Spelling suggestions: "subject:"time measurement"" "subject:"lime measurement""
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Three-Dimensional Digital Capture of Head Size in Neonates – A Method EvaluationIfflaender, Sascha, Rüdiger, Mario, Koch, Arite, Burkhardt, Wolfram 22 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Introduction: The quality of neonatal care is mainly determined by long-term neurodevelopmental outcome. The neurodevelopment of preterm infants is related to postnatal head growth and depends on medical interventions such as nutritional support. Head circumference (HC) is currently used as a two-dimensional measure of head growth. Since head deformities are frequently found in preterm infants, HC may not always adequately reflect head growth. Laser aided head shape digitizers offer semiautomatic acquisition of HC and cranial volume (CrV) and could thus be useful in describing head size more precisely.
Aims: 1) To evaluate reproducibility of a 3D digital capture system in newborns. 2) To compare manual and digital HC measurements in a neonatal cohort. 3) To determine correlation of HC and CrV and predictive value of HC.
Methods: Within a twelve-month period data of head scans with a laser shape digitizer were analysed. Repeated measures were used for method evaluation. Manually and digitally acquired HC was compared. Regression analysis of HC and CrV was performed.
Results: Interobserver reliability was excellent for HC (bias-0.005%, 95% Limits of Agreement (LoA) −0.39–0.39%) and CrV (bias1.5%, 95%LoA-0.8–3.6%). Method comparison data was acquired from 282 infants. It revealed interchangeability of the methods (bias-0.45%; 95%LoA-4.55–3.65%) and no significant systematic or proportional differences. HC and CrV correlated (r2 = 0.859, p<0.001), performance of HC predicting CrV was poor (RSD ±24 ml). Correlation was worse in infants with lower postmenstrual age (r2 = 0.745) compared to older infants (r2 = 0.843).
Discussion: The current practice of measuring HC for describing head growth in preterm infants could be misleading since it does not represent a 3D approach. CrV can vary substantially in infants of equal HC. The 3D laser scanner represents a new and promising method to provide reproducible data of CrV and HC. Since it does not provide data on cerebral structures, additional imaging is required.
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Estudo dos radionuclídeos naturais - Ra-226, Ra-228 e Pb-210 - em alguns registros sedimentares do Atlântico Sudoeste ao longo do Holoceno / Study of natural radionuclides - 226Ra, 228Ra and 210Pb - in marine sediment cores from Southwest Atlantic during the HoloceneCOSTA, ALICE M.R. 21 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antonio Oliveira da Silva (maosilva@ipen.br) on 2016-12-21T11:51:34Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-21T11:51:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Os radionuclídeos naturais das séries radioativas do 238U e do 232Th têm sido aplicados com sucesso como traçadores de processos ambientais atuais e mudanças climáticas. O 210Pb (meia-vida de 22,2 anos) é empregado na técnica de datação geocronológica de testemunhos sedimentares dos últimos 100-150 anos e na determinação de taxa de sedimentação. As concentrações dos isótopos 226Ra e 228Ra (meia-vida de 1.600 anos e 5,75 anos, respectivamente) auxiliam no cálculo das atividades de 210Pb em excesso no sedimento e auxiliam na identificação de processos marinhos importantes, como, por exemplo, a intrusão de água subterrânea. Neste trabalho foram quantificadas as concentrações de atividade de 226Ra, 228Ra e 210Pb em quatro testemunhos marinhos curtos coletados desde a plataforma continental até o talude superior do Atlântico Sudoeste. A partir dos resultados obtidos, as taxas de sedimentação em cada local e as idades de cada fatia de sedimento foram determinadas pelo método de datação geocronológica com 210Pb. As amostras sedimentares sofreram digestão total ácida em microondas. A separação radioquímica sequencial de 226Ra, 228Ra e 210Pb foi realizada com a obtenção dos precipitados de Ba(Ra)SO4 e PbCrO4. As medidas α total do 226Ra e β total do 228Ra e do 210Pb a partir dos precipitados foram feitas em um detector proporcional de fluxo gasoso de baixa radiação de fundo. Com relação aos testemunhos analisados, as concentrações de atividade dos radionuclídeos variaram de 14 Bq.kg-1 a 154 Bq.kg-1 para o 226Ra; de 17 Bq.kg-1 a 45 Bq.kg-1 para o 228Ra; de 20 Bq.kg-1 a 2.073 Bq.kg-1 para o 210Pb. Valores altos de 210Pb foram encontrados no topo de todos os perfis sedimentares, proveniente principalmente da deposição atmosférica. Os dados coletados neste trabalho estão na mesma faixa de grandeza de outros relacionados a medições de 226Ra, 228Ra, 210Pb em áreas não contaminadas do Oceano Atlântico Sudoeste. As taxas de sedimentação diminuíram com o aumento da profundidade de coluna dágua, cujos valores variaram de 0,049 cm.ano-1 a 0,40 cm.ano-1. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Three-Dimensional Digital Capture of Head Size in Neonates – A Method EvaluationIfflaender, Sascha, Rüdiger, Mario, Koch, Arite, Burkhardt, Wolfram 22 January 2014 (has links)
Introduction: The quality of neonatal care is mainly determined by long-term neurodevelopmental outcome. The neurodevelopment of preterm infants is related to postnatal head growth and depends on medical interventions such as nutritional support. Head circumference (HC) is currently used as a two-dimensional measure of head growth. Since head deformities are frequently found in preterm infants, HC may not always adequately reflect head growth. Laser aided head shape digitizers offer semiautomatic acquisition of HC and cranial volume (CrV) and could thus be useful in describing head size more precisely.
Aims: 1) To evaluate reproducibility of a 3D digital capture system in newborns. 2) To compare manual and digital HC measurements in a neonatal cohort. 3) To determine correlation of HC and CrV and predictive value of HC.
Methods: Within a twelve-month period data of head scans with a laser shape digitizer were analysed. Repeated measures were used for method evaluation. Manually and digitally acquired HC was compared. Regression analysis of HC and CrV was performed.
Results: Interobserver reliability was excellent for HC (bias-0.005%, 95% Limits of Agreement (LoA) −0.39–0.39%) and CrV (bias1.5%, 95%LoA-0.8–3.6%). Method comparison data was acquired from 282 infants. It revealed interchangeability of the methods (bias-0.45%; 95%LoA-4.55–3.65%) and no significant systematic or proportional differences. HC and CrV correlated (r2 = 0.859, p<0.001), performance of HC predicting CrV was poor (RSD ±24 ml). Correlation was worse in infants with lower postmenstrual age (r2 = 0.745) compared to older infants (r2 = 0.843).
Discussion: The current practice of measuring HC for describing head growth in preterm infants could be misleading since it does not represent a 3D approach. CrV can vary substantially in infants of equal HC. The 3D laser scanner represents a new and promising method to provide reproducible data of CrV and HC. Since it does not provide data on cerebral structures, additional imaging is required.
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Рачунарска имплементација система за рад у реалном времену за детекцију и мерење нивоа асиметрије побуде нисконапонског трансформатора / Računarska implementacija sistema za rad u realnom vremenu za detekciju i merenje nivoa asimetrije pobude niskonaponskog transformatora / Real-time embedded computer system implementation for detection andmeasurement of the low voltage transformer excitation asymmetryPetrović Nenad 28 September 2018 (has links)
<p>Ова докторска дисертација се бави проблемом мерења и детекције<br />асиметрије побуде торусног трансформатора прикљученог на нисконапонску<br />дистрибутивну мрежу. Анализом постојећих научних решења изведен је<br />закључак да иста испољавају висок ниво систематске грешке услед<br />флуктуације побудног напона трансформатора. Основни допринос тезе јесте<br />предложени нови интерполациони поступак за калибрацију сензора<br />асиметрије у нисконапонској дистрибутивној мрежи, који успешно редукује<br />наведену систематску грешку. Додатни допринос представља рачунарска<br />имплементација методе за рад у реалном времену.</p> / <p>Ova doktorska disertacija se bavi problemom merenja i detekcije<br />asimetrije pobude torusnog transformatora priključenog na niskonaponsku<br />distributivnu mrežu. Analizom postojećih naučnih rešenja izveden je<br />zaključak da ista ispoljavaju visok nivo sistematske greške usled<br />fluktuacije pobudnog napona transformatora. Osnovni doprinos teze jeste<br />predloženi novi interpolacioni postupak za kalibraciju senzora<br />asimetrije u niskonaponskoj distributivnoj mreži, koji uspešno redukuje<br />navedenu sistematsku grešku. Dodatni doprinos predstavlja računarska<br />implementacija metode za rad u realnom vremenu.</p> / <p>This PhD thesis addresses the problem of measurement and detection of the<br />excitation current asymmetry of a toroidal transformer connected to the low<br />voltage distribution network. By analyzing the existing scientific solutions, it<br />was concluded that they show a high level of systematic error due to the<br />fluctuation of the supply voltage of the transformer. The main contribution of<br />the thesis is the proposal of a new interpolation method for the calibration of<br />an asymmetry sensor connected to the low-voltage distribution network that<br />successfully reduces the systematic error. Computer implementation of the<br />method for work in real time represents an additional contribution.</p>
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Building a real data warehouse for market researchLehner, Wolfgang, Albrecht, J., Teschke, M., Kirsche, T. 08 April 2022 (has links)
This paper reflects the results of the evaluation phase of building a data production system for the retail research division of the GfK, Europe's largest market research company. The application specific requirements like end-user needs or data volume are very different from data warehouses discussed in the literature, making it a real data warehouse. In a case study, these requirements are compared with state-of-the-art solutions offered by leading software vendors. Each of the common architectures (MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP) was represented by a product. The result of this comparison is that all systems have to be massively tailored to GfK's needs, especially to cope with meta data management or the maintenance of aggregations.
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Building a real data warehouse for market researchLehner, Wolfgang, Albrecht, J., Teschke, M., Kirsche, T. 19 May 2022 (has links)
This paper reflects the results of the evaluation phase of building a data production system for the retail research division of the GfK, Europe's largest market research company. The application specific requirements like end-user needs or data volume are very different from data warehouses discussed in the literature, making it a real data warehouse. In a case study, these requirements are compared with state-of-the-art solutions offered by leading software vendors. Each of the common architectures (MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP) was represented by a product. The result of this comparison is that all systems have to be massively tailored to GfK's needs, especially to cope with meta data management or the maintenance of aggregations.
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Realtidsmätning inom fastighetsbildning med "Precise Point Positioning" (PPP) / Real-time measurement in the real property with the "Precise Point Positioning" (PPP)Kvarnström, Victor, Wallerström, Jessica January 2016 (has links)
Vid GNSS-positionering i samband med fastighetsbildningsåtgärder används vanligtvis den traditionella RTK-mätningen (Real-Time Kinematic) via SWEPOS nätverks-RTK-tjänst. Denna tjänst kräver mobiltelefontäckning eller motsvarande tvåvägskommunikation, vilket kan vara problematiskt inom områden med bristfällig mobiltelefontäckning. Under dessa förhållanden kan istället PPP-mätning (Precise Point Positioning) vara användbart vid fastighetsbildningsåtgärder då dessa tjänster tar emot korrektionsdata i realtid från satelliter. PPP kräver inte någon mobiltelefontäckning, däremot krävs en kommunikationslänk, en RTX-tjänst för att erhålla korrektioner externt från en RTX-satellit. Syftet med studien är att undersöka möjligheten till att nyttja PPP i realtid vid fastighetsbildningsåtgärder som ett alternativ till traditionell GNSS-mätning med nätverks-RTK. För att PPP ska vara ett alternativ till traditionell GNSS-mätning i realtid krävs det att mätosäkerhetskraven inom fastighetsbildning uppfylls. Mätosäkerheten undersöktes genom att utgå ifrån redan kända koordinater (RIX 95-punkter). Mätningarna har genomförts på fem olika platser i Sverige, Göteborg, Vänersborg, Karlstad, Torsby och Malung-Sälen. Mätdata som erhölls från undersökningsplatserna har analyserats samt jämförts med fastighetsbildningskraven. Resultatet av studien erhölls i form av analyserad mätdata med jämförelser mot redan kända (RIX 95) punkter. Avikelsen från känd RIX 95-punkt redovisas i resultatet utifrån tidsaspekten, den systematiska avvikelsen av translativ art, förändringar i avvikelsen från söder till norr samt utifrån två beräkningsmodeller, varav en translation och en transformation. För att få den erhållna mätdatan från RTX-tjänsten att överensstämma bättre med referenspunkten (RIX 95-punkten) togs beräkningsmodellerna fram för att möjliggöra modellering av systematiska avvikelser som uppkommit och därmed uppfylla kraven inom fasighetsbildningsåtgärder. Genom att ha analyserat och granskat olika samband har det framkommit att efter ca 20 minuters mätning, börjar precisionen för mätningarna att bli stabila. Utifrån resultatet är slutsatsen att PPP inte fungerar vid fastighetsbildningsåtgärder för områden inom stomnät, däremot fungerar metoden för skogs- och jordbruksfastigheter utanför stomnät. Förutsatt att en modellering genom translation alternativt transformation som är framtagen i denna studie används för att justera koordinaterna så fungerar PPP-mätning inom samtliga fastighetsbildningsåtgärder. Detta kräver då att mätdata erhålls efter 20 minuters mätning eller mer. / GNSS positioning in conjunction with the real property is usually used the traditional RTK measuring (Real-Time Kinematic) by SWEPOS network RTK service. This service requires mobile phone coverage or equivalent two-way communication, which can be problematic in areas with poor mobile phone coverage. Under these circumstances, PPP (Point Positioning Precise) could be more useful in real property measures when such services receives the correction data in real time from the satellites. PPP does not require any cell phone coverage, however it requires a communication link, a RTX service to obtain corrections externally from a RTX satellite. The purpose of the study is to examine the possibility of using PPP in real time at the real property as an alternative to traditional GNSS measurements with network RTK. The measurement uncertainty was investigated by starting out from already known coordinates (RIX 95 points). The measurements were performed out at five different locations in Sweden, Gothenburg, Vanersborg, Karlstad, Torsby and Malung-Salen. Measurement data obtained from the observations have been analyzed and compared with real property requirements. The results of the study were obtained in the form of data analyzed by comparison of the known (RIX 95) points. The deviation is known from RIX 95 point recognized in income based on the time factor, the bias of the translative case species, changes in deviation from south to north and from two calculation models, a translation and a transformation. To correct the measured values from the RTX service for a better match to the RIX 95 points calculation models were developed to facilitate the modeling of systematic deviations incurred and meet the demands of real property. Analyzing and examining various relationships have shown that after about 20 minutes of measuring, the precision of the measurements starts to become more stable. Based on the results, the conclusion is that the PPP does not work in real property areas within the core network, however, the method works for forestry and agricultural properties outside the core network. Assuming a modelling through translational alternative transformation, developed in this study is used to adjust the coordinates, the PPP measurement is working in all real property registration measures. This requires that the measurement data is obtained after 20 minutes of measurement or more.
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Surgical tools localization in 3D ultrasound images / Localisation d'outils thérapeutiques de forme linéaire par imagerie ultrasonore 3DUhercik, Marian 20 April 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la détection automatique d’outils chirurgicaux de géométrie linéaire tels que des aiguilles ou des électrodes en imagerie ultrasonore 3D. Une localisation précise et fiable est nécessaire pour des interventions telles que des biopsies ou l’insertion d’électrode dans les tissus afin d’enregistrer leur activité électrique (par exemple dans le cortex cérébral). Le lecteur est introduit aux bases de l’imagerie ultrasonore (US) médicale. L’état de l’art des méthodes de localisation est rapporté. Un grand nombre de méthodes sont basées sur la projection comme la transformation de Hough ou la Projection Intégrale Parallèle (PIP). Afin d’améliorer l’implantation des méthodes PIP connues pour être assez lentes, nous décrivons une possible accélération par approche multirésolution. Nous proposons d’utiliser une méthode d’ajustement de modèle utilisant une approche RANSAC et une optimization locale. C’est une méthode rapide permettant un traitement temps réel et qui a l’avantage d’être très robuste en présence d’autres structures fortement échogènes dans le milieu environnant. Nous proposons deux nouveaux modèles d’apparence et de forme de l’outil dans les images US 3D. La localisation de l’outil peut être améliorée en exploitant son aspect tubulaire. Nous proposons un modèle d’outil utilisant un filtrage rehausseur de ligne que nous avons incorporé dans le schéma de recherche de modèle. La robustesse de cet algorithme de localisation est améliorée au prix d’un temps additionnel de pré-traitement. La localisation temps-réel utilisant le modèle de forme est démontrée par une implantation sur l’échographe Ultrasonix RP. Toutes les méthodes proposées on été testée sur des données de simulation US, des données de fantômes (qui sont des tissus synthétiques imitant les tissus biologiques) ainsi que sur des données réelles de biopsie du sein. Les méthodes proposées ont montré leur capacité à produire des résultats similaires en terme de précision mais en limitant d’avantage le nombre d’échecs de détection par rapport aux méthodes de l’état de l’art basées sur les projections. / This thesis deals with automatic localization of thin surgical tools such as needles or electrodes in 3D ultrasound images. The precise and reliable localization is important for medical interventions such as needle biopsy or electrode insertion into tissue. The reader is introduced to basics of medical ultrasound (US) imaging. The state of the art localization methods are reviewed in the work. Many methods such as Hough transform (HT) or Parallel Integral Projection (PIP) are based on projections. As the existing PIP implementations are relatively slow, we suggest an acceleration by using a multiresolution approach. We propose to use model fitting approach which uses randomized sample consensus (RANSAC) and local optimization. It is a fast method suitable for real-time use and it is robust with respect to the presence of other high-intensity structures in the background. We propose two new shape and appearance models of tool in 3D US images. Tool localization can be improved by exploiting its tubularity. We propose a tool model which uses line filtering and we incorporated it into the model fitting scheme. The robustness of such localization algorithm is improved at the expense of additional time for pre-processing. The real-time localization using the shape model is demonstrated by implementation on the 3D US scanner Ultrasonix RP. All proposed methods were tested on simulated data, phantom US data (a replacement for a tissue) and real tissue US data of breast with biopsy needle. The proposed methods had comparable accuracy and the lower number of failures than the state of the art projection based methods.
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Safeguards for Uranium Extraction (UREX) +1a ProcessFeener, Jessica S. 2010 May 1900 (has links)
As nuclear energy grows in the United States and around the world, the expansion
of the nuclear fuel cycle is inevitable. All currently deployed commercial reprocessing
plants are based on the Plutonium - Uranium Extraction (PUREX) process. However,
this process is not implemented in the U.S. for a variety of reasons, one being that it is
considered by some as a proliferation risk. The 2001 Nuclear Energy Policy report
recommended that the U.S. "develop reprocessing and treatment technologies that are
cleaner, more efficient, less waste-intensive, and more proliferation-resistant." The
Uranium Extraction (UREX+) reprocessing technique has been developed to reach these
goals. However, in order for UREX+ to be considered for commercial implementation, a
safeguards approach is needed to show that a commercially sized UREX+ facility can be
safeguarded to current international standards.
A detailed safeguards approach for a UREX+1a reprocessing facility has been
developed. The approach includes the use of nuclear material accountancy (MA),
containment and surveillance (C/S) and solution monitoring (SM). Facility information
was developed for a hypothesized UREX+1a plant with a throughput of 1000 Metric
Tons Heavy Metal (MTHM) per year. Safeguard goals and safeguard measures to be
implemented were established. Diversion and acquisition pathways were considered;
however, the analysis focuses mainly on diversion paths. The detection systems used in
the design have the ability to provide near real-time measurement of special fissionable
material in feed, process and product streams. Advanced front-end techniques for the
quantification of fissile material in spent nuclear fuel were also considered. The
economic and operator costs of these systems were not considered. The analysis shows
that the implementation of these techniques result in significant improvements in the
ability of the safeguards system to achieve the objective of timely detection of the diversion of a significant quantity of nuclear material from the UREX+1a reprocessing
facility and to provide deterrence against such diversion by early detection.
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