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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení efektivity vzdělávacího programu zaměřeného na obchodní dovednosti v mezinárodní firmě / Evaluating the effectiveness of educational program focused on business skills in an international company

Slabá, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the human resources development and education of employees in an international company, preparation and conduct of a particular educational program and especially its evaluation. Thesis consists of theoretical, methodological and practical part. The theoretical part focuses on the benefits of employees' training for the company. It shows the system of business education and his creation. Furthermore, it analyzes all 4 phases of development of the educational system and concentrates mainly on the last stage of the system, the evaluation. Evaluating the effectiveness of education in the company can be accomplished by using a variety of methods. These are the supporting points for the analytical part and the actual evaluation. Methodological section describes the methods which were used for research, the survey sample and data collection. Moreover, the hypotheses are set here. Their validity is verified by analyzing outcomes of the investigation at the end of the thesis. The practical part introduces Komerční banka a.s. as a company and the Human resources department as a major creative element of educational system in the organization. It gives an idea of the process of creating specific training in the KB, its progress and participant's feed-back on it. In the analytical part, here comes the rare evaluation of outputs gained from mystery shopping method and on-line questionnaire. Based on the previous results, the validity of hypotheses is determined and positive and negative aspects of the educational events identified. Following stand the recommendations and suggestions raised by the author.

Zur Verstärkung des Praxisbezugs in der dritten Phase der Lehrerbildung für Berufspädagogen an berufsbildenden Schulen in Sachsen

Perschk, Anett 10 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Lehrerinnen und Lehrer in der beruflichen Bildung müssen die Erfordernisse der modernen und sich ständig verändernden Produktions- und Dienstleistungsstrukturen und deren Auswirkungen auf die berufliche Bildung kennen. Die Umsetzung des Bologna-Prozesses in Deutschland gab den Anstoß, den Prozess der Modularisierung und den Übergang zu Bachelor-/ Masterstrukturen in der Lehramtsausbildung für das höhere Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen im Hinblick auf den sogenannten „doppelten Praxisbezug“ (berufspraktische und schulpraktische Studien) in der ersten Phase der Lehrerbildung (Studium an Universitäten bzw. Hochschulen) und in der zweiten Phase der Lehrerbildung (Vorbereitungsdienst bzw. Referendariat) zu analysieren und mögliche Folgerungen bzw. Konsequenzen für die dritte Phase (Fort- und Weiterbildung) aufzuzeigen. Dazu wurden auf der Grundlage des „Didaktischen Grundverhältnisses“ (Hortsch, 1994) Praxisbereiche definiert, die dann den drei Komponenten beruflicher Handlungskompetenz eines Berufspädagogen (Hortsch, 1997) zugeordnet worden sind. Mittels Inhalts- und Dokumentenanalyse wurden einerseits die schulpraktischen und berufspraktischen Anteile in den auf Bachelor-/ Masterstrukturen umgestellten Lehramtsstudiengängen für das höhere Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen und der jeweilige Vorbereitungsdienst und andererseits Angebote im Rahmen von Lehrerfort- bzw. Weiterbildung, die der Ausprägung der produktionsorientierten Komponente der beruflichen Handlungskompetenz dienen, ermittelt. Eine schriftliche Befragung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern an Beruflichen Schulzentren im Freistaat Sachsen wurde mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, den Grad der Ausprägung der drei Komponenten der beruflichen Handlungskompetenz sowie das Fort- und Weiterbildungsverhalten zu untersuchen. Eine zweite schriftliche Befragung bei Partnern der beruflichen Bildung ermittelte deren Bereitschaft zur Kooperation im Rahmen von Lehrerfort- und Weiterbildung.

Lietuvos Olimpinio sporto centro jaunųjų graikų-romėnų imtynininkų rengimas metiniu treniruočių ciklu / The analysis of the cycle of annual trainings for young greco – roman wrestlers of the Lithuanian Olympic Sport Center

Putiakov, Aleksej 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiuolaikinės graikų – romėnų imtynės sparčiai vystosi – didėja konkurencija tarp sportininkų, tobulėja sportininkų atrankos sistema. Sparčiai gerėja sportiniai rezultatai, keičiasi taisyklės, o tai skatina ieškoti moksliškai pagristų sportininkų rengimo metodų, priemonių ir treniruotės organizavimo formų. Darbe atlikta Lietuvos olimpinio sporto centro jaunųjų graikų – romėnų imtynininkų rengimo per metinį treniruočių ciklą (2005 – 2006 m.) analizė. Išanalizuota jaunųjų imtynininkų metinio rengimo struktūra, treniruočių krūvių apimtis, specifiškumas, fizinio, funkcinio imtynininkų pajėgumo, bei specialios ištvermės kaita per metinį treniruočių ciklą. Tyrimai parodė, kad imtynininkų metinio rengimo ciklo programos atskirų periodų turinys yra pernelyg vienodas. Mažai besikeičiantis santykinai bendram ir specialiam fiziniam rengimui skiriamas laiko kiekis bei mažai kintantis treniruočių intensyvumas. Tai patvirtina ir imtynininkų fizinio ir funkcinio pajėgumo rodiklių maža kaita metiniame treniruočių cikle. Darbo išvados leidžia daryti prielaidą, kad būtina tobulinti Lietuvos olimpinio sporto cento jaunųjų graikų-romėnų imtynininkų metinio treniruočių ciklo programą. / Contemporary Greco – Roman wrestling has been rapidly developing – competition among sportsmen has increased sportsmen’s selection system. Sporting results have been becoming better, the rules are changing fast and thus all these things stimulate the interest of searching for scientifically approved methods, means and forms of trainings of sportsmen preparation. The study comprises the analysis of the cycle of annual trainings (years 2005-2006) for young Greco – Roman wrestlers of the Lithuanian Olympic Sport Center. The structure of the annual preparation of sportsmen, volume of training, specification, change of physical, functional and special capacity during the annual cycle of training sessions have been analyzed. The research has shown the content of separate periods of the wrestlers’ annual preparation cycle to be too monotonous. Comparatively small amount of time spent for general and special physical preparation. This is confirmed by wrestlers’ minor change of physical and functional capacity in the cycle of annual training session. The conclusion of this study allow us to presume that the plan of annual training cycle for young Greco – Roman wresters at Lithuanian Olympic sport center must be improved.

Krepšinio treniruočių įtaka 12-14 metų mergaičių su klausos negalia fiziniam išsivystymui, specialiam fiziniam ir techniniam parengtumui / The impact of basketball trainings on physical development, special physical and technical fitness of 12-14 year old girls with hearing impairment

Pazdrazdis, Algirdas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Krepšinis dėl didelės ir įvairios fizinės judamosios bei emocinės veiklos Lietuvoje populiarus tarp įvairių socialinių grupių gyventojų, tarp jų ir turinčių klausos negalią vaikų. Norint gerai įvaldyti krepšinio techniką reikalingas aukštas fizinis parengtumas bei ilgos ir tikslinės krepšinio technikos treniruotės. Mokslinių tyrimų apie klausos negalią turinčių žmonių sportinio rengimo ypatumus aiškiai nepakanka, o mergaičių, žaidžiančių krepšinį, sportinio parengimo ypatumai Lietuvoje visai netyrinėti. Darbo tikslas buvo ištirti ir įvertinti krepšinio treniruočių poveikį 12-14 metų mergaičių su klausos negalia fizinio išsivystymo, parengtumo ir krepšinio technikos įgūdžių kaitai. Tyrimas vykdytas dviem etapais: pirmasis tyrimas atliktas 2006 metų sausio mėnesį, o antrasis – tų pačių metų spalio mėnesį. Tyrimo metu naudoti antropometrijos metodai bei įvairūs testavimo metodai įvertinti mergai����ių fizinį parengtumą bei krepšinio technikos įgūdžius. Tyrime dalyvavo aštuonios 12-14 metų mergaitės su klausos negalia, lankančios krepšinio treniruotes. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad tirtos mergaitės yra nevienodo fizinio išsivystymo lygio ir fizinio vystymosi greitis skiriasi. Antrojo tyrimo metu lyginant su pirmuoju tyrimu vidutinis mergaičių ūgis statistiškai patikimai padidėjo 5,6 centimetrais (p<0,001) nuo 151 cm iki 156,6 cm, vidutinė kūno masė statistiškai patikimai padidėjo 3,6 kg (p<0,001) nuo 45,3 kg iki 48,9 kg, tačiau patikimo skirtumo tarp vidutinio kūno masės indekso... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Due to extensive and varied physical movable and emotional activity basketball is very popular in various Lithuanian population groups, hearing impaired children among them. In order to perfectly master basketball technique, high physical sportsmanship as well as a long and targeted basketball training is needed. Scientific research regarding characteristics of sport training of hearing impaired people is still insufficient while sportive sportsmanship of girls playing basketball in Lithuania have not been investigated at all. The aim of this work is to examine and assess the influence of basketball training to the change of physical development, sportsmanship and basketball technique skills of 12-14 years old hearing impaired girls. The research was performed in two stages. The first study was performed in January 2006 and the second one was performed in October of the same year. Methods of anthropometry as well as various test methods were used in research process to evaluate physical sportsmanship and basketball technique skills. Eight hearing impaired girls of the age of 12-14 years attending basketball trainings participated in the research. During the research it was found that the researched girls were not of the same physical development and the rate of their physical development was different. During the second study in comparison with the first one the average height of the girls reliably increased by 5,6 cm (p<0,001) from 151 cm to 156,6 cm, average body mass... [to full text]

The sociological reasons of the emergence of "New Spiritual Trainings" in Iran : from a "captured religion" to a "harbored religion" / Les raisons sociologiques de l'émergence des nouveaux mouvements religieux en Iran : de la religion capturée à la religion abritée

Gholamizadeh Behbahani, Shirin 21 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat discute trois questions principales. Tout d'abord, notre recherche atteste l’augmentation des nouveaux phénomènes religieux en Iran. Ensuite, elle les examine afin de découvrir leurs caractéristiques. Enfin, après avoir choisi l’appellation "New Spiritual Trainings" pour les identifier, cette étude analyse les raisons sociologiques derrière leur émergence dans la société iranienne. De ces analyses découle la thèse principale de notre propos: en analysant sociologiquement les conflits religieux au sein de la société iranienne, nous mettons l'accent, d'une part, sur la démonstration du processus de capture et de cristallisation de la religion par les institutions politiques en religion d'État et, d'autre part, sur la décristallisation de la religion par les individus à travers laquelle la notion de la "religion abritée" sera théorisée. / This research discusses three principle questions; firstly proving the rise of the new religious phenomena through the inquiry in Iran; secondly this research examines carefully the new religious phenomena appearing in Iranian society in order to discover their characteristics and find a suitable term to typify them. After selecting the label of “New Spiritual Trainings” (NSTs) for identifying such new phenomena, this study analyzes the sociological reasons behind this emergence in Iranian society. The main thesis of this dissertation is sociological analyses of religious conflicts within current Iranian society and also demonstrating the process by which religion is captured and crystallized into an official State religion by political institutions on one hand and de-crystallized by individuals on the other hand through which the concept of “harbored religion” will be theorized.

Plan de negocio para la implementación de una plataforma online de venta de cursos de gestión empresarial para la pequeña y mediana empresa / Business Plan for the implementation for an online platform for sale of business management courses for small and medium companies.

Delgado Saavedra, Ivan Gustavo, Pantoja Cabello, Danilo Fidel, Gusukuma Lozano, Yuky Ysabel, Atoche Arévalo, Mildred Yannina 24 May 2019 (has links)
El objetivo principal de esta tesis es desarrollar un plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa basada en una plataforma de venta de cursos online. Inicialmente, el público objetivo serán los líderes de la pequeña y mediana empresa local y a largo plazo la comunidad empresarial de habla hispana. En la actualidad el uso intensivo del Internet ha generado una revolución en diversas áreas, como el entretenimiento, la productividad, las transacciones comerciales, las capacitaciones entre muchas más. En nuestro caso las capacitaciones, o cursos en línea, han creado una verdadera democratización de la educación, cada día los precios bajan y la calidad mejora. En cualquier parte del mundo, una persona con un Smartphone y acceso a internet puede recibir un entrenamiento de calidad con muy baja inversión o gratis. Todas las instituciones educativas tradicionales de primer nivel, han iniciado en la última década sus procesos de transformación digital hacia esta tendencia. La investigación de la competencia, nos ayudó a desarrollar una estrategia de diferenciación para ingresar al mercado. Empresas exitosas orientadas a la capacitación como CREHANA y PLATZI buscaron en sus primeras etapas la especialización como diferenciación. CREHANA inició orientada al diseño digital y web, migrando al mediano plazo a todos los temas creativos. PLATZI inició especializándose en programación, diversificando su cartera a mediano plazo con temas como la tecnología en general, el emprendimiento, el marketing digital y el desarrollo personal. En nuestro caso, gracias a los estudios de mercado, entrevistas de profundidad e investigando las tendencias, la especialización será orientada a temas de habilidades blandas, mejora de clima laboral y la empatía, todo orientado a crear culturas organizacionales FELICES para que logren ser más PRODUCTIVAS. Por tal razón el nombre tentativo de esta plataforma seria PRODUCTIVIDADFELIZ.ORG / The main objective of this thesis is to develop a business plan for the creation of a company based on a platform for selling online courses. Initially, the target audience will be the leaders of the small and medium-sized local business and in the long term the Spanish-speaking business community. At present, the intensive use of the Internet has generated a revolution in several areas, such as entertainment, productivity, commercial transactions, training among others. In our case, the trainings, or online courses, have created a true democratization of education, every day, prices fall and quality improves. Anywhere in the world, a person with a Smartphone and Internet access can receive quality training with very low investment or free. All the traditional educational institutions of first level, have initiated in the last decade their processes of digital transformation towards this tendency. The competition research helped us to develop a differentiation strategy to enter the market. Successful companies oriented to training, such as CREHANA and PLATZI, sought in their early stages the specialization for differentiation. CREHANA started with digital and web design, migrating in the medium term to all creative themes. PLATZI started specializing in programming, diversifying its portfolio in the medium term with topics such as general technology, entrepreneurship, digital marketing and personal development. In our case, thanks to market studies, in-depth interviews and trends analysis. The specialization will be oriented to soft skills, work climate improvement and empathy, all aimed at creating HAPPY organizational cultures so that they can be MORE PRODUCTIVE. For this reason the tentative name of this platform would be PRODUCTIVIDADFELIZ.ORG / Tesis

Sistema de información para automatizar el proceso de aprendizaje en línea para las MIPYMES del sector industrial y comercio interno / Information System to automate the online learning process for MSME’s in the Industrial and Internal Trade sector

Barrantes Galván, Wilfer Junior, Cano Taype, Ronny Luis 05 November 2020 (has links)
En un país de Sudamérica, el tejido empresarial formal está conformado en un 99,6% por las MIPYME. Este segmento reúne agentes económicos que dinamizan y contribuyen al desarrollo económico del país. Parte significativa de la población y de la economía dependen de la actividad y el desempeño de este segmento debido a su reconocida capacidad para generar empleo y su participación en la producción. En efecto, las MIPYME aportaron con el 30,7% del valor agregado nacional y generaron el 89,1% del empleo en el sector privado en el 2018.1 Debido a esta situación y a la importancia de las MIPYME, es de vital importancia que se dediquen esfuerzos para fortalecer la capacidad de las mismas, a través del conocimiento que se puede impartir a sus representantes legales, gerentes(as), trabajadores(as), entre otros, con la finalidad de incrementar su productividad. Estas actividades son responsabilidad del Viceministerio de MIPYMES del Ministerio de la Productividad de este país, es así que, para cumplir los objetivos y metas planteadas, una de las principales funciones del subsector en mención es la ejecución de capacitaciones a nivel nacional a las MIPYME del sector industrial y comercio interno, en distintas materias que permitan desarrollar y mejorar su potencial. Estas actividades representan un gran esfuerzo para el VMYPE y sus dependencias internas, ya que actualmente se desarrollan de manera presencial, es así que, los especialistas de cada área deben viajar a nivel nacional para poder brindar el servicio de capacitaciones. Adicionalmente, los costos asociados a este proceso son elevados, pues deben realizarse compras de pasajes para los capacitadores, se deben otorgar viáticos para la estadía y alimentación de los encargados y finalmente, en algunos casos, se pueden precisar de alquiler de locales y demás logística necesaria para las capacitaciones. Este proyecto propone la implementación de un Sistema de Información que permita la automatización del proceso de aprendizaje en línea hacia las MIPYME del sector industrial y comercio interno, a fin de que se puedan optimizar los recursos necesarios para su ejecución. Esta plataforma será de tipo E-Learning y permitirá la generación y alojamiento de cursos y sus materiales vinculados. / In a South American country, 99.6% of the formal business fabric is made up of MSMEs. This segment brings together economic agents that energize and contribute to the economic development of the country. A significant part of the population and the economy depend on the activity and performance of this segment due to its recognized capacity to generate employment and its participation in production. Indeed, MSMEs contributed 30.7% of the national added value and generated 89.1% of employment in the private sector in 2018. Due to this situation and the importance of MSMEs, it is of vital importance that dedicate efforts to strengthen their capacity, through the knowledge that can be imparted to their legal representatives, managers, workers, among others, in order to increase their productivity. These activities are the responsibility of the Vice Ministry of MYPES of the Ministry of Productivity of this country, thus, in order to meet the objectives and goals set, one of the main functions of the subsector in question is the execution of training at the national level to the MSMEs of the industrial sector and internal trade, in different matters that allow to develop and improve their potential. These activities represent a great effort for the VMYPE and its internal dependencies, since they are currently carried out in person, therefore, specialists from each area must travel nationwide to be able to provide the training service. Additionally, the costs associated with this process are high, since ticket purchases must be made for trainers, travel expenses must be granted for the stay and meals of those in charge and finally, in some cases, rental of premises and other logistics may be required necessary for training. This project proposes the implementation of an Information System that allows the automation of the online learning process towards MSMEs in the industrial sector and internal commerce, so that the necessary resources for its execution can be optimized. This platform will be of the E-Learning type and will allow the generation and hosting of courses and their related materials. / Tesis

Träningskläders betydelse för konsumenters identitetsprojekt under en rådande pandemi / The importance of training clothes for consumers' identity projects during an ongoing pandemic

Edsgård, Signe, Skystedt, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Den rådande pandemin, Covid-19, förändrade samhällets syn och behov av konsumtion. I och med att fler började arbeta hemifrån och skolan utfördes på distans, blev efterfrågan på bekväma kläder allt högre. Eftersom att det inte längre gick att sysselsätta sig socialt och träffa andra människor fick människor lära sig att sysselsätta sig på andra sätt. Statistiken visar att produktgruppen träningskläder ökat kraftigt under 2020 och har fortsatt in i 2021. Fler människor valde att prioritera sin fysiska hälsa och fick upp ögonen för träning. Förutom att pandemin påverkade samhället och konsumtionen i stort påverkade det även människan på individnivå, vilket resulterade i förändrade sätt att yttra sin identitet på. Just konsumtionen blir av stor vikt när människan ska kunna bearbeta sin identitet, men när begränsningar i samhället uppkommer tvingas människan att tänka om kring dess konsumtionsval. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur konsumenters identitetsprojekt påverkas till bakgrund av pandemin. Mer specifikt har vi valt att fokusera på att förstå hur träningskläder har haft betydelse för konsumenters identitetsprojekt under pandemin. Det är av intresse att undersöka förändringar inom konsumentbeteende- och identitet för att kunna kartlägga hur konsumenter blir påverkade när de tvingas anpassa sig till samhällsförändringar och krissituationer. Studiens forskningsfrågor: • Hur har pandemin covid-19 påverkat konsumentens identitetsprojekt? • Vilken betydelse har träningskläder haft på konsumenters identitetsprojekt? Metoden som användes i studien är en kvalitativ där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes mot bakgrund av en intervjuguide med strukturerade frågor. Tio stycken deltagande kvinnor och män intervjuades, samtliga med ett intresse eller behov av träning och träningskläder i sin vardag. Utöver detta gjordes även en litteraturstudie för att få en övergripande insikt i vad som studerats tidigare samt få tillgång till fler perspektiv och aspekter. Det förekom även att statistik användes för att fastställa siffror inom förändrad försäljningsstatistik. Resultatet bekräftade att konsumenters identitetsprojekt har påverkats och förändrats under loppet av pandemin, fler har fått upp ögonen för träning, nya träningsformer och träningskläder. För att anpassa sig till den nya situationen har många anammat träningen och träningskläder som en ny identitet, vilket var ett resultat av en begränsad vardag och förändrat socialt liv. Samtliga respondenter var eniga om att träningskläder har ökat i popularitet under det senaste året, samt att det anses mer socialt accepterat. / The prevailing pandemic, Covid-19, changed society's views and needs for consumption. As more people started working from home and school took place digitally, the demand for more comfortable clothes increased. Since it was no longer possible to socially interact and meet other people, we had to learn how to occupy ourselves in other ways. Statistics show that the product group ‘training clothing’ increased sharply in 2020 and continued into 2021. More people chose to prioritize their physical health during a period of uncertainty and opened their eyes to training. But in addition to the fact that the pandemic affected society and consumption in general, it also affected humans on an individual level, which resulted in changed ways of expressing one's identity. Consumption in particular becomes of great importance when a person wants to process its identity, but when limitations arise in society, we are forced to rethink his consumption and choice. The purpose of this study was to examine how consumers' identity projects are affected by the pandemic. More specifically, we have chosen to focus on understanding how training clothing has been important for consumers' identity projects during the pandemic. It is of interest to examine changes in consumer behavior and identity in order to be able to map how consumers are affected when they are forced to adapt to societal changes and crisis situations. Study research questions: • How has the pandemic covid-19 affected the consumer's identity project? • What significance have training clothes had on consumers' identity projects? The method used was qualitative where semi-structured interviews were conducted on the basis of a structured interview guide. Ten participating women and men were interviewed, all with an interest or need for training and training clothes in their everyday lives. In addition to this, a literature study was also conducted to gain an overall insight into what has been studied previously and to gain access to more perspectives and aspects. It also happened that statistics were used to determine figures in changed sales statistics. The results confirmed that consumers' identity projects have been affected and changed during the course of the pandemic. More people have opened their eyes to training, new forms of training and training clothes. To adapt to the new situation, many had adopted training and training clothes as a new identity, which was a result of a limited everyday life and changed social life. All respondents agreed that training clothes have increased in popularity over the past year, and that it is considered more socially accepted.

Zur Verstärkung des Praxisbezugs in der dritten Phase der Lehrerbildung für Berufspädagogen an berufsbildenden Schulen in Sachsen

Perschk, Anett 12 June 2013 (has links)
Lehrerinnen und Lehrer in der beruflichen Bildung müssen die Erfordernisse der modernen und sich ständig verändernden Produktions- und Dienstleistungsstrukturen und deren Auswirkungen auf die berufliche Bildung kennen. Die Umsetzung des Bologna-Prozesses in Deutschland gab den Anstoß, den Prozess der Modularisierung und den Übergang zu Bachelor-/ Masterstrukturen in der Lehramtsausbildung für das höhere Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen im Hinblick auf den sogenannten „doppelten Praxisbezug“ (berufspraktische und schulpraktische Studien) in der ersten Phase der Lehrerbildung (Studium an Universitäten bzw. Hochschulen) und in der zweiten Phase der Lehrerbildung (Vorbereitungsdienst bzw. Referendariat) zu analysieren und mögliche Folgerungen bzw. Konsequenzen für die dritte Phase (Fort- und Weiterbildung) aufzuzeigen. Dazu wurden auf der Grundlage des „Didaktischen Grundverhältnisses“ (Hortsch, 1994) Praxisbereiche definiert, die dann den drei Komponenten beruflicher Handlungskompetenz eines Berufspädagogen (Hortsch, 1997) zugeordnet worden sind. Mittels Inhalts- und Dokumentenanalyse wurden einerseits die schulpraktischen und berufspraktischen Anteile in den auf Bachelor-/ Masterstrukturen umgestellten Lehramtsstudiengängen für das höhere Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen und der jeweilige Vorbereitungsdienst und andererseits Angebote im Rahmen von Lehrerfort- bzw. Weiterbildung, die der Ausprägung der produktionsorientierten Komponente der beruflichen Handlungskompetenz dienen, ermittelt. Eine schriftliche Befragung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern an Beruflichen Schulzentren im Freistaat Sachsen wurde mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, den Grad der Ausprägung der drei Komponenten der beruflichen Handlungskompetenz sowie das Fort- und Weiterbildungsverhalten zu untersuchen. Eine zweite schriftliche Befragung bei Partnern der beruflichen Bildung ermittelte deren Bereitschaft zur Kooperation im Rahmen von Lehrerfort- und Weiterbildung.

Estágios para alunos de ensino médio: análise da relação entre uma escola pública e uma ONG na cidade de São Paulo / Training for high school students: analysis of the relation between a public school and a ngo in São Paulo

Ferreira, Moises Carlos 29 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:33:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Moises Carlos Ferreira.pdf: 618560 bytes, checksum: 54751852a01c34fdf6a2ca97d2323a2f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The research related in this thesis aimed to investigate the relation between an ETE (Public Technical School) in the city of São Paulo and an NGO (Non Governmental Organization) bearing in mind how these institutions take students from High School to do a traineeship in the job market. The initial point of such research is LDBEN 9394/96 and the based theory from CNE/CEB (National Council Education/ Basic Education House) n. 15/98, that emphasize the preparation of High School students to the job market and another based theory from CNE/CEB n. 35/2003, that regulated how these trainings would be done by those students. Considering their specific necessity of preparation for the job market, jargon from business expressions are being frequently used, such as flexibility , learning by abilities , the ability to adapt to changes within these educational institutions. In the same way, a creation of a new school educational paradigm has been noticed formed by the same uncritical business speech in relation to the employment crisis that shakes the contemporary world. In other words, this agreement shows itself as a spokesperson of this new educational paradigm, the one that considers the business view. The research consists in an analytic-descriptive study of students opinion about the trainings, its offerings and possibilities, considering the agreement ETE-ONG. This investigation has been done between 2006-2007, through forms applied to 15 students from High School in question who participated in some Training Programs and also through the analysis of official papers involving the relations that deal with this agreement ETE-ONG. The issues that concern the students training and their insertion into the job market are mainly considered in this analysis, as well as the observation of some workshops organized by the NGO that trains students. The analytical reference used in this thesis is based on authors like: Ferretti, Lopes and Zibas who criticize this educational model. The research allows us to infer that this kind of training represents certain flexibility of the CLT (Working Laws Consolidation), because it creates a cheap kind of labor to the companies and at the same time it brings the students involved to use this opportunity not to develop their curriculum abilities according to the official papers, but to enter, even though in an insufficient way, the job market / A pesquisa aqui relatada investiga a relação entre uma ETE (Escola Técnica Estadual) de São Paulo e uma ONG (Organização Não Governamental) no que se refere ao encaminhamento de alunos do Ensino Médio para estagiar no mercado de trabalho. O ponto inicial de tal pesquisa remete à LDBEN 9394/96 e ao Parecer CNE/CEB (Conselho Nacional de Educação/ Câmara de Educação Básica) n. 15/98, que enfatizam a preparação ao mundo do trabalho para a educação de nível médio e ao Parecer CNE/CEB n. 35/2003, que regulamentou a realização de estágios para alunos vinculados ao Ensino Médio. Em face desta demanda específica para o ensino médio a de preparar para o mundo do trabalho desenvolve-se, no interior das instituições escolares desse nível de ensino, o uso de um repertório empresarial visível na utilização freqüente de jargões como: flexibilização , aprendizado por habilidades , adaptação ao novo , bem como observa-se a criação de um novo paradigma para se referir à educação escolar, com a mesma carga do discurso empresarial pouco crítico em relação à crise do desemprego que abala o mundo contemporâneo. Ou seja, o convênio em tela apresenta-se como porta voz desse novo paradigma educacional, o empresarial. A pesquisa consiste em um estudo analítico-descritivo da visão de alunos do Ensino Médio sobre a oferta e possibilidade de estágios, no âmbito do convênio ETE-ONG. Foi realizada entre os anos de 2006/2007, por meio de: aplicação de questionários a 15 (quinze) alunos do Ensino Médio que se utilizam do expediente estágio; análise de documentos envolvendo as relações que tratam do convênio entre as instituições citadas ETE & ONG especialmente no que tange à formação dos alunos e ao seu encaminhamento para o mercado de trabalho; além de observações de Oficinas de Capacitação que formam os estagiários, organizadas pela ONG. Fornecem referencial de análise para a pesquisa autores como: Ferretti, Lopes e Zibas, que fazem crítica a este modelo educacional. A pesquisa permite inferir que esta modalidade de estágio representa certa flexibilização da CLT (Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho), pois acaba por gerar mão de obra barata para as empresas, ao mesmo tempo em que leva os alunos envolvidos a se utilizarem desta possibilidade, não para desenvolverem habilidades curriculares, conforme designam os documentos legais, mas para inserção, ainda que precária, no mercado de trabalho

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