Spelling suggestions: "subject:"transmitted"" "subject:"ransmitted""
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Etude des propriétés fonctionnelles de la glycoprotéine d'enveloppe des variants transmis du VIH-1 et de leur évolution à l'échelle individuelle et populationnelle / Functional properties of envelope glycoproteins of transmitted HIV-1 variants and their evolution during the infection or over the course of the epidemicBeretta, Maxime 18 October 2018 (has links)
Lors de la transmission sexuelle du VIH-1, un seul ou un nombre très limité de variants viraux sont transmis parmi ceux présents chez le donneur. Il est important de comprendre si le variant transmis est sélectionné aléatoirement parmi ceux présents chez le donneur ou s’il possède un avantage sélectif qui le prédispose à établir plus efficacement une nouvelle infection. Lors de nos différents travaux, nous avons pu observer chez quatre patients une évolution parallèle des propriétés génétiques, antigéniques et fonctionnelles de la glycoprotéine d’enveloppe au cours de l’infection. L’évolution de certaines propriétés est répercutée à l’échelle populationnelle. Néanmoins nous avons montré que malgré ces évolutions, les virus transmis au sein d’une même chaîne de transmission présentent des propriétés biologiques conservées. L’ensemble de nos résultats vont en faveur d’une sélection d’un variant viral avec des propriétés particulières lors de la transmission. De plus le variant transmis possède une région V3 particulièrement conservée associée à un tropisme CCR5, une sensibilité au Maraviroc et semble avoir besoin d’un taux élevé de CD4 à la surface de la cellule cible. / During HIV-1 sexual transmission, a single virus among the numerous viral variants present in the donor is transmitted most often. The key question is to understand if transmitted variants are randomly selected among variants from the donor or they have biological properties that predispose them to establish more efficiently a new infection. We observed a parallel evolution of genetic, antigenic and functional properties of the envelope glycoprotein in four patients during the infection. In addition, the evolution of some properties is also observed at the populational level. However, we showed that transmitted variants from a same transmission chain share similar biological properties. Together our results suggest that the transmission bottleneck is mainly non-stochastic and involves the selection viral variants harboring specific phenotypic properties. Despite transmitted variants have a conserved V3 region associated with a CCR5 tropism, sensitivity to Maraviroc and seem to require high level of CD4 to efficiently infect target cells.
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Managing Design Change in Complex Production Development Project : A study at Scania Gearbox AssemblyGradin, Beata January 2019 (has links)
The speed of launching new products will accelerate and so the complexity of products and productions systems (Sorli et al 2006; Windt et al., 2008). Change is a natural effect of product development and it offers opportunities to develop the related production (Jarratt et al, 2011; Lager, 2002). To increase the launching, simultaneous development projects with a multi-project structure can be initiated (Araszkiewicz, 2017). This results in transmitted design changes from the product development project into the related production development project. In turn, the production development project needs to manage these transmitted design changes. The study has investigated how transmitted design changes shall be managed in production development projects. This was performed by exploring theoretical fields of Engineering Change and Project Management and collecting empirical data from a studied complex production development project at Scania DT. A standardized Transmitted Design Change process is recommended to use in order to achieve better communication in-between the interdependent projects and manage change with respect to risk and without harming other processes. Furthermore, project management methodologies and its characteristics were discussed in order to support and facilitate the management of transmitted design changes. The study concludes that both flexible and traditional project management methodologies shall be adopted in these complex development projects with high levels of interdependencies. The combined strategy supports changes and uncertainties with flexible iterations and controls the projects with standardized processes and structure.
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Avaliação da participação dos Mollicutes e outros microrganismos de interesse genital na endometriose humana. / Participation of Mollicutes and genital interest microrganisms on human endometriosis.Campos, Guilherme Barreto 14 September 2016 (has links)
A endometriose é uma doença caracterizada pela presença de endométrio fora do útero. O estudo objetivou detectar Mollicutes (M. genitalium, M. hominis, U. urealyticum e U. parvum), HPV e N. gonorrhoeae em amostras de swab endocervical, fluido peritoneal e tecido de biópsia de mulheres com (grupo caso) e sem endometriose (grupo controle) e avaliar os achados com a endometriose. No swab endocervical, prevalências de M. hominis (Mh), M. genitalium (Mg), U. urealyticum (Uu) e HPV foram maiores no grupo caso (43,7%, 14,1%, 8,5% e 5,9% respectivamente) que no grupo controle. No fluido peritoneal também foi maior no grupo caso (Mh: 27,8%; Mg: 40,7%; Uu: 3,7% e HPV: 9,6%) do que o grupo controle. No tecido de biópsia, Mh (5,9%) e Mg (13,2%) foram maiores no grupo caso. M. genitalium no fluido peritoneal foi associado à maior produção de IFN-γ e IL-1β (p < 0,05). O perfil de downregulation de genes da inflamação foi acentuado na presença de M. genitalium. Upregulation ocorreu na presença de M. hominis. Mollicutes podem influenciar na resposta imune na endometriose. / Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the presence of endometrium outside of uterus. This study aimed to detect Mollicutes (M. genitalium, M. hominis, U. urealyticum and U. parvum), HPV and N. gonorrhoeae in samples of endocervical swab, peritoneal fluid and biopsied tissue from women with (case group) and without endometriosis (control group) and evaluate the finds with endometriosis. In swab samples the prevalence of M. hominis (Mh), M. genitalium (Mg), U. urealyticum (Uu) and HPV were higher in case group (43.7%, 14.1%, 8.5% e 5.9% respectively) than the control group. In the peritoneal fluid it was higher in the case group as well (Mh: 27.8%; Mg: 40.7%; Uu: 3.7% e HPV: 9.6%).In the biopsied tissue, Mh (5.9%) and Mg (13.2%) were higher in the case group. M. genitalium in the peritoneal fluid was associated to a higher production of IFN-γ and IL-1β. Downregulation of inflammatory genes were accentuated when M. genitalium was detected. Upregulation occurred when M. hominis was detected. Mollicutes could influence in the immune response on endometriosis.
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Avaliação da participação dos Mollicutes e outros microrganismos de interesse genital na endometriose humana. / Participation of Mollicutes and genital interest microrganisms on human endometriosis.Guilherme Barreto Campos 14 September 2016 (has links)
A endometriose é uma doença caracterizada pela presença de endométrio fora do útero. O estudo objetivou detectar Mollicutes (M. genitalium, M. hominis, U. urealyticum e U. parvum), HPV e N. gonorrhoeae em amostras de swab endocervical, fluido peritoneal e tecido de biópsia de mulheres com (grupo caso) e sem endometriose (grupo controle) e avaliar os achados com a endometriose. No swab endocervical, prevalências de M. hominis (Mh), M. genitalium (Mg), U. urealyticum (Uu) e HPV foram maiores no grupo caso (43,7%, 14,1%, 8,5% e 5,9% respectivamente) que no grupo controle. No fluido peritoneal também foi maior no grupo caso (Mh: 27,8%; Mg: 40,7%; Uu: 3,7% e HPV: 9,6%) do que o grupo controle. No tecido de biópsia, Mh (5,9%) e Mg (13,2%) foram maiores no grupo caso. M. genitalium no fluido peritoneal foi associado à maior produção de IFN-γ e IL-1β (p < 0,05). O perfil de downregulation de genes da inflamação foi acentuado na presença de M. genitalium. Upregulation ocorreu na presença de M. hominis. Mollicutes podem influenciar na resposta imune na endometriose. / Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the presence of endometrium outside of uterus. This study aimed to detect Mollicutes (M. genitalium, M. hominis, U. urealyticum and U. parvum), HPV and N. gonorrhoeae in samples of endocervical swab, peritoneal fluid and biopsied tissue from women with (case group) and without endometriosis (control group) and evaluate the finds with endometriosis. In swab samples the prevalence of M. hominis (Mh), M. genitalium (Mg), U. urealyticum (Uu) and HPV were higher in case group (43.7%, 14.1%, 8.5% e 5.9% respectively) than the control group. In the peritoneal fluid it was higher in the case group as well (Mh: 27.8%; Mg: 40.7%; Uu: 3.7% e HPV: 9.6%).In the biopsied tissue, Mh (5.9%) and Mg (13.2%) were higher in the case group. M. genitalium in the peritoneal fluid was associated to a higher production of IFN-γ and IL-1β. Downregulation of inflammatory genes were accentuated when M. genitalium was detected. Upregulation occurred when M. hominis was detected. Mollicutes could influence in the immune response on endometriosis.
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Percepções de adolescentes frente as IST/HIV/AIDS : demandas de cuidado à saúde, na perspectiva das vulnerabilidades / Perceptions of adolescents in relation to IST/HIV/SIDA: demands of health care from the perspective of vulnerabilities.Brum, Maria Luiza Bevilaqua January 2017 (has links)
Considerando as situações de vulnerabilidades individuais, sociais e programáticas presentes nos cotidianos de vida adolescentes perante as Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST), avaliadas atualmente como principal fator facilitador da transmissão sexual do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) e Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (AIDS), este estudo objetivou conhecer os elementos que constituem as vulnerabilidades na prevenção das IST/HIV/AIDS de um grupo de adolescentes e identificar suas demandas de cuidado à saúde com base no Modelo Bioecológico do desenvolvimento humano. É um estudo qualitativo, conduzido pelo método Photovoice de Caroline C. Wang, usado parcialmente para coleta de informações. O estudo ocorreu em uma Organização Não Governamental (ONG) situada em um município do oeste de Santa Catarina com a participação de dez adolescentes de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 12 e 18 anos. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, sob o número 1.267.706. As informações foram interpretadas à luz da Hermenêutica proposta por Paul Ricouer, com suporte no referencial da Vulnerabilidade e do Modelo Bioecológico, emergindo dois temas principais: percepções dos adolescentes perante a prevenção das IST/HIV/AIDS e demandas de cuidado perante a prevenção das IST/HIV/AIDS dos adolescentes. Os resultados sinalizam que o microssistema, ou sistema familiar, é o alicerce do cuidado à saúde sexual dos adolescentes: mesmo que existam constrangimentos e conhecimento incipiente, o que ela ensina repercute em seus comportamentos. O mesossistema, isto é, as vivências com vizinhos e amigos, oportuniza aprendizados; já o exossistema, por meio da ONG, influencia seus crescimentos e desenvolvimento saudáveis; o cronossistema compõe suas histórias de vida, contribuindo com o somatório de conhecimentos que adquirem, enquanto o macrossistema envolve a cultura, as políticas e as ações programáticas de saúde, inseridas nos seus convívios sociais que os fazem perceber a necessidade de autocuidado. Identificou-se que os adolescentes são carentes de informações sobre as IST/HIV/AIDS, sobressaindo o sentimento de vergonha, problemática que também favorece as dificuldades de acesso aos bens e serviços disponibilizados gratuitamente. As demandas de cuidado na saúde sexual englobam o desejo de informações/educação sobre as IST/HIV/AIDS, visitas domiciliares, promoção de campanhas, distribuição de folders e panfletos para despertar nas pessoas a necessidade da prevenção às doenças sexuais. A proposta é empoderar a família porque, como a formadora das bases dos conhecimentos dos adolescentes, poderá contribuir para o não fortalecimento das vulnerabilidades individuais, sociais e programáticas, como também o não favorecimento de ambientes suscetíveis à possibilidade de adoecimento. Acredita-se que os resultados deste estudo fornecem subsídios para o cuidado de enfermagem porque, no âmbito das vulnerabilidades e dos ambientes bioecológicos em que vivem os adolescentes, destacam pontos importantes possíveis de serem incluídos nas estratégias de cuidado à saúde dos mesmos. / Considering situations of individual, social and programmatic vulnerabilities present in the daily lives of adolescents, against Sexually Transmissible Infections (IST), currently evaluated as the main facilitator of sexual transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Syndrome Immunodeficiency Acquired (SIDA). This study aimed to know the elements that constitute vulnerabilities in the prevention of IST/HIV/SIDA of a group of adolescents and to identify their health care demands based on the Bioecological Model of human development. It is a qualitative study, driven by the Photovoice method of Caroline C. Wang, used partially for information gathering. The study was carried out at a non-governmental organization (ONG) located in a municipality in the west of Santa Catarina with the participation of ten adolescents of both sexes, aged between 12 and 18 years. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the State University of Santa Catarina, under the number 1,267,706. The information was interpreted in the light of the hermeneutics proposed by Paul Ricouer, supported by the Vulnerability and Bioecological Model, with two main themes emerging: adolescents' perceptions regarding IST/HIV/SIDA prevention and care demands for prevention IST/HIV/SIDA of adolescents. The results indicate that the microsystem, or family system, is the foundation of adolescent sexual health care: even if there are constraints and incipient knowledge, what it teaches has repercussions on their behaviors. The mesosystem, that is, the experiences with neighbors and friends opportunize learning; already, the exosystem, through the ONG, influences its healthy growth and development. The chronosystem composes their life histories and thus contributes with the sum of knowledge they acquire, while the macro system involves the culture, the policies and the programmatic actions of health, inserted in their social relations that make them realize the necessity of self-care. It was identified that adolescents lack information about IST/HIV/SIDA, with a feeling of shame, a problem that also favors the difficulties of access to the goods and services available free of charge. The demands for sexual health care include the desire for information / education about IST/HIV/SIDA, home visits, promotion of campaigns, distribution of folders and leaflets to awaken in people the need to prevent sexual diseases. The proposal is to empower the family because, as the founder of the knowledge bases of adolescents, it can contribute to the non-strengthening of individual, social and programmatic vulnerabilities, and the non-favoring of environments susceptible to the possibility of becoming ill. It is believed that the results of this study provide subsidies for nursing care, since, within the scope of the bioecological vulnerabilities and environments in which adolescents live, highlights important and possible points to be included in the health care strategies of the same.
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Experiences of living with HIV/AIDS in Thailand : A qualitative studyHast, Am January 2011 (has links)
This thesis and study is sponsored by Minor Field Study scholarship through University of Borås and is funded by SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency). There are around half a million people living with HIV/AIDS in Thailand and it is one of Thailand’s most increasing public health diseases since 1984. There are several organizations working jointly with prevention and lifting the level of knowledge among the public and decreasing new infections.The aim of this study is to describe experiences of persons living with HIV or AIDS in Thailand. In-depth interviews was carried out and analysed with a qualitative content analysis. Six persons, three female and three male, aged between 18 to 67 years living with either HIV or AIDS participated. The informants expressed that they were enjoying life and had plans for the future despite of the infection as they felt a sense of wellbeing, had an acceptance of the infection and themselves. It was important to have support from friends and family to cope with life and that support made them feel blessed and grateful. However the informants also expressed a feeling of no self worth and that they had giving up living because of feeling isolated, stigmatized, depressed, ashamed of themselves and being a burden with a sense of guilt that made them repress themselves. The conclusion is that these aspects were interlinked but the negative dominated among these with AIDs and the positive aspects were more common among the informants living with HIV. / Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning
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Adolescência e anticoncepção: conhecimento e o uso de métodos anticoncepcionais por estudantes da zona urbana de Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre / Adolescence and contraception: knowledge and use of contraceptive methods by students of urban area of Cruzeiro do Sul, AcreRocha, Maria José Francalino da 03 February 2010 (has links)
Objetivo: Caracterizar o conhecimento e uso de métodos anticoncepcionais entre adolescentes de escolas públicas. Métodos: Estudo transversal, realizado com amostra probabilística e representativa de 363 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, que não viviam conjugalmente, com idades entre 13 e 17 anos, matriculados no período diurno, de escolas públicas, da zona urbana do município de Cruzeiro do Sul, Estado do Acre, em 2008. A pesquisa contemplou as exigências éticas. A caracterização de conhecimento e uso de métodos anticoncepcionais foi feita, a partir da aplicação de um questionário estruturado, contendo perguntas fechadas e abertas sobre sexualidade e métodos contraceptivos. Dados coletados foram digitados, revisados e processados. O banco de dados foi constituído e analisado, estatisticamente, com a utilização do software Epi Info (version 3.5.8; 2008). Os dados foram descritos, utilizando a estatística descritiva: distribuição de freqüência, medidas de tendência central e medida de dispersão. Para identificação de diferenças entre grupos de adolescentes foi utilizado o teste Quiquadrado de Pearson ou Exato de Fisher. Resultados: Dos 363 adolescentes, 55,4por cento eram do sexo feminino e 44,6por cento, do masculino, com média de idade de 14,7 (dp=1,3) anos; 32,0por cento afirmaram que haviam iniciado a vida sexual, as moças, com média de idade de 15,0 (dp=1,3) anos e os rapazes, com 13,3 (dp=1,3) anos; 98,9por cento referiram conhecer algum tipo de MAC, especialmente, o preservativo (95,3por cento) e a pílula (80,1por cento). Mais do que metade das moças e rapazes, respectivamente, 58,3por cento e 59,6por cento, referiram conhecer entre 1 e 4 tipos de MAC. Dentre os que iniciaram, ou não, a vida sexual, 78,4por cento e 65,6por cento, respectivamente, já tinham ouvido falar sobre dupla proteção. Dentre aqueles com vida sexual ativa, 79,3por cento das moças e 81,0por cento dos rapazes referiram terem feito uso de preservativo na primeira e na última relação sexual. Igualmente, 87,5por cento das garotas e 72,1por cento dos garotos, referiram fazer uso de camisinha em todas as relações sexuais. Conclusão: O alto nível de conhecimento de MAC e o elevado uso de preservativo sexual masculino entre esses adolescentes podem expressar resultados positivos das políticas públicas de saúde sexual e reprodutiva atuais, contribuindo para diminuição de gravidez não planejada e de infecções por doenças transmitidas por via sexual / To characterize the knowledge and use of contraceptive methods among public school students. Methods: Transversal study, accomplished with probabilistic and representative sample of 363 adolescents, man and woman, who didnt live conjugally, between 13 and 17 years old, matriculated in diurnal period, in public schools, in the urban area of Cruzeiro do Sul District, Acre State, in 2008. The research observed the ethic requirements. The characterization of the knowledge and use of contraceptive methods was done with the application of a structured questionary, containing open and closed questions about sexuality and contraceptive methods. The gathered data were digitated, revised and processed. The data bank was constituded and analyzed, statistically, using the software Epi Info (version 3.5:8; 2008). The data were described, using the descriptive statistic: frequency distribution, central trend measures and dispersion measure. For the identification of the differences among the adolescent groups it was used the Qui-square test of Pearson or Exact of Fisher. Results: From the 363 adolescents, 55,4per cent were female and 44,6per cent male, with average age of 14,7 (dp=1,3) years old; 32,0per cent told that they had begun sexual life, the girls with average age of 15,0 (dp=1,3) years old and the boys, with 13,3 (dp=1,3) years old; 98,9per cent affirmed to know some kind of MAC, especially the preservative (95,3per cent) and the contraceptive pills (80,1per cent). More than half of the girls and boys, respectively, 58,3per cent and 59,6per cent affirmed to know between 1 and 4 kinds of MAC. Among the ones who had begun, or not, sexual life, 78,4per cent and 65,6per cent, respectively, had already heard about double protection. Among the ones with active sexual life, 79,3per cent of the girls and 81,0per cent of the boys affirmed that they had already made use of preservative during the first and the last intercourse. Identically, 87,5per cent of the girls and 72,1per cent of the boys affirmed that they use condom in every intercourse. Conclusions: The high level of knowledge of MAC and the high use of male sexual preservative among those adolescents can express positive results of the current public sexual and reproductive health policies, contributing with the decrease of the non-planned pregnancy and infections by sexually transmitted diseases
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Prevalência e fatores associados á verrugas anogenitais em homens portadores de HIV/AIDS atendidos em serviço especializadoCamargo, Caio Cavassan de [UNESP] 15 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
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000736208.pdf: 2053203 bytes, checksum: c82376b5cb193316a011e2008b18d737 (MD5) / A infecção pelo HPV é a DST mais comum no mundo. Dos 630 milhões de casos novos anuais, trinta milhões são relacionados a verrugas anogenitais. Embora a forma subclínica seja mais comum, o aparecimento de condilomas também está associado à diminuição da imunidade causada pelo HIV. Tendo em vista as altas taxas de prevalência da coinfecção HPV/HIV, principalmente entre homens que fazem sexo com homens, os objetivos deste trabalho foram analisar a prevalência de verrugas anogenitais em homens portadores de HIV/aids e identificar fatores associados. Estudo transversal, descritivo e analítico com 159 homens atendidos em serviço de referência de Botucatu (SP). Dados sociodemográficos, comportamentais e clínicos foram relacionados ou não à presença de verrugas anogenitais. Após análise hierárquica dos dados, as variáveis com valor de p menor do que 0,2 foram incluídas no modelo logístico multivariado não condicional. Foram diagnosticados 49 (31,0%) pacientes HIV+ com verrugas anogenitais, cuja média de idade foi de 44,6 ± 9,6 anos. Os principais fatores associados às verrugas foram: escolaridade menor que ou igual a oito anos; maior tempo de diagnóstico do HIV; tratamento antirretroviral irregular; baixas contagens de linfócitos T CD4+. Verrugas anogenitais são prevalentes e relacionadas à imunossupressão da infecção pelo HIV. Ações como o cuidado integral do paciente e educação e prevenção em saúde colaboram para diagnóstico precoce e diminuição da vulnerabilidade a DSTs / HPV infection is the most usual STD in the world responsible for 630 million new cases annually, of which 30 million are related with anogenital warts. Although subclinical form is the most common, warts are also associated with reduction of HV-related immunity. There are high rates involving prevalence of the association HIV/HPV around the world. Following this point of view the aim of this study was analyze the prevalence of wart in HIV-infected men and describe the associated factors. cared by a reference service in the Botucatu city – São Paulo/Brazil. Sociodemographic, behavioral and clinical data were collected by an individual interview and medical records. There were 49 (31,0%) HIV-infected men with anogenital warts with mean age of 44,6 ± 9,6 years. The main associated factors were: have up to 8 years of study; longer duration of HIV-infection; irregular treatment to HIV-infection; lower counts of lymphocytes T CD4+. Genital warts are prevalent and are associated with HIV- infection magnitude. Actions such as the complete care over the patients, increasing the education and prevention in health system could help to do a previously, diagnosis and decreasing the vulnerability to STD
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A problemática da abordagem das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis pelos professores de Ciências/Biologia de escolas públicas: uma realidade de Sorocaba / Approach on STDs in public schools by teachers of Science / Biology of the city of Sorocaba (SP): problems and possibilitiesSilva, Amanda de Oliveira 27 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-27 / We sought to in this study reveal how the approach is performed on sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in state schools in the Sorocaba region with the highest rate of STDs; pinpoint the challenges and possibilities of this approach by the teacher of Science / Biology these institutions and get along with the teachers of these schools, alternative approaches significantly. It was the study of qualitative profile that had the cooperation of 9 faculty of Science / Biology, 2 coordinators of these schools of Sorocaba (SP) and coordinator of the Family Health Unit of the district in which the research took place. Through individual interviews, semi-structured, recorded, transcribed and analyzed, the results showed that teachers need better preparation to act in this theme, and that lack of stimulation directly influences the search for better results. It was also observed that it is essential the team's involvement in the theme of Health, through working with teachers for such changes to occur in the current scenario of STDs with this population of young people, and that despite the fact that this need not occur as should, however, with the research was possible to discern such involvement / Buscou-se, neste estudo, revelar como é realizada a abordagem sobre doenças
sexualmente transmissíveis (DSTs) em escolas estaduais de Sorocaba, da região com o maior
índice de DST, apontar os desafios e as possibilidades dessa abordagem pelo docente de
Ciências/Biologia dessas instituições; e buscar, juntamente com os professores dessas escolas,
alternativas para abordagens significativas. Trata-se de estudo de perfil qualitativo, que
contou com a colaboração de 9 docentes de Ciências/Biologia, 2 coordenadoras dessas escolas
de Sorocaba (SP) e 1 coordenadora da Unidade Saúde da Família do bairro em que a pesquisa
ocorreu. Por meio de entrevistas individuais, semiestruturadas, gravadas, posteriormente
transcritas e analisadas, os resultados demonstraram que os docentes precisam de um melhor
preparo para atuar nessa temática, e que a falta de estímulo influencia diretamente a busca por
melhores resultados. Observou-se, também, que é essencial o envolvimento da equipe de
Saúde na temática, por meio de trabalho em conjunto com tais docentes, para que ocorram
mudanças no cenário atual das DSTs junto a essa população de jovens, e que apesar dessa
necessidade, tal envolvimento não ocorre como deveria. Porém, com a pesquisa, foi possível
vislumbrar tal possibilidade
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Expressão da vulnerabilidade das mulheres às DST/AIDS: análise de oficinas de arte/educação em saúde / Expressions of women\'s vulnerability to STD/Aids: analytical research of Education workshopsFerraz, Noemi Bileski de Abreu 30 November 2012 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou analisar os contextos de vulnerabilidade ao HIV/Aids de mulheres cadastradas no Serviço de Assistência Social à Família e Proteção Social Básica no Domicilio (SASF) da Casa de Assistência Filadélfia; descrever a aplicação da Proposta Triangular do Ensino da Arte; e analisar a efetividade de oficinas de Arte/Educação, no sentido de que estas possam problematizar contextos de vulnerabilidade das mulheres ao HIV/Aids. Como metodologia foi utilizada a pesquisa-ação - pesquisa social onde o pesquisador e/ou os participantes estão diretamente envolvidos de forma participativa na situação. Este estudo foi delineado como uma pesquisa analítica, com desenho experimental, pois inclui uma intervenção (oficinas de Arte/Educação). Foram realizadas três oficinas e atendidas 67 mulheres. As duas primeiras oficinas foram realizadas na forma de intervenção educativa em saúde com a utilização da Proposta Triangular do Ensino da Arte de Ana Mae Barbosa e de materiais técnicos. A terceira oficina foi realizada na forma avaliativa e no molde das primeiras, com o objetivo de discutir e avaliar o aprendizado durante as duas primeiras oficinas, com a utilização de questões norteadoras baseadas em aspectos de diminuição de vulnerabilidade. As oficinas mostraram seu potencial na medida em que permitiram analisar os contextos de vulnerabilidade das mulheres e criaram espaços seguros de interação, discussão de temas e troca de experiências, valorizando o papel de cada participante, favorecendo a autoestima e a construção coletiva do conhecimento. Foi possível identificar nas falas das participantes as precondições de diminuição de sua vulnerabilidade, e quais são as mudanças sociais e de comportamento necessárias para essa diminuição. Concluiu-se que os aspectos de diminuição da vulnerabilidade às DST/Aids estão relacionados às desigualdades nas relações de gênero, ao acesso à informação e aos meios de comunicação, aos aspectos culturais, políticos, sociais e morais, à estrutura jurídica, política e governamental do país, ao quanto os direitos humanos são respeitados, à pobreza, ao acesso à educação, ao poder de influência das mulheres nas decisões políticas, e à capacidade de enfrentamento às situações de violência. / The object of this study was to assess the HIV vulnerability context among women registered on the Family Assistance Service and Basic Social Protection at Home (SASF) from Casa de Assistência Filadélfia. It also intended to describe the application of the Triangular Approach of Art Education and the effectiveness of the workshops of Art Education, in which the women could act out their HIV vulnerability context. The methodology chosen was action research (social research where the researcher and/or subjects are directly involved in a participative way in the situation). This study was developed to be an analytical research with an experimental design, having the Art Education workshops as the intervention. Three workshops were held, which were attended by 67 women. The first two workshops were carried out as a health education intervention. The Triangular Approach of Art Education of Ana Mae Barbosa was used as well as some technical reference on this matter. The third workshop was carried out as evaluative event, meaning to discuss and access what was learned from the previous two workshops. Some guiding questions were used, which were elaborated to reduce the HIV vulnerability. The workshops were successful as a tool to analyze the vulnerability contexts of those women. They also created a safe environment for interaction, for discussing various subjects and for experience sharing, in which the roll of each participant was appreciated, helping them build self-esteem and contributing to the knowledge construction process. The participants speeches made it evident that they had understood the necessary conditions to reduce their vulnerability and which were the changes that had to be made. Thus, it can be concluded that several aspects of the reduction of the HIV vulnerability are linked to the inequality in gender relations, to the access to information and to the communication media, as well as to cultural, political, social and moral aspects. Other aspects are the judicial, political and governmental structure of Brazil, the respect to the human rights, the poverty, the access to education, the power of influence of women in political decisions and their capability to cope with violence.
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