Spelling suggestions: "subject:"translator"" "subject:"translators""
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Äquivalenz in der Übersetzungswissenschaft : Mit Schwerpunkt auf ENG-DE Übersetzung / Equivalence in translation science (ENG-GER)Cacia, Eleonora January 2020 (has links)
The term equivalence comes from the Latin word "aequivalentia" and means equivalence. "Aequus" stands for equal and "valere" for worth. So two objects are equivalent if they have the same value. Equivalence plays an important role in translation science. "Translation science deals with the process of translation, i.e. the process that leads from a written source language text (ST text) to a written target language text (TL text), the translation Therefore, a TL (target language) text must be equivalent to the original ST (source language) text. However, a perfect equivalent transmission of the message in the target language is not always so easy to achieve, because languages differ at different levels. The languages reflect your own culture, way of seeing, expression, grammar and syntax. When you try to adapt these elements to a new language, it often happens that the equivalence is not achieved due to this heterogeneity and diversity. If you don't achieve them, it is not a translation but a text reproduction or text production that is not the same is worth to the original text. That is why the search for real equivalence has occupied various translators and scientists for years. They have defined various equivalence criteria that can be helpful for an accurate translation. For all these reasons, it is essential to achieve the correct equivalence when translating. This thesis researches the concept of equivalence in order to better understand it and then use it in practice, namely when translating.
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Le rôle de l’éthique dans la traduction française des œuvres d’Astrid Lindgren : Fifi Brindacier digne héritière de Pippi Långstrump ? / The role of ethics in the French translation of Astrid Lindgren’s work : Fifi Brindacier a worthy heir to Pippi Långstrump?Batto, Yann January 2021 (has links)
Lindgren’s character Pippi Longstocking is well-known all around the world. Acclaimed by feminist movements, she has been considered as a proud role model, striving for equality, who has significantly influenced many young children. However, scholars agree that she has not had the same impact in every single country due to problems that stem from the translation work’s ethic. Thus, this study strives to investigate translation’s power on readership’s perception and decryption of Lindgren’s character by comparing narrative and lexical choices of two French translations of Pippi’s books. Based on the translator’s invisibility concept and feminist translation theories, the results show that Pippi Longstocking’s depiction can purposefully be altered by the translator to match French cultural standards. By impeding readers to get a full and unbiased picture of the character, the translator suppresses the subversiveness of Lindgren’s work. Thus, the forced domestication process causes the loss of key features that make Pippi iconic.
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Проблемы перевода современной медицинской терминологии с английского языка на русский на основе книги Р. Вотчера и К. Гапта "Понимание безопасности пациента" : магистерская диссертация / Problems of translation of modern medical terminoligy from English to Russian based on the book R. Wachter and K. Gupt "Understanding patient safety"Филиппова, А. К., Filippova, A. K. January 2022 (has links)
В выпускной квалификационной работе рассматриваются трудности перевода медицинской терминологии на основе книги Р. Вотчера и К. Гапта «Понимание безопасности пациента». В рамках данной работы проанализированы аббревиатуры, омонимичные аббревиатуры, фразовые глаголы, синонимы и межъязыковые омонимы («ложные друзья переводчика»). / The final qualifying work deals with the difficulties of translating medical terminology based on the book "Understanding Patient Safety" by R. Watcher and K. Gupta. Within the framework of this work, abbreviations, homonymous abbreviations, phrasal verbs, synonyms and interlingual homonyms (“false friends of the translator”) are analyzed.
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Překlad z hlediska lingvistiky a didaktiky cizího jazyka / Linguistic and didactic interpretation of translationVoldřichová, Tamara January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the linguistic and didactic interpretation of translation. Its objective is to introduce the reader to the issues of language-focused findings, which are reflected in translators' work and besides, to describe the situation of didactic contribution of translation in second language teaching. The work is divided ino two main parts. In the first one, there is translators' work and his competences being presented on the ground of chosen linguistic theories. These are further extended by a practical part of description and analysis of translation methods. The whole thesis is being closed by the second part which mediates the didactic point of view of the given issue. The basic overview facts of actual situation of the use of translation in modern language classes are summarized in here.
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Překlad z hlediska lingvistiky a didaktiky cizího jazyka / Linguistic and didactic interpretation of translationVoldřichová, Tamara January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the linguistic and didactic interpretation of translation. Its objective is to introduce the reader to the issues of language-focused findings, which are reflected in translators' work and besides, to describe the situation of didactic contribution of translation in second language teaching. The work is divided ino two main parts. In the first one, there is translators' work and his competences being presented on the ground of chosen linguistic theories. These are further extended by a practical part of description and analysis of translation methods. The whole thesis is being closed by the second part which mediates the didactic point of view of the given issue. The basic overview facts of actual situation of the use of translation in modern language classes are summarized in here.
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La traduction vers l'arabe des textes relatifs aux droits humains : perspectives historiques du 19ème siècle à nos jours / The translation into Arabic of texts dealing with human rights : historical perspectives from the 19th century until todayChraïbi, Sylvie 27 September 2013 (has links)
Partant du constat de l‟extrême profusion de textes juridiques et journalistiques relatifs aux droits humains traduits en arabe, nous avons voulu retracer l‟histoire de la traduction de ce genre de textes et mettre en lumière les moments forts de son évolution, aux niveaux terminologique, phraséologique et idéologique. Cette recherche nous a fait remonter jusqu'aux productions d'intellectuels arabes modernistes du XIXème siècle. Nous avons rappelé dans le chapitre 1 les contextes à la fois historiques et discursifs qui ont vu ou fait naître le concept de droits de l'homme puis avons présenté une description détaillée des traductions de 3 textes de référence : les traductions de la Charte constitutionnelle française de 1814 par Rifâ„a Râfi„ al-Tahtâwî (1801-1873), de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen de 1789 (DDHC) par Farah Antûn (1874-1922) et de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme (DUDH) de 1948 par les services de traduction de l‟Onu. Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons cherché à montrer que les textes traduits laissaient toujours transparaître des contradictions ou une certaine concurrence entre, d‟une part, les motivations idéologiques qui président à la rédaction des textes sources et, d‟autre part, les motivations intellectuelles de leurs traducteurs. Toujours dans cette perspective, nous avons étudié, au chapitre 3, trois traductions de textes relatifs au domaine mais de genres différents: un discours politique («A new beginning», Barack Obama), un article spécialisé (Human Rights Watch) et un extrait de rapport (Amnesty International). Nous avons mis en avant la complexité du statut des traducteurs de textes relatifs aux droits humains qui doivent, d‟une part, avoir des connaissances à la fois linguistiques, terminologiques et notionnelles, et, d‟autre part, adopter des stratégies traductives (choix lexicaux et phraséologiques) qui respectent la visée du texte source (politique, militante, informative…). / Assessing the extreme profusion of legal and journalistic texts dealing with human rights in Arabic, the aim of this thesis is to retrace the history of those texts‟ translation and to highlight on the most important phasis of its evolution, at terminological, phraseological and ideological levels. This research has made us go back to nineteenth century Arab modernist intellectuals‟ productions. We recalled in Chapter 1 to the both historical and discursive contexts in which the concept of human rights was born. Then, we have presented a detailed description of the translations of three representative texts: the translations of the 1814 French Constitutional Charter by Rifâ„a Râfi „ al-Tahtâwî (1801-1873), of the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Human being and the Citizen (DDHC) by Farah Antûn (1874-1922) and of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations translation services. Chapter 2 demonstrates that the translated texts always denote elements of contradiction or at least some contention between, on the one hand, the ideological motives at the heart of the drafting of the original texts and, on the other hand, the intellectual purposes of the translators. And in such context, Chapter 3 sticks to this point focusing this time on three translations of texts related to the same field but belonging to different genres: a political speech ("A new beginning", Barack Obama), a feature article (Human Rights Watch) and an extract from a survey(Amnesty International). We have highlighted the very complexity inherent to the status of translators of texts dealing with human rights. They, on the one hand, have to be conversant with linguistics, terminological and notional knowledge and, on the other hand, have to keep to traductive strategies (lexical and phraseological choices) in order not to misrepresent the designs of the source text (political, activist, informative ...).
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Exploring the health experiences of Korean immigrant women in retirementChoi, Jaeyoung Unknown Date
No description available.
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"Poésie et traduction poétique en Italie pendant les années 30 et 40 du XXè siècle" / Poetry and poetic translation in Italy during the 30s and the 40s in the 20th centuryNanni, Emanuela 10 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s'articule autour d'une définition historique qui a été formulée par Cesare Pavese, lorsqu'il a défini les années 30 et 40 du XXe siècle comme les deux décennies de la traduction par excellence. Si les études menées jusqu'à aujourd'hui se sont penchées de manière approfondie presque seulement sur la traduction des romans et cela en choisissant comme langue source privilégiée l'anglais ou le français, nous avons concentré notre analyse sur la traduction, l'écriture et la critique poétiques réalisées dans la période s'étalant de l'entre-deux-guerres jusqu'à la fin des années 40. La poésie était en effet le lieu critique, traductif et créatif le plus fréquenté. Un véritable besoin de poésie animait les cénacles des intellectuels italiens à Florence comme à Milan, à Parme, à Rome et également à Turin. Les échanges entre les artistes, critiques, poètes et traducteurs se jouaient pour la plupart sur le terrain de la poésie, sans être, au moins jusqu'au milieu des années 30, particulièrement entravés par la censure fasciste. En effet l'Italie devait, même aux yeux du fascisme, connaître un Baudelaire, un Rimbaud et un Eliot parlant italien. La poésie prenait une place sans précédents dans la vie culturelle et littéraire de l'époque et devint aussi un champ d'action concret : écrire en vers bouleverse autant l'ordre syntactique de la langue que l'habitude à concevoir la réalité de manière univoque et sans opacités.La poésie, pour reprendre une pensée d'Henri Meschonnic, est « contre le maintien de l'ordre », et se propose comme une forme d'engagement profond qui implique les consciences et leur prise de position face à la réalité. Dans une perspective plus large, le discours poétique s'entrelace avec le discours politique, si par politique on présuppose tout effort visant à garantir le bien-être de l'homme et la création des conditions qui permettent la réalisation au degré le plus haut de la liberté de tout individu.L'objet d'intérêt de la traduction poétique fusionne inévitablement avec la poésie tout court, ne serait-ce que parce que toute poésie est en tout cas toujours une traduction. Faire et construire en poésie sont devenus ainsi les axes de cette étude qui essaye de rendre compte constamment des voix de plusieurs personnalités qui étaient à la fois poètes, traducteurs et critiques littéraires. La partie finale de ce travail se concentre ainsi sur la naissance d'un nouveau type d'intellectuel qui est poète, traducteur et critique, et qui, très souvent, est aussi un éditeur. Sa participation à la vie sociale, politique et éditoriale du pays devient de plus en plus significative et fera de la poésie le sujet de plusieurs collections éditoriales et de nombreuses autres publications.Nous avons essayé de montrer quel type d'engagement peut émaner de l'écriture des poèmes et de la pratique de la traduction poétique, en décrivant quel militantisme profond et passionné peut surgir de la 'fréquentation' de la poésie, qui se propose comme une constellation de sens constamment “constructible”, comme une présence jamais définitive. Cette mise en valeur de l'inachevé contribue à la mise en question de l'identité du sujet et à la poursuite de son salut, à la multiplication des hypothèses, et à l'ouverture des horizons. En se proposant avec son corps mouvant et émouvant, la poésie sera, pendant le fascisme, un levier d'indisciplinarité face à la règle, s'imposant comme un insoupçonnable instrument de contestation et de résistance. / This thesis focuses on a historical definition given by Cesare Pavese, when he defined the 30s and 40s of the twentieth century as the translation's period par excellence in Italy. The previous studies have looked extensively on the translation of novels and most of these researches choose English or French as principal language sources. This Phd thesis concentrates instead the analysis first of all on poetic translation and also on writing poetry as well as on poetic criticism ‘made' in the inter-war period until the late 40s. Poetry was incontestably the critical, translational and creative locus. Poetry was the main interest of the circles of Italian intellectuals in Florence and in Milan, in Parma, in Rome and in Turin also. Exchanges between artists, critics, poets and translators played mostly in the field of poetry, more or less without being particularly hampered by the fascist censorship, until the mid-30s. Poetry became a field of concrete action because it upsets language's syntactic order and this encourages a new conception and design of the reality, as well a way to fight every monolithic solution refusing opacity and incompleteness.Using an expression of Henri Meschonnic poetry is “against the maintenance of the order”, and presents itself as a form of deep commitment (in order words a form of “engagement”) that involves awareness and taking a stand against reality. In a poetic discourse the political element is closed involved. In fact we assume that “politics” is any attempt to fight for the welfare of man and every attempt to achieve the highest degree of freedom of every individual.The subject of criticism and translating poetry inevitably merge with poetry at all, and it is to consider that poetry is in any case always a translation. Poetry and its effects have become the axes of this study that tries to present consistently the voices of several people who were poets, translators and literary critics at the same time. The final part of this work concentrates on the birth of a new type of intellectual who is a poet, a translator, a critic and often also a publisher.We tried to show also what type of engagement may trigger the writing of poems and the practice of poetic translation, describing how deep and passionate activism may arise 'attending' poetry. Poetry is always proposed as a constellation of meaning constantly "building" as a presence never definitive. This enhancement of the unfinished contributes to the questioning of the subject's identity and to the pursuit of his salvation. Every poetic multiplication of hypotheses allows the opening of a lot of horizons. Offering her moving body poetry has been, even during Fascism, a lever of great indisciplinarity face to the rule settled by the dictatorship and it has been an unsuspected instrument of protest and resistance.
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La cotraduction : domaine littéraire coréen-français / Co-translation : korean-french literary fieldChoi, Mi-Kyung 26 February 2014 (has links)
Nous nous sommes donné pour objectif d'étudier les questions posées par la traduction littéraire en B à partir du coréen effectuée en binôme par un traducteur coréen et un cotraducteur spécialiste de la langue d'arrivée, et d'en préciser les conditions de réussite.En matière littéraire du coréen vers le français, ce couplage vise à pallier l'absence de traducteurs français capables de travailler seuls.L'opération traduisante étant effectuée par des traducteurs coréens travaillant en B, l'exigence formelle de la traduction littéraire implique l'intervention d'un réviseur français.De plus en plus d'œuvres coréennes sont traduites selon cette modalité et publiées en France. Nous avons analysé les différentes étapes du processus, de la compréhension à la réexpression, à la lumière e la théorie interprétative de la traduction en tentant de montrer pourquoi le concept clé de la déverbalisation légitime la cotraduction, l'activité traduisante étant une opération de texte à texte, non de langue à langue. La première partie de notre recherche est consacrée à l'étude du cadre théorique (définition des notions auxquelles nous recourons, description de la théorie interprétative) et pratique (aperçu de l'état présent de la traduction française des textes littéraires coréens). Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons analysé des exemples de traduction en montrant le cheminement des échanges entre le traducteur et le cotraducteur, et en précisant la nature du guidage donné par le premier au second ainsi que la nature de la contribution de ce dernier. Nous aboutissons à la conclusion qu'une pratique souvent considérée seulement comme un pis-aller peut prétendre à produire des textes d'une réelle qualité littéraire dès lors que la technique mise en œuvre respecte les conditions que nous tentons de définir ici. / Our aim was to study the issue of literary translation when it is carried into the B language of the translator (here from Korean to French) with the assistance of a co-translator native speaker of the target language and to point out the conditions of success. In the field of literary translation from Korean into French, this kind of team-work aims at overcoming the lack of French translators able to produce literary standard translations by themselves. When the translation is done by a Korean translator working into his B language, a thorough work of editing and rewriting is required due to the formal requirements of literary writing. An increasing number of Korean novels and short stories are translated by such a dual team and published in France.We analyze the different steps of the process of translation, from understanding to reformulation in the light of the Interpretive Theory of Translation, trying to show why the key concept of “de-verbalization” makes co-translation justifiable, translation being defined as an operation from text to text not from language to language.The first part of our research is devoted to the theoretical aspects of our study (definition of some key notions, mainly of the Interpretive Theory of Translation) and its practical aspects (general survey of translated Korean literary works into French). In the second part, we analyze a large number of our translation samples with the objective of showing the sort of dialog the translator and her co-translator entertain, and underlining the nature of guidance proposed by the first one to second one and the contribution of the last one.Our conclusion is that, thanks to this dual-team process, often wrongly considered as a lesser evil, we are able to produce quality literary translation provided that the method implemented takes into account the conditions we describe here.
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Um Brasil de várias línguas : professores, tradutores da praça e intérpretes da nação (1808-1828)Paixão, Roberto Carlos Bastos da 23 March 2015 (has links)
This Dissertation has as its objective a study of the historical-political-educational and linguistic aspects of the institutionalization of teaching foreign languages in Brazil. We consider, first, that the arrival of the Portuguese royal family to the country in 1808, under the protection of the British and the declaration of opening of ports to ships and foreign trade sparked a series of imperial decisions that marked the entry of that language in the context of the Brazilian education. The text, in its second stage, adjusts the focus on the codices of the National Archives, whose documentary examination drew some inferences to an analysis of the institutionalization process of the Teacher, Commerce Translator and the Interpreter of the Nation. As such, the design of the Dissertation sought to sketch a map of the foreign language teaching, and specifically the translation of written text and oral interpretation in English within the time frame of 1808-1828. The results of the survey in Rio de Janeiro National Archives (AN / RJ) are representative of the larger effort to improve the understanding and analysis aimed to rebuild a relevant stage in the midst of the development of the Brazilian educational process. This research exposes the techniques developed in the Activity Report at the N.A, and notes on other complementary activities at the PUC (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) and CRB (Casa de Rui Barbosa). / A presente Dissertação tem como objeto de estudo aspectos histórico-político-educacionais e linguísticos relativos à institucionalização do ensino de idiomas estrangeiros no Brasil. Consideramos, inicialmente, que a chegada da Família Real portuguesa ao país, em 1808, sob a proteção dos ingleses e da decretação da abertura dos portos aos navios e ao comércio estrangeiro deflagrou uma série de decisões imperiais que marcaram a entrada do referido idioma no contexto educacional brasileiro. O texto, em seu segundo momento, ajusta o foco nos Códices do Arquivo Nacional, de cujo exame documental extraiu algumas inferências para uma análise do Processo de Institucionalização dos ofícios de Professor, Tradutor da Praça e Intérprete da Nação. De tal forma, o desenho da Dissertação buscou esboçar um mapa do ensino de idiomas estrangeiros, e, especificamente, da tradução do texto escrito e da interpretação oral em língua inglesa dentro do recorte temporal de 1808-1828. Os resultados da pesquisa realizada no Arquivo Nacional do Rio de Janeiro (AN/RJ) são representativos do esforço maior em aperfeiçoar a compreensão e análise voltada para a reconstrução de uma fase relevante no bojo do desenvolvimento do processo educacional brasileiro. A presente investigação expõe o Relatório de atividades técnicas desenvolvidas no Arquivo Nacional, além de anotações sobre outras atividades complementares realizadas na PUC (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro) e CRB (Casa de Rui Barbosa).
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