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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Why US financial workers are unorganized = the 19th century origins of a current problem = Por que os trabalhadores do setor financeiro dos EUA não são sindicalizados? : um problema atual com raízes no século 19 / Por que os trabalhadores do setor financeiro dos EUA não são sindicalizados? : um problema atual com raízes no século 19

Strong, Steven Michael, 1981- 07 November 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Salas Páez / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T21:58:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Strong_StevenMichael_M.pdf: 4434873 bytes, checksum: 262e5c552d0eb06aeb40d7022effc867 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Trabalhadores do setor financeiro dos EUA apresentam a menor taxa de sindicalização em comparação aos trabalhadores de outras indústrias, e estão entre os menos organizados do mundo. À luz da recente crise econômica, o movimento operário dos EUA, junto com os sindicatos internacionais, tem tido grande interesse em reverter as sombrias taxas de sindicalização, devido à importância destes trabalhadores, que estão dentro de um mercado financeiro globalizado altamente dominado por empresas norte-americanas. O atual desafio em organizar estes trabalhadores está enraizado em uma história profunda de evasão, ignorância, desorientação, repressão, e derrotas para os interesses do sindicalismo dos trabalhadores de escritórios. Este trabalho explora as primeiras raízes dos obstáculos atuais que os trabalhadores do setor financeiro enfrentam na tentativa de se sindicalizar, examinando a resistência popular à formação do Setor Financeiro dos EUA no século 19. Uma visão geral do desenvolvimento inicial do setor financeiro, de suas respostas políticas e da organização do trabalho é fornecida, incluindo informações específicas sobre os trabalhadores do setor financeiro, quando disponíveis. O aumento da feminização do trabalho de colarinho branco após a Guerra Civil dos EUA também é explorado. Os fatores chave que contribuem para as baixas taxas de sindicalização incluem o impacto da liderança sindical influenciada pelo populismo, o que contribuiu para as reformas que promovem uma estrutura financeira descentralizada, a exclusão dos trabalhadores de escritório, a feminização da força de trabalho de escritórios, as atitudes das lideranças sindicais em relação às mulheres e trabalhadores de escritório, e a falta de um partido trabalhista nos EUA, tudo isso combinado com a repressão do governo contra os comunistas que pretendiam organizar o setor. Na conclusão, são apresentadas sugestões para a continuação da pesquisa sobre o porquê de os EUA não possuírem um sindicato dos trabalhadores do setor financeiro / Abstract: Financial sector workers in the US suffer from the lowest rate of unionization of workers in any of the industries in the US, and are among the least organized in the world. In light of the recent economic crisis, and given the importance of US financial workers within a globalized financial market highly dominated by US firms, the US labor movement, along with unions internationally, has taken great interest in reversing these dismal unionization rates. The current challenge to organizing these workers is rooted in a deep history of avoidance, ignorance, misguidance, repression, and defeats for the interests of office worker unionism. This work explores the early roots of the current obstacles these workers face in attempting to unionize by examining the popular resistance to US Financial Sector formation in the 19th century. An overview of early financial sector development, political responses, and labor organization is provided, including specific information on financial sector workers when available. The increase and feminization of white-collar work after the US Civil War is explored, especially in the clerical industries of the financial sector. Key factors contributing to low unionization rates include the impact of populist-influenced labor leadership that preferred a decentralized financial structure and excluded clerical workers, the feminization of the clerical labor force, the attitudes of trade union leaders towards women and clerical workers, and the combination of a lack of a labor party in the US and government repression of communists who had the vision to organize the sector. Suggestions for continued research on why the US does not have a financial sector workers union are presented in the conclusion / Mestrado / Economia Social e do Trabalho / Mestre em Desenvolvimento Econômico

Rappresentanze dei lavoratori e contrattazione collettiva a livello aziendale tra legge ed autonomia collettiva / RAPPRESENTANZE DEI LAVORATORI E CONTRATTAZIONE COLLETTIVA A LIVELLO AZIENDALE TRA LEGGE ED AUTONOMIA COLLETTIVA / Workplace Representatives and Firm-Level Collective Bargaining in the Italian Industrial Relation System between Law and Self-Regulation

BONANOMI, GIANLUCA 16 April 2018 (has links)
La tesi muove dall’analisi del contenuto degli accordi interconfederali in materia di misurazione della rappresentatività sindacale, mettendo in luce le potenzialità e le criticità dell’attuale assetto, ed interrogandosi sulla necessità di una regolamentazione legislativa della materia. Si dimostra che l’intervento normativo, escluso per quanto riguarda la contrattazione collettiva nazionale, si rivelerebbe, invece, indispensabile a livello aziendale. Descritte alcune delle proposte legislative avanzate dalla dottrina, la tesi indica le linee di un possibile intervento legislativo concentrandosi sulle strutture di rappresentanza dei lavoratori in azienda e sull’esercizio dei diritti sindacali, sull’ambito di efficacia soggettiva e sulla titolarità della contrattazione collettiva a livello aziendale, nonché sui rapporti tra questa ed il contratto collettivo nazionale di lavoro. In tale prospettiva, si analizza anche il regime delle clausole di tregua sindacale in relazione alla contrattazione collettiva aziendale e all’esercizio del diritto di sciopero. / The thesis, starting from the analysis of the contents of inter-sectoral agreements regarding the measurement of unions’ representativeness, focuses on the potentialities and criticalities of the current Italian industrial relations system. The thesis stresses that a statutory regulation in this field is not needed with reference to sectoral collective bargaining, but it could be necessary as regard to collective bargaining and workplace representatives at firm level. The thesis outlines the guidelines for a possible regulatory intervention, focusing on the functions of workplace representatives, trade union rights, collective bargaining coverage, no-strike clauses and the relationship between decentralised and sectoral collective bargaining agreements.

Consultation et concertation sociales à l'échelle de la Communauté économique européenne: étude des positions et stratégies de la Confédération européenne des syndicats, 1958-1991

Gobin, Corinne January 1996 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Facklig gränspolitik : Landsorganisationens invandrings- och invandrarpolitik 1946 - 2009

Yalcin, Zeki January 2010 (has links)
This thesis concerns the trade union reaction to immigration as a phenomenon and toimmigrants as a labour force on the Swedish labour market. It concerns trade union politicsregarding immigration and immigrants, from the political decision taken in 1946 to recruitworkers from other countries because of the labour shortage in Sweden, to 2009 when theconflict in the Swedish town of Vaxholm, that was a consequence of the EU’s expansion to theeast and which received such enormous attention in the Swedish media, was given its finalverdict and the continued existence of the “Swedish model” was placed under question. Thestudy focuses on the labour movement’s central trade union organisation in Sweden, in otherwords the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (Landsorganisationen, or LO as it is commonlyabbreviated in Sweden).The basis for the thesis has been that the process of immigration must naturally in the longterm lead to the addition of workers on the labour market, and consequently increasedcompetition amongst workers. The question has been how the interest organisation LO, whoseprimary mission is to protect the wage rates and social conditions for its members, and whichhas the restriction of competition as an overriding strategy, would handle the phenomenon ofimmigration and the existence of immigrants as a labour force on the Swedish labour marketand within the trade union movement, during the course of the study. The choice of LO as afundamental starting point for the study, being as it is an interest organisation with the shorttermobjective of protecting its members’ interests, but also given the organisation’s more longtermobjectives of being an important actor on the labour market and within society, hasinfluenced the choice of the thesis’ central theoretical concepts; strategy, restriction ofcompetition, calculability, power and hegemony. This very starting point, but also the natureof the source materials and a reflection over the immigration process (from immigration toimmigrant workers on the labour market and finally to trade union members), has meant that Ihave chosen to structure the thesis and present my findings based on three different problemareas. I have chosen to refer to these problem areas as boundaries, there LO have dealt withvarious problems concerning the phenomena of immigration and immigrants on the Swedishlabour market, as well as problems related to some of its own members having foreignbackgrounds. These boundaries consist firstly of an outer boundary that is a physicalboundary, coincident with national boundaries and influencing immigration politics, there LOwas able to consider the scope of the immigration process and make calculations about whatthe resultant addition of new workers, that is a natural consequence of the immigrationprocess, would mean for the labour market. Secondly an inner boundary, that encompasses thelabour market but is more transparent to members of society and influences immigrant politics,there LO was able to consider the terms and conditions that should be made available to theimmigrant workers, in general within society and in particular on the labour market. Finally aninnermost boundary, encompassing the trade union membership, there LO was able to managethe terms and conditions for the immigrant workers within the trade union movement.The thesis’ overriding objective has been to examine LO’s strategies for these threeboundary areas and to see if there is a coherent pattern behind LO’s actions on these threevarying levels. A more theoretical objective with this thesis has been to examine if the possiblepatterns that would appear in LO’s actions within these three boundary areas, could bediscussed from the perspective of a power structure.

The relationship between union service delivery, motivation and job satisfaction amongst unionised workers in a media organisation in the Western Cape

Charles, Warren Paul. January 2008 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / The purpose of this research is to determine employee satisfaction towards union service delivery and the effect it might have on their motivation. For the purposes of the research, the term customer applies to all union members being serviced by the union and enjoying benefits of negotiations at a centralised or de-centralised level. More generally, trade unions and collective bargaining are seen to enhance the dignity of workers and their control of their working lives, hence the important role trade unions play within the workplace. Service deliveries from a trade union to its members are an important element of employee behaviour and motivation. The research will aim is to measure union members (customer) satisfaction of the service they receive from their union and the impact it possibly has on otivation. The hypothesis of the research is that if workers are satisfied by the service they receive from their trade union their motivational levels will also be high. Alternatively, if workers are dissatisfied by the service they receive from their trade union, their motivation will be low. A Biographical questionnaire, the Organizational Motivation Questionnaire (OMQ) and the Service Quality Questionnaire was administered to respondents to elicit responses on how the aspects of union service delivery impacts on their motivation in the workplace.  The results emanating from the current study indicate that there are statistically significant relationships between work content, payment, promotion, recognition, working conditions, benefits, personal, leadership/ supervision, general and work motivation and satisfaction in the technical department of a media organisation in the Western Cape. Furthermore, results show the nine independent variables (work content, payment, promotion, recognition, working conditions, benefits, personal, leadership/ supervision and general) significantly explained the variance in work motivation and service-delivery. The study also shows a statistically significant difference in motivation and job-satisfaction based on the biographical variables (gender, home language, marital status, age, race, job classification, education, qualifications, job grade and tenure). Multiple regression analysis revealed these variables significant explained the variance in job satisfaction and motivation. The results reveal some interesting insights into the relationship between union service delivery, motivation and job satisfaction amongst unionised workers in a media organisation in the Western Cape. Recommendations are made with respect to the management of this focal area of research. / South Africa

Från revolution till reträtt : Lärande i en fackförenings vardag / From revolution to retreat : Everyday learning in a local trade union

Köpsén, Susanne January 2008 (has links)
Den här avhandlingen syftar till att utveckla kunskap om lärande på den lokala nivån inom fackföreningsrörelsen. Det är en etnografisk beskrivning och analys av hur en fackföreningsstyrelse på en arbetsplats hanterar vardagens fackliga arbete och de krav på lärande som det innebär. I studien undersöks förutsättningarna för en nytillträdd och oerfaren facklig styrelse. Utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande beskrivs och analyseras det fackliga styrelsearbetet under tre år, de olika utvecklingsprocesser detta genererar samt hur fackliga aktiviteter och processer samspelar med hur styrelseledamöternas deltagande och den fackliga praktiken förändras. Att det saknas facklig erfarenhet och kunskap på arbetsplatsen har betydelse för den nya styrelsens förutsättningar för lärande. Studien visar att styrelseledamöternas definition av situationen är avgörande för inriktningen på styrelsearbetet. I studien identifieras tre kvalitativt olika perioder av fackligt arbete och lärande: revolutionen, nybygget och reträtten. Styrelsens kontakter med fackföreningsrörelsen utanför den lokala arbetsplatsen har en avgörande betydelse - särskilt hur ledamöterna använder fackföreningsrörelsens samlade erfarenheter, kunskaper och resurser som källa till lärande. Hur styrelsearbetet fördelas inom styrelsen och tillsammans med andra inom fackförbundet (fackliga kollegor, ombudsmän, medlemmar) visar sig också ha betydelse för det lärande som uppstår inom och utanför den lokala styrelsen. Studien visar att det finns omfattande krav på den lokala styrelsens förmåga att hantera det lokala fackliga arbetet och att självständigt hantera de krav på lärande som det innebär. Utifrån de omständigheter som studien synliggör hävdas att detta är ett överkrav på lokala fackliga styrelser i den mening att man inte på egen hand förmår skapa den kunskap som ger makt att hantera alla viktiga frågor som samtidens arbetsliv ger upphov till. I studien framförs att det krävs förändringar inom fackföreningsrörelsen för att ändra villkor och förutsättningar för lokalt fackligt arbete, lärande och kunskapsutveckling. Makt, kunskap och lärande hänger ihop. / The trade union at the local workplace is considered the most important arena for developing the strength of trade unions. Contemporary changes in working life mean new challenges to the trade union, and especially to the local trade union units at the workplaces. Learning is needed to maintain the strength and the capacity of the trade unions. Local trade union boards and representatives are expected to have the capability to learn on their own. The aim of this study is to investigate learning within a local trade union board at a workplace. An ethnographic study of an inexperienced trade union board has been carried out during three years. A sociocultural perspective is used to analyse the trade union board’s work, the learning processes that are generated and how the board members’ participation and pracitice are changed. From a pragmatist perspective the local trade union board’s attempts to deal with everyday challenges are interpreted as solving problems. It is shown that the board’s different ways of defining the situation are of significant importance. Three qualitative different phases of the local trade union board practice have been identified: the revolution, the renewal and the retreat. The investigation shows the importance of access to and use of the sociocultural knowledge and resources outside the local trade union. The board’s members’ definitions of the situation are influenced by the trade union experience and knowledge that they appropriate in participating in other trade union practices. The study also shows the importance of how the trade union work is distributed as it generates different learning processes according to how duties are divided. Solving problems together with trade union members at the workplace and together with other trade union practices shape learning processes in other communities of the trade union movement. The results of the study indicate that the demands on learning put on the local trade union boards are too overpowering. The local trade union boards cannot be expected to, on their own, develop the knowledge and the power that are needed to tackle the everyday challenges at the workplace. Local trade union learning is a matter to the trade union movement as a whole. Power, knowledge and learning are interdependent.

Are trade unions winners or losers in EU policymaking? : A study of ETUC’s and BusinessEurope’s relative influence in the EU consultation of social partners under article 154 TFEU

Wolf, Signe January 2021 (has links)
This thesis investigated the influence imbalance between worker’s and employer’s interest in the EU policymaking. It is assumed that worker’s interests are disadvantaged, and this study is therefore examining the consultation of social partners under article 154 TFEU that considers social policy and can be used as a most-likely case for worker’s influence.The study is conducted by identifying conflicts between ETUC and BusinessEurope in their consultation replies and compare the different opinions with the Commission’s legislative proposal to find out which organisation that succeeded in influencing the Commission within each conflict.The results from this shows that each consultation generated between 0 to 6 conflicts and that most of the conflicts were won by BusinessEurope. This strengthens the assumption that there is an influence imbalance in EU legislation that makes the employer’s organisation BusinessEurope more influential than the trade unions ETUC.

Produire un syndicalisme politique : la CGT dans un hôpital psychiatrique de 1968 à nos jours. / Producing « political » trade unionism : case of study of CGT trade union in a psychiatric hospital from 1968 to nowdays

Alfandari, Francois 07 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail entend examiner les conditions de production d’un syndicalisme « politique », à partir de l’analyse localisée d’un syndicat CGT d’établissement dans un hôpital psychiatrique de 1968 à aujourd’hui. La catégorie de « politique », au cœur de ce travail, recouvre différentes dimensions qui sont analysées : des activités syndicales qui ne s’éprouvent pas seulement sur le lieu de travail, une présence importante de militants multipositionnés dans des organisations politiques, un attachement à attribuer une signification aux positions occupées dans les rapports sociaux. L’attention portée à l’ancrage syndical dans le lieu de travail permet de saisir comment ce dernier façonne le syndicat et ses membres. La thèse montre dans quelle mesure les modalités de l’engagement des militants procèdent conjointement des socialisations professionnelles et des socialisations syndicales. Néanmoins, l’inscription du syndicat dans l’univers hospitalier a pour effet de reproduire une inégale distribution des positions sociales et professionnelles dans l’organisation, accentuant des rapports différenciés à l’engagement et aux conceptions syndicales qui sont portées par les militants. L’approche socio-historique permet d’appréhender dans le temps la production de l’institution syndicale et ses spécificités en étant attentif aux continuités et aux évolutions. / This work aims at examining the conditions of production of a “political” trade unionism through a study of the specific case of a CGT trade union in a psychiatric hospital from 1968 to nowadays. The sense of “political”, crucial to this work, is explored and analyzed in its numerous dimensions, such as the trade union activities experimented in other places than work, the large amount of multipositioned activists taking part in political organizations or the tendency to give a meaning to the different positions in social relationships. By focusing on how a trade union and a workplace are closely intertwined, we aim at showing how a workplace can shape both a trade union and its members. Similarly, the activists’ commitment has to be understood in association with the socialization process within their work and their union trade. However, in this case, the unbalanced distribution of social and professional positions in the hospital is reproduced in the organization, which in turn widens the gap between the activists’ different ways of being committed in the trade union or even of considering it. Through its socio-historical approach, this work seeks to understand how a trade union is produced and what its characteristics are while keeping its developments in sight.

Role odborů při prosazování genderové rovnosti v pracovněprávních vztazích / The role of unions in promoting gender equality in employment relationships

Brdková, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the issue of gender equality in labour relations in order to assess what role the trade unions can or could play in promoting gender equality. The theoretical part introduces the basic concepts of gender issues and outlines the historical development of unionization in the Czech lands. Attention is paid to legislative standards governing the conditions unionization and analysis of legal measures to promote equality in labour relations. The research focuses on analysis of the texts of collective agreements, and analyses semi- structured interviews performed with representatives of trade unions and the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women at Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions.

Labor protest and colonial control in Trinidad, 1834-1940

Charles, Wendy S. January 1980 (has links)
No description available.

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