a system design perspective. The specifications of a converter suitable for interfacing Dye-Sensitised Solar Cells with Lithium batteries are described and a market research is conducted based on those specifications. A comparison of the available commercial solutions is presented, highlighting the most suitable options. However, none of the commercial solutions met the specifications to the full extent. The design process of two DC-DC converters is presented, one is a Boost converter operating in Continuous Conduction Mode and the other is a Boost converter operating in Discontinuous Conduction Mode. A comparison of the two designs highlights the advantages of operating the Boost converter in Discontinuous Conduction Mode when interfaced with a Dye-Sensitised Solar Cell. The design with a Boost converter operating in Discontinuous Conduction Mode has an efficiency of 80.3 % and is capable of tracking the Maximum Power Point of the Dye-Sensitised Solar Cell. / Den uppfattade batterikapaciteten hos batteridrivna enheter kan ökas genom att skörda energi från lättillgängliga källor. Tredje generationens solceller är en bra kandidat för detta ändamål eftersom de kan integreras med dessa batteridrivna enheter och skörda ström från spritt ljus. För att en enda tredje generationens solcell ska vara användbar i samband med laddning av ett litiumbaserat batteri måste spänningen ökas tiofaldigt. För att öka denna uppfattade batterikapacitet så mycket som möjligt är effektiviteten avgörande. I denna avhandling studeras topologier och strategier för DC-DC-omvandlare från ett systemdesignperspektiv. Specifikationerna för en omvandlare som är lämplig för att ansluta Dye-sensitized solceller med litiumbatterier beskrivs och en marknadsundersökning utförs utifrån dessa specifikationer. En jämförelse av de tillgängliga kommersiella lösningarna presenteras och belyser de lämpligaste alternativen. Ingen av de kommersiella lösningarna uppfyllde emellertid specifikationerna i sin helhet. Designprocessen för två DC-DComvandlare presenteras, en Boost-omvandlare som arbetar i kontinuerligt ledande läge och en Boost-omvandlare som arbetar i diskontinuerligt ledande läge. En jämförelse av de två designerna belyser fördelarna med att driva Boost-omvandlaren i diskontinuerligt ledningsläge när den kopplats till en färgkänslig solcell. Konstruktionen med en Boostomvandlare som arbetar i diskontinuerlig ledningsläge har en effektivitet på 80.3 % och kan spåra den maximala effektpunkten för solcellen.
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Prévalence, description et facteurs de risque de l’antibiorésistance dans les fermes québécoises de bovins laitiersMassé, Jonathan 10 1900 (has links)
La résistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM) est un problème de santé publique mondial avec des répercussions importantes en médecine vétérinaire et humaine. Elle est classiquement associée à une surutilisation des antimicrobiens. Les bactéries commensales des animaux et des humains, tel Escherichia coli, sont souvent utilisées comme bactéries indicatrices pour surveiller la RAM. Parmi les mécanismes de résistance de E. coli, la production de β-lactamases à spectre étendue (BLSE) ou de type AmpC est particulièrement inquiétante. Ces enzymes peuvent inactiver une classe d’antimicrobien de très haute importance en santé humaine également utilisée en médecine vétérinaire : les céphalosporines de 3e génération. La prévalence générale de la RAM ainsi que la présence de E. coli producteur de BLSE/AmpC dans les troupeaux laitiers québécois sont inconnues. De plus, la transmission de ces bactéries résistantes et les facteurs de risque associés à leurs excrétions par les bovins laitiers sont actuellement peu documentés. L’objectif général de cette thèse était d’explorer la RAM par une étude transversale observationnelle sur des fermes québécoises de bovins laitiers sélectionnées aléatoirement (n = 101). La première étape du projet constituait à décrire la prévalence de cette RAM pour la bactérie E. coli isolée des matières fécales des animaux (vaches en lactation, veaux pré-sevrage) et de l’environnement (fosse à fumier). La prévalence de RAM observée pour les E. coli indicateurs était faible (<5%) pour les antimicrobiens de très haute importance en médecine humaine (céphalosporines de 3e génération et fluoroquinolones). Cependant, il y avait une prévalence élevée (85%) de fermes avec la présence d’au moins un E. coli producteur de BLSE/AmpC. La RAM était particulièrement importante pour les E. coli isolés chez les veaux pré-sevrage. Pour la deuxième étape, cette RAM était analysée au niveau génétique par le séquençage du génome entier des E. coli les plus résistants. La grande majorité de la RAM (>95%) était expliquée par des mutations ou des gènes de résistance. Certains de ceux-ci étaient à proximité l’un de l’autre et leur configuration laissait supposer qu’une partie de ces gènes étaient présents sur des éléments génétiques mobiles. De plus, il y avait une dissémination clonale de E. coli résistant entre les fermes. La dernière étape constituait à déterminer des facteurs de risque (utilisation des antimicrobiens ou pratiques à la ferme) de la RAM. Grâce à des analyses multivariées utilisant l’intelligence artificielle, il a été possible d’observer des facteurs de risque significatifs associés à la taille de la ferme et à la santé des animaux. Bref, un portrait de la situation de la RAM est maintenant établi dans les troupeaux de bovins laitiers du Québec pour 2017. Il s’agit d’un phénomène complexe qui ne se limite pas simplement à un lien direct avec l’utilisation des antimicrobiens. Ces travaux serviront de bases pour suivre l’évolution temporelle de la RAM. De plus, des études prospectives pourraient être réalisées afin de confirmer les impacts des observations notées dans cette thèse. L’ensemble de ces informations seront déterminantes en vue d’établir des mesures concrètes pour tenter de limiter cette importante problématique. / Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global public health problem with major repercussions in both veterinary and human medicine. It is classically associated with the overuse of antimicrobials. Animal and human commensal bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, are often used as indicator bacteria to monitor AMR. Among the resistance mechanisms of E. coli, the production of an extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) or AmpC-type is of particular concern. These enzymes can inactivate a class of antimicrobials of great importance in human health also used in veterinary medicine: third-generation cephalosporins. The overall prevalence of AMR and the presence of ESBL/AmpC-producing E. coli are unknown in Québec dairy herds. Furthermore, the transmission of these resistant bacteria and the risk factors associated with their excretion by dairy cattle are currently poorly documented. The overall objective of this thesis was to explore AMR through an observational cross-sectional study on randomly selected Québec dairy farms (n = 101). The first step of the project was to describe the prevalence of AMR for E. coli isolated from animal feces (lactating cows, pre-weaned calves) and the environment (manure pit). The prevalence of AMR observed for indicator E. coli was low (<5%) for antimicrobials of very high importance in human medicine (third-generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones). However, there was a high prevalence (85%) of farms with at least one ESBL/AmpC-producing E. coli. AMR was particularly high for E. coli isolated from pre-weaned calves. In the second step, AMR was analyzed at the genetic level by whole genome sequencing of the most resistant E. coli isolates. The vast majority of AMR (>95%) was explained by mutations or resistance genes. Some of these were in close proximity to each other, and their configuration suggested that some of these genes were present on mobile genetic elements. In addition, there was clonal dissemination of resistant E. coli between farms. The final step was to identify risk factors (antimicrobial use or farm practices) for AMR. Using artificial intelligence methods for multivariate analyses, it was possible to identify significant risk factors associated with farm size and the health of animals. In summary, our results provide a portrait of the AMR situation in Québec dairy herds. This complex phenomenon is not simply limited to a direct link with antimicrobial use. This work will serve as a baseline for monitoring the temporal evolution of AMR. In addition, prospective studies could be carried out to confirm the impacts of the observations noted in this thesis. All this information will be decisive in establishing concrete measures to try and limit this major problem.
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[pt] Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar as estratégias
de marketing
implementadas pela Oi, a terceira entrante no mercado
brasileiro de telefonia móvel,
desde o seu pré-lançamento comercial até junho de 2004
para identificar os aspectos
que tiveram influência nos resultados alcançados na
penetração do mercado da telefonia
móvel. Apesar da forte retração da atividade econômica
observada no Brasil nos últimos
anos, particularmente de 2002 a meados de 2004, a planta
de telefonia móvel registrou
significativa expansão, superando à da telefonia fixa (em
2003) e chegando a 59,7
milhões de linhas em outubro de 2004. O desempenho
operacional da Oi nos 12
primeiros meses de atuação tornou-se um caso de sucesso,
reconhecido por analistas
americanos e europeus, tendo conseguido em apenas 24 meses
de operações cerca de
21% do market share na sua região de atuação. Baseados no
tratamento dos dados e
informações coletadas através das entrevistas realizadas
com os dirigentes, e da
investigação documental dos relatórios da própria empresa
e da Telemar, sua
controladora, e de pesquisas externas, em publicações,
estudos, relatórios e web sites;
verificou-se que grande parte desse sucesso deveu-se
principalmente às estratégias de
marca, de inovação, do processo de distribuição, e a
figura do pré-pago. / [en] The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the
marketing strategies
implemented by Oi, the first third new commer in the
Brazilian wireless marketplace,
as of the business pre-launch up to July, 2004, to
identify which enabled the Company
to achieve that performance. Despite the strong retraction
of the economic activity in
Brazil for the latest years, mainly from 2002 up to mid
2004, the wireless
telecommunications plant recorded a significant expansion,
outdoing the wireline
telecommunications (2003) and attaining 59.7 million of
telephone lines in October,
2004. The performance of Oi in the first 12 months of
operations became a success,
acknowledged by American and European analysts,
considering that in one year of
operations the Company obtained approximately 21% of the
market share in its segment
of operations. Based on the processing of the data and of
the information gathered by
means of interviews carried out with directors, on the
document research into the reports
of the Company and of the Parent Company, Telemar, as well
as based on the external
researches into publications, studies, reports and
websites; we noted that most of the
success of the Company results mainly from the marketing
strategies, from the
innovations in the distribution process and from the use
of the pre-paid mobile phone to
develop price strategies.
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Fragebogen zur Identifikation von Wissensbarrieren in Organisationen (WiBa)Hopf, Susanne 14 December 2009 (has links)
Das vorliegende Instrument – der Fragebogen zur Identifikation von Wissensbarrieren (WiBa) – misst den Umgang mit Wissen und Wissensbarrieren in Organisationen. Es lehnt sich in seiner Struktur an die Bausteine des Wissensmanagements von Probst, Raub und Romhardt (1997, 2006) an, die eine Art Lebenslauf von Wissen abbilden. Die 14 Skalen des Fragebogens decken die Themenfelder transaktives Wissen, Informationsverlust, interne Wissensbeschaffung, externe Wissensbeschaffung, Bedeutung von Wissensmanagement, Informationsspeicherung, Betriebsblindheit und mangelnde Aufmerksamkeit, mangelhafte Darstellung und Missverständnisse, Misstrauen und Mikropolitik, Übergabeprozesse, Informationsfluss, Kommunikationsklima, Lernkultur sowie Verbesserungsbedarf ab. Neben geschlossenen Fragen (Ratingskala, siebenstufig) gibt es auch einige offene Fragen. Der WiBa-Fragebogen sieht sich als Beitrag zur so genannten dritten Generation des Wissensmanagements. Auf Grund der Entwicklung unserer Gesellschaft von einer Produktions- zu einer Wissensgesellschaft gilt Wissen als die zentrale Ressource eines Unternehmens, die in der Regel noch nicht optimal ausgeschöpft wird. Zur Verbesserung werden oft gängige Wissensmanagement-Standardmaßnahmen blind ergriffen, die die vorhandenen Schwächen nicht im Kern treffen und daher auch ihre Wirkung nicht entfalten. Stattdessen ist die Entwicklung passgenauer, auf die aktuellen Bedürfnisse des Unternehmens abgestimmter Maßnahmen notwendig. Der WiBa-Fragebogen ermöglicht die dafür erforderliche Bestimmung des Ist-Zustandes im Umgang mit Wissen, indem er ein Stärken- und Schwächenprofil ausgibt. Er schließt damit eine Lücke in der bisherigen Landschaft der Diagnostik-Instrumente. Neben den Ergebnissen von explorativen Experten-Interviews flossen auch Erkenntnisse aus der Forschungsliteratur und ausgewählte Fragen aus anderen Instrumenten in die Item-Generierung ein. Im Rahmen von drei Erhebungswellen wurden insgesamt 1.256 Mitarbeiter mit dem WiBa-Fragebogen befragt. Das nun vorliegende Instrument ist objektiv, reliabel und valide. Insbesondere eine umfangreiche Prüfung der Kriteriums- und Konstruktvalidität konnte durch die Hinzunahme von anderen Erhebungsinstrumenten (zu den Themenfeldern Arbeitszufriedenheit, Arbeitsbeschreibung, Organisationskultur und Vorgesetztenverhalten) und durch Prüfung von Zusammenhängen mit demografischen Variablen und Unternehmensmerkmalen erreicht werden. Die stichprobenstarken Erhebungen führten dazu, dass ein erster Grundstock an Benchmark-Werte vorliegt. / The Questionnaire for the Identification of Knowledge Barriers (WiBa) measures the handling of knowledge within companies and organizations. The WiBa-questionnaire’s structure is inspired by the knowledge cycle of Probst, Raub and Romhardt (1997, 2006) which describes a lifecycle of knowledge. The fourteen scales include the topics: transactive knowledge, loss of information, internal knowledge acquisition, external knowledge acquisition, meaning of knowledge management, storage of information, professional blindness and lack of awareness, poor description and misunderstanding, mistrust and micropolitics, handover processes, information flow, climate of communication, learning culture and need for improvement. The questionnaire primarily includes questions rated on a seven point scale but also a small number of open questions. The WiBa-questionnaire is part of the so called third generation of knowledge management: Because our society has changed from a production-based to a knowledge-based society, knowledge is one of the most important resources for companies. Yet it is frequently not used as effectively as it could be. In trying to alleviate this, companies often blindly implement standard actions that do not exactly match the companies’ needs and therefore do not work. Instead it is crucial to implement actions that precisely fit the weaknesses and particularities of the company. In order to do that, an analysis of the actual handling of knowledge in the company is needed – this can be done by the WiBa-questionnaire. The output of this questionnaire consists of a profile of knowledge-strengths and knowledge-weaknesses. The questionnaire thereby closes a gap among in the currently available diagnostic tools. There were three sources for the development of items: first, explorative expert interviews, second, results from research and third, other questionnaires. In the sequence of three surveys a total of 1.256 employees took part. The WiBa-questionnaire is objective, reliable and valid. Especially criteria-validity and construct-validity were proven by checking the interrelations with other questionnaires (work satisfaction, work description, organizational culture and behavior of the superior) and with demographic variables and attributes of the company. Because of the large number of participants in the surveys, there is a basis of benchmark data available.
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Applications of Adaptive Antennas in Third-Generation Mobile Communications SystemsLau, Buon Kiong January 2002 (has links)
Adaptive antenna systems (AAS's) are traditionally of interest only in radar and sonar applications. However, since the onset of the explosive growth in demand for wireless communications during the 1990's, researchers are giving increasing attention to the use of AAS technology to overcome practical challenges in providing the service. The main benefit of the technology lies in its ability to exploit the spatial domain, on top of the temporal and frequency domains, to improve on transceiver performance. This thesis presents a unified study on two classes of preprocessing techniques for uniform circular arrays (UCA's). UCA's are of interest because of their natural ability to provide a full azimuth (i.e. 360') coverage found in typical scenarios for sensor array applications, such as radar, sonar and wireless communications. The two classes of preprocessing techniques studied are the Davies transformation and the interpolated array transformations. These techniques yield a mathematically more convenient form - the Vandermonde form - for the array steering vector via a linear transformation. The Vandermonde form is useful for different applications such as direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation and optimum or minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamforming in correlated signal environment and beampattem synthesis. A novel interpolated array transformation is proposed to overcome limitations in the existing interpolated array transformations. A disadvantage of the two classes of preprocessing techniques for UCA's with omnidirectional elements is the lack of robustness in the transformed array steering vector to array imperfections under certain conditions. In order to mitigate the robustness problem, optimisation problems are formulated to modify the transformation matrices. / Suitable optimisation techniques are then applied to obtain more robust transformations. The improved transformations are shown to improve robustness but at the cost of larger transformation errors. The benefits of the robustification procedure are most apparent in DOA estimation. In addition to the algorithm level studies, the thesis also investigates the use of AAS technology with respect to two different third generation (3G) mobile communications systems: Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution (EDGE) and Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). EDGE, or more generally GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network (GERAN), is the evolution of the widely successful GSM system to provide 3G mobile services in the existing radio spectrum. It builds on the TDMA technology of GSM and relies on improved coding and higher order modulation schemes to provide packet-based services at high data rates. WCDMA, on the other hand, is based on CDMA technology and is specially designed and streamlined for 3G mobile services. For WCDMA, a single-user approach to DOA estimation which utilises the user spreading code and the pulse-shaped chip waveform is proposed. It is shown that the proposed approach produces promising performance improvements. The studies with EDGE are concerned with the evaluation of a simple AAS at the system and link levels. / Results from, the system and link level simulations are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of AAS technology in the new mobile communications system. Finally, it is noted that the WCDMA and EDGE link level simulations employ the newly developed COST259 directional channel model, which is capable of producing accurate channel realisations of macrocell environments for the evaluation of AAS's.
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台灣與日本金融危機之比較研究 / Copmartive Study of Financial Crisis Between Taiwan & Japan王建民, Wang, Chien-Min Unknown Date (has links)
三、台灣發生金融危機的後果為: 1.資產價格下跌,影響家計消費。2.經濟成長率下降。3.銀行業逾放比率增加、資產品質惡化、退票比率增加、資產報酬率下降。
(二)租稅政策成效評析: 1997年提高消費稅稅率並廢除特別減稅措施,且增加醫療保險自負額,同時公共投資減少3兆日圓,被認為是振興經濟的絆腳石。
(四)金融改革成效評析:1.1996年:實施金融大改革,逐步解除金融市場各項管制,期望在2001年可以與紐約、倫敦的金融市場並駕其驅;但卻在1997年中為金融風暴所阻。2.1997年:(1)通過日銀法修正法案,賦予日銀自主性。(2)大藏省改革法案,可下令銀行停止營業,而不再採行事前指導與保護。3.1998年:實施(1)「新外匯化」、「金融系統改革法」、「金融機能安定化法」、「存款保險修正法案」:以公共資金購買特別股方式挹注銀行資本,由於挹注金額過低,且外界對審查過程質疑甚深。(3)實施「金融再生法」:成立「金融再生委員會」,解決問題銀行;同時合併住專管理公司與處理回收銀行:專司負責處理銀行不良債權;惟面臨適任人選不足的問題。同時與大藏省共同管理,故其「獨立」、「專責」的角色亦受到質疑。 (4)實施「金融早期健全法案」:率先對受困的金融機構提供援助。4.1999年:對大型銀行、地方銀行的官方資金投入期限至2001年3月底止,防金融界的過度依賴。5.2000年:成立金融廳,強化金融體系,確保金融管理的透明化,加強與國際合作為職志。
第一章 緒論----------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與目的--------------------------------------1
第二節 研究內容與架構--------------------------------------4
第三節 研究方法與限制--------------------------------------7
第四節 研究期間與資料來源之限制----------------------------7
第五節 文獻回顧--------------------------------------------7
第二章 台灣金融危機的成因、後果及政府因應對策-----------------15
第一節 台灣金融危機的期間與背景---------------------------15
第二節 台灣金融危機的成因分析-----------------------------19
第三節 台灣金融危機的後果分析-----------------------------32
第四節 台灣金融危機的政府因應對策-------------------------40
第五節 台灣金融危機的政府因應對策效果評析-----------------58
第三章 日本金融危機的成因、後果及政府因應對策-----------------70
第一節 日本金融危機的期間與背景---------------------------70
第二節 日本金融危機的成因分析---------------------------- 78
第三節 日本金融危機的後果分析---------------------------- 85
第四節 日本金融危機的政府因應對策-------------------------89
第五節 日本金融危機的政府因應對策效果評析--------------------103
第四章 台灣與日本金融危機的成因、後果及政府因應對策
之比較----------------------------------------------- 114
第一節 台、日金融危機成因之比較分析----------------------114
第二節 台、日金融危機後果之比較分析----------------------119
第三節 台、日金融危機政府因應對策之比較分析--------------125
第四節 台、日金融危機政府因應對策效果之比較分析----------142
第五章 台灣與日本金融危機經驗給吾人之改革啟示----------------146
第一節 在銀行制度應有的改革------------------------------146
第二節 在貨幣市場應有的改革------------------------------154
第三節 在資本市場應有的改革------------------------------157
第四節 在外匯市場應有的改革------------------------------161
第五節 在產業政策應有的改革----------------------------------163
第六章 結論--------------------------------------------------166
第一節 本文主要發現--------------------------------------166
第二節 本文政策性意涵------------------------------------169
註 釋-----------------------------------------------------174
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Μελέτη φυσικού επιπέδου τηλεπικοινωνιακών συστημάτων 3ης γενιάς και εξομοίωση καναλιού PRACH ανερχόμενης ζεύξης κατά την προτυποποίηση 3GPPΠαναγιωτακοπούλου, Αγγελική 15 January 2009 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία έγινε στα πλαίσια του Προγράμματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών Ηλεκτρονικής και Υπολογιστών, στο Τμήμα Φυσικής του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών. Αντικείμενό της αποτελεί η μελέτη του φυσικού επιπέδου συστημάτων κινητής τηλεφωνίας τρίτης γενιάς και η εξομοίωση χαρακτηριστικού καναλιού του φυσικού επιπέδου σύμφωνα με την παγκόσμια προτυποποίηση 3GPP.
Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται ιστορική ανασκόπηση των συστημάτων προηγούμενων γενεών. Αναφέρονται βασικά προβλήματα που πρέπει να αντιμετωπίσει ένα τηλεπικοινωνιακό σύστημα καθώς και η βασική δομή των κυψελοειδών συστημάτων. Γίνεται εισαγωγή στα συστήματα τρίτης γενιάς ως προς τις απαιτήσεις, τις υπηρεσίες που προσφέρουν, την προτυποποίηση και την αρχιτεκτονική τους.
Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο μελετώνται οι τρόποι πολλαπλής πρόσβασης με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στην προσπέλαση με διαίρεση κωδικών. Αναλύονται τα συστήματα διάχυσης φάσματος. Γίνεται εκτενής αναφορά και υλοποίηση προγραμμάτων για τις ψευδοτυχαίες ακολουθίες και τις ακολουθίες Gold.
Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο μελετάται η δομή δικτύων επικοινωνίας κατά το μοντέλο OSI. Αναφέρονται τα επίπεδα των τηλεπικοινωνιακών συστημάτων με διεξοδική μελέτη του φυσικού επιπέδου και στις διεπαφές που χρησιμοποιεί για επικοινωνία καθώς και στις υπηρεσίες που προσφέρει. Αναλύεται η δομή όλων των φυσικών καναλιών και εξομοιώνεται η διαδικασία ενθυλάκωσης του καναλιού PRACH.
Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο αναλύονται οι κώδικες διάχυσης των φυσικών καναλιών ανερχόμενης ζεύξης καθώς και η διαδικασία διάχυσης τους. Δημιουργούνται προγράμματα που παράγουν αυτούς τους κώδικες και γίνεται εξομοίωση της διάχυσης και της αποδιάχυσης του PRACH καναλιού.
Στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο αναφέρεται η διαδικασία κωδικοποίησης πηγής και μελετάται η PSK διαμόρφωση και αποδιαμόρφωση που χρησιμοποιούν τα συστήματα τρίτης γενιάς. Υλοποιούνται προγράμματα που εξομοιώνουν τη συνολική διαδικασία σε ενθόρυβο κανάλι AWGN μελετώντας την επίδραση του θορύβου σε μεταδιδόμενο σήμα.
Όλες οι εξομοιώσεις υλοποιήθηκαν με το πρόγραμμα Matlab 7.1. / This master thesis is a part of the post-graduate course of the Physics department of the University of Patras, on Electronics and Computers. Its main objective is the study of the physical layer of 3rd generation telecommunication systems and the simulation of a particular channel, in accordance to 3GPP specifications.
In the first chapter we review telecommunication systems of previous generations. We also refer to major problems that need to be dealt with and also the basic structure of cellular networks. 3rd generation telecommunication systems, their requirements, offered services, standardisation and architecture are all introduced.
In the second chapter we study multiple access methods, emphasising CDMA methods. Moreover, spread spectrum systems are analysed. Finally we refer to pseudorandom and Gold sequences. Programs are created which generate these sequences.
In the third chapter we look into the structure of communication networks according to the OSI model. The layers of telecommunication systems are mentioned, laying emphasis on the physical layer, the interfaces used for communication as well as the offered services. We report all physical channels and we simulate the encapsulation of the PRACH channel.
In the fourth chapter we analyse the spreading and scrambling codes referring to the uplink channels. Next we point out the code allocation process. Programs are created which generate these spreading and scrambling codes and we finally simulate the spreading and de-spreading process of the PRACH channel.
In the fifth chapter we outline the source coding process using PCM, and we study PSK modulation and demodulation which are used by 3rd generation telecommunication systems. We create programs that simulate the whole procedure in a noisy channel, and we study the effect of AWGN.
The programs were created and the simulations were run using Matlab version 7.1.
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Remediation of instability in Best Linear Unbiased PredictionEatwell, Karen Anne January 2013 (has links)
In most breeding programmes breeders use phenotypic data obtained in breeding trials
to rank the performance of the parents or progeny on pre-selected performance criteria.
Through this ranking the best candidates are identified and selected for breeding or
production purposes. Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP), is an efficient selection
method to use, combining information into a single index. Unbalanced or messy data is
frequently found in tree breeding trial data. Trial individuals are related and a degree of
correlation is expected between individuals over sites, which can lead to collinearity in
the data which may lead to instability in certain selection models. A high degree of
collinearity may cause problems and adversely affect the prediction of the breeding
values in a BLUP selection index. Simulation studies have highlighted that instability is
a concern and needs to be investigated in experimental data. The occurrence of
instability, relating to collinearity, in BLUP of tree breeding data and possible methods
to deal with it were investigated in this study. Case study data from 39 forestry
breeding trials (three generations) of Eucalyptus grandis and 20 trials of Pinus patula
(two generations) were used. A series of BLUP predictions (rankings) using three
selection traits and 10 economic weighting sets were made. Backward and forward
prediction models with three different matrix inversion techniques (singular value
decomposition, Gaussian elimination - partial and full pivoting) and an adapted ridge
regression technique were used in calculating BLUP indices. A Delphi and Clipper
version of the same BLUP programme which run with different computational numerical precision were used and compared. Predicted breeding values (forward
prediction) were determined in the F1 and F2 E. grandis trials and F1 P. patula trials and
realised breeding performance (backward prediction) was determined in the F2 and F3 E.
grandis trials and F2 P. patula trials. The accuracy (correlation between the predicted
breeding values and realised breeding performance) was estimated in order to assess the
efficiency of the predictions and evaluate the different matrix inversion methods. The
magnitude of the accuracy (correlations) was found to mostly be of acceptable
magnitude when compared to the heritability of the compound weighted trait in the F1F2
E. grandis scenarios. Realised genetic gains were also calculated for each method used.
Instability was observed in both E. grandis and P. patula breeding data in the study, and
this may cause a significant loss in realised genetic gains. Instability can be identified by examining the matrix calculated from the product of the phenotypic covariance
matrix with its inverse, for deviations from the expected identity pattern. Results of this
study indicate that it may not always be optimal to use a higher numerical precision
programme when there is collinearity in the data and instability in the matrix
calculations. In some cases, where there is a large amount of collinearity, the use of a
higher precision programme for BLUP calculations can significantly increase or
decrease the accuracy of the rankings. The different matrix inversion techniques
particularly SVD and adapted ridge regression did not perform much better than the full
pivoting technique. The study found that it is beneficial to use the full pivoting
Gaussian elimination matrix inversion technique in preference to the partial pivoting
Gaussian elimination matrix inversion technique for both high and lower numerical
precision programmes. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Genetics / unrestricted
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The efficacy of teaching practice implemented by the University of ZambiaLuchembe, Musonda 11 November 2020 (has links)
Abstract in English, Zulu and Venda / For many years, the process of training a teacher has been extensively studied and debated in the scientific and academic community worldwide. However, the literature reviewed for the study revealed that few studies have been conducted on teaching practice in Zambia. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of the teaching practice programme of the University of Zambia, to identify its challenges and to propose improvements. This study was therefore guided by the following main research question: How effective is teaching practice conducted by the University of Zambia for the preparation of teachers to teach in secondary schools in Zambia?
The study is informed by the third generation activity theory perspective. It is situated in the qualitative approach and the underlying epistemology is interpretive. The sample population was purposively selected and comprised the „triad‟: 8 teacher educators, 24 student teachers, and 10 supervising teachers. Data were collected from interviews, focus groups and lesson evaluation forms. The data from the interviews and focus groups were analysed thematically, while the data from lesson evaluation forms were analysed using the content analysis method. To present and analyse the participants‟ views, key themes were identified, which included the lack of clarity and consensus on the role of supervising teachers in teaching practice, and that the implementation of teaching practice is beset with many challenges.
The study established that the short period for the implementation of teaching practice was a critical challenge to providing quality training to student teachers. Inadequate funds for teaching and learning materials and a lack of clarity and consensus on the role of supervising teachers in teaching practice were among the challenges. Most of the study‟s findings are consistent with earlier studies. One such finding was that student teachers demonstrated mastery of subject matter but had inadequate knowledge and skills in teaching methodology. Based on the evidence collected and analysed, the researcher established that the teaching practice implemented by the University of Zambia in schools is ineffective. Therefore, this study ends with recommendations to make the implementation of teaching practice by the University of Zambia in schools effective. One of the recommendations is that the School of Education should be separated from other faculties so that more time can be devoted to training and actual teaching practice in schools. / Iminyaka eminingi, inqubo yoqeqesho lothisha sekucwaningwe ngayo kanye nokuxoxisana ngayo ngososayense kanye nama-akhademiki kuwo wonke umhlaba. Imibhalo ebuyekeziwe ngocwaningo lwamanje, kodwa iveze ukuthi, bambalwa abacwaningi abaphenyisise ngezinqubo zokufundisa eZambia. Ucwaningo lwamanje belufuna ukubheka ukusebenza kohlelo lwenqubo yokufundisa, okwenziwa eYunivesithi yaseZambia, ngenhloso yokubona izinselele kanye nokuphakamisa izindlela zokuthuthukisa. Lo msebenzi ubuholelwa ngumbuzo wocwaningo olandelayo: Ngabe isebenza kanjani inqubo yokufundisa eyenziwa yiYunivesithi yeZambia, ukulungiselela othisha ukufundisa kwizikole zamasekondari eZambia?
Ngokuholelwa yi-third-generation activity theory perspective, ucwaningo lusebenzise inqubo ye-qualitative kanye ne-interpretive ngaphansi kohlelo lwe-epistemology. Abantu okuthathwe kubo isampuli, ehlelwe ngenhloso ibiqukethe i-'triad' yabafundisi bothisha, izitshudeni ezifundela ukufundisa kanye nothisha abasuphavayisayo. Kuqoqwe idata (ulwazi) ngokusebenzisa ama-interview, ama-focus group kanye namafomu okuhlola izifundo, ngemuva kwalokho idata etholakele kuqala yahlaziywa ngokulandela izihloko (thematically), kanti idata yakamuva yona kwenziwa uhlaziyo lwengqikithi (content analysis) ngayo. Ukwethula kanye nokuhlaziya imibono yababambiqhaza, kwabonwa izihloko (themes) ezisemqoka, phakathi kwazo kwaba nokungaqiniseki kahle ngendima edlalwa ngothisha abasuphavayisayo kwinqubo yokufundisa, kanye nezihibe ekusebenzeni ngokulandela inqubo yokufundisa.
Imiphumela iveze ukuthi isikhathi esifishane esibekiwe sokusebenzisa inqubo yokufundisa sibangele inselele esemqoka maqondana neqophelo loqeqesho olunikezwa izitshudeni zothisha. Akunamali elingene yokuthola imetheriyali yezinto zokufundisa kanye nokufunda, kanti futhi kunokungacaci kahle kanye nokungavumelani ngendima yothisha abasuphavayisayo kwinqubo yokufundisa, nakho lokhu kwabikwa. Ngisho noma imiphumela yocwaningo ihambelana nemisebenzi yangaphambilini, okutholakele okusemqoka kube wukuthi izitshudeni zothisha zikwazile ukukhombisa ukuqondisisa kwazo ngengqikithi yezifundo (subject matter), kodwa bezingenalwazi olwanele, namakhono ngemetodoloji yokufundisa. Ngokulandela ubufakazi obuqoqiwe bahlaziywa, umcwaningi uthole ukuthi inqubo yokufundisa yabathwebule izifundo eYunivesithi yaseZambiwa, abayisebenzisayo ezikoleni, ayisebenzi ngokufanele. Lolu cwaningo, luphethe ngezincomo zokushintsha lesi simo, esinye sazo wukuthi i-School of Education kumele sihlukaniswe namanye amafakhalthi, ukuze kusetshenziswe isikhathi esiningi kugxilwa kakhulu ekuqeqeshweni kothisha kanye nenqubo yokufundisa ezikoleni. / Ndi miṅwaha minzhi, maitele a u gudisa vhadededzi a tshi khou gudiwa nga vhuroṅwane na u haseledzwa nga zwitshavha zwa saintsi na zwa akademi u mona na ḽifhasi. Maṅwalwa a zwine zwa tea u itwa zwino o bvisela khagala uri, fhedzi, hu na vhaṱoḓisisi vha si gathi vho sengulusaho kufunzele kwa Zambia. Ngudo dza zwino dzo lwela u vhona u vhona u shuma ha mbekanyamushumo ya nḓowenḓowe dza u funza ine ya ṋekedzwa nga Yunivesithi ya Zambia, ho sedzwa u topola khaedu na u dzinginya zwine zwa tea u khwiṋiswa. Zwiito izwi zwo endedzwa nga mbudziso khulwane ya ṱhoḓisiso i tevhelaho: Nḓowenḓowe dza u funza dzine dza khou itwa ngei Yunivesithi ya Zambia dzi khou shuma u swika ngafhi, u lugisela vhadededzi uri vha kone u funza kha zwikolo zwa sekondari zwa Zambia?
Musi zwi khou ḓisendeka nga nyito dza murafho wa vhuraru wa kuvhonele kwa thyeori, ngudo dzo shumisa maitele a u sedza ndeme na thyeori ya nḓivho ya kuṱalutshedzele kwa zwi re ngomu. Sambula ya tshitshavha, ye ya nanguludzwa hu na ndivho, yo vha i na „zwigwada zwa vhathu nga vhararu‟ vha vhadededzi, matshudeni a gudelaho vhudededzi na vhalavhelesi vha zwa vhudededzi. Data yo kuvhanganywiwa nga kha inthaviwu, zwigwada zwo sedzwaho na fomo dza u ela ngudo, zwine nga murahu data yo wanalaho kha izwi zwivhili zwa u thoma ya kona u saukanywa u ya nga thero, ngeno data ya zwa u fhedzisela yo livhana na musaukanyo wa zwi re ngomu. U itela u ṋekedza na u saukanya mihumbulo ya vho dzhenelelaho ho topolwa thero dza ndeme, dzine khadzo ha vha na u timatima nga ha mushumo wa vhadededzi vha lavhelesaho kha nyito dza u funza, na zwithithisi zwa tshumiso ya nḓowenḓowe dza u funza.
Mawanwa o bvisela khagala uri tshifhinga tshipfufhi tsho ṋekedzwaho nḓowenḓowe dza u funza tsho ṋekedza khaedu khulwane maelana na ndeme ya vhugudisi vhune ha ṋekedzwa matshudeni a zwa vhudededzi. Masheleni a songo lingana a matheriaḽa wa u funza na u guda, na u shaya u bvela khagala na u tendelana kha mushumo wa vhadededzi vha lavhelesaho ndowenḓowe dza u funa, na zwone zwo vhigiwa. Musi vhunzhi ha mawaṅwa a ngudo a tshi elana na a mishumo ya u rangani, hu na mawanwa a kungaho a uri matshudeni vha zwa vhudededzi vho kona u sumbedzisa u ḓivha mafhungo a thero dzavho, fhedzi vha vha vha si na nḓivho yo linganaho ya zwikili, kha ngona dza u funza. Zwo ḓisendeka nga vhuṱanzi ho kuvhanganyiwaho na u saukanywa, muṱoḓisisi o wana uri nḓowenḓowe dza u funza dzine vhatelwadigirii vha Yunivesithi ya Zambia vha shumisa zwikoloni, a dzi tou shuma. Ngudo dzo khunyeledza uri hu vhe na themendelo dzo vhalaho dza u shandukisa nyimele ya zwithu, zwine zwa sia Tshikolo tsha zwa Pfunzo tshi tshi tea u fhandekanywa na miṅwe mihasho uri hu vhe na tshifhinga tshinzhi tsha vhugudisi na nḓowenḓowe dza u funza zwikoloni. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil. (Education)
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6G Integrated Sensing and Communication System for the Factory of the FutureRamos Pillasagua, Andrea Fernanda 20 January 2025 (has links)
[ES] El aprovechamiento de la tecnología de Quinta Generación (5G) para impulsar a la Industria 4.0 ha marcado un hito significativo en la evolución histórica de las redes celulares. Este desarrollo tiene como objetivo respaldar a las fábricas inteligentes con estrictos requisitos de comunicación, ya que su operatividad se centra en cumplir con los estándares de Calidad de Servicio (QoS), lo que hace que las aplicaciones del Industrial Internet de las cosas (IIoT) sean susceptibles a un rendimiento de red inestable.
Además, estas aplicaciones suelen ocurrir en interiores, donde la alta densidad de obstáculos presenta desafíos adicionales. Estructuras metálicas grandes, robots y vehículos en movimiento obstruyen la propagación de la señal y pueden degradar significativamente el rendimiento de las comunicaciones. El primer modelo de canal estandarizado para fábricas interiores (InF) fue introducido por el Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) en la Release 16 para estudiar y abordar estas particularidades ambientales.
Esta tesis se centra en esta base y examina el procedimiento de modelado, identificando limitaciones como la caracterización imprecisa de parámetros y la capacidad limitada para capturar toda la complejidad geométrica de tales entornos.
Preocupado por estas limitaciones, este trabajo da un paso significativo hacia adelante al proponer una nueva tecnología para abordar los desafíos en el modelado industrial. Este enfoque abre la puerta a explorar una de las tendencias emergentes clave en la Sexta Generación (6G) para aplicaciones IIoT: los sistemas de Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC). Los sistemas ISAC tienen un gran potencial para superar no solo los desafíos existentes, sino también para introducir mejoras adicionales y valiosas. Dado que ISAC es una tecnología novedosa, aún no se ha diseñado un modelo de canal específico para ella. Para cubrir esta necesidad, esta tesis presenta el desarrollo de un modelo de canal ISAC como un paso fundamental para avanzar en esta tecnología.
Durante dicho avance, se han identificado características fundamentales para construir un modelo de canal ISAC, las cuales suelen ser pasadas por alto en la literatura. En respuesta a esto, este trabajo motiva el desarrollo de directrices técnicas para el modelado ISAC, formando una metodología de evaluación.
Una metodología de evaluación es importante para ISAC o cualquier sistema, ya que es esencial para evaluar el rendimiento y orientar futuras mejoras. Actualmente, no existe una metodología de este tipo para ISAC. Esta tesis aborda estos desafíos al enfatizar la importancia de considerar las características principales para construir un canal ISAC: correlación entre el canal de sensado y el de comunicación y consistencia espacial.
Basándose en el desarrollo inicial del marco ISAC, el siguiente paso consiste en probar ISAC en entornos cuasi-realistas. Esta tesis presenta un caso de uso industrial que aplica entrenamiento de haz asistido por sensado, demostrando cómo ISAC puede abordar el problema de las múltiples obstrucciones en tales entornos. Específicamente, explora la técnica de sustracción de fondo en un algoritmo de formación de haces predictiva, que aprovecha la información relacionada con el usuario obtenida a través del sensado. Bajo estas consideraciones, los hallazgos indican una mejora sustancial en el rendimiento de la comunicación, particularmente en lo que respecta a la relación señal a ruido (SNR) y la tasa de datos efectiva.
En otras palabras, los resultados destacan el potencial de ISAC para abordar eficazmente las complejidades geométricas del entorno de interés. Esta tesis no solo es pionera en la técnica de sustracción de fondo, sino que también muestra su impacto, allanando el camino para futuras aplicaciones a otros algoritmos de sensado dentro del marco ISAC y la fábrica del futuro. / [CA] L'aprofitament de la tecnologia de Cinquena Generació (5G) per a impulsar la Indústria 4.0 ha marcat un fita significativa en l'evolució històrica de les xarxes cel·lulars. Aquest desenvolupament té com a objectiu donar suport a les fàbriques intel·ligents amb estrictes requisits de comunicació, ja que el seu funcionament depén de complir amb els estàndards de Qualitat de Servei (QoS), cosa que fa que les aplicacions de l'Internet Industrial de les Coses (IIoT) siguen susceptibles a un rendiment de xarxa inestable.
A més, aquestes aplicacions solen produir-se en interiors, on la gran densitat d'obstacles presenta desafiaments addicionals. Grans estructures metàl·liques, robots i vehicles en moviment obstrueixen la propagació del senyal i poden degradar significativament el rendiment de les comunicacions. El primer model de canal estandarditzat per a fàbriques interiors (InF) va ser introduït pel Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) en la Release 16 per a estudiar i abordar aquestes particularitats ambientals.
Aquesta tesi es centra en aquesta base i examina el procediment de modelatge, identificant limitacions com ara la caracterització imprecisa dels paràmetres i la capacitat limitada per a captar tota la complexitat geomètrica d'aquests entorns.
Preocupat per aquestes limitacions, aquest treball fa un pas significatiu cap endavant en proposar una nova tecnologia per a abordar els desafiaments en el modelatge industrial. Aquest enfocament obri la porta a explorar una de les tendències emergents clau en la Sisena Generació (6G) per a aplicacions IIoT: els sistemes d'Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC). Els sistemes ISAC tenen un gran potencial per a superar no sols els desafiaments existents, sinó també per a introduir millores addicionals i valuoses. Com que ISAC és una tecnologia innovadora, encara no s'ha dissenyat un model de canal específic per a ella. Per a cobrir aquesta necessitat, aquesta tesi presenta el desenvolupament d'un model de canal ISAC com un pas fonamental per a avançar en aquesta tecnologia.
En el marc d'aquest avanç, s'han identificat característiques fonamentals per a construir un model de canal ISAC, les quals solen ser passades per alt en la literatura. En resposta a això, aquest treball motiva el desenvolupament de directrius tècniques per al modelatge ISAC, formant una metodologia d'avaluació.
Una metodologia d'avaluació és important per a ISAC o per a qualsevol sistema, ja que és essencial per avaluar el rendiment i orientar futures millores. Actualment, no existeix una metodologia d'aquest tipus per a ISAC. Aquesta tesi aborda aquests desafiaments en destacar la importància de considerar les característiques principals per a construir un canal ISAC: correlació entre el canal de sensat i el de comunicació i consistència espacial.
Basant-se en el desenvolupament inicial del marc ISAC, el pas següent consisteix a provar ISAC en entorns quasi-realistes. Aquesta tesi presenta un cas d'ús industrial que aplica un entrenament de feix assistit per sensat, demostrant com ISAC pot abordar el problema de les múltiples obstruccions en aquests entorns.
Específicament, explora la tècnica de sostracció de fons en un algoritme de formació de feixos predictiva, que aprofita la informació relacionada amb l'usuari obtinguda a través del sensat. Dins d'aquestes consideracions, les troballes indiquen una millora substancial en el rendiment de la comunicació, particularment pel que fa a la relació senyal-soroll (SNR) i la taxa de dades efectiva.
En altres paraules, els resultats destaquen el potencial d'ISAC per a abordar eficaçment les complexitats geomètriques de l'entorn d'interés. Aquesta tesi no sols és pionera en la tècnica de sostracció de fons, sinó que també mostra el seu impacte, obrint el camí a futures aplicacions en altres algoritmes de sensat dins del marc ISAC i la fàbrica del futur. / [EN] Leveraging Fifth Generation (5G) technology to advance Industry 4.0 has marked a significant milestone in the historical evolution of cellular networks. This development aims to support smart factories with stringent communication requirements, as their operation is focused on meeting Quality of Service (QoS) standards, making the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications susceptible to unstable network performance. Moreover, these applications frequently occur indoors, where high-density clutter poses additional challenges. Large metal structures, robots, and moving vehicles obstruct signal propagation and can significantly degrade communication performance. The first standardized channel model for Indoor Factory (InF) was introduced by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) in Release 16 to study and address these environmental particularities. This Thesis builds on this foundation and examines the modeling procedure, identifying limitations such as imprecise parameter characterization and a limited ability to capture the full geometric complexity of such environments. Concerned about these limitations, this work takes a significant step forward by proposing a new technology to address challenges in industrial modeling. This approach opens the door to exploring one of the key emerging trends in Sixth Generation (6G) for IIoT applications: Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) systems. ISAC systems hold the promising potential to overcome not only existing challenges but also introduce additional, valuable enhancements. As ISAC is a novel technology, no channel model has been specifically designed for it so far. To fill this need, this Thesis presents the development of an ISAC channel model as a foundational step in advancing this technology. During this progress, fundamental features for building an ISAC channel model have been identified, which are often overlooked in the literature. In response, this work motivates the development of technical guidelines for ISAC modeling, forming an evaluation methodology. An evaluation methodology is important for ISAC or any system, as it is essential for assessing performance and guiding future upgrades. Such a methodology does not exist for ISAC. This Thesis tackles these challenges by emphasizing the importance of considering the main features to construct an ISAC channel: Correlation between the sensing and communication channel and spatial consistency. Building on the initial development of the ISAC framework, the next step involves testing ISAC in quasi-realistic environments. This Thesis presents an industrial use case that applies sensing-assisted beam training, demonstrating how ISAC can deal with the issue of multiple obstructions in such environments. Specifically, it explores the background subtraction technique in a predictive beamforming algorithm, which leverages target-related information obtained through sensing. Under these considerations, the findings indicate a substantial improvement in communication performance, particularly regarding signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and effective data rate. In other words, the results highlight ISAC's potential to tackle the geometrical complexities of the environment of interest effectively. This Thesis not only pioneers the background subtraction technique but also showcases its impact, paving the way for future applications to other sensing algorithms within the framework of ISAC and the factory of the future. / Thanks to the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and University, which funded this Thesis under Project Grant No. RTI2018-099880-B-C31 / Ramos Pillasagua, AF. (2024). 6G Integrated Sensing and Communication System for the Factory of the Future [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/214344
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